Personnel management of an innovative enterprise. Innovative HR Management

"HR Officer. Personnel Management", 2009, N 9

Methodological foundations of the innovation process in personnel management

The article is devoted to the problems of innovation in personnel management. The conceptual apparatus of innovative activity in personnel management is clarified, data on the effectiveness of management innovations is summarized, features are highlighted, and a classification of innovations in personnel management is presented.

Management based on innovation

The process of clarifying (structuring) the terminological field of the methodological foundations of innovation in personnel management first of all requires a careful consideration of the dynamics of the formation of the context of the term “innovation” and its clarification.

The term "innovation" entered the research language in the 30s. XX century Within the operational definition, innovation was contrasted with traditional forms of action, thinking and organizational behavior. Thus, innovation was something that went beyond tradition in culture and economics.

A revival of interest in the definition of innovation occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. XX century in connection with the development of new and modernization of old industries, deep technological reconstruction of production, and the spread of electronic computer technology. Innovations continued to be opposed to the traditionally existing - they were understood as new idea, a new method or a new project that deliberately introduces a system of traditional economic and management technologies.

As another methodological opposition of the 1950s - 1960s. XX century innovation and institutionalization appeared. Innovation has been classified as a form of individual or group behavior in which an individual or group achieves a socio-economically recognized goal through means that have not been previously institutionalized.

Further development of the methodological foundations of innovation management led to a distinction between innovations based on the duration of their institutionalization, a typology of innovations based on their focus, and the nature of overcoming resistance from various authorities within organizations (from the company to the market). Innovation itself began to be understood as a complex and multi-level process, within which stages of different content take place (discoveries, inventions, technical innovations, the appearance of a new product on the market, its marketing, etc.). The behavior of an individual employee and the organization’s personnel as a whole began to differentiate in accordance with the focus of their innovative activities.

At the end of the 20th century. a methodological conceptual scheme of “traditions - innovations - institutions” appears. It was suggested that this kind of conceptual scheme can allow, on the one hand, to avoid contrasting traditions and innovations, transforming innovations into something alien to traditions, on the other hand, it will make it possible to understand the processes of transforming innovations into organizational norms and values ​​as institutions formed as a result actions and communications of the organization’s personnel. In the process of developing the organization's personnel management, these norms and values ​​take the form of traditions.

In the second half and end of the 20th century. the formation and development of the post-industrial formation focused even more attention on the phenomenon of innovation. Its most important concept was the transition from the production of goods and services to the production of innovations in any sphere of human activity. Moreover, another concept has gained popularity, according to which the introduction of innovations into economic circulation (with their subsequent commercialization) sharply intensifies economic fundamentals all forms of social production and will also dramatically increase the level and quality of life of people. One of its key constructs was the innovative economy, in which the main product and, accordingly, a commodity on the world market should be knowledge in its, primarily instrumental and technological, dimension. Countries such as the USA, Great Britain, and Japan have directly declared the transition to a new phase of development, an economy based on knowledge and innovation. Since the mid-80s. the governments of these countries have focused their efforts on accelerating innovation processes in the economy and creating national innovation systems.

Being at the forefront of economic development, these countries in the 20th century. passed two the most important stages modern scientific and technological revolution. At the first stage (1940 - 1950s), the main goals were to create new weapons systems and ensure military-technical superiority. At the second stage (1960 - 1980s), a qualitatively new task was added - ensuring stable rates economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of key industries. As part of the third stage of the beginning of the 21st century. economically developed countries have begun to actively solve problems related to the problems of globalization, shifting the priorities of scientific and technological policy towards improving the quality of life of people, development information technologies, solving environmental and medical problems.

The Russian Federation, in a number of regulatory documents, also announced its entry into the third stage of development of an innovative economy. In them, the declaration of inclusion was supported by the definition of key concepts of innovative development.

Thus, innovation was defined as the final result of creative work, realized in the form of a new or improved product, a new or improved technological process used in economic circulation. Innovative activity was defined as the creation of new or improved products, a new or improved technological process, implemented in economic circulation using scientific research, development, development work or other scientific and technical achievements. And the infrastructure of innovation activity was defined as organizations that provide subjects of innovation activity with the services necessary for carrying out innovation activities. However, it is necessary to point out that the modern Russian Federation does not have the sustainable social organization and sustainable high-tech production. In reality, it is still at the second stage of scientific and technological revolution. Innovations are created and produced on the basis of unique technologies and developments of the 50s - 70s. XX century, not finding its place in the existing Russian production in most cases, they become another specific raw material, willingly purchased by economically developed countries.

Dictionary of personnel management. Management innovation is a purposeful change in the composition of functions, organizational structures, technology and organization of the management process, methods of operation of the management system, aimed at replacing elements of the management system or the management system as a whole, in order to speed up or improve the solution of the tasks assigned to the enterprise based on identifying patterns and factors development of innovative processes at all stages of the life cycle of products, technologies and the enterprise as a whole.

There are sufficient reasons to assume that innovation policy Russian Federation so far it comes down to the release of commercialized innovative developments onto the world market, which provide an influx of albeit small, but fairly “quick” money, while their implementation in one’s own economy requires large volumes of R&D, marketing research, creation and development of real innovation infrastructure, training of highly qualified personnel for innovation, technological re-equipment of production, certification and standardization of new processes, products and products and, accordingly, significant investments. Moreover, if we consider innovation only as the final result (product, development, technology) and see only their place and movement in economic turnover, the need for large expenditures on professional and innovative training, education of people, organizational personnel capable of carrying out innovative activities falls out of sight. activity.

At the same time, in modern Russian research practice, the basis of the innovative economy is a direct connection between innovation and material production, market, and commercialization. With this view, the essential connection between innovation and various types human activity (for example, in our case, innovation in personnel management). Moreover, in this case, the term “innovation activity” is deprived of its independent meaning, since any research activity is inherently innovative. Likewise, any practical activity can be considered innovative, since it can lead to significant changes in the existing tradition.

In our opinion, it is legitimate to establish a direct connection between such essential characteristics of a person as rationality and innovation, since a person is “doomed” to constantly adapt to an ever-changing reality. Therefore, innovation is not only justified, it is necessary. It follows from this concept that innovation activity is pragmatic in nature. It is carried out not only in the space of ideas and not only in the space of actions of an individual manager, his management decisions, but becomes truly innovative only when it acquires a group dimension (personnel), the innovative experience of managing personnel work becomes available to other people.

Acceptance of the previous three characteristics of an innovation requires acceptance of the following resulting characteristic. Its special meaning lies not only in its focus on changing existing practices, but also on generating a fundamentally different practice. In this case, it must contain the vector of institutionalization as the organizational and managerial design of innovations and their normative consolidation in changing practice.

The introduced characteristics of innovation and innovative activity can be considered as working criteria for identifying such a construct as innovation management in personnel management. Based on accepted criteria, each of the elements of the personnel management system may or may not be integral part innovation activity. But in any case, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that targeted and effective personnel work should always be innovative. Not always as a research phenomenon, but always as a phenomenon of the technological space of practical personnel management.

If the initial task of personnel management is research character(studying the implementation of HR technology, its diagnosis), then according to the criteria we have adopted, such activity is not innovative, although it can serve as its strategic trigger. It is obvious that the overwhelming number of various innovations, private developments, specific methods and recommendations, schemes for rationalization and improvement of any fragments of practice are not innovative activities in the proper sense of the word.

Innovative activity in its most complete development presupposes a system of interrelated types of work, the totality of which ensures the emergence of real innovations. The structure of such a system may include:

1) research activities aimed at obtaining something new;

2) knowledge about how something can be (discovery) and how something can be created (invention);

3) project activity aimed at developing special instrumental and technological knowledge about how, on the basis of scientific knowledge in given conditions, it is necessary to act in order to achieve what can or should be ( innovative project);

4) educational activities aimed at the professional development of subjects of a certain practice, at the formation of each person’s personal knowledge (experience) about what and how they should do so that an innovative project is embodied in practice (implementation).

Of course, these types of knowledge can lie both in one and in different areas of methodological and research activity. It is important that this is fundamentally different knowledge, although related to the same reality. In other words, innovative activity itself is aimed at turning a discovery into an invention, an invention into a project, a project into a technology of real activity, the results of which, in essence, act as an innovation.

The indicated sequence is not rigid and predetermined. It can be of a different nature. For example: project - activity - reflection - discovery - invention - new project - new activity. It seems that the least vulnerable is the concept according to which methodological basis innovation management in personnel work are born not according to the logic of purely disciplinary research (personnel management), but according to the logic of developing practice as special tools for launching, supporting and modifying the management development processes themselves.

Dictionary of personnel management. Personnel innovation is the result of intellectual activity (scientific research) in the field of personnel management.

An innovator is a participant in the innovation process, searching for innovative ideas and developing innovations based on them.

Personnel innovation is the process of implementation, dissemination and use of personnel innovation.

Personnel innovation is the final result of the introduction of an innovation, leading to a change in personnel work as an object of management and obtaining an economic, social or other type of effect.

Further structuring and formation of the conceptual apparatus for managing innovation activities in personnel management is feasible if we adhere to the scheme of the full cycle of the emergence and implementation of innovation in practice: source of innovation (science, politics, production, economics, etc.); innovative proposal (novation, invention, discovery, rationalization); activities (technology) for the implementation of innovation (training, implementation, broadcast); innovation process (forms and methods of rooting innovation in practice); new type or a new form of practical personnel management.

Until recently, the main sign of innovative development was considered to be the number of technical inventions and the degree of their use, while management innovations were not considered. However, if the organization’s potential is perceived unambiguously as technical and technological, and organizational and personnel potentials are not seriously used, then the opportunities for development are significantly reduced. It is management innovation that contributes to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the dissemination and implementation of the latest technologies in production.

The process of creating management innovation is no less important for economic and social progress than technological innovation. Management innovations are transforming the way organizations operate.

Example. Management innovation has created the most powerful competitive advantages of modern business: GE became a successful company because it skillfully used Thomas Edison's most famous invention, the industrial research laboratory; General Electric introduced discipline and order to scientific research, gaining access to a huge number of patents and technologies; DuPont came up with new budgeting techniques and financial performance indicators; Procter & Gamble back in the 1990s. formalized its approaches to brand management; Visa became successful due to the creation of one of the first virtual financial companies, etc.

Food for thought. A.G. Latkin provides data on the demand for management innovations by organizations: about 80% order a new organizational management structure from consulting firms, motivation is in second place, demand for strategy is in third place, and competent definition is in fourth place. service functions personnel, and fifth - approaches to resolving intra-organizational conflicts.

We can provide data from various sources on the effect arising from the introduction of management innovations (Table 1).

Table 1

The effectiveness of management innovations


Performance Data


Carrying out
audit, development
strategies and
indicator systems

Creating a Common Understanding
strategies - for 90% of companies;
improving strategy implementation -
70% of companies; increase in profits -
80%; process improvement
planning - 90%; improvement
budgeting - 74%

from Horvath &
Partners", 2003

end-to-end operating
business processes

Improving the efficiency of key
cross-functional processes
business 100%

According to Lean
Institute (James
Womack, Daniel
Jones), 2003

efficient processes
management and

Increased profitability
capital; promotion
competitiveness; promotion
income; cost reduction;
improvement in retention rate

ISO 10014

Setting up the system

Increased profitability of operations
companies; cost reduction for
capital at 1 - 3% per year

Neidermans Finanz
Corporation, 2002

Staging and
quality management

Significant increase in volumes
sales - 61% of companies;
increased satisfaction
consumers - 67% of companies;
improvement of product quality -

center (UMSC)

IT strategy and
preparation of technical specifications for
IP implementation

Reduced closing time
accounting period five times;
reducing costs for
administrative and managerial
device by 30%; decrease
accounts receivable by 13%;
reduction of compilation time
budget by 70%

APICS Statistics
Production and
Control Society)

Design and
implementation of the model

Increased efficiency
execution not related to
sales of functions by 19 - 48%;
increasing efficiency
performing functions in the area
sales by 48 - 120%

According to
1993 - 2007

Peter Drucker believed that innovation is not a technical, economic concept, implying changes at all levels of management: intra-company management, production management; personnel management. Drucker foresaw the emergence of a new breed of employee whose work was based on knowledge rather than physical labor or leadership. It was Drucker who was the first to convince managers that individual employees were the key to success for any corporation and that marketing and innovation were more important than finances.

Management innovations involve, first of all, the restructuring of companies, that is, a change in the entire organizational structure or its individual elements to optimize economic activity. This should also include innovations in the forms, principles and methods of payment and labor regulation. Great importance is attached to the introduction of new development concepts corporate culture. Thus, management innovations are largely innovations in the field of personnel management.

Features of innovations in personnel management

To describe personnel innovation, let us consider the basic concepts of personnel innovation: “personnel innovation”, “personnel innovation”, “personnel innovation”.

Personnel innovation is the result of intellectual activity (scientific research) in the field of personnel management. Personnel innovation can be presented in the form of documentation describing new theoretical knowledge, principles, methods, etc., as well as organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena in the field of personnel management. Thus, personnel innovations can be formalized in the form of a standard document, recommendation, methodology, or instruction.

Personnel innovation is the process of implementation, dissemination and use of personnel innovation. If “innovation” means that the innovation is used, then the essence of the concept “innovation” is revealed in its following characteristics: orientation towards final results of an applied nature, i.e. for rapid and widespread implementation; measurability of the result in categories of economic or social order.

Personnel innovation is the final result of the introduction of an innovation, leading to a change in personnel work as an object of management and obtaining an economic, social or other type of effect. The introduction of innovation leads to increased efficiency in the field of its application, cost savings or the creation of conditions for generating additional profits. It is fair to consider innovation as the initial one, and innovation as the final event, as the practical use of the innovation. From this position, innovation is a set of innovations and innovations that led to a certain effect.

Innovations in the field of personnel management differ from product and technological innovations in that: a) they are usually carried out with lower one-time costs; b) more difficult to justify economically before its implementation and evaluate after it; c) specific to the organization in which they were created (if technology is not difficult to transfer, then personnel innovation is problematic); d) the implementation process is complicated by a psychological factor, expressed in the phenomenon of resistance to change, which manifests itself more noticeably than with material innovations.

Innovative activities in personnel work significantly change the content of the functional one. As a result of the innovation activities carried out, changes occur: new tasks are assigned to functional units, new goals are set, adjustments are made to the composition of the work and functions of individual employees, the content of work (and sometimes its nature) in the workplace changes, the costs of performing functional functions decrease or increase. activities. In turn, functional activities provide resources for the implementation of innovative activities: financial, material, human.

Example. Thus, when carrying out innovative activities to establish a personnel evaluation system at the enterprise, positive changes occurred in the work of functional departments: managers began to plan and evaluate the activities of subordinates, subordinates began to realize the importance of their work for the development of the enterprise, the first negative attitude towards the evaluation system was replaced by an understanding of its necessity and importance. Positive changes in functional activities provided the company with the opportunity to win a larger market share, make greater profits, showed the staff that the new does not pose a threat to them, and formed a group in the team that was aware of the need to develop the organization based on innovation. The next stage of innovative activity in the field of personnel management will be provided with greater financial resources, personnel more loyal to changes and employees ready to participate in innovative activities. Thus, the interaction of functional and innovative activities is carried out in a spiral, qualitatively changing from one turn to another.

The classification of personnel innovations allows us to describe them based on various characteristics (Table 2).

table 2

Classification of innovations in personnel management

Classification feature

Characteristic values

Life cycle
innovating organization


Reason for innovation

Changes at the macroeconomic level
Changes at the microeconomic level

Scope of innovation

Human resource management methodology (philosophy,
principles, methods of personnel management)
Personnel management system (goals, objectives,
functions, organizational structure)
Personnel management technology (procedures and
methods of working with personnel)

Degree of novelty

Absolute (pioneer, basic innovation)
Relative (modernization, inclusion in already
existing qualitative changes)
Private (modification, improvement)

Control object
personnel who
innovation directed

Personnel of the organization as a whole
Certain categories of personnel
Individual teams
Individual employees

Type of innovation

New regulations
New technology
New structure
New technique
New procedure
New service

The intensification of innovative activity predetermines fundamental shifts in the forms and methods of personnel management at the macro and micro levels.

At the macroeconomic level, these trends and processes can be traced in the dynamics of changes in the structure of employment of the population by sector of the economy, the transition from an economy focused primarily on the production of goods to an economy creating services. Constant socio-economic, scientific, technical and technological development is the cause of changes in the content of labor, the emergence of qualitatively new work changes in the educational and qualification levels of workers, the emergence of specialties and professions, and changes in the qualitative characteristics of workers.

At the microeconomic level, ongoing changes require timely identification of innovative problem situations in connection with personnel management problems. Among the problems that arise in this regard, one can note the contradictions between the technical level of the new production and the existing level of personnel qualifications, between the capabilities educational institutions on training, retraining and advanced training and the required qualifications of personnel, between qualitatively new tasks of personnel development and the insufficient level of preparation of the personnel management service for this work, between the levels of qualifications and motivation of workers, between elite personnel and the bulk of the enterprise’s personnel, between the existing organizational structure and implemented strategy, etc.

Resolution of these contradictions creates conditions for the constant updating of systems and personnel management, capable of taking into account the complexity of the external environment, anticipating and implementing emerging opportunities for the constructive use of the innovative potential of personnel, and improving personnel work at each stage of the organization’s life cycle.


1. Latkin A.G. Management innovations. M.: Max Press, 2008.

2. Smirnov B.M. Personnel innovations in the personnel management system: Proc. allowance M.: Varyag, 1996.

Department of Personnel Management

State University


T. Lukyanova

Department of Personnel Management

State University





Signed for seal


In an environment where competition between enterprises is steadily moving into the field of knowledge and human capital management, innovation in personnel management is becoming a decisive factor for success. In personnel management, the process of creating innovative approaches is no less important than technological innovation, since it is no longer possible to increase productivity only by increasing quantitative indicators. Management innovations have a positive impact on the way and efficiency of companies. There are examples where management innovations have created strong competitive advantages for modern businesses. Thus, General Electric changed the approach to the order and discipline of work in the field of scientific research, as a result of which it gained access to a large number of technologies and patents. Procter & Gamble since the 1990s. changed specialized approaches to brand management, as a result of which the productivity of company employees increased. That is, it is the innovative technologies of the personnel management system that make it possible to build competent and efficient work of the enterprise and to establish relationships between its divisions. This is the relevance of this topic.

Many scientists have studied the concept of the diffusion of innovations: G. Tarde, F. Bass, F. Ratzel, L. Frobenius, E. Rogers, D. Hawkins, etc.

Object of research: innovation, subject - innovative technologies in personnel management.

Purpose of the work: to study innovative technologies in personnel management.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

Give general concept innovation;

Describe the features of innovations in personnel management;

Reveal innovative technologies used in personnel management.

The work consists of an introduction, two main chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Innovations in personnel management

In an environment where competition between organizations and companies is steadily shifting to the field of knowledge management and human capital, innovation in human resource management is becoming a critical success factor. Innovation in human resource management is strongly linked to innovation in business. In order to survive and improve, every organization or company must make innovative decisions and implement innovations. At the same time, the leading factor that determines the basis for the development of innovative ideas and their successful implementation in an innovative economy is its employees with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas.

Innovation (from the Latin In - in, novatio - new - in the direction of change) is understood as an introduced innovation that is in demand by the market, providing a high-quality increase in the efficiency of processes or products. Raizberg B.A. Modern economic dictionary / B.A. Raizberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtseva. - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - P. 136.

So, the key to innovation success lies in the human resource management system. The use of certain technologies in management practice forms an innovative company. In general, the characteristics of an innovative enterprise are shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 - Components of the activity of an innovative enterprise

Personnel innovations are considered as a subsystem of the overall system of management innovations in an organization. And Investing in human resource development plays a larger role than investing in improving production capacity. The importance of human (intellectual) potential increases with the increasing speed of technological progress, with the development of information technology, increased competition and other conditions. The importance of personnel at the innovative stage of economic development is presented in Fig. 2. Yakovleva E.V. Intellectualization of personnel as a technology of innovative personnel management in modern socio-economic conditions / E.V. Yakovleva // InvestRegion. - 2011.- No. 2. - P. 39.

Figure 2 - The importance of human resources at the innovative stage of economic development

Each organization strives to make maximum use of the potential capabilities of its employees and use them rationally mental capacity. Considering innovative activities in personnel management, we note that it has distinctive features inherent in the general concept of innovation: firstly, changes in personnel management are aimed at solving specific problems, in accordance with the company’s development strategy; secondly, it is impossible to determine in advance the exact result to which they can lead; thirdly, changes in personnel management can provoke conflict situations associated with resistance from employees and their non-acceptance of innovations; fourthly, changes in personnel management have a multiplier effect, that is, they provoke counter changes in other subsystems of the company, due to the fact that they concern the key component of the organization - its employees. Kuzmina M.I. Innovations and their features in the enterprise personnel management system / M.I. Kuzmina, A.V. Kitov // Creative Economy. - 2010. - No. 6 (42). - pp. 122-128.

The formation of an innovative economy inevitably leads to a transformation in the structure and quality of the workforce and an increase in the requirements for the professional and qualification level of employees. Modern knowledge-intensive and information technologies penetrate into all spheres of the economy. As a result, professional knowledge is combined, and related and borderline professions arise. An innovative economy mainly needs creative intellectual workers. Consequently, approaches to managing the “new labor force", technologies for innovative personnel management are emerging.

Technology (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill; logos - word, teaching) is a set of methods carried out in any process. New Philosophical Encyclopedia / Edited by V.S. Stepina. - M.: Thought. 2011. - 736 p.

Innovative technologies are a set of methods, tools and activities aimed at developing existing ones or creating fundamentally new types of production activities. Kolosov V.G. Introduction to innovation / V.G. Kolosov. - SPb.: SPbSPU, 2012 - P. 15.

There are different types of innovative technologies: Nekrasov S.I. Philosophy of science and technology: thematic dictionary / S.I. Nekrasov, N.A. Nekrasova. - Eagle: OSU. 2010. - 289 p.

a) implementation - the implementation of the final stage of the research and production cycle of developing a new product;

b) training - business conversation, a type of socio-psychological exercise focused on the development of attitudes necessary for successful communication in conditions professional activity, which are used for the purpose of personnel training;

c) consulting - consulting producers, sellers and consumers on economic, business and legal issues;

d) transfer - free provision of technology from one person to another;

e) audit - verification of finances and documentation by independent experts or organizations;

f) engineering - presentation on a paid basis of engineering and consulting proposals, such as design, provision of licenses and know-how) for the creation of industrial facilities, infrastructure, etc.

Innovations in personnel management are most often initiated by the personnel manager, who sees the need to introduce innovation into the work of the company. At the same time, innovative personnel management is based on the following starting points: Lymareva O.A. Innovative approach to personnel management / O.A. Lymareva, A.A. Gorenko // Economics and management of innovative technologies. - 2013. - No. 10. - P. 9.

The need for a close relationship between the company's development strategy and personnel planning.

Assessing the degree of influence of personnel costs on the economic indicators of production;

Formation of the necessary number of competencies and professional skills for effective work in the labor market.

Any organization needs only those innovations in personnel management, the need for which is clear and understandable to all employees, and which are united by the managerial and economic needs of a particular company. To do this, it is first necessary to identify a number of key problems that require such a solution, then analyze options for solving one of the identified problems, and subsequently select a suitable option. And, if this implementation is successful, the innovation will be implemented. In the future, innovations in personnel management are analyzed and adjusted as necessary. It is possible to identify a number of circumstances that justify the need of organizations for innovative personnel technologies and predetermine the main directions of their development: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanich // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 9.

Increasing the level of education of the workforce: Diversely educated employees demand greater freedom and autonomy in the workplace;

Technologization of management and production: the emergence of new, primarily information, technologies requires mandatory retraining of both workers and managers;

Changing the composition of the workforce: workforce planning of any organization requires taking into account the increase in the proportion of women, older people and other groups of the population, which will lead to a change in the organization’s values ​​and personnel technologies.

The increasing role of technologies for the protection of health and safety of professional activities: this trend involves the introduction of new methods of personnel selection and training;

Changing the role of the organization’s top management, which in the future will become an increasingly active participant in the personnel development process;

Formation of a new work ethic: in connection with the development of project and team forms of work, more and more attention will be paid to the personality of the employee;

The changing role of HR services in strategic planning: understanding personnel as a source of profit will change the essence of the work of personnel services;

Development of procedures for assessing employee achievements: organizations will be required to share income with employees based on more objective and result-oriented systems for assessing personal contribution;

New personnel policies: Traditional formal hierarchical management will give way to professional management with a greater focus on human dignity.

Innovative approaches to personnel management should also be based on taking into account the specifics of personnel, which consists of the following: Kizim A.A. Formation of human potential in the context of globalization / A.A. Kizim, S.K. Luzinov // KubSAU. - 2011. - No. 28. - P.7-13.

1. People are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to external influences is emotional and meaningful, and not mechanical, and, therefore, the process of interaction between the company and the employee is two-way.

2. People are capable of constant improvement and development, and this is the most significant and long-term resource for increasing the efficiency of any company.

3. The working life of a person in modern society lasts 30-50 years, according to this, the relationship between the employee and the company is long-term.

4. People come to the company consciously, with specific goals, and, accordingly, expect support from it in realizing their goals. Employee satisfaction with the interaction with the organization is a necessary condition, as is satisfaction on the part of the organization.

Thus, innovation is not only the use of high technology, but also innovation in the field of management decisions. And, therefore, it is personnel management that is the main component of the innovative enterprise management system as a whole and occupies the place of the most important factor in the economic success of the company. To increase the efficiency of innovative development of an organization, it is necessary to have a management system for innovative personnel management, which creates favorable working conditions and also provides the opportunity career growth and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

To implement the main tasks facing the company, structural transformations of the personnel management system based on new management technologies are necessary. The introduction of innovations into the personnel management system must be carried out on the basis of the conducted research existing system personnel management, identifying its capabilities and revealing shortcomings, as well as taking into account the requirements of the latest trends in the field of personnel management and the specifics of the company’s development.

In addition, when developing and implementing innovations in the personnel management system, one should assess their timeliness, feasibility and effectiveness, that is, do everything possible to ensure that staff resistance is as little as possible and the effectiveness of innovations is as great as possible.

In an environment where competition between enterprises is steadily moving into the field of knowledge and human capital management, innovation in personnel management is becoming a decisive factor for success. In personnel management, the process of creating innovative approaches is no less important than technological innovation, since it is no longer possible to increase productivity only by increasing quantitative indicators. Management innovations have a positive impact on the way and efficiency of companies. There are examples where management innovations have created strong competitive advantages for modern businesses.

Thus, General Electric changed the approach to the order and discipline of work in the field of scientific research, as a result of which it gained access to a large number of technologies and patents. Procter & Gamble since the 1990s. changed specialized approaches to brand management, as a result of which the productivity of company employees increased. That is, it is the innovative technologies of the personnel management system that make it possible to build competent and efficient work of the enterprise and to establish relationships between its divisions. This is the relevance of this topic. Many scientists have studied the concept of the diffusion of innovations: G. Tarde, F. Bass, F. Ratzel, L. Frobenius, E. Rogers, D. Hawkins, etc.

Object of research: innovation, subject - innovative technologies in personnel management.

Purpose of the work: to study innovative technologies in personnel management. In this case, it is necessary to solve the following problems: - give a general concept of innovation; - describe the features of innovations in personnel management; - reveal innovative technologies used in personnel management.

Let's consider the concept innovative technologies.

Innovative technologies (including personnel management) are, first of all, a set of methods that are aimed at maintaining the stages of implementation and implementation of a specific innovation (innovation). In a narrow sense, any technology for minimizing costs and increasing system performance that has not received mass distribution can be called innovative. There are the following types of innovative technologies: training (training and incubation of small businesses), implementation, consulting, engineering and transfer. With the development of new technologies and as a result of the innovative activities of companies, innovative products are created in a specific material or other form.

Today, enterprise personnel services must effectively solve problems related to personnel management, such as: problems of labor resource planning - determining the need for personnel depending on the production development strategy; creating a personnel reserve, selecting candidates, determining reserve groups; selection of personnel from reserve groups; registration of labor contracts; performance evaluation of each employee; transfer, promotion, dismissal depending on the results of work; career guidance and adaptation - introduction of new workers into work teams and production processes; problems of determining salaries and benefits in order to attract, retain, and secure personnel; personnel training; leadership training and more.

To successfully solve such problems, other innovative skills are required. Unlike those that were in demand for actions related to maintaining documentation and drawing up reports, issuing certificates, issuing pensions, preparing orders for reward and punishment, and so on. As you know, in order to develop successfully, an enterprise must manage selection, training, assessment and reward, that is, be able to create, use and improve special methods, procedures, programs for organizing these processes. Personnel management in an innovative organization allows you to look at the problem of professional success from a different point of view, and in connection with this, a special system of selection, retraining and social adaptation of employees is being formed.

Three conditions under which HR innovation creates long-term benefits: innovation is based on principles that challenge traditional management; innovations must be systematic, including a wide range of methods and processes; innovation is part of a continuous process of innovation. Innovative methods of personnel management today are increasingly moving away from the priority use of material incentives. There is no longer any need to prove that the promised reward contributes to the concentration of mechanical efforts and helps to achieve some success in those areas of production where the attention of workers is focused on achieving a specific goal. But if it is necessary to use a non-standard solution, the promised reward is a factor leading to a negative result - a decrease in labor productivity.

Everett Rogers made a significant contribution to innovation in his work “Diffusion of Innovations”. He conducted studies on the adoption of various innovations, and found that the graphs of innovation adoption, most of them, are similar to the standard bell-shaped curve or as it is called “normal distribution”, which is divided into 4 parts:

1) innovators - 2.5%

2) early adopters - 13.5%

3) previously the majority - 34%

4) late majority - 34%.

Table 1 - System of indicators for assessing the innovative potential of enterprise personnel by E. Rogers.



Innovation Intensity Criterion (IIC)

Production intensity

Criterion intellectual development personnel (KIRP)

Share of intellectual work

Criteria for professional development of personnel (CPDP)

The degree of use of the innovative potential of personnel

Educational Personnel Criteria (EPC)

Ability of staff to acquire new knowledge

Information and Communication Criterion (ICC)

Information support for innovation

Criterion for investment and technical and technological equipment of labor (KITTOT)


Costs (including R&D by stages of the innovation cycle)

Enterprise Competitiveness Criterion (CC)

Projected share of innovations

(turnover from projects/products not older than 3 years to total turnover)

Criterion of financial performance of innovations (CFRI)


Business cost

(capital, liquidity, turnover, profitability)

Innovators are people who are capable of taking risks; they are easily open to everything new. They are not afraid of the unknown, despite various factors. People of this type form groups among themselves and exchange information, regardless of geographical distances.

Early adopters are the people who have the basis of information about an innovation, and therefore their opinions are taken into account in decisions about innovations.

The early majority are people who are unwilling to be the first to adopt anything new. They think about and weigh all the arguments, and only then make a decision for or against. This category performs an important function - the legalization of innovation.

Thus, showing others that the innovation can be accepted and is useful.

The late majority are people who are distrustful of the benefits of innovation. And waits until most of society does not try innovations.

Laggards are people who resemble conservatives. They choose people of the same type to communicate with. Their main disadvantage is that once they adopt an innovation, society may be so far ahead that the innovation becomes obsolete.

In order to operate effectively, the personnel management system must contain optimal methods and technologies that coincide with the principles underlying it. At the same time, innovative technologies in personnel management can be considered as: 10 - new methods of human resource management that increase the efficiency of the organization (actually innovative technologies of personnel management). These include new (know-how) ways of influencing personnel.

For example, the emergence of new methods of communication (telephone, Internet, etc.) has led to a sharp increase in the efficiency of organizations due to an increase in the speed of information transfer in space and time); - traditional technologies for introducing innovations into working with the organization’s personnel (traditional management technologies for introducing innovations) - involves the use of a new control element within the framework of the old procedure.

For example, the traditional procedure for selecting employees for the management personnel reserve can be supplemented with an innovative technique for identifying genetic markers of leadership (if any are discovered). Innovations in the personnel management system can be implemented in the following forms: - with gradual improvement of individual qualities of personnel work (current); - in the form of constructive, step-by-step improvement of the entire personnel management system as a whole (breakthrough). At the same time, progressive improvement is not associated with sudden changes in the performance of the organization’s personnel; as a rule, it does not affect structural changes in any way. In its most general form, it can be represented as a long-term continuous improvement involving the maximum number of employees. Breakthrough improvement of the personnel management system usually affects not only the improved aspects of employee activity, but also the entire personnel management system as a whole. The system of working with innovations in personnel management, based on the distinction between current and breakthrough innovations, is clear.

At the present time, the most common are innovative personnel technologies based on personnel processes, the use of which is possible in the field of personnel management:

Personnel formation technologies;

Differentiated reward system, including public recognition merits and achievements;

Assessment of individual contribution based on the assessment of professionally significant organization-specific criteria for professional assessment - competency models;

Technology for career planning and individual development plans, based on assessment of the competencies of employees at all levels using a 360˚ system; - technologies for personnel assessment and certification;

Personnel release technologies;

Technologies for current work with personnel; - technologies for training and personnel development;

Development of feedback mechanisms, especially in the “bottom-up” direction, creation of a system of open discussions of organizational problems;

Creation of project groups for the development and implementation of current organizational, long-term and professional projects, development of the organizational knowledge system.

One of the most important innovative approaches to personnel management, in contrast to classical ones, is the personnel selection system, since work in an innovative organization places additional demands on a potential employee. In addition to traditional qualities: skill, experience, hard work, theoretical knowledge. A manager needs to have creative potential, flexibility and agility of thinking, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, a predisposition and ability to learn and retrain. Except standard methods assessing the potential of employees, the manager also resorts to a qualitative assessment, which includes accounting creative qualities personality.

Personnel management in innovation activities provides high level implementation of innovations and must be supported creative abilities and staff achievements. When assessing the qualities of personnel, it is important to combine standard quantitative methods with such qualitative criteria as the presence of publications and patents. The tasks associated with personnel selection become even more complex. Since the available information about employees relates to the past achievements of applicants for an innovative organization, it is difficult to assess the candidate’s suitability for future conditions. labor activity.

Thus, personnel are the most important part of any organization and represent one of the most valuable resources for innovative development. The search for new approaches to managing personnel development today is a necessary condition for the successful functioning of any organization. In the conditions of modern personnel work, innovation is an urgent need. This paper examines the features of innovation and innovative technologies in personnel management. Innovative technologies in personnel management represent ways and methods of more effectively managing the organization's personnel processes. Solving this problem is impossible without a transition to innovative methods of personnel management, which today is an urgent task for the management of innovative companies.

Scientific adviser:
Yurina Olga Yurievna,
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher of the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of the Russian Economic University named after. G. IN. Plekhanov, G. Ust- Kamenogorsk






The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Man has become the most expensive resource. Many organizations, wanting to emphasize their weight and scope, do not talk about the size of their production capacity, production or sales volume, financial potential, etc., but about the number of employees in the organization. A good organization strives to make the most effective use of the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest performance of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

But there is another side to this interaction, which reflects how a person looks at the organization, what role it plays in his life, what it gives him, what meaning he puts into his interaction with the organization. The establishment of an organic combination of these two aspects of interaction between a person and an organization provides the basis for the effective functioning of any organization. The quality of the work performed is determined not only by the abilities of the staff, but also by the employee’s motivation to apply their abilities and reveal their potential.

Every organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment must constantly look for ways to improve its operations. In such a situation, attention should be paid to the rational use of all types of resources at the company’s disposal. One of the most important resources is the organization's personnel. The key to the success of an organization is its staff with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas. Constant development of personnel and the search for new approaches to managing them are necessary attributes for the successful functioning of an organization.

Most companies are aware of the importance of the innovation process and are not afraid to take the path of introducing innovations that are no longer one-time, turning into a continuous process that provides the company with a more advantageous position in the long term. There are many approaches to defining innovation, and scientific literature the concept of innovation is covered in some detail. At the same time, most of the works are devoted to product innovations, and there are almost no works that consider the personnel management system as an innovation.

Thus, the purpose of the work is to study innovations in working with personnel.


Personnel are an integral part of any organization, because... any organization is an interaction of people united by common goals. Personnel management, as well as the organization as a whole, is a necessary element of this interaction. IN Russian literature There is no consensus on the definition of personnel management, but several approaches can be distinguished:

1. Institutional approach. From the perspective of this approach, personnel management is considered as a diverse activity of various entities (among which specialized personnel management services, line and senior managers who perform the management function in relation to their subordinates are most often identified), aimed at realizing the goals of the strategic development of the organization and fulfilling tactical tasks for the most efficient use of employees employed at the enterprise.

2. Content-based (functional) approach. This approach is based on identifying the functions of personnel management, its goals and objectives of functioning within the organization, it shows what actions and processes must be carried out in order to achieve these goals, in contrast to the institutional approach, which focuses on what should give personnel management for the organization. This allows us to talk about personnel management as special form activity as an integral system with its own specific content.

3. Organizational approach. From the point of view of this approach, personnel management can be defined as a complex of interrelated economic, organizational and socio-psychological methods that ensure the efficiency of work activity and the competitiveness of enterprises. Here we're talking about on the interaction between the object and the subject, mechanisms, technologies, tools and procedures for implementing personnel management functions are considered.

4. An interesting approach is that the object of the personnel management system is the process of targeted interaction and mutual influence in the joint productive activities of managers and staff. This approach defines the management system as the unity of the subject and the object of management, which is achieved as a result of not only self-regulation in complex social systems, but also the targeted influence of the object of management on the subject. In this case, the object of management is social relations, processes, groups, as well as social resources and the person himself, who inevitably enters into social relations, participates in social processes and groups, in the implementation of resources.

Based on this, we can talk about personnel management as a system that has an object and a subject of management, between which there are organizational and managerial relationships, as well as management functions that are implemented through a system of certain methods.

Personnel management, being social, contains several aspects. In particular, the following aspects of personnel management are highlighted:

Technical and economic - reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technologies used in it, production conditions, etc.;

Organizational and economic - contains issues related to planning the number and composition of workers, moral and material incentives, use of working time, etc.;

Legal - includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in working with personnel;

Socio-psychological - reflects issues of socio-psychological support for personnel management, the introduction of various sociological and psychological procedures into work practice;

Pedagogical - involves resolving issues related to personnel training, mentoring, etc.

In addition to the fact that personnel management has many aspects, it can be based on different conceptual positions. The concepts reflect the philosophy and initial principles in personnel management on which the coordination of the interests of the organization and employees is based.

They exist objectively, can be realized and organized organizationally, or can be implemented intuitively, without a specific organizational design.

The HR management concept contains basic principles management and its general orientation, its provisions are unique in a single organization, but, nevertheless, the content of personnel management includes elements that are common. Thus, the content of personnel management includes:

Determining personnel requirements taking into account the enterprise development strategy;

Formation of the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel (recruitment, selection and placement of personnel);

Personnel policy (principles of selection and placement of personnel, conditions of hiring and dismissal, training and advanced training, evaluation of personnel and their activities);

System of general and professional training;

Adaptation of employees at the enterprise;

Payment and incentives for labor (forms of remuneration, ways to increase labor productivity, etc.);

Performance assessment and certification of personnel;

Personnel development system (training, career planning, etc.);

Formation of a personnel reserve;

The organizational culture of the company, as well as interpersonal relationships between workers, administration and public organizations.

The personnel management system is an indispensable component of the management and development of any organization; it is objective, because arises with the emergence of the organization itself and regardless of anyone’s will. Being, in fact, one of the most important subsystems of the organization, the personnel management system determines the success of its development.

In order to understand as best as possible what the personnel management system is and how to achieve its most effective functioning, it is necessary to consider it in the consistent unity of all approaches to personnel management.

For effective functioning, the personnel management system must be built on scientifically based principles, must use optimal methods and technologies that correspond to the principles underlying it, and also not contradict the general concept of the organization's development.


Changing and improving the personnel management system represents difficult process, requiring consideration of many variables. At the same time, it is advisable to consider the change in the personnel management system itself from the point of view of innovation. Let's consider innovation in general and the features of the innovation process. Currently, neither in the economic literature nor in the legislative and regulatory framework there is generally accepted terminology in the field of innovation. In this regard, to reveal the concept of “innovative activity of an enterprise” it is necessary to analyze existing literary and legislative sources. Depending on the goals and subjects of research, each economist views innovation in his own way: - as a process (B. Twiss, A. Koyre, I.P. Pinings, V. Rappoport, B. Santa, V.S. Kabakov, G.M. Gvishiani, V.L. Makarov, etc.); - as a system (N.I. Lapin, J. Schumpeter); - as change (F. Valenta, Yu.V. Yakovets, L. Vodachek, etc.); - as a result (A. Levinson, S. D. Beshelev, F. G. Gurvich, D. V. Sokolov, A. B. Titov, M. M. Shabanova). Yu.P. Morozov understands innovation in a broad sense as the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products, organizational, technical and socio-economic solutions of a production, financial, commercial or other nature. A.I. Prigozhin believes that innovation comes down to the development of technology, equipment, and management at the stages of their origin, development, and diffusion to other objects.M. Hucek notes that in the Polish language dictionary innovation means the introduction of something new, some new thing, a novelty, a reform. In accordance with the Frascati Manual (document adopted by the OECD in 1993 Italian city Frascati), innovation is defined as the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or in a new approach to social services. In the dictionary "Scientific and technological progress "innovation (innovation) means the result creative activity aimed at the development, creation and distribution of new types of products, technologies, introduction of new organizational forms etc. Authors of the reference manual "Innovation Management" P.N. Zavlin, A.K. Kazantsev, L.E. Mindeli and others believe that innovation is the use in one or another sphere of society of the results of intellectual (scientific and technical) activity aimed at improving the process of activity or its results. R.A. Fatkhutdinov defines innovation as the end result of introducing an innovation with the aim of changing the object of management and obtaining economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical, and other effects. Innovation in accordance with International standards in statistics of science, technology and innovation - the final result of innovation activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or in a new approach to social services. V.G. Medynsky understands innovation as an object introduced into production as a result of scientific research or a discovery made, qualitatively different from its previous analogue. In general, depending on the place of application, three groups of innovations are distinguished: 1. Groceries - new products consumed in the sphere of production or in the sphere of consumption.2. Technological - new ways (technologies) of producing old or new products.3. Managerial - new methods of work used by the management apparatus. The following characteristics are decisive for innovation: - they are always associated with the economic (practical) use of original solutions. This is their difference from technical inventions; they provide specific economic and/or social benefits for the user. This benefit determines the penetration and diffusion of innovation in the market; - means the first use of an innovation in an enterprise, regardless of whether it has been used elsewhere. In other words, from the point of view of an individual company, even imitation can have the nature of innovation; it requires a creative approach and is associated with risks. Innovations cannot be created and implemented during routine processes, but require from all participants (managers and employees) a clear understanding of the need for them and creative abilities. This thesis will examine management innovations, which can be defined as any organized decisions, systems, procedures or management methods that are significantly different from established practice and are being used for the first time in the organization. It is necessary to take into account that novelty correlates with management practice in this particular organization. An innovation process is a set of states of innovation that replace each other in the process of transforming the initial state (for example, a proposed marketing, personnel or technological idea for an innovation) into the final state (entered for consumption, new materials, products, methods, technologies used and giving effect). The innovation process can be carried out on different levels: federal, regional, at the level of a company or division. Table 1 - Differences between innovative and stable processes

Process characteristics

Innovation process

Routine process

Final goal

Satisfying a new social need

Satisfying existing social needs

Ways to achieve the goal

Numerous and uncertain

Few in number and the optimal one is known.

Risk in achieving the goal

Process type



Manageability as a whole

Possibility of planning

Long-term plans, their adjustment is possible.

Short-term plans that have the nature of directive production targets

Development of the system within which the development process is carried out

Taking it to the next level

Maintaining this level

Interaction of the process with the existing system of interests of participants


Based on them

The degree of coincidence of interests of participants in the process

Distribution of areas of responsibility



Forms of organization

Flexible, with weak system structuring

Strict, based on norms and regulations

Let us highlight the features of the innovation process: - targeted nature (orientation towards specific tactical and strategic goals of the organization); - riskiness (factor of uncertainty of the result); - conflict (between old and new); - multidimensionality (changes in one subsystem of the organization cause changes in other subsystems and in the organization in general). By structuring the innovation process, you can build the following scheme: determining the need for innovation - research - development - implementation - use. The need for innovation can be realized both under pressure external factors (increased competition, changes in the economy, the emergence of new legislative acts, etc.), and internal (decrease in productivity, the presence of conflict situations, etc.). After realizing the need for innovation, it is necessary to conduct diagnostics (collect relevant information) in order to determine the true causes of problems. To eliminate the identified problems, an innovation team is formed, which searches for new and unique solutions to these problems, i.e. is directly involved in the development of innovation. The development of innovation ends with its implementation. During the implementation process, with the help of control mechanisms, it is determined to what extent the planned changes help to improve the unsatisfactory state of affairs, how they are perceived and how their implementation can be improved. Thus, during the implementation process, an innovation may undergo some changes in order to achieve higher efficiency. Also, in the process of introducing an innovation, it is necessary, using incentive mechanisms, to achieve support and acceptance of the innovation by staff. Introduction is the most difficult stage of the innovation process. There are parameters by which the complexity of introducing an innovation can be analyzed: the difference between new and old; the scale and interconnectedness of change; the need for a program of targeted activities; uncertainty, unforeseen problems and opportunities. In general, the problem of implementation contains several aspects, namely: - time delay of necessary organizational restructuring; - low efficiency, and sometimes simply non-viability of innovations in management; - a significant gap between the development of new management systems and methods by theorists and their use in practice. The main reasons for the manifestation of problems in the implementation of management innovations are: 1. Inconsistency of goals, motives of activity, interests of participants in the innovation process; staff resistance to new things; the emergence of bureaucratic barriers to the implementation of management innovations.2. Disintegration of the innovation process, its fragmentation, distribution of individual stages (development, dissemination and implementation) between different participants.3. Unsatisfactory work of innovation developers and specialists organizing the process of its implementation. The decision to introduce an innovation largely depends on the properties of the organization itself. In addition to innovative potential, the presence of a source of creative ideas is identified as factors influencing the success of an innovation (without creativity there can be no innovation ); an effective system for selecting and evaluating projects; effective project management and control; compliance with the goals of the organization; individual and collective responsibility; market orientation, as well as the quality of personnel. There are general factors influencing innovation activity (Table 2). Table 2 - Factors that hinder and promote innovation activity

Group of factors

Factors hindering activity

Factors promoting activity

Technical and economic

Lack of funds to finance risky projects; weakness of the material, scientific and technical base; lack of reserve capacity; domination of interests of existing production

Availability of a reserve of financial and logistical resources; availability of the necessary economic, material, scientific and technical infrastructure; incentives for innovative activities


Legal restrictions

Legislative measures (benefits) encouraging innovation activities

Organizational and managerial

Established organizational structures; excessive centralization and conservatism of management; hierarchical principles of organizing organizations; the predominance of vertical information flows; planning indicativeness; departmental isolation, the difficulty of intersectoral actions; rigidity in planning; orientation to established markets; focus on short-term payback; difficulty in coordinating the interests of participants in innovation processes

Flexibility of organizational structures; democratic management style; the predominance of horizontal information flows; allowing for adjustments; decentralization, autonomy, formation of inter-organizational, mutually targeted, problem groups


Resistance to change, which can cause consequences such as changes in status, the need to search new job restructuring of established ways of activity, violation of behavioral stereotypes, established traditions; fear of uncertainty; fear of punishment for failure; resistance to everything new that comes from outside ("the syndrome of someone else's invention")

Moral encouragement, public recognition; providing opportunities for self-realization and creative work

Motivational factors influencing innovations are also separately identified (Table 3). Table 3 - Motivational factors influencing innovations

Factors promoting innovation

Factors inhibiting innovation

1. Personal interests of employees

1. Personal interests of employees

Increase wages as a result of innovation; Empowerment; Reducing responsibilities; Improving position and positions (in and outside the organization); Improving future chances (in and outside the organization); Improving opportunities for self-affirmation; Full use of knowledge and capabilities; Good awareness (in and outside the organization); Increasing prestige (in the organization and outside it); Expanding informal opportunities to improve the well-being of the employee and his family members (education, leisure, medicine, etc.)

Reduction of wages as a result of innovation; Reduction of rights; Expansion of responsibilities; Deterioration of position and position (in the organization and outside it); Deterioration of future chances (in and outside the organization); Deterioration of opportunities for self-affirmation; Incomplete use of knowledge and capabilities; Poor awareness (in and outside the organization); Reducing informal opportunities to improve the well-being of the employee and his family members (education, leisure, medicine, etc.)

2. Relationships with other employees

Improved relations with management as a result of innovation; Improving relationships with subordinates; Improving relations with employees; Compliance of innovation with established collective norms, traditions, goals, values

Deterioration of relations with management as a result of innovation; Deterioration of relations with subordinates; Deterioration of relations with employees; Inconsistency of innovation with established collective traditions, goals, norms and values

3. Nature and content of work

More interesting job as a result of innovation; More convenient operating mode as a result of innovation

Less interesting work as a result of innovation; Less convenient operating mode as a result of innovation

The decisive factor in the effective implementation of innovation is the organization’s personnel and their attitude towards it. Therefore, the task of managers when introducing innovation is to form psychological readiness personnel, which manifests itself in the awareness of the production and economic necessity of implementing innovation, the personal and collective significance of innovation, as well as ways of personal inclusion in the implementation of innovation. There are six forms of employee attitude towards innovation: - acceptance of innovation and Active participation in its implementation; - passive acceptance of innovation; - passive rejection of innovation; active rejection of innovation, speaking out against; - active rejection associated with opposing innovation; - extreme forms of non-acceptance of innovation (ignoring and sabotaging the implementation of innovation). These positions are formed on the basis of psychological barriers that must be taken into account when introducing innovation. It must be taken into account that staff resistance to innovation is due to three main reasons: uncertainty, a sense of loss and the belief that change will not bring anything good. Therefore, in the innovation process, maximum support for personnel from management is required and ensuring that they are as productive as possible. complete information about upcoming changes. Also, it is necessary to take into account factors influencing the innovative activities of personnel: 1. Supporting factors include: - providing the necessary freedom when developing an innovation, providing innovators with the necessary resources and equipment, support from the top management of the enterprise; - conducting systematic discussions and free, encouraged exchange of ideas; - maintaining effective communications with colleagues, other departments, external scientific organizations, universities; - in-depth mutual understanding among the enterprise personnel.2. Strengthening factors are considered: - development and support by management of the desire of employees to constantly improve their skills; - the opportunity to express their own opinion about the changes being carried out; - overcoming barriers and “blurring of boundaries” between functional responsibilities; - systematic holding of meetings of working groups; - constant support of an atmosphere of receptivity to changes.3. The factors blocking innovative activity are: - managers’ distrust of ideas put forward from below; - the need for multiple approvals on new ideas; - interference of other departments in the assessment of innovative proposals; - petty supervision and control of the innovator’s steps; - behind-the-scenes decision-making on an innovative proposal; - the emergence of superior managers of the “all-knowing experts” syndrome. Resistance to change is directed in proportion to the strength of the “breaking” of the culture and power structure that occurs due to change. Therefore, innovations must be introduced gradually, because An organization and its people can only withstand a limited number of changes per unit of time. The main issue in managing development work is the balance between change and stability. The main thing in development management is the ability to see the state of the organization’s goals in dynamics. A goal is a direction, not a destination, so achieving a goal requires constant readiness for change and response to the need for internal and external changes. You need to get used to changes. CONCLUSION Changes in the economic conditions in which Russian companies operate have entailed the need to change the style of their activities. This also applies to all internal processes in companies. If we apply an innovative approach in production and sales, then why not do the same in relation to personnel management. The research carried out in the work allowed us to draw the following conclusions: Firstly, the personnel management system is a relatively autonomous and specific subsystem of the overall management system of an organization ; a set of interconnected processes for managing human activity; performing activities of various subjects influencing the labor process and personnel of the organization; a set of methods of influencing human behavior in the process of work, as well as the process of interaction between the subject and the object of management. Secondly, as an innovation, the personnel management system has the features and characteristics of innovation in general. And, accordingly, when developing and implementing changes to the personnel management system, it is necessary to assess their timeliness, feasibility and effectiveness, to do everything necessary to ensure that staff resistance is as little as possible and the effectiveness of innovation is as great as possible. And finally, speaking about the specific features of the system personnel management as innovations, we can highlight such as the need to build a concept and model, develop a strategy and policy for personnel management, as well as take into account various factors influencing personnel management. Also, the personnel management system, like the management system in general, involves setting certain goals and developing mechanisms for monitoring their implementation. LIST OF REFERENCES USED 1. Alekhina O., Pavlutsky A. Personnel service.//Personnel management. - 2004. - No. 11. - C. 56-59.2. Balabanov I.T. Innovation management. Textbook - St. Petersburg: Publishing house PETER, 2003.3. Barancheev V.P. Study of a company’s innovative activity as its competitive force // Management today. - 2006. - No. 4.4. Barancheev V.P. Marketing of innovations - M.: LLC "Firm "Blagovest-V", 2006.5. Barancheev V.P. Innovation business management: an overview current ideas- M.: Sputnik+, 2005.6. Bogdanov V. Preliminary results of the work of the EUROSET company in the first half of 20077. Bychin V.B. Personnel in the management of radical innovations in an organization - M.: Inform-Knowledge, 2001.8. Neubauer H. Innovative activity in small and medium-sized enterprises Shaburishvili M.V. Innovation activity as the implementation of the innovation process on an organization scale

Managing personnel and the enterprise as a whole is not an easy process. Here it is important to know not only the basics of psychology, but also to thoroughly study the concept of innovation management. Innovations in the leadership process will bring positive results in the near future.

The concept of innovation management

Management experts say that innovation management as a science is a multifunctional activity, and its object is represented by factors influencing new processes:

  • economic;
  • organizational and managerial;
  • legal;
  • psychological.

The essence of innovation management

It is known that innovation management is a process of regular updating of various aspects of the company's functioning. It includes not only various technical and technological innovations, but also all changes in better side in completely different areas of the enterprise and in managing the process of new knowledge. At the same time, innovation is usually represented as a process of improving the balance of different areas of the enterprise.

The concept of innovation management remains unchanged. For each manager, updates will mean a disruption in the orientation of the research and production personnel. Its task will be to unite many participants in this process, while creating economic conditions and the desire to work. Such innovative management is associated with different types of work.

Goals of innovation management

This department, like the others, has its own strategic objectives, and depending on this, the goals may differ. However, the main practical goal of innovation management is to increase the innovative activity of the enterprise. Such goals should be accessible, achievable and time-oriented. It is customary to share the following goals:

  1. Strategic – associated with the purpose of the company, its established traditions. Their main task is to choose the general direction of development of the enterprise, which is associated with the introduction of various innovations.
  2. Tactical ones are specific tasks that are usually solved in certain situations on different stages implementation of management strategy.

The goals of innovation management are divided not only by level, but also by other criteria. So in terms of content they are:

  • social;
  • organizational;
  • scientific;
  • technical;
  • economic.

Depending on the priority, the goals are called:

  • traditional;
  • priority;
  • permanent;
  • one-time

Types of innovation management

Future managers are often interested in what types and functions of innovation management exist. It is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • functional;
  • strategies for prioritizing both development and growth;
  • introduction into new industries and markets;
  • analysis of the competitive advantages of the enterprise;
  • strategic decisions regarding the objectives, mission and development of the enterprise;
  • ensuring the enterprise's competitiveness and dynamic growth.

Stages of innovation management

There are the following main stages in the development of innovation management:

  1. Understanding the importance and necessity of future innovations by members of the administrative team. The need for a “idea mastermind”.
  2. Formation by the leader of his own team, which does not imply a management team, but a group of ideological supporters from the team of teachers. Such people must be technologically and methodologically prepared to introduce innovations.
  3. Choosing a direction in the development and application of innovations. At the same time, it is important to motivate people and create readiness for new types of work.
  4. Forecasts of the future, construction of a special problem field and identification of the main problem.
  5. After obtaining the necessary results of the analysis and finding the main problem, a search and selection of development ideas for the near future occurs.
  6. Determination of actions in management in order to implement the developed idea.
  7. The process of organizing work to complete a project.
  8. Tracking all steps to implement an idea to correct future actions.
  9. Controlling the program. Here it is important to assess the effectiveness of innovation management techniques.

Innovative technologies in management

In management, the creation of new approaches is no less significant than technological innovation, since it is impossible to increase productivity only by increasing quantity indicators. All innovations in management have a positive effect on the methods and effectiveness of the enterprise. There are examples where innovations in management have been able to create very strong competitive advantages. Innovations in management make it possible to build competent and effective work of the organization and establish relationships between departments.

Books on innovation management

For future managers, there is a lot of literature about innovation management in. Among the most popular publications:

  1. Kozhukhar V. “Innovation management. Tutorial"- theoretical and practical issues of innovation management are considered.
  2. Semenov A. “Innovative aspects of corporate knowledge management”- the controversial issues of corporate knowledge management are explored.
  3. Vlasov V. “Choice of a company’s innovation strategy”- description of the choice of the main direction of the enterprise’s work.
  4. Kotov P. “Innovation management”- a detailed description of enterprise management.
  5. Kuznetsov B. “Innovation management: textbook”- methods of analysis and management of innovations are revealed.
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