Amazing traditions. The strangest social customs and traditions in the world

In our world there are a huge number of nationalities that have their own history. We present to your attention the most unusual and interesting customs and traditions peoples of the world.

Samoa. People from these regions, instead of the usual greeting, in the form of a handshake, sniff each other. For them this is a very serious and ancient ritual. In the old days, their ancestors could identify a stranger using such a greeting.

Maasai tribe in Africa. Everyone is taught from childhood that spitting is bad. In the Maasai tribe it's the other way around. With this action they greet each other and thereby show respect for the interlocutor.

Denmark. If, while walking along the streets of Denmark, you see a national flag peeking out of the window of a house, you know that a person lives in that house whose birthday it is today.

Andaman Islands. In this area, a person can walk up to another, sit in his arms and cry. And these tears will not be from grief, but from the joy they experience when meeting this person.

U American Indians, the groom had to endure many trials in order to get the bride. The bride's parents had to drive him away in every possible way, insult him, or even use him as free money. work force. If the groom endures all these tests, then his chosen one is given to him as a wife.

In China, Japan, and Korea, if a person does not slurp while eating, it means that he did not like the food and this may offend the owners of the house.

In the East, it is customary to treat guests to tea. In this case, the tea container is not filled completely and is gradually, during communication, topped up a little. When the hosts are already tired and want their guests to leave, they fill the vessel full, which means that they finish their drink and leave.

Tibet. Here, when meeting, it is customary to stick out your tongue to passers-by. This custom has ancient history. In the 9th century, Tibet was ruled by a tyrant king, and it is known that he had a black tongue. After his death, the residents were very happy, but they were afraid that the king would not be reborn in another body. This is why, when meeting strangers, they consider it their duty to check the language of that person.

In the Philippines, in North Africa and in some areas of China, if a guest has eaten everything that was put on his plate, they may think that he is very greedy. In these places it is customary that if you no longer want to eat, you must leave something on the plate and this will mean that you are full. Otherwise, the owner, according to the rules of etiquette, is obliged to give you more food.

By ancient tradition hospitality, if a guest in the owner’s house praises some thing, then the owner is obliged to give it to the guest.

In India, it is considered an insult if you shake hands with someone you do not know and have never seen before.

In Central Nigeria, it is not customary to marry thin girls. In order to prepare the bride for marriage, she is placed separately from everyone else and is forbidden to leave the premises. Only the mother can visit her, who brings a lot of fatty and floury food to fatten her daughter for the wedding.

In Vietnam, it is not customary to praise a newborn. Locals They always believed that if a dark spirit heard all the virtues of a child, it could steal him away. Also, in Vietnam there is a tradition of hanging a mirror on the threshold before entering the house. It is needed to scare away the dragon. The residents thought that if a dragon came to them and saw its reflection in the mirror, it would think that there was already a dragon here and would leave.

In the North of Kamchatka, since ancient times, it was believed that if a guest slept with the wife of the owner of the house, then by this he expressed his respect for the owner. And it was especially appreciated if the wife became pregnant from this guest.

In Spain, it is customary to address everyone as “you,” even if this person is older in age or rank. If you address a person using “you,” this may even offend him.

In China, the number 4 practically does not exist; people try to avoid it. And all because the number 4 among the Chinese sounds like the word “death”.

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1. In Africa, members of the Masai tribe jump when they meet - the higher the jump, the more respect is shown.

2. In Norway, it is considered tactless to give up your seat on public transport to older people. There it is interpreted as a demonstration of physical advantage.

3. In China, loud “slurping” is encouraged. If guests eat silently, they offend the hosts and the cook. It is believed that quiet eating is eating without pleasure.

Express information on the country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all planets solar system to size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Average radius – 6,378.2 km

Average circumference – 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people. (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Number of official languages– 95; the most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climate zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (main) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

4. Also among the Chinese there is no custom of bringing flowers to the mistress of the house. Here this raises suspicions that the guest considers the house so unattractive that he brought flowers with him in order to somehow decorate it.

5. Norwegians don't give compliments in public. Even at school they don’t praise students in front of other children and don’t share grades with the whole class.

6. In Greece, when you come to visit, you cannot admire a painting or a vase. Otherwise, the owner will be forced to give it to you.

7. In Mongolia, guests are fed until they burp loudly. Therefore, it is not customary to restrain it - this is a sign that the guest is hungry.

8. Unlike our tradition, in Japan and Norway they only give even number colors. It is believed that a flower without a mate feels lonely. Odd number flowers are only suitable for mourning ceremonies.

9. In Japan, it is not customary to blow your nose in public.

10. Indians do not use the word “thank you” within the family. People here believe that loved ones do not need gratitude.

11. In China, the number 4 is a symbol of death. Even in the numbering of floors the 4th is missing.

12.V Arab countries ah, it is considered impolite to pass the mouthpiece of a hookah into your hands. This is considered coercion.

13. In Japan, etiquette dictates leaving work only after your boss has done so.

14. The laws of Georgian hospitality require that the guest’s glass is always filled. Therefore, by emptying the glass, the guest forces the host to fill it again and again.

15. In one Indian state, a young wife has the right to leave her husband after 3 days if she doesn’t like something. After this, the girl can freely choose her partners.

16. In Kenya, after the wedding, the husband is obliged to wear women’s clothes for a month and do women's work. This is done so that the husband better understands what it means to be a woman.

17. In Denmark, a flag hung in the window indicates that there is a birthday person in the house.

18. In Northern Kamchatka, in the past, it was customary for a guest to enter into an intimate relationship with the hostess of the house. It was believed that by doing this he paid tribute to the owner. If a child appeared after this night, the entire village celebrated his birth.

19. At every meeting in Latin America It is customary to hug and exchange kisses.

20. There is no tradition of shaking hands in Japan. There it is customary to greet each other with a polite bow.

Despite all the attempts of historians and ethnographers to create a clear picture of the development of some peoples, there are still many secrets and blind spots in the history of the origin of many nations and nationalities. Our review contains the most mysterious peoples of our planet - some of them have sunk into oblivion, while others live and develop today.

1. Russians

As everyone knows, Russians are the most mysterious people on the ground. Moreover, there is a scientific basis for this. Scientists still cannot come to a conclusion unanimous opinion about the origin of this people and answer the question of when the Russians became Russians. There is also debate about where this word comes from. Russian ancestors are sought among the Normans, Scythians, Sarmatians, Vends and even the South Siberian Usuns.

2. Maya

Nobody knows where these people came from or where they disappeared to. Some scientists believe that the Mayans are related to the legendary Atlanteans, others suggest that their ancestors were the Egyptians.

The Mayans created an efficient agricultural system and had deep knowledge of astronomy. Their calendar was used by other peoples of Central America. The Mayans used a hieroglyphic writing system that has only been partially deciphered. Their civilization was very advanced when the conquistadors arrived. Now it seems that the Mayans came from nowhere and disappeared into nowhere.

3. Laplanders or Sami

The people, which Russians also call Lapps, are at least 5,000 years old. Scientists are still arguing about their origin. Some believe that the Laplanders are Mongoloids, others insist on the version that the Sami are Paleo-Europeans. Their language is believed to belong to the Finno-Ugric group of languages, but there are ten dialects of the Sami language that are different enough to be called independent. Sometimes the Laplanders themselves have difficulty understanding each other.

4. Prussians

The very origin of the Prussians is a mystery. They were first mentioned in the 9th century in the records of an anonymous trader, and then in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists have found analogues in various Indo-European languages ​​and believe that the word “Prussians” can be traced back to the Sanskrit word “purusha” (man). Not much is known about the Prussian language, since the last native speaker died in 1677. The history of Prussianism and the Kingdom of Prussia began in the 17th century, but these people had little in common with the original Baltic Prussians.

5. Cossacks

Scientists do not know where the Cossacks originally came from. Their homeland may be in the North Caucasus or on the Sea of ​​Azov or in western Turkestan... Their ancestry may go back to the Scythians, Alans, Circassians, Khazars or Goths. Each version has its supporters and its own arguments. Cossacks today represent a multi-ethnic community, but they constantly emphasize that they are a separate nation.

6. Parsis

Parsis are an ethno-religious group of followers of Zoroastrianism of Iranian origin in South Asia. Today their number is less than 130 thousand people. The Parsis have their own temples and so-called “towers of silence” for burying the dead (the corpses that are laid out on the roofs of these towers are pecked by vultures). They are often compared to the Jews, who were also forced to leave their homeland, and who still carefully preserve the traditions of their cults.

7. Hutsuls

The question of what the word “Hutsul” means is still unclear. Some scientists believe that the etymology of the word is related to the Moldovan “gots” or “gutz” (“bandit”), others believe that the name comes from the word “kochul” (“shepherd”). Hutsuls are most often called Ukrainian highlanders, who still practice the traditions of molfarism (witchcraft) and who greatly honor their sorcerers.

8. Hittites

The Hittite state was very influential on the geopolitical map of the ancient world. These people were the first to create a constitution and use chariots. However, not much is known about them. The chronology of the Hittites is known only from the sources of their neighbors, but there is not a single mention of why or where they disappeared. The German scientist Johann Lehmann wrote in his book that the Hittites went north and assimilated with Germanic tribes. But this is only one of the versions.

9. Sumerians

This is one of the most mysterious peoples in ancient world. Nothing is known about their origins or the origin of their language. A large number of homonyms allows us to assume that it was a polytonic language (like modern Chinese), that is, the meaning of what was said often depended on tone. The Sumerians were very advanced - they were the first in the Middle East to use the wheel, to create an irrigation system and a unique writing system. The Sumerians also developed mathematics and astronomy at an impressive level.

10. Etruscans

They entered history quite unexpectedly and that is how they disappeared. Archaeologists believe that the Etruscans lived in the north-west of the Apennine Peninsula, where they created a fairly developed civilization. The Etruscans founded the first Italian cities. Theoretically, they could move to the east and become the founders of the Slavic ethnic group (their language has much in common with the Slavic ones).

11. Armenians

The origin of the Armenians is also a mystery. There are many versions. Some scientists believe that Armenians descended from the people ancient state Urartu, but in the genetic code of the Armenians there is a component not only of the Urartians, but also of the Hurrians and Libyans, not to mention the proto-Armenians. There are also Greek versions of their origin. Most scientists, however, adhere to the mixed-migration hypothesis of Armenian ethnogenesis.

12. Gypsies

According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Roma left Indian territory in numbers that did not exceed 1,000 people. Today there are about 10 million Roma people worldwide. In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that Gypsies were Egyptians. They were called the "tribe of the pharaoh" for a very specific reason: the Europeans were amazed by the gypsy tradition of embalming their dead and burying with them in crypts everything that might be needed in another life. This gypsy tradition is still alive.

13. Jews

This is one of the most mysterious peoples and many secrets are connected with Jews. At the end of the 8th century BC. five-sixths (10 out of 12 of all ethnic groups that form the race) of Jews disappeared. Where they went is a mystery to this day.

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14. Guanches

The Guanches are the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands. It is unknown how they appeared on the island of Tenerife - they did not have ships and the Guanches knew nothing about navigation. Their anthropological type does not correspond to the latitude where they lived. Also, many disputes are caused by the presence of rectangular pyramids in Tenerife - they are similar to the Mayan and Aztec pyramids in Mexico. Nobody knows when or why they were erected.

15. Khazars

Everything that people know about the Khazars today was taken from the records of their neighboring peoples. And practically nothing remained of the Khazars themselves. Their appearance was sudden and unexpected, just like their disappearance.

16. Basque

The age, origin and language of the Basques are a mystery modern history. The Basque language, Euskara, is believed to be the only remnant of a Proto-Indo-European language that does not belong to any language group existing today. According to a 2012 National Geographic study, all Basques have a set of genes that... to a large extent different from other peoples living around them.

17. Chaldeans

The Chaldeans lived at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 1st thousand years BC in the territory of Southern and Central Mesopotamia. In 626-538 BC. The Chaldean dynasty ruled Babylon, founding the Neo-Babylonian Empire. The Chaldeans are still associated today with magic and astrology. IN Ancient Greece and Rome, the priests and Babylonian astrologers were called Chaldeans. They predicted the future of Alexander the Great and his successors.

18. Sarmatians

Herodotus once called the Sarmatians “lizards with human heads". M. Lomonosov believed that they were the ancestors of the Slavs, and Polish nobles considered themselves their direct descendants. The Sarmatians left behind many secrets. For example, this people had a tradition of artificial deformation of the skull, which allowed people to give themselves an ovoid head shape.

19. Kalash

Small people, living in the north of Pakistan, in the Hindu Kush mountains, are notable for the fact that their skin color is whiter than that of other Asian peoples. The debate about Kalash has been subsiding for centuries. The people themselves insist on their connection with Alexander the Great. Their language is phonologically atypical for the area and has the basic structure of Sanskrit. Despite attempts at Islamization, many adhere to polytheism.

20. Philistines

Modern concept"Philistines" comes from the name of the area "Philistia". The Philistines are the most mysterious people mentioned in the Bible. Only they and the Hittites knew the technology of steel production and it was they who laid the foundation iron age. According to the Bible, the Philistines came from the island of Caphtor (Crete). The Cretan origin of the Philistines is confirmed by Egyptian manuscripts and archaeological finds. It is unknown where they disappeared to, but it is most likely that the Philistines were assimilated into the Eastern Mediterranean peoples.

At all times, the attention of researchers studying ethnic formations in the totality of their origin, material and spiritual culture, life and traditions has been focused on different peoples the world, among which there were truly amazing communities. What groups, united by a common territory, language and customs, can be called the most amazing of all?

The first on the list of the most amazing peoples of the world will be real travelers leading a nomadic lifestyle. People belonging to this group call themselves "Paevey", although they are also known as Irish "wanderers", "wanderers" or Shelta (after the unwritten language). They represent an ethnic group with an unclear historical origin. Thus, some researchers believe that the Irish gypsies are descendants of the nomadic Celts. Others think that they came from the landless peasantry of the 1840s. The latter insist on the version of the appearance of the paevi from one, albeit extensive, gypsy clan, which is confirmed by the commonality of the traditions of the “wanderers” with their Western European “brothers”.

This is interesting! One thing is certain - representatives of the Shelts have long become native Irish, which was confirmed by a genetic study that was once carried out.

"Travelers" prefer to live in vans, easily transported from place to place, and also coexist in communities. The population of Ireland, Great Britain and the USA, where the share of such gypsies is 23,000, 15,000 and 7,000 people respectively, treats “wanderers” with caution. This is quite reasonable: pavees can easily cheat or deceive, sneak into a cinema without paying, take a room in a hotel and, breaking any rules, invite their many relatives there. They are very hot-tempered, which is why their disputes often escalate into fist fights. At the same time, the gypsies try not to bother other people.

One of the most amazing traditions of Shelta is the organization of an annual fair. All representatives of the ethnic group come here to trade horses and purebred puppies. Unofficial viewings are also held here. Young people who dress up for an important occasion get to know each other, as a result of which many weddings are held at the end of the bazaar.


Next most amazing people The world about which the story will be told will be the Thai ethnic group called “Padaung”, numbering only 50,000 representatives. Living in high mountain villages, the men of the collective are engaged in growing rice, keeping and training elephants, reading prayers and slaughtering victims in the name of the supreme female spirit of the tribe. However, this was not at all the reason for the increase in the popularity of padaung.

The women of the community are gradually becoming like giraffes, as many tourists who saw them concluded. The whole point is that representatives of the fair sex begin at the age of 5 to put copper spiral rings with a diameter of about 1 cm on their necks - this is the custom of local villages. Over time, the number of revolutions of the strange “decoration” only increases, and the neck seems to stretch in length. In fact, women experience deformation of the shoulder girdle. By adulthood, the number of rings worn can become more than 2 dozen with total weight 4-5 kg. Their growth stops only with marriage, however, even then the newly-made wife does not have the right to remove the spirals from her neck.

Padaung women continue the amazing tradition of their people, passed down to them from their mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers since the creation of the world itself, and it seems they don’t even think about its unnatural essence. It is believed that rings once protected the fairer sex from tiger bites. According to another version, this is how families protected their savings - precious metals. However, today these explanations are defeated by ordinary calculation - the unusual feature of the residents attracts many tourists from all over the world, and, therefore, allows them to derive practical benefits from the custom.


Some associate the African continent exclusively with Negroid race or the Arabs who appeared on these lands in the 7-8 centuries AD. Imagine the surprise of these people when they learn about the Berbers, once so called by their neighbors due to the incomprehensibility of the language, or the Amazighs (a self-name that translates as “ free people"). Many representatives of this group are not only the original and oldest inhabitants of the mainland, but also have fair skin and a European type of appearance! Today, the Berbers are understood as a whole complex of tribes, occupying territories from western Egypt to the Atlantic and from the Niger River to the Mediterranean Sea.

The best ethnographers of the world could not fully explain the amazing traditions of this people. For example, it remains unclear why the clothing, jewelry, tattoos (harkuzu) and ancient ornaments of this large group use motifs similar to Slavic and Aryan ones: similar embroidery on fabric, symbols of motherhood and fertility, signs of military success. Scarves tied on the head, flowing scarves, kokoshniks and the predominance of red and white colors in costumes also more likely fit the characteristics of Russian or Ukrainian, and not at all African, historical culture.

Perhaps the reason for the similarities is the common origin, because a number of researchers suggest that many years ago the Berbers came out of Eurasia, and, in particular, became descendants of the Gauls.

Who should not be forgotten

In addition to the above-mentioned ethnic groups, there are some other nationalities on the planet that can capture the imagination modern man the eccentricity of ways and customs. Here is a list of them:

Nenets, Russia. This "frost-hardy" tribe lives on the Yamal Peninsula right next to the Arctic Ocean. Desperate nomadic reindeer herders, who migrate 1,000 km annually, have long adapted to temperatures that would seem prohibitive to others - -50° in winter and, in rare cases, up to +35° in summer.

Mustangs, Nepal. This autonomous community tried to remain aloof from any possibility of contact with the rest of the world until 1991. Mustangs, who practice something like early Buddhism, are extremely devout. Most of them believe that the Earth is flat.

Himba, Namibia. These Africans are distinguished by their ingenuity and ability to adapt to the most difficult conditions. In the places they live, there is a catastrophic lack of water, so they are forced not to wash, but to smear themselves with a homemade mixture that paints their bodies in a golden-red palette.

Although for many years politicians and sociologists have been talking about inevitable globalization and the unity of cultures and civilizations, states globe still retain their bright individuality, originality and historical flavor. Customs of the peoples of the world - an integral part of this individuality, because in every country people look at the same phenomena through the prism of their own culture. A traveler will certainly find it useful basic knowledge about the peculiarities of life abroad.


  • Canadians adhere strict rules formal politeness even when we're talking about about minor mistakes. If you step on someone's foot or push another person, you should immediately apologize briefly. Although such behavior is expected in Russia, in Canada even the “victim” apologizes. Therefore, if someone accidentally steps on your foot, do not neglect the polite formula “I beg your pardon” - this will show that you intelligent person, not wanting to cause trouble for others (for example, standing in someone else's way and "forcing" others to push you aside).
  • Smoking is prohibited in in public places, including restaurants. Smoking at a party is allowed only if the owner has given express permission.
  • Many customs of the peoples of the world dictate specific rules of behavior when meeting. In Quebec, for example, shaking a woman's hand (even if it's another woman doing so) means establishing a certain distance and showing that you are in a purely formal relationship. As a sign of friendliness, you should hug each other when you meet and lightly kiss each other on both cheeks.
  • In Canada, you must take off your shoes when visiting someone else's home.
  • If you are offered coffee late at night at a party, it means that the hosts expect you to go home soon.


  • When talking to another person, it is advisable to look him in the eyes - otherwise you will be considered secretive and unworthy of trust. This rule stands in stark contrast to most other countries, where eye contact is considered rude.
  • Modern customs of the peoples of the world dictate respect for service personnel. So, in an American restaurant you should always tip the waiter - if you don’t, your guests will feel extremely uncomfortable. Waiters' salaries largely consist of tips, so your guests will also feel awkward if you leave too little money on the table. Traditionally, visitors leave waiters 15 percent of the order amount; 10 percent is considered a complaint for poor service, and 20 percent is considered a reward for satisfactory or excellent service. Tipping over 20 percent is considered ostentatious generosity, but the waiter will no doubt be pleased.
  • It's not just restaurants that need to be tipped - extra money is given to taxi drivers, hairdressers and stylists, food delivery couriers, and random handymen (even if you hired the neighbor's teenagers to mow your lawn). So, for pizza delivery they pay from two to five dollars, regardless of the order amount.
  • National - countries with the greatest diversity of cultures and peoples - provide due respect to all categories of the population. When meeting a new person, you should not ask him about marital status or availability romantic relationships, as well as about his political views. It is impolite to ask a woman her age or weight.
  • Most traditions in America are based on the principle of mutual respect. You cannot violate a person’s personal space, that is, be closer to him than at arm’s length. Exceptions to the rule are being in a crowd or crush, as well as friendly relations.
  • If you are invited to visit, take a bottle of wine with you. You can also buy a cake or other sweets, but in this case it is advisable to find out in advance whether the owners prepared the special dessert themselves.


  • If you are interested European customs, you can take a closer look at the traditions of Italy. Interesting fact: in this country it is not customary to take off your coat and other outerwear immediately upon entering the premises. You need to wait for a special invitation or ask if you can leave your raincoat or jacket.
  • You should not put hats on the bed, as there is an ominous superstition on this topic.
  • When visiting stores, you should always greet the sellers, even if you just came to look at the product and do not intend to talk to the consultants.
  • It is not advisable to ask for a check immediately after finishing dinner at a restaurant. Better spend a couple of minutes relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere and a cup of cappuccino.
  • Men shouldn't wear socks white in public, because, according to popular belief, only “mama’s boys” do this.
  • It is not recommended to bite bread with your teeth. It is customary for Italians to tear off small pieces with their hands and place them on them. butter or pate, served in special segments in a separate dish, and in this form immediately put into the mouth. Knives and other cutlery should not be used. Such specific traditions of Italy originate in the Middle Ages, when peasants exhausted by hunger, having barely received bread for food from their masters, devoured it right on the spot, stuffing their cheeks. The noble, intelligent townspeople were always well-fed, and therefore appropriate calm behavior was expected from them.


  • Unlike the customs of many European countries, traditions of Spain for the most part based on supremacy local culture. Arguments about whose country and which language is better should always be avoided, especially when comparing Spanish with English. Residents of this state speak English relatively poorly and often require tourists to know their language. If you do not speak Spanish, it is better to try to communicate with gestures - local townspeople will perceive such communication more favorably than the persistent use of English expressions.
  • Some traditional themes It's better not to discuss it at all. These include fighting bulls (toro), religion, fascism and nationalism. Regarding the latter, even the Spaniards themselves still cannot come to an agreement.
  • Always try to appear calm and casual. You can talk loudly, make emotional gestures, joke with owners and use forms of physical contact without any embarrassment.
  • It is customary to say hello to all your neighbors, even if you don’t know them.
  • When greeting, men shake hands, and women expect kisses on both cheeks.
  • Many Spanish traditions are associated with active species sports So, for example, even practically stranger can invite you to watch together Soccer game. If you receive such an invitation, do not under any circumstances criticize the team that the host of the house supports.


  • Ireland is a very distinctive state, in which even Christian holidays are observed in their own way - such as Easter and Palm Sunday. The customs of this country, however, partly reflect the practices adopted in Great Britain (although Ireland is a sovereign republic). However, you should not publicly attribute this state to the United Kingdom - the indigenous people will instantly be offended, since only part of Great Britain remains. Avoid conversations on topics related to the country's sovereignty.
  • In bars and pubs, do not speak to the bartender until he has served the customer who arrived before you.
  • If you have a guest, you should definitely offer him coffee or tea.
  • It is not recommended to ask other people about their income and business success. Colleagues are not asked about their salaries. In some companies, such questions are officially prohibited.
  • If people celebrate Easter or Palm Sunday, it is better to observe customs and religious rituals from the outside. Under no circumstances ask people what religion they adhere to - Catholicism or Protestantism.

Arab countries

  • It is customary to perform personal hygiene rituals on the left hand - that is why it is considered dirty. Shaking hands with the left hand is considered an insult. It is also accepted to eat only the right one.
  • You should not expose the soles of your feet or touch anyone with your booted foot.
  • In Iraq the gesture " thumb up" is taken as a serious insult.
  • The customs of the peoples of the world living in Arab countries dictate honor and respect for elders. This means standing up as soon as elders enter the room and greeting them first if they are already in the room.
  • In most Arab countries, holding hands while walking is a sign of politeness and a symbol of friendship. Unlike Western countries, here such a gesture does not carry any hints of romance.
  • If a person puts all five fingers of his hand together and points upward with his fingertips, this means that he needs to think for five minutes. This sign should not be confused with a fist and threatening gestures.
  • Greetings from the peoples of Africa are always associated with a demonstration of sincerity of emotions. In Morocco, for example, after shaking hands, the right hand is placed on the heart. It is impossible to shake hands (for example, if acquaintances are separated by a highway), it is enough to simply put your right hand to your heart.
  • Strangers you meet for the first time may invite you to lunch or dinner at their home. If such an invitation bothers you, do not refuse - refusal will be considered rude. Instead, ask to postpone the visit until an unspecified time in the near future.
  • The traditions of the peoples of Arab countries require abundant food, so do not be surprised if you are offered food endlessly, over and over again. You can constantly refuse, but the main thing is not to mistake the owner’s insistence for tactlessness. It is better to eat little by little and take a little from the dishes offered in the first rounds, and only then refuse with a clear conscience.

China and Taiwan

  • Eastern culture is very original and diverse, so you should not mention in a conversation with Asians that for you the Chinese, Koreans, Thais and Japanese are “all the same.” It's just rude.
  • You only need to eat right hand.
  • Avoid using the American "thumbs up" gesture - here it is considered indecent.
  • If you were invited to visit, and the hosts prepared lunch or dinner themselves, they will certainly report that there is something wrong with the food - for example, that it is too salty. The answer to this remark is that all the dishes are excellent and not at all oversalted.
  • Interesting traditions are associated with holidays. If you are given a gift, refuse it. It is customary for the Chinese to offer gifts several times. They should not be opened in the presence of the donor.
  • Can't give married men hats. The Chinese expression "wearing a green hat" means that a wife is cheating on her husband. Such a gift will be regarded as an insult to the spouses.
  • You should also not give another person a watch - an ancient superstition that people adhere to even in modern world, says: such a donor counts down the moments until the death of the recipient. You should also not give umbrellas (a sign of separation) or white flowers (a ritual symbol of funerals) as gifts.
  • Traditions suggest that others will look after you when you are visiting. Therefore, you, in turn, will have to pour drinks into your neighbors’ glasses.
  • Pregnant women should not attend funerals - this is a sign that promises misfortune.


  • Eastern culture differs from Western culture in the priority of modesty over external beauty. Both men and women in India wear covered clothing. Shorts are highly undesirable for both sexes; Women should not wear bikinis, short skirts or dresses with bare shoulders. One should also avoid wearing simple white dresses and saris, as these clothes are considered a symbol of widow's mourning.
  • In most Indian homes, it is customary to remove shoes in the hallway. Although hosts may be sympathetic to the lack of knowledge of foreign guests, it is better to ask in advance whether it is possible to enter the house without taking off your shoes.
  • Unusual ones are associated with spiritual beliefs. If you accidentally touched another person with your feet or stepped on objects of veneration (coins, bills, books, paper, etc.), you will be expected to apologize. A common form of apology in in this case- This is touching a person or object with your right hand, which you then need to place on your forehead.
  • While you are a guest in an Indian house, you will be offered food several times - you can safely refuse if you are already full.

The strangest national customs

  • In Greece, it is customary to throw a child's lost baby tooth onto the roof - according to a widespread superstition, this action brings good luck.
  • One of the peoples of Iran has a calendar consisting of nineteen months, each of which has only nineteen days.
  • In Sweden, gold and silver coins are placed inside the bride's elegant shoes during the wedding ceremony.
  • In a traditional wedding in Norway, the bride wears a silver crown from which dangles long amulets designed to ward off evil spirits.

For the New Year

  • In Brazil on New Year definitely prepare a bowl lentil soup, as lentils are considered a symbol of prosperity.
  • Traditional life and customs of Latvia at Christmas necessarily involve the preparation of stewed brown beans with pork and cabbage sauce.
  • In the Netherlands, Santa Claus has a helper named Black Pete.
  • In Austria, Krampus Night is celebrated on December 5th. This event is dedicated to Santa's evil twin brother.
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