Why do we need a middle name in America? Why do most Americans have double names? Middle name in different countries


In Sweden the middle name is the second last name. The husband or wife after marriage can register his old or new surname husband/wife as a middle name (mellannamna). Children can take the surname of one parent as a middle name, and the other parent as a surname, and later, if desired, swap them. Additional personal names (in honor of mother/father or grandmother/grandfather) are the first names from which a person chooses the main one, the one by which others will call him.


According to statistics, all [ ] English children receive two names at birth - personal (first name) and middle (middle). The custom of giving a child a middle name goes back to the tradition of assigning several personal names to a newborn. In modern English naming books, cases of assigning two or three middle names are more common than the complete absence of a middle name. Although there is no law limiting the number of middle names, more four additional middle names are not usually assigned: Charles Philip Arthur George, Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Edward Anthony Richard Louis, Anna Elizabeth Alice Louise. Currently, the middle name plays the role of an additional distinctive feature, especially for individuals who have common first and last names. Both personal names and geographical names, common nouns, etc. are used as middle names. Often, the surnames of the people in whose honor they are assigned are used as middle names.


In Azerbaijan, the middle name is the father's name with the addition of "oğlu" at the end, meaning "son", or "qızı", meaning "daughter". This corresponds to the Russian patronymic. Typical Azerbaijani name"Anar Arif ogly Aliyev" literally means "Anar (son of Arif) Aliyev".

Why do most Americans have double names?

    These are all ancient Roman and Spanish traditions. When a woman gets married, she keeps both of her surnames. And children receive the first of their father's surnames and the first of their mother's surnames. For example, Carmen Galven Torres marries José García Ginestar. Their daughter will be named Lucia Garcia Galvan. And when Carmen is addressed as Señora de Garcia, this means that Carmen is the wife of Señor Garcia.

    Double names are popular not only among Americans, but also among other peoples - the British, for example. They usually give several names: a personal name (first name) and a middle name ((middle name). The middle name is located between the personal name and surname. In addition, there can be several middle names (two, three or even four). Many names have special meaning, which can be found in special books. Sometimes the middle name is associated with a certain area or the names of ancestors, as well as the surnames of other people. And although a person is usually addressed by his first name, which is the most important, in official documents the names of Americans are written down in full.

    Why are double names needed? Apart from any superstitions, we note that a correctly selected list of names sounds beautiful and impressive. Identify a person with big amount names becomes much easier, since the first name and surname can coincide with the names of other people, and so full name most likely becomes unique. Also, double names for Americans and British are an ingrained tradition, just as it is customary for us to call a person by his patronymic.

    Double (and sometimes triple or more) names are given not only by Americans, but also by Spaniards and other peoples. The additional name is given for protection. That is, the more names a person is given, the more guardian angels he will have in his life.

    Nowadays no one thinks about traditions and everything is simpler, this is not because everyone is superstitious, but because everyone is like that

    Americans don't have middle names. That is, not at all.

    The child's middle name can be anything, and it will be exactly the name, and not an attempt to recreate the patronymic. Usually this name is not used except in documents, and that is why it sometimes appears in films oo, your middle name is Christian! and I didn’t even know!

    American culture is secondary. Its origins lie in medieval Europe. Then terrible epidemics raged across Europe different types plague and other deadly diseases. The lower classes have come up with a trick that should save children from certain death. At baptism, the child was given several names so that death could not determine who to take with him. Jean or Louis, Adam or Peter. Death came for Adam, but he was not there! Peter lives in the house. This is the belief that emigrants brought to the USA. It still lives and is popular among residents of the United States.

In Russian, a person's full name consists of first name, patronymic and last name. In English-speaking countries the scheme is slightly different: first name, middle name(s) last name.

The middle name appears because, according to tradition, a child receives two names at birth: personal name(personal name, first name) and middle name(middle name). The most important thing is personal name. It is most often the “identifier” of a person.

For reference: The custom of giving a child a middle name goes back to the tradition of assigning several personal names to a newborn. In modern English cases assignments of two or three middle names are more common than no middle name at all. Although there is no law limiting the number of middle names, more than four additional middle names are usually not assigned: Anne Elisabeth Alice Louise, Charles Philip Arthur George, Andrew Albert Christian Edward.

Middle name serves as an additional individualizing sign, especially for persons whose first and last names are widespread. It stands between the first and last names. The middle name is usually represented by the initial letter (middle initial) in full names:
Alan Charles Jones or Alan C. Jones

Both personal names and geographical names, common nouns, etc. are used as middle names. Often the surnames of the people in whose honor it is assigned are used as middle names. Quite recently in England it was generally accepted to give a boy at birth traditional name and a slightly more unusual middle name, and when naming girls, use the same scheme, but in reverse order: if the grown-up girl doesn’t like the name, then you can always use the middle name.
Sometimes the personal name appears only in documents or register books, and the middle name is used instead in everyday use:
Mackenzie Phillips Laura Mackenzie Phillips
JoBeth Williams (Margaret Jobeth Williams).

Some people prefer to use their middle name as their last name:
Tom Cruise (Thomas Cruise Mapother)
Jon Stewart (Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz)
Ray Charles (Ray Charles Robinson)
Jake Burton (Jake Burton Carpenter)

In the Russian sense, the middle name not identical patronymic, since patronymic in Russian is called “a paternal name, consisting of the base of the father’s name and suffixes: -ovich, -ovna, -evich, -evna, -ich, -ichna, usually added to own name"(T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative).

It is considered incorrect to write Russian patronymic in the form of one initial letter, as English middle names are usually written. Complete Russian name should be written in English as Ivan Petrov or Ivan Petrovich Petrov, but not like Ivan P. Petrov.

Our ancestors believed that a person’s name is the address of his soul. And the one who knows someone's real name has power over him. Our ancestors sought to protect their children and used pseudo names to name their children in everyday life. This tradition still exists today. All witchcraft rituals use a person’s name; the name is also used for church purposes in prayers, for example, for health or for the repose of the dead. What is a “middle name”, why do they give children an additional name? IN Orthodox tradition, at baptism, the priest often gives a second name (no one should know about this name).

This is the second one secret name mentioned in prayers and protects the child from all kinds of evil. Catholics also have a tradition of naming a baby with a double name: one church name is given in honor of a saint, the second is a home name, given in honor of one of the ancestors. Hence the double names - Jean-Baptiste, Anna-Maria, Johann Sebastian.

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