Arguments for an essay in the Russian language (USE). Arguments on the topic “Language” for the Unified State Exam essay. Problems: language, borrowing, bureaucracy, language clogging, attitude to language, quality of speech, emotional tact, eloquence, beauty of artistic expression

  • The Russian language is our common heritage, which must be preserved
  • Most people have forgotten the value of their native language
  • Internet communication is a serious test for the Russian language
  • Love for your language is manifested in careful handling of words, studying the rules of the language and the peculiarities of their use
  • Distortion of words has a negative impact on the development of the Russian language and the preservation of its charm
  • You can tell a lot about a person by how he treats his language.


T. Tolstaya “Kys”. With their irresponsibility, people have caused enormous damage to the language. Its former beauty and melodiousness have been lost, because everyone just “throws” words without thinking about the consequences. Incorrect pronunciation of words destroys the beauty of the language. The work encourages us to think about the consequences of such an attitude towards language. After reading the book I want to protect, preserve native language, excluding slang and jargon.

D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful.” Reflecting on the richness of the Russian language and people’s attitude towards it, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev says that language allows you to evaluate a person at the first meeting with him. Language makes it possible to learn about someone’s relationship to the world around them and to themselves. Smart, well-mannered, intelligent person will not speak too loudly, emotionally, or use inappropriate and ugly words unnecessarily. Learn to be beautiful, intelligent, competent speech not easy. You need to learn to speak, because speech is the basis of human behavior, the thing by which you can judge him in the first place. These thoughts of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev are very accurate. They are relevant now and will be just as true many years from now.

I.S. Turgenev “Russian language”. The lines of this prose poem are known to everyone since school. It’s amazing how accurately the writer assessed the strength and power of the Russian language in just a few lines. For I.S. Turgenev’s native language is “support and support.” The entire poem, even if it is small, is filled with a sense of pride. The writer appreciates the Russian language.

V.G. Korolenko “Without a tongue.” The author claims that without language, each of us is “like a blind or small child.” People who cannot write and speak correctly and beautifully clog up speech, thereby causing irreparable damage to the language. Native speech must not only be appreciated, but also protected and tried to be preserved. The future of the Russian language depends only on the person.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian. Examples of arguments for an essay

1.Theme of the historical past
The theme of the historical past of his homeland constantly worried Pushkin both as a poet and as a prose writer. He created such works as "Song of prophetic Oleg", "Borodin Anniversary", "Poltava." Bronze Horseman". "Boris Godunov." "History Pugachev revolt" and, of course, "The Captain's Daughter". All these works describe different historical events, different historical eras
The theme of the triumph of Russian weapons, the heroism of the Russian people, the winner and liberator, resounds dazzlingly and powerfully in works dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812. In the seventh chapter of "Eugene Onegin", the feat of Moscow is glorified.

2.The theme of honor and dishonor
After reading the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", you understand that one of the themes of this work is the theme of honor and dishonor. The story contrasts two heroes: Grinev and Shvabrin - and their ideas about honor. Two officers Russian army behave completely differently: the first follows the laws of officer honor and remains faithful to the military oath, the second easily becomes a traitor. Grinev and Shvabrin are bearers of two fundamentally different worldviews.

The problem of honor and dishonor is raised in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Honor and dignity are the main qualities of human character, and those who have lost them are alien to any high aspirations and searches. The problem of moral self-improvement of the individual has always been one of the most important in creativity
L.N. Tolstoy.

3. Love for the Motherland
We feel ardent love for the Motherland and pride in its beauty in the works of the classics.
Subject heroic feat in the fight against the enemies of the Motherland also sounds in M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”, dedicated to one of the glorious pages of the historical past of our country.
The theme of the Motherland is raised in the works of S. Yesenin. Whatever Yesenin wrote about: about experiences, about historical turning points, about the fate of Russia during the “harsh terrible years", - every Yesenin image and line is warmed by a feeling of boundless love for the homeland: But most of all. Love for the native land

4. Moral qualities of a person
Russian literature has always been closely connected with moral quests our people. One of the writers who sincerely cares about the morality of our society is Valentin Rasputin. The story “Fire” occupies a special place in his work. These are reflections on civil courage and the moral positions of man. When a fire broke out in Sosnovka, there were few who risked their lives to defend people's good. Many came to “warm their hands.” A fire is the result of general ill-being. People are corrupted by the discomfort of everyday life, the poverty of spiritual life, and a soulless attitude towards nature.
Many problems of our time, including moral ones, are raised by Anatoly Pristavkin in the story “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night.” He sharply raises the issue of national relations, talks about the connection between generations, raises the topic of good and evil, talks about many other issues, the solution of which depends not only on politics and economics, but also on the level of general culture.

5 A person’s responsibility for the lives of others
Thus, in Tolstoy’s work “War and Peace,” the question of man’s moral responsibility to history is especially acute.

The feeling of guilt and responsibility for others rises in works about the Second World War. For example, in A. Tvardovsky’s poem “I know, it’s not my fault...” lyrical hero asks a rhetorical question: could he have saved those who did not come from the war? Of course not, but the feeling of guilt does not leave the hero and the author.

6 Fathers and sons
The problem of fathers and sons includes a number of important moral problems. This is also a problem of education, a problem of choice. moral rules, the problem of gratitude, the problem of misunderstanding. They are raised in various works, and each author tries to look at them in his own way. A. S. Griboedov, having described the struggle between the “present century” and the “past century” in the comedy “Woe from Wit,” did not ignore the complex problem of fathers and children. The very idea of ​​​​the work is the struggle of the old with the new.

And Pyotr Grinev in A. Pushkin’s Tale “The Captain’s Daughter,” following his father’s instructions, remained an honest and noble man in all the situations in which he had to find himself; honor and conscience remained above all else for him throughout his life.

One of the most important facets of the problem of “fathers and children” is gratitude. Are children grateful to their parents who love them, raised them and raised them? The topic of gratitude is raised in the story by A. S. Pushkin " Stationmaster" The tragedy of a father who loved dearly only daughter, appears before us in this story. Of course, Dunya has not forgotten her father, she loves him and feels guilty before him, but still, the fact that she left, leaving her father alone, turned out to be a big blow for him, so strong that he could not withstand it.

7. The role of example. Human education
Works that teach courage
Great Theme Patriotic War occupies an important place in the literature. The writer often turns to this period of history. The story “Sotnikov”, written by Vasil Bykov, is one of best works about war. After going through difficult trials, the main characters fall into the clutches of the Germans. Sotnikov is a modest, inconspicuous person, a simple teacher. But, being sick and weak, he went on an important task. Exhausted by torture, he remains unbroken.
The source of Sotnikov’s courage and heroism was the conviction in the justice of the struggle waged by the people.
This work teaches us courage and courage, helps our moral development.

8. Self-sacrifice in the name of love for one's neighbor
1) F. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. "Sonechka, Sonechka Marmeladova, eternal Sonechka, while the world stands!” - a symbol of self-sacrifice in the name of one’s neighbor and endlessly “inexorable” suffering.
2) Kuprin in the story “The Garnet Bracelet” understands love as a miracle, as a wonderful gift. The death of the official brought back to life a woman who did not believe in love, which means that love still conquers death.
3) M. Gorky legend of “Danko”. Danko sacrificed himself to save people. Danko's feat is similar to the feat of Prometheus, who stole fire for people, but suffered a terrible punishment for this. This feat of Danko should serve as a reminder to new generations of what a real person should be.
4) In one of the books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, a former siege survivor recalls that during a terrible famine, as a dying teenager, his life was saved by a neighbor who brought a can of stew sent by his son from the front. “I’m already old, and you’re young, you still have to live and live,” said this man. He soon died, and the boy he saved retained a grateful memory of him for the rest of his life.
4) The tragedy occurred in Krasnodar region. A fire started in a nursing home where sick old people lived who could not even walk. Nurse Lidia Pashentseva rushed to help the disabled. The woman pulled several sick people out of the fire, but could not get out herself.

9. Compassion and mercy. Sensitivity
1) M. Sholokhov has wonderful story"The Fate of Man." It talks about tragic fate a soldier who lost all his relatives during the war. One day he met an orphan boy and decided to call himself his father. This act suggests that love and the desire to do good give a person strength to live, strength to resist fate.

10. Callous and soulless attitude towards people
1) A. Platonov “Yushka”
2) In January 2006, a terrible fire occurred in Vladivostok. The premises of a savings bank, which was located on the eighth floor of a high-rise building, caught fire. The boss demanded that the employees first hide all documents in a safe and then evacuate. While the documents were being removed, a fire engulfed the corridor, and many girls died.
2) During the recent war in the Caucasus, an incident occurred that caused justifiable indignation in society. A wounded soldier was brought to the hospital, but the doctors refused to admit him, citing the fact that their institution belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the soldier belonged to the Ministry of Defense. While they were looking for the necessary medical unit, the wounded man died.

Pushkin in the tragedy “Boris Godunov” very accurately defined and showed folk character. Eternally dissatisfied with the existing government, people are ready to rise up to destroy it and rebel, instilling terror in the rulers - and that’s all. And as a result, they themselves remain offended, since the fruits of their victory are enjoyed by the boyars and high-born nobles standing at the throne of the sovereign.
The people have only one thing left to do - “to remain silent.”

12. Culture of speech and language
In the work of I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”. Lexicon the heroine of this novel, Ellochka Shchukina, was only thirty words. And although she did not feel the need to use any other words, her speech pattern undoubtedly suffered greatly.
Another example is the ancient Greek orator Demosthenes. He long years worked on his speech portrait, facial expressions, gestures, because his weak voice and short breathing did not allow him to fulfill his dream of becoming a speaker. Demosthenes trained to speak with the sound of waves, with pebbles in his mouth, and eventually was able to eliminate the shortcomings of his speech and become a true professional in his field, who left a bright mark on history. This happened precisely thanks to him attentive attitude to your speech portrait.

13.The problem of heredity and self-formation.
In Russian literature and in life, we so reverence the image of Lefty in Leskov’s work. Without learning the craft anywhere, he managed to shoe a flea without a microscope. There is no doubt that he developed his talent himself. Nobody told Lefty that his genotype contained or, on the contrary, did not contain such talent.
I would also like to remember the Paralympic Games. Disabled people, seemingly limited by nature in mobility, find the strength to play sports and set records. This is the clearest proof that everyone is capable of self-formation and self-development, that not everyone is human life determined by heredity.

14. Man and art. The impact of art on humans
1) For example, the song “ Holy war"to the words of V. Lebedev-Kumach, the music of A. Alexandrov raised the soldiers to attack, defending their homeland. It became the musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War. With this song, with its harsh pathos, which absorbed bitterness, pain, and anger, the Russian people, gripped by “noble rage,” went to “mortal combat” and stood shoulder to shoulder in defense of the Motherland.
2) In E. Nosov’s story “Chopin, Sonata Number Two,” music becomes a means of unifying people; mutual understanding comes between Uncle Sasha, a participant in the war, and the guys in the orchestra. The heavy, beating sounds of suffering, groans, blows - everything that can be heard in the requiem - make the orchestra children realize the meaning and price of victory in the war, because this sonata is in tune with the grief of the entire Russian people.

15 Memory retention problem
1) The memory of the past is preserved not only by household items and jewelry, but also, for example, letters, photographs, and documents. In the story " Last bow"V.P. Astafiev has a chapter called “Photography in which I am not.” The hero talks about how a photographer came to a rural school, but due to illness he was unable to take pictures. The teacher brought Vitka a photograph. Many years passed, but the hero saved this photo, despite the fact that he was not in it. He looks at her and remembers his classmates, thinks about their destinies. As the hero says, “village photography is a unique chronicle of our people, its history on the wall.”
2) Let us remember the hero A.I. Kuprin Zheltkov from the work “Garnet Bracelet”. He gives Princess Vera Nikolaevna, his beloved, a family jewel, Garnet bracelet, inherited from his mother. Zheltkov sacredly protects him and decides to part with him only before his death

16. The problem of human spirituality
Alyoshka, the hero of A. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,” is just an example spiritual person. He went to prison because of his faith, but did not abandon it; on the contrary, this young man defended his truth and tried to convey it to other prisoners. Not a single day passed without reading the Gospel, copied into an ordinary notebook.

School time is the most wonderful time. But after completing the training, no one can escape. It sounds quite scary, but if you prepare for it for more than one last night, then it will seem easy, simple and even interesting.

The most difficult part of the exam, according to students, is creative work, since it requires arguments for an essay from classical literature. During the exam, the atmosphere is heavy, thoughts instantly fly out of your head. It is for this reason that it is necessary to become familiar with the main clichés and learn the arguments for the most common topics.

If the above conditions are met, then there will be no problems with writing at all.

The relationship between nature and man

Let's consider the arguments for an essay on the topic "The relationship between man and the world around us" or "People's attitude towards nature as a mother." The topic may sound different, but the meaning is the same.

For this topic, good examples would be the following works:

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign." If you remember, throughout the entire duration of the action nature helped the heroes, gave signs, and warned of danger. In general, she was endowed with human qualities and tried with all her might to protect her from danger.
  • The work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov “The Steppe”. This work is about a nine-year-old boy, Yegorushka, who was in love with the steppe, revived it in his thoughts, rejoiced and yearned with it.
  • "War and Peace" is a novel written by greatest author L.N. Tolstoy. Here we can find two examples at once. Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky.
  • The arguments for writing on this topic are numerous; let us cite one more work - “The Fish Tsar” (Astafiev). This is a story about a poacher whose meeting with one of the fish radically changes his worldview.

Family and family relationships

Topics of this kind are very common; now we will present the arguments for the essay. If it is necessary to highlight the role of childhood, then the best example would be the work “War and Peace”. Let's remember how Petya Rostov showed all his best features, purchased in home. Shortly before his death, he expressed both kindness and a desire to help towards his comrades.

Another good example- this is the “Last bow”. Katerina Petrovna put the best and most valuable feelings and traits into her beloved grandson.

If the topic sounds different, for example, “The role of the family in the formation of personality,” then the following arguments are suitable for the essay:

  • "War and Peace". Comparison of the Rostov and Kuragin children.
  • "Iron and ice cream." Rita's illness and sister's cruelty.

If it is necessary to highlight the role of the mother:

  • “Tales of Italy”, where the author clearly and accurately expressed his position on the role of the mother. The mother is everything; she gives everything that is best and most valuable.
  • "The Young Guard", where there is a digression dedicated to the mother.
  • “Participating in all living things...” - the author appeals to his readers with a request to take care of their mothers.


Arguments for an essay in Russian, dedicated to teachers and their roles in our lives can be found among the following works:

  • "Ballroom pianist".
  • “French Lessons”, where an incredible teacher taught not only within her subject, but also taught valuable moral qualities.
  • The well-known “Little Prince”, here the teacher is the Fox, who taught The Little Prince see good qualities in people.

Personal traits

Arguments for an essay on the Russian language for the exam can be selected on absolutely any topic. The subject of this section is no exception. The most terrible examples of heartlessness are given in the works “Jump into the Coffin” and “Telegram”. Yu. Mamleev described a picture where relatives buried a sick old woman alive in order to relieve themselves of the burden of caring for her, and Paustovsky tells the story of Nastya, who forgot about her loving and only mother.

A striking example of meanness is given in “ The captain's daughter", the personification was Shvabrin, who spoke badly about Masha, who rejected him, and dealt a vile blow to Grinev in the back during a duel.

The power of a word

In A. S. Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky,” Masha, who loved the main character so much, could not break her oath and leave with her beloved. Or the work of the same author “Eugene Onegin”, in which Tatyana Larina was the image of fidelity and sincerity, and showed her strong character. She was able to reject the feelings of her beloved Onegin and remained faithful to her husband.


Arguments for an essay on Russian Unified State Exam on this problem numerous:

  • If we highlight music specifically, then “Dome Cathedral” is a good and shining example. Here the author (V. Astafiev) is convinced that only music can save a person from decay.
  • “The Old Cook”, where K. Paustovsky narrated a story about a blind cook, whom music helped him return to the past and remember beautiful paintings nature.
  • Two works by L.N. Tolstoy at once - “Albert” and “War and Peace”. First about talented musician, who had a special gift: to warm the souls of listeners with his music, they felt something indescribable. In the second work, the object of influence on a person is Natasha Rostova, who amazed everyone with her singing.
  • The role of reading and literature in our lives is reflected in the works of R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451” and “Memoirs”. The first says that you can see little in life, but know a lot, because we get ninety-nine percent of our knowledge from books. In the second, the hero admits that he received his education not in college or university, but in the library.

Language is a mirror of the life of a people. What an important role he plays! It is impossible to do without it in any sphere of human activity: its enormous importance is obvious everywhere. Every nation has its own language, and the Russian language is one of the most wonderful, which will be confirmed by the words of many classics of our literature. However, under the influence of life, language changes along with it, and not always for the better.

In her text, Taisiya Vasilyevna Zharova raises the problem of preserving the Russian language. Reflecting on it, she draws attention to the fact that “in a short period of time, words that previously related only to specific environment. The author also notes that our language is an interesting phenomenon for observation by linguists and writers, but it is replete with not only in foreign words, but also criminal vocabulary, and the words used by the classics “have left temporarily” and “are waiting for brighter days.”

It is impossible to disagree with this idea; its confirmation can be found in various articles about language or by analyzing the works of Russian classics.

Thus, recalling Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace,” most readers realize what pleasure the reading process itself gives, not to mention the interesting plot and heroes who have become loved. Reading the work, you understand how beautiful your native language is and how much you can use it to tell and describe, which is what Leo Tolstoy masterfully does. In Russian words, he describes the era of that time, and we see all its features and sides without illustrations, simply by reading the words. And how accurately the beauty and with it the depravity of Helen are conveyed with the help of our language! How beautiful we imagine the summer night in Otradnoye and the blooming oak tree that Andrei Bolkonsky encountered! The Russian language, in which the classics wrote and spoke, is great, it can convey everything, it is truly rich without unnecessary borrowings.

About the need to protect our great language Writers who are far from the classics also say in their articles. For example, the Soviet translator Nora Gal in the article “The Living and the Dead Word” or the Russian linguist Maxim Krongauz in the article “The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.” Both authors are concerned about the fate of the Russian language, as every Russian should be concerned. Nora Gal says that often in Everyday life official language and borrowings from other languages ​​are unjustifiably and immoderately used, suggesting that our great language should sound worthy. Maxim Krongauz writes that language should change with life and it does, but some changes are only detrimental to it, and the language must be preserved and protected.

So, our language is great, and “there are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language,” as K. G. Paustovsky wrote. It is necessary to protect the Russian language, preserving its greatness for future generations.

Updated: 2017-06-20

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We have formulated the most popular problems that are reflected in the texts for essays on the Unified State Exam. The arguments that address these issues are located under the headings listed in the table of contents. You can download all this in table format at the end of the article.

  1. Some people like to wonder: is studying necessary at all? Why this education? And they often prefer to achieve more attractive goals. Mitrofanushka, one of the heroes, also thought the same comedy by D. Fonvizin “The Minor”. His famous remark “I don’t want to study, I want to get married,” unfortunately, becomes an incentive for many to postpone their studies, but Fonvizin only emphasizes what an ignoramus the character really is. During the lesson and during the exam, he shows laziness and illiteracy, and even in family relationships demonstrates an inability and unwillingness to establish contact and understand interlocutors. The author makes fun of ignorance young man, so that the reader understands how relevant education is.
  2. Many people simply do not want to learn something new and are fixated only on traditions, although it is important to live in the present at any time. This is precisely the idea that the only one is trying to convey. new person» in A. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. The hero strives to prove to Famusov's society that life does not stand still; he tries to encourage the characters to learn new trends in the rapidly developing world. Unfortunately, Chatsky is faced only with misunderstanding, and is even declared crazy. However, the author emphasizes precisely his progressive views against rank and serfdom, since changes are long overdue. The rest of the characters simply preferred to live in the past, although the whole subtext of the comedy is that only Chatsky, misunderstood by society, remains right.

Inability to find a use for education

  1. Many educated characters stood out in society, but not all were able to find worthy use of their capabilities. The reader meets a disappointed and depressed existential crisis hero novel by A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. The young nobleman immediately impresses the well-read Tatyana Larina precisely because he doesn’t look like the villagers, and moreover, he reminds her of the hero of sentimental novels. Onegin is bored with everything, science does not bring pleasure, and even love could not save the hero. Eugene, a representative of the young noble intelligentsia, was unable to realize his abilities by the end of the work.
  2. The “superfluous man” in literature is a hero who can do everything, but wants nothing. This is Grigory Pechorin from the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M. Lermontov. Pechorin is a young officer, a nobleman who was never able to find happiness, despite the fact that the world is full of opportunities. Gregory often analyzes his actions, but still remains disappointed. Pechorin is really smart, but he himself thinks that he was given a high assignment, he just didn’t guess it. Lermontov in his novel raises the problem of the inability to find a worthy use of the “immense powers” ​​with which man is endowed.
  3. It happens that even capable person cannot or simply does not want to realize their potential. Let's turn to Goncharov's novel "Oblomov". The main character is a middle-aged nobleman who prefers to lie on the sofa for a significant part of his life. At Ilya Ilyich's kind soul, an honest heart, and he himself is not a rather stupid character, but in conditions modern society Oblomov simply does not want to make a career. Only Olga Ilyinskaya prompted the hero to briefly change his lifestyle, but in the end Oblomov returns to his original place, never overcoming his laziness.

Focus on self-development

  1. For some, knowledge and the realization of their own abilities are primary, so they are ready to reject spiritual values. IN Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is a future doctor for whom medicine is everything. The main character is a nihilist, and only science remains sacred to him. On own experience Evgeniy understands that he is also capable of tender feelings, but the embodiment of medical education for him still comes first. Just as at the beginning of the novel we see Bazarov going to the swamp to get frogs for experiments, so at the end of the work, when the hero has already fallen in love, he does not forget about medical practice, which is what destroys him.
  2. Literature often raises the pressing question of finding the meaning of life, and the German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe is no exception. IN "Fauste" main charactera real genius, a skilled doctor who mastered philosophy, theology and jurisprudence. However, he still considered himself a fool, and only after joint adventures with the devil Mephistopheles does the hero realize that the meaning of his life lies in self-development. His thirst for knowledge saved his soul, and only in education and knowledge of the world did Faust find true happiness. Neither love, nor beauty, nor wealth could inspire the hero as much as the desire for enlightenment.
  3. It is difficult to argue that education is important, and some believe that knowledge of science is above all. Let's remember “Ode on the day of the accession... of Elizabeth” by Mikhail Lomonosov. Having quoted an excerpt from the work, we would like to note that in the 18th century, education was also highly valued. “Sciences nourish the young, give joy to the old, happy life decorate, protect in case of an accident” - this is exactly what the great Russian poet says. Indeed, if you look back at Lomonosov’s successes and achievements, it will be difficult to disagree with how important education and the pursuit of knowledge are. A simple man from the outback made a career in the capital, determining the course of Russian scientific thought.

The role of books in human life

  1. Educated person, as a rule, smart and well-read. It is difficult to imagine a person striving for knowledge who does not recognize the authority of books and, in principle, does not like to read. We see the great influence of the book on the fate of the character in F. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”. The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, goes on a murder spree, after which he falls into an eerie state of contemplating his action. He lives in fear of his sin being made public and almost goes crazy, but thanks to Sonya Marmeladova, who reads him an episode from the Bible, he finds salvation. A passage from the holy book told about the resurrection of Lazarus, and it was master key to Raskolnikov’s decision: for the soul to come to rebirth, sincere repentance is necessary. So, thanks to the book - the Bible, the hero embarks on the path of moral resurrection.
  2. Many people not only take studying and reading lightly, but actually believe that it is better to do without it in life. We can observe such a situation in Aldous Huxley's novel O Wondrous new world» . The plot quickly unfolds in the dystopian genre, where books are strictly prohibited, moreover, the lower castes are instilled with an aversion to reading. Only the Savage tries to remind society that it is absolutely impossible to live like this, and both science and art should not be prohibited. A hedonistic society is actually an illusion that the hero cannot endure. Due to the non-existent “brave new world”, the author only emphasizes how important the book is for the development of personality.
  3. Surprisingly, some recognized geniuses owe their success not so much to education as to their passion for literature. Reading prompted W. Shakespeare to write great tragedies, which even a non-reading student has heard about. But the English poet did not receive higher education, it was his ability to draw relevant and interesting thoughts from books that helped Shakespeare reach such heights. Yes and German writer Goethe found literary success thanks to the fact that in his youth he devoted his free time to reading. An educated person, of course, is capable of self-realization, but without reading books it is much more difficult to realize his potential.
  4. Education as a future vocation

    1. In A. Chekhov’s story “Ionych” The main character is a young zemstvo doctor. At the beginning of the work, Dmitry Startsev spends time with the Turkin family, which was considered “the most educated and talented.” However, after Ekaterina Ivanovna’s refusal to marry him, he moves away from this house and becomes disillusioned with its inhabitants. Several years passed, and during this time Startsev began to look at many things differently, including his calling. If before him medical education inspired him to work, now he is only interested in money. At any time, it is so important to remain passionate about your calling, so that education brings not only income, but also pleasure.
    2. Many people need talent to find their calling, but education is also important to develop it. Great Alexander Pushkin studied at the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, where he also developed his skills as a poet. He also raised the topic of vocation in his work, speaking about poetry. One of the poems about the poet’s purpose is the work “The Prophet”, where the poet, thanks to metamorphoses, is endowed with a divine purpose. Like the lyrical hero, Pushkin worthily embodies his calling, but in real life education, of course, helped him a lot.
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I prefer to cook exclusively those dishes that contain a large amount of vegetables. Meat is considered a heavy food, but if it...
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07/24/2014 I am a graduate of previous years. And I can’t even count how many people I had to explain why I was taking the Unified State Exam. I took the Unified State Exam in 11th grade...