Rahu transits the 7th house from the moon. Transit of the lunar nodes


Astrological packer

Transit lunar nodes According to a person’s natal chart, I called it the “packaging effect.” I am fascinated by the movement around the zodiac circle of an energetic little “packer” who, during the 18.6-year transit cycle of the lunar nodes, captures and processes hundreds of emotional outbursts. It is amazing that one significator can assimilate and coordinate such a variety of feelings, giving meaning to the inner and emotional evolution of a person.

The Natal Moon shows the nature of feelings. The Moon is the receiver of all sensory experience. For the Moon, the lunar nodes are like hands extended into the sublunary world to touch and embrace reality. When touched, sensors on our fingers transmit information to the brain, where it is organized and recorded for subsequent access to it. The lunar nodes also touch experience and direct the resulting sensation to the Moon, where information accumulates.

Once in the “lunar archive,” feelings become a kind of wealth of the Moon. The moon keeps them and, years later, retrieves them in order to examine, remember each impression, clear it of dust, count it, evaluate it, add it to the collection.

Natal node positions

Like human hands with their individual fingerprints, characteristics of touch, grip, sensitivity, unchangeable and specific, like the pattern on our palms. Their position in the house and sign, management, aspectation are recorded in and show how do you convey your experience to the Moon?. For example, the natal Moon in Gemini is associated with sensory perceptions through communication with people, with the need to share information, with a feeling of comfort in a variety of situations; This is a curious, questioning, active young Moon who wants to participate in many projects and interact with many people.

Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo provide information about the ability to listen and pay attention, or about organization and caring for others as a means of getting things done.

Lunar Nodes in Scorpio/Taurus provide information about a strong need for physiological, deep questioning and constant self-evaluation. As a consequence of this, it is possible to care about the art of communication or manipulating people with the help of themselves.

In these examples, the Moon in Gemini teaches one to acquire the functions of that sign, but through different means. Depending on the position of the Moon in the house, its nodes and aspects to them, we strive for our specific goal.

Natal position south node gives an indication of what experience is easy and convenient for a person;
north node position indicates areas where a person's feelings are fighting for finding new forms for his self-expression.

The South Node can often be interpreted as a second Moon. Many will find that it describes the nature of their feelings just as well as the natal Moon.

To describe the North Node, there is often a feeling: “I really would like to do all this, but I don’t have time (don’t dare or don’t have the courage) to do it right now because of all the other things that need to be done.” If you manage to answer the calls of the north node, then this often brings the greatest emotional satisfaction.

Education received in family of origin, shows how a person uses the lunar node - what he feels comfortable and normal.The North Node indicates what a person needs in this life to satisfy the need for emotional pleasure.The position of the natal south node shows where a given person will have a tendency to retreat or maintain the status quo in situations that are convenient for him.

It is easy for a person who has been brought up (to act and feel) to repeat the habit when he feels that he is threatened, fooled or in a difficult situation. We stick to our south node more often than we respond to the challenges of the north node.

Structures formed by transit nodes

To learn more about the structures formed by the transit lunar nodes, you need to know where the “feeding” places are located, and from them you can determine what our “packer” will absorb.

First of all, you need to study the positions of the planets and house cusps and find out which areas of the map can be visited by the lunar nodes.

I also take into account:

  • - position of planet progressions
  • - planets in solar arc directions,
  • - positions in the natal chart of transit Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Only nodes move clockwise, and all other transits move counterclockwise. Need to pay attention on the aspects formed by the north and south nodes when they transit through the axes of the map.

The lunar nodes pass through opposite houses approximately every 1 - 1.5 years depending on the size of the houses. When the lunar node transits through any axis, maps will form various aspects to significant objects of the entire map with the north and south nodes simultaneously, which will enable a person to experience many emotions associated with the corresponding houses.

Natal aspects

When a node is close to forming an aspect, you can pay attention to what happened with a previous connection or major aspect - from 4 to 5 years ago, from 9 to 10 years ago, or from 18 to 19 years ago. This will help to find out what wealth stored by the Moon will be lifted from the archive for new research and revaluation before being restored and adjusted with the help of new information send them again for long-term storage.

When the nodes transit through various signs and houses, a person may react emotionally to similar situations in a new way, or dwell on the same situation as during a similar transit in the past. Feeling threatened or in danger, a person immediately seeks to find safety in the energy of the south node. Looking back at a certain period of your life, you may notice that now your emotional energy may manifest itself completely differently than before.

This is because transit nodes, when entering new homes, bring different aspects of the emotional response to the same beliefs or behavior patterns. Feelings and currently perceived reality can change so much that in 9 - 10 years they will contain new nuances and turn out to be a different reality.

Transits of planets

Transits of planets contribute to natal chart event factor. Thus, transit Saturn brings with it many instructive practical lessons. Opportunity to get new job, marry, acquire new house and (or) act consistently and methodically - all these are possible results of the influence of Saturn. Saturn sets lessons, and the position of your natal and transit lunar nodes determines how you will respond to these lessons.. Let's say you are fired and forced to look for a new job - the reaction to this experience may be different. The situation may be perceived as a serendipitous opportunity to make moves that you would not have previously noticed, such as leaving your job out of responsibility to the company or out of a desire for personal financial security, and thus missing out on the chance to start something new. Or, on the contrary, you may feel completely unhappy: poverty is around the corner, how to pay the bills? You choose how to respond to these circumstances in your life.

How exactly will you feel about this situation? determined by the current transits of nodes. Understanding of the situation and assessment of sensory perception will be completed when the transit node enters into conjunction with a point on the chart that was aspected by Saturn at the time of the event. Where Saturn gives a lesson, there the nodes make it possible to feel something about what is happening. For some time you may not feel anything, but the nodes will eventually aspect this point, “gobble up” the prey, feed the Moon with information and as a result your feeling will arise.

At any given time, there are many radical and transiting planets in our chart.
Sun shows how our Ego develops and what our individuality can become;
Mercury- how our thinking is expressed, how we read or otherwise come into contact with other people;
Venus- our attitude to money problems, our sense of self-esteem, problems with the value system;
Mars speaks about our activity, about what we want to do to get what we want in life;
Jupiter- about how we feel about the expansion of our reality, our life, family, beliefs, etc.;
Saturn teaches lessons in discipline and structure;
Uranus brings the unexpected - an unusual idea, something funny, something not planned in advance;
Neptune gives us the opportunity to dream and expand our awareness;
Pluto with its inherent slowness, it expresses compressed, compressed energy and impulse towards change, transformation, reconstruction.
Nodes during transit on the map indicate which area of ​​life is currently being worked on to integrate all this experience and a person’s reactions to various influences.

Transit planets bring experience.When transiting in the opposite direction, the nodes absorb experience, feed the Moon with information, which makes it possible to generalize and build experience into an overall picture of life.The nodes move slowly, giving us the opportunity to become involved in the experience or what will happen when a transiting planet makes an aspect in the chart.

Impact of nodes in transits

May you have transiting Mars in the 6th house. You lost your job during his square with Saturn and are forced to look for a new job. You find it, start working, meet new people, take on new responsibilities, establish a new daily routine, a route to and from work, a budget that matches your new income. Now let the transiting lunar north node form a trine to the place in your chart on the 10/4 house axis where Mars squares Saturn. When the trine of the transiting north node approaches exactly the point where Mars squares Saturn, you will most likely begin to feel that everything is going for the better, that your career is developing well, that you have an excellent job, which provides opportunities for professional growth, attracting people to business contacts with you, providing good income. At the same time, the South Node in the 4th house can make you feel that although your career is on the rise, you seem to be unable to devote as much time to your family as you would like, because... new job requires more effort and time.

You will assimilate all this experience through trines and sextiles of the lunar nodes to where transiting Mars is, your Moon receives all this information from the north and south nodes and now has a certain feeling about this process, a feeling that will be stored in its wealth in the form of wealth. memory bank. If you ever have a similar experience again, your Moon will return to it, explore and give you hope of safely finding another job - but at the same time, the fear that a new job may cause emotional conflict in family relationships.

Let's now say that your friend experienced a similar situation with job loss due to a Mars-Saturn square as the lunar node approached the square to the 2/8 house axis in his natal chart.

The feelings that his natal Moon should perceive will apparently be stress and anger due to the fact that the usual order has been disrupted by external forces, discomfort from the new situation. You may want to stay in this situation for a while and look for another job; There may also be a feeling of insecurity about one’s position in the labor market. In this case, the wealth accumulated by the Moon will be of a different nature, and if a similar situation occurs in the future, feelings of grief and uncertainty will arise.

Transit of the lunar nodes begins to feel:
- when approaching the natal significator approximately 3-4 degrees
- 1-2 degrees when approaching a planet of secondary progression, a directional planet along the solar arc, or a transit planet forming an aspect to the natal planets
- the approach to the cusp of the natal house begins to be felt approximately 3-4 degrees before the exact connection to the cusp.

The difference in the positions of the transit node is usually felt only 0.5° - 1° before the focus of the transit node coincides with the next planet or cusp. The north node transit brings the feeling of “I have to” or “I wish”, while the south node transit brings the feeling of “I feel this is good”, “I feel safe here”.

Transits of nodes to houses

Let's now see how transit nodes move along an individual map. The natal houses through which the nodes transit indicate an area of ​​life that takes on a sharply individual emotional orientation. The cardinal corners of the map are the most sensitive for transit nodes. When the nodes approach the MC/IC axis and are preparing to enter the houses of 9/3, a person experiences the energy of a drastic change, and he experiences the same in his personal life. The northern lunar node in the 10th house brings questions: how others see me, what I do in life, how my social contribution is valued, how all this affects my personal life, family, home, the foundation of life that I am trying to build. Perhaps I was too focused on the desire to achieve something and now, with the entry of the node into 9/3, I begin to look at it more philosophically, assessing the significance of my efforts for awareness philosophical aspects experience 10/4 houses.

After the nodes enter to the house 9/3, I begin to analyze my efforts and wherever I can I tell them what I strive to achieve. If at the same time I fail to catch something that strengthens and strengthens my experience of 10/4 houses, I begin to study this possibility, ask and receive from various teachers Additional information. Looking around, watching others approach their results, becoming interested in these people, the focus shifts from my own achievements to the progress of the larger community. It may turn out that I want to travel, interact with people from various countries, adherents of different worldviews. Perhaps I will begin to communicate with older relatives, I may become interested in where they came from and how they lived before, what they studied and what they believe now. I can marry a person of a different culture than mine. As the transit continues, I can begin to share knowledge, drawing it from my accumulated life experience. Through writing, speaking, teaching, I will share and communicate with my world on various levels.

As nodes approach the axis 8/2 houses cards I'm starting to look for support in outside world from others. I feel that I need to accumulate wealth, I notice that I need other people to complete my endeavors. It is possible to turn to the spiritual values ​​I have accumulated, compare them with the values ​​of other people, and perhaps I will express judgments on these problems. I will also focus on the need to strengthen my personal relationships by seeking deep, emotional and physiological connections with people. I will interact with my own psyche, maybe I will encounter “déjà vu” or some occult phenomena. It is possible that the problems of life, death, trials, the past will become part of my reality, I may face questions of my own worth as an individual or monetary well-being in comparison with others. For me great importance will acquire real life pleasures - flowers, blue skies, a walk in the rain, I will pay more attention to myself and try to provide myself with what is necessary for my own safety.

As the nodes approach the axis 7/1 houses meaning increases interpersonal relationships. Suddenly, new people will appear in my life, and it will be necessary to establish connections with them. There will be a desire to do something with and for others, to take care of their well-being. Or perhaps, to achieve balance in life, I must learn to say “no” or “yes” to express what I need. In doing so, I may find myself involved in conflicts with people or with the law. I will begin to understand that interactions require a mutual exchange of energy. If in this moment I don’t interact with anyone, I’m busy looking for contacts. When interacting, I take into account whether the contact is balanced, and if it is not, I try to change the situation, or stop the interaction, if necessary, in order to move on in life. The closer the nodes are to the 1/7 axis, the more intensely all this is felt. Many people disagree at this point, or the relationship becomes more significant.

When the knots get closer to houses 6/12, the focus shifts again. Now, having the right relationships, I begin to establish a stable life order. I am aware of the relentless passage of time, I am more aware of my age, appearance, habits, diet and all the variety of factors associated with lifestyle. Being hit from all sides by various demands that take up my time, I try to help everyone around me or give them good advice (often perceived as nagging). I try to be in several places at once in order to carve out personal time, I try to organize my affairs and sort out my responsibilities that are not necessary and take up a lot of time. I want to determine what I do for a living and answer the questions “why” that are constantly knocking in my mind.

When the knots get closer to houses 4/10, I am reminded again of the lessons of the past. I remember that I am not only an individual, but also part of a group called family. I have cultural heritage, family connections, responsibility, housing to pay for, work and career that require my attention, family to feed, etc. Reality is setting in. I explore and analyze this reality of mine, my daily life. I understand that I am called upon to consolidate my strength with the strength of my loved ones in order to receive their support. I study the rules and regulations received from parents and society, and focus on who I am in family and public structures. When nodes pass through the IC/MC line, I will encounter main problem- the problem of the structure of my life and how I would like this structure to be, and the decisions made at this time will color my emotional experience for the next eighteen and a half years.

When nodes penetrate to home 3/9 I talk with people about the experience of the past 4.5 years, share my discoveries, and can write about this experience. In any case, the accumulated experience is, as it were, blown by a fresh wind. I analyze and justify this experience. I find that my speech is smooth. I am interested in many things, strive for new information, read, watch TV, listen to the radio, get angry at my deputies, and restore contact with the world of my contemporaries. I participate in the lives of those around me, listen to their problems and, as it were, provide a sound stage for their thoughts. They are all my brothers and sisters, and I worry about what happens to them, whether they are on my doorstep or on the other side of the world.

When nodes move to houses 2/8, I focus on what I need to acquire and do to maintain and maintain what I have acquired. I pay attention to myself, to what others think about me or are going to give me. My entire value system becomes the focus of my attention, in order to subsequently fade away, expand or embellish, but I don’t want to lose anything, neither material nor my beliefs. How much should I receive for my work, what am I worth in the labor market? I come to the need to relax and make time for the fine arts and beauty, for my own appearance, for what I admire in others and what I would like to include in my life.

Nodes entering to home 1/7, provide an opportunity to look back on all the experience accumulated over the past eighteen and a half years and evaluate oneself in connection with the emotional information received throughout the transit. I become the "Napoleon" of my life. That I love? What kind of people do I need in my life? How do they enrich my experience? I'm an important person, listen to me. As I check in with how I feel about the connections in my life, I focus on myself. What do I want in life? If you can remember the time when the north node was transiting through the first house, pay attention to what you wanted for yourself then, because it was during these eighteen months that you made plans, formed ideas, wanted something. And your success in achieving what you want can be assessed by the transit of nodes in the houses in which they are currently located.

When nodes cross axis ASC-DSC, we again, as pioneers of the spirit, find ourselves fully focused and ready to enter the world to create a life as we wish, confident in our abilities, aware of future opportunities and confident that we will fully exploit them.
When the nodes enter at 12/6 at home, we have time to consolidate our strength, to unite on a spiritual level the feelings of individualism and collectivism. We think about our goals, realize our potential, take care of ourselves - our body, our thinking, our spirit. We have the opportunity to get help from people. we have the opportunity to perceive inner voice, speaking to all of us. We listen, we understand and we take pride in being. If we don't succumb to the pressure of the south node transiting the sixth house to direct too much energy into caring for people, we will enter the next arena of emotional experience as whole individuals, ready for anything.

During transit of the northern node according to the 11th house we again feel the pressure of sharing our destiny with others. We realize that our own “I” can participate in the growth and spirituality of the world around us, we feel the need to connect with people and participate in the creation of a new world or a new worldview. Friendships form unexpectedly with new and unusual people. Understanding the world inspires or overwhelms us. We care about the world in a broad sense, be it the fatherland, environment, neighbors or friends of our friends.

A multitude of experiences and people greet us as we move away from self-confidence to a desire to connect with the world around us. The nodes enter the 10/4 house and we begin to realize that we can take charge, step up, speak up for our beliefs and demand to be listened to. We find the courage to express ourselves and focus a lot of energy on understanding and shaping our future.

Translation from English by Alexander Volpyan.
Edited by Denis Kutalev.

Series of messages " ":
Ketu is the environment, conditions and environment from where we came. Lord Ketu is the role we played in this environment. Rahu is the environment, conditions and environment where we are moving. Lord Rahu is the role we will play in this new environment, environment and conditions.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 - TRANSITS OF THE MOON NODES: keys to understanding emotions.
Part 13 -

Rahu entered the sign of Cancer, Ketu entered Capricorn, and in connection with this, certain themes (horoscope houses) are activated or blocked in our lives for the next year and a half, depending on rising sign and the sign in which the Moon is located in the natal chart.

As you know, Rahu and Ketu always move retrograde: from Taurus to Aries and further to Pisces. They make a full circle around the Zodiac in about 18 years. The speed of movement varies from 3 to 11 minutes degrees per sunny day. Transits of slow planets (Saturn and Jupiter) are always taken into account when assessing current events. Transits of the Rahu-Ketu axis are no less important than the transits of Saturn and Jupiter.

Evaluation of Rahu transits

1. The results of Rahu's transits through various houses must be assessed from both the Lagna and the Moon. Both points of reference are equally important.

2. Rahu's transit through a house literally rivets the native's attention to the indicators of that house. For example, if Rahu transits the 5th house, the focus is on creativity. If Rahu transits the 7th house, the focus is on the 7th house, etc. This house becomes a field of new experiences and new experiments. For example, if Rahu transits the 1st house, the person may try to change himself and his approach to other people. It is recommended to start something new in the affairs of the house through which Rahu is transiting. This usually gives good results.

3. Yes practical experience that when a person tries to begin to develop something from the themes of the house through which Rahu passes, a fair wind helps him and fate provides new opportunities. For example, when Rahu transits the 8th house, a person may expect some kind of inheritance or financial gain from the spouse or from others. The amount of this profit will depend on the overall potential of the card.

4. Usually Rahu's transits are more beneficial for inanimate house indicators than for animate ones. For example, if Rahu passes through the 5th house, one can expect a high tide creative forces and good luck in the creative field, but this is not the best time to have a baby. Children born during Rahu's transit through the 5th house usually turn out to be a source of great concern for parents whose horoscope included this transit at the time of the child's birth.

5. As a negative effect of the transit of Rahu, a person can expect some kind of embarrassment or increased ambition in connection with the affairs of this house. Rahu is capable of creating a smoke screen and therefore it can cloud a person's vision in matters of the house through which Rahu passes. For example, if Rahu transits the 12th house, the person's tendency to spend money unnecessarily increases. Also during this period, a person may have a tendency to overindulge in other indicators of the 12th house, such as sex and drugs.

6. Sudden results can appear in a person’s life when Rahu just enters new sign. Tangible results are also seen when Rahu touches important points such as the Ascendant, the middle of the 10th house and the midpoints of houses. The results can be positive or negative, depending on the general inclination of the horoscope.

7. The transit of Rahu through the natal positions of planets releases the potential of that planet. For example, if Rahu transits natal Mercury, one can expect the fruits of Mercury's presence in that house (positive or negative), depending on how Mercury functions in a given horoscope. However, natural indicators of Mercury, such as commerce, communications, and intelligence are enhanced in most cases.

8. Rahu enhances the natural energy of the planet through whose natal position it passes. If he goes through to natal Mars, energy levels and pressure increase. If Rahu transits natal Jupiter, optimism and luck in the area of ​​the house where Jupiter is located increases.

9. The effect of Rahu transit is felt especially strongly when Rahu enters exactly the degree of the natal planet or is within 5 degrees of the natal position of the planet.

10. Transit of Rahu through natal Rahu is a special case, which can be called the return of Rahu. This occurs at the 19th, 38th, 57th, 76th and 95th year of each person's life. Usually this transit gives a new direction in life. The first return of Rahu in the 19th year of life can be called the most important, because at this time the choice of direction in life usually occurs. Sometimes this chosen direction lasts for life, and sometimes it provides only a temporary path that will be discarded later when a better alternative appears.

11. It is observed that when transiting Rahu creates a trine with the natal Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and natal Rahu, it brings good fortune to a certain extent. This luck is usually felt in connection with the three houses involved in the trine during the transit and in connection with the indicators of the planets involved in the situation. For example, natal Jupiter is in the 2nd house in Pisces and Rahu trines it while transiting Scorpio. In this case, good fortune will be felt in connection with the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses and the indices of Jupiter will also increase. According to my observation (Prash Trivedi), trines with natal Jupiter, Sun, Moon and natal Rahu bring more luck than other combinations. This effect is felt within 5 degrees of transiting Rahu from the degree of the aspected planet.

12. The transit of Rahu along the Sun-Mercury-Venus arc is a very fortunate period. We know that the Sun, Mercury and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart from each other. The Sun-Mercury-Venus arc is the zone lying between two of these three planets, which are furthest apart from each other. For example, take a chart in which the Sun is at 5 degrees Taurus, Mercury at 27 degrees Taurus, and Venus at 18 degrees Gemini. In this chart, the Sun-Mercury-Venus arc will extend from 5 degrees Taurus to 18 degrees Gemini. Rahu will enter this sphere with its retrograde motion when it touches the 18th degree of Gemini.

Evaluation of Ketu Transits

1. Transits of Ketu must be assessed in relation to the Ascendant and natal Moon. They have equal significance.

2. Ketu's transit through a particular house signals the end of a relationship with the indicators of that house. It also usually introduces some restrictions in the areas of this house or some unpleasant event occurs related to the indicators of this house. For example, if Ketu transits through the 1st house, a person has the opportunity to gather strength and feel like an individual. This is a favorable time for synthesizing different aspects of yourself into a single whole. On the other hand, the person will probably find himself in some humiliating situation. This can turn out to be a blessing if a person draws wise conclusions from these seemingly negative events.

3. You can expect some surprises in matters of the house through which transit Ketu passes. For example, if Ketu transits the 3rd house, one can expect some eccentric and unusual manifestations in 3rd house matters such as writing, singing, dancing, musical performing, etc. This unusual approach to an activity can produce a small or large result, depending on the overall strength of the card.

4. Usually Ketu transits are not very beneficial for material indicators at home, but they enhance the flow of spiritual energy. For example, if Ketu passes through the 4th house, you can expect problems in your living conditions, but some kind of positive transformation in the heart is also expected.

5. In extreme cases, you can expect a complete blocking of events related to the performance of a given house. For example, if Ketu passes through the 7th house, the person may lose his partner, suffer loss in business or lose his social status. In a word, all indicators of the 7th house completely overlap.

6. Sudden results can appear in a person’s life when Ketu just enters a new sign. Tangible results are also observed when Ketu touches important points such as the Ascendant, the middle of the 10th house and the midpoints of houses. The results can be positive or negative, depending on the general inclination of the horoscope.

7. Transits of Ketu according to the natal position of the planets activate the energy of the planet at the internal level. In some cases, a hidden talent associated with a particular planet suddenly finds its way out. For example, if Ketu transits the natal Sun, one can expect a sublimation (elevation) of the sense of self. This is a very intense period when, when a person dives into himself in search of fundamental answers. He can connect with the ocean of his experience past life, draw wise conclusions and choose the most suitable path for this life.

8. Sometimes Ketu can completely block the energy of the planet through which it transits. If it transits Jupiter, the person may find it difficult to remain optimistic; if Ketu transits the Moon, it is difficult for a person to manage his emotions, it is difficult to communicate with his mother, etc.

9. The strongest effects of Ketu's transit on a planet are felt when Ketu exactly enters the degree of the natal position of that planet or is at a distance of 5 degrees from the natal planet.

10. Transit of Ketu through natal Ketu is a special case, which can be called the return of Ketu. This occurs at the 19th, 38th, 57th, 76th and 95th year of each person’s life. The results are expected to be approximately the same as in the case of Rahu returning to its natal position. (see point 10 of Rahu Transits)

11. Transit of Ketu on natal Rahu is also a special case. Obviously, at this time, transit Rahu will pass through natal Ketu. The first time this happens is at the age of 28. This point symbolizes the completion of the cycle when the energies of the two nodes meet. If a person has followed his true destiny until this time, then during this period he experiences deep inner satisfaction. If this is not the case, at this age a person experiences an intense internal upheaval. At this moment, a person looks back and rethinks everything he has done so far. If he realizes that he was busy with something wrong, he begins new life. For this wise decision to come to a person and for him to start a new life, there must be some element of luck present.

12. When transiting Ketu creates trines with the natal Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Ketu itself, the completion of certain processes is observed. Sometimes it brings something from past life karma in the form of unexpected good fortune. This luck usually concerns those three houses that are involved in the trine and the indicators of those planets that are associated with these houses. Transit trines in relation to natal Jupiter, Mars and Ketu are more favorable than in relation to other planets. These effects are most clearly felt when the transit degree of Ketu corresponds to the degree of the natal plant or within 5 degrees.

Radix Rahu in the first house, Ketu in the seventh: refusal of marriage, from the desire for partnership. You need to focus only on yourself, you need to be a loner, engage in individual self-improvement. The best partner for you is yourself, single life is ideal for your work.

The last two degrees of each house are the same as the last two degrees of the sign.

A person with such an arrangement of nodes in the radix, in principle, marries late and the problem of a partner is not solved for him. It’s best if he doesn’t dwell on this - let him have an open marriage, he had enough marriages in his past life and he should take a break from it in this life.

Transit: cooling in relationships with a partner, inhibition of all judicial and legal matters, the role of the individual increases. Public affairs are slowing down. We need to take care of ourselves, solve our problems.

Radix Rahu is the second house, Ketu is the eighth house home: refusal to kill. If Rahu belongs to Scorpio, then you should not eat meat and, in general, do less harm. Usually, repentant murderers are born with such karma. Refusal of risk, danger, renunciation of spiritualism, etc. Called to accumulate both health and money. His program is the body, energy potential, like a springboard for the next jump. Accumulation of information. Such people are usually the custodians of the treasury, which they should not use.

Transit: opportunities for good acquisitions are given, but not through dishonest means, not through death, not through unclean sources. The money that comes at this time is pure, due to your karma.

Radix Rahu is the third house, Ketu is the ninth house: your karma is clearly not far away, you need to be with your relatives. Last time you were away from home too much, and now your karma is here, and you will have misfortune in emigration. You can’t strive for any exotic things and don’t miss the stars from the sky - they won’t come to you anyway. You cannot make long-term esoteric plans. You must be a pure vessel, an ideal disciple. We must completely abandon ambition and ambition, especially in terms of information. Your misfortune is abroad, far from your homeland. You must receive help from relatives, they must give you everything (relatives, neighbors, people nearby).

Transit: you need to put aside all contacts with other worlds, with foreign countries, with representatives of other cities and cultures. At this time, correspondence, many publications, and mental activity are strengthened, communication (short-range communication) increases. Finally, you receive answers to your long-standing letters, the writer receives answers to his publications.

Radix Rahu is the fourth house, Ketu is the tenth house: your karma - you must take and receive everything from your mother. From my father it’s the other way around. In such a situation, children’s parents often disagree. A person turns out to be a certain projection of the image of his mother.

The Nodes appear very sharply in corner houses in their center. Transit: takes away from you in terms of your superiors (you must give everything to your superiors, social environment, executives). Take everything from home, mother, from ancestors. A person must turn to the roots, bury himself in them, and not rush upward.

Radix Rahu is the fifth house, Ketu is the eleventh home: your karma is children, “be fruitful and multiply” by dispersing all your friends. We need to take care of the children younger generation, demiurgic activity. Don't bother with others, don't expect anything from the team - drive them around and don't take care of their business.

Transit: the negative essence of all friends appears, but the fruits of creativity and goodness come. At this time, a person disperses all his friends, the team around him disintegrates, he is engaged in individual creativity and childbearing.

Radix Rahu - sixth house, Ketu - twelfth house: refusal of solitude, not “going to jail”, giving everything to work, duty, service.

Transit: gives a person a new job, good team, getting rid of diseases, secrets disappear. A good harmonious environment is formed around a person, diseases disappear.

Radix Rahu is the seventh house, Ketu is the first house: your karma is marriage. You must take everything from your partner. Giving up one’s self, one’s self, giving oneself up to be “slaughtered” by a partner. Your calling is marriage. You cannot live without marriage and an ideal partner, who should be your androgynous half. You need to live in peace and not be alone.

Transit: wife (husband) becomes very active. You need to be an active member of society, live noticeable, active life. The role of the partner is strengthened. The personality at this time becomes invisible.

Radix Rahu is the eighth house, Ketu is the second house: you will have to pay off debts on your second home, don’t expect big earnings. Man should not collect treasures on earth. Rahu in the eighth house is an indicator of the accumulation of spiritual fruits. Makes it possible to receive money from some invisible sources - finding a diamond, a package from Shambhala, etc.

Transit: money is taken away, you have to save. Receiving spiritual fruits, engaging in esoteric practices, higher activities.

Radix Rahu in the ninth house, Ketu in the third: abandon relatives, do not expect anything “reasonable, good, eternal” from them. Your orientation is to your spiritual teacher. Don’t learn anything, because there is nothing to teach you, nothing to instill in you. Learn completely unusual information, but spiritual information. If there is any planet in the ninth house, then you will definitely find your guru (Rahu must be in conjunction with a luminary, Mercury or Jupiter). Your active karma is in search of another world, a new world. She is definitely far from your home.

Transit: relatives manifest themselves negatively, foreigners manifest themselves well (positively). At this time, you are drawn to break with the family structure and go “to the ninth house” - to go somewhere far away. The role of the teacher is strengthened, trips - the best ones - begin.

Radix Rahu is the tenth house, Ketu is the fourth home: the father complex and hatred of the mother are triggered (for women it’s the other way around).

Many men with this condition are homosexuals, and many women are lesbians.

Rahu in the tenth house: you must reign, you are karmically called to leadership and uprooting. The transit brings the fruits of your efforts, the results of your efforts are summed up, and you get results. You are given the opportunity to rise above others (at least for a short time) by destroying your own home.

Radix Rahu in the eleventh house, Ketu in the fifth: abandonment of children. These people have something wrong with love - some defectiveness. We need to take care of our friends. Focus on the new, organization of a new society. In this life you are given the right to correct your own destiny - you can ruin your life as you please. Such a position of knots is a sign of greater free will; during transit, relative freedom of action appears, your hands are untied, and it is during this period that it is necessary to correct your destiny. But at the same time, it is impossible to create strong connections that would help you. Don't get attached to anything!

Radix Rahu is the twelfth house, Ketu is the sixth: You worked a lot. Now get some privacy! Your Fortune is in solitude. This could be a prison or a hospital, but as an employee of a prison or hospital, some kind of closed institution. Your karma is to take part in the suffering, “humiliated and insulted” - to bring them out. A man must take it all secret knowledge, should receive secret gifts - he really deserves it. And society demands a lot from such people - they are burdened with everything that others do not want to bear.

Transit: a person is overwhelmed with work, but he is completely isolated. But there is compensation in voluntary solitude and secret knowledge. Summing up all your activities. Best time for Mahasamadhi, “pure death” - the transit of Rahu through the twelfth house. When Rahu ascends the Ascendant and enters the twelfth house, it is best to distribute karmic debts and establish the most favorable autonomous regime associated with secret affairs (joining a secret society), begin the health cycle.

By comparing the horoscope of death with the horoscope of birth, one can say with absolute certainty what a person has earned for himself and where he will go.

The most important and significant astrological event of August 2017 was the transition of the shadow karmic nodes Rahu and Ketu into the new signs of Cancer and Capricorn on August 18.

Rahu has moved from the fiery, domineering Leo to the watery, sensitive and emotional sign of Cancer. And Ketu is from the air, freedom-loving Aquarius moves into the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn.

First of all, the transits of Rahu and Ketu through these signs will be important for those who will live their 19th, 37th, 56th and 95th years of life during this period. For you, this means that these planets are moving through their natal signs (and this happens once every 18 years), i.e. the signs in which these planets were located at birth in the natal chart. These transits will help you choose new ones or establish and maintain the directions you have already chosen in life.

Rahu and Ketu go through a transit house in an average of 1.5 and will stay in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn from August 18, 2017 to March 7, 2019.

Rahu shows what karma you need to go through, what to learn, where to develop. The transit of Rahu through a particular house indicates that it is in the areas of this house that the most interesting events, changes, experiments, and the possibility of development in the areas of this house. And Ketu is a planet that indicates the karma of past incarnations, accumulated experience and Moksha (liberation). And the transit of Ketu indicates restrictions, what needs to be limited, restrained, perhaps completed or even cut off in the spheres of the passing house.

Of course, when making an individual forecast and the influence of new transits of Rahu and Ketu on fate specific person, one must take into account the strength of the house where these planets fall, the strength of their dispositors, the presence of natal planets in the houses, general karma and personal planetary periods.

What will the new transit bring for Rahu and Ketu (ascending/lunar) signs. Let me draw your attention once again to the fact that this forecast affects only part of the changes and does not full picture changes that await you, since it is still important to see the individual parameters of the map associated with these signs, where the shadow nodes are moving. But the main general trends for the signs are as follows.

For Aries (ascendant and lunar according to the Vedic system), Rahu will move to the 4th house. Your vector of attention will switch to your home and its arrangement. Relocations or home renovations, acquisition or profitable sale of movable and immovable property are possible. Focus on family. Maybe an important event in your mother's life.

Taurus will be puzzled by issues of religion and current goals. You will begin to demonstrate your abilities and talents even more, there will be time to show your own efforts and decisive actions, extensive communication, there will be many short trips. Your connection with younger brothers and the sisters will strengthen.

For Gemini, Rahu will pass through the house of finances and the parental family. An increase in cash savings and financial flows, but also sudden spending, purchases of valuable things, here it is on the financial side that you need to pay attention - it’s time to learn how to competently manage financial affairs and regulate financial flows. Interest will be shown more in your family than in your married one.

For Cancers (ascendants and lunars), this year and a half will be very significant, as Rahu will affect the house of their personality. Possible sudden rise career ladder, expansion of your personality, marriage or changes in partnerships, opening your own business, or success in an existing one.

Leo - will withdraw a little into himself, want more privacy, trips abroad are possible and favorable, pilgrimage trips, visiting places of power. Time for spiritual development and the practice of forgiveness. Increased expenses, there may be losses and expenses.

Virgos will shift their vector of interests to the business sector, social contacts and communication with a large circle of new acquaintances. It is possible to receive income from your deposits and earn additional income. Interesting events related to older brothers and sisters await you. Help and support from influential friends and acquaintances.

Sidereal time for Libra. You will focus on work. Expect global changes and career success. I congratulate all Ascendant and Lunar Libra (and there are a lot of them among my clients) - our time has come, my dears - HURRAY!

Scorpios will begin to become more interested in spiritual knowledge and philosophy. It is possible to make pilgrimages or search for and help from a Guru, teacher, or mentor during this period. There will be a desire to learn something new, foreign culture, history, religion. Travel abroad.

Sagittarius is in for a time of transformation, which can affect any area of ​​life; there may be unexpected events in life. Your intuition will sharpen, listen to hints and signs - this will bring you great benefit. The study, application of psychology and spiritual practices will be very successful. It's time to take care of your health.

Active Capricorns will withdraw a little into themselves. However, your personal life will blossom. The emphasis is shifting to the partnership sphere. You will finally take care of yourself, but you will take more care of your partner (personal partners and business partnerships have their place here). This is a time to serve loved ones. Travel and emigration are possible.

Aquarius - time to compete for a place in the sun. You will win in the fight against competitors and enemies. You may want to get a pet or help with charity. Pay attention to your health.

Vedic astropsychologist Natalia Lebedeva

Squares to the Lunar Nodes are very important. They form T-squares and force you to become aware of your immediate problems. You cannot leave your problems and will return again and again to the South Node and need the development of the North Node.

Some people ignore past experiences of the South Node and do not take advantage of the opportunities of the North Node if the Nodes are not stimulated (not emphasized). But when you have a square, you are forced to "make a deal" with the polarity. The planet at the top of the T-square integrates, collects energy (force). On a spiritual level, it stimulates your development.

Most people follow the lead of their South Node. Trines and sextiles to the Nodes “disperse” the energy of the Nodes, and there is a tendency to adhere to the line of least resistance.

With a cluster of planets near the South Node, you will have to “fight” with yourself to grow. I stick to "astrology" own discovery“and I believe that the Nodes set the attitude towards one’s own growth.
The emphasis of the South Node often gives a direction that does not satisfy or prevents us from moving along the path of growth, acquiring new experiences, but, of course, I understand that there are as many directions as there are planets at the Node.

I take the view of the South Node as a point of regression that pushes us back into the “swamp” and do not consider this to be of great value. But, in fact, everything in the card should be valuable and worthy. The South Node is the core of our personality at the cellular level. This is what we brought with us from our past lives and our primary survival mechanism during childhood. When we are tired, depressed, sad or stressed, we rely on our South Node. This is our path of self-stabilization, it gives us solid support, a core in our life.

None of us can remain conscious all the time. We all need unconscious (automatic) actions, and we produce them most time. We can use our South Node unconsciously to help restore, to find our balance. But this works against us if we live only by this, i.e. if we are busy only with our own peace of mind.

What about the dilemma of having planets conjunct the South Node? If, for example, you have a stellium at the South Node, then you can enter a situation determined by this pattern (configuration). The difficulty here is that we have the real clues from our South Node that we need to decide what other people will appreciate about us. Other people are pushing me towards my South Node, they want me to make cards. With all my Virgo, I make cards in the Virgo style. Very painstaking therapeutic work, especially when I listen to other people's feelings and empathize with them through my North Node in Pisces.

Just because something is difficult or easy does not mean it is bad. We just need to create a balance between the two energies. When people are too preoccupied with their South Node, their lives appear detached, downward, and they feel trapped in old ways of being. I like to think of using the South Node, but towards the purpose of the North Node. What do people consider their life task or purpose in life? They very often represent this in a way that correlates with their South Node. This may be because the South Node was their North Node in the past. This is what you know to yourself as a gift (a sign of fate), you do it well, and someone will say: “This is great!” Do more of this, or keep doing it. But you have already developed this skill. This is the trap.

We get the most satisfying experience by using both Nodes simultaneously. This can be done during the period of progressed planets conjunct the North Node. Transits and progressions of the North Node can be used to provide opportunities for new life experiences, provided, of course, that you are open to them and do not sit at home. When the influence of the North Node comes, I always say: “This is a creative time for new achievements, open yourself to the opportunities related to this part of life,” because at this moment you can attract the integrated experience and purpose of life (according to the House where the transit occurs).

The transit of the Lunar Nodes across a person’s natal chart captures and processes hundreds of emotional outbursts. It is amazing that one significator can assimilate and coordinate such a variety of feelings, giving meaning to the inner and emotional evolution of a person.

The Natal Moon shows the nature of feelings. The Moon is the receiver of all sensory experience. For the Moon, the Lunar Nodes are like hands extended into the sublunary world to touch and embrace reality. When touched, sensors on our fingers transmit information to the brain, where it is organized and recorded for subsequent access to it. The Lunar Nodes also touch experience and direct the resulting sensation to the Moon, where information accumulates.
Once in the “lunar archive,” feelings become a kind of wealth of the Moon. The moon keeps them, and years later retrieves them in order to examine, remember each impression, clean it of dust, count it, evaluate it, add it to the collection.

Position of the Lunar Nodes in the natal chart

The Natal Lunar Nodes are unchangeable and specific, like the pattern on our palms. Their position in the House and sign, management, aspectation are recorded in the natal chart and show how you transfer your experience to the Moon.

For example, the Moon Nodes in Pisces/Virgo give information about the ability to listen and emphasize, or about organization and caring for others as a means of getting things done.

The Lunar Nodes in Scorpio/Taurus provide information about a strong need for physiological, deep questioning and constant self-esteem. As a consequence of this, it is possible to care about the art of communication or manipulating people with the help of themselves. The natal position of the South Node gives an indication of what experiences are easy and comfortable for a person; The position of the North Node indicates areas where a person's feelings struggle to find new forms for his self-expression.

The South Node can often be interpreted as the second Moon. Many will find that it describes the nature of their feelings just as well as the natal Moon.

To describe the North Node, you can use a frequently occurring feeling:

I really would like to do all this, but I don't have time (don't dare or don't have the courage) to do it right now because of all the other things that need to be done.

Meeting the challenges of the North Node is often the most emotionally rewarding experience. The upbringing received in one's own family shows how a person uses the Lunar Node, what he feels comfortable and normal for himself. The North Node indicates what a person needs in this life to satisfy the need for emotional pleasure. The position of the natal South Node shows where a given person has a tendency to retreat or maintain the status quo in situations that are convenient for him.
It is easy for a person who has been brought up to act and feel in a certain way to repeat the habit when he feels that he is threatened, that he is deceived or is in a stressful state. We tend to stick to our South Node rather than respond to the challenges of the North Node.

Transits of the Lunar Nodes

First of all, you need to study the natal chart, the positions of the planets and house cusps and find out which areas of the chart the Lunar Nodes can visit.

I also take into account the position of planet progressions, as well as planets ruled by the solar arc, and the positions in the natal chart of transiting Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Only Nodes move clockwise, while all other transits move counterclockwise. It is necessary to pay attention to the aspects formed by the North and South Nodes during their transit across the axis of the map.

The Lunar Nodes pass through opposite Houses approximately every 1 - 1.5 years, depending on the size of the Houses. When the Lunar Node transits through any axis of the map, various aspects will be formed to significant objects of the entire map at the same time Northern and South Nodes, which will enable a person to experience many emotions associated with the corresponding Houses.

When a Node is close to forming an aspect, you can pay attention to what happened during a previous connection or major aspect - from 4 to 5 years ago, from 9 to 10 years ago, or from 18 to 18.5 years ago. This will help to find out what riches stored by the Moon will be lifted from the archives for new research and revaluation. Then, after restoration and adjustment with the help of new information, they will be sent again for long-term storage.

When the Nodes transit through various signs and Houses, a person can react emotionally to similar situations in a new way or dwell on the same situation as during a similar transit in the past. Feeling threatened or in danger, a person immediately seeks to find safety in the energy of the South Node. Looking back at a certain period of your life, you may notice that now your emotional energy may manifest itself completely differently than before.

This is due to the fact that transit Nodes, entering new Houses, bring different aspects of the emotional response to the same beliefs or behavior patterns. Feelings and currently perceived reality can change so much that in 9-10 years they will contain new nuances and may turn out to be a different reality.

Transits of planets

Planetary transits introduce an event factor into the natal chart. Thus, transit Saturn brings with it many instructive practical lessons. The opportunity to get a new job, get married, find a new home, and/or act accordingly and methodically are all possible results of Saturn's influence. Saturn sets lessons, and the position of your natal and transit Lunar Nodes determines how you respond to these lessons.

Let's say you are fired and have to look for a new job. Reactions to this experience may vary. The situation may be perceived as a happy opportunity to make moves that you simply would not have noticed before. For example, you wouldn't leave your job out of responsibility to the company or out of a desire for personal financial security, and thereby miss out on the chance to start something new. Or, on the contrary, you may feel completely unhappy: poverty is around the corner, how to pay the bills? You choose how to respond to these circumstances in your life.

What exactly you will feel in connection with this situation is determined by the current transits of the Nodes. Understanding of the situation and assessment of sensory perception are completed when the transit Node enters into conjunction with a point on the chart aspected by Saturn at the time of the event. Where Saturn gives a lesson, the Nodes give the opportunity to feel something about what is happening.

There are many radical and transiting planets in your chart at any given time. The Sun shows how our ego develops and what exactly our individuality can become; Mercury - how our thinking is expressed, how we read or otherwise come into contact with other people; Venus - our attitude to money problems, our sense of self-esteem, problems with the value system; Mars speaks about our activity, about what we want to do to get what we want in life; Jupiter is about how we feel about the expansion of our reality, our life, family, beliefs, etc.; Saturn provides lessons in discipline and structure; Uranus brings the unexpected - an unusual idea, something funny, something not planned in advance; Neptune provides the opportunity to dream and expand our awareness; Pluto, with its inherent slowness, expresses compressed, compressed energy and the impulse for change, transformation, and recreation.

Nodes when transiting on the map say with which area life goes on work is currently underway to integrate all of these experiences and human responses to various influences.

Transit planets bring experience. Nodes in transit to opposite directions absorb experience, feed the Moon with information, which makes it possible to generalize and build experience into a common picture of life. The nodes move slowly, giving us the opportunity to become involved in the experience or what will happen when a transiting planet makes an aspect in the chart.

The transit of the Lunar Nodes begins to be felt when approaching the natal significator approximately 3 - 4 degrees and 1 - 2 degrees when approaching a planet of secondary progression, a direct planet along the solar arc or a transit planet forming an aspect to the natal planets. Their approach to the cusp of the natal House begins to be felt approximately 3 - 4 degrees of the exact cusp. The difference in the positions of the transiting Node is usually felt only 0.5 - 1 degree before the focus of the transiting Node coincides with the next planet or cusp. The North Node transit brings the feeling of “I have to” or “I wish”, while the South Node transit brings the feeling of “I feel this is good”, “I feel safe here”.

Transits of the Lunar Nodes by House

Let's now see how transiting Nodes move across an individual map. Natal Houses, through which the Nodes pass, indicate an area of ​​life that acquires a sharply individual emotional orientation. The cardinal angles of the chart are the most sensitive for transiting Nodes. When the Nodes approach the 10/4 axis and prepare to enter the 9/3 Houses, a person experiences the energy of a dramatic change, and he experiences the same in his personal life. The North Lunar Node in the 10th House brings questions: how others see me, what I do in life, how my social contributions are valued, how all this affects my personal life, family, home, the foundation of life that I am trying to build. Perhaps I was too focused on the desire to achieve something and now, with the entry of the Node into 9/3, I begin to look at it more philosophically, assessing the significance of my efforts to understand the philosophical aspects of the 10/4 experience.

Transit through the 3rd and 9th Houses

After the Nodes enter Houses 9/3, I begin to analyze my efforts and tell where possible what I am trying to achieve. If this fails to capture something that enhances and strengthens my 10/4 experience, I begin to explore this possibility and ask and receive additional information from various teachers. Looking around, watching others approach their results, becoming interested in these people, the focus shifts from my own achievements to the progress of the larger community.

It may turn out that I want to travel, interact with people from different countries, adherents of different worldviews. Perhaps I will begin to communicate with older relatives, I may become interested in where they came from and how they lived before, what they studied and what they believe now. I can marry a person of a different culture than mine. As the transit continues, I can begin to share knowledge, drawing it from my accumulated life experience. Through writing, speaking, teaching, I will share and communicate with my world on various levels.

Transit through 2nd and 8th Houses

As the Nodes approach the axis of Houses 8/2, I begin to look for support in the outside world from those around me. I feel that I need to accumulate wealth, I notice that I need other people to complete my endeavors. It is possible to turn to the spiritual values ​​I have accumulated and compare them with the values ​​of other people. I may want to make judgments on these issues. I will also focus on the need to strengthen my personal relationships by seeking deep, emotional and physiological connections with people. I will interact with my own psyche, maybe I will encounter other occult phenomena. It is possible that the problems of life, death, trials, the past will become part of my reality, I may face questions of my own worth as an individual or monetary well-being in comparison with others. For me, real life pleasures will become of great importance - flowers, blue skies, a walk in the rain, I will pay more attention to myself and try to provide myself with what is necessary for my own safety.

Transit through the 1st and 7th Houses

As the Nodes approach the 7/1 House axis, the importance of interpersonal relationships increases. Suddenly, new people will appear in my life, and it will be necessary to establish connections with them. There will be a desire to do something with and for others, to take care of their well-being. Or perhaps, to achieve balance in life, I must learn to say “no” or “yes” to express what I need. At the same time, I may find myself involved in conflicts with people or with the law.

I will begin to understand that interactions require a mutual exchange of energy. If I'm not interacting with anyone at the moment, I'm busy looking for contacts. When interacting, I take into account whether the contact is balanced, and if it is not, I try to change the situation, or stop the interaction, if necessary, in order to move on in life. The closer the Nodes are to the 1/7 axis, the more intensely all this is felt. Many people disagree at this point, or the relationships between them become more significant.

Transit through the 6th and 12th Houses

As the Nodes approach Houses 6/12, the focus shifts again. Now, having the right relationships, I begin to establish a stable life order. I am aware of the tireless passage of time, I am more aware of my age, appearance, habits, diet and all the variety of factors associated with lifestyle.

Receiving blows from all sides in the form of various demands that take up my time, I try to help everyone around me, or give them good advice (often perceived as nagging).

I try to be in several places at once; In order to find personal time, I try to organize my affairs and sort out my responsibilities that are not necessary and take up a lot of time. I want to determine what I do for life and answer the questions “why” that are constantly knocking in my mind.

Transit through the 5th and 11th Houses

Transit through the 4th and 10th Houses

As the Nodes approach Houses 4/10, I am reminded of the lessons of the past. I remember that I am not only an individual, but also part of a group called family. I have a cultural heritage, family connections, responsibilities, housing to pay for, a job and career to demand my attention, a family to feed, etc. Reality is setting in. I explore and analyze this reality of mine, my daily life. I understand that I must consolidate my strength with the strength of my loved ones in order to receive their support. I study the rules and regulations received from parents and society and focus on who I am in family and community structures. As the Nodes pass through the IC/MC line, I will be faced with the main problem of the structure of my life and what I would like this structure to be. The decisions I made during this time would color my emotional experiences for the next 18.5 years.

When the Nodes penetrate into Houses 3/9, I talk with people about the experience of the past 4 - 4.5 years, share my discoveries, and can write about this experience. In any case, the accumulated experience is, as it were, blown by a fresh wind. I analyze and justify this experience. I find that my speech is smooth.

I am interested in many things, strive for new information, read, watch TV, listen to the radio, get angry at my deputies, and restore contact with the world of my contemporaries. I participate in the lives of those around me, listen to their problems and, as it were, provide a sound stage for their thoughts. They are all my brothers and sisters, and I worry about what happens to them, whether they are at my house or on the other side of the world.

When the Nodes move into Houses 2/8, I focus on what I need to acquire and do to maintain and maintain what I have acquired. I pay attention to myself, to what others think of me or are going to give me. My entire value system becomes the focus of my attention, only to subsequently fade away, expand, or be embellished. I don’t want to lose anything, neither material nor my beliefs. How much should I receive for my work, what am I worth in the labor market? I come to the need to relax and make time for the fine arts and beauty, for my own appearance, for what I admire in others and what I would like to include in my life.

The Nodes entering House 1/7 provide an opportunity to look back on all the experiences accumulated over the past 18.5 years and evaluate oneself in relation to the emotional information received throughout the transit. I become the “Napoleon” of my life. That I love? What kind of people do I need in my life? How do they enrich my experience? I'm an important person, listen to me. As I check in with how I feel about the connections in my life, I focus on myself. What do I want in life? If you can remember the time when the North Node was transiting in the first House, pay attention to what you wanted for yourself then, because it was during these 1 - 1.5 years that you made plans, formed ideas, wanted something. And your success in achieving what you want can be assessed by the transit of the Nodes in the Houses in which they are currently located.

When the Nodes cross the 1/7 axis, we again, as pioneers of spirit, find ourselves fully focused and ready to enter the world to create a life as we wish, confident in our abilities, aware of future opportunities and confident in taking full advantage of them.

When the Nodes enter the 12/6 House, we will have time to consolidate our strength and combine feelings of individualism and collectivism on a spiritual level. We think about our goals, realize our potential, take care of ourselves: our body, our thinking, our spirit. We have the opportunity to get help from people. We are able to perceive the inner voice speaking to all of us. We listen, we understand and we take pride in being. If we don't succumb to the pressure of the South Node transiting through the sixth house to focus too much energy on caring for people, we will enter the next arena of emotional experience as whole individuals, ready for anything.

With the North Node transiting through the 11th House, we again feel the pressure to share our destiny with others. We realize that our own “I” can participate in the growth and spirituality of the world around us, we feel the need to connect with people and participate in the creation of a new world or a new worldview.

Friendships form unexpectedly with new and unusual people. Understanding the world inspires or overwhelms us. We care about the world in a broad sense, be it our country, the environment, our neighbors or friends of our friends.

A variety of experiences and people greet us as we move from self-confidence to a desire to connect with the world around us. The nodes enter 10/4 and we begin to realize that we can take charge, step up, speak up for our beliefs and demand to be listened to. We find the courage to express ourselves and focus a lot of energy on understanding and shaping our future.

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