What does extracurricular activities mean according to Federal State Educational Standards? Report “Extracurricular Activities as an Important Condition for the Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards”

Extracurricular activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.


IN Russian system education of the 21st century recognizes the need to return to the original domestic traditions in the sphere of educating the younger generation. Over the past few centuries, our country has accumulated vast experience in moral education; educational methods have been developed and successfully implemented to continuously monitor qualitative changes in the development of a child’s personality. However, in recent decades, in the educational process there have been observed significant changes in the goals and content of the activities of subjects of education.

The modern domestic system of educating the younger generation is characterized by a variety of educational practices, variability of psychological and pedagogical technologies; subjects of the educational process are given greater freedom in choosing methods of educational work for children. The education development strategy assumes a complex, interconnected change in all components educational system, its educational and educational components. The creation of each school’s own unique educational system is actively declared.

AND beginning of XXI century, the Russian pedagogical community has come to understand that it is education that should be given priority attention in the education system. It is necessary to raise a new generation of people worthy of being called citizens of Russia, who love their family, their work, the Fatherland, and who are ready to fulfill their civic duty.

The issue of organizing extracurricular activities comes first.

In the context of a demographic decline, the transition to regulatory funding, and growing competition between educational institutions, countries today encourage their leaders to pay the most serious and close attention to the problem of modernizing the educational process in general education system. Education is one of the essential components education in the interests of the individual, society, and state.

The modernization process is intended to direct the efforts of the teaching staff to create such a model of an open educational environment of the school, which comprehensively takes into account the essence, content, organization, as well as the conditions and factors of the productive process of education, combined in the following guidelines:

1. Education for personality development. It is through education that one can provide such components of human life as practical skills, critical thinking, knowledge, communication standards and the basics of physical health.

2. Education for knowledge of the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it. Education helps to develop in a person the ability to: develop and pass on cultural heritage to future generations, to be tolerant and open to understanding and cooperation with people of different views.

    Education for the development of creativity. Education is a necessary condition for personal self-development.

    Education for the future will increase the degree of adaptation of graduates to an ever-changing world and ensure their ability to transform it.

5. Quality of education involves increased requirements for teachers, their qualifications, constant professional growth, provision of a variety of variable programs and methods of educational work that will meet the individual needs of the student and teacher.

    Diversification of educational activities. Educational activities should be varied, flexible, able to quickly respond to changes in the surrounding world.

    Personification of education. The teacher should be encouraged to use a variety of internal resources, have all the conditions for self-expression in the process of purposeful educational activities.

8. Humanization of the educational process.

However, speaking about the development of the educational system of a comprehensive school, one cannot fail to touch upon the problem of preserving national traditions in education. The educational system of a school, ideally, should be based on value orientations and the motives of the nation’s behavior, formed over the thousand-year history of the state’s development; rely on their own pedagogical traditions, corresponding Russian mentality. Currently, these issues are just beginning to be recognized. The “consumer society” that has formed over the past 20 years promotes new personality qualities necessary for survival in market conditions (inflated self-esteem, greed, aggressiveness, enterprise, etc.), while displacing categories such as “spirituality”, “ conciliarity", "morality", " human values", "patriotism", "civicism", "collectivism".

Therefore, today, as the main idea for the development of education, the need to change the educational paradigm is put forward, the essence of which is the implementation of humanistic ideas and nationally significant guidelines for education.

Humanization of the educational process requires compliance with a number of conditions, among which, first of all, we note the following:

a) recognition of the student’s personality as an intrinsic value, understanding and acceptance of the uniqueness and originality of each subject of the educational process;

b) the development of each individual and the entire new generation of youth as subjects of culture and their own life creativity, from the position of self-determination, self-affirmation, self-realization;

c) providing assistance to children and youth in the development of their inclinations and abilities, in the formation of their national identity;

G) social protection and protection of health, dignity and rights,
social environment lives of pupils;

e) familiarization of subjects of the educational process with the values ​​of universal human and national culture.

Consequently, in the educational process of the school, the main attention should be paid to the creation of an effective system of socialization of children and youth (taking into account the social characteristics of each region), focused on the formation of citizenship, patriotism, healthy image life and other positive qualities of a young contemporary.

The sharpest contradiction between new system requirements and capabilities and abilities of a currently existing personality gives rise to the need to form young man And younger generation generally of the same quality as vitality ness.

Viability is the ability of a person (generation) to survive, without degrading, in the “harsh” and deteriorating conditions of the social and natural environment, to develop and rise spiritually, to reproduce and raise offspring who are no less viable in biological and social terms. The task of a viable person is to become an individual, form his own life attitudes, assert himself, realize his inclinations and creative possibilities, while transforming the habitat in their own interests, without destroying or destroying it. In sociocultural terms, vitality is manifested in the extent to which an individual and a generation meets the urgent needs of society at a given historical stage and the extent to which they can take responsibility for its future.

No less significant today seems to be the idea of ​​forming national (civic) identity personality in the educational process, allowing to ensure:

    formation of civil and cultural identity of students as citizens of Russia;

    achieving social consolidation and harmony in conditions of growing social, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of a multinational state;

Spiritual and moral development of the individual based on the assimilation of universal moral norms and values ​​and the formation of moral competence;

Formation of legal culture and socio-political competence among schoolchildren; formation of active life position, independence and ability to act in accordance with the legal and socio-political system of the state;

    education of patriotism;

    education of tolerant consciousness.

Based on the formulated ideas, it is assumed that the educational space secondary school should be focused on achieving general educational goals, among which the most relevant are the following:

Orientation of the individual towards humanistic attitudes and meaningful life values ​​in the new socio-political and economic conditions of the country’s life, determination of one’s place and goals in life, formation of self-awareness and humanistically oriented higher needs;

Formation of national identity, citizenship, patriotism, respect for law and order, internal freedom and self-esteem;

Fostering the need of young people to master the values ​​of universal and national culture, the formation of aesthetic ideals, the desire for
creation and enhancement of spiritual culture values, participation in cultural life countries;

    introducing young people to universal moral standards, national traditions, codes of professional honor and moral values relevant social strata and groups, developing adequate self-esteem of the results of their activities;

    identification and development of inclinations, formation on their basis of general and specific abilities, individuality of the individual, elevation of his creative potential and abilities for self-development;

    nurturing the need for work as the first necessity of life, the highest life value and the main way to achieve life success, determination and entrepreneurship, competitiveness in all spheres of life;

    nurturing the need for physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, the desire to create a family, procreation, material security and education of the new generation in the spirit of humanism and democracy.

Today we are witnessing the modernization of the education system in Russia, and it should be recognized that the effectiveness of this process directly depends on its compliance with the cultural and educational traditions of Russian pedagogical thought. The state and society are increasingly becoming aware of the harmful consequences that the tendency of preference can lead to. material assets. Raising a spiritually rich personality with a highly developed sense of civic duty and patriotism , understanding one's own responsibility to the family, society, and the state - this is the social order of Russian society of the 21st century.

History has proven that the educational system formed in society ensures that children acquire certain abilities, moral norms and spiritual guidelines; it is effective only for existence in this particular society. With the country's transition to a new socio-political system, outdated means and methods of organizing educational work become unproductive, and a transformation of the entire educational system is required.

Therefore today for educational institution the issue of organizing extracurricular activities comes first . Now is the time for students to be involved in research projects, creative activities, sporting events, during which they will learn to invent, understand and master new things, be open and able to express their own thoughts, be able to make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities. This opportunity is provided by the Federal State educational standard second generation (FSES).

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren - a concept that unites all types of activities of schoolchildren (except for academic ones), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their upbringing and socialization (D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov, “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer: a manual for teachers.- M.: Education, 2010., ").

Extracurricular activities are integral part educational process and one of the forms of organizing students’ free time. It is understood today primarily as activities organized outside of school hours to meet the needs of students for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities.

Currently, in connection with the transition to new standards of the second generation, extracurricular activities are being improved.

Extracurricular (extracurricular) activities of schoolchildren are one of the innovations of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation. According to the draft of the new Basic Curriculum, it becomes a compulsory element of school education and challenges teaching staff the task of organizing a developmental environment for students.

The fundamental difference between educational standards of the second generation is their increased focus on educational outcomes as a system-forming component of the design of standards. The new Federal State Educational Standard specifies the relationship between education and upbringing: upbringing is considered as the mission of education, as a value-oriented process. It should cover and permeate all types of educational activities: academic and extracurricular.

The main goals of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard are:

    creating conditions for students to achieve what is necessary for life in

society of social experience and the formation of accepted society

value systems;

    creating conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student;

    creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social and intellectual interests of students in their free time;

    development of a healthy, creatively growing personality with developed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities, implementation of volunteer initiatives.

In practice, when organizing extracurricular activities, many problematic issues. For example, the distribution of extracurricular hours in the schedule, the effective use of external resources, etc.

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are a combination of all types of activities of schoolchildren, in which, in accordance with the basic educational program of the educational institution, the tasks of education and socialization, development of interests, and the formation of universal educational activities.

Extracurricular activities - an integral part of educational process at school, allowing the requirements of the federal state educational standard to be fully implemented. The features of this component of the educational process are: providing students with a wide range of activities aimed at their development; as well as the independence of the educational institution in the process of filling extracurricular activities with specific content.

On the one hand, organizing extracurricular activities for schools is not new. The system of educational work of the school has always included a set of activities aimed at achieving certain educational goals and objectives. The activities of creative, intellectual, and sports associations were also organized on the basis of the school. However, education often comes down to conducting events and is actually separated from the social and information environment, from the content of the child’s activities at school, in the family, in a peer group, in society. Thus, main task teachers who carry out extracurricular work, the formation of the student’s personality becomes a fundamental condition for his self-determination in a particular sociocultural situation. The school's interest in solving the problem of extracurricular activities is explained not only by its inclusion in the curriculum, but by a different view of educational results. If subject results are achieved in the process of mastering school disciplines, then in achieving meta-subject, and especially personal results - values, guidelines, needs, interests of a person, the proportion of extracurricular activities is much higher, since the student chooses it based on his interests and motives.

Extracurricular activities allow the child to develop as an individual.

General school affairs according to the educational system program, they are included in the general annual cyclogram and are a component of extracurricular activities. Preparation for participation and participation in a school-wide event allows the child to master universal methods of activity (competencies) and demonstrate the level of their development. The child’s participation in school activities is carried out on a voluntary basis, in accordance with interests and inclinations.

Extracurricular activities in the main areas include the following forms of work:

1.Spiritual and moral

Leading forms of activity:

    Conversations, games of moral and spiritual content.

    Handicrafts and all types of creative artistic activity children.

    Holding joint celebrations between the school and the community.

    Use of audio recordings and technical teaching aids.

    Excursions, targeted walks (to the district, to the regional center).

    Children's charity.

    Theme evenings aesthetic orientation(painting, music, poetry).

    Organization of exhibitions ( Team work children and parents).

    Organization of joint experience of events by adults and children.

2. Educational

Leading forms of activity:

    Quizzes, educational games and conversations;

    Children's research projects;

    Extracurricular events with a cognitive focus (olympiads, intellectual marathons);

    Subject weeks, holidays, Knowledge lessons, competitions.

3. Project activities

    Project development.

    Sports and recreation

Leading forms of activity:

    School-wide sports and physical education and recreation

events: school sports tournaments, competitions, Health Days.

    Monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

    Designing safety corners, conducting instruction for children. Thematic conversations, conversations - meetings with medical workers, school paramedic.

    Sports competitions in the classroom, quizzes, projects

    Encouraging students who demonstrate a responsible attitude towards sports, demonstrating the sports achievements of class students.

    Promotion and registration of class students in sports sections.

    Organization of weekend trips,

    Hiking trips.

    Artistic and aesthetic

Leading forms of activity:

    Cultural trips to theaters, museums, libraries, exhibitions;

    Concerts, performances, holidays at the class and school level;

    Art exhibitions, art festivals, performances in the classroom, school;

    Festive decoration of school and classrooms.

    Socially useful activities

Leading forms of activity:

    Work within the framework of the project “Improvement of the school grounds”;

    School landscaping work;

    Organization of duty in classes;

    Career guidance conversations, meetings with representatives of different professions;

    Exhibitions of crafts and children's creativity;

    Labor landings, subbotniks;

    Plot- role-playing games.

Expected Results

∙ introduction of effective forms of organizing recreation, health improvement and employment for children;

∙ improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space;

∙ strengthening the health of students;

∙ development of creative activity of each child;

∙ strengthening the connection between family and school.


We agree that the educational system is a complex and lengthy process, since ongoing changes in the life of society, an educational institution, a class, and a student require constant adjustments to the initially created model.

Modern educational practice in schools indicates that educational problems require a comprehensive solution. Today, educational work is not only the responsibility of the education system, it is the sphere of interests of all subjects of social life of the city, region, and state. Education is intended to become one of the main mechanisms social development, formation of the culture of the nation as a whole.

The introduction of new educational standards led to a change in views on educational work. These changes are associated not only with the setting of a new pedagogical goal of education, these changes are associated primarily with the personality of the teacher himself, with a change in his views on the very concept of “education.” Only a “winged” teacher can raise a “winged” child, only a happy one can raise a happy one, and only a modern one can raise a modern one.

Indeed, school after school is a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests, his hobbies, his “I”. A child, making a choice, freely expresses his will and reveals himself as a person. It is important to interest him in after-school activities so that the school becomes a second home for him, which will make it possible to turn extracurricular activities into a full-fledged space for upbringing and education.

And this is confirmed by the words of W. Glasser “... a person will never succeed in life in the broad sense of the word if one day he does not know success in something important to him... If a child manages to succeed in school, he has every chance of success in life "


1. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren in the context of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards / Compiled by S. V. Nizova, E. L. Kharchevnikova. - Vladimir, VIPKRO, 2010.-32p.

2. Grigoriev D. V., Stepanov P. V. “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer: a manual for teachers" - M.: "Prosveshchenie", 2010,

3. Nedvetskaya M.N. “Modernization of the school educational system. Analysis. Directions. Content. Toolkit» TC "PERSPECTIVE" - M. 2011

4. Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2010.

5. Feshchenko T.S. Handbook for the Deputy Director for Education educational work. Toolkit/ TC "PERSPECTIVE" - M. 2011

6. Chernousova F.P. “Monitoring and diagnostics in managing the educational process at school.” / TC "PERSPECTIVE" - M. 2011

Extracurricular (extracurricular) activities of schoolchildren are one of the innovations of the Federal State Educational Standard. According to the draft of the new Basic Curriculum, it becomes a mandatory element of school education and sets the teaching staff the task of organizing a developmental environment for students.

The new Federal State Educational Standard specifies the relationship between education and upbringing: upbringing is considered as the mission of education, as a value-oriented process. It should cover and permeate all types of educational activities: academic and extracurricular.

The main goals of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard are the creation of conditions for students to achieve the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a value system accepted by society, the creation of conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student, the creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social and intellectual interests of students in their free time , the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality with developed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities, the implementation of volunteer initiatives.

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are a set of all types of activities of schoolchildren, in which, in accordance with the main educational program of an educational institution, the tasks of education and socialization, the development of interests, and the formation of universal educational activities are solved.

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process at school, allowing the requirements of the federal state educational standard to be fully realized. The features of this component of the educational process are: providing students with a wide range of activities aimed at their development; as well as the independence of the educational institution in the process of filling extracurricular activities with specific content.

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, extracurricular activities organized in areas of personal development (sports and recreational, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural).

Goals of extracurricular activities

Creating conditions for the development and education of students’ personalities, ensuring the formation of the foundations of civic identity: a sense of belonging and pride in their homeland, respect for the history and culture of the people, nurturing the child’s morality, mastering the basic social roles, norms and rules.

Creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social and intellectual interests of students in their free time, the development of a healthy personality with developed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities.

Objectives of extracurricular activities

  1. Organization of socially useful and leisure activities for students in close interaction with society.
  2. Involving students in a variety of extracurricular activities.
  3. Organizing student employment during free time from studying.
  4. Development of skills in organizing and implementing cooperation with teachers, peers, parents, and older children in solving common problems.
  5. Developing a positive attitude towards basic public values(person, family, Fatherland, nature, world, knowledge, work, culture) for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

My class has been following the Federal State Educational Standard since the first grade. This is the third year in basic school. Extracurricular activities, like the activities of students within lessons, are aimed at achieving results in mastering the main educational program. But first of all, it is the achievement of personal and meta-subject results. This also determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student must not only and not so much learn, but learn to act, feel, make decisions, etc. Every year, when developing a program of extracurricular activities, we maintain directions and use different forms.

So, for example, in the first year we tried to cover all five areas through club work at school - 10 hours a week. I won’t lie, it was hard for everyone: schoolchildren, parents, teachers. But everything new and unexplored always causes difficulties. We successfully completed fifth grade. The most successful programs for the children were “Tourism”, “Local History”, “I am a Researcher”. The research activities of schoolchildren required familiarization with the basics of creating projects and research papers, so only two works were the best. Since I teach Russian language and literature classes in this class, the works were on literary studies, they were published on the “Student’s Portfolio” website.

In the second year we continued the circle work, because... Most extracurricular activity programs were designed for two years of study. And again, research activities bore fruit. The guys, having mastered the basics, became researchers in biology, history, and, of course, literature. The works are published on the school website and on the “Student Portfolio” website.

This school year, the goal of the program was to create conditions for children to express and develop their interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

Objectives of organizing extracurricular activities

1. Development of spiritual and moral guidelines for life choices, instilling respect for elders and others.

2. Expanding the scope of communication with society, assistance in self-determination, acquisition of social knowledge, primary understanding of social reality and Everyday life, providing assistance in finding “oneself”.

3. Personal development of students, development of intelligence.

4. Development of general cultural abilities, aesthetic knowledge, development of experience in creative activity, creative abilities.

5. Improving the process of physical education and promoting a healthy lifestyle and a safe lifestyle.

6. Formation of ecological culture.

All events are held in close connection with the library, museum, Children's Art Center, children's sports school, and music school. It must be said that all the events held are high level, which can already be said about the results and effects of extracurricular activities

Results of extracurricular activities

1. The “social order” of today’s and tomorrow’s society for a basic school graduate consists of the following components:

Love for your land, its culture and spiritual traditions;

Awareness and understanding of the values ​​of human life, family, civil society, the multinational Russian people, humanity;

Respect for other people, the ability to conduct constructive dialogue, achieve mutual understanding, and cooperate to achieve common results.

2. Personal results

System orientation moral standards and values;

Orientation in the features of social relations and interactions, establishing the relationship between social and political events;

Consciousness, recognition of the high value of life in all things? manifestations; knowledge of the basics of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Civic patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s country;

Respect for history, cultural and historical monuments;

Respect for the individual and e? dignity, friendly attitude towards others, intolerance to any types of violence and readiness to resist them;

Respect for family values, love of nature, recognition of the value of health, one’s own and other people’s, etc.

3. Communication results:

Coordination of various positions in cooperation;

Formulation and argumentation of one’s own opinion and position;

Argumentation of one’s point of view, the ability to defend one’s position in a manner that is not hostile to opponents;

Adequate use of speech to plan and regulate one’s activities;

Ability to work in a group - establish working relationships.

4. Cognitive results:

Implementation of design and research activities;

Observation and experiment under the guidance of a teacher;

Implementation of advanced information search using library resources and the Internet.

Principles and features of organizing extracurricular activities

1. The principle of success and social significance. The efforts of the organizers of extracurricular activities are aimed at developing in children the need to achieve success. It is important that the results achieved by the child are not only personally significant, but also valuable for others, especially for his classmates, members of the school team, and representatives of the immediate social environment of the educational institution.

2. The principle of social order.

3. The principle of integrity.

4. The principle of the personal-activity approach.

5. The principle of child-centrism (the personality is in the center).

6. The principle of humanistic orientation. The interests and needs of children are taken into account to the maximum extent, the processes of formation and manifestation of individuality and subjectivity of schoolchildren are supported.

7. The principle of variability. A wide range of types (directions), forms and methods of organizing extracurricular activities are cultivated, providing children with real opportunities for free choice and voluntary participation in it, testing their strengths and abilities in various types of activities, searching for their own niche to satisfy needs, desires, interests.

8. The principle of creativity. In extracurricular activities, teachers support the development of children’s creative activity and desire to engage in individual and collective life creativity.

Educational results and effects of extracurricular activities

The educational result of extracurricular activities is the direct spiritual and moral acquisition of the child through his participation in one or another type of extracurricular activity. The educational results of schoolchildren’s extracurricular activities are divided into three levels:

First level - acquisition by a schoolchild social knowledge, primary understanding of social reality and everyday life. To achieve this level, student-teacher interaction is of particular importance;

The second level is for the student to gain experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society, a value-based attitude towards social reality as a whole. To achieve this level, interaction between schoolchildren at the class level is of particular importance. Achieved in a child-friendly environment.

The third level is for the student to gain experience of independent social action. To achieve this level, the student’s interaction with social actors outside of school is important. Achieved in interaction with social actors.

A laconic formulation of three levels of results of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren:

Level 1 – the student knows and understands social life;

Level 2 – the student values ​​social life;

Level 3 – the student acts independently in social life.

Achieving all three levels of extracurricular activity results increases the likelihood of the educational effects of this activity (the effects of raising and socializing children), in particular:

Formation of communicative, ethical, social, civic competence of schoolchildren;

Formation of sociocultural identity in children: country (Russian), ethnic, cultural, gender, etc.

As part of extracurricular activities for the 110th anniversary of the birth of M.A. Sholokhov, an event was held in the first half of the year in the form of a literary and musical lounge “Cossack gatherings”. This is an integrated event: subjects - literature, music, extracurricular activities. The work experience of two teachers in the regional component is presented: a music teacher and a literature teacher.

The purpose of the event: to create conditions for the child to demonstrate and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual moral values and cultural traditions of the Don region. Without false modesty, I will say that we achieved our goal. Since this is the Federal State Educational Standard, the tasks, first of all, were aimed at forming a UUD. Especially of a personal nature - familiarization with national traditions, studying the culture of the Cossacks (folklore: songs, proverbs) - everything was presented in diversity. Particular attention was paid to the anthem of the Rostov region and the Don Army, as one of the symbols of the region, instilling pride in one’s small homeland. We are proud to be born and live here.

From the students’ performance of the anthem, the depth of penetration into the meaning of the words was visible; it was no coincidence that the performance was a cappella. Particular emphasis is placed on the joint performance of students and teachers, because nothing influences education more than the personal example of a teacher or any adult. Returning to the Federal State Educational Standard, I will say that we especially paid attention to the activity basis of the event, the variety of forms: immersion in the life of the Cossacks - “Cossack Upper Room”, introduction to customs - gathering a Cossack on a campaign, making tea, expanding the scope of communication - two teachers, close cooperation and students, and teachers.

All stages were optimally filled with content, and a variety of educational methods were used. Each student participated to varying degrees. No one was left on the sidelines, and it was the will of the learner.

The event went smoothly and at a pace; the schoolchildren were undoubtedly active, cheerful, cheerful, and showed genuine interest. Quite a high emotional state.

Reflection, which is now a mandatory element for both students and teachers, took place quickly, concisely, and sincerely. I am sure that no one remained indifferent; everyone had a trace of the event in their souls.

In conclusion, I would like to say that extracurricular activities should be interesting to students, only then can they bring tangible positive results. And therefore, the most important task of teachers is to make extracurricular activities useful and attractive for every student.


1. Federal state educational standard of basic general education. Art. 13.

2. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer: a manual for teachers./D.V.Grigoriev, P.V.Stepanov. - M.: Education, 2010.

3. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated December 29. 2012 No. 273-FZ.

4. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen.

5. National educational initiative “Our New School”.

6. Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education - Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 1, 2011, reg. No. 19644).

7. Approximate basic educational program of basic general education.

Borisevich Varvara
Report “Extracurricular activities as important condition implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

1 slide. In accordance with the federal state educational standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) adapted basic general education program being implemented educational Organization through lesson and extracurricular activities.

2 slide. Extracurricular activities - educational activities , aimed at achieving the results of mastering AOOP, carried out in forms other than classroom teaching. Essence and main purpose extracurricular activities is to provide additional conditions for the development of interests, inclinations, abilities of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairments, organization of their free time.

3 slide. Purpose extracurricular activities is - creation conditions for the child to demonstrate and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

4 slide. Extracurricular activities solves the following tasks:

Ensure favorable adaptation of the child at school;

Optimize students' workload;

Improve conditions for child development;

Take into account age and individual characteristics students.

5 slide. For organization extracurricular activities certain conditions:

Parent request;

Availability of educational and material base;

Availability of trained personnel;

Compliance with SanPiNs, requirements for class shifts and scheduling;

The educational institution independently chooses the forms, means and methods of organization extracurricular activities in accordance with the charter and the Law of the Russian Federation "About Education"

6 slide. Kinds extracurricular activities within the framework of the main directions, except for correctional and developmental, are not enshrined in the requirements of the Standard. For their implementation V educational organization can be recommended: gaming, leisure and entertainment, artistic creativity, social creativity, labor, socially useful, sports and recreational, tourism and local history, etc.

7 SLIDE. Forms of organization extracurricular activities varied and their choice is determined by general education organization: excursions, clubs, sections, competitions, holidays, socially useful practices, competitions, quizzes, conversations, cultural trips to the theater, festivals, games (role-playing, business, etc., tourist trips, etc. During the period vacation to continue extracurricular activities the possibilities of organizing students’ recreation and their health, thematic camp shifts, summer schools created on the basis of general education organizations and organizations of additional education for children are used.

8 slide. Depending on the capabilities of the educational organization, the characteristics of the surrounding society extracurricular activities can be carried out according to various schemes, including number:

Directly in a general education organization like a full-day school;

Together with organizations for additional education of children, sports facilities, cultural organizations;

In collaboration with other organizations and with the participation of teachers of general education organizations (combined circuit).

Slide 9 Based on tasks, forms and content extracurricular activities can be carried out through:

Educational institution curriculum,

Additional educational programs institutions;

Organization activities extended day groups;

Educational program of the class teacher.

Organization extracurricular activities involve, that all pedagogical workers of general education organizations take part in this work (teachers-defectologists, teachers of extended day groups, educators, teachers-speech therapists, educational psychologists, social pedagogues, etc., as well as medical workers.

10 slide. In the requirements for the structure of AOOP (option 1) determined that extracurricular activities organized in 5 areas of development personalities:

Spiritual and moral;


Correctional and developmental;

General cultural;

Sports and recreation.

These directions are a substantive guideline for program development extracurricular activities. Due to extracurricular activities are implemented for the first year, we have focused on priority areas, taking into account real conditions , characteristics of students, needs of students and their parents (legal representatives).

11 slide. Programs extracurricular activities according to AOEP option 1:

"I'm exploring the world"- the program is aimed at expanding students’ knowledge of the world around them, expanding their vocabulary and enriching their vocabulary. There are children in the class who did not attend preschool and were raised in families, and there are also children whose families speak two languages. The program helps students learn more about the phenomena of the surrounding reality, about the rules of behavior in in public places, about animals and plants. Classes on extracurricular activities take place in the form of games, thematic conversations, creative activities.

"Mathematical steps"- the program is aimed at consolidating and expanding the knowledge acquired in mathematics lessons, since from the moment of entry Federal State Educational Standard The number of hours in this subject has been reduced from 5 to 3 hours per week. Classes take place in game form, used a large number of visual materials, interesting tasks for the development of logical thinking.

12 slide. An educational program has also been developed for 1st grade students. activities, which being implemented class teacher and contributes to the achievement of set goals and objectives. The class actively takes part in school-wide sports, recreational and festive events.

Slide 13 Thematic discussions are held in the class about politeness, the rules of good manners and behavior in public places. Quizzes and cool watch based on fairy tales and stories.

Slide 14 Children enjoy attending arts and crafts classes and taking part in competitions.

Slide 15 A dynamic break in the fresh air is also organized for 1st grade students.

16 slide. In the requirements for the structure of AOOP (option 2) determined that extracurricular activities organized in 6 areas of development personalities:


Sports and recreation;




General cultural.

Slide 17 Priority directions implementation of extracurricular activities students studying under AOEP option 2 selected: creative – "Color World". Referral program for emotional and aesthetic development students through familiarization with color and shape. During these classes, children become familiar with various simple drawing techniques, basic colors and shapes, and draw elementary phenomena and objects. (grass, fruits and vegetables, colorful balls)

Slide 19 social-emotional – "Look, it's me"– the program is aimed at developing communication and speech skills using verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to use them in the process social interaction. Students become familiar with the basic rules of behavior and communication in the classroom through role-playing games, conversations, quizzes. Objectives of this course:

Training in communication and cooperation skills;

Formation of students' skills speech etiquette and culture of behavior;

Development of communication skills in the process of communication;

Introduction to the world human relations, moral values, personality formation.

20 slide. educational – general cultural – "I speak". The program aims to achieve the following goals:

Maximum inclusion of students in educational process on familiarization with the outside world and speech development;

Formation of the types available to them activities(elementary educational, gaming, communication activities, observation, subject-practical, labor);

Developing the ability to collectively activities;

Generating interest in the lesson.

Tasks that are solved in the process of teaching students following:

Form initial ideas about yourself and your immediate social environment ( "Me and an adult", "It's me", "I am at school")

Arouse interest in the diversity of the surrounding world (the world of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena;

Learn to establish simple family relationships between people (father, mother, me, grandmother, grandfather);

Create conditions for the emergence of children’s speech activity and the use of learned speech material in everyday life, in lessons, in games, in self-care and in everyday life;

Provide the necessary motivation for communication and speech through the creation of communication situations, support the desire to communicate;

Shape and expand lexicon, associated with the content of emotional, everyday, objective, gaming and work experience;

Form an idea of ​​the parts of your own body, their purpose, location;

To form basic ideas about household items necessary in human life.

21 slides. Important to keep in mind, What extracurricular activities- this is by no means a mechanical addition to the main one general education, designed to compensate for the shortcomings of working with children.

School after school should become a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests and hobbies. This will make it possible to turn extracurricular activities into a full-fledged space of upbringing and education.

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