What is the meaning of the title of the story Clean Monday. Analysis of the story "Clean Monday" by I. Bunin. The meaning of the name

Ivan Bunin is known to many readers as a brilliant writer and poet. For my creative career the writer created a huge number of poems, short stories, novels and novels. All of them are imbued with deep meaning and have an interesting and exciting plot. The collection of short stories " Dark alleys". All his works are about love. For the writer himself, this feeling causes conflicting emotions - happy and sad at the same time. To talk more about love, wrote " Clean Monday» Bunin. shows how ambiguous and deep it is.

The strangeness of love between the characters of the story

Love is not only the joy of meeting, but also the pain of parting, this is also shown by analysis. "Clean Monday" Bunin wrote to show the depth of feelings of his characters. The writer did not even give them names, because the hero himself tells the story, and the image of the heroine is so complex, multifaceted and mysterious that she does not need a name. Even at the beginning of the work, it becomes clear that the lovers will not have a future. This is a beautiful, young, full of strength and energy couple, but they are too different.

A man is obsessed with his feelings, and this prevents him from getting to know spiritual world his beloved. They spend a lot of time together, have a picnic, go to restaurants, go to the theater, but the girl seems too distant. The heroine is in search of her true destiny - this is exactly what the analysis shows. Bunin composed “Clean Monday” to tell that sooner or later each person will have to decide what to do next, to determine whether he has chosen the right path. The girl does not want to talk about the future, categorically denies the possibility of marriage, says that she is not ready to become a wife. The man understands that this is not normal, but still agrees with the oddities of his beloved.

Finding your place in this world

The heroine cannot find herself - this is also shown by the analysis. “Clean Monday” Bunin wrote to show the emotional experiences of the girl. She did everything that was accepted in society: she studied, dressed beautifully, attended the theater, met with her loved one. But deep down, the woman realized that all this was not what she needed. This explains the detachment main character, her unwillingness to talk about a joint future with her lover. She always did everything the way everyone else did, but this did not suit her.

Painful parting

Contradictory feelings are increasingly arising in the soul of a girl, she can no longer live simply and carefree, like most young people. The decision to radically change her life has long been brewing for the heroine, this is also evidenced by the analysis. It was not in vain that Bunin chose clean Monday for turning point in the fate of the characters. On the first day of Lent, the girl decides to devote herself to serving God. The heroine makes a man suffer from parting, but she herself suffers from this.

The story "Clean Monday" is mainly devoted to strong personality a girl who was not afraid to do something different, to drastically change her life and find the meaning of her existence.

The work of I. Bunin "Clean Monday" begins with a description of the character of the girl, to whom the narrator was clearly not indifferent.

“... She was mysterious, incomprehensible to me, our relations with her were also strange ...” - the author writes about the one to whom in given time all attention was riveted.

The character of the main character

The girl with obvious indifference, covered by a fleeting "thank you" accepted courtship young man.

“It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city ...” These lines gradually emerge interesting image the main character of the story "Clean Monday", who both loved and at the same time did not like social life.

But why is it so named? We will get an answer to this question by analyzing the work to the end.
She was rich and very beautiful, with a swarthy amber face, magnificent black hair, eyebrows softly shining like black sable fur, eyes black as velvet coal; captivating velvety crimson lips ... "- the description of the beautiful appearance could be continued, but the author does not focus on this.

What character traits were inherent in this mysterious woman? First, isolation and thoughtfulness.

Ivan Bunin tries to focus the reader's attention on the fact that "she was silent." Second, I didn't believe in true love and therefore reacted negatively to the proposal of a young man in love to marry. “I’m not fit to be a wife,” the girl said categorically. Thirdly, there was always some kind of mystery in it. In addition, the girl is well educated, such qualities as an extraordinary mind and refinement can be traced in her.

Changes in fate

A sharp transition from secular life to a completely different one occurred in the hero's beloved suddenly, completely unexpectedly for him.

On that day, everything was somehow unusual. The girl, dressed in all black, offered to go to the Novodevichy Convent. She unexpectedly expressed a thought from which it is clear that she understands how much the young man loves her. Then they walked for a long time, looking for Griboedov's house, but, having not found it, they decided to eat at Yegorov's on Okhotny Ryad.

During the meal, the hero of the story was alerted by the phrase that escaped from the lips of his beloved: “Oh, I’ll go somewhere to the monastery ...”

The next day, the girl offered to go to the event: "kapustnik" Art Theater, and the narrator meekly agreed, although he was surprised, because before she had been alien to such a pastime.

An unexpected invitation

Finally, she invited her beloved to visit. In the first - and as it turned out - last time. After a night spent together, the girl suddenly said: "I'm leaving for Tver." This meeting was the last in their lives. The girl was waiting big changes, and the hero - experiences, tears and uncertainty.

She cut her hair as a nun

“I won’t return to Moscow, I’ll go to obedience for now, then, maybe, I’ll decide to be tonsured ...” - such were the lines from her last letter, received by the hero two weeks after separation from his beloved. And she did what she decided to do.

A fleeting meeting in a church

Once, on Ordynka, the narrator, by an inner impulse, stopped a cab at the gates of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. He wanted to get in there. The girls' choir sang. What was the embarrassment of the hero when, among the line of singing, he saw the familiar look of black eyes fixed directly on him. He turned and quietly walked out of the church gate.

The meaning of the name

"Clean Monday" is celebrated at the very beginning of Lent, when Forgiveness Sunday. During this period, according to the author's intention, a big turning point was made in the life of the heroine - the transition from social entertainment to the life associated with the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent.

TOPIC: The symbolism of the title of the story by I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

Class: Grade 11

Conduct form: reflection lesson

Program section. Creativity of I.A. Bunin. Stories about love (Grade 11).

Lesson topic. The symbolism of the title of the story by I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

Didactic purpose - create conditions for awareness, comprehension, systematization and generalization on the topic by means of the method of creative reading and the complex pedagogical technologies Key words: problem-based learning technologies, project method and computer technologies.

Lesson equipment:

    Multimedia projector

    A computer

    Story text

Goals and objectives of the lesson:



1. Identification of the features of Bunin's understanding of love, disclosure of the theme of Russia, artistic manner writer

1. To reveal the peculiarity of Bunin's understanding of love through comparative characteristic heroes (portrait, hobbies, attitude towards each other, understanding the meaning of life).

2. Reveal Bunin's attitude to Russia through the mention of the monuments of ancient Moscow, the use of the realities of modern Moscow, everyday sketches, conclusions of heroes about Rus'.

3. Analyze Bunin's "philology": artistic means (metaphors, epithets, oxymorons, etc.) and literary devices.

2. Activation research activities students, the development of creative reading skills, deepening the understanding and experience of the events of the story.

1. Strengthen text analysis skills:

Definition of the topic;

Formulation main idea;

Definition of artistic means and their role in the text;

Comparison (determining the subject of comparison, similarities and differences, etc.)

Generalization, formulation of conclusions;

Identification of causal relationships.

2. Continue work on enrichment and complexity vocabulary the language of students in the process of text analysis.

3. Include tasks for the development of imagination and fantasy in the lesson process.

Teaching methods: creative reading method, problematic, project method.

Forms of organization learning activities: individual, frontal, group.

Advanced homework for the lesson.

    Taking advantage encyclopedic dictionary, talk about the writers whose names are mentioned in the story.

    Tell about the religious holidays that are indicated in the story

    Repeat the means of artistic expression


    Organizing time

    Preparing students for the perception of the material

    goal setting

    Knowledge update

    Primary assimilation of knowledge



During the classes



The path to Bunin's philosophy lies through Bunin's philology.

Vl. Khodasevich

    Organizing time.

    Preparing students for the perception of the material.

teacher's word(against the sound of a bell)


Between time and eternity

Like splashing water

Abandoned to us by infinity

The bridge is airy - golden, -

playing with colors,

Visible only to

Who is waiting with a soul

Loves his God

Who, forgetting his vicious,

Defeated the bulk of evil

And, like a fragile rainbow,

Resplendent and transcended

K. Balmont.

Why does a person come into the world? What is more important: material or spiritual? Each of us sooner or later thinks about these questions, gives his own answer to them.

Today I invite you to reflect on this together with I. Bunin on unusual lesson, lesson - reflection on the story "Clean Monday".


This story by I.A. Bunin is included in the collection "Dark Alleys", which was created by the writer in the "cursed years" of emigration. The writer himself called this collection his best book, a the best story- "Clean Monday" story.

At home, you got acquainted with the story, formed your own opinion. On clean slate I will ask you to describe in 1-2 words what impression did the story make on you? (possible answers: mysterious, incomprehensible, strange).

So, the initial impression is fixed, we will return to it at the end of the lesson.

    How do you understand the term "spiritual quest"?

    Human search for answers to moral questions, your purpose in life

    With which of the characters in the story is this concept primarily associated?

    with the main character

    Story line story - a story of unhappy love, but what is the deepest meaning of the story? Speak out your opinion in one word: what is this story about? (student options are recorded on the board) For example: Love Separation Tragedy

The teacher adds a word "acquisition" . The class gives an interpretation of the word through the selection of synonyms.

SLIDES 5, 6, 7

    Defining the goals and objectives of the lesson, posing the problem

Problem statement: Which of the concepts reflected on the blackboard is the key to the story?(add a question mark to the words).

The purpose of the lesson is independently formulated by students, based on the problematic issue of the lesson and the topic of the lesson ( analyze the spiritual quest of heroes, identify author's position, answering problematic issue).

    Knowledge update

Story analysis.


    Who is the main character of the story?

    Analyze the portrait of the heroine. What keywords are used to create an image?

    Her beauty was some kind of Indian, Persian

    Why oriental beauty?

    Emphasize its unusualness, dissimilarity, difference from others with unearthly charm

    Was it only the external beauty of the heroine that was special? How did she surprise the main character? What epithets, comparisons are used and what is their role in creating the image of the main character?

    Mysterious, incomprehensible, oriental beauty, queen of Shamakhan

    How does the narrator characterize his beloved?

    In the center of the story is the image of the heroine, "incomprehensible" to the narrator. To characterize the heroine, the words "mysteriousness", "strangeness" are used.

    Strengthen the misunderstanding of the hero, the motive of the heroine's dissimilarity to other girls

    Analyze the description of the main character's room. What interior details emphasize the character traits of the heroine?


    The combination of Eastern and Western motifs, a portrait of the barefoot Tolstoy

    Why is this particular portrait in the room?

    Portrait of a writer late period life, when he renounces all manifestations of the material world, spiritual quests characterize this period of the writer's life

    What musical motif is associated with the image of the main character?

(Students listen to an excerpt from " moonlight sonata"Beethoven")

    Why was this work taken by Bunin? What facets of the character of the heroine does the music reveal?

    What is dominant in the character of the heroine?

    SHE - mystery, dissimilarity

Comparative characteristics of heroes

Work with text. The teacher names the subject of comparison, the students give examples

SLIDES 10, 11, 12

Subject of comparison



I ... was beautiful at that time for some reason southern, hot beauty, was even "indecently handsome," as one famous actor once told me ... "The devil knows who you are, Sicilian some kind of "... and my character was southern, lively, constantly ready for a happy smile, for a good joke"

And she has beauty was some kind of Indian, Persian: dark amber face, magnificent and somewhat ominous in its thick black hair, softly shining like black sable fur, eyebrows, eyes black as velvet coal; captivating mouth with velvety crimson lips ...

I am from Penza provinces

She is from Tver, and her grandmother from Astrakhan

Literary names

I brought her boxes of chocolates, new books - Hofmannsthal, Schnitzler, Tetmaier, Przybyshevsky

You finished reading"Fiery Angel"?

(novel by V. Bryusov)

And we for some reason we went to Ordynka ... but who could show us where Griboyedov lived? Who needs it?

L. Andreev, A. Bely

... on the sofa above which for some reason hung a portrait of a barefoot Tolstoy

- finished watching. It's so pompous that it's embarrassing to read.

She loves to quote Russian annalistic legends, she is especially admired by the Old Russian The Tale of the Faithful Spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Somewhere on Ordynka there is a house where Griboyedov lived. Let's go look for him...

She lingered at the graves Chekhov and Ertel

Musical preferences

Why did you suddenly leave the concert yesterday Chaliapin?

He does not feel the surrounding vulgarity, which is wonderfully captured by Bunin in the performance of the Tranblanc Pole, when the partner shouts out a meaningless set of phrases “goat”, and in the cheeky performance of gypsy songs by an old gypsy “with a dove-gray muzzle of a drowned man” and a gypsy “with a low forehead under the tar bangs"

He was too pissed off. And than yellow-haired Rus I don't like it at all.

She kept learning the slow, somnambulistically beautiful beginning "Moonlight Sonata"- only one start

She can listen to church hymns. The very voicing of the words of the Old Russian language will not leave her indifferent, and she, as if spellbound, will repeat them.

    Using the table, describe the characters

    He is a realist, satisfied with this rich, idle life, cheerful. She combines these two worlds: she visits restaurants, skits, concerts, but goes to churches, to the cemetery, is interested in history.

    Her inner world as different from the inner world of the narrator as Tolstoy's inner world is different from the world of Tetmayer, A. Bely, and even the "too much daring" Chaliapin. Clean Monday is just as different from Maslenitsa.

    It is unusual, it has inexplicable contradictions. On the one hand, “it looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city, although all the same, she had favorite and unloved flowers: she read all sorts of books, loved eat and immediately talked about why people eat at all. She seemed to enjoy the luxurious life: going to restaurants, theaters, concerts. She loved nice clothes, velvet, silk, furs. On the other hand, for some reason I studied at courses, was interested in history, visited churches, the Raskolnichye cemetery, etc. The hero admits that she is incomprehensible to him.

    Primary assimilation of knowledge

The story mentions historical places Moscow, which are visited by the main characters. How do signs of a particular era and reminders of antiquity correlate in the story?

Let's follow the heroes to Moscow.

    Where did the hero take his beloved?

Every evening I took her to dine in "Prague", in "Hermitage", in "Metropol", in the afternoon to theaters, to concerts, and then to "Yar", to "Strelna"...

SLIDES 13, 14, 15, 16

    This is "Modern Moscow"

    What historical places did the heroine visit with pleasure?

Conception Monastery, Miracles Monastery, Archangel Cathedral, Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, Iverskaya Chapel, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Kremlin, Novodevichy Convent, Rogozhsky Cemetery.

SLIDES 17, 18, 19

    This is "Ancient Holy Moscow"

    So, we traced the routes of each of the heroes. What character traits of the main character are evidenced by the choice of the travel route?

    Signs in the story modern era correlate with the inner world of the narrator, yet, with regard to antiquity, churches, cemeteries - the inner world of the heroine, testifies to Bunin's deep nostalgia.

    “Orthodoxy now, when it was so persecuted in the homeland, was realized by Bunin as an inseparable part of Russia, its culture, its history and its national essence"(Maltsev" I. Bunin "). In which of these areas is she "real"?

    The heroine is more comfortable in "Ancient Moscow", but she also visits "Modern Moscow", trying to make a choice between earthly and spiritual

    Why the view from the window to the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was so important for the heroine

    This is a symbol of the Motherland.

    How do you understand the statement of the heroine "yellow-haired Rus'"

    Bunin puts his understanding of Russia into the mouth of the main character: not as a kind of simulated “Russianness”, but as her genuine antiquity, Orthodoxy, severity (“only in some northern monasteries this Rus' now remains”).

For a full perception of the story, it is necessary to understand some of the realities of everyday life, church rituals, literary and artistic life at the beginning of the century.

CommentsSLIDES 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

A. Bely. His lecture is parodied in the story.

V. Bryusov."Fire Angel" - historical novel V.Ya. Bryusova

L. Andreev.“I again spent the whole evening talking only about strangers,” about new production Art Theater, about a new story by Andreev…

Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Austrian symbolist.

Arthur Schnitzler. Austrian playwright and prose writer, impressionist.

Tetmeier Kazimierz. Polish lyricist, author of sophisticated erotic poetry.

St. Pshibyshevsky. German-Polish prose writer

    Why does Bunin saturate the story with an abundance of names of writers?

    To create the characters of the characters, the author does not use internal monologues, does not explain the thoughts and feelings of the characters in words. But in order to show the different inner worlds of the heroine and the hero, he uses literary names(tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are). The hero gives his beloved fashionable works of European decadence, the "pompous" novel by V. Bryusov, which are not interesting to her. In her hotel room, “for some reason, a portrait of barefoot Tolstoy hangs,” but somehow, for no apparent reason, she recalls Platon Karataev ... In the aristocratically refined and mysterious, the features of Katyusha Maslova, the sacrificial and pure resurrecting soul from last novel L.N. Tolstoy "Resurrection".

Thus, her inner world is as different from the inner world of the narrator as Tolstoy's inner world is different from the world of Tetmayer, A. Bely, and even the "too much daring" Chaliapin. Clean Monday is just as different from Maslenitsa.

    What religious holidays are discussed in the story? SLIDES 27, 28, 29

    Clean Monday is the first day of Lent, which comes after the rampant Maslenitsa.

    Maslenitsa - Maslenitsa week, the week preceding Lent. The last day of the Maslenitsa week - Sunday - is called Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, “Orthodox pious people go to monasteries, visit cathedrals, bow to holy relics, shrines. In monasteries, in churches, a rite of forgiveness is performed.

    On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to ask forgiveness from each other for all perfect and imperfect, only thought sins.

    Great Lent (7 weeks before Easter) is a time of strictness, holiness, abstinence, it begins on Clean Monday, which is the day of transition to a new life, cleansing from sinful, vain things, at this time believers refrain from immodest food, do not participate in entertainment are not getting married. The fast was established in memory of the 40-day fast of Christ in the wilderness

    Awareness and comprehension of the material

    Why don't we recognize the names of the heroes when in large numbers proper names in the story?

    Proper names help the author to recreate a specific era, show the spirit of the contradictions of that time, create a historical and philosophical background for eternal history love and parting ... Heroes - the embodiment of the eternal aspirations of a person to happiness in love and the tragic failure of this dream

    The author does not give names to his characters in order to give a generalized meaning. The nomination of heroes is not so important, Bunin explores the culture of Russia, the life of people, their entertainment, everything that occupied their souls, i.e. spiritual life of people.

    Is it possible to imagine the heroine in a situation of "earthly happiness"? Is the heroine happy? How does she define happiness?

    “Happiness is like water in a delusion: you pull - it puffed up, but you pull it out - there is nothing”

    What is the meaning of the story's title?

    Clean Mondaycleansing, threshold in life, beginning. On Clean Monday, a person partakes in the mystery of faith.


V.I.Dal in the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" gives the following interpretations of the word "communion":

    The sacrament, in which the believer, under the guise of bread and wine, receives the Body and Blood of the Lord, through this is united with Christ, becomes a participant in eternal life.

    Participation, affinity, connection, touch.

    Which meaning is closer to the meaning of the story? Prove your point.

    What day does she choose to enter the convent?

    Clean Monday

    Is the title of the story symbolic?

    Clean Monday - Orthodox tradition- a kind of border, a boundary between life - a vanity full of temptations, and the period of Great Lent, when a person is called to cleanse himself from the filth of worldly life.

    Pure Monday is both a transition and a beginning: from a secular, sinful life to an eternal, spiritual one.

    Consolidation of educational material

What is the skill of the writer? We will reveal the "secrets" of Bunin - a stylist with the help of philological analysis, especially since, according to the apt expression of V. Khodasevich, "The path to Bunin's philosophy lies through Bunin's philology"

    What kind artistic means uses Bunin in this story?

    Epithets, metaphors, oxymorons.

    Let's remember what an oxymoron is?

    From Greek. literally - witty-stupid. stylistic figure, a paradoxical-sounding antithesis, presented in the form of contrasting words. "A crowd of the dead" (Nekrasov), "the magnificent nature of withering (Pushkin)".

    Find oxymorons in the text?

    Indecently handsome, beauty and horror in the cemetery. Using this technique, the author shows the inconsistency of the characters.

    The climactic scene is a firework of various details of poetics, smell and light. Find confirmation in the text.

Smell the room is connected with the smell of flowers.

Light At the beginning of the story - semi-darkness and kisses.

The climactic scene takes place in a lighted bedroom. And in the finale, the word “dark” repeated three times will be nearby: “And then one of the nuns or sisters walking in the middle fixed her gaze dark eye in darkness… What could she darkness see how she could feel my presence…” Light illuminates love. On the contrary, love is a flash of light.

So it is in this story. As Maslenitsa is replaced by Clean Monday, so the heroine, who finally gave the long-awaited intimacy to the hero, goes to the monastery. She lit up and disappeared.

The story “Clean Monday” shows the theme, beloved by I. Bunin, of a painfully happy moment of love, short and at the same time eternal, unforgettable:

    Russia is on the verge of terrible trials ... the First World War, revolutions, Civil War. The Stalinist regime, desecration of history and the past...

    Maybe it's purification through suffering. Trials for salvation? Great Lent as a time of repentance and testing of faith for strength is replaced by a great holiday. Maybe the author saw the path of Russia in this? ..

Thus, characterizing the "Bunin's philology", we came to understand the "Bunin's philosophy" of love as a"some higher tense moment of being", which illuminates the whole life of a person.

    Generalization and systematization of the material


Abstracts - conclusions:

    The heroine does not find harmony and beauty either in contemporary art or in society;

    The story contrasts modernity and ancient Russian art, secular and Orthodox church culture;

    The departure of the heroine to the monastery - the search for beauty and finding the meaning of life;

    The heroine's sense of homeland is more developed than the feeling of love.



    "Clean Monday" - this is a story about love, understood as "a certain higher tense moment of being", which illuminates all human life.

    "Clean Monday" is a story about the author's nostalgia, about deep love Bunin to Russia.

    Combining together the musical, pictorial, poetic, ancient and new, the author paints a kind of “gold stroke on velvet” portrait of the era, recreates its atmosphere. Creating a poetic portrait of the era, Bunin gave the story the volume of an epic.

    "Clean Monday" - this is another evidence of the unsurpassed skill of the writer - "the best stylist modernity" (Gorky).


    Let's get back to writing on the board. Which of these words do you think reflects the meaning of the story?





    Is it possible to talk about finding in the story, because the characters part?

    What does the heroine get?

    Spiritual rest (episode in the church)


    Do you think the acquisition took place only for the main character?

    What changes for the main character?



There is both love and separation in the story, but the main thing is that a person finds his place on earth, the realization of his destiny.

    I ask you to return to the work with which the lesson began. On the sheets where the initial impression of the story was recorded, write down your feelings, thoughts, sensations after analyzing the story.

    Homework (optional):


Task number 1 - Answer in writing the questions: How has the understanding of the story changed after the analysis? What did this lesson make you think about? (for all students)

Task No. 2 - a message (+ presentation) about the life and work of A.I. Kuprin (individual)

Methodical literature:

    Egorova N.V., Zolotareva I.V. Lesson developments in Russian literature. XX century. Grade 11. M.: VAKO, 2004.

    Turyanskaya B.I., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Millionshchikova T.M. Literature in the 11th grade. Lesson after lesson. M .: LLC "TID" Russian word– RS”, 2005

    Medvedeva V. "Every love is a great happiness." A conversation with 11th graders about Bunin's book "Dark Alleys" // Literature at school. - M., 1997. - No. 3. - S. 13.

    Nikolina M.A. Linguistic analysis of I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday" // Russian literature. - M., 1996. - No. 3. - S. 79.

    Dolgopolov L. The story "Clean Monday" in the system of Bunin's work of the emigrant period. - L., 1985. - S. 340.

Internet resources:

    http:// rudocs. exdat. comdocs/ index-516313. html



Short description:

A reflection lesson based on the story of I. A. Bunin “Clean Monday” is conducted using elements of a project methodology that allow solving a problem situation. Problem situation lies in the fact that after reading the story, students consider the story "strange, incomprehensible." The task of the teacher is to analyze the story to reveal ideological originality. The use of ICT in the classroom allows you to make the lesson visual, interesting, meaningful. Pupils are engaged in the lesson active position. They independently conduct mini-research on the characteristics of the heroes of the story, draw up their observations in the form of a table, build associative chains, and speak in class with messages. And as a result, they come to understand deep meaning story.

Topic: Spiritual quest in I. Bunin's story "Clean Monday"


    Tutorial: analyze the spiritual quest of the heroes of I. Bunin's story "Clean Monday", identify the author's position, give his own interpretation of the story

    Developing: develop students' research skills and abilities, creative potential students through conscious reading of a work of art.

    Educational: to form the ability to be attentive to the opinion of another person, to accept his position


    portrait of I.A. Bunin

During the classes.

    Organizing time

    teacher's word(against the sound of a bell)

Between time and eternity

Like splashing water

Abandoned to us by infinity

The bridge is airy - golden, -

playing with colors,

Visible only to

Who is waiting with a soul

Loves his God

Who, forgetting his vicious,

Defeated the bulk of evil

And, like a fragile rainbow,

Resplendent and transcended

K. Balmont.

Why does a person come into the world? What is more important: material or spiritual? Each of us sooner or later thinks about these questions, gives his own answer to them.

Today I invite you to think about this together with I. Bunin at an unusual lesson, a lesson - reflection on the story "Clean Monday".

This story by I.A. Bunin is included in the collection "Dark Alleys", which was created by the writer in the "cursed years" of emigration.

The writer himself called this collection his best book, and the best story - the story "Clean Monday".

“I thank God that he gave me the opportunity to write Clean Monday,” such is author's assessment one of the most complex and mysterious works in creative heritage writer.

    Reflection (1st stage)(The goal is to fix the initial impression of the story, which will be compared with the students' interpretation of the story at the end of the lesson, at the 2nd stage of reflection)

At home, you got acquainted with the story, formed your own opinion. On a clean sheet, I will ask you to determine in 1-2 words what impression did the story make on you? (possible answers: mysterious, incomprehensible, strange). 2-3 people give their options.

So, the initial impression is fixed, we will return to it at the end of the lesson.

    Statement of the topic, objectives of the lesson, introduction of a problematic issue.

The topic of the lesson is announced.

How do you understand the term "spiritual quest"? (man's search for answers to moral questions, his purpose in life)

With which of the characters in the story is this concept primarily associated?

The storyline of the story is a story of unhappy love, but what is the deep meaning of the story? Give your opinion: what is this story about? (student options are recorded on the board)

For example:

The teacher adds a word "acquisition" . The class gives an interpretation of the word through the selection of synonyms.

Problem statement: which of the concepts reflected on the board is the key in the story? (add a question mark to the words).

The purpose of the lesson is independently formulated by students, based on the problematic issue of the lesson and the topic of the lesson ( analyze the spiritual quest of the characters, identify the author's position by answering a problematic question).

    Vocabulary work (checking the leading homework ) - interpretation of the key words "spirituality", "destiny" through the selection of synonyms.

    Story analysis.

Who is the main character of the story? ( on the board: SHE -beginning of associagram No. 1)

Analyze the portrait of the heroine. What keywords are used to create an image?

Was it only the external beauty of the heroine that was special? How did she surprise the main character? What epithets, comparisons are used and what is their role in creating the image of the main character? (increase the misunderstanding of the hero, the motive of the heroine's dissimilarity to other girls).

Analyze the description of the main character's room. What interior details emphasize the character traits of the heroine? (a combination of eastern and western motifs, a portrait of a barefoot Tolstoy). Why is this particular portrait in the room? (portrait of the writer in the late period of his life, when he renounces all manifestations of the material world, spiritual quests characterize this period of the writer's life).

What musical motif is associated with the image of the main character?

Students listen to a fragment from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, answer the question: why was this work taken by Bunin? What facets of the character of the heroine does the music reveal?

What is dominant in the character of the heroine? (students write down on their own, then offer their own options, they are put on the board, filled out associogram №1 )




Is the heroine happy? How does she define happiness? (“Happiness is like water in a delusion: you pull - it puffed up, but you pull it out - there is nothing”)

How does the heroine change in the second part of the story? (performance of differentiated tasks)

Level 1. The meaning of the title of the story by I. Bunin "Clean Monday".

Read the material about Clean Monday and Forgiveness Sunday, highlight the key points in the proposed material, prepare an answer to the following questions:

    What is the meaning of the story's title? (see card material in the appendix)

Level 2

The story mentions historical places in Moscow that the main characters visit. Analyze the travel route of the heroes, make a table based on the analyzed material:

Modern Moscow

Ancient Moscow

Why is the route of the heroes like this? What places in Moscow are closer to the main character? Support your opinion with quotes from the text. What character traits of the main character are evidenced by the choice of the travel route?

Presentation of completed tasks starts at level 2.

Outcome: Look carefully at the table, try to build a diagram life path heroines? What happened (throwing between the earthly and the spiritual). In which of these areas is she "real"?

Prove with examples from the text that spirituality is closer to her?

Which path does the heroine choose for herself?

What day does she choose to enter the convent?

Answers of students who worked with a differentiated task of level 1.

What is the meaning of the title story: compilation associograms №2

CLEAN MONDAY=… (students continue, perhaps: purification, threshold in life, beginning)

On Clean Monday, a person partakes in the mystery of faith.

V.I.Dal in the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" gives the following interpretations of the word "communion":

    the sacrament in which the believer, under the guise of bread and wine, receives the Body and Blood of the Lord, through this he is united with Christ, becomes a participant in eternal life.

    Participation, affinity, connection, touch.

Which meaning is closer to the meaning of the story? Prove your point.

    The answer to the problematic question, the result of the lesson.

What is the essence of the story? Referring to the entry made at the beginning of the lesson:

Which of these words do you think reflects the meaning of the story?

Is it possible to talk about finding in the story, because the characters part?

What does the heroine get? (spiritual peace). Reading episode in the church.

Marfo - the Mariinsky Convent is a cloister of mercy that really existed in Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. She was created for secular ladies. The sisters of the monastery took a vow to serve their neighbors - the poor, the dark, the sick, they served a hospital for poor women, an infirmary for soldiers, an orphanage.

Why does the writer choose this monastery? What new facets of the heroine's character are revealed?

Completion of the associogram No. 1.

Beginning of the story SHE End of story







Do you think the acquisition took place only for the main character?

What changes for the main character?

Summing up, we can say that in the story there is both love and separation, but the main thing is that a person finds his place on earth, realizes his destiny.

In the art of the 20th century, the theme of spirituality occupies a special place.

Comparison of Bunin's story with M. Vrubel's sketch "An angel with a candle and a censer" and A. Blok's poem "A girl sang in a church choir".

8 . Reflection (2nd stage)

I ask you to return to the work with which the lesson began. On the sheets where the initial impression of the story was recorded, write down your feelings, thoughts, sensations at this stage, after analyzing the story.

What has changed in your perception, understanding of the story?

What made you think about this lesson?

9. D/Z essay - reasoning "The meaning of the title of the story" Clean Monday ".


Differentiated task card. Level 1

The meaning of the title of the story by I. Bunin "Clean Monday".

Read the material about Pure Monday and Forgiveness Sunday.

Highlight the key points in the proposed material, prepare an answer to the following questions:

    What is the meaning of Clean Monday and Forgiveness Sunday in the religious calendar?

    How are these days perceived in the public mind?

    What is the meaning of the story's title?

Material for analysis.

      Forgiveness Sunday - the day of preparation of believers for the bright holiday of Easter (Prayer Book)

Great Lent, ending with one of the main Orthodox holidays- Easter - Maslenitsa precedes. The last day of the Maslenitsa week - Sunday - is called Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, “Orthodox pious people go to monasteries, visit cathedrals, bow to holy relics, shrines. In monasteries, in churches, a rite of forgiveness is performed.

On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to ask forgiveness from each other for all perfect and imperfect, only thought sins.

Great Lent, lasting 40 days, is a time of strictness, holiness, abstinence, it begins on Clean Monday, which is the day of transition to a new life, cleansing from sinful, vain.

      “... Yes, today is Great Lent ... Today we have Clean Monday, and everyone in our house is being cleaned. Joyful something swarms in the heart: everything is new now, different. Now “the soul will begin,” Gorkin said yesterday, “the soul must be prepared.” Fast, prepare for a bright day.

Father did not leave on his own business: a special day today, strict.

... It begins to seem to me that now the old life is ending, we must prepare for something new.

Gorkin explains:

Shrovetide - zhirukha we will expel ... Therefore, fasting is given in order to hold on to the church more, to wait for the Bright Day (Easter). And don't think, you know. Don’t think about earthly things!…”

(I. Shmelev "Summer of the Lord")

The work of I. Bunin "Clean Monday" begins with a description of the character of the girl, to whom the narrator was clearly not indifferent.

“... She was mysterious, incomprehensible to me, our relations with her were also strange ...” - the author writes about the one to whom all attention was riveted at that time.

The character of the main character

The girl with obvious indifference, covered by a fleeting "thank you" accepted the courtship of the young man.

“It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city ...” From these lines, an interesting image of the main character of the story “Clean Monday”, who both loved and at the same time, she did not like social life.

But why is it so named? We will get an answer to this question by analyzing the work to the end.
She was rich and very beautiful, with a swarthy amber face, magnificent black hair, eyebrows softly shining like black sable fur, eyes black as velvet coal; captivating velvety crimson lips ... "- the description of the beautiful appearance could be continued, but the author does not focus on this.

What character traits were inherent in this mysterious woman? First, isolation and thoughtfulness.

Ivan Bunin tries to focus the reader's attention on the fact that "she was silent." Secondly, she did not believe in true love and therefore reacted negatively to the proposal of a young man in love to marry. “I’m not fit to be a wife,” the girl said categorically. Thirdly, there was always some kind of mystery in it. In addition, the girl is well educated, such qualities as an extraordinary mind and refinement can be traced in her.

Changes in fate

A sharp transition from secular life to a completely different one occurred in the hero's beloved suddenly, completely unexpectedly for him.

On that day, everything was somehow unusual. The girl, dressed in all black, offered to go to the Novodevichy Convent. She unexpectedly expressed a thought from which it is clear that she understands how much the young man loves her. Then they walked for a long time, looking for Griboedov's house, but, having not found it, they decided to eat at Yegorov's on Okhotny Ryad.

During the meal, the hero of the story was alerted by the phrase that escaped from the lips of his beloved: “Oh, I’ll go somewhere to the monastery ...”

The next day, the girl offered to go to the event: the “skit” of the Art Theater, and the narrator meekly agreed, although he was surprised, because such a pastime was alien to her before.

An unexpected invitation

Finally, she invited her beloved to visit. For the first time, and as it turned out, the last time. After a night spent together, the girl suddenly said: "I'm leaving for Tver." This meeting was the last in their lives. The girl was waiting for big changes, and the hero - experiences, tears and uncertainty.

She cut her hair as a nun

“I won’t return to Moscow, I’ll go to obedience for now, then, maybe, I’ll decide to be tonsured ...” - these were the lines from her last letter received by the hero two weeks after parting from her beloved. And she did what she decided to do.

A fleeting meeting in a church

Once, on Ordynka, the narrator, by an inner impulse, stopped a cab at the gates of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. He wanted to get in there. The girls' choir sang. What was the embarrassment of the hero when, among the line of singing, he saw the familiar look of black eyes fixed directly on him. He turned and quietly walked out of the church gate.

The meaning of the name

"Clean Monday" is celebrated at the very beginning of Lent, when Forgiveness Sunday passes. During this period, according to the author's intention, a big turning point was made in the life of the heroine - the transition from secular entertainment to life associated with the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent.

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