Ukrainian singer Ruslana: biography, career and family. Ruslan Bely: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo The beginning of a musical career

Place of birth: Baku

Ruslana G is a popular beauty blogger. Ruslana is originally from Azerbaijan. The girl was born and raised in the city of Baku. After graduating from school, Ruslana Ji moved to Turkey, to the city of Istanbul. In Turkey, Ruslana entered college to study journalism.

Ruslana G on YouTube

Ruslana registered her channel in the spring of 2014. When Ruslana first started making videos, her channel was little known. But in 2016, the girl became very popular. Ruslana Ji makes videos of various types. Ruslana devotes a lot of time to her career. After the girl moved to Istanbul, she began working as a model. Ruslana does not have model parameters, but this did not stop her from becoming the face of several Turkish brands. Ruslana's height is 166 centimeters, weight is 51 kilograms.

Ruslana is very hardworking, she devotes time not only to her career, but also to her studies. In 2017, Ruslana plans to move to the USA. In the states, the girl plans to continue her studies in journalism.

At 19 years old, the girl earns good money. The channel on YouTube and Instagram brings good money to Ruslana. The girl, in her videos, motivates girls to do what they love, just like her. Also, in the video Ruslana shares women's secrets perfect makeup. Such videos receive more than 1 million views.

Personal life

Ruslana hides her personal life from her subscribers. It is known that the girl has a boyfriend. She showed him in her videos, but his face was not included in the frame. Ruslana's boyfriend lives in Azerbaijan. The girl shared her emotions for the man in her video. Ruslana believes that distance is a test of relationships.

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One of the most popular comedians in the Russian Federation is Ruslan Bely. He, along with Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, constitute the color of the nation in the humorous direction.

He does not sit still, because numerous lovers of humor throughout Russia and neighboring countries are waiting for him.

The man did not become a showman right away. He left the service to share with his fans everything he knows and loves. Ruslan Bely played in several films that showed his artistic talent to the fullest. The showman dreams of playing a tragic role. He says he sees himself as Hamlet. But whether his dream will come true is unknown.

The comedy artist plays sports every day. He believes that a person should adhere to the slogan: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Ruslan Bely, whose photo in his youth can now be found in the public domain, follows a daily routine, believing that this will help him live for 100-150 years.

The popular showman is hiding his real birth date. The artist jokingly says that he is always 30 years old. This is exactly the age he looks and feels.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

A popular actor was born in the capital of Czechoslovakia. There he spent his childhood and studied at primary school. The father was a military man, the mother was a housewife. Ruslan has an older brother with whom he is very friendly. Then the family moves to a Polish military town with the beautiful name Legnica. At the age of 12, Ruslan moves with his parents to his father’s new place of service. This time it becomes Russian city Bobrov, located near Voronezh. Despite the gaps in knowledge, the guy managed to cope with them and received a silver medal at the end of his training.

After school, the guy becomes a cadet at a military school. But he does not act according to his own wishes, but at the urgent request of his father. It was during his student years that he began to play in KVN.

Having received his diploma, Ruslan served for 5 years in one of the aviation units Voronezh region. With the rank of captain, the young man decided to leave the army. He becomes a student at the state university in the city of Voronezh.

After receiving his diploma, the talented guy takes part in “Laughter without Rules.” Having won this television project, Ruslan bought an apartment in his city. After our hero appears on television screens, he becomes famous. The showman starred in several television films. For example, “Happy Together.”

Opens in 2013 new show program"Stand Up", which is very successful. loves her a large number of TV viewers. The popular comedian travels with programs throughout the Russian Federation.

The biography of Ruslan Bely is currently proceeding at a fast pace. A young man can be in Moscow today, and tomorrow he is already performing in Vladivostok, and the day after tomorrow in Sevastopol. The showman never gets tired, because movement is life.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

Since 2010, every now and then in funds mass media articles appear in which they write that Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova are in a relationship. Whether they are actually dating, no one knows. The artists themselves claim that they have friendly relations. Julia considers the man to be her beloved brother, whom she never had.

Friends say that their friendship is strong. They have known each other since their student years. But when they get ready to get married, everyone will know about it.

The personal life of Ruslan Bely is carefully hidden by the showman himself. He doesn’t tell anyone who he’s in a relationship with, who his lover is. Bely himself only jokes about this issue.

Family of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers the permanent residents of Stand Apa, Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, to be his sworn brothers. He often visits them. And he baptized Galustyan’s daughter and Volya’s son.

It is known that the popular humorous figure has parents and a brother, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a military man. Mom does housework.

Ruslan Bely's family is his friends in the club of cheerful and resourceful people, led by Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. The popular artist often comes to games and meets with other club members.

Children of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers his children to be children who find themselves in difficult situations. life situation. He often visits orphanages in the Voronezh region and brings gifts. Bely is also a member of a foundation that provides assistance to sick children.

It is known that the popular artist has not yet become a father. He assures that as soon as this joyful event happens, everyone will know about it.

The children of Ruslan Bely are his goddaughter and godson. He baptized the girl from Mikhail Galustyan, and the boy from Pavel Volya.

Wife of Ruslan Bely

The artist is often associated with his comedy colleague, Yulia Akhmedova. They often perform together, visiting the most remote cities of the Russian Federation. The artists themselves deny that they are members of sexual relations. They say that they are connected only by friendship.

The wife of Ruslan Bely, according to him, is a job in various projects. The showman says he is free for now. He didn't meet the one who would make him happy. As soon as she appears on his way, the man will not wait long, but will lead his beloved to officially register the marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely changes quite often. Even after a few hours, information about the artist’s life and work contains news.

If on Wikipedia you can only read the most minimal information, then the page on Instagram is maintained by him very actively. Here you can read where the showman's tour will take place. On the page you can see numerous photos taken in the most remote points of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

There are a lot of subscribers to the page. Their number has exceeded 100 thousand. They leave comments and like the photo, wanting Ruslan to continue to please them with his creativity.

Born on May 24, 1973 in Lviv. He has been studying music since he was four years old. She sang in the group "Orion", the children's ensemble "Smile".

Mother, future singer Nina Arkadyevna worked at the Lvov Petrochemical Institute. But after her daughter’s musical career took off, she changed her field of activity. Now my mother works as a chief media manager at her daughter’s production center, which is called “Studio Luxen”.

Ruslana's father, Stepan Ivanovich, is now engaged in business. Previously, he and the mother of the future singer worked as a heating engineer at a petrochemical institute. True, the singer’s parents have not lived in this place for a long time - they have been divorced since 1981.

Ruslana Lyzhichko has a sister, Anna.

Grandfather is a colonel, lives in Yekaterinburg. Went from the Kursk Bulge to Berlin.

IN music school Little Ruslana was sent by her mother. Childhood can be considered the time when a career began famous singer. Even then, Ruslana participated as a vocalist in the groups “Horizon” and “Orion”, and sang in the children’s ensemble “Smile”.

The girl received her general education at the 52nd secondary school in the city of Lvov. After graduating from school, Lyzhichko entered the conservatory, where she graduated in 1995 with a degree in conducting symphony orchestra" and "pianist".

In 1996, Ruslana won the Slavic Bazaar festival. The same year also brought Ruslana Stepanovna a nomination for the title of Singer of the Year in Ukraine, in addition, and the video for her song “Dzvinkiy Vіter” was awarded a nomination for “ Best video" By that time, the singer’s husband (married since December 1995), Alexander Ksenofontov, began producing the “Ruslana” project and writing songs for it.

Eurovision 2004 Ukraine (Final) - Ruslana - Wild dances

In Lvov, in 1997, Ruslana began working on the television project “Christmas with Ruslana,” which became the first Christmas television program from this city.

In 1998, Ruslana released debut album called “Dzvinkiy Vіter” (“Sounding Wind”). Critics responded positively to this album. One of the songs from this disc - “Svitanok” - became “ Best song year" on music festival"Golden Firebird" in 1998.

In 1999, the singer released a disc of Christmas songs “Ostanna Rizdvo 90-x” (“ last christmas 90s"), the track list of which includes folk and original Christmas works in original instrumental arrangements. Ruslana continued the same theme in her next studio work in 2003 - “Dobriy Vechir Tobi...” (“Good Evening to You...”).

Ruslana, remembering her Hutsul (paternal) origin, began to actively combine in her music the motifs of Hutsul melodies, rich in the sound of Ukrainian folk instruments, with current dance sound and rhythms. Her experiments in this area culminated in the release in 2003 of a record called “Wild Dances”, which became platinum in Ukraine 5 times. This record sold 500 thousand copies.

In 2004, the singer released the English version of the disc called “Wild Dances” with an eye on European listeners. Romanians highly appreciated the Ukrainian artist’s work and awarded her an award for “Best Foreign Album” in 2004. The album was also nominated for an award of this type in Hungary.

2004 was one of the most eventful years in the biography of Ruslana Lyzhychko; this year she took part in the Eurovision song contest, representing Ukraine with the song “Wild Dances”. Ruslana reached the semi-finals of the competition with the second result, and in the final, which took place on May 16, 2004, the singer won this competition. All European countries, excluding Switzerland, gave Ruslana a total of 280 points. Interestingly, the video filmed for this song, after being shown on the MTV Russia channel, was recognized by critics in the TV show “12 Evil Spectators” as the worst of the week.

Reference: Immediately after the victory, the entire top nobility of Ukraine descended on the singer, literally the whole of Europe demanded an interview, the girl received the title of People's Artist, the Prime Minister signed a decree appointing Lyzhychko as his deputy, the NATO Commander-in-Chief separately asked the Ukrainian Prime Minister to convey his congratulations to Ruslana, Prince Albert called from Monaco . The mayor of Athens awarded her a special medal and was eager to personally present Ruslana with a diamond ring. “Unless George Bush called!” - the winner jokingly boasted, and the entire Ukrainian press enthusiastically replicated the joke. Although if you carefully followed the development of the plot before the Eurovision, you may notice that everywhere they write how the singer took all the funding into her own hands, partly this was facilitated by the government’s absolute disdain for this undertaking and the reluctance to spend native hryvnia. The only help for Ruslana came from “private sponsors”, who, almost before the concert, still forked out. According to the singer, the only singer who wished good luck before the concert was Sofia Rotaru, although after the victory everyone decided to congratulate her, and Sasha Panamaryov generally met her at the airport with a huge bouquet of flowers.

For her victory in Eurovision, the singer was awarded the title “People’s Artist of Ukraine” in 2004.

In 2005, Ruslana opened the competition with the song “Heart on Fire” as the winner of the previous Eurovision. Also, being an invited guest at the competition, Lyzhychko sang another new song with the title "The Same Star".

The victory at Eurovision responded to the singer in 2006 - German TV recognized her song “Wild Dances” as the best in the history of the competition. When Azerbaijan held its national selection for this championship in 2008, Ruslana participated in its opening.

In 2008, the singer’s new studio work, “Amazon,” went on sale.

In the same 2008, Ruslana’s English-language album “Wild Energy” went on sale worldwide, which included tracks recorded together with such world-class stars as Missy Elliott and T-Pain.

In 2011, in May, Ruslana was “ star coach"in the singing show "Voice of the Country" on the Ukrainian channel "1+1", on which she, together with artists Stas Piekha and D. Arbenina, selected - each for their team - 14 participants who intended to compete for victory in this project.


The singer is married. Spouse: Alexander Ksenofontov, producer.

Private bussiness

She is one of the most famous and successful pop singers in Ukraine. Performs under the creative name Ruslana. In 1995, she worked as a sound engineer at Radio Lux. In the same year, she became a co-founder of the recording studio Luxen. Since 1996, she has been deputy director of the LLC Recording Studio Luxen.

From May 2004 to February 2005 - Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych on a voluntary basis.

During the days of the Orange Revolution, she actively supported the opposition presidential candidate of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.

In 2005 - Goodwill Ambassador from Ukraine to UNICEF.

In 2006, she was elected as a people's deputy of Ukraine from the Our Ukraine bloc. During the election campaign, she was one of the “faces” of the bloc and was number 5 on the list. Served as head of the subcommittee on issues information support European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on European Integration. Non-partisan.

According to Ruslana, she is very glad that she is no longer a people’s deputy. She says she “simply degenerated” in parliament.

In February 2007, the singer performed at the Vienna Forum on Human Trafficking and presented her social single “Not for sale” as the officially recognized UN anthem of the campaign.

In July 2008 Western Ukraine suffering from severe flooding. Ruslana, together with the Klitschko brothers, forms charitable foundation and raises funds to help victims of natural disaster.

In addition, the singer was a confidant of Ukrainian presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko in the Lviv region.

After resigning as a people's representative, she again focused her efforts on creativity. Not long ago she signed a contract with the American production company Warner. In March 2008, sales of the singer's new album "Amazon" will begin. In addition, according to the terms of the contract, the singer will have to release four more albums in collaboration with Warner.

One of Ruslana’s new projects is a duet with American black rapper T’Pain. He considers cooperation with Warner as a ticket to world show business. I'm sure that she new album will become popular both in Ukraine and in Eastern and Western Europe.

“The winner of Eurovision 2004, singer Ruslana, this year became the main opposition heroine of the Maidan. For her spirited opposition to riot police, volunteer work and many hours of interrogation by the police, she was awarded an order for “intellectual courage,” the publication writes.

“Ruslana even promised to publicly burn herself as a sign of protest. “I’ll tell you honestly, I’ll burn myself on this Maidan if changes don’t happen,” the singer told the protesters. Ruslana demanded the resignation of the current government so that Ukraine would have the opportunity to integrate into Europe.” , - adds Forbes Woman.


Together with her husband Alexander Ksenofontov, she owns the advertising and production agency “Luxen Studio”.


The scandalous auto adventures of the most popular Ukrainian woman today require a separate story. The online publication claims that Ruslana has turned into a Lviv road legend. Local traffic cops “recognize her by her bumper” and by screams from the neighboring street. Due to frequent accidents and repairs, Ruslana’s car has a very rock and roll appearance. Although can you imagine a rock and roll 600th Merc? By the way, despite the fact that the singer loves her iron horse very much, she still considers the six hundredth Mercedes model “redneck”.

Now about several accidents a la Ruslana. The famous presidential summit in Lviv had just ended in 1999 when Ruslana visited the Kolyba restaurant. This catering, by the way, was specially built for the summit. In general, she moved in there. But when she tried to turn around... she turned the entire restaurant around.

So, in 2001, the singer drove into the back of an Opel with 10 passengers, according to Ruslana’s calculations, and rolled it for a good 20 meters, and an hour later she learned that the victims were boasting that Ruslana herself had driven into it.

In the winter of 2002, on the Lviv district road, Ruslana Stepanovna did not brake very carefully, and the ice turned her so mentally that she knocked down two concrete pillars with her Mercedes. Now even in Lviv there is a joke that massive restorations are underway in the city because Ruslana learned to drive a car five years ago.


Ruslana had such a passion: driving with flashing lights and sirens. So I bought myself such a toy and drove it around, although I didn’t abuse it.

Titles, achievements

  • In 1993 she became a laureate of the All-Ukrainian festival of modern and pop music "Chervona Ruta". A year later, she won the Grand Prix of the All-Ukrainian television festival of popular music "Melody". In 1996, Ruslana won the international festival "Slavic Bazaar" (Vitebsk).
  • In 1998-2001 - laureate of the “Person of the Year”, “Singer of the Year”, “Golden Firebird”, “Crystal Lion” awards. In 2003, she received a “Platinum Disc” for sales of the album “Wild Dances”.
  • In 2013, Ruslana Lyzhichko entered the Forbes rating Woman "Women of the Year - 2013".

Ruslana (Lyzhychko) – famous Ukrainian singer, songwriter, music producer, the only Ukrainian winner of Eurovision, was born on 05/24/1973 in Lviv.


Ruslana's parents were simple, ordinary engineers, far from the world of show business. My father had Hutsul roots, loved folk music and sang well. The mother, although she did not have a musical education, was well versed in music and instilled in her daughter a love for it from childhood. It was her mother who took the girl to a music school and encouraged her creative abilities in every possible way.

Ruslana always liked music. In an interview, she said that she doesn’t remember not singing. Almost from kindergarten age she performed on stage. Her first creative team became the children's ensemble “Smile”. Having matured a little, the girl became a soloist in instrumental children's groups. There she not only sang, but also played musical instruments.

Start of a musical career

By the time it ends secondary school Ruslana already knew for sure that her calling was music, to which she devoted all her free time. And in 1995, Ruslana easily entered the conservatory to receive an academic musical education. In the same year, she decides that it is time to seriously declare herself in musical world.

Having spent whole year on preliminary preparation, in 1996 Ruslana goes for the first time to the prestigious music competition “Slavic Bazaar”, which she brilliantly wins. The song with which Ruslana debuted, “Dzvinky Viter,” instantly becomes a hit, and Ruslana herself receives the title of Singer of the Year.

From this moment on, her husband, Alexander Ksenofontov, in whose band Ruslana began her musical career, gives her the palm and becomes her faithful shoulder in the musical world. He takes full charge of everything technical issues, organizing performances, producing, giving Ruslana the right to create and live only by music.

Just a year later, Ruslana and her husband create their first serious and large-scale creative project- the program “Christmas with Ruslana”, which airs on the Lviv TV channel. The most talented Ukrainian performers take part in the program and it brings Ruslana even more popularity.

By 1998, Ruslana managed to prepare her first full-length disc, which includes the best of her songs. The song “Svitanok” is rapidly rising to the top of the Ukrainian charts and is heard in literally every home. She wins the title “Song of the Year”, and Ruslana actively begins to tour with solo concerts.

Conquering Eurovision

Being a big fan of Ukrainian folk music, on which she grew up, Ruslana decides to dedicate her new album to magical Christmas songs. They entered it as originally folk songs, as well as Ruslana’s original works, which sounded new in the singer’s original arrangement. The album was also very warmly received by both listeners and critics.

This unusual combination of folk and modern music has become a unique business card singers. She actively continued her work, practically creating a new musical direction.

The result of three years of work was the new album “Good evening to you”, released in 2003, and literally six months later a record with the strange name “Wild Dances” was released, which literally broke the musical Olympus.

Wild dances

From the very beginning musical career Ruslana set herself maximum goals, one of which was to convey the beauty of Ukrainian music to European listeners.

It was this dream that forced the singer to release the English-language version of the album “Wild Dances,” which very quickly sold millions of copies in nearby countries, and in Romania even became the best foreign album.

In the same year, which became truly stellar in the singer’s biography, Ruslana and her team went to represent Ukraine at Eurovision, where they won brilliantly, receiving the highest ratings of all other performers at that time. This year she fulfilled her dream, proudly declaring Ukraine to the whole of Europe.

For this victory, Ruslana received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

The following year, Ruslana already opened the Eurovision Song Contest and took part in it in a new capacity - as an honorary guest of the festival. “Wild Dances” remained at the top of the music charts for more than two years. In 2006 "Wild Dancing" German television announced best composition in the history of Eurovision.

Continuation of the creative path

But, having become the winner of the prestigious competition, Ruslana did not calm down. In 2008 she released a new music album“Amazon” and the English-language disc “Wild Energy”, which she recorded with world-class performers. The album also quickly became popular and sold throughout Europe.

Ruslana continues to actively tour, write music and produce young performers. Very often she is a member of the jury of the most prestigious Ukrainian music competitions. She also successfully collaborated with one of the most popular TV shows, “The Voice of the Krajina,” as a star coach.

After almost complete silence, which the singer associates with the unstable political situation in the country, Ruslana literally burst into Eurovision 2017, presenting the premiere of the song “I Love”. The singer's performance was very bright and was accompanied by complex staged special effects, for example, a real thunderstorm. To achieve this effect, expensive equipment was used.

As the singer admitted, work on the new album began before the events on the Maidan. And Ruslana was able to resume recording the album only in 2015. In order for the performance to be spectacular and completely different from what happened in “Wild Dances,” Ruslana had to thoroughly study the Carpathian exoticism. To do this, the singer went to the Carpathians, where she studied a unique technique for performing songs in the mountains. It turned out that this unique technique even capable of healing.

Ruslana performs the composition “I Love” wearing real chain mail, which, according to the singer, weighs about 10 kg. To be in amazing shape, Ruslana hardens herself with ice water all year round and trains her body for at least 4-5 hours every day. This was also reflected in Ruslana’s vocal performance: the singer learned to maintain almost perfect breathing while singing and dancing.

According to the singer, her life after she ended up on big stage and in politics, has turned into a continuous professional activity. Giving her 100 percent and sacrificing herself for the sake of art, Ruslana continues to give listeners beautiful songs with amazing energy. And she simply cannot do it any other way.

Political activity

Being an active fighter for freedom and justice, Ruslana takes the side of Viktor Yushchenko during the Orange Revolution. However, his party loses that year. In 2006, at the party elections, Ruslana was elected to the Verkhovna Rada as a deputy from the Our Ukraine party.

However political activity brings her nothing but disappointment, and very soon Ruslana gives up her mandate and again plunges into the familiar world of music.

Personal life

For 20 years now, Ruslana has been going through life with her beloved husband, her own producer, loyal friend and like-minded person Alexander Ksenofontov. The couple still does not have children - all this time Ruslana was busy with creativity and actively toured. Only now the couple started talking about the fact that it is time to have offspring.


It can be said without exaggeration that this singer wrote one of their pages with her creativity. modern history Ukraine. She made a cultural breakthrough when she won in 2004. Then Ruslan began to be called the mistress of Europe, the Ukrainian Joan of Arc, the pride and national symbol of the country. This is how she remains today - independent and willful, selfless and brave, energetic and, of course, “wild”.

Beyond formats

Ruslan impossible to compare with any other performer in the world. It is surprisingly original, like the Hutsul region. Her incredible energy is in full swing, her performances are filled with expression and drive, and the singer’s original ethnic style, exclusive vocals and powerful voice have captivated not only Ukrainian viewers. Ruslana is always fiery and unpredictable, she is not afraid of experiments, does not limit herself to the concept of “format” and does not obey any cliches. That's why her unique image has become a vibrant brand. She never deviates from her intended goal, and even if the most reckless idea is born, it is unthinkable to stop Ruslana.

Notes instead of alphabet

Small Motherland Ruslana Lyzhichko became the ancient city of Lviv. She was born there in 1973. From an early age, the mother took up the aesthetic education of the girl and sent her to an experimental music school. From the age of 4 she sang in the children's ensemble "Smile", so it is not surprising that her favorite toy was a microphone, and the most severe punishment was a pass vocal lesson. Soon the girl made her debut on the professional stage at the festival Golden autumn"in Lvov in 1977. There she was awarded the Grand Prix of the competition. It became clear to parents and teachers that the girl intended to devote herself to music and only to it.

Immediately after school, she entered the Lviv Conservatory, from which she graduated with a degree in symphony orchestra conductor. The singer continued her adult musical career immediately after studying. In 1993, she became a participant in two prestigious music shows - the Chervona Ruta festival and the Taras Bulba popular and rock music competition. This became a serious experience, as a result of which came the understanding that for further successful career she needs to change her image and develop a new style execution.

The singer’s first composition in a new vein was the lyrical song “You”. Ruslana dedicated it to her producer and sound engineer Alexander Ksenofontov - former soloist group "Tea Lovers Club".

Favorite Producer

In 1994, Alexander opened the advertising and production studio “Luxen Studio”, which was engaged in the production of radio advertising. The singer voiced the videos famous brands. This was the start of her entrepreneurial career. In 1995, Ruslana and Alexander became a couple and began life together. Relatives kept telling the young lovers that it was time to formalize the relationship. Then they bought for this important event jeans and sweaters and went to the registry office. For more than 20 years, their family has been considered one of the strongest in Ukrainian show business, and they never tire of confessing their unearthly love for their husband. Now they own advertising agency And recording studio. The singer is constantly busy different projects and likes to repeat that he does not live on income from concerts alone.

In the flow of the “Ringing Wind”

The desire to do something super-scale and realize her long-time dream led the singer to start producing the “Ringing Wind” project, which was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Renaissance in Lviv. “The Sounding Wind” has become a kind of dramatic fairy tale based on the fusion of different historical traditions– modern music and medieval ballads, modern sound and lighting technology And ancient architecture, traditional symphony orchestra and rock music. Thanks to Ruslana For the first time in Ukraine, modern pop music received a live concert embodiment. To accomplish this, about a hundred musicians were involved in the performance.

But this was not the only thing the singer could be proud of. 1996 became a landmark year for Ruslana. She received the Grand Prix international festival arts "Slavic Bazaar". The authoritative jury was impressed by the colorful performance and stunning voice of the young Ukrainian singer, which deserved the highest scores. Hearing Ruslana, he called her the Grand Princess of the Slavic Bazaar. This epithet was immediately picked up by journalists and since then they began to call her nothing less than the Princess.

New spring - new image

Very soon the performer lyrical songs became different - impulsive, energetic and swift, like a fast Carpathian stream. She did not have time to enjoy the success of “Slavic Bazaar” when she again loudly announced herself, receiving an award as pop star of the year, and then winning a diploma from the national concert “Song of the Year” and winning the all-Ukrainian television festival “Melody”. They learned about the singer in all corners of the country.

The new grandiose project was called “Mit Vesni” (“Moment of Spring”). It could be considered a continuation of “The Sounding Wind”. Ruslana decided to change her stage image. Fashion designer Rusha Polyakova was able to change her hairstyle and take it out of her usual jeans. Thanks to the work of image makers, Ruslana acquired not just a recognizable image, but also a unique combination of ethnic style with elements of military and fantasy.

Hutsulka Ruslana

In 2000, with her characteristic assertiveness, she took on new project- “Hutsulsky”. Naturally, it is based on a unique culture from ancient and rich history. The singer together with musicians, ethnographers, designers and folk craftsmen I went on an expedition to the mountains. Footage about the amazing rituals and traditions of the Hutsul region, which have been passed down from generation to generation since the pre-Christian period, turned into Ruslana’s show program. The singer released the Christmas single “I Know” musical film, audio and video albums, as well as the film “Stop! Removed!

Filming on a grandiose scale took place high in the mountains in the summer of 2001. Then musicians, cameramen, ballet troupe, as well as pyrotechnicians and professional climbers. Filming was even carried out from a helicopter. The most devoted fans gathered to support their favorite singer and take part in crowd scenes. Ruslana from all over the country. Over the course of three months, the cameramen shot 4 kilometers of film, all in order to create a 4-minute music video. All this exclusive footage, as well as the funds spent and the equipment collected, could be enough to create a full-fledged feature film. And the video for the song “I Know” was the first in the post-Soviet space filmed for showing in a network of modern cinemas.

Ukrainian "savage"

The result of this “Hutsul project” was a new album by the performer called “Wild Dances”. It was released in the summer of 2003 of the year. Music critics noted that the project is distinguished primarily by bright ethnic notes, which are competently presented from a commercial point of view. In "Wild Dances" Ruslana managed to harmoniously combine folk Hutsul motifs with modern disco dance rhythms. Within a few months, album sales reached 100 thousand copies. International organization phonogram producers IFPI awarded Ruslana the “Ukrainian Platinum Disc”. And already in the summer of next year this album became double platinum.

With “Wild Dances” she visited 25 cities of Ukraine. Her show program amazed the audience with her vocals, powerful drums, modern dances, the famous Hutsul kugykan (a special vibration of the voice in which the sound is heard far in the mountains) and battle cries of “Hey!” She managed to develop a completely new style of music and dance, which can be called drive-ethno-dance with some musical elements rock aesthetics.

Eurovision 2004

Ukrainian “Wild Dances” also went to Istanbul, where in 2004 they conquered Europe. It was the best cultural presentation Ukraine, about Ruslana learned in many countries of the world. She gained millions of new fans, hundreds of invitations poured in, the best journalists and even international politicians wanted to talk to her, major world production centers and music organizations became interested in her work. This was a well-deserved victory; it did not come to the singer by chance, but became a natural result of realizing her colossal potential Ruslana, a creative idea and a mind-blowing job done. Then the Ukrainian team conquered the whole of Europe with their love of life, sincerity and Hutsul fury. On all TV channels, in interviews and press conferences, Ruslana never tired of repeating: “I am from Ukraine! Welcome to the Ukraine!".

Active citizenship

Victory changed my life Ruslana. Endless travel, meetings, concerts and interviews began. The singer was in a hurry to realize chance given by fate. She was even invited to Strasbourg to speak at the European Parliament.

By the way, when European politicians asked her an “uncomfortable” question, she laughed it off, saying that she was incompetent in political nuances. The People's Artist of Ukraine was clearly lying. In Ukraine, she actively supported the “Orange Revolution”, after which she even became a people’s deputy, but a year later she resigned from these powers. And when in 2013 students came out to Independence Square in Kyiv demanding to sign an association agreement with the EU, she again supported the people. During the days of the tragic events on the Maidan, she was next to them, was a participant in the Revolution of Dignity, and now does not remain on the sidelines of public life.


Became the winner of the best music competitions. She took first place in festivals “Slavic Bazaar”, “Tavrian Games”, “Taras Bulba”, “Song of the Year”, “Golden Firebird”, “Eurovision” and others. Her collection also includes many awards, including the prestigious World Music Awards.

Having studied the competitors at Eurovision 2004, Ruslana decided to stand out from them and was right. At one of the press conferences, all those present could taste the famous Ukrainian vodka and the most delicious lard, and also learn how to play the trembita from the very Ruslana.

Updated: April 7, 2019 by: Elena

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