Meaning of the word karina. Female name Karina - meaning: name description. Girl's name Karina: secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

What does the name Karina mean:
This name is literally translated as - the manager of the ship, or the keel of the ship, sometimes translated from Latin language- it’s looking forward, but translated from Slavic it’s a mourner, presumably from Greek it’s just a girl, and from Italian it’s dear or sweetheart.

Origin of the name Karina:
There are unusually many versions of the origin of this sonorous name. According to one version, researchers claim that it was formed from the Latin word - “Carina” meaning - the keel of a ship. According to the second version, they claim that it may come from the Italian word “cara”, which in turn means “dear” or “sweetheart”. According to the third version, a name like Karina is Slavic name, and that was the name of the mourning goddess who always accompanied funeral rites, sounding - to reproach previously meant - to mourn. There is also an assumption that a name like Karina comes from the Greek word Corina, which, first of all, means “girl”.

Character conveyed by the name Karina:

Karina - this girl is always decisive and smart, she really does not like a smooth or somewhat monotonous everyday life, and this is probably why she is almost constantly in constant movement. She is extremely hot-tempered and very impulsive, but at the same time she is extremely restless and extremely demanding of herself. At the same time, Karina’s character is extremely difficult, but her will is incredibly strong and perhaps thanks to this, she is always able to simply perfectly withstand all life’s adversities.

IN early childhood Karina is always very active, incredibly stubborn and extremely touchy. And her parents quite often indulge her, and at the same time allow her to sleep longer in the morning or in every possible way please her during illnesses. She always studies well, loves music very much, and can practice dancing or choreography. Often lives in it in an extraordinary way talented actress, especially when she is trying to achieve something of her own. At the same time, Karina very skillfully and easily “pretends” to be whoever is needed, as a result achieving almost any of her goals.

In addition, a girl with such a sonorous name incredibly loves attention and often strives to be in the very center of all events. She is often characterized by demonstrativeness and extreme intemperance, and in addition, extraordinary selfishness or jealousy, with which she is able to cover up her ineptitude and even complete insecurity. Often her self-esteem is extremely inflated, while she is unapproachable and unusually proud, and almost constantly strives to subjugate everyone around her.

Karina doesn’t like to work at all, and she often has a rather cool attitude towards the entire household. Overall success is extremely important to her, but to actually achieve it, she may often lack some endurance. But chasing two, and sometimes three, birds with one stone is the most common thing for Karina, and her incredible activity can very often actually resemble some kind of aggressiveness.

Karina is incredibly loving, extremely sensual and extremely sexy girl. She always spoils the one she loves very much. She is devoted to her children almost to the point of fanaticism, madly loves her family and of course her home. But she usually gets married unusually early, but at the same time, unfortunately, it is not always successful.

To your family life As a rule, Karina is not quite adapted. Especially if she was born during the winter months. She often bombards her husband with various endless complaints and is indeed very often extremely dissatisfied with almost everything around her.

Karinas born in the summer months are more patient, often very sociable and hospitable, and always friendly to everyone. Their small shortcomings, more often than not, such as a love for sweets and starchy foods, as well as a hatred for washing dirty dishes, can in some way even be attractive to many people around them.

Karina's character traits are intellectuality and excitability. She is choleric by nature, critical of herself and demanding of others, striving for some ideal internal standard.

The name Karina, translated from Latin, means “sweetheart.”

Origin of the name Karina:

There are several versions of the origin of the name Karina. The most popular of them is the one that suggests that Karina is derived from the Latin “carus” - “dear”, “dear”. There is also an option with the formation of the name from “karina” - “keel of the ship”, “looking ahead”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Karina:

As a child, Karina is stubborn and restless, painful and emotional. Parents simply cannot help but spoil their daughter and, feeling this, she becomes lazy and reluctant to study, although she is naturally talented and multi-talented. Karina enjoys dancing and gymnastics, and can take drawing or ballet classes. Outwardly, she is a copy of her father, and her character inherits her mother’s. The dissatisfied little Karina is offended loudly and demonstratively, attracting attention to herself.

Karina is very intelligent, does not fit into any company, and is instinctively demanding of people. Lucky in the medical, legal or pedagogical path. In relationships he is guided by intuition. Sometimes she is selfish, underestimates the intelligence and talent of other people, and is jealous of other people's successes. Strictly controls herself, is susceptible to criticism, and is always biased in relation to herself. Karina has an unusual fate and rich life, but she often doesn’t mind a little extra luck. Karina takes failures with humor, does not give up and stubbornly climbs to the top, but a streak of failures can seriously undermine her health, especially since she often neglects it. Prone to mental illness and neuroses, very impressionable. Being offended and angry, she pushes people away from herself and does not know how to get out of conflicts with dignity. Karina's charm and attractive appearance often hides a callous, unkind and selfish disposition.

She is active and mobile at work, but lazy. She subconsciously expects that everything will come to her on its own and immediately, but this almost never happens. If Karina wants to reach career heights, she should pull herself together and work hard, including on self-discipline.

In a relationship, it is difficult to intrigue and surprise her. She is pointedly indifferent with men, but this does not scare away her fans. In her youth, Karina often looks for a strong, aggressive and courageous partner, but is almost never happy with him. What is important to her in men is calmness, balance and patience. In bed, Karina takes the initiative, can be a little despotic, and rarely reveals her sensitive fantasies.

Karina loves her home, but she is not a housekeeper when it comes to details. Does not like to regularly wipe dust and wash dishes. It is very important for her not to lose face in front of the guests.

“Winter” Karins are characterized by constant discontent and grumpiness; not every man can tolerate their character. The opposite of them are “summer” ones - sociable, hospitable, benevolent and patient. Unpredictable, gifted and mystical, those born in spring, “autumn” Karinas are reasonable and calm.

In a first marriage one is almost never happy. Her relationships with Dmitry, Mikhail, Anton, Stepan and Alexei are successful, her marriages with men named Vitaly, Boris and Alexander are unsuccessful.

Short form of the name Karina. Karinka, Kara, Rina, Ina, Ka, Karinya, Rininya, Rinetta, Rinuccia, Karushka, Karisha, Korish.
Synonyms for the name Karina. Karino, Karin, Karine, Karine, Corinna, Corina, Karima, Katarina, Kara.
Origin of the name Karina. The name Karina is Russian, Slavic, English, Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian, Greek, Kazakh.

The name Karina has several versions of origin. According to one version, the name Karina is of Latin origin and is derived from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Carinus, derived from another cognomen - Carus, derived from the Latin “carus”, which translates as “dear”, “dear”. To confirm this version of origin, one can cite modern meaning from the Italian word "cara", meaning "beautiful, sweet".

According to the second version of the origin, “Carina” translated from Latin means “keel of a ship.” Navy V Ancient Rome was of vital importance. In order for the voyage to be successful, for the ship to remain intact after storms and storms, the strength of the main (keel) beam of the ship was needed. There is a possibility that by naming their daughter Karina, the sailors thus paid tribute to their ship.

The name Karina may be a form of Italian name Kara, meaning “darling”, “beautiful”, “sweetheart”.

In Russian culture, the name Karina could appear from various sources.

According to the first version, the name Karina is a Slavic name. A related name is Karislava. Karina is a Slavic mourning goddess who accompanies funeral rites, hovers over battlefields, and grieves in places of rest for the dead together with Zhelya, her sister. This goddess is mentioned in the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, and is found in the list of various pagan rituals in the 17th century list of the Old Russian “Words of a certain Christ-lover...”. From the Old Russian language, “to punish for one’s sister” meant “to mourn.”

According to the second version, the name Karina has Greek origin. Derived from Greek name Corinna (Corina), meaning "girl". Related names – Cora, Corin.

According to the next version, the name Karina was given to a girl born on a ship during wintering in the Kara Sea. Karina – “born on the Kara Sea.” In the USSR, this version of the origin had some revolutionary overtones.

According to the Arabic version of origin, the name Karina comes from Arabic name Karima meaning "generous" ( female uniform male name Karim). In the Armenian language, the girl’s name will be Karine, and the meaning of the name will be “beautiful”, “sweetheart”. It is quite possible that this name appeared among Armenians with the advent of Christianity, and not from the neighborhood with Arab peoples. Among Kazakhs, the names Karina and Karima are used equally, in some cases they are not analogous to each other.

Also Karina is short form appeals to the name Katarina, Karin in Europe (Russian version - Ekaterina), meaning “pure”, “immaculate”. The diminutive Rina is also an independent name.

A rare case, but a male name - Karin - was formed from a female name.

The name Karina has different versions of its origin; it appeared in different cultures, but everywhere it was perceived as a native, not borrowed name.

The name Karina is mentioned in Orthodox calendar- November 25. Other name day dates are Catholic, some of them coincide with Katarina's name day.

As a child, Karina was very touchy and stubborn. Her parents try to indulge her wishes. The girl studies well at school. She enjoys taking music and choreography classes. She almost always achieves her goals.

She loves to be in the center of events, is selfish, and tries to attract attention to herself by any means. She is demonstrative in her actions.

Karina is very popular with the opposite sex. She looks like her father, but she has the character of her mother. Marries for love, quite early. Not all owners of the name Karina are adapted to family life. Karina's "winter" ones are often in bad mood, make many claims against their husband. Not every man is able to get along with such a woman. At the same time, “summer” Karinas are sociable, friendly and patient with people, they love to receive guests at home, and they have a lot of advantages.

Karina easily gets along with everyone mutual language, has developed intuition. She will make a good teacher or service worker.

As a child, Karina is fond of fairy tales and creates romantic images for herself. Her first crush is usually an indecisive cute boy. But there is also a completely opposite image of Karina. She is looking for a rough, decisive man in her fantasies. It is with such a husband, according to Karina, that she will be happy. But in practice, Karina avoids confident, strong men.

Karina, born in winter, is looking for herself calm man who does not have a pronounced stormy temperament. She is proactive, but reacts quite sharply to her partner’s behavior.

Karina's birthday

Karina celebrates her name day on February 2, March 9, March 24, April 29, June 11, August 2, September 15, October 17, November 7, November 25, December 31.

Famous people named Karina

  • Katarina Monsdotter, Karin Monsdotter, Kaarina Maununtytjar ((1550 - 1612) Queen of Sweden, the only crowned representative of the Finnish people in history)
  • Karina Lisitsian (Soviet, Russian and Armenian singer, music teacher. People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1987), Honored Artist of Russia (1997), professor.)
  • Karina Razumovskaya ( Russian actress theater and cinema)
  • Karine Khodikyan (Armenian statesman and public figure)
  • Karina Bagdasarova (Russian circus performer, trainer, Honored Artist of Russia (2003). Daughter of trainer Mikhail Bagdasarov.)
  • Karina Sarkisova (Russian and Austrian ballerina, prima ballerina of the Vienna Opera)
  • Karina Zampini (Sampini) (Argentine actress, starring mainly in telenovelas)
  • Karina Smirnoff (famous American dancer of Ukrainian origin. Winner of numerous prizes and competition titles ballroom dancing, including five-time US champion.)
  • Karine Movsisyan (Armenian pop singer)
  • Karina Aznavuryan (famous Russian fencer, two-time Olympic champion(2000, 2004) world champion (2003) and European champion (2004). Honored Master of Sports (1996).)
  • Anna Karina ((born 1940) real name – Hanna Karin Blarke Bayer; Danish and French actress theater and cinema, film director)
  • Karina Dymont (Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003))
  • Kareena Kapoor (Indian actress)
  • Karina Moritz ((1967 - 2007) Russian actress)
  • Karina Lombard ( American actress film and television, singer, musician)
  • Karina Cox ( former soloist VIA "Cream")
  • Karin Enke (also known by other names - Kania, Busch, Encke-Richte; famous East German speed skater, leader of women's world speed skating during the 1980s, three-time Olympic champion)
  • Karin Rabe (Swedish orienteer, winner of the world and European championships in orienteering. She became the world champion in orienteering relay four times - in 1981, 1983, 1985 and 1989. Twice. in 1978 and 1987, won silver as part of the Swedish relay team. At the 1981 and 1987 World Championships she became a medalist, winning a bronze and silver medal, respectively.)
  • Karin Schubert ((b. 1944) German film actress. She acted mainly in Italian cinema. At the age of about 30 she switched to erotic projects.)
  • Karine Ruby ((1978 - 2009) famous French snowboarder, Olympic champion in 1998 and 6-time world champion. She competed in slalom disciplines and boardercross. The first woman in history to win Olympic gold in snowboarding. Sports nickname - “Mumun.”)
  • Karin Ruathfel or Roitfeld ((born 1954) Chief Editor French version of Vogue magazine (until 2011))
  • Karine Saporta ((born 1950) French dancer and choreographer, representative of new French dance)
  • Karin Daan ((born 1944) Dutch sculptor and artist. Her modernist works are inscribed in the landscapes of cities such as Amsterdam, Tokyo, Utrecht. Daan’s most famous creation is the Homomonument.)
  • Karin Boye ((1900 - 1941) Swedish writer)
  • Karin Moroder (famous Italian skier, medalist Olympic Games. Specialist in sprint racing, prefers free style travel on skis.)
  • Karine Laurent Philippot (née Karine Philippot; famous French skier, participant in four Olympic Games, medalist of the World Cup. Specializes in distance racing, stronger in freestyle competitions.)
  • Karin Essex (American writer)
  • Karin Shifrin (Israeli Opera singer, mezzo-soprano)

Proud Impulsive Determined

Karina Mishulina, Russian actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Karina mean?

The meaning of the name Karina is not a mystery; it has Latin roots and is common in Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Greece, Russia, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

We are familiar with the Slavic form of the name Karina, which is often shortened to Kara, Rina and other diminutive derivatives.

In some countries, Karina is a form of the name Katerina, Katarina, Ekaterina.

The Greek meaning is “pure”, “innocent”. In Italy and Spain - comes from the word Cara - “beloved”.

In Russia, it is believed that the name comes from the Latin Carina, meaning “keel of a ship.”

Karina was the name of a girl who was born in the middle of the Kara Sea on board the Chelyuskin steamship.

A girl with this rare name- it's always bright personality. She is immediately noticeable in any company - charisma and unusual appearance so they attract the eye.

Would you name your child this name?

During the reign of the Roman Empire, the famous and respected genus Carinus flourished. This generic name was transformed over time into Carus - “dear” and came to modern Italy, Spain and Portugal as Cara - “beloved”, “sweetheart”. The Italian form of the name Karina means "beautiful".

“Ruling the ship” - this is what the name Karina means in Latin. The mighty fleet is the main force Great Empire Romans A fleet is a ship that is not afraid of storms and reefs. And the ship is a keel beam that sets its course.

And brave sailors, paying tribute to the faithful frigates, named their daughters after the keel - and that’s how the name Karina appeared.

The Orthodox meaning of the name is also taken from Latin.

Perhaps the secret of origin lies in the Slavic word “Karna”. This is the name of the mourning goddess, who watches over the battlefields, raises the souls of fallen warriors to heaven, and, together with her sister Zhelya, is the patroness of funeral rites.

In the 17th century there is a description of the goddess in ancient Russian pagan rituals already under the name Karina.

The Arabic origin of the name Karina is Karima, which means “generous”, “generous”.

Name forms

Simple: Kara Full: Karina Vintage: KarineAffectionate: Karinka

Karina is a complex and multifaceted personality, full of both positive and negative traits.

Karina's positive sides are determination, patience and energetic character.

These qualities are most clearly manifested in the work sphere. Karina loves and knows how to communicate with people; she can find an approach to everyone. They make excellent managers, educators, doctors and hairdressers.

The most determined bearers of the name will fit perfectly into trade sphere. They say about such people: “They can sell snow in winter.”

A negative characteristic of the name Karina lies in their developed conceit: it is difficult for them to maintain a balance between feelings self-esteem(quite justified, since Karin has a lot of diverse talents) and selfishness.

Karinas born in winter are very demanding, especially towards their spouse, which makes it difficult to get along with them.

But if you find the key to them, there is no more faithful and devoted wife and mother.

“Summer”, on the contrary, are the guardians of the family hearth, infinitely patient, and have a calm character. These are wives whose house is a full cup: the children are always fed, clothed, listened to and surrounded by care, the husband dotes on her, and numerous guests are always drawn to the light.

But Karin’s health often fails. They are tender and fragile, get tired quickly, need long rest and recuperation after difficult working months.

The main secret of the name Karina is her external, ostentatious impenetrability. Yes it strong women, whose onslaught is extremely difficult to withstand. Karina needs to prove your determination to get close to her, then she will allow you to give warmth and support, since she needs them, like any other woman.

Karina is beautiful. And not just cute or attractive, but truly beautiful, like precious stones.

Such stones need a decent setting. Karin’s self-esteem is excellent, that’s why they strive for luxurious life, full of pleasures and beautiful, wealthy men.

She wants to shine always and everywhere, and since she is persistent, she constantly finds herself in the center of everyone's attention.

A passionate and jealous nature, she hurries down the aisle with the first “handsome and rich” person she meets. It lasts like this love story usually not for long, but Karina gains valuable experience and in the future chooses her husband more carefully.

Motto: “I am the most charming and attractive!” - that's what the name Karina means.

And she does not convince herself, but challenges those who dare to doubt.

Character traits









Girls named Karina usually have a huge heart: tender, loving, vulnerable, and at the same time passionate and seeking reciprocity.

It is difficult to get through to them and gain favor, but if this succeeds, such a person is truly lucky, since few people can love as sincerely and selflessly as Karina.

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl

The name Karina is international and is found all over the world. The most known value- “dear”, “sweetheart”.

Suitable for an Aries girl. Representatives of the sign are bright, impulsive personalities. Karina, under the auspices of Aries, is a fireworks display that is hard to miss.

Karina is a restless, energetic, restless and stubborn child.

Does not recognize compromises, will not make concessions. Pressing and forcing is a waste of time; it is better to present the task as a competition and allow yourself to get ahead. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to sweat to keep up with the restless one.

Girls with this name are a storehouse of talent, you just need to consider them in time. Boring, routine things are not for her .

What will Karina achieve success in?

Karina is a leader. IN kindergarten, school, life, she shines, sparkles, attracts glances and gathers crowds of fans.

The essence of this child is to be a star. And she succeeds.

Organizes any work, guarantees the success of the business, and takes responsibility. Successfully distribute roles between others. Karina does not shy away from working, preferring to be in the thick of things rather than looking from the outside.

People named Karina are restless, but this does not mean that they study poorly. Natural talents and a sharp mind compensate for inattention and restlessness.

Want help with housework? Tell her that only she can entrust such an important, responsible task.

Are kids running around like crazy, knocking over everything in their path? Call Karina, ask to organize a couple of competitions, a performance for adults - and two hours of silence are guaranteed.

What games will Karina like?

If Karina is the only child in the family, get a dog. And not a Yorkshire terrier, but a large and strong one. The girl will be happy to take care of her, walk her and look after her.

Thanks to his strong character will be able to subdue and train the animal, become its real owner, and at the same time learn responsibility.

Because of his energy, he prefers noisy games. big company, sport competitions and walks in nature.

Karina means "sweetheart", "darling". This name comes from the Latin word "carus". Until now, in modern Italian “cara” is translated as “beautiful”, “sweetheart”.

There are other versions of the meaning of the name, and Karina is the absolute record holder for the number of variants of origin.

  • - Perhaps the name comes from the Latin “carina” - “Riding the ship” or “Keel of the ship” (at that time the strength of the keel beam was vital).
  • - Perhaps the name comes from the Slavic mourning goddess Karislava - from the Old Russian language “karit” means “to mourn.”
  • - According to the second version, the name Karina is of Greek origin and comes from the name Corinna (meaning “girl”).
  • - According to the Arabic version, the name comes from the Arabic name Karima (meaning “generous”).
  • - And finally, perhaps the name came from the name Katarina, Catherine - and means “pure”, “immaculate”.

What's interesting is that in the most different cultures The name Karina has always been accepted as one’s own, native, existing from time immemorial.

In our country, this name gained popularity after a girl was born to polar explorers during the winter, who was named Karina (“born on the Kara Sea”). This story became very famous, and the name came into use.

IN Orthodox calendar this name does not exist, and at baptism Karina is called a name that is similar in consonance - Ekaterina, Marina, Irina, Kira, Kirien.

Colloquial forms of the name are Karinka, Karinochka, Kara, Rina, Kari.

Karina means a bright, unrestrained, lively and temperamental girl, for whom it is important to be in the center of attention, in the thick of things. She has obvious artistic abilities and an expressed desire to be recognized. Then she feels “in her place.” She cannot stand boredom, loneliness and routine.


Karina's childhood

Karina's future depends on her upbringing, on how correctly her parents act. As a child, Karina was very active, quite headstrong, a little capricious, stubborn and touchy. It’s quite difficult with her - you can’t go too far, you can’t follow the lead - then her stubbornness and selfishness will intensify and bring her many problems in the future.

At school, Karina’s performance is usually at the “good-satisfactory” level, due to laziness, which she cannot easily cope with. But in the company she is active, often the leader, her imagination and adventurism are respected by her peers, despite her character, lack of restraint and changes in mood.

Karina - good actress, and can achieve whatever he wants with cunning.

In general, we can say that the girl’s fate will turn out favorably if, under the right guidance, she can become more patient and understanding of herself and others.


Patrons of the name

  • Color - brown, red, yellow, green
  • Zodiac - Aries, Pisces
  • Planet - Moon, Mars
  • Time of year - summer
  • Tree - cedar (symbol spiritual beauty and greatness) and fir (an image of calm and confidence)
  • Patron animal- swallow (symbol of happiness, success, positive) and walrus (symbol of knowledge, wisdom)
  • Treasured plant- lotus
  • Talisman stone - jade, carnelian. Since ancient times, jade jewelry has been considered powerful amulets. Carnelian is a stone of prudence.

Adult Karina

Karina is energetic, self-confident, combative and strong-willed, with high self-esteem - as if she adapts a beautiful and sonorous name to herself and obliges her to live up to it. Its disadvantage is haste, unwillingness to wait, calculate and act deliberately. Such “sports” tactics in real life creates a lot of problems. But if Karina manages to understand and tame her nature, the whole world will submit to her.

Communicating with Karina is not easy - she does not listen to other people's opinions, is very demanding and does not accept criticism. She often does not perceive humor and jokes adequately and can easily be offended when someone else smiles sweetly.

Work - if there is little routine and routine in it - is a lifeline for Karina. A leader by nature, an excellent organizer and ideological inspirer, she has intuition, flair, and is not afraid to stand out and take risks. Successes and promotions do not spoil her - she only becomes more confident.

Love, family and marriage

Karina's complex character creates many problems in family life, since love alone is not enough for a married life. She lacks patience, understanding, the ability to respect other people's views and sacrifice something for the happiness of her family - so there may be more than one marriage in her life. As a rule, she avoids strong, confident men and prefers a middle ground - she feels more comfortable that way. She is extremely jealous and will not share anything with anyone. A Suitable Husband for her - calm, understanding, loving and capable of romance and tenderness.

Karina cannot be called an impeccable housewife - she loves company and is always happy to have guests, but everyday life and household chores are not for her active nature.

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