Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year, New Year's Eve, Old New Year, Chinese New Year. Conspiracies for the New Year

Winter holidays are always filled with mystery and magic, so New Year conspiracies and rituals for the Old New Year on January 13 are always relevant for those who want to attract wealth, luck, and love to themselves and their loved ones. Every January day has strong energy, so rituals can and should be performed at this time.

Preparation for rituals

People have always noted the importance of proper preparation for performing conspiracies and rituals, without which any magical action will be absolutely useless.

  1. It is necessary to observe a one-day fast, which involves only a few sips of water, helps to cleanse the body and spirit of the conspirator.
  2. It is important to read a prayer before performing rituals.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the conspiracy on Wednesday, as this will ensure the success of the ritual.
  4. Preparation - coins for ransom. The next morning after reading the plot, they are lowered into flowing waters.
  5. It is necessary to exclude alcohol on the day of the conspiracy and the day before, since the person must be in a sober mind.
  6. All quarrels that arise before the ceremony must be resolved.
  7. Thoughts must be cleared of bad thoughts.
  8. You cannot read conspiracies in a bad mood.

Rituals for the Old New Year

The entire first half of the month up to and including the 13th is considered energetically filled. But according to tradition, the most powerful conspiracies for good luck, wealth and love are carried out starting on the evening of January 13th. While cleaning up after festive feast You should carefully take the tablecloth and shake the crumbs out the window, saying three times:

“How many crumbs are on this tablecloth, so much happiness and money will be in my house.”

You should not ignore the bones of the meat. On the first day of January, they bury themselves under a tree near the house and say:

“As a tree grows and gains strength, so good things are brought into the house; just as a tree lives, I drink love and good luck.”

Pancake spell

While preparing pancakes, a love spell for the old New Year is read out. To attract a betrothed, a woman must bake a lot of treats, dress beautifully and invite many guests to the house. During preparation, the following love spell words are pronounced:

“Blinok, find your mouth, bake treats, and suitors swarm around me like bees, look at me beautiful and don’t take your eyes off.”

Attracting a man

Attracting the attention of a man can be done on the night of January 14, the Old New Year holiday. To do this you need to wear new clothes, let down your hair and light three candles at midnight different colors: gold, red and white, tie them with thread. They are placed in a crystal saucer with water over a round mirror, then they say:

“Power of red fire, turn the feelings of the narrowed on me, so that love is like hot fire, like clear water, like a deep mirror. As soon as the red flame reaches the water, the affair will be crowned with success, and the betrothed will wish to get engaged. Amen".

Beauty slander

When in need of beauty, girls and women resort to magic. One of the conspiracies is read in bed on the night of the holiday:

“Early in the morning I will get up from my warm bed and go to clean water, with parental permission. I will draw water that is more expensive than rings, redder than gemstones, more important than any cups. The true beauty lies in that water. I will wash my face, white and clear, with this unusual water, I will be beautiful for the suitors who will swarm around me, for husbands, for elders and old women. I will be warmer and more ruddy than the sun, brighter than its hot and blinding ray. Everyone will like my beauty. I, servant of God (name), will take possession of the hearts and souls of people and may I remain in them. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for money for the New Year

A week-long conspiracy for the old New Year for money is carried out while taking water procedures on the first of January. On the night of the holiday, rosemary, orange, bergamot and a spoon of honey are added to the bath. For a successful outcome of the case and more money, the correctness of the plot being read is important:

“As water flows from me, so a sea of ​​money washes me, as the water of the Euphrates and Tigris flows, so soon good things come to me.”

Rituals are accompanied by the lighting of candles, which enhance the magical effect. The most successful colors for attracting money are gold and green.

Reading for water

There is another version of the ritual for financial security. Early in the morning, January 14th, you need to dial clean water from a spring or well (you can use a consecrated one) into a small container. Fingers crossed for sign of the cross, dip them in water and cross it while reading the following text:

“I, servant of God (name), will rise early in the morning and bless everything that the Lord has created, all living creatures, all the air and mountains, waters and earth, the moon and the red-beautiful sun. I will bless all the days, coming and coming, I will pray to our Lord. My God, creator of everything that we see and feel, bless with your power the new year that we are leading from your incarnation in the name of the salvation of the human race. Allow, Lord, my and other families to live this year in peace and quiet, strengthen the church and human faith, which you yourself brought to earth. Reward me and my loved ones with peace and longevity, health, wealth and clean air, save and preserve Your servant (name) from all evil and misfortune, guide me on the true path. Gold and silver, bread and sunshine for this house, and Your peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the prayer are said twelve times for each month. Only after this the palm is removed from the cup, the person crosses himself and sprinkles water on every corner of the house, ending at the threshold.

The spell for good luck is pronounced on New Year's Eve, on the 1st, then its power is great. Exactly at midnight, the following words of the ritual are pronounced: “The past year brings problems away, but the new year is in a hurry and brings prosperity, health and good luck.”

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the influence of negative energy, then fire will come to the rescue again. Early in the morning, on the 13th day of the month, they go around each corner of the house with a burning candle and say three times:

“Great fire, help and protect against failures! Burn all disagreements and problems with your power, do not leave a single trace of evil and badness.”

Magical effect at Christmas

At Christmas, a ritual for good luck has also been performed since time immemorial. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, turn off the lights at home and leave only one necessary source of light - a lit candle at the eastern window, stand near it and say three times at the first star:

“The Star of Bethlehem shines brightly and generously, announcing the happiness of birth to the world. Little Jesus comes into this world, a great blessing awakens. And fortunately this will affect me, God’s servant (name), but luck will not turn around.”

Money is an important aspect of life for everyone modern man, however, family well-being, health and peace are more significant. The New Year's charm-amulet for this was created by Natalya Stepanova. It sounds like this:

“Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I take possession of the lunar seal, I sign with the rays of the sun and the wide vault of heaven. Amen. Let me take twelve stars in my hands and announce twelve names: Hazael, Zaaphiel, Barahit in the north, Gabriel, Raphael, Yehudil in the south, Sariel, Uriel, Jophiel in the west, Michael, Sariel, Jerimiel in the east. To them I will sentence seven more heavenly names—names of witnesses. Whoever takes my shield of God on purpose will not lift it or carry it away, but it is as heavy as our land itself. No one except me will take it, take it away, or steal it. Cover me, shield, me, God’s servant (name), my neighbors (names of all your loved ones), my home and everything that is in my possession. Michael, resurrection angel, Gabriel, angel of good, evil angel, Shavaiot, Oeh, planet angel, Commander of the heavenly guard Raguel. I will cover myself with Monday, I will pray for myself with Tuesday, I will bless myself with Wednesday, I will cover myself with Thursday, I will protect myself with Friday, I will protect myself with Saturday, on Sunday I will receive whole year salvation. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Texts to read before the New Year

New Year's conspiracies are aimed at leaving everything bad and exhausting in the past year, not getting sick, filling your wallet with money, finding decent job and become even happier. In 2013, on New Year's Eve, December 31, the following conspiracy to prolong youth and improve health was relevant:

“The clear day is located on three sides, and the dark night is on the fourth, and cold water flows away from the damp earth, just as all illnesses leave my body, and pure thoughts come with water as clear as the sky. I will become young with a spoonful of sweet honey. Amen".

Afterwards, eat a spoonful of honey and wash it down with warm water.

Charms to attract good luck were relevant in 2015, also on New Year’s Eve, December 31st. To carry out one of these rituals, a church candle is lit and the following is voiced:

“Great Lord, accompany me on my journey in the coming year and protect me from illnesses, give prosperity and happiness to me and my neighbors, my family and home. Give silver and zloty, great goodness to every home. Give me peace and quiet world so that you and I do not part. Archangel Michael and all the good angels, and the protection and guards of heaven, do not let suffering come into our home and hearts, protect us from all troubles, from fire and water. Save and preserve me, the servant of God (name) from evil and evil spirits. Let it be so. Amen".

New Year's wealth rituals were popular during the 2017 and 2018 Chinese New Year. Many people often ask for well-being and money, you need to know some of the rituals. According to the signs, the first little thing that you have after January 1 must be saved and a ceremony must be performed during the new moon phase by putting the money in a clay pot. During the waxing moon phase, read the following:

“My profit is growing, just as the moon is growing, just as the moon is shining in the sky, so is the money in my wallet. Let it be so. Amen".

Consequences of conspiracies

Rituals related to white magic do not usually entail negative consequences, but with gross violations of preparation and implementation, both unpleasant and disastrous consequences may occur. In a team, you can lose respect and surround yourself with envious people, career failures, lack of money, and also become a victim of the strong magical influence of another conspirator or professional magician.

The impact on health may be even more detrimental: your health will worsen or a serious illness will occur. You should not perform dark rituals, this can negatively affect your future fate. In addition, you cannot address both light and dark forces: the first will not be able to help, the second will be even more angry.


New Year rituals to attract all benefits should be carried out according to general rules and provisions so as not to invite trouble into your home. It must be remembered that conspiracies are pronounced by heart and in strict sequence according to the appropriate instructions. Ask the Lord for happiness in the New Year and be sure that you will find it.

New Year's Eve is the best time to make a wish, get rid of financial problems, call good luck into your life, and improve your personal life. This tradition has existed for many centuries. Conduct spells and rituals on New Year even people who do not have deep esoteric knowledge can. They can be done at home.

New Year's Eve is a time to invite good luck into your life and improve your personal life.

To improve the quality of life, you can make various talismans that will be imbued with the special magic of New Year's Eve. It could be the most ordinary things

  • magic money to attract financial well-being;
  • talisman ring to attract good luck;
  • a pendant that helps preserve youth and beauty;
  • a comb with which you can see your betrothed in a dream.

It is very important to perform magical rituals with a great mood and faith in success. Only in this case can you achieve a good result.

On New Year's holiday you can attract money with the help of rituals

New Year's magical rituals to help attract wealth and mutual love

New Year's holidays are a special time. These days are filled with positive energy of great strength. Practicing magicians do not miss the opportunity to use the beginning of the year to achieve certain goals with the help of mysterious forces.

New Year's strong rituals will allow you to live the coming year without shocks and misfortunes. You just need to “program” it correctly. Follow all the conditions of the ritual, and only happy events will be present in life.

Some ancient rituals and signs are known to almost everyone. For example, it is difficult to find a person who would not know that you need to make a wish while the chimes are striking, announcing the beginning of the new year. Below are the most powerful rituals that will help you use magic most effectively. New Year's Eve.

The most famous ritual for the New Year is making a wish during the chimes.

Love New Year ritual

Love conspiracies for the New Year 2019 will be very effective if you think through the sequence of their execution in advance and prepare all the necessary items for their implementation. This ritual should be held on December 31 near the main city Christmas tree. It is intended for those who want to find their soulmate and find the happiness of mutual love.

When rituals are held for the New Year, a special atmosphere is always felt. In addition to hope, joy and expectation of a real miracle arise in the soul. With this mood in mind, you need to carry out the next ritual. For it you will need

  • a sheet of red or scarlet paper;
  • ballpoint pen or marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • willingness to change your life and accept true love.

For the ritual you need to make confetti

In small handwriting on a piece of paper, write in detail how you would like your lover to be. Describe his appearance, character, financial situation, profession, etc. Do not forget to describe what you do not want to see in him, but only in such a way that you replace the character traits that are unpleasant for you with the opposite ones.

For example, you don't like angry or too shy people. Write - my betrothed must be kind and sociable. If you could never live with a boring person who is always dissatisfied with everything, write on a piece of paper - he should be cheerful, with a light character. This will be your message to higher powers.

After reading carefully what you wrote, use the hole punch to turn the paper into confetti. If you don't have a hole punch at hand, use scissors to cut it into small pieces.

For the ritual you need to go to the city Christmas tree

Collect everything you cut into a bag. Then, after dressing warmly, go to the main city Christmas tree. Try to scatter your magical confetti over the area, and they should also fall on the tree itself. Don't forget to look around, maybe your soulmate is already here!

A magical way to decorate a Christmas tree

New Year's ceremonies and effective rituals also affect the forest beauty herself. You can attract for this ancient rite your family or do it alone.

The most beautiful balls of red, green, gold, white and blue are chosen. For each of them they make a special wish, which must come true in the coming year. The colors are distributed like this

  • red – love;
  • yellow – luck;
  • white – health;
  • green – well-being;
  • blue - success in business.

For each ball on the tree you need to make a separate wish

You can choose other colors, the main thing is that you make a separate wish for each ball. The Christmas tree will not be removed until January 15th.

There are many signs and ancient rituals for the New Year's forest beauty.

Invite your loved ones to perform a ritual on the garland when you decorate the Christmas tree. Let your family make a wish. Then turn on the lights on the tree and say׃

“The lights come on - wishes come true!”

The magic increases at night, so always decorate your Christmas tree after sunset.

Decorating the New Year tree using ritual should be done after sunset

Energy amulet

Rituals for the New Year can be carried out even when the fun is in full swing. If you feel an unprecedented surge of strength and you great mood, make an energy amulet that will help you remember this state throughout the next year.

On New Year's Eve, magic is saturated with positive energy and increases. You need to accumulate it and tie it to some object. It should be small in size so that it fits freely in the palm of your hand.

To carry out New Year's rituals, a brooch, ring, pebble, shell or any other item is suitable. Hold it in your palms, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Try to absorb the festive noise, fun, sounding music, the roar of fireworks outside the window. That is, everything that accompanies New Year's Eve. Remember the feeling of joy and festive mood that overwhelms you. Then mentally reach for the object held in your hands and convey your feelings to it.

The object in the palms must be mentally conveyed all the most positive emotions

Make a wish during the chimes

The most famous holiday ritual is associated with a New Year's wish. Every person has done it at least once in their life. Such powerful New Year rituals really work if done correctly. main feature This ritual is that it is performed at the turn of the old and new year.

In the old year, just before the chiming clock strikes, you have to remove it from your hand Golden ring, and with the first strike of the clock you need to throw it into a glass of champagne and make a wish. Drink the sparkling wine down and then put the ring back on your finger. Now not only will your cherished wish come true, but you have also made a talisman out of your jewelry.

After the ritual, the ring becomes your talisman

New Year's conspiracies

New Year's Eve is truly one of the most energetically powerful nights; it absorbs a surge of positive emotions from millions of people. That is why experienced magicians try to make various talismans and amulets during these hours. For example, magic money or a love magnet. Any person who wants to change their life for the better can perform an effective magical ritual.

Ritual to preserve youth and beauty

Conspiracies and rituals that can be performed for the new year 2019 will help improve your health and maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. An hour before the New Year, light three red candles. Stand in front of the mirror, bring a teaspoon of honey to your lips and whisper

“On three sides there is day, on the fourth - night. To become young forever, I will seal my age with sweet honey! Amen".

A spoon of honey is enough for a beauty ritual.

After this, you need to eat the honey, and then wash it down with a few sips of red wine. This New Year's ritual will help maintain youth and health. Powerful Ritual absorbs special atmosphere and the hopes of many people, dissolving them in a spoon of honey.


Signs and ancient rituals also include the rite of forgiveness. Even in the old days, our ancestors believed that in the past year we need to leave all grievances behind and start the next year with a clean slate.

Light a church candle. Look at her fire and forgive everyone who has offended you. Forgive yourself for not doing everything you wanted or for something else.

A church candle is required for the amulet spell ritual

Thank the Lord for every day you have lived in the past year. Ask for his support in future affairs, ask for health for yourself and your loved ones. Walk around your home with a lit candle clockwise. Then say

“Merciful God, protect us from troubles in the new year, protect us from illness, save us and preserve us! Amen".

Put out the candle and continue preparing for the holiday.

Wealth plot

To make a talisman that will attract financial well-being to your home, save the first little thing that you are given for change in the new year. This will be your magic money, which needs to be put in a secluded place.

On the first new moon of the year you need to take this little thing and read the following plot׃

“As the month grows in the night sky, so will my money grow.”

Read every night until the moon is full. After this, the money is hidden in a bag of red cloth and put away in a secluded place.

The charmed money must be placed in a red bag

Rite for good luck

Even a person unfamiliar with magic understands well that magic increases at night and therefore rituals are best performed in the evening.

This ritual will help improve your financial situation, achieve a promotion and attract success into your life. In the evening, three or two hours before the New Year, go outside. Choose a secluded place close to home. Place any banknote on the ground and, looking at the sky, read the following spell׃

“The red sun rises in the east, the scarlet dawn rises in the east, at the hour of midnight a blue star rises in the sky, a high star, a happy star. The star shines from January to December Twelve months in a row, Twelve months in a row. I, slave (Name), stand under that star, I walk from east to west along roads, along paths, along milestones. I will not go astray, I will reach the trail of the year with happiness. Amen to my word. Amen to the star, Amen to good fate. Amen".

The ritual for attracting money requires leaving a bill on the ground.

After this, bow to all four cardinal directions. Start from the east. The bill should remain on the ground, and you leave and don’t look back.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true

To make sure your wish comes true, you can carry out an effective old conspiracy. This ritual to fulfill wishes and attract good luck will work in the new year 2019.

Exactly 14 days before the New Year, buy a small piece of expensive green fabric. It can be velvet or brocade. Definitely something that was associated in past centuries with wealth and luxury. Sew a small bag from the purchased material, and use the rest to decorate sofa cushions; sew from the remaining piece a pot holder for the kitchen, a newspaper holder, or some other thing needed in the house.

In the ritual to fulfill a wish, a green velvet bag is used

The main thing is that a piece of purchased brocade does not lie idle at home.

On the evening of December 31, a few hours before the New Year, go to the decorated Christmas tree and carefully tear off as many needles as you are old. Make the three most important wishes for you. After this, hide the needles in a green bag sewn in advance. Read the conspiracy over him

“My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him. Amen".

Keep this talisman throughout the year, then you can make a new one when December 31st comes again.

Several New Year signs

In anticipation New Year's holidays every insignificant detail takes on special meaning and can play an important role in your life. Pay attention to the world, fate may give you some sign.

To attract money in the New Year, place a few bills under the tree.

1. If you break a toy while decorating the Christmas tree, don’t be upset. This promises profit or increased income in the near future. When you throw away the pieces, make a wish.

2. Buy a new broom a few days before December 31st. On New Year's Eve, tie his hand with a red satin ribbon - the year will bring financial well-being.

3. When the chimes strike, you should have a large bill in your pocket or purse. Touch it with your hand. This will be your money talisman.

5. If you want to spend a whole year without knowing financial troubles, put a few large bills under the Christmas tree.

All these signs will definitely come true if you believe in the magic of New Year's Eve! Use this time to ensure that the new year brings only happy moments into your life. Magic these days is poured around you - all you have to do is touch it with your heart.

New Year is a favorable time to change your life, to attract good luck, wealth, and prosperity into it. It is at the junction of the outgoing and coming years that incredible opportunities open up for every person. With the help of special spells and certain objects - candles, mirrors and banknotes - you can attract cash flow into your destiny and attract love. Anyone can create New Year's magic, the main thing is to sincerely believe in a miracle.

How to attract good luck

You can attract good luck on New Year's Eve with the help of the most ordinary household things, which at this time become almost magical. To attract good luck, choose an item that is used every day. This could be: a comb, curlers, curling iron, hair dryer.

The item may be newly purchased or old. If you choose something that has been in use for some time, this item must be cleaned before performing a spell for good luck. You can come up with a phrase for a conspiracy yourself, the main thing is that it lifts your spirits. The phrase is spoken while using the item.

You can say the following words:

  1. 1. “If I twist my hair, I will twist my luck.”
  2. 2. “I straighten my curls and attract good luck.”

You need to prepare an item that brings good luck a few minutes before the chimes strike. While the clock strikes twelve, cast a spell. You need to address the object with these words 7 times, and then put it on the window and leave it until the morning. New Year's Eve will help charge the symbol of good luck for the whole next year.

To ward off bad luck in the New Year, after the chimes you need to go outside and make a fire. You need to have fun running around the fire, jumping and making noise. Happy songs are welcome positive words. The more noise, the more negativity will remain in the old year, and in the new good luck will come and success.

Attracting money and wealth

December 31st - the most best time for performing rituals to attract money and wealth. The following methods will help you achieve wealth:

  1. 1. To perform a magical ritual, you will need to take three green candles. You need to attach 1 coin to each, then light it. With your eyes closed, imagine how money is attracted, feel the cash flow, enter it. Feel how your pockets are filled with money, better - in large bills. The images must be bright and clear, then the ritual will work.
  2. 2. On January 1, you should not wash your face with water, just take a paper dollar and wipe your face. For the best effect, wipe the entire body with the bill.
  3. 3. While the chimes are striking 12 o'clock, you need to drink a glass of champagne with a coin clutched in your hand. A magical ritual will help you gain wealth in the New Year.
  4. 4. On New Year's Eve, you should write a letter wishing you profit, seal it in an envelope with large bill and put it under the tree. The letter should be saved until the end of the outgoing year, then the money should be spent.
  5. 5. As the clock strikes, place a coin in a glass of champagne and make a wish, then empty the glass.

Do not forget that even after performing rituals to attract money, profit will not come in the New Year if you do not make an effort. All conspiracies and magical rituals only help attract easy money that will come if you work a little.

Formation of a favorable energy flow

New Year's Eve is a time for the formation of a favorable flow of energy, which will take effect on the first day of the New Year. At this time, it is important not only to form the flow correctly, but also not to lose it. To attract positive energy, you should follow several rules during the celebration:

  • Before the clock strikes, you need to prepare a pencil, paper, lighter, wine glass and bottle of champagne. As soon as the chimes begin, you should write your most cherished wishes on a small piece of paper. They are all written in the present tense with a date, for example: “I am buying new car January 2, 2018". The fulfillment of a wish depends on the correct wording. After this, the leaf must be set on fire, thrown into champagne and drunk to the bottom. Everything must be done within 12 chimes.
  • In the first five minutes after the onset of the New Year, you need to open all the doors and windows in the house and say: “Go away all the bad, come in the good!” Simple New Year's magic will help to properly organize a positive energy flow and preserve it for the whole next year.
  • during the New Year's feast, it is undesirable to eat crabs, crayfish, and lobsters, since these arthropods walk backwards, which is a symbol of extinction, not profit;
  • on the first of January you cannot clean the apartment, wash the floors, sweep and take out the trash;
  • V holidays If possible, you need to give up work so as not to spend the whole year in trouble.

Observing the starry holiday sky will help strengthen the formation of a favorable flow. You can listen to the ringing of bells, the barking of a dog, the meowing of a cat or the singing of birds at dawn. If on New Year's Eve under the window unmarried woman If the dog barks, then she will most likely get married in the New Year.

Attracting health

To achieve good health for the whole next year, you will need to carry out a simple magical ritual.Before you start, you need to prepare the following items:

The time of the ceremony is from 23:00 to 00:00. It was at this turning point old year will take away all health problems. At 23:00 you should stand in front of the mirror and light the candles. The room should be dark and quiet. You need to scoop a tablespoon of honey from the jar and say: “Three sides of the day, one side of the night. As water flows from the earth, all my illnesses flow away. Heal the water with the earth, I will put honey in my mouth, I will wander the earth like a swan. I will find youth forever, with honey I’ll seal it with sweets.” This plot is taken from the book of Natalia Stepanova, a Siberian healer popular all over the world. Immediately after reading the sacred words, you need to eat honey and wash it down with warm water.

Love ritual

Magical New Year holidays will help to attract true love into life, strengthen family relationships and find true happiness.

The ritual with apples is suitable for lovers who celebrate the New Year together, and for married couples. Apples should be placed on the table as a treat. For the ritual to be valid, you must perform the necessary conditions:

  • During the chiming clock, you need to ask your loved one to give you an apple, which you then need to discreetly hide under the tree.
  • The next morning, the apple is cut into two halves and all the seeds are removed.
  • On a white piece of paper you need to write the name of your loved one, put the paper between the apple halves and tie the fruit with red woolen thread.
  • Place the apple in a warm place and leave to dry. The drier the fruit, the more love the couple will have.
  • The ritual must remain secret, and no one must find the fruit. This apple is a talisman of love and harmonious relationships.

To get married in the New Year, you need to cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, put white candles and water with honey on it. Light the candles and read the spell: “I call upon my betrothed for honey water. Come, my future husband, for a treat. As sweet is this honey water, so sweet is your love for me. Amen.” After the ritual, you need to wash your face with honey water and sprinkle all the doors in the house.

Prayer to Matronushka for marriage

Prayer to the Mother of God

On New Year's Day, you can perform love rituals without fear of consequences. This is the best time to tell fortunes about your betrothed. Conspiracies for the New Year have special power and will certainly bring what you want.

New Year's Eve is the favorite holiday of children and adults. Everyone believes a little in the miracles of a magical night. The New Year attracts wealth into life, helps solve personal problems, and allows you to lay the foundation for the fulfillment of desires. This is absolutely true. You just need to push fate a little, do the appropriate ritual.

The power of New Year's energy is based on festive mood millions of people. General euphoria can be deftly harnessed and directed in the right direction. For this purpose, a ritual is performed, for example, for money and well-being. A small magical effort becomes incredibly powerful. After all, it collects the energy of general fun, joy, and hope.

How to attract good luck

Another difference between the New Year’s rituals for good luck, luck, and success is that you can cast a spell together with your family, loved ones, and friends. There is no need to hide your magical efforts. Vice versa. It is better to carry out rituals at home with a group, read money conspiracy in chorus. Then luck will smile on every novice magician.

One of the most effective rituals is organizing a pleasant atmosphere during the celebration. This is facilitated by the flickering of candle lights. It is recommended to combine a pleasant sacrament with a cleansing ritual that attracts great luck into the lives of the owners of the house. You need to do the following:

1. Purchase in advance 12 church candles, Icon of the twelve apostles.

2. Cover festive table. Arrange the candles. Place the icon next to the Christmas tree.

3. Before the chiming clock, say in chorus (print it out on a separate piece of paper for everyone) a powerful protective spell:

Tip: You can perform the cleansing ritual alone. The apostles will protect the wizard from misfortunes and troubles all year long.

Charm for good luck

The New Year holiday is wonderful with gifts. These can be turned into magical amulets. It is important that the gift can be used daily. For example, prepare a comb, toothbrush or keychain for everyone. To wrap up. Insert a spell written in your own hand on a yellow piece of paper. The text is:

“From evil deeds, from witchcraft complaints, from damage, the evil eye, for good luck in everything at once!”

Attracting money and wealth

It is believed that it is necessary to decorate the room, set a rich table, and invite guests. This is already a divination to attract prosperity to the house. It is recommended to enhance the influence of clean energy with rituals to taste.

New Year's money bath

On the morning of the first of January you can take a magical bath. Do this:

1. Collect coins yellow color how much is in your wallet, pockets, bag.

2. Wash and pour into the bath. Fill it with warm water.

3. Place scented candles around (bergamot, orange, juniper). Turn off the lights.

4. Submerged in water.

5. For 15 - 20 minutes, imagine that you are splashing in a golden solution.

Attention: you should not pay with the collected “capital”. This is a magical financial talisman for the entire coming year.

Ritual for lack of money

This ritual is suitable for those who are constantly in need. You need to celebrate the first day of the year with a magical wash. The ritual is as follows:

1. Draw water in the evening. Put under open sky.

2. Bring it into the house in the morning.

3. Read 12 times (according to the number of months) strong conspiracy from lack of money:

4. Wash with charmed water. Don't dry yourself.

5. Water the flowers with the rest and sprinkle entrance doors, wipe all mirrors.

To get a job in the New Year

You can book a place with a good salary on New Year's Eve. You need to do the following:

Think about what position you want to take. Select the company, salary, range of responsibilities.

1. Print the order of appointment to the desired position in accordance with all the rules. Indicate salary, bonuses, date of hire.

2. Sign below in the format: “position, full name.”

3. Before the chimes strike, endorse the order. Roll it up into a scroll. Seal with wax, solemnly place it on the top of the tree.

4. Propose a toast to getting a new advantageous place.

Attention: after the end of the holiday, the order should be placed in a bag or purse. Always carry it with you.

Old Russian rituals for a happy and rich life

IN ancient times the Slavs celebrated new year. The holiday fell on the day spring equinox. Greeted good luck and wealth interesting rituals. They can be slightly adjusted to modern realities:

1. The meal began with smearing the lips with honey. It was believed that this contributed to the well-being of the family. The owners of the house kissed with honeyed lips. And everyone else also kept their mouths shut. This is how you can meet the chimes.

2. Another eldest man in the family jumped into a barn full of grain. He was literally swimming in abundance. Now it is proposed to pour out all the cash in the house on the floor. You can jump into the pile, “roll” on it, rustle, play with bills and coins. Then fold everything carefully and hang it on the Christmas tree.

3. Jumping over fire is still practiced to cleanse the aura of negativity. It is difficult to carry out such a ritual indoors, but it is possible. Prepare 12 church candles. Create an impromptu fire out of them. Invite all your guests and family to jump over this cleansing bonfire.

New Year's money prayer

Turning to the Saints helps change your life for the better. On December 31, it is advisable to visit the Temple. You should turn to the Mother of God. A prayer is said and a candle is lit for good health. And then you need to complain about the problems in your own words. Ask them to solve them quickly, help them develop, and gain new chances for prosperity.

In the evening you need to go out into the open sky. Count 12 stars on it. Address them with these words:

“Lord bless! Help cope with the need. Make my family happy. Protect from demonic temptations. Make the world around you beautiful. Forgive my sins. Experience no more deprivation. Amen!".

To make your wishes come true

There is a ritual that allows you to bring any dream closer. To carry it out you will need:

· lock with key;

· good mood;

Confidence in your magical powers.

You can cast a spell alone or big company. But the lock must be purchased individually. It's done like this:

1. Think through what you want in detail. You can speak out loud.

2. Pick up the open lock. Insert the key into the hole.

3. Once again imagine what you want already fulfilled.

4. Say “So be it” at the same moment close the lock.

5. Drown the key deeper on New Year's Eve.

6. Keep the castle until your dream comes true.

Hint: the ritual is enhanced if performed in company. Everyone presents their own, and the magic phrase is pronounced in chorus.

For reciprocity in love

On New Year's table glasses are placed. One for yourself, the second - for your soulmate according to fate, if such exists. If not, then let there be an extra one. After the feast, the glasses are tied with red woolen thread. They should be kept under the tree until the Old New Year. Then remove it. You can untie the thread when the narrowed one appears.

Ritual for health and youth

In the first minutes of the coming year, you should read the following magical plot:

Decorating the Christmas tree to your advantage

Festive energy amplifies many times over cash flows. To do this, you need to show the Universe a desire to become richer. This is done using a Christmas tree. Its branches need to be decorated:

· coins, banknotes;

· symbols of wealth;

· self-made golden nuts,

· candies, other sweets, fruits.

Attention: decorations should symbolize prosperity for those who will sit under the tree. Then the Universe will definitely hear and fulfill the request.

New Year's signs

There are a number of customs that allow you to unnoticed change your destiny. To improve health, the following small rituals and signs are recommended:

1. Throw a warm shawl over your shoulders. Reset her from the last blow chimes. This frees a person from problems, diseases, and ailments.

2. Water helps wash away negative energy. On December 31st you need to take a bath, visit the sauna, and stand in the shower. Visualize the cleansing of the physical body from ailments.

3. Unfulfilled obligations have a bad effect on your health. Before the holiday, it is necessary to pay off debts, forgive grievances, and resolve conflicts.

4. Good sign- the appearance of someone else's dog on New Year's Eve. The animal needs to be fed, caressed, and warmed. It was Lady Luck herself who knocked on the door.

To attract money and wealth

There are a number of random events that predict an upcoming increase in the income of the entire family. The tested ones are:

1. The appearance of an unexpected guest at the feast.

2. Receiving gifts from strangers.

3. Broken dishes during a feast are good. Just don't scold an awkward guest.

4. Heavy rainfall during the chiming clock promises a serious increase in income.

5. To meet a man first on New Year's Eve - fortunately, an abundant, prosperous life.

6. The appearance of an unfamiliar animal in the yard means rich gifts for the whole year.

To attract good luck

The following small rituals will significantly improve the situation:

1. Buy a ficus on the last day of old age. As long as it grows, luck will not turn away.

2. To attract love, according to fate, they wear jewelry with red stones, and put a cinnamon stick in their pocket.

3. A pregnant woman at the table is a great happiness for all guests.

4. One of the dishes in any year should be decorated with tangerine slices. The fruit can be peeled before the chimes strike, or placed under the Christmas tree.

5. A new outfit will help you lure Lady Luck. It is recommended to buy one from good mood and a pleasure to wear.

6. The pockets of your holiday outfit must be filled with money and jewelry. Otherwise there will be no wealth. An empty pocket is not good.

The most important thing: do not allow offense, frustration, or quarrels at the table. This is a bad omen.

Accurate fortune telling on New Year's Eve

A cheerful New Year's fortune telling will help you find out your future fate. The methods are:

1. Buy a kilogram of beans in advance. Pour into beautiful vase. Everyone should make a wish, pick up a handful of beans, and count the grains. Even quantities- execution is close, odd - not this year.

2. Hide certain symbols under the cups. Invite guests to choose one. The meanings are: sun - good vacation, heart - new love, coin - money luck, toy car - new vehicle. There can be as many symbols as you like. They are selected by the organizer.

3. Traditionally, each guest is given a pen and a small sheet of paper. You need to write your cherished wish before the chimes strike. Set fire to the leaf. If it manages to burn out before the end of the battle, it means that the dream will soon come true. Fortune telling is enhanced by pouring ashes into a glass of champagne. You need to drain it to the bottom.

After celebrating the New Year on December 31, only residents of our country have the opportunity to celebrate it again. Since in the Slavic expanses there is a beautiful old custom to celebrate a holiday unique in nature - the old New Year, which begins on the night of January 13-14.

The Old New Year arose as a separate celebration in connection with the transition in 1918 from Julian calendar to Gregorian, according to which all dates “shifted” by about two weeks. With them comes the holiday beloved by Russians big and small. Therefore, in our country, the New Year is celebrated as expected - on the night of December 31 to January 1, and the Old New Year - on the night of January 13 to 14.

And in 2019, according to established tradition, The Old New Year will come on January 14th.

About amazing story holiday, magical rites and rituals, characteristic signs and conspiracies, we will try to tell you in more detail below.

Signs and traditions on Vasilyev's evening

From the evening of January 13 to the morning of January 14, people again celebrated the arrival of the New Year, the eve of which was called Vasilyev's evening in honor of the patron saint of pig farmers - St. Basil. A pig was slaughtered for the table on this day, from whose meat countless hearty dishes were prepared, because the pig was the symbol of the fertility of livestock and family well-being. In addition to the above-mentioned name, this day was often called “Generous Evening” or “Autumn” among the people.

How did you prepare for the holiday?

In the morning, the housewives honored the whole family with wheat porridge, which was generously seasoned with meat or honey. There was a popular saying: what porridge tastes better, the better the coming year will be. But if the dish failed, then the family will be haunted by failures. Then, from lunch until the evening, the women baked pancakes, made dumplings with various fillings, and baked piglets. The men helped with the housework, and the children went caroling.

The ritual of “falling over the oats” was accompanied by dressing in National costumes and walking from house to house singing songs that were supposed to attract good luck and prosperity to the village. The owners who allowed caroling on their doorsteps always rewarded the children’s efforts with something tasty. In the evening, a generous table was set to appease the coming year. And at night the whole family went to visit neighbors in order to bring peace and grace into the relationship.

By the morning of January 14, only young people made it, who went out into the streets and lit fires to burn the “didukh” and jump over the New Year’s fire as a sign of purification. On this night they believed: the more stars there are in the sky, the greater the harvest.

Basic rituals of the Generous Evening

The evening of January 13th is popularly called Generous. On this day, our ancestors celebrated the holiday of Melania, the main custom was to put kutya on the table, and the richer it was, the more varied its contents, the whole of 2019 would be just as fruitful and profitable. But after dinner, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to look at your neighbors and ask for forgiveness for all the misunderstandings, if there were any in the past year.

On the evening of January 13, one could safely send matchmakers, even to the most unapproachable brides. No one was given a pumpkin as a sign of refusal, because otherwise the girls would die. Another centuries-old ritual for the Old New Year is generosity. The girls gathered in a crowd, learned Shchedrivka’s perky songs in advance and walked along the windows, singing them, praising the owners of the house and waiting for treats. The generosity took place until 24 hours on January 13th.

Rituals for wealth

The night of January 13 was endowed with mysterious and magical powers; only on this day could certain rituals be performed, including those for wealth. On the evening of the thirteenth you need to put out a dough of yeast dough. Let it rise three times, pressing it down each time, repeat that just as the dough rises and grows, so let the wealth multiply. Then bake bread from the dough and divide it among all family members living in the same house.

To perform the next ritual you will need two coins and a candle Green colour. This color was not chosen by chance; it is believed that it attracts money. You need to carry two coins in your pocket for several days, on the night of the Old New Year, melt the wax, make a cake out of it and attach coins on both sides. Keep this homemade talisman with you all night, and in the morning put it in a fabric bag and hide it in a hiding place, along with your savings.

Rituals for health

There is a belief that clothes store all the energy of the person who wears them. The next ritual is precisely related to things.

On the night of the Old New Year, a sick person needs to burn that part of his clothing that was in direct contact with the diseased organ. So, if you suffer from headaches, then you need to burn off your hat, and migraines will no longer bother you.

Rituals for love

To carry out a ritual for love, you need to stock up on candles three colors, a wide plate with water and a round mirror. You need to place the candles in water and light them.

Place the plate itself on the mirror, reciting the words of the spell that you expect love that is pure and transparent, like water and a mirror, and hot, like fire. And the meeting with your betrothed will not take long.

Rituals for happiness

When clearing the generous table, you need to collect all the bones and bury them in the garden under a strong fruit-bearing tree. At the same time, it is necessary to say that just as a tree grows and gets stronger from year to year, so let the well-being of the family constantly increase.

But crumbs from the tablecloth also need to be removed in a special way. You just need to shake off the tablecloth three times, noting how many crumbs are on the table, so much happiness in my family.

Rituals to fulfill wishes

Prayer for the Old New Year

New Year is a day from which, taking into account all your past mistakes, you can start everything from scratch and “make yourself” in the new year, well, at least a little better than “your past self.” And all this will work out only with two components - with your firm desire in this and the blessing of the Lord.

That is why there is a special prayer on the day of the Old New Year, in which we ask the Lord to bless us and give us strength for the whole year.


Lord God, Creator and Creator of all visible and invisible creatures, Who created times and years, Himself bless the New Year that begins today, which we count from Your incarnation for our salvation.

Let us spend this year and many years after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; Strengthen and spread the Holy Universal Church, which You Yourself founded in Jerusalem, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood.

Raise, preserve and glorify our Fatherland; give us long life, health, abundance of earthly fruits and good air; save me, Your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true Supreme Shepherd, protect me, protect me, and establish me on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Heavenly Kingdom and were worthy of eternal bliss with Thy saints.


Prayer from evil people at work for the old New Year

Unfortunately, you meet angry people at work more often than kind colleagues. Many are just waiting for you to stumble so that they can tell the authorities about you or do something evil. Fortunately, attitude evil people at work can be corrected with the help of prayers. Prayers read for the old New Year especially help to improve relationships with evil colleagues. The Old New Year is celebrated on January 14th. At that time New Year holidays Workdays are already ending and working days are beginning. If you want to get rid of evil people at work with the help of prayer, then it is better to do it early in the morning of the old New Year. Come to work earlier than other colleagues so that no one can stop you from reading the words of prayer from evil people, and read the following words 3 times. So, the words of prayer from evil people at work for the old New Year.

“Like the teeth of the dead do not bite,

Tongues don't curse

They don't stamp their feet in anger,

They don’t wave their hands at the living,

So it would be for me, the servant of God (name),

No one shouted, no one stomped their feet,

He didn't wave his hands.

Neither the gray-haired boss, nor the young servant,

Neither the one who believes

Neither the one who sweeps

And the one who sits in a high chair,

Let evil not look at me from under its brows,

Doesn't scold, doesn't swear.

Everything that I said and that I forgot,

Let it be fulfilled for all days,

For all hours and minutes.


Old New Year - a spell for beauty and health

On the day of the passing year, January 13, you need to stand in front of the mirror, light three red candles, take a spoonful of honey and say:

“On three sides of the day, on the fourth night, water flows away from the earth, Flow away, disease, flow away the sickness, heal with mother earth, water. I will freely drop a sweet drop into my mouth and walk like a swan across the earth. I will find youth and beauty forever, with sweet honey I will seal it. Amen."

Then eat honey and drink it with water.

Old New Year 2019 – conspiracy for money and wealth

On the waxing moon during the New Year holidays, you need to take 12 coins in your hand, leave the house and, substituting the money in your hand for the month, pronounce the spell at exactly midnight: "Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and the money is from the moon. Grow up. Multiply. Increase yourself. Make me (your name) rich, come to me!” When you return home, you should put these coins in your wallet with the money you already have.

A spell to get rid of troubles

Today you can find a conspiracy against troubles that came to us from our ancestors. On the evening of January 13th you need to sit down desk, take Blank sheet paper and a pen that writes well and describes in detail all your problems and troubles. It doesn’t matter at all what plan they will be. Maybe you are unlucky in your personal life, or there are some problems in the family. Maybe financial difficulties have arisen. You can write about what you really care about, but each point must be specific. In such a presentation there should be no complaints about fate, just certain facts and events that I would like to get away from forever and improve my life. You should try to write legibly and beautifully. After all the problems are transferred to the paper, you just need to bring it to a candle and burn it, thinking that all the troubles are being burned in this fire. You definitely need to make such a request to the Lord so that through fire he will help you get rid of troubles. A person's thoughts and desires must be honest and sincere.

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