Drawing lesson “Mitten for animals” (middle group). Drawing mittens: decorative drawing

Victoria Yakubovich
Abstract of GCD Drawing theme “Mitten” (everyone’s favorite “Mitten” in a new way)

Directly educational activities « Drawing» using health-saving technologies.

in the second younger group on the topic « Mitten» . author-compiler teacher Yakubovich V.V.

Used literature Komarova T. S. « Visual activities V kindergarten 3-4 years"

Subject: "Let's decorate mitten»

Target: Teach children draw based on a fairy tale« Mitten» , create fairy tale image. Strengthen the ability to decorate an object, use it in the process drawing paints different colors; different techniques; Rinse the brush clean and dry it on a cloth before using another paint.


1. Teach paint patterns of straight lines and brush marks, create a rhythmic composition using different techniques drawing.

2. Develop a sense of rhythm (alternating 3 colors).

3. Consolidate knowledge of flower names.

4. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Kind of activity: integrated (productive, playful).

Form organized activities: front

Educational areas: « Artistic creativity» , "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Health"

Goals and objectives:

"Artistic creativity"

1. Develop accurate work skills.

2. Practice drawing different ways , cause joy from the resulting image.


1. Form friendly attitudes towards animals.


1. Learn to understand natural relationships and draw your own conclusions.

2. Promote the development of curiosity and thinking.


1. Learn to maintain a conversation on the proposed topic.

2. Express your point of view and answer questions clearly.

Methodical techniques: looking at pictures, theatrical performance, questions, children’s answers, finger gymnastics, physical education minute.

Preliminary work: conversation about winter.

Equipment: pictures with images mitten, mitten, set of animals (small fingered animals)

Material: brushes, gouache (yellow, red, blue and green, jars of water, blanks mitten, napkins for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys! What time of year is it now? That's right, Winter. What clothes do we wear in winter to go for a walk? Why do we need it in winter? mittens? (Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, now you will watch a fairy tale, which is called « Mitten» .

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale « Mitten» . (with the help of finger animals. The teacher shows and tells)

One day in winter, my grandfather was walking through the forest. He was walking and accidentally dropped his mitten. A mouse ran past. She saw that mitten She was lying on her own in the snow and thought that she would make a great house. The mouse got into mitten and says: - I will live here now. Then a frog hopped past, she saw mitten and says: - How warm mitten! Who lives here? - I live, violating mouse. And who are you? - And I'm a jumping frog. Let me live with you, it’s so cold outside! -So go! - answered the mouse. And there were two of them mitten live. Soon a hare was galloping through the forest. He saw mitten lies and also ran up to her and asks: - Who, who in the mitten lives? - I'm a rogue mouse. - And I'm a jumping frog. - And I’m a bouncing bunny. Can I live with you too? - So go! And there were three of them. A fox runs past here. She saw that she was so warm the mitten lies in the middle of the forest, runs up and asks: - Who, who in the mitten lives? - We are living. A violating mouse, a scratching frog and a gray bouncing bunny. And who will you be? - And I am a fox-sister. Can I come to your place? There are four of them already living, and only one mitten. Lo and behold, a wolf runs past, he also runs up to mitten and asks: - Who, who in lives in a mitten so warm? - We: a little mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny and a little fox-sister. And who will you be? - And I’m a gray barrel top! Let me live with you too! - Well, okay, go! The wolf also got in mitten and there were already five of them. Out of nowhere, a wild boar walks past. - Oink-oink-oink, who's in the mitten lives? – he also asks. - We: a violating mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny, a little fox-sister and a gray barrel wolf, they answer him. - And who are you? - And I will be a wild boar. Let me live with you! - But we already have almost no space. How do you get in here? “Yes, I’ll fit in somehow,” answered the boar. - Well, climb up! - answered from mittens. The boar also pushed towards them. There were six of them. Bloated mitten, can barely stand it, it’s already crawling at the seams. But then, as if the branches were crackling, a bear came out of the forest and also went to mitten. - Who, who in the mitten lives? - The violating mouse, the scratching frog, the gray jumping bunny, the sister fox, the gray barrel wolf and the tusk boar. And who are you? - Oh, how many of you are here! And I am a bear-father, let me in! - But how do you get in here? It's already so crowded here! - I'll try sometime! - the bear answers. - Well, go, just from the edge. The bear squeezed in and there were seven of them. But it became just as crowded! Just look at it the mitten will tear. And by this time the grandfather missed his loss - one disappeared mitten! And he went back into the forest to look for her. And there was a dog with him and she ran forward. She was running, running through the forest and suddenly saw her lying mitten in the snow and moving! She's like barks: - Woof woof woof! The animals got scared and jumped out mittens and ran away! Grandfather came and took his mitten.

2. Problem situation

Guys, what should we do - the animals are left without a home? (Children's reasoning). Let's help them, draw houses for the animals - mittens so that they would not be cold in winter.

Look at the pictures, what do they show? (Mittens) .

(showing three mittens drawn differently)

How decorated mittens? (Children's answers).

We will draw the first one mitten, and if someone wants later draw a second or third, I will help you. But before we begin paint, show me your fingers.

Finger gymnastics "These are animals"

Animals have four legs. (raise and lower 4 fingers on the handles)

Claws may scratch. (fingers move like claws)

They don't have a face, but a muzzle. (connect the fingers of two hands to form a ball, separate the fingers one by one, lowering them)

The tail, mustache, and wet nose. (wave-like movements of the hand, "draw" mustache, circular movements with a finger along the tip of the nose)

And, of course, ears (Rub our ears with our palms)

Only on the top of the head. (massage two points on the crown of the head)

Look what color your gouache is on your tables? (red, yellow, green, blue)

Educator: Well done. Now watch and listen to how we will paint.

Take the brush with three fingers from the metal "collar". Let's wet the brush. Remove excess water from the edge of the jar.

The brush touches the paint only with the hair part, "collar" must remain clean.

Drawing a straight line yellow. I place the brush on the left at the very edge mittens and draw a line to the right to the other edge. If the brush becomes dry, you need to wet it again and take the paint.

What needs to be done to paint with a different color? (wash the brush)

Now draw the second line green. I'm stepping back from a straight line. I place the brush on the left and draw the second line.

Now we draw the third line in yellow.

Now look at how else you can decorate our mittens? Select your favorite color. Dip the brush into the paint beloved colors and apply it with a brush, you get beautiful brush marks. Make as many prints as you like.

That's what it is I got the mitten.

(Children do the work. Help the children during the work, remind them. Praise the children during the work).

So we decorated mittens. How did they turn out? (they turned out bright, beautiful, elegant)


Well done boys. Yours turned out very beautiful mittens. Do you think the animals will like our mittens? I think they will like it.

Let's stand in a circle and let's rejoice:

Physical education minute:

Look, winter has come! (spread your arms)

A lot of snow fell. (run your hand along the belt)

Well, quickly run after me, (running in circles)

Play in the snow and... wait! (imitation of throwing snowballs)

We are not afraid of the cold (spread your hands again)

Mittens anywhere! (show palms)

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw mittens. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw mittens we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is best to depict any objects by looking at them in person. This way it will be much easier to draw mittens if you draw from life. Also, I advise you to thoroughly study the subject of drawing before starting to draw. This can get rid of many design errors. Look in Yandex.Pictures what it looks like and imagine how it should work to bring maximum benefit.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try making a sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

We finish the base and draw the downy part.

Now you can draw a second glove for the second hand.

Hello, fellow blog readers, site!

We bet that the word “mitten” immediately reminds you of a well-known fairy tale. This is the fate of the mitten. In the same way, for example, when I hear the word, a fairy tale is immediately clearly remembered. But a turnip is, first of all, a vegetable. Likewise, a mitten is actually a piece of clothing. So let's take a break from the fairy tale and get ready to do some good work: here is the coloring and shading of Mitten - Mitten.

Simple at first glance. But you can’t count how many different tasks and exercises you can come up with on the topic of mittens.

You can simply paint the mitten one color. Or rather, it’s not easy. Painting large figures evenly and accurately is not an easy art.

You can decorate it in more complex ways: for example, imitate a knitted pattern. Familiar to us

Can you knit? I don’t know how, but I have seen my grandmother knitting many times. This is a very clever art. It is very important that the loops of one row catch on the loops of the next row. This requires attention and concentration.

Let's practice:

- complete the pattern in the line - straight.

- draw such a pattern yourself.

When the loop patterns are mastered, let’s return to coloring the mitten:

- “knit” the mitten in one color or changing the color of the stripes

- use the cut out mitten as a stencil - outline and decorate the resulting mitten with a pattern suitable for the mitten

- draw a mitten, p

- draw a second one (on the other hand, but of the same size)

- color,cut (or tear along the contour)

Additional task: draw the hand on which this mitten is worn

Here's my hint:

We have already done the “Glove” coloring when we depicted work gloves, using the method then, but now we need ordinary winter gloves.

Here are the tasks you can complete based on our Glove coloring page:

-paint in one color or

-decorate with patterns

-draw a pattern knitted with threads

-draw the second glove (left)

-cut and compare overlay

-color the second glove and also cut it out

Additional task: draw a hand inside the glove

“The Mitten” is a well-known and beloved fairy tale. The plot of the fairy tale is very simple, but at the same time it is so meaningful that it allows its plot to be used for various purposes and in different forms of working with children. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the drawing lesson notes.

Program content:

  • Learn to draw a mitten using your palms. Create an ornament yourself - according to an idea or a plan.
  • Develop accurate graphic skills to carefully and confidently trace your hands, holding the pencil near your hand and without lifting it from the paper.
  • Develop imagination, hand-eye coordination.
  • Bring up friendly attitude to each other.

Material and equipment. White paper A4 format, simple pencils, brushes, paints, napkins, water jars, coasters, samples, several beautiful mittens, puppet theater.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

A dramatization of the fairy tale “The Mitten.”
Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher reads the fairy tale “Mitten” with a dramatization (puppet theater).

The grandfather was walking through the forest, and the dog was running after him. The grandfather was walking and dropped his mitten.
Here is a mouse running, got into this mitten and says: “I will live here.”
And at this time the frog asks: “Who, who lives in a mitten?”
- The mouse is a scratcher. And who are you?
- And I’m a frog - a jumping frog. Let me in too!
- Go!
There are already two of them. The bunny runs to the mitten and asks: “Who, who lives in the mitten?”
- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper. And who are you?
- And I’m a bunny - a runaway. Let me in too!
- Go!
There are already three of them. A little fox runs: “Who, who lives in a mitten?”
- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a runner. And who are you?
- And I am a fox - sister. Let me in too!
- Go!
There are already four of them. Lo and behold, a top runs and asks: “Who, who lives in a mitten?”
- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a little runner, a fox is a little sister. And who are you?
- And I am a top - a gray barrel. Let me in too!
- Go!
This one got in too. There were five of them. And they are so cramped that they cannot turn around. And then the branches began to crack; a bear comes out: “Who, who lives in a mitten?”
- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a little runner, a fox is a little sister, a top is a gray barrel. And who are you?
- And I’m a bear - father. Let me in too!
- How can we let you in, it’s already so crowded!
- Yes, somehow!
- Go, just get away!
They got in and there were six of them, but it was so crowded that the mitten was about to tear.
Meanwhile, the grandfather missed it - there was no mitten. He then returned to look for her. And the dog ran forward. She ran and ran and looked - the mitten was lying there and moving. The dog then barked: “Woof, woof, woof!”
The animals got scared, jumped out of the mitten and ran away. Grandfather came and took the mitten.

Discussion of a problematic situation.

— The animals were left without a home. Guys, do you think we can help them? ( Children's answers).

- What do we need to do? ( Children's answers). Then, let's go to our work stations and make mittens.

Considering a pair of mittens.

- Look, I already have several pairs of mittens. What kind of mitten? ( Children's answers). Let's see how many pairs of mittens I have? ( Two)

- Why are these two mittens called a pair? How many mittens are there in a pair? What do they have in common and how do they differ? (General color, size, pattern, differ in that one is right and the other is left).

- What kind of mitten are you wearing? right hand, and which one is on the left?

—What are our mittens decorated with? ( Patterns – rings, circles, dots, wavy and straight lines).

Didactic game"Find a match."

— Guys, look at the drawing. Find mittens from one pair and connect them with a line.

Main part.

Drawing a mitten.

— I will draw the mitten using my palms. I'm putting left hand on a sheet of paper on the left so that there is room for the second mitten, fingers pressed tightly together, thumb pushed aside. I take a simple pencil with three fingers - middle and thumb, index on top, and circle my palm, without stopping anywhere and pressing the pencil tightly to my hand. I remove my hand from the sheet and see the mitten.

Children complete the task.

- What should be done? (Connect the beginning and end of the line). I also draw the right mitten, place my right hand on the sheet of paper on the right and trace it with a pencil, which I hold in my left hand. The mitten turned out great. But look, you all have the same ones. But what is missing from the mittens to make them different? ( Patterns).

Discussion of patterns on the mitten.

— What can you draw on a mitten? ( Children's response).

Physical education minute.

- Now, let's rest.

Scattered across the lawn
Bears, foxes and bunnies are walking in place.
They began to spin merrily
The animals began to have fun and spin around.
One - jump, two - jump
Rest too, my friend, (jumping).

Making a pattern on mittens.

- Have a rest, sit down. Think about where you will start drawing?
— How do we hold a pencil or brush?
- What is a napkin for?

- Don’t forget that your pair of mittens should be the same. The pattern on the right and left should be the same in color and ornament.

During independent activity
The teacher prompts and helps.

Final part.

Exhibition of works, discussion.

At the end of work, children leave the tables with their work. They are placed on the carpet “lawn” in front of the animals. Analysis is underway.

“Guys, you did your best, came up with the patterns yourself, drew houses for all the animals.” Well done, what bright and beautiful mittens you have made.


- What did we do in class today? ( Children's answers). The animals thank you for your excellent work.

Drawing of the Russian folk tale "Rukavichka". Master class with step-by-step photos

Step-by-step drawing of the Russian folk tale “The Mitten.”

Author: Molodetskaya Kristina, 10 years old, studying at the Dubininskaya secondary school No. 13 Krasnoyarsk region, Sharypovsky district, Dubinino village.
Teacher: Lyubov Mikhailovna Verkhoturova, teacher additional education first qualification category, MBOU Dubininskaya secondary school No. 13 Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sharypovsky district, Dubinino village.

Description: The master class is intended for additional education teachers, educators, teachers primary classes, creative people who work with children aged 6–10 years.
Purpose: drawing for an exhibition, competition.
Target: drawing a winter Russian folk tale.
- learn to draw a mitten using the Dymkovo pattern;
- continue to learn how to draw fairy-tale animals, observing body proportions;
- cultivate accuracy in work, the ability to paint without going beyond the outline;
- develop Creative skills, the ability to convey your mood in a drawing.
Materials and tools:
- wooden frame;
- colour pencils;
- felt-tip pens.
I have two younger brother to whom I like to read Russian folk tales. Recently I read the fairy tale “The Mitten” to them, they listened with pleasure to me reading. I really like to draw and therefore I decided to draw the fairy tale “Mitten” for the competition to expand my portfolio.
Progress of the master class:
I started drawing with a black felt-tip pen, since a simple pencil is difficult to see in the photograph. On foreground I depicted the mitten that my grandfather lost, around the mitten I drew animals that decided to live in the mitten: Mouse-norushka, little bunny-runner, little fox-sister, Top the gray barrel and bear-stomper, I drew Christmas trees around it to make it clear that the action takes place in forest.

I drew circles with a red felt-tip pen, painted them with blue - smaller circles, and yellow - I drew ovals, so I got a Dymkovo pattern on the mitten.

Since I didn’t have a gray pencil, I colored the wolf with a soft, simple pencil.

Paint over the fox with an orange pencil.

We paint over the mouse and the bunny with a blue pencil, and the bear cub with a brown pencil.

We decorate the Christmas trees with green needles.

Using a blue pencil we draw clouds, snowdrifts and snowflakes.

We decorate the fur trim on the mitten beautiful snowflakes, draw a yellow sun, the work is ready.

We insert the work into a frame. I think that my drawing turned out great; my younger brothers also began to draw this fairy tale. My mood is great. I hope my work will not leave you indifferent.

I drew the fairy tale "Mitten".
I conveyed the joy and fun in him.
Thank you for your attention!
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