The influence of rock music on the psychological state of a person

Influence various types music on the human body.

What's happened sound? Sound is a certain vibration wave or energy in space.
The entire Universe was created by Sound. According to the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word,” with the help of which God created our Universe. In Indian philosophy the highest world beginning– Nada Brahman is embodied in sound, it is the germ of all things. Judaism emphasizes “By the Word of God the heavens were created.” According to the theory of physicists, the Universe arose approximately 14 billion years ago as a result of a tremendous Big Bang, i.e. through Sound and Light!
The entire Universe is permeated with sound, light, rhythmic pulsations of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, galaxies. And all this affects the air, water, earth, all living organisms, including person. And the person himself produces various sounds that have a polar impact at him and environment.

Swiss scientist Hans Jenny studied exposure to sound on inorganic matter, including on the water Under influence sound droplet The water, vibrating, took the form of a three-dimensional star or a double tetrahedron in circles. The higher the vibration frequency, the more complex the forms. But as soon as the sound died down, the most beautiful formations again became shaped like a drop of water.

Japanese scientist Professor Emoto Masaru conducted experiments on influence to the water various music, prayers, obscene expressions, positive and negative statements.

Emoto Masaru's experiments showed that the result of the influence of spiritual and classical music, prayers and words carrying positive energy, is the formation of snowflakes of amazing beauty in ordinary water. On the contrary, when exposed rock music, obscene expressions, words carrying negative energy, in ordinary water a crystalline structure was not formed at all, and the previously well-formed crystalline structure of water was destroyed. The structure of water copies the energy-information field in which it is located, and we are 90% water.

Positive or negative energy of speech sounds or musical work affects for the whole whole body, right down to the cell structure. Russian scientists under the leadership of P.P. Garyaeva and the staff of the Institute of General Genetics proved that DNA perceives human speech. If a person uses obscene expressions in his speech, his chromosomes begin to change their structure, a kind of negative program begins to be developed in the DNA molecules, which can be called a “self-destruction program,” and this is passed on to the person’s descendants. Scientists have recorded: a swear word causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation with a power of a thousand roentgens!
And vice versa: under influence of prayers and words carrying positive energy, plant growth accelerates and the genome of wheat and barley seeds is restored after radiation destruction. Moreover, plant genomes responded adequately to the positive, highly spiritual meaning of speech, regardless of what language was used - English or Russian.
Sound options
By the nature of oscillatory movements sounds are divided into two groups - tones and noises. If the oscillation occurs rhythmically, that is, the same phases are repeated at certain intervals sound wave, then the resulting sound is perceived as a musical tone.
Any sound has physical parameters: strength, frequency And timbre. Alternating sounds in a certain sequence have one more parameter - rhythm
Force sound. Depends on the magnitude of the oscillation amplitude. The greater the amplitude, the stronger the sound, and, conversely, the smaller the range of vibrations, the less sound intensity.

The table gives a specific idea of ​​the sound intensity level.

Intensity level of different sounds in decibels
Sound db
Barely audible sound (audibility threshold) 0
Whisper near the ear 25-30
Speech with average volume 60-70
Very loud speech (screaming) 90
The roar of an airliner 120 taking off
At rock and pop music concerts in the center of hall 106-108
At rock and pop music concerts, stage 120

For passion loud music, especially fashionable these days, many thousands of teenagers are paying with acquired hearing loss. In the middle of the 20th century, many countries established sanitary and safety standards that limited music volume, the permissible volume limit was 85-90 dB. However, there is no law in our country that would protect visitors to discos and rock concerts, where sound intensity often exceeds 85 decibels. A person who is exposed to 110 decibels of sound every day for 15 minutes will damage their hearing aids in just a few years. Average fans rock music in a year they attend 18 concerts and sit for 400 hours in front of powerful sound speakers. For such stream of sounds The hair cells in the inner ear are not adapted and, in the absence of rest breaks, they die. Impact on the human body ultra-loud sounds are destructive- similar music experts call " killer music", "sonic poison".
Dr. David Lipscomb from the sound laboratory of the University of Tennessee reported back in 1982 that 60% of students entering the university have significant hearing impairment in the high-frequency region, that is, they have the hearing of older people. Hearing impairment due to noise is an incurable disease. It is almost impossible to repair a damaged nerve surgically.
Sound volume- not a physical parameter - it is intensity of auditory sensation. Loudness, like any other sensation, rises and falls much less than sound intensity. It has been established that an increase in sound intensity by 10 dB, that is, 10 times, is accompanied by an increase in volume by only 2 times. However, it is impossible to get used to an excessively loud sound. The claims of those who live near the airfield that they are accustomed to the roar of jet engines are, in fact, misleading. Over time, the rumble seems to be “excluded” from consciousness, but the hearing aid, nevertheless, reacts to every plane taking off. Regular and prolonged exposure to industrial noise of 85-90 decibels leads to hearing loss.
Weavers, blacksmiths, subway train drivers and service staff airfields - regular patients of doctors involved in hearing restoration- these are the costs of the profession. Now schoolchildren and students are actively joining these patients. This is already a fashion expense: boys and girls with headphones from a player or cell phone. Constantly listening to the player can make you sick. Therefore, if a student suddenly loses sleep, becomes lethargic and apathetic, or even vomits, the headphones must be taken away from him and taken to an otolaryngologist.
What helps? increase hearing acuity? First, consciously limiting the volume of noise sources (TV, music center, radio). If your neighbors are particularly noisy or if there is a constant source of noise near your home (an airfield, a manufacturing facility, a bar or a cafe), you need to rest your ears as much as possible, and for this, the simplest headphones, just not turned on, without sound, will do. Secondly, spend more time in nature (but not in a noisy company with barbecues!) - intense listening to silence increases hearing acuity.
Frequency. It depends on the frequency of vibration of the sounding body and is measured by the number of complete vibrations per second. Human perceptible range: from 15-16 Hz to 20000-22000 Hz. Above 22,000 Hz - ultrasound - the human ear does not perceive, but humans feel the influence of ultrasound. Below is infrasound. It is also not perceived by the ear, but it affects the entire body. The best range for perception is 800-2000 Hz. The natural frequency of the eardrum is 1000 Hz.
Uncontrolled exposure to ultrasound is dangerous - damage to internal organs, hemorrhages, swelling, inflammation, and arthritis occurs. Even ordinary ones acoustic guitars, despite being electric, they can emit ultrasounds when playing for a long time. When exposed to ultrasound, biochemical reactions occur in the brain, similar to a morphine injection.
Infrasound affects the central nervous system. The “working” frequency of the brain is approximately 8 Hz. Infrasounds of the same frequency sooner or later cause resonance in nerve cells. “Playing” with frequencies speeds up the heart rate, increases the amount of adrenaline in the blood, and causes artificial excitement. Exposure to low frequencies in combination with light flashes with a frequency of 6–8 Hz deprives a person of depth perception. At a frequency of 25 Hz, flashes of light coincide with the frequency of brain biocurrents, and a person may lose control over his behavior.
Modern music styles rock, hip-hop, metal, « commercial music– pop music and others are written at low frequencies. Research has shown that low-frequency sounds have mostly negative effects on humans. they cause loss of energy, depression, or are perceived as threatening, for example, the roar of an earthquake, an avalanche, thunder, the destruction of a building. Repeating rhythm and low frequencies bass guitar sounds have a huge impact on the condition of the cerebrospinal fluid, and as a result, on the functioning of the glands that regulate the secretions of hormones; the level of insulin in the blood changes significantly; the main indicators of self-control sharply weaken or are completely neutralized.

On the contrary, sounds high frequency in a range favorable to humans, they have a beneficial effect on us, increasing energy levels, causing joy and good mood. High frequency sounds activate brain activity, improve memory, stimulate thinking processes, while at the same time relieving muscle tension and balancing your body in a different way.
After music research, written by various composers, French otolaryngologist Alfred Tomatis found that Mozart's music contains the most high-frequency sounds that recharge and activate the brain. It is very useful to listen to the voices of birds, sounds of nature. An extended speech range (from 60 to 6000 Hz) is also important because speech represents complex signals that, in addition to the fundamental tones, also contain many harmonics that are multiples of them in frequency. Our native Russian language is very promising in this sense, because it includes both very low and very high frequencies. The area of ​​American and English is much narrower.

Timbre. Timbre, or color of sound, called that is its property, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish from each other sounds of the same height and strength, but emitted by different sources. If you play the same note on a trumpet, violin and piano, in each case you get a different characteristic sound, distinguished by its color and unique sound.
In nature, pure tones are almost never found. All sounds, including musical ones, consist of a number of simple sounds. IN musical sounds distinguish the main tone and a number of additional tones, or overtones, overtones and give the sounds a timbre coloring.
The number and strength of overtones depend mainly on the size and shape of the resonators that participate in the formation of a given sound. This is why we distinguish between sounds made by different musical instruments, voices of people, animals and birds.
Rhythm. The most universal definition of this word belongs to Plato: “Rhythm is order in movement.” We live taking into account a variety of rhythmic systems: the change of day and night, the cycles of the seasons, ebbs and flows, lunar cycles - months, heartbeat and much more.
The positive and negative effects of rhythm were known in ancient times. In the last century the death penalty was carried out in squares under a loud, hard, monotonous rhythm of drums with the aim of causing fear. Mysteries in honor of the Phrygian goddess Cybele took place under deafening drum beats, which led the priests to self-castration and other types of self-torture. They worked themselves into a frenzy with the roar of drums and bacchanted at the festivities in honor of Dionysus.
With a rhythm multiple of 1.5 beats per second, accompanied by powerful superfrequencies (15-30 hertz), a person experiences ecstasy; at 2 beats per second at the same frequencies enters a narcotic state.
In the mid-60s, they appeared in America pop groups who consider themselves to be in the category Acid-Rock"- /acid/. To write and perform this type, drug use was necessary. Since the 90s, “acid” or “drive” has been intended for dancing. The basis of this direction is a rhythm with three tempo divisions: 120; 150 and 300 beats per minute.
American neurosurgeons have been studying the so-called rhythmic toxicosis- a disease that affects white teenagers who actively listen rock and pop music. At the same time, African Americans experience virtually no discomfort, since the rhythms of this music are in their blood. As for whites, studies show that classical music, which takes into account natural biological rhythms, is more organic for them. Most works by Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach have an ideal rhythm of 60 beats per minute, which corresponds to a natural, healthy heartbeat.

With a combination of high sound intensity, low frequency and hard accelerated rhythm with light flashes frequency 6-25 Hz irreversible processes occur in the body:
- stress hormones are released in the body, which destroy part of the information in the brain, resulting in personality degradation;
Russian scientists recorded the following: after 10 minutes of listening hard rock Seventh graders forgot their multiplication tables for a while. And Japanese journalists in the largest rock halls in Tokyo randomly asked the audience only three simple questions: “What is your name?”, “Where are you located?” and “What year is it now?” And none of the respondents answered them.
- resonance is caused cellular structures body, resulting in a condition similar to taking drugs or alcohol;
- there is an interruption of the pulse of the human heart and a mismatch in the functioning of the nervous system and endocrine glands;
- the effect of cavitation is caused (water molecules in tissues heat up, water begins to tear apart the surrounding living matter);
- damage to internal organs, hemorrhages, swelling, arthritis occurs;
- has a negative effect on the central nervous system.
Facts of suicides have been recorded after rock concerts, and fights and aggressive behavior No one has been surprised for a long time now. There have been cases where an excess of high or low frequencies seriously injured the brain. Sound shock, sound burns, hearing and memory loss are not uncommon at rock concerts. The volume, frequency and rhythm reached such destructive power that in 1979, during a Paul McCartney concert in Venice, a wooden bridge collapsed, and the Pink Floyd group managed to destroy a bridge in Scotland. And the concert of this group on outdoors led to stunned fish surfacing in a nearby lake.
Monotonous, pulsating bass in the “Delta” rhythm, coinciding with the frequency of “delta waves” of the brain, which occur in a state of sleep, deep trance and coma, inherent in club, disco techno music, change the rhythms of brain activity. Italian scientists have concluded that house music promotes temporary impotence.

From fans heavy metal less pronounced cognitive needs, suicidal tendencies, as well as positive attitudes towards smoking, alcohol and drug use, promiscuous or deviant sex and antisocial behavior. Genre "heavy metal" with sexually aggressive content enhances negative attitude to a woman.
Fans punk rock They were distinguished by their rejection of various kinds of authorities, their disposition to carry and use weapons and petty shoplifting, and their tolerant attitude towards the possibility of ending up in prison.
According to the results of research by American sociologists, juvenile offenders (from 12 to 17 years old) rap is the predominant musical choice, most of them were approving of violence and expressed a willingness to participate in it. Moreover, 72% of them admit the influence of music on their feelings, but only 4% recognize the connection between rap and illegal behavior.
To these same negative effects is added the dissonance and destructive content of the texts. And it doesn’t matter whether a person understands the language in which the song is sung or not, the impact will be adequate. Works of music that distort the sound and rhythm that is favorable for the human body gradually destroy the “tuning” of the subtle and complex “instrument” that a person is, bringing him closer to spiritual (degradation) and physical death.

This destructive effect is characteristic of distorted music of all kinds: rock music, jazz, tango, foxtrot, blues, soul, metal, rap that distort the harmony of rhythm and sound, inherent in life man, nature, universe. All of them are based on the cult of voodoo - black magic brought to America with slaves from Africa. The connection between rock and Satanism and voodoo is quite obvious. Rolling Stones - worldwide famous rock band– recorded an album called “Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath,” which is an undisguised satanic mass.
In addition to all the above negative effects on the body rock music It also delivers an energetic blow to a person’s chakras and aura.
Figure 1 shows the result of the destructive effects of rock music. First of all, it is the complete absence of an aura.

Fig 1

Fig 2
Figure 2 shows the work of the chakras of a spiritually developed healthy person.
Western scientists carried out an original experiment: they placed a cage with rats in a disco - after 2 hours the rats died, and the youth continued to have fun.
The initial impact of such music is perceived as violence and distortion. But as this subtle and precise “tuning” of the human body for LIFE and DEVELOPMENT is destroyed under its influence, a person loses the distinction between good and bad and ceases to resist it, acquiring a bad habit. A new concept has emerged: music addiction.

Ancient Greek manuscripts say: “Musical education is the most powerful weapon, since rhythm and harmony penetrate the innermost depths of the human soul.
In ancient times, there were three directions of the influence of music on the human body: 1) on the spiritual essence of a person; 2) on intelligence; 3) on the physical body.
On the bodies of medieval musical instruments Italian masters You can still read the inscription: “Music heals the soul.” Great composers have always felt the connection between music and the moral and spiritual health of a person. Handel said more than once that he did not want to entertain listeners with his music, he wanted to “make them better.” Another example of music that has a powerful harmonizing effect and great healing power is ancient mantras, church chants, and bazhans. They are a living, miraculous legacy for us and future generations. Music that has a beneficial effect on the human soul, its development, peace, harmony, liberation is true folk music.

Musical styles those using these rhythms 4/4, 2/4, 3/4, 6/8 promote life processes, restoration of order, and development.

Musical styles that have a positive effect on the chakras: symphony, concert, march, waltz, religious music, mantras, folk music, Indian classical music.
Musical styles that distort the functioning of the chakras: computer music, jazz, rock and roll, foxtrot, blues, soul, all types of rock music.

Musical instruments that have a positive effect on the human chakras: strings, piano, brass and woodwind, harp, organ, percussion instruments.

Chakra rhythm: Third eye chakra - size 2/4, heart chakra - 3/4, solar plexus chakra - 5/4, sacral chakra - 6/8, root lower chakra - 4/4.

“Music is the science of harmony,” said Casseodorus Senator. According to Plato, the harmony contained in works of art “introduces harmony into the souls of people, and, therefore, makes them virtuous. Contemplation of harmony in the movement of sounds and celestial bodies turns the soul to the knowledge of good.”
The great interest of scientists in the positive effects of classical and sacred music on the human brain has resulted in a number of studies on this topic. Music has been found to optimize brain function, improve thinking processes and stimulate learning processes.

Early musical experience, as well musical activity(singing, listening to music, moving to music, analyzing musical works, playing music, musical creativity etc.) open access to the innate mechanisms responsible for the perception and understanding of music and expand the use of these mechanisms for the formation of other higher functions of the brain.
The works of G.Yu. Malyarenko, M.V. Khvatova (1993-1996) show that children’s regular perception of specially selected music improves short-term memory, and also increases indicators of verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Even the concept of the “Mozart Effect” arose!

Cheffield University professor Katie Overy has formulated aspects of the so-called “intellectual benefits” of music:
1. improving reading skills
2. increasing the level of speech skills
3. improving the skills needed to solve spatial and temporal problems
4. improvement of verbal and arithmetic abilities
5. improved concentration
6.improved memory
7. improvement of motor coordination.

However, sound and music have no less impact on the harmonization of the human body, and consequently on his physical health.

Everything in our universe is in a state of vibration, including the body of each of us. Every organ, every bone, tissue and cell has a “healthy” resonant frequency. If this frequency changes, the organ begins to deviate from the general harmonious chord, which leads to illness. A disease can be cured by determining the correct, “healthy” frequency of an organ and sending a wave of this frequency to it. Restoring the natural frequency in the organ means recovery.

A strict connection has been established between the frequency of sound vibrations, specific organs of the human body and physiological processes. Thousands of experiments have been conducted on plants, animals and people, proving the influence of sound on a living organism. Mimosa and petunia from major melodies grow much faster and bloom two weeks earlier than expected. When exposed to classical music, cows produce more milk. In Pinscher dogs, blood pressure can vary by up to 70 mmHg depending on the tune. The dough rises several times faster and becomes fluffier and tastier from Mozart’s music. An experiment was conducted in Japan in which 120 nursing mothers participated. One half of them listened to classical music, the other half listened to popular music. In the first group, the amount of milk in women increased by 20%, in the second group it decreased by half.

The music of Bach and Handel, written in the Baroque style, has a relaxing effect, improves memory, and helps with studying foreign languages. Most works by Mozart, Vivaldi, and Bach have an ideal rhythm of 60 beats per minute, which corresponds to the natural beat of the heart.

Music, in which sounds, rhythm and musical pattern are subject to the laws of harmony - consonance, has a beneficial effect on the health and development of not only humans, but also all living beings. The so-called music of nature is very useful. The sounds of the sea, the sound of rain, the voices of dolphins calm, pacify, the sounds of the forest reduce blood pressure, normalize the functioning of the heart, the singing of birds helps to collect thoughts, causes a surge of positive emotions.

At the heart of everything known species Sound therapy is based on the principle of resonance. Correspondence of sound frequencies to the structural structure of human tissues and organs, and musical rhythm- the rhythms of his life processes leads to the fact that sound and music, based on the principle of acoustic resonance, have a very deep and multifaceted effect on almost all functions in the human body (blood circulation, digestion, breathing, internal secretion, activity of the nervous system and brain), as well as on spiritual development of a person, his emotions, desires, feelings.

All therapeutic effects on the human body with the help of sounds can be divided into three areas:
1. The impact of sound waves on a specific organ of the human body to restore its natural healthy frequency.
2.Usage musical art for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
3. Using speech and poetry to restore harmony of soul and body.

Using the results of Dr. Jenny's research on the shaping properties of sound waves, Dr. Manners invented an electronic device called a "cymatic." He restored the diseased organ by directing a wave at it, the frequency of which coincided with its natural frequency. The previous level of vibration in the organ was restored, which entailed recovery. The computer memory of the “cymatic” contains thousands of compound harmonics designed to return the diseased body to a healthy state. Each organ and each disease corresponds to special frequencies.

Overtonal singing is based on the same principle. By causing vibration in a particular organ, a vowel sound activates it and fills it with energy. The “point of impact” depends on the tone of this vowel. Medicine does not know a safer and faster way to locally stabilize blood supply, oxygen saturation and energy flow. Jill Purce, an English overtonal singer, has repeatedly stated: “Overtonal singing has a powerful healing effect... When you sing, you begin to notice physiological and psychological processes in your own body that are impossible to catch in the normal state. Since overtonal singing requires incredible concentration, those areas of the brain that were previously inactive come into action. And when this happens, you suddenly realize that the doors to another world have opened before you, upper world" The composition Stimmung is nothing more than one single chord that sounds for seventy-five minutes and during this time does not change even a semitone. A chord consists only of vocal harmonics (overtones) - second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth. There is no fundamental tone among them... It took the singers six months to learn to accurately sing the overtones - the ninth, tenth or eleventh, thirteenth - up to the twenty-fourth...

The sound “A” makes the chest vibrate and activates the entire sound spectrum in the body, giving the command to all cells to tune in to work. At the same time, oxygen consumption deepens.
The sound “I” vibrates the vocal cords, larynx and ears, vibrations occur in the head, harmful vibrations are removed from the body, and hearing improves.
"E" is a special vibration sound. It is used in almost all combinations. This sound is our body's cleanser of dirt. It creates an energy barrier around a person to protect against energy and information pollution.
The sound "O" vibrates the chest, but the depth of breathing decreases. The sound combination (mantra) “OUM” sharply reduces the depth of breathing, and the sounds “OO-HAM” have a pronounced healing effect
The sound "U" causes vibrations in the throat, gotani. Strengthens self-confidence.
The sound "E" causes vibrations in the glands and brain. It is used by people to remove the evil eye and damage.
The sound “I” Strengthens self-confidence. Seven reflexes work on the sound “I”. This sound is a resonator and a generator psychological processes, he restores communication through the mind with diseased organs.
The sound "N" vibrates the brain, activates the right right half and treats brain diseases, and also activates intuitive processes and creativity.
The sound "B" corrects problems in the nervous system, brain and spinal cord.
The sound "M" is a wonderful sound. It is no coincidence that one of the first words in life a child utters is the word “MOM”: this sound determines the energetic connection between mother and child. If the vibrations of this sound are disturbed, you need to think about the relationship between mother and child. This sound is love and peace. This vibration is especially important during adolescence, when energy is redistributed. In addition, the sound "M" affects the blood vessels of the brain. Therefore, the sounds “M-POM” are useful for sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

The experience of the therapeutic use of music has a long history. Aristotle considered music to be a means of healing the body and purifying the soul. The outstanding physician Avicenna healed nervously ill patients with music a thousand years ago.
In China, many centuries ago, music was used quite widely; ancient Chinese approaches to diagnosis and treatment included physical effects (acupuncture and moxibustion), including music on biologically active points. Music was an integral part of the entire life of the Chinese. The principles of five sounds (pentatonic) were consistent with the five types of intonation in Chinese, with the mysterious laws of nature, with the five dense organs of man and his five senses. The music, the instrument, and even the note were selected according to the energetic state of the human meridians, as well as according to the time of year and the energy of the day. Compliance with these rules sometimes gave fantastic results, as evidenced by the legends about Confucius, who regularly listened to beautiful music.
Harmonious melodies and sounds literally recharge our internal batteries of vital energy. To do this, simply listen to certain musical instruments being played.

The violin heals the soul, helps self-knowledge, evokes compassion, has a very beneficial effect on melancholic people,
Organ – puts the mind in order, harmonizes the energy flow of the spine, it is a conductor between space and earth
Piano – affects the kidneys, bladder, cleanses the thyroid gland
Drum – restores heart rhythm, stimulates the circulatory system
Flute – cleanses the bronchopulmonary system, heals unhappy love, relieves irritation and anger
Bayan, accordion – activates the work of the abdominal cavity
Harp and string instruments harmonize the heart, treat hysteria, blood pressure
Saxophone – activates sexual energy, reproductive system
Clarinet, piccolo flute – suppresses despondency, improves blood circulation
Double bass, cello, guitar - affect the heart and small intestine, treat the kidneys
Cymbala – balances the liver
Balalaika – treats the digestive organs
Pipe – treats radiculitis

In Europe, mention of the treatment of nervous patients with music refers to early XIX century, when the French psychiatrist Esquirol began to introduce music therapy into psychiatric institutions. In the 20th century music therapy began to be widely practiced in various European countries.
Fundamentally, all methods can be reduced to three main areas: clinical, recreational and experimental music therapy. Clinical MT deals with the treatment of various psychosomatic disorders, the elimination of pathological syndromes, and the restoration of impaired vital functions after illnesses. Health-improving MT is used to activate a person’s reserve capabilities, relieve nervous tension and fatigue, combat monotony, improve performance, social adaptation, develop mental and intellectual abilities, and general health. The newest direction is experimental MT, which includes the study of reactions that occur in living systems of various levels as a result of MT exposure. Particularly promising are studies of the reactions of cell cultures and changes in the structure of water to musical influences.

Vocal therapy is a method of psychosomatic activation of protective-adaptive reactions, which is based on the healing properties of classical singing and includes exercises for acoustic stimulation of vital organs and exercises that increase a person’s adaptive and intellectual-aesthetic abilities.
This method combines the use of internal (vocal training) and external (receptive music therapy) acoustic signals of a complex anharmonic nature with a frequency from 16 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
VT is especially effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi, cardiovascular diseases, decreased immunity and general resistance. There is evidence of the benefits of singing in Alzheimer's syndrome. The method was developed by Sergei Vaganovich Shushardzhan, the leader of the Russian school of music therapy. Since 1990, he began to engage in treatment with the help of music and vocals, defended his doctoral dissertation and created the department of musical rehabilitation at the Academy. Gnesins.

The sound generated during singing goes only 15-20% into external space; the rest of the sound wave is absorbed by the internal organs, causing them to vibrate. During the singing process, vibrations of all human organs were recorded, and the maximum amplitude of vibrations for each organ was at its “own” note! The VT method leads to positive dynamics of indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to an increase in the adaptive functions of the body, to an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, to the normalization of the electrical activity of the brain, has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person and significantly improves the “quality of life”.

* The music of Tchaikovsky, Tariverdiev and Pakhmutova relieves neuroses and irritability.
* “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by Tchaikovsky has a good effect on patients with stomach ulcers.
* “Morning” by Grieg, the romance “Evening Bells, the motive of the song “Russian Field”,” “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky are recommended for the prevention of fatigue.
* The creative impulse is stimulated by “March” from the film “Circus” by Dunaevsky, “Bolero” by Ravel, “Sabre Dance” by Khachaturian
* Normalizes blood pressure and cardiac activity Mendelssohn's Wedding March.
* Oginsky's Polonaise relieves headaches, Grieg's Peer Gynt suite normalizes sleep and brain function.
* Beethoven's Sonata No. 7 cures gastritis.
* Mozart's music promotes the development of mental abilities in children.
* Calms the nerves, relieves stress Sonata in G min. by Bach, Sonata No. 3 op. 4 by Chopin, 1 concert 1 part by Rachmaninov, Nocturne in E flat major op. 9 by Chopin, 7 symphonies 2 parts by Schubert, Seasons of Tchaikovsky, Nocturne No. 3 by Liszt, 25 symphonies, 2 parts by Mozart, Waltz No. 2 by Chopin.
* Spiritual chants, music of Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, 2 conc. Rachmaninov change the structure of ordinary water and it acquires healing properties.
* “Ave Maria” by Schubert, “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, “The Swan” by Saint-Saëns, “Blizzard” by Sviridov, together with hypnosis and acupuncture, cure alcoholism and smoking

Word therapy is one of the newest areas in sound therapy. Some words and sentences, pronounced with a certain intonation, carry an energetic and healing charge. This is how the secret of folk conspiracies and spells was unraveled. Prayers that carry not only semantic meaning, but also the real positive energy of words and sound combinations have the greatest healing power.
One of the areas of word therapy is rhyme therapy, that is, treatment with poetry. Some poems are consonant with a person, his emotionality and inner world. Rhythmic speech has a powerful effect on the psyche.

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If you miss the long-winded introductions about the positive influence of classical music and the details various studies, we get the following. In psychology there is such a term as “AUDITORY PATHWAY”. This is the path from the beginning of the sound to the result, which is achieved by irritating one or more nerve centers of the brain. Every word, piece of music or just sound has its own auditory pathways. Accordingly, sounds that differ in frequency, rhythm, timbre, and vibration have different effects on a person, because this is directly related to the rhythms of the brain.

Receiving audio information through the organs of hearing, the brain analyzes it by comparing it with its own rhythms. Each person has rhythms at their own frequency. This is why tastes in music are so different. Let's go through the genres.

Rock music.

In many classical works we find information about the harmful effects of rock and similar music on the body. Not surprisingly, in the not-so-distant 80s and earlier, rockers were equated almost to Satanists. In the minds of the “ancestors” the image of terrible, prone to violence, practically asocial personalities was strengthened (which we see in our Nikita), therefore in those years it was common for cultured and educated people to write only “correct” articles.

However, later a curious fact about rock music was discovered - scientists have proven that rockers have the highest IQ of all music lovers.

Modern rock music uses frequencies that affect the brain like narcotic substances, as they combine from ultra-low frequencies of 15-30 hertz to ultra-high frequencies of up to 80,000 hertz. This greatly excites the human nervous system.

The strength of sound also plays a role here. Our ear best perceives sound at 55-60 decibels. A sound of 70 decibels is considered loud. The sound volume at the site, where walls with powerful speakers used during rock concerts are installed, reaches 120 dB, and in the middle of the site up to 140-160 dB. (120 dB corresponds to the volume of the roar of a jet plane taking off in close proximity, and the average values ​​​​for a player with headphones are 80-110 dB). In this situation, the adrenal glands also secrete a stress hormone - adrenaline. You can imagine the effect on the body. But why it is generally accepted that this is bad, I don’t know. Personally, I am for adrenaline and all sorts of psycho-glitches - we already deal with them every day, so why divide them into “good” and “bad”? This is stupid!

Electronic music, trance

Here, of course, the main role belongs to rhythm. Rhythm is generally one of the most strong ways effects on the human body. Simple but powerful rhythms force a person to respond (movements to the rhythm), from ecstasy to hallucinations, from hysteria to loss of consciousness.

The influence of pop music on a person

Well, what can you say about her? Pop music often adapts to the heart rate and slows it down rather than vice versa, unless of course it is music for a party. I don’t see much psychotropism in this music, and I don’t see any evidence to the contrary either. Here the effect is more “pleasant” - “not pleasant”. The words resonate or not. Pop music has never been strong point. In general, it is “believed” that popular music has an extremely negative effect on intelligence. No offense to anyone, but I personally have been convinced of this more than once - it’s called “sliding” for a reason...

Jazz music influence

Jazz has virtually no effect on a person’s mental state. He just relaxes in the "waves" of this musical direction. But relaxation very quickly “evaporates” and dissolves in the melody of the music. You too can dissolve with them. But on one very small condition. Condition: this music is close to you. That’s why he has so few followers, that’s why this is music of taste, but I want to note that it’s excellent, because in this music a person is not looking for sensations, he enjoys the music itself

The influence of classical music on a person

All the best words are, of course, given to this musical formula. There is an opinion that the classical style of music is ideal for individuals and society as a whole. It harmonizes feelings, thoughts, mind, emotions, and drives away all sorrows from you. Whatever you listen to, find something of your own in classical or contemporary instrumentals. How good it is, you will find enough information on the net.

The influence of rap and hip-hop style on the psyche

In turnip, rhythm and words are in the foreground. Those. he can trance in his own way. But at the same time, the leading role here is given to the texts and the key is rather their subtext. I love rap, but its influence is more at the pop level - words decide everything, there is no sound depth here. They make you freeze, and they can turn the essence of the rhythm into fun.

Horror movie soundtracks.

The main purpose of music for these films is to evoke fear, unpleasant emotions and create tension. To achieve this goal, periodic structures and their synchronization must be disrupted in this music. Horror films can create fear and anxiety in many people, the main thing is to have more tension and surprise in the sounds.

Something like this. Let’s not forget that music affects a person’s psyche depending on what kind of person he is. He chooses what is closest to him. Actually, that’s why you can often recognize a person’s characteristics through music. Personally, if I want to learn more about a person, I definitely look at his audio recordings. There is something to pull out from his psychotype.

By the way, another fact has been established that in people, rabbits, cats, guinea pigs In dogs and dogs, under the influence of music, blood pressure may change, the heart rate may increase, and the rhythm and depth of respiratory movements may decrease until breathing stops completely. Among other dogs, for some reason these changes are stronger in dogs from the Pinscher breed group than in other dogs. I don't know why, but it's interesting.

Music - great power humanity. She has not only talent and cultural heritage, but also the source of human emotions. Each genre of music has its own impact on human health and psyche.

Music has surrounded man since ancient times. To the sounds that primitive people heard around, attached sacred meaning, and over time they learned to extract melodies from the first musical instruments.

The first percussion musical instruments appeared in the Paleolithic era - they were used for ritual purposes, and the first wind musical instrument, the flute, appeared about 40,000 years ago.

Thus, since ancient times, music has become integral part human life. The main use of music in ancient times was to accompany ritual.

The sacred meaning of music is traced in the direction of folk, to which the term “prehistoric” is applied. The music of the aborigines of African, American and other indigenous peoples is prehistoric.

Each holiday and ritual was accompanied by certain combinations of sounds and melody. The sounds of musical instruments signaled the start of the battle.

Purpose of execution musical compositions there was a rise in morale, an appeal to the gods, a warning about the start of action or about danger.

The prehistoric period of music ends with the advent of a written musical tradition. The first musical works were written down in cuneiform in Mesopotamia. With the variety of musical instruments, the works became more complex.

Scientists have proven that music absolutely accurately reflects the state of development of culture and worldview at every stage of the evolution of society. Already the ancient Greeks described the technique of polyphony.

Medieval music was varied. Church and secular works were distinguished. The first type reflected the spirituality of the people, and the second - the aesthetic ideals of that time.

Genre diversity modern music allows you to choose a composition according to your spirit. But why do we like certain works? A person perceives music through the prism of several factors: nationality, emotional state, individual characteristics.

Each genre has a different impact on the mental and physical state person. The most ancient studies claimed that music affects the intellect, the human body and his spiritual essence.

Modern research has studied this influence:

  • exposure to the sounds of certain musical instruments;
  • influence of traditional melodies;
  • modern trends and psychological condition person;
  • exposure to the works of certain composers;
  • musical genre and its influence.

Impact on the psyche and mood

Mood is a constant, continuous emotional state of a person. Our actions and actions depend on it. A specific thing or action cannot affect mood globally - the shaping factor of mood is the life situation as a whole.

Modern psychology identifies the following factors for mood changes:

  1. Events. They can depend on a person or be formed independently of him.
  2. Words, spoken to a person and spoken by him himself.
  3. The sphere of a person’s inner world: what a person thinks, experiences, how he relates to certain actions of other people and events in the world.
  4. Actions. What a person is willing to spend his efforts on.
  5. Bad mood leads to the fact that a person perceives events in life in gloomy tones, through negativism. In a state of low emotional tone, many turn to their favorite music.

It is worth noting that the influence of each genre is individual and largely depends on personal perception. Psychological impact provide:

  • rhythm of music;
  • variety of tones;
  • volume;
  • frequencies;
  • additional effects.


Classical music influences a person, giving vitality and perseverance. Reduces anxiety, likelihood of depression, irritability. Promotes knowledge acquisition.

Studies have shown that the works of certain composers evoke certain reactions in the majority of subjects:

  1. Bach and his "Italian Concerto" lowers negative feelings anger and resentment.
  2. Tchaikovsky and Beethoven wrote masterpieces that promote healthy sleep and reduce irritability.
  3. Mozart and his works help fight irritability and headaches.

Rock, metal

Heavy music enhances emotions – both negative and positive. Rock charges with energy, but disrupts internal balance and distorts rhythms.

Research into the influence of rock on the human psyche has shown that the rhythm and monotony of most works have negative consequences. This is especially evident in age group 11-15 years old.


Scientists have proven that pop music negatively affects attentiveness and memory due to the monotony of the rhythm.

Rap, hip-hop

Rap, according to research, causes feelings of aggression. The monotony of rap can cause irritation, anger, low mood and general emotional tone.

Jazz, blues, reggae

Blues has a beneficial effect on emotions, calms, and reduces irritability. Jazz disrupts inner harmony. Jazz is considered a music that has more Negative influence. Reggae is considered music Have a good mood, increases emotional tone, does not cause aggression and bitterness.

Club, electronic

Modern club and electronic music reduces learning ability and negatively affects intelligence. In some cases, it increases irritability and tension.

Music in the “soul” genre reminds us of feelings and often makes us sad. Folk music, folk - increases the overall emotional tone, lifts the mood.

Music and health

The healing power of music was known to Pythagoras - the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician made the first attempt to study its effect on humans. Certain combinations of sounds can change the general condition of a person - the first scientific evidence This was provided by scientists in the 19th century.

The use of music as a medicine was first proposed by the psychiatrist Esquirol. Since then, “music therapy” has been actively used for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

In the twentieth century, doctors explored the ability of music to relieve pain, heal ulcers and tuberculosis. The most popular has become the use of melodies as anesthesia.

The second half of the twentieth century gave science research into the effects of music on the cardiovascular system, blood circulation, respiration, and hormonal regulation. The centers of modern music therapy are the USA, Germany, and Switzerland.

Melodies produced by different musical instruments differ in their impact on the human condition:

  1. Piano: effects on the thyroid gland, kidneys, bladder, psyche. The sounds of this keyboard instrument have a healing, cleansing effect.
  2. Drums(drums, tambourine, cymbals, castanets, timpani, bells): normalization of the heart, liver, and circulatory system.
  3. Brass(trumpet, clarinet, flute, bassoon, oboe): beneficial effect on the circulatory system, respiratory system.
  4. Strings(harp, violin, guitar): positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They have an impact on the emotional sphere.

The beneficial effects of classical music on the human brain have been confirmed by many researchers. Classic improves memory, perception of information, helps with rheumatism.

According to the observations of surgeons, thanks to classical music the body works more harmoniously.

The connection between classical music and treatment has been established diabetes mellitus. Classical works contribute to the formation of the child’s bone skeleton.

Different music can have different effects depending on a person’s mood, emotional tone, and state of health.

  • The first music therapy course appeared in the UK. It was tested in the 60s of the twentieth century. The Music Therapy Center was opened.
  • Music helps relax muscles and treat obesity.
  • Studies have shown that listening to music during sports training increases performance by 20%.
  • The rhythm of music can be dangerous: it can cause abdominal pain and headaches.
  • The power of music has long been used in trade sphere. Certain melodies can relax the buyer or increase his energy. This technology can be seen in supermarkets: during rush hour an energetic melody is played, at other times the music is calmer.
  • The resonance from bell ringing kills typhoid bacilli, the causative agents of infectious diseases.

Music can influence the mental and physiological state of a person. The power of a melody is in its tonality, rhythm, and volume. Any piece of music that you choose to listen to will affect your mood, emotional tone, and health.

Video: The influence of music on IQ

Video: Musical preferences will tell you about your character. Rock

Rock music, like any other live music, has an impact on the psyche of the listener. And if an adult is able to endure any sounds without consequences, then the child should choose pleasant and unobtrusive melodies that evoke only positive reactions, memories, and associations.

The opinion that heavy music has a bad effect on the psyche is hopelessly outdated and completely wrong. This will be unobtrusively explained to your child in a professional music establishment, for example, at the Moskvorechye Rock Academy. Only social attitude, behavior and culture can directly affect our children. That is, if rock music is accompanied by beatings, seizures and worship of the unclean (and this is exactly what they thought at the very beginning of the emergence of this musical trend), then positive influence she definitely won't. But if you listen to what you like, not relying on stereotypes, but only on taste, you are unlikely to get a negative experience.

To be honest, any music, meaning only live music, is non-standard and not formatted. This applies not only to rock, but even to classical music. Both Vivaldi and Bach can be called rockers, because it was they who instilled in man the desire to create unique melodies with the help of instruments, coming straight from the heart. After all, it is from classical music that all the groups playing heavy, non-popular (not pop, as they say) music originated. The conclusion is that music itself certainly cannot have a negative impact.

But there is always a “but”! Too loud and awkward sounds, and we are talking about a slightly different direction of rock music (doom or death), can frighten a child and even deafen him if the sound is set to maximum, and the baby has never heard anything louder than his mother’s singing. Systematic listening to heavy music can have a negative impact on the psyche only if you force the child to listen to what his friends or parents like, for example. You should always take into account the preferences of the baby, and even if it is rock music, and the child is still very young, do not forbid it, just select slow melodies, with beautiful vocals, playing an instrument. Perhaps, listening to such songs, the child will become interested in guitar, drums or singing, because rock musicians are real pros in the use of such complex instruments.

First, let's look at some facts about the impact of metal on the environment in general. The fact is that many believe that heavy music can destroy the human psyche and contribute to the emergence of greater aggressiveness and nervous instability. The point is that specific styles of music evoke different mental states. Thus, one of the US scientists, D. Elkin, proved that the metal has a negative effect on protein metabolism in the body. One day he conducted one elementary experiment. At one of the rock events, he placed a chicken egg near the speaker, from which came the piercingly loud sound of musical instruments. After a few hours the egg became boiled.

Artists usually order translation services to make songs available in many languages ​​around the world. An interpreter is also needed during press conferences and interviews on world tours. The problem of the language barrier cannot be solved otherwise. However, this rule does not apply to performers of heavy music at all; they treat listeners differently.

As an example, let's take the style of heavy metal. Scientists have long proven the negative impact of this style on the growth of house plants. Long-term exposure to heavy metal causes them to further wither. Heavy music also negatively affects the condition of the water located next to the speakers from which loud sounds are heard. Teenagers listening to such music quickly begin to lose control over their actions and fall into states close to hypnotic.

Disputing the facts negative impact metal on the psyche, British psychologists have proven that when listening to heavy metal, young people feel a surge of positive emotions. This especially applies to gifted students.

Many psychotherapists even sometimes recommend listening to metal to eradicate self-doubt and overcome stress. In order to come to similar conclusions, specialists conducted a number of research activities, in which more than a thousand students of the National Academy of Gifted Youth took part. The sample was selected according to the age range from eleven to eighteen years.

These questionnaires contained a question about musical preferences. Almost forty percent of students responded that they like to listen to rock music. Six percent leaned towards heavier music. The rest of the respondents love rap and popular music.

Six percent of respondents fell under serious attention psychologists. As a result, it turned out that it was these students, with the help heavy metal relieve stress, get rid of excess anger and bad mood.

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that such behavioral patterns occur mainly in adults and are absolutely normal.

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