Rostekhnadzor permission in the shortest possible time. Preparation and support of documents for obtaining permission from Rostekhnadzor for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities

Why do you need Rostekhnadzor permits ?

Modern industry uses the widest range of equipment, and it is safe to say that the rate of obsolescence is constantly increasing. This means that the requirements for machines, aggregates, measuring instruments, etc. are growing, because enterprises are striving to reduce costs, increase production volumes, and introduce new technologies.

New equipment is being created both in our country and abroad, but without a preliminary check it is not allowed to be used at enterprises, and such a body as Rostekhnadzor (Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Control). Moscow and other cities of Russia are equally subject to the established rules, and before bringing the equipment to the market, its manufacturer must go through certain procedures.

The establishment of such an order is by no means a whim of the authorities, but a necessity that ensures industrial safety, especially in cases where we are talking on equipment for hazardous production facilities. Even in everyday life you should not use untested devices, and in industry this is simply unacceptable, because. as a result of the use of low-quality or simply inappropriate technical requirements equipment, there is a risk of incurring losses, causing harm to the environment and human health. It is these risks that are hindered by the activity Rostekhnadzor in Moscow.

Industrial safety at a high level

State bodies pay special attention to hazardous industries, and this is not accidental. Plants that use various explosive, poisonous, radioactive and other substances hazardous to people and the environment in their production, as well as those whose production is accompanied by very high temperatures, the use of heavy equipment and mechanisms - these are enterprises where potentially emergency situations, incl. and the fault of the equipment.

Of course, it is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from possible troubles, but both personnel, equipment suppliers, and regulatory authorities are simply obliged to reduce the likelihood of adverse events. Suppliers in particular should not think that Permission to use Rostekhnadzor- just a formality, because it is this document that, in the event of an accident, breakdown or other violation, will be able to protect their rights and avoid huge financial losses.

Russian rules concern foreign manufacturers of industrial and laboratory instruments to the same extent as domestic ones: when importing equipment into the country, it is necessary to obtain the right to offer it to the Russian consumer.

It is often difficult for enterprises to engage in communication with government bodies themselves, and this mainly concerns representative offices. foreign companies. For them to get documents from Rostekhnadzor much easier, resorting to a proven method: hiring a specialized company that, although it will take money for its services, will do everything quickly and according to all established rules.

Permission of Rostekhnadzor in the shortest possible time

Mainly clients who order clearance permits from Rostechnadzor, strive to finish with the execution of the necessary papers as soon as possible, and immediately begin to rush the representatives of the contractor. However, in most cases, delays occur due to the fault of the customer himself, and mainly due to the lack of documents from the list that is mandatory for all.

Conscientious preparation for the passage of the procedure for obtaining Approvals equipment is half the battle, and experienced companies know this well. The sooner you pick up all the documents, the sooner you will receive permission from Rostekhnadzor, which means - overtake competitors in the market of technological equipment. We pay special attention to importers and equipment manufacturers from abroad: to be accepted documents by Rostekhnadzor, they must be in Russian, and therefore it is necessary to take care of timely and, importantly, reliable translation in advance.

Required documents for obtaining a permit from Rostekhnadzor

In order to obtain permits from Rostekhnadzor in Moscow and thereby ensure industrial safety company, you need to prepare the following documents:

The validity of the permit is five years.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to select documents for obtaining a Rostekhnadzor Permit, then our company will be happy to assume these responsibilities.

As a rule, we undertake turnkey work, i.e. you will need a minimum of effort and a maximum desire to receive a document.

On average, work on obtaining a Rostekhnadzor Permit takes 2.5 - 3 months. Lead times may increase depending on the type of product.

The cost of the work depends on the quantity and quality of the submitted documents. But in whatever capacity they are, in any case, before registering them with Rostekhnadzor, we conduct a detailed check for compliance necessary requirements.

Permission to apply equipment for hazardous industries

Why choose us?

  • legitimacy Documents issued by us comply with the requirements of Russian Legislation and have highest status in the market for certification services.
  • Customer focus – we provide you with a personal technical specialist who will always be able to give a competent recommendation on the issues of conformity assessment,
    - all consultations are free,
    – individual approach and flexible pricing policy, and for our regular customers there is a special affiliate program.
  • Experienced team – all technical specialists are on the staff of an expert organization,
    — the average work experience of a technical specialist exceeds 7 years,
    — more than 10,000 completed projects in the field of certification and industrial safety.
  • An integrated approach to work our client receives in our organization all the documents necessary for the sale of their products on the market Russian Federation.
  • Positive work experience more than 70% of our clients come to us on the recommendations of their partners.

To obtain permission to use Rostekhnadzor for simple explosion-proof equipment, you must submit a GOST R EX Certificate and a standard package of documents. And for complex, composite equipment: GOST R EX Certificate, Industrial Safety Examination and a standard package of documents.

We will be happy to do the work for you to obtain a Permit to Use for your products! Send us an application online or call: 8 (495) 981-90-69

From January 1, 2014 Permission to use Rostekhnadzor canceled. It replacesindustrial safety expertise.

If your equipment does not fall under the Technical Regulations Customs Union, but is operated at hazardous production facilities, you need to undergo an industrial safety examination procedure. Also, for all HIFs, it is necessary to obtain a safety justification.

Previously, in order to obtain a Permit for the use of Rostekhnadzor, a positive conclusion of the industrial safety expertise was required. However, now the result will not be a permit from Rostekhnadzor, but a safety certificate.

You can apply for industrial safety expertise (EPB) and safety justification in our company! Specialists of the Garant Certification Center will answer all your questions and issue all the necessary permits on time and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Fill out the form for a free consultation

About Permit of Rostekhnadzor

If your personal business is related to production that can harm the OS (environment), then you need to obtain permission to use Rostekhnadzor(Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision). Whether your products fall under the authority of Rostekhnadzor or not, you can find out by contacting our company.

Legal basis

Permission to use Rostekhnadzor (RTN) was issued in accordance with:

Federal Law No. 116 "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities", adopted on July 27, 1997
Order of Rostekhnadzor No. 112, signed on February 29, 2008 (as amended on December 1, 2011).
Rules for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1540 of December 25, 1995
RD-03-485-02, approved by Decree No. 25 of Rostekhnadzor on 14.06.2002

For which devices and objects it was necessary to obtain a Permit for the use of Rostekhnadzor

Rostekhnadzor issues a permit for devices operated at production facilities (sections or workshops) that are classified as "dangerous". Their list can be clarified in Order 112, which applies to both domestic equipment and imported devices, or call our company. Only the central office of Rostekhnadzor has the competence to issue a permit for hazardous equipment of foreign production.

How to get permission to use

Rostekhnadzor issued permits based on the findings of an industrial safety review carried out in accordance with Federal Law-116. In the process of working on the examination at the facility, we studied:

project documentation directly related to the work of an industrial enterprise;
devices used in the production process;
structures, buildings located on the territory of a hazardous facility.

If your products fall under the authority of Rostekhnadzor, then the period for obtaining the document is regulated and ranged from 2 to 6 months. At the same time, the client received a protected form of the established form with the number of the format DE-00-00000, where the personal signature of the head of the service is, and the date of issue is indicated. As a rule, a permit for the use of Rostekhnadzor is valid for 5 years or the entire life of the technical equipment.

Turning to Certification and Industrial Safety Center "Garant", It turns out to you the highest level service, full support of the entire procedure for obtaining industrial safety expertise, assistance incollection and developmentall necessary documentation, development of necessary , product clearance, etc.

The list of documents depends on the technical device, but in general, the required documents are almost the same:

  1. Application in the original (according to our model).
  2. Data on the applicant and the manufacturer (name, address, field of activity).
  3. Specifications.
  4. Passports (forms):
    - technical device;
    - component parts;
  5. Previously obtained Permits (if any).
  6. Certificate of conformity or refusal letter.
  7. Manual.
  8. Blueprints.
  9. Acts and protocols of periodic (acceptance) factory tests.
  10. Test program and test methodology agreed with Rostekhnadzor.
  11. Documentation for purchased components (certificates, permits, passports, etc.).
  12. Acts with protocols of acceptance tests (with a mark of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor).
  13. Letter about the absence of design changes.
  14. Consumer reviews (if any).
  15. Payment for the payment of state duty 2000 rubles.

The procedure for obtaining permission from Rostekhnadzor.

Obtaining this document requires a number of mandatory activities:

  1. Analysis of technical documentation. Corrective actions of technical documentation in accordance with safety regulations. As a rule, this stage takes only 1 day.
  2. The second stage, one of the most important, is the Expertise of Industrial Safety (EPB). On the basis of the submitted technical documentation, an EPB is developed in accordance with the rules for conducting an EPB (PB 03-246-98), with Amendment No. 1 (PBI 03-490 (246) -02). This procedure takes 2 weeks.
  3. A package of documents is drawn up in accordance with the “Administrative Regulations of the FSETAN for the performance of the state function of issuing permits for the use of technical devices (Order of Rostekhnadzor No. 112 dated February 29, 2008) (download). The terms for the formation of a package of documents are about 3 working days.
  4. Maintenance of documentation for the approval of industrial safety expertise in the federal service. In accordance with the regulations, the period for obtaining a permit is 60 days.

If your enterprise is engaged in obtaining this document for the first time, then additional measures are possible to finalize the technical documentation, to develop and agree on a program, test methods, etc. We work in petrochemical, mining, oil and gas production, boiler supervision, metallurgical and other areas. The experts and specialists of our company are ready to help in obtaining this document, taking all the above measures on themselves, i.е. analyze technical documentation, even if you do not have enough documents, develop an industrial safety expertise and coordinate it with the Federal Service, conduct acceptance tests.

Due to the fact that, due to the amendments No. 248-FZ dated July 19, 2011 to the Federal Law No. 116 “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”, and in particular in accordance with Art. 7 of this change, the principle of document execution has changed. In accordance with paragraphs. 5 and 6 Art. 7 amendments No. 248-FZ, as well as p.p. 4 and 38 of Technical Regulation 753, products subject to confirmation in the form of mandatory certification (declaration) according to this technical regulation are not subject to confirmation by industrial safety rules in the form of a permit for the use of Rostekhnadzor, these changes also apply to other technical regulations.

Based on the foregoing, our company can offer you services for obtaining an explanatory letter (rejection letter) on whether the product belongs to the issuance of a permit for use. An explanatory letter or a letter of refusal is an official document issued on the letterhead of the Federal Service of Rostekhnadzor, in which the head of the department explains the situation about the need to obtain a permit.

The term for issuing an explanatory letter is 30 calendar days. The validity of the document is unlimited or until the entry into force of a new regulation in relation to this equipment. To receive a letter of refusal, you must provide: a certificate of compliance with the technical regulations (certified copy), technical specifications, passport or operation manual, constituent documents for a Russian manufacturer.

Benefits of Rostekhnadzor permission and refusal letter.

If the Federal Service issues a permit for equipment to be used at hazardous facilities, this means that the product meets the necessary industrial safety requirements, which in turn confirms its safety and quality. Obtaining a document for many manufacturers and suppliers is milestone in their economic activity, since products that are designed to work in hazardous conditions cannot be operated without the permission of the Federal Service, which means that there will be no demand for such products. Therefore, the permit gives manufacturers the right to operate equipment in a hazardous facility and not worry about any accidents.

A refusal explanatory letter from Rostekhnadzor is a document that mainly differs in short terms of receipt with minimal documents, which is very beneficial for manufacturers and suppliers of products for which a certificate of compliance with technical regulations has been received.

To obtain these documents, you can contact our company, which works with all departments of Rostekhnadzor. We help both beginners and experienced companies in obtaining required documents. Experienced specialists of our company will help you to collect the necessary documentation and determine the cost of registration.

The Rostekhnadzor permit is a mandatory document confirming that the equipment used is safe and reliable during operation in the production process at industrial facilities. Permission to use is issued Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Rostekhnadzor, as well as territorial representative offices of the body.

The established period of validity of the Rostekhnadzor permit is 5 years. If the permission to use is issued not for the type of devices in general, but for a specific batch of devices, then it is valid for the period of their operation.

Expertise of industrial safety of Rostekhnadzor

Permission to use is issued solely on the basis of industrial safety expertise, which is carried out by an expert organization on the basis of an appropriate license. Examination is a mandatory step preparatory work when issuing a permit from Rostekhnadzor for use.

Tests are carried out on the basis of the developed methodology. At this stage, the composition of the acceptance committee is formed and the object at which the tests will be carried out is determined. All this, as well as the program and methodology for conducting tests, are agreed with Rostekhnadzor. After carrying out the necessary tests, acts and protocols are drawn up, which indicate all existing defects and shortcomings, as well as measures to eliminate them.

What is the purpose of a device permit?

Industry provides a huge Negative influence on human health and environment. To reduce this impact, it is necessary to use equipment in production that meets all safety standards. Permission to use is just the document that confirms the safety of devices, machines, mechanisms and allows their use in industry.

The equipment approved by Rostekhnadzor is regularly checked. In case of detection of violations, sanctions are imposed on the enterprise in the form of a fine or temporary suspension of production. The management of companies using devices that have not passed inspections and tests are subject to administrative and, in some cases, criminal liability.

For which objects and devices is it necessary to obtain a permit from Rostekhnadzor?

According to federal law"On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" dangerous objects production shops and sites, as well as industrial sites with lifting equipment are considered.

A complete list of hazardous equipment that must pass an industrial safety review before operation is determined by Order No. 112 of Rostekhnadzor. This order applies to both equipment manufactured in the Russian Federation and imported devices. Among them: lifting, mining equipment, technical devices for gas supply, electrical equipment of the 1st and 2nd explosion-proof groups and much more.

In the event that the imported equipment does not meet the industrial safety requirements of the Russian Federation, the applicant may make a request to Rostekhnadzor to take additional measures to improve safety. When importing lifting equipment into Russia that was previously used in another territory, Rostekhnadzor's permission can be obtained only after an industrial safety review.

How to get permission to use Rostekhnadzor?

On the basis of the "Regulations on the procedure for issuing permits for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities", Rostekhnadzor's permit is issued only after an industrial safety review. It is also necessary to obtain a certificate of compliance with technical regulations or a refusal explanatory letter, in cases where the equipment is not subject to mandatory certification. In addition to certificates of conformity, all technical documentation for devices with detailed drawings and diagrams must be provided. The terms and procedure for obtaining the procedure are established by the administrative regulations for the implementation state functions on issuance of permits for use from 2 to 6 months.

Documents for obtaining permission from Rostekhnadzor:

  • Application to Rostekhnadzor;
  • Certificates of assignment of TIN, OGRN;
  • Applicant's company statistics codes;
  • Information about the manufacturer and his address;
  • Product description - scope, basic material, article, trade mark;
  • Copies of documents in accordance with which products are manufactured (standards, specifications, regulations, technological instructions, specifications);
  • Protocols of factory production tests;
  • Certificate of chemical composition and mechanical strength of materials used in the manufacture of products;
  • Certificate of welding seams and methods of non-destructive testing;
  • Certificate of conformity with technical regulations or GOST R certificate;
  • Fire certificate;
  • Protocols of independent foreign laboratories, if available;
  • Certificates for spare parts and components, if any;
  • ISO series certificate, if available;
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