Vyacheslav Butusov biography personal life children grandchildren. Vyacheslav Butusov about his wife and four children: “I’m not an ideal dad and husband”

Name: Vyacheslav Butusov

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Bugach village, Krasnoyarsk region

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Activity: singer, composer, poet, musician

Family status: married

Vyacheslav Butusov - biography

The rock musician emerged from the once popular vocal group"Nautilus Pompilius". Later, the vocalist created his own group and called it the original and unusual “U-Peter”.

A musician was born in the village Krasnoyarsk Territory. Music attracted him from childhood. He liked the guitar and begged for this one musical instrument from parents. My parents coped with the difficult task of buying a guitar, which was difficult at that time. This became the starting point for their son's musical biography.

The guy was not drawn to those who spent their time on alcohol and smoking, he was fascinated by music. Vyacheslav’s family often changed their place of residence due to his father’s work. High school Butusov graduated from Surgut.

Musician's youth

Vyacheslav entered the Sverdlovsk Institute of Architecture to study. The guy did not experience any difficulties in studying. He knew how to draw and draw perfectly. Being a successful student, he was included in the group that was designing the Sverdlovsk metro. The student completed his studies and emerged as a certified specialist.

But the music reminded itself again, and musical biography received new round. Vyacheslav met one of the members of the vocal group “Nautilus Pompilius” Dmitry Umetsky. They spent a lot of time playing guitars. They were joined by Ilya Kormiltsev, now famous, and then an aspiring poet and musician. The three of them released their first music album.

Vyacheslav Butusov - music, songs

One of Butusov’s first albums, “Moving,” did not inspire listeners. The next album was already well received by critics and rock music fans. Vyacheslav, in collaboration with Kormiltsev, created another group “Step”. Albums and records gradually bring the groups that include Butusov to the peak of popularity. The names of the groups began to appear more often in newspapers and magazines, and real strong shoots of popularity began to appear.

Cassettes with recordings of the group's songs found their listeners. After the release of the album “Separation,” the group worked together for ten years. In total, they existed for 15 years, then the musician Butusov left the group.

Albums and records with recordings of the musician’s compositions continued to win new fans. In the film “Brother-2” Butusov’s music sounded, and there the audience saw him for the first time, since in the film he got cameo role. His songs are featured in several other films. Very often, the musician collaborates with the Kino group and makes several recordings with it. Having lured a guitarist from the group “Kino”, which was already well known to him, several musicians from “Aquarium” and created the group “U-Piter”.

From 2003 to 2015 they created five albums. The biography of the rock musician continued in his literary activity. He released a trilogy of everyday works; the circulation was small, but the books did not sit idle on book shelves.

Butusov wrote his next book in collaboration with Nikolai Yakimchuk. Next piece“Archiya” was created by the author during four years. The rock musician became a participant in the Flying Animals charity project, based on animation. They performed with him, and. All money from the project helped sick children.

Vyacheslav Butusov - biography of personal life

Vyacheslav met his first love at the institute where they studied together. After six months of dating, he proposed to Marina Dobrovolskaya, a costume designer by profession. In this union, which lasted 13 years, a daughter, Anya, was born. When a man met another woman, Marina did not create a scandal, the divorce went quickly, without unnecessary fuss and hysterics. The former spouses parted as friends.

Butusov’s second wife was Anzhelika Estoeva; at the time she met her future husband, she was only 18 years old, and she had not heard much about the superstar Butusov. Angelica gave birth to daughters Sofia and Ksenia, as well as a son, Daniel. Vyacheslav already has a granddaughter, whose name is Divna. Peace and happiness did not always reign in this family, although real love settled between them forever. The musician himself admits that the first 10 years life together he and Angelica continued to suffer from alcohol addiction, but together they were able to overcome what was hindering their happiness. Family, visiting the temple, children and love helped restore peace and tranquility.

What is the musician doing now?

Now Butusov is active creative life. He often gives concerts in Russian cities; his repertoire includes songs from the group with which he spent most of his life musical life. The rock musician visited Volgograd and planned the rest of his tours in the Far East.

We were very lucky that we found Vyacheslav Butusov at home. Before leaving on tour with his band "U-Piter", the legendary musician invited HELLO! to his house in Pushkin and introduced him to his wife Anzhelika and three children.

“It is love that transforms a person, reveals him best qualities and makes him free"

For the generation of the late 80s - early 90s, Vyacheslav Butusov is more than just a performer. He is the messenger" new wave", challenging everything old and mediocre, boring and flawed, a symbol of intoxicating freedom, the atmosphere of which reigned at the Nautilus Pompilius concerts. A real hero rock and roll himself was free from any stereotypes and rules. But life in a constant frenzy, with a taste of port wine, could not last long - time has changed, people have changed. “Nautilus” no longer exists, but the group “U-Piter” has existed for 8 years, performing, in addition to new songs, the unforgettable hits of “Nau”.

The songs of “Nautilus Pompilius” are in our blood; it’s not for nothing that the hero of Balabanov’s cult “Brother” lives by them as if he breathes them. Today, it is enough for Butusov to simply go on stage and be silent - “Bound by one chain”, “Lonely bird, you fly high” - these simple and associative texts will begin to play in your head by themselves. For a huge number of people, Vyacheslav Butusov is the one who once upon a time whispered in his ear: “I want to be with you,” and asked: “Where are your wings that I liked?”

For 25 years, Vyacheslav Butusov has changed little externally, but has completely changed internally. One can only guess what he and his loved ones had to endure, but having gone through fire, water and copper pipes, the rocker turned to religion. It is noteworthy that now his life is more regulated - for some time now the musician and father of a large family leads Orthodox image life. True, Butusov always had a penchant for recluse. His house in the suburbs of St. Petersburg looks like a theater set - beautiful and fragile world, where only close friends are allowed. Angels and elves, swordsmen and magicians, horses and catwomen against the background of sand, beige, ivory and coffee-with-milk walls. The inhabitants of this house themselves look like fairy-tale heroes, descended from the tapestries of the era of classicism. The exquisite decoration of the house is entirely the merit of Angelica. “I always carried with me the feeling of our bright, warm, cozy home. And when the time came for incarnations, I went into an empty room and simply “exhaled” it. Relatives liked it, the house immediately became a favorite,” she says. Far from the center of the Northern capital, Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo) was chosen as a place of residence only partly because of the secluded lifestyle of this family: “There is a lot of greenery, relative silence, temples, the spirit of poetic history. And now my shutter is all in my head,” says Butusov. His entire large and very beautiful family looks calm and happy ones the most quiet happiness", about which Tolstoy wrote. ABOUT big changes V spiritual world, Butusov speaks easily and simply about revaluation of values. Maybe because the example of a fellow musician played a big role in his story. This means that someone will need his experience.

– Even 10 years ago, in a personal interview, Konstantin Kinchev said: “A rock musician either comes to church or degenerates, there is no other way.” Did his position have a big impact on you?

– I always had great respect for Konstantin, so I carefully watched the metamorphoses that took place in him when he turned to religion. I was truly impressed by him practical experience, but at first he was confused and depressed - this usually happens to people who have convinced themselves that their train has left long ago. But gradually I realized that I didn’t see any other way and that I had to start living like a god – not even for myself, but first of all for my family and friends. At first I moved blindly, as if by groping, but as a result, that spiritual insight arose when a person is revealed miraculous phenomena. Their essence was impossible not to notice.

- Can you give more details?

– I realized that it is love that transforms a person, reveals his best qualities in him, makes him free. And a person gains the ability to truly rejoice.

– According to your horoscope, you are Libra. This sign strives for harmony and balance. Would it be fair to say that your current lifestyle is compensation for the wild 80s?

– You can safely say so. I have completely screwed myself up, so now I strive for humility and repentance.

- IN Lately you say you are considering concert activities As a form of obedience, this work is a real test for you. Why don't you change your occupation? After all, being a rock star is for deep religious person really not easy.

– Over the past few years I have often been asked this question. And I started to think about it. Of course, I would really like, due to my capabilities, to do something quieter: draw, write, or just work in the studio. But I am not yet able to change the circumstances. Everything has its time.

– Speaking of time, the popularity of the albums “Prince of Silence” and “Titanic” is more than understandable, but more than 20 years have passed, and these songs sound more powerful and relevant than many modern compositions. Do we have no worthy alternative or, in fact, nothing has changed?

– The better the material, the more durable the suit. We, of course, screwed up a lot, to be honest. We mocked and were sarcastic, but on the whole we strived for conscientiousness. But in fact, nothing has really changed and will never change. A person’s struggle with himself is an eternal story.

- Among yours famous songs Are there any dedications to someone close to you?

– By and large, I have been writing two never-ending songs for a long time, one of them is joyful, and the other is mournful. Most often I take my mood from what is happening in my immediate vicinity. That is, in the family. Therefore, I dedicate each of my songs to someone close to me - sometimes openly, sometimes incognito.

-You have a lot of experience family life. Have you ever been scared by this prospect? It seemed that skepticism was often heard in your songs: “...Eve knew this, Adam knew this. The wheels of love are rolling right over us” or “...no one will ever remember the most important thing by the serene and slow river.”

– It’s not that the prospect of family life frightens me... It’s just for a long time I was in a state of absolute irresponsibility, characteristic of youth. I tried to convince myself that I could go with the flow for a long time, until one day I heard the threatening sound of a waterfall. (Smiles.) By nature I am a skeptic and I have been fighting this for a long time - with the help of self-irony. Nevertheless, as soon as we met Angelica, I, without ceremony, declared that “we will have many children.” And I myself at first regarded this as my characteristic bravado - it just rolled off my tongue, they say. Only later did I accept these words as sent from above.

– You once mentioned that Angelica was not your fan before and did not even recognize you by sight. Under what circumstances did you meet?

– We were introduced by a mutual friend Mikhail, who later became the godfather of our first daughter Ksenia. The meeting with Angelica took place on the street, and I was terribly embarrassed by the black eye that even black glasses could not hide. This circumstance did not bother Angelica at all, and even amused her. I couldn't help but appreciate such generosity.

– Angelica, could you tell us your version of meeting Vyacheslav? Did his magical voice play a role in this story?

Angelica. Surprisingly, but true - it all started with a voice. After graduating from high school Chinese language, I ended up not in China, as I wanted, but in Germany, in West Berlin. I lived with my friends for a month, talented artists. When the boys went to spend the night with their parents, I slept with the night light on, because since childhood I was afraid of the dark. To my surprise, among the records that were in the house, I found one that was close and dear - Nautilus Pompilius. So, for a month, Slavin’s voice faithfully lulled me to sleep almost every night. I fell asleep and woke up with him... Returning home to St. Petersburg, one summer morning I went to work at Lenfilm. Approaching the film studio, I heard a very familiar, almost familiar voice and saw Slava. I smiled in my heart and thought: “Wow, it materialized...”

– Vyacheslav has said more than once that he was lucky with his wife. Here is a quote from one interview: “I had a period when I could lie on the couch for days and do nothing. I would have killed such a person, but Angelica somehow endured it.” How do you manage to live in peace and harmony when such a character is nearby?

Angelica. Next to me wonderful person, but there was a period in our lives when Slava especially needed help. And who, if not me, should have helped him? When you love a person, you know exactly what he really is, because only a loving gaze sees what is invisible to the ordinary eye. I helped him overcome that false and artificial thing that distorts a person. Slava was not only able to cope with his vices, but also helped me understand a lot and change a lot in myself. We managed it together and believed in each other. This was his return to his real self. One remarkable person said this about marriage: “Thanks to mutual faith and love, two people outgrow all discord and become one being, one person in two persons. When they treat each other as a shrine, all their relationships, including physical ones, are transformed into a sacrament, into something that surpasses the Earth and ascends to eternity.” We've been together for 20 years. Or just 20 years... We have three children, and all of them were born in love, and our relationship is fresh, full of touching expectation. Slava is my dearest, close person. There are aristocrats by blood, but he is an aristocrat by spirit.

– Congratulations on your milestone anniversary. How does your family celebrate holidays?

Angelica. We love spending holidays with our family. But we really appreciate communication with good people, that’s why there are no random guests in our house - they are close friends, kindred spirits. We love to travel with the whole family; we recently discovered a wonderful place – the Chateau Mcely hotel near Prague. There we met the past New Year. Unforgettable impressions: starry sky, clean air, forest, birdsong...

– Is it possible that when you are together, you are always in a state of blissful peace? There is hardly a family in which the distribution of responsibilities does not cause controversy...

Vyacheslav. My parents were hard workers. We didn’t have any hierarchy or discrimination; since childhood I saw that the family is an integral, universal organism. Angelica and I try to solve all family problems together. Women's intuition plus men's logic is a powerful force. Today you are the head, and tomorrow you are the heel of the left foot, and there is nothing offensive in that. To be a soldier is no less a calling than to be a general.

– Is it customary in your family to raise children in strictness?

Angelica. In our family it is customary to love children. And severity must be justified and expressed in a dignified form. Our world is deprived motherly love That's why he's so callous and sick. A mother's heart should be filled with love and care for children - after all, if the mother is vicious, then fragile Child's world is collapsing. King Solomon said: “Walk in pure ways, and your life will be pure.” When I look into the eyes of my children and husband, I see the presence of God in them. Gentle, a kind person- this is the pinnacle of education.

– Vyacheslav, you have been the father of daughters for a long time, but only recently became the father of a son. They were probably really looking forward to the boy. What is it like for you in this role?

Vyacheslav. When Daniel was born, a new amazing stage began for me, I did not even imagine that life could acquire new meaning. Daniil inspired me very much with his appearance - looking at him, I feel inspired. Children generally contribute to creativity - so, 10 years ago, while playing with my daughters, I came up with ideas that I partially embodied in the album “Ovals”, as well as in concert program"Bibigonia", where children's groups took part.

– In your family, all people are creative: the eldest daughter Anna works as a make-up artist on television, the middle daughter, Ksenia, is studying theater department, and Sophia draws. After the release of the collection “Virgostan”, it turned out that you also write philosophical parables. Have you thought about creating something together?

Vyacheslav. To the above, I will add that Angelica is an art historian, and Daniil is a wonderful director. In such a company, I would love to make a cartoon about saving humanity from its own ignorance.

The editors of the portal “Orthodoxy and the World” would like to thank the magazine “Hello! ” for providing the material.


If you asked the generation of the late 1980s and early 1990s who he is, many would answer that everything is said in these two words. Then he became not even a symbol, but rather a kind of messenger of rock music, who boldly challenged dullness, inferiority and mediocrity, “spraying” an atmosphere of intoxicating freedom among fans.

In cities and villages

Undoubtedly, the Nautilus Pompilius group are inseparable concepts and phenomena. Songs “I want to be with you”, “Goodbye America”, “Chained by One Chain”, “Wings”, “Breath”, “Tutankhamun”, “On the Bank of a Nameless River”, “Walking on Water” with simple and at the same time soulful -associative texts remain in memory forever. And today it is enough for Butusov to go on stage silently, the audience will sing for him.

Born in the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk in 1961. My parents arrived there on a Komsomol voucher, while a grandiose construction of a hydroelectric power station was underway. My father was often sent from one city to another, so the family had to move from place to place, and Vyacheslav was forced to change more than one school during his childhood. Of course, on the one hand, these circumstances traumatized the boy’s psyche, but on the other, they expanded his horizons and stimulated his imagination.

Vyacheslav’s mother worked in the Philharmonic, and this significantly contributed to the development musical preferences Butusova. He had the opportunity to regularly attend concerts of popular Soviet singers that era. And the first domestic rock band that he heard live was “Skomorokhi” by Alexander Gradsky. Vyacheslav forever remembered how the rockers came on stage in rumpled clothes and with disheveled hair, thereby causing shock among the majority of the audience.

Butusov’s musical preferences were also influenced by the appearance of a tape recorder in the family. He could spend hours on cassettes with recordings of rockers, most of which included songs legendary group Led Zeppelin.

Young rhymer Butusov

IN school years Vyacheslav took his first steps in composing poetry, and, as he later admitted, in order not to study Pushkin’s poetry. He had difficulty learning poems that had to be learned by heart as part of literature lessons. Then the young man decided that he needed to start writing his own. The teacher did not allow him to memorize the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich in exchange for Butusov reading his creation in class. This is how childhood pampering led to the creation of song lyrics, and later music, when Vyacheslav’s parents bought a guitar. At school he collected music group BIGVIRUS, with which his musical career began.

After receiving secondary education, Butusov went to Sverdlovsk (present-day Yekaterinburg), where he entered the architectural institute. According to a long-standing Soviet tradition, students were involved in the autumn harvest. And when, after another workday, young people gathered and sang songs with a guitar, Vyacheslav really wanted to perform something from The Rolling Stones. But the freshman didn’t know the words, so he had to mutter something unintelligible to the guitar chords, but the guys listened with their mouths open in amazement. Vyacheslav understood that such deception would not last long, so he began to compose his own music to keep the attention of the “audience”.

Student "Moving"

At one of these gatherings, Vyacheslav met his future wife, Marina. Literally a month later, the young people began to live together, then got married, and in the summer of 1980 they their daughter Anna was born.

Despite studying at the institute and family worries, Vyacheslav found time for creativity and regularly went to rehearsals with other musicians. At the institute, he met Dmitry Umetsky, who was equally passionate about music. He knew well English language and had a lot of scarce records. Vyacheslav and Dmitry often got together, picked out melodies on guitars and composed their own songs. Before graduating from the institute, the newly minted musicians recorded their first amateur album, which they called “Moving.”

The birth of the Nautilus

After receiving his diploma, Butusov got a job in his specialty; he was hired as an architect at a design institute. Vyacheslav, among other specialists, was involved in the development of the Sverdlovsk metro. Butusov and Umetsky spent their free time from work and household duties in the city rock club. Then Vyacheslav seriously thought about creating his own group. At the family council, they decided that they should start by purchasing a good guitar. To do this, Marina sold all her gold jewelry to a pawnshop. This was her contribution to the creation "Nautilus Pompilius". The group's first songs were played on that guitar, and most of them were dedicated to Marina.

The Architectural Institute donated Vyacheslav Butusov another fateful meeting - with Ilya Kormiltsev, who wrote poems for most of the Nautilus hits. Although they creative tandem did not work out right away. In the spring of 1985, the group recorded the album “Invisible,” and a year later the collection “Separation” appeared. It was destined to thunder throughout huge country and cover it with a wave of “nautilusomania”. This album made it clear to musicians that creativity cannot be done casually, it requires a professional approach.

Sharp turn

He left the design institute and devoted himself entirely to music. Dmitry Umetsky did the same, and many years later he recalled that this decision was not easy for both. Butusov and Umetsky had children growing up, they needed to have a stable income, and rock and roll in the Soviet Union was associated almost with swearing. But priorities were set, and only glory was dreamed of ahead.

For two years the Nautilus Pompilius group toured almost continuously and suddenly, at the end of 1988, Vyacheslav decided to disband the group and return to co-creation with Dmitry Umetsky, who left the group a few months earlier. Work began on the “Man with No Name” project, the soundtrack was recorded, but the paths of the founders of “Nautilus Pompilius” diverged again.

Petersburg period

During these years, Vyacheslav spends more and more time in St. Petersburg and Moscow, appearing at home less and less often. Frequent tours and distance from each other could not but affect family relationships, and at the turn of the 1980-90s, the union of Vyacheslav and Marina became obsolete. They decided to file for divorce.

Butusov spends 1990 in the machinations of the new group “Nautilus Pompilius”, then the group records the album “Born on This Night” and goes on tour again. "Petersburg" period of creativity Vyacheslav Butusov reflected in the albums “Alien Earth”, “Titanic” and “Wings”, which were released almost one after another.

In the northern capital, Vyacheslav met the young art critic Anzhelika Estoeva, who became his second wife. In 1991, a daughter, Ksenia, was born into the family - exactly 11 years after birth eldest daughter Butusova.

Goodbye, "Nautilus"

But, despite the popularity of Nautilus Pompilius and the acquired status of stars of the rock scene, the group still broke up. The last discs of the group were “Yablokitai”, which was created by Yuri Butusov and Ilya Komiltsev with the participation of, and an album of previously unreleased songs “Atlantis”. By the way, compositions from these collections were performed in famous movie Alexey Balabanov’s “Brother”, where Butusov played a small cameo role. This film again raised the Nautilus Pompilius group to the pinnacle of fame, but Vyacheslav then clearly decided for himself that creative potential within the collective was exhausted, he would not be able to create something new and interesting, so he disbanded Nautilus. Last concert group took place at the end of 1997.

Free will

Vyacheslav directed his energy into a solo direction and also took up joint projects with other rock musicians. WITH former member group by Yuri Kasparyan, he released the album “Illegitimately Born”, in 1998 - the disc “Ovals”. And the second part of the film “Brother” included the song “Gibraltar-Labrador”, written by Vyacheslav Butusov for Boris Grebenshchikov’s project “Terrarium”.

Together with the group Deadushki, the album “Elizobarra-torr” was recorded, the most popular song of which was the composition “Nastasya”. Soon Vyacheslav released another disc (“Star Padl”) together with the musicians of the Kino group.

And in the fall of 2001, she appeared on the musical horizon a new group Vyacheslav Butusov- “U-Peter.” Iconic figures gathered in the team Russian rock– Yuri Kasparyan, Oleg Sakmarov (from) and Evgeny Kulakov (from “Nesterov’s Loop”). The musicians recorded several albums - “Name of Rivers”, “Biography”, “Praying Mantis”, “Flowers and Thorns”, “Gudgora”.

Architect-writer Vyacheslav Butusov

Now the musician gives the impression of being balanced, wise and calm person. He himself admits that he became this way thanks to his wife Angelica. Exactly she helped him cope with the eternal vices of rock musicians. In addition to Ksenia, another daughter was born in the family - Sophia, and in 2005 Angelica gave Vyacheslav Butusov long-awaited son Daniel.

In 2007, Vyacheslav, as they say, put pen to paper. The literary debut was the book “Virgostan”, and a few months later another book was published - “Antidepressant. Co-Seeking" – a joint project with playwright Nikolai Yakimchuk.

Butusov called the third book “Archiya”. Angelica helped him work on its final part, so the lines were born: “To survive in this world, you need to have a steady desire for eternal life, and the secret of eternal life is love.”


In a Sverdlovsk apartment Vyacheslav Butusov there was a whole “iconostasis” that consisted of photographs of Western rock stars. A large poster greeted guests in the hallway Kiss bands. In those years, Vyacheslav sometimes approached photographs of the band’s musicians and dreamily said: “I wish I could sing with them on the same stage!” A few years later, the musician’s dream came true.

After moving from Sverdlovsk Vyacheslav settled not in St. Petersburg, but in its suburb - Pushkin. It was there that the legendary DDT group video for the song “What is Autumn” was filmed. In him Butusov also took part, walking with Yuri Shevchuk and Konstantin Kinchev through the park strewn with leaves.

Updated: March 15, 2017 by: Elena

“People often escape depression with the help of alcohol. Some men were constantly knocking on our door, declaring from the threshold: “We came to have a drink with Butusov!” Slava easily gave everyone our address, and I dealt with unexpected guests as best I could,” recalls ex-wife famous rock musician Vyacheslav Butusov Marin.

Marina Butusova:

The first impression of Butusov is his eyes. On the collective farm, where we were sent to work on potatoes immediately after entering college, Slava wore a knitted “helmet” with a narrow slit on his face, for which he received a funny nickname among his classmates...

“The Gray Riding Hood only goes to morning exercises to look at you,” a friend once told me. But I usually didn’t look around and didn’t notice much. I also began to slowly take a closer look at Slava... He only decided to approach me at my initiation as a student. We both graduated from art schools and already at the age of 16 they entered the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute, but in different faculties. And when we received my grades, Slava volunteered to take me to Uralmash. At the same time, he himself lived on the other side of the city, where he then traveled until late at night by crossroads.

By nature, we were both silent - we walked side by side, but did not talk.

The first adult relationship - here we are all serious. We got cold on the way - we went into the entrance to warm up. I put my brand new briefcase under my feet, where all my “ student life": a blank notebook, a set of lipsticks that I bought from some dealer, and a record book. A noisy group is rolling down the stairs. And we are all silent: we look out the window, at the radiator, at each other... An hour and a half later, Slava gives out the first phrase: “What do you think: do I like you or do I love you?” Out of embarrassment, I drop my eyes to the floor: but my briefcase is not there! I remember that some punks were running past... We flew out of the entrance like a bullet, catching the police “heel”. The law enforcement officers also lecture us: “Watch your things!” That's what it was the only confession in love throughout our lives... Silent people!

Photo: from the personal archive of M. Butusova

The next time Slava took me to a cafe after college - he was ready to spend three rubles. I ate ice cream, and he still silently admired me and wrote something on the table, covering his creativity with his palm. It's time to pay up. The waiter takes the bill, and the three-ruble bill is covered in marks love lyrics! And he, of course, refuses to accept it: “Why did you ruin the money?” I don’t even remember how we got out - we probably met some friends...

After numerous night walks, I plucked up the courage to introduce Slava to my mother. She threw out the phrase: “I brought some Tatar ...” - that was her first impression. And then I fell in love with him so selflessly! After all, Slava was there when grief happened in our family...

Mom got a call from the hospital: my father was found bleeding on the street.

Born on October 15, 1961 in the village of Bugach, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Due to the specific nature of his father’s profession, the family often moved from place to place. Until the ninth grade, Slava Butusov lived and studied in different Siberian cities - Krasnoyarsk, Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk. In the ninth grade I came to Sverdlovsk for the first time.
At this time, he was already interested in music - “he listened to everything that came his way... mainly the radio, and “Youth”, and “Voice”... In the seventh grade, my father bought me a tape recorder... what nonsense I wrote ! But I liked “Led Zeppelin” more than the others.
In 1978, Slava entered the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute and in the fall met another freshman, Dima Umetsky. Slava had good voice, Dima has good English and a lot of hard-to-find records. They played what they knew and what they could pick up. Preference was given to “Led Zeppelin”, “Credence Water Revival”, from domestic rock - to Konstantin Nikolsky and “Resurrection”, “Time Machine”. Their songs were written closer to release, when in 1983, with the help of Alexander Pantykin, the first epic and helpless album “Moving” appeared. At the same time, in February 1983, an acquaintance with Ilya Kormiltsev took place, but the birth of the Butusov-Kormiltsev tandem occurred only in 1985 during the recording of the album “Invisible”.
Despite the all-consuming passion for music, the institute was completed. I started working as an architect at a design institute. Vyacheslav Butusov designed the Sverdlovsk metro (“which affected the sick appearance of the interior of some stations,” he comments).
Life would have gone on to be completely hopeless and routine - every morning to work, in the evening from work - if not for the free time that Umetsky and Butusov spent in the Sverdlovsk rock club. In the spring of 1985, the album “Invisible” was recorded, in August 1986 - “Separation,” which was destined to soon thunder throughout the country. After “Separation” it became clear: you can’t “run away” into music anymore, you need to make it a profession. Dima Umetsky recalled several years later that choosing a path in 1986 was not at all easy: “Of course, it was scary. The word “rock” is still considered obscene, both of them already have children, and they want to eat. But there was nowhere to go.” So, resignation letters by at will were written, the choice was made, the die was cast.
And already in 1987, a boom began around “Separation,” and soon “nautilus mania” covered the entire country. After two years of continuous touring marathon (1987-1988), on November 10, Vyacheslav Butusov officially “disbanded” the group, deciding to resume cooperation with Umetsky, who left “Nautilus Pompilius” in February 1988. During 1989 work in progress on the film project “The Man with No Name”, the soundtrack is recorded, after which the “founding fathers” of “Nau” stop collaborating for the second time. All this time, Butusov lives between Moscow and Leningrad.
During 1990, Vyacheslav Butusov collected new line-up“Nautilus” begins touring. It turns out new album“Born on this night.” In 1991, Butusov married for the second time the charming Leningrader Anzhelika Estoeva and moved to northern capital. He has a second daughter, Ksenia, born on July 31, 1991, on the same day as her older sister Anna, 11 years apart.
During the “St. Petersburg” period, Butusov created songs included in the albums “Alien Earth” (1992), “Titanic” (1994) and “Wings” (1995), which determine the modern musical appearance of the group.

Vyacheslav Butusov lives in St. Petersburg on the outskirts, which, according to him, makes life and creativity very easy: random people rarely get to his distant area. Most spends years on tour. Lately, he has been increasingly reminiscing about his “civilian profession”: he draws when he is in the mood or has a good reason (such as the publication of a book of Kormiltsev’s poems with Butusov’s illustrations), says that “it would be nice to take up animation or become a leader musical group of very young children."

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