Victoria Daineko: biography and personal life (photo). Victoria Daineko What has the singer been up to lately?

Victoria Daineko is one of the most famous artists on Russian stage. For more than ten years now, she has been delighting fans with her creativity. The biography of Victoria Daineko is replete with various interesting facts and events - even though the girl is only thirty.

early years

Vika Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in the small village of Kirovskoye, in the Republic of Kazakhstan (now renamed Billyk). Dad Peter (a generalist specialist) and mother Evgenia (a programmer) had no more children, so they devoted all their attention and care to their only daughter. The girl grew up in an atmosphere of love, and to this day her parents remain her best friends.

When Vika was a little over a month old, the Daineko family moved to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny. All my youth passed there future singer. Namely, Vika announced her desire to become a singer back in her “pink childhood.” But mom and dad thought that this was not serious, and therefore, starting from the age of five, Vika studied ballroom dancing- and this continued until she was eleven.

Love for music

Despite dancing, my love for music has not gone away. Vika continued to dream about big stage. But creative path Victoria Daineko’s career began on a small stage and, as usual, completely by accident: there was a vocal competition at school, where Vika’s friend went. She asked Vika to join her, Vika, of course, agreed - and created a sensation.

Even though she didn't have music education, she had very in a strong voice(which, by the way, will be repeated by many masters encountered in her further biography). Victoria Daineko was invited to perform in the school ensemble, where she remained until the eighth grade - it was then that the talented girl was invited to the Mirny pop group. And then came work in another group and participation in many (if not all) musical events and city competitions. Soon people started talking about Vika, she became a real local celebrity. In addition to her powerful voice, Vika has been famous for her determination and perseverance since childhood. Her goal was the stage, which meant she needed to hone her skills. The problem was the absence in Mirny educational institutions By pop vocals. Victoria worked independently - listened to the songs of her favorite artists (mostly British), tried to imitate them, adopt their performance culture.

If at first Vika sang only other people’s hits, then later, in high school, she began to have her own songs. The very first of them, called “Red-haired Girlfriend,” was written for a talented beautiful girl by two local authors, currently collaborating with Leonid Agutin. In addition, Vika wrote poetry herself, and in two languages ​​at once.


In addition to her passion for music, Vika was seriously interested in the English language. However, there was a connection with singing here too: Vika simply really wanted to sing in English and get on the world stage. Therefore, after graduating from school, she didn’t even have any questions about where to apply. Of course, in foreign language! This is how Moscow entered Victoria Daineko’s biography.

A seventeen-year-old girl came to the capital alone. Quite calmly she entered the foreign language department. Her parents rented an apartment for her. Everything around was new and unusual. It seemed that years of study lay ahead - but here it was, a whim of fate: it so happened that an apartment for Victoria was found in the Ostankino area. Every day the girl passed by the television center, and that’s how she found out about the start of the casting for another season the most popular television project “Star Factory” - already the fifth in a row. I found out and without a doubt decided to try my hand.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the Star Factory opened its doors for the fifth time. This time, three people occupied the director’s chair at once: producers Igor Matvienko and Maxim Fadeev, and the prima donna herself, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. It was thanks to Alla Borisovna that Vika was able to get onto the project.

Initially, she did not pass the casting. I was upset, returned home, but thought - we must continue to fight! She returned to Ostankino and managed to get an audition for Pugacheva. Based on the selection results, the contestants were divided into two categories - some were politely thanked, which meant a refusal, others were asked to sit down and wait, that is, they were given a “pass” to the next stage. It was these cherished words that Vika heard when she sang in front of the Prima Donna. This is how Victoria Daineko’s biography included a project that completely changed her life.

Just participating in a show watched by an audience of millions meant phenomenal success, but Vika managed to achieve the seemingly impossible - a simple girl from the Russian outback, without education, without connections, but with a great desire to work, she won in the fifth season "Factory" and signed a contract for cooperation with Igor Matvienko. This is how Vika’s path to fame began - at seventeen and a half years old.

Life after "Factory"

“Star Factory” divided Victoria’s life into “before” and “after”. As was customary in all seasons of the show, immediately after the end of the project, the young “stars” went on a large tour across the country. This happened in the fifth season, and Vika traveled to Russia along with the rest of the participants. In addition, the girl shot a video for the song “Leila”, which was written to her during the project. They filmed the video in Thailand, and the very young Vika, who found herself at sea and abroad for the first time, had a lot of impressions and delight. From that time on, the constant and fruitful work of singer Victoria Daineko began.

The biography of her first years is rich in a variety of events: there was a recording of the soundtrack for the film “Waiting for a Miracle,” and several filmed videos, and the release of the first album “Needle,” and even candid photo shoot For men's magazine(later Vika will say that it was her mistake)… Life moved quickly.

In 2012, Victoria recorded two duets: with rapper T-Killah and with the group “Korni” (who, by the way, like her, work with Igor Matvienko), and two years later released a second album both in Russian and on English languages. Vika still has the dream of singing in English.

Participation in projects

Many artists gladly take part in various shows - some for the sake of a fee, others to once again flash on TV, while others simply because they enjoy it. So Vika was no exception.

Back in 2007, she appeared in the project “ glacial period" This was followed by “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Two Stars” and - in 2011 - “Star Factory. Return”, where the participants gathered different seasons shows that have become famous. At this “Factory”, Vika again managed to win, beating such rivals as Irina Dubtsova, Zara, Vlad Sokolovsky, the groups “Chelsea”, “Factory”, “Yin-Yang”.

In addition to participating in the show, Victoria does not refuse to participate in films. She starred in cameos in several TV series, and also lent her voice to three cartoons - Noah's Ark (2007), Rapunzel (2010) and Trolls (2016). In the last two films, the characters sing in Vicki’s voice.

Personal life

The biography of Victoria Daineko is not short on “amorous affairs”. To a beautiful girl With unusual appearance From her very first appearance in public, various novels were attributed every now and then. While still at the Factory, Vika met with a dancer named Igor, who worked on the project. However, their relationship, which all Vicki’s fans watched with curiosity, did not last long.

Some consider the girl's next relationship to be real, while others consider it a successful PR stunt, invented by the producer to stir up interest in his charges. One way or another, in 2006 the media was full of information that Victoria Daineko’s new chosen one (pictured), whose biography is also known to everyone, is none other than the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Vika and “Roots” each released a video, the plots of which had something in common with the love affair between Vika and Pasha, and then this relationship gradually came to naught.

In 2010, Roots acquired new soloist, Dmitry Pakulichev. And he and Victoria began an affair. Dmitry starred in the girl’s new video (“Erase him from your memory”), they appeared together several times at a couple of events, but quickly ran away.

The following relationships left a big mark on the biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko. Photos with Alexey Vorobyov, in which they are happy and in love, appeared with enviable frequency both in magazines and on the social networks of the artists themselves. However, a little more than six months after the start of the novel, Alexey, whose frivolity is legendary, left Vika. She took this breakup, which happened in 2012, just before her birthday, very hard.

And then 2014 came. And in Victoria’s life she appeared future husband- drummer Dmitry Kleiman.

Dmitry Kleiman

The biography of Victoria Daineko’s husband (though now ex-husband) is not encouraging with extensive information. It is known that Dmitry’s parents’ names are Andrey and Valentina, his father is a musician, and his son, born in 1994 (Dmitry is seven years younger than Victoria), followed in his footsteps. Dmitry began to get involved in music and extracting rhythms from the age of five, and “trained” on everything that came to hand.

In addition to playing the drums, he is a guitarist and beatboxer (beatboxing is imitation of music using the voice), works with many popular performers and he himself is quite famous in musical circles.

Meet Victoria

Vika and Dima met in October 2014 - to record an album, Vika needed musicians, including those who played drums, several were advised to her, including Kleiman. Victoria admitted that she immediately drew attention to him, while at first he was indifferent to the artist. Nevertheless, they began to work together, then communicate more and more closely. Then the first hugs and kisses began, then Dima met the singer at the airport when she was returning from tour, and since then they have not parted.

In February 2015, Dmitry proposed to Victoria, and in April the couple married. They were not stopped either by the fact that Vika was older than Dima, or by the fact that they had known each other for only six months. Victoria repeated that she was more than confident in her feelings and in Dima.

Birth of a child

In October of the same year, Victoria and Dmitry had a daughter. Unlike many “star” (and not only) mothers who constantly post photographs of their children and tell details of their personal lives, Vika was in no hurry to do either one or the other. To this day she does not show her daughter to strangers, moreover, for a long time She even hid the child’s name - Lida.

Unfortunately, in the summer of this year, the marriage of Dmitry and Victoria broke up, and even the presence of a common daughter did not save him. Dmitry initiated the divorce, and Vika did not interfere with him. She raises the girl herself, but does not object to her meetings with her father. However, last time Dmitry also visited his daughter a few months ago.


Despite her relatively young age, Victoria Daineko’s biography includes many awards. These are “Fashion Singer of the Year” (2007), and five Golden Gramophone statuettes, and “ Best Song"on the "Red Star" - and so on. In addition, two years ago Vika received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

  1. Respects the work of British performers, especially Christina Aguilera.
  2. IN ordinary life Quite shy, embarrassed when communicating with people.
  3. Except for the stage, she does not wear makeup.
  4. He loves to be at home and calls himself a homebody.
  5. Before “Star Factory” I tried to get on the project “ National artist", but did not pass.

They say that luck loves the open and purposeful people. This is exactly what Vika Daineko is - she is ready to move mountains for the sake of her dream. And with such efficiency, she will probably succeed!

It seems that something wrong is going on with Victoria Daineko. Firstly, the singer has lost a lot of weight. Moreover, timid comments from fans that she seemed to look healthier with her previous weight make her very angry.

Secondly, she is constantly in a state of anxiety. This Sunday too, Vika posted a rather cheerful photo - she is walking along Red Square with a stroller under a bright blue sky, but she captioned it somewhat depressively: “Sunny day. And I’m a person of experience... Where would this excitement be with or without anything.”

Under another photo of herself, she made the following intriguing caption: “I styled my hair, dressed up, waited for the driver, put on my makeup as usual right next to the exit, and my eyes will start to roar…”

And then she asked all subscribers: “What are your options? What are these tears out of the blue? Fans showered Daineko with the most different options- from “a speck of dust got into your eye” to “postpartum depression.” However, Vika is in no hurry to answer her own questions.

Many are inclined to think that the singer really has postpartum depression. But perhaps the constant lack of sleep is taking its toll. After all, Vika, despite her status as a young mother, continues to tour a lot. It is not surprising that she is rapidly losing weight and mood... Even people far from medicine are already strongly advising the singer to slow down a little and go somewhere to relax.

Victoria Daineko – popular Russian singer, winner in music project"Star Factory-5". The young artist arrived in the capital from Yakutia, impressing television viewers and professionals with the power of her voice and bright southern temperament.

Victoria still occupies her own niche in Russian show business, continuing to expand their repertoire with new fiery dance tunes.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Petrovna Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in Kazakhstan, in the small village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region. Immediately after the birth of their daughter, the Daineko family moved to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny.

Victoria’s mother worked as a programmer, and her father changed many professions: he was a truck driver, a television operator, a DJ at his own disco, served as the head of the automation department at Sberbank and worked in a housing cooperative. Vika was the only child in the family, so she received the maximum amount parental love and complete freedom of action.

Daineko started singing and dancing with early childhood. At the age of 5, her parents sent the girl to the ballet theater “Diamonds of Yakutia”. At the same time, Vika developed her singing talent: until the 8th grade she sang in the Atas ensemble. A girl with a beautiful and strong voice was noticed and invited first to the city pop group “Reflection”, and then to “Phaeton” of the Almaz Palace of Culture. The group successfully performed at various music venues Peaceful and mostly covered other people's hits.

Daineko was noticeable and recognizable: flexible, with an exotic appearance and a strong voice. At the same time, Vika never received a musical education: there were no special educational institutions in the town that taught pop vocals. The girl learned all the subtleties of vocal performance herself by listening to CDs. popular singers and trying to repeat what he heard.

However, not only music and songs occupied all her free time. The girl managed to prove herself in journalism: in the Lyceum newspaper “Lyceum Press” she wrote the column “Everything is important to us.” She also taught herself English and Spanish.

And yet music became decisive: the desire to sing in English prompted Daineko to enter the faculty foreign languages Moscow Aviation Institute.


The most noticeable and vibrant pages creative biography Victoria Daineko received in the capital. If in her native Mirny she was already a local celebrity, now she had to win the recognition of the whole country.

A student at the Moscow Aviation Institute lived not far from Ostankino. And when I found out about the casting for the TV project “Star Factory-5”, I decided to try my luck. A young contestant from distant Yakutia suddenly saw with her own eyes other show business megastars.

Victoria Daineko on the TV project “Star Factory-5” - “Leila”

After 3 months, Victoria Daineko became the winner of the “Factory” and acquired an army of fans and admirers. Immediately after the end of the project, the singer went with other participants on a concert tour around the cities of the country. She also recorded the first video for new song"Leila", which immediately became a hit. Filming took place in Thailand. A Yakut girl saw palm trees and the sea for the first time. After “Factory,” Daineko received an offer of cooperation from one of the most famous producers and composers in Russia, Igor Matvienko.

Now Victoria’s creative biography includes dozens of videos and hits, including the “first swallow” - “Leila”, and the duet with “I Dreamed”, and the already well-known “I’ll Just Leave You Right Now”, “Breathe”, “Stop, where am I going?

Victoria Daineko - “Breathe”

2007 was the most eventful year for the singer. In the fall, Victoria was nominated for the “Best Performer” award according to MTV Russia Music Awards. That same year, she starred in an erotic photo shoot for Playboy magazine for the first time. The girl also took part in the “Ice Age” project. Her partner was a famous figure skater. The couple reached the final of the project, but that’s it creative tandem Daineko and Yagudin's battle is not over. Together with the skater, Victoria recorded the song “Needle” and shot a joint video.

In 2008 appeared debut album Victoria Daineko called “Needle”. He collected all the singer’s hits over 3 years of work. The album includes the compositions “I will be better” and “I will live”, the Russian adaptation of the hit “I will survive”, which served as the soundtrack to animated film"Noah's Ark".

Victoria Daineko - “I will be better”

In the spring of 2009, Daineko sang in a duet with the TV project “Two Stars”. The couple took 3rd place. In the same year, the singer appeared in “ New Year's Eve on the First", where she performed in an even more unusual duet. Together with the comedian, Victoria parodied popular film"Mr. and Mrs. Smith", enthusiastically quarreling with their on-screen husband and shooting at him with different-sized weapons.

In 2011, the singer repeated her success in the project with which her creative biography began. The artist took part in the show “Star Factory. Return”, where graduates of the “Star Factory” competed different years. The girl joined Igor Matvienko’s team. The hit of the project was the ensemble of Victoria Daineko, and, which was called “Loneliness”.

Slava, Victoria Daineko and Zara - “Loneliness”

In the same year, Victoria presented fresh singles and video clips for them: “Erase it from memory” and “Girl in a Million”.

In 2012, the celebrity recorded a new track, “The Last Time,” which she presented at New Year's concert Channel One "Olivier Show" paired with. The singer also released music videos for the songs “Closer than Tango” and “Mirror, mirror”, recorded together with. In the same year, Daineko recorded the song “Wings,” which was subsequently included in the album “Ellipses” along with compositions released over the previous 2 years. Victoria performed the title song of the new album together with.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko - “The Last Time”

In 2013, the video clip “Breathe” appeared in rotation. 2014 brought 2 musical premieres to Daineko’s career: a video for the song “Beat Yourself” and new album, the second and first in English, with the laconic title “V”, which helped the singer gain weight in the international music market.

In 2015, Victoria released a video for the song “Living Together.” Soon the singer began working with animation again; she voiced one of the main characters in the cartoon “Trolls.” Victoria's company in the work on dubbing was the singer, who gave his voice to the second central character paintings.

Victoria Daineko – “Living Together”

In the same year, Victoria presented a new video clip for the song “These Nights”. But much more public attention was attracted by another composition called “Living Together,” which was released a year earlier. Listeners of Russian Radio brought this song to the top line of the Golden Gramophone hit parade. In the same year, the composition won the Golden Gramophone figurine. The artist herself calls this track very special and charged with positivity.

Victoria Daineko – “These Nights”

Also in 2016, “Russian Top” nominated Victoria for the title of “Singer of the Year”, and the “RU.TV Award” - “Moms of the Year”, but Daineko did not receive the awards themselves. But the singer, together with her husband Dmitry Kleiman, won the “RU.TV Award” in the “Wedding of the Year” category.

Personal life

During the first tour that took place after the end of the “Star Factory-5” project, Victoria Daineko met the lead singer of the group “Roots”. It was a bright but short-term romance, after which there was a beautiful song called “I’ll Just Leave You Right Away.”

Victoria had another affair with the group “Roots” with a representative of the same group, singer Dmitry Pakulichev. But this relationship also quickly ended in order to “make way” for the next one - with singer Alexei Vorobyov. The couple seemed happy, all the tabloids wrote about them, but whirlwind romance Daineko and Vorobyov suddenly ended in May 2012. Vika and Alexey unexpectedly broke up, without explaining to anyone the reasons for the breakup.

In November 2014, Victoria Daineko’s personal life again became a top tabloid topic: the singer began dating the drummer of the DrumCast group, Dmitry Kleiman. He is 7 years younger than the singer, but this did not bother Victoria at all. She admits that she did not feel the age difference, because her chosen one behaved very maturely and responsibly. As the singer told the press, at the time they met she did not even suspect that the musician was so much younger than her, and Dmitry sometimes behaved even more mature than his chosen one.

In February 2015, the musician proposed marriage to Victoria, to which she agreed. In April 2015, Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman. For some time there were rumors that the singer had separated from her husband, but Victoria quickly denied these gossips and even hinted that she and her husband were thinking about getting married.

Soon after the wedding, it became known that the singer was pregnant; on October 3 of the same year, Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. The celebrity tries not to let strangers know family life. She posts photos of her children’s room, her daughter’s clothes and other children’s accessories on social networks, but does not share photos of the girl with fans.

In November 2016, the singer organized a magnificent celebration in honor of her daughter’s birthday. Daineko rented a Moscow restaurant, which she decorated in soft pink and white colors, and invited celebrity friends. Unlike others star moms who regularly show off their own children to the press and fans, Daineko did not show her daughter to strangers even after the girl was one year old. Rumors about Lydia’s illness appeared in the media, but the artist denied these speculations.

In 2017, rumors appeared in the press about discord and quarrels in the Daineko family. By this time, Dmitry no longer lived with his wife and daughter. In May, Victoria commented on divorce rumors for the first time. According to the singer, the discord began due to constant quarrels in December 2016, after which the couple separated.

In the summer of 2017, a photo appeared on the Internet in which Daineko’s husband, smeared with lipstick, hugs two girls. Victoria wrote in social network an appeal to the girl in the picture, who turned out to be her friend, already an ex.

Later, information appeared about Victoria’s affair with hockey player Grigory Panin, but the celebrities themselves denied a close relationship with each other.

Victoria Daineko now

While journalists and fans worry about the singer’s relationship, Daineko plunged headlong into creativity. She presented new composition“Heart Beats”, which was accompanied by a music video. The song was released as a single, which was supposed to add to the track list of the new album.

In 2018, the pop star’s studio work, called “Smiles,” was released. The album includes the tracks “I’m Coming,” “The Heart Is Beating,” “I’m with You.”

Vika Daineko - “Smiles”

On July 22, Victoria attended the second annual music Festival under open air“Swallow”, which took place at Luzhniki. The singer posted a photo report about this appearance on the page in "Instagram".

Now uncertainty reigns in the artist’s personal life. In the summer of 2018, Victoria mentioned that she could start a new relationship with Dmitry. Over time, the feeling of resentment towards his former life partner dulled, and Kleiman began to visit his ex-wife and daughter more often.

However, already in the fall, rumors appeared between Daineko and Vorobyov. The singer invited ex-girlfriend to star in his video for the song “Happy New Year, my beloved person!” The video is based on real story love between two artists, the plot uses archival videos and photos.

The sincerity of feelings that Victoria and Alexey presented on the screen made fans talk about a new round in their relationship. The performers themselves did not comment on this information, but those around them noticed how the eyes of the former lovers glowed next to each other.

In November, the premiere of the Disney animated film “Ralph Breaks the Internet” took place, in which Daineko again participated in the dubbing. The heroine speaks in her voice.

In addition to her career as a voice actress, Victoria continues to act in television projects. Episodic role the singer received in the comedy series "". She played ex-wife the main character Kulagin, performed by.

"Again 48.8. Again trying to get back to 52-54. With gluten intolerance the problem is not losing weight, but gaining weight!" – Victoria Daineko wrote in her Instagram story.


Fans have repeatedly noticed the singer’s unhealthy thinness. IN Lately under posts on social networks, caring followers constantly talk about her appearance.

“Have you lost weight?”, “You’re so skinny!”, “Oh, you’re so skinny,” “Victoria, you’ve lost a lot of weight,” “Someone feed her, please!”, “God, where are you so skinny?”, “Urgently.” fatten up!”, “We need to pump up our butt, or eat more (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Editor’s note),” excited fans comment on her pictures.

Several years ago, Victoria Daineko became a mother - she had a daughter. After pregnancy, the artist quickly regained her previous shape and now boasts a slender figure. Victoria is not too happy with her appearance and dreams of gaining weight. Due to gluten intolerance (celiac disease), Daineko is losing a lot of weight, reports

The recent scandal involving her ex-husband certainly did not add to the health of the singing brunette. As the site wrote, Victoria wants to quickly forget her unsuccessful marriage and live happily, but as a free woman.

Dmitry Kleiman gave an interview in which he admitted that he decided to divorce because he could not tolerate his wife’s humiliation. In turn, Victoria admitted that she “protected herself and her daughter from domestic and psychological violence.” She had to leave her husband because he allegedly raised his hand against her.

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