A worthy life for a worthy artist. Vladimir Samoilov. Personal life of Tatyana Samoilova

Vladimir Samoilov is one of our best artists, a great Russian and Soviet actor. He played both positive and negative roles excellently and was memorable in every film he played. An actor of incredible charisma!

There weren't too many colors in his acting palette. But he could use them masterfully. His charming smile could instantly turn into a predatory animal grin... His gentle voice could become hard and iron. In the film "Wedding in Malinovka" there is a scene in which his hero throws off his gray soldier's overcoat and instantly turns into a sleek, thoroughbred officer - a White Guard. An amazing transition... Even in small roles, Samoilov often looked more convincing than the main characters...

Being already very noticeable and famous artist, Vladimir Yakovlevich never took part in any artistic squabbles and squabbles, did not sign any letters, was not, was not a member, did not participate, which is a rarity even in our times... He was only interested in the stage or film set. Samoilov was a real hypocrite.

It was a shame to play next to him... It was a shame to play badly! - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Vladimir Samoilov was born on March 15, 1924 in the city of Odessa, a famous city by the sea. Since childhood, Vladimir Samoilov was distinguished by great temperament, enviable stubbornness, and a desire to engage in interesting things.

All plans were confused by the war. Vladimir Samoilov - participant of the Great Patriotic War. As his son says, after the liberation of Odessa, Samoilov was sent to serve in a penal battalion. As unreliable, formerly in the occupation. But he was lucky, he survived... After being wounded in the city of Breslau, now Wroclaw, Samoilov returned to his native Odessa. In 1948, the actor brilliantly graduated from the Odessa State Theater School. He began acting in the theater while still a college student. After graduation, the actor is invited to work in Odessa Theater Soviet army. Then he moves to the Odessa Russian Drama Theater named after. A. Ivanova, then moved to Kemerovo, served as an actor at the Kemerovo Regional Drama Theater. A. Lunacharsky, and finally - becomes an actor at the Gorky Regional Drama Theater. M. Gorky.

He never complained about the bad living conditions, on theater shifts, his the main objective and passion, there was a stage...He always needed to act...And he was finally noticed...During the theater's tour in Moscow in 1968, Vladimir Samoilov created a sensation in the role of Richard III.

After this, he immediately received an invitation to several theater troupes in Moscow and Leningrad. The choice of actor falls on Moscow. Vladimir Samoilov was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Academic Theater. Vladimir Mayakovsky, where he played most life.

In the same year, Vladimir Samoilov also played the role of commander Nazar Duma in musical comedy Andrey Tutyshkin “Wedding in Malinovka”. The role brought him real fame and an Award for the Best male role at the All-Union Film Festival.

Samoilov, having a pronounced aristocratic appearance, his special chic was the role of “Mr. Master”, which often bothered him. With such a “non-proletarian” face, it was difficult for him in Soviet cinema.

But someone also had to play the enemies of the Soviet regime. This is where Savinkov’s role in the film “The Collapse” came up. The acting talent had room to develop: the hero of Vladimir Samoilov was a terrorist, philosopher and enemy Soviet power. The artist managed to invest in Savinkov a powerful inner life, a man shown at a historical crossroads. His Savinkov evokes sympathy and compassion...Samoilov often transferred his charm to his heroes.

Directors loved him very much and filmed him often... Vladimir Yakovlevich Samoilov played about 250 roles in the theater, more than 100 in films. The actor was extremely in demand and starred in several films a year, the roles were varied - comedic, dramatic, prosecutors and thieves in law, investigators and those under investigation, “the best representatives” and “enemies of the people.”

In the role of Stepan Shaumyan.

He was especially successful with the heroes of classical literature... His Troekurov in Dubrovsky is not just a tyrant... He is a gentleman, a real gentleman...

Bazarov - the eldest in Fathers and Sons is completely different...When external resemblance with Troekurov, he is an unhappy, lonely man who loves his son, but does not understand him and suffers as a result...

For the role of Bazarov, the elder, in the television film “Fathers and Sons.” Vladimir Yakovlevich Samoilov became a laureate of the USSR State Prize.

The work of Vladimir Samoilov in the duology “Earthly Love” and “Fate” by Evgeny Matveev, where he played the role of Anisimov, is very interesting, as well as the powerful image of Afanasy Ustyuzhanin, created by the actor in Andron Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky’s epic “Siberiad”.

Each role played by Vladimir Samoilov became a significant event in theatrical life capital Cities. Moscow Theater named after. Gogol became the last creative refuge of the actor.

Theater colleagues remember:
“He played magnificently, uniquely, we rehearsed “King Lear” with him in the last months of his life and really hoped that Vladimir Yakovlevich would have enough strength. He lived “King Lear” and dreamed of going on stage. I must say that his last performance he played on August 28, 2 years ago, a week before his death, and this performance was “Long Day’s Journey into Night” .... the audience received him with endless applause, he was always applauded, but on that day, on that performance more than ever "

Scenes from the play "Long Day Journeys into Night"

Vladimir Yakovlevich Samoilov died while rehearsing the role he had dreamed of for a long time. last decade- King Lear in Shakespeare's tragedy...

Fragments last movie actor "Nuclear Zone Ranger" - 1999.

Vladimir Samoilov was married to actress Nadezhda Samoilova. She was his guardian angel...They lived together for more than 50 years. Samoilov always felt her love and care next to him. He often asked her forgiveness for taking him away from the Gorky Theater. there she was “Prima”...But in Moscow it didn’t work out.

Name: Alexander Samoylov

Age: 66 years old

Activity: theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia

Family status: married

Alexander Samoilov: biography

Alexander Vladimirovich Samoilov - son people's artist USSR, wonderful theater and film actor. The actor’s filmography includes dozens of films and TV series. Together with theatrical works the number of Samoilov’s reincarnations on the set and theater stage exceeded a hundred.

In 1997, Alexander Samoilov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation for his high professionalism.

Childhood and youth

Front-line soldier Vladimir Samoilov met love in his native Odessa in the post-war summer of 1945. The beautiful second-year theater school student Nadezhda Lyashenko was courted by several gentlemen, but Samoilov “won” the girl from everyone.

On the stage of the Russian Drama Theater in Odessa, Alexander Samoilov’s parents took their first steps in their careers as students. The poor health of Vladimir Yakovlevich forced the couple to move to Kemerovo - doctors recommended Siberian air.

Nadezhda Samoilova appeared on the stage of the Kemerovo Drama Theater before last day pregnancy, so the first-born Alexander “played” with his mother in the production of “The Brothers Karamazov” until his birth at the end of October 1952 under the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

The first 6 years of Alexander Samoilov’s life were spent in a theater dormitory room in Kemerovo. In 1958, the family moved to Gorky, to the theater, which was the leader in the ranking of provincial stages in the country.

Until the age of 10, the teenager did not cause any trouble for his parents: he earned A's and B's and avoided fights. But he himself was beaten more than once: hooligans regularly took money from the skinny, bespectacled intellectual, and beat him mercilessly when he tried to escape. His front-line father did not like this state of affairs, and when, instead of pity, Sasha heard that his dad was ashamed of him, he learned to fight back.

When Alexander Samoilov turned 14, his parents remembered their sweet boy with regret. Studying in the teenager’s list of priorities fell to the bottom, and the first places were taken by football, girls, music, etc. The guy annoyed teachers with his Beatles-style hairstyle, regular absenteeism and poor performance.

Father, coming home after a visit to school, with the words “I’ll show you Rio de Janeiro!” He took his son’s snow-white trousers, stepped on one leg with his foot, and pulled on the other with all his might. Dad handed Alexander a ruble and sent him to the hairdresser.

Young Samoilov learned the lesson of discipline, but it was too late. Soon the parents were called to the Moscow Theater named after. But the reference given to Sasha in Gorky allowed the guy to continue his studies only at a school for “difficult” teenagers - he was not accepted into a “decent” one.

Alexander Samoilov settled into the capital faster than his parents. He made money through blackmail, exchanging October stars with foreigners for cigarettes and chewing gum. “Scarcity” was sold to high school and college students.

IN graduating class Alexander Samoilov poured himself into his studies: after the army he intended to become a pilot. At the military registration and enlistment office, the guy was “grounded” after discovering progressive myopia. Sasha had no intention of enrolling anywhere other than a flight school, so he continued to make money as a blacksmith. To avoid being expelled from Moscow for parasitism, I worked “anywhere” for 4 years. He worked as an elevator operator and an orderly in a morgue, was a lighting technician at the Mosfilm studio, and panned for gold in Siberia with a team of former prisoners.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Samoilov began unexpectedly. Father was approved for main role in Vyacheslav Nikiforov's drama "Kingfisher", but filming stalled due to an unsuccessful search for a candidate for Kingfisher in his youth. The director and screenwriter, seeing Samoilov Jr., offered him the role. Tests with a photo and film camera further convinced the director of the correctness of his choice. So Alexander got to film set. For the sake of the role of a partisan I had to sacrifice long hair.

The premiere of the military drama took place in the capital's Oktyabr cinema. Debut young artist was a success. Alexander Samoilov got his first taste of fame, but entering theater university and develop acting career I didn't intend to. In 1973, the 21-year-old guy set out to become a diplomat, but a meeting with his son, Alexei, radically changed his plans. Together, the young people entered GITIS and ended up in the workshop.

IN student years Alexander Samoilov starred in the films “Romance of Lovers”, “Son of the Chairman” and “Roadside”. The certified artist was accepted into the troupe of the theater named after. On this stage, Samoilov played key roles in the plays “The Life of Klim Samgim”, “Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district", "Lizard". At the Drama Theater named after him, the actor appeared on stage in the productions “Guilty Without Guilt” and “The Master and Margarita.”

In 1994, Samoilov was invited to work at academic theater name, where he played roles in the plays " White Guard", "Vassa Zheleznova", "At the Bottom". Fame came to the artist after appearing on the screen. Alexander Samoilov starred in tandem with the melodrama “Today or Never.”

In 1980, the detective story “The Sicilian Defense” was released, in which the main roles went to Nikolai Volkov Jr. and Alexander Samoilov. Another striking role was played in the 1980s in the historical-revolutionary film of the Odessa film studio “Fight at the Crossroads”.

In the 2000s, viewers saw the actor in TV series that appeared on screens in huge numbers. Samoilov starred in a supporting role in the detective project "Women's Logic", where she played the Russian "". In the series "" Alexander Vladimirovich reincarnated as businessman Boris Butusov. The film gained high ratings, and the producers continued it for another 2 seasons, in which the artist again appeared in the role of Butusov.

The actor played negative roles no less convincingly than positive ones. And if Butusov in “Two Fates” turned out to be a real villain, then the role of Lieutenant Colonel Nefedov in the 4-episode military drama “At a Nameless Height” made the audience empathize with Samoilov’s hero.

The premiere of the film took place on the central television channels of Russia on May 9, 2004. Samoilov Jr. is bombarded with offers. He appears in the series “On the Corner, at the Patriarch’s”, the 8th season of “Soldiers”, the crime projects “Trace” and “Volkov’s Hour”.

In the crime series “The Witch Doctor,” the artist played the role of investigator Vladimir Mukha. According to the plot main character– a successful doctor, goes to prison on false charges. As it later turns out, his closest people were involved in his arrest. To expose the traitors, the hero decides to change his appearance by plastic surgery. The main role in the series was played by two actors - Armands Neilands-Jaunzems and.

In the series “Wolf Messing: Seeing Through Time,” Alexander Samoilov played Dormidont, and in the dramatic film “Tukhachevsky. The Marshal's Conspiracy" convincingly turned into . In 2014, viewers saw the artist in the Russian-Kazakh adventure thriller “Runaways” in the star company of, and.

In 2017, the artist appeared in the poignant melodrama “Portrait of the Second Wife,” where the leading roles starred, and.

Personal life

The actor managed to find happiness in his personal life on the third try. Falling in love with Natalya Varley ended in disappointment: the actress chose someone else over Samoilov. Soon Alexander met another Natalya, a philologist. The couple had a son, but the child did not keep the family together: scandals alternated with reconciliations. The wife has a lover.

One day, when the husband returned home “tipsy,” the wife called a psychiatric team, demanding that she and her son be protected from her violent husband. Alexander Samoilov, in his words, “was thrown into the most terrible of the Moscow psychiatric hospitals.”

At the Mental Health Center, where the parents managed to take their son, a professor examined him and stated that Alexander was absolutely healthy. Samoilov was not expected home: his wife was carrying a child from another man.

Ironically, the second wife, a theater props maker, was also named Natalya. One after another, the girls Nadya and Sveta were born. Soon Nadya was diagnosed with a heart defect. The operation in England, for which he helped raise money, did not help: the baby died. The tragedy separated the spouses and they separated.

Daughter Svetlana Samoilova followed in her father’s footsteps and became an actress. She starred with the director, her own aunt. The third wife, who gave Alexander Samoilov warmth, home comfort and a strong rear, was the actress regional theater Irina Averina. She gave birth to her husband three children - sons Vladimir, Konstantin and Arkady. The guys are engaged in acrobatic rock and roll and are already making progress in this field.

In an interview, when asked about the continuation of the acting dynasty, Alexander Samoilov answers negatively. The eldest son Sasha studied at the Shchukin School and LGITMIK, but never connected his life with theater or cinema. The daughter now devotes all her time to her family, and younger sons I'm totally into dancing so far.

Alexander Samoilov now

The actor’s filmography continues to be replenished with new projects. In 2018, with the participation of Alexander Samoilov, filming of the 2nd season of the series “Balabol” was completed, where the artist appeared in the image of the father of the main character Sanya Balabin ().

Alexander Samoilov starred in the series "Skif"

In the summer, the big adventure project “Scythian” was released, in which Alexander Vladimirovich got the role of Troyan. The film also featured .

In September 2018, fitness instructor Kristina Yudicheva appeared on the “Actually” program and said that she was raising little son Plato, born from Alexander Samoilov. The girl appeared in the program with the hope of receiving financial compensation from the child's father in the form of alimony.

Alexander Samoilov on the “Actually” program in 2018

The actor refused to recognize the boy as his son. His wife Irina was also in the studio, and she lifted the veil of secrecy over some facts. family life. At the end of the TV show, the results of the examination were made public, which did not confirm the artist’s relationship with Christina’s child.


  • 1972 - “Kingfisher”
  • 1974 - “Romance of Lovers”
  • 1976 - “Son of the Chairman”
  • 1978 - “Today or Never”
  • 1980 - “Sicilian Defense”
  • 1982 - “Fight at the Crossroads”
  • 2002 - “Women’s Logic”
  • 2003 - “Two Fates”
  • 2004 - “At an unnamed height”
  • 2004 - “On the corner, at the Patriarch’s 4”
  • 2007 - “Volkov’s Hour”
  • 2009 - “Wolf Messing: who saw through time”
  • 2010 - “Tukhachevsky. Marshal's Conspiracy"
  • 2014 - “Runaways”
  • 2017 - “Portrait of the Second Wife”
  • 2018 – “Skif”

Everyone’s favorite and well-known to TV viewers is Nazar Duma from “Wedding in Malinovka,” and in ordinary life The most talented actor Vladimir Yakovlevich Samoilov, was born on March 15, 1924 in the city of Odessa. Surprisingly, the house where I was born legendary artist, has survived to this day.

Vladimir Samoilov played many roles in theater and cinema, but it was difficult to find a person, especially in Soviet period, who would not have watched “Wedding in Malinovka”. Vladimir Yakovlevich was repeatedly nominated for awards, in 1984 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, in 1972 he became a laureate of the State Prize. K.S. Stanislavsky, and then twice more (in 1976 and 1986) laureate State awards THE USSR.

After graduating from school, in 1941, he went to fight at the front. When the war ended, he became a student at the Odessa Theater School. While studying there, he began working part-time in the theater. Only in 1968 the actor was invited to Moscow, to the theater. V. Mayakovsky. It was there that he worked for most of his career. However, in 1992 he moved to the theater. N.V. Gogol.

Vladimir Samoilov was married to his colleague, actress Nadezhda Samoilova. In 1952, the couple had a son, who was named Alexander. Subsequently, he followed in the footsteps of his parents and also took up the acting profession.

Vladimir Yakovlevich and his wife Nadezhda lived in a happy marriage for more than fifty years. His wife always surrounded him with warmth and care, and he could not help but feel it. Nadezhda Fedorovna, unlike her husband, was a purely theater actress; she did not play in films. Just like her husband, she graduated from the Odessa Theater School and went to Moscow. Here, from 1951 to 1968, she worked at the Gorky Drama Theater, as well as the Kemerovo drama theater. From 1968 to 1992 she moved to the same theater. V. Mayakovsky, where her husband worked.

In the photo: the grave of Vladimir and Nadezhda Samoilov on Vagankovskoe cemetery

Nadezhda and Vladimir Samoilov passed away in the same year - they passed away in 1999. The couple were buried nearby, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

It is worth noting that the third generation of talented actors is growing up from the Samoilov family and I would like to believe that this is not the limit. In addition to the fact that the son of Vladimir and Nadezhda, Alexander, holds the title of Honored Artist of Russia, his wife also devoted herself to the acting profession. Together they raise six children and two grandchildren. The eldest son also already has experience working in cinema: together with his father, he starred in the film “Two Fates”.

I would like to believe that viewers will remember the talent of Vladimir Yakovlevich Samoilov for a long time, not only by watching films with his participation, but also by looking at his heirs gifted with the same talent.

Then I found out that my wife had a “friend” distant relative actresses Valentina Talyzina. I didn’t start a scandal - I hoped that it wasn’t serious, that Natalya just wanted to make me jealous. But one day, when he returned home drunk after a meeting with friends, his wife called a psychiatric team and demanded that she and her son be protected from her violent husband, an alcoholic and drug addict. Naturally, I boiled over, began shouting that this was a lie, and struggled out of the hands of the orderlies - which confirmed the description of “violent.” He ended up in the most terrible of the Moscow psychiatric hospitals, where they injected him with drugs that caused him to twist his joints and give him a terrible headache. After some time, my parents managed to transfer me to the Mental Health Center, and there, after a full examination, I heard from the professor: “What is this guy doing here? Absolutely not our patient!”

While she was in the hospital, Natalya settled her “friend” with her and managed to get pregnant from him. I went nowhere and left the apartment to her. I was left without a family, without a job - I was fired from the theater. More than a year hung between heaven and earth, borrowing money for food from friends and parents. Of course, my father and mother would have accepted, but I didn’t want to burden the old people with my presence. My nerves were on edge; at any moment I could break down and scream.

In the end, he finally got a job as an actor in a traveling theater. And there I met a pretty props girl whose name was... Natalya. Got married. A year later, Nadenka was born to us, and another year and a half later, Sveta. U eldest daughter Soon after birth, doctors discovered a heart defect - very serious. None of the domestic surgeons undertook the operation. Only English doctors agreed, without giving, however, any guarantee: “One chance in a hundred that everything will end well.” The operation cost a lot of money, which we could not raise. And there was no time left to search - two-year-old Nadenka could die at any minute.

Father turned to Mikhail Ulyanov, head of the STD, and he organized a screening of Roman Viktyuk’s play “Lessons of the Master” in London, in which he himself played the role of Stalin. All the money collected from the sale of tickets was transferred to the account of the clinic, where Nadenka was soon brought. The daughter died on the operating table. When the coffin with the body arrived at Sheremetyevo and the customs officers were going to open it (these were the rules: what if there was contraband or drugs inside?), the father called Ulyanov in the middle of the night: “Misha, do something...” And after hanging up, he began to cry. These were the first tears I saw in his eyes. I don’t know who was disturbed by Mikhail Alexandrovich at such a late hour, but after fifteen minutes the mandatory procedure was canceled.

A common misfortune brings some couples together, while others make them strangers. After Nadenka’s death, Natalya and I were unable to save our family. Ex-wife left Moscow and took Sveta with her. Long years I knew nothing about my daughter, but at the beginning of the 2000s I received a letter from her. I walked around for several weeks, thinking about the answer, and then - I will never forgive myself for this weakness of will! - I decided to remain silent. When I came to my senses, it was too late. Now Sveta didn’t want to answer.

According to Marinina, the cause of the conflicts could be Lanovoy’s excessive jealousy:

Although Vasily himself was always amorous. But he always kept the line, remained devoted to the one with whom he lived.

Vasily’s first wife was classmate Tatyana Samoilova. They lived together for six years. Later, the star of the film “The Cranes Are Flying” will call Lanovoy his greatest love.

10 years after the divorce, LANOVA and SAMOILOVA met on the set of “Anna Karenina”

We were incredibly happy,” recalls Tatyana Evgenievna. - I became pregnant with twins from Lanovoy. Vaska said: “If you have an abortion, I will be offended.” But how was it possible to give birth? There was nowhere to live - we lived in a small room, in my parents’ apartment. They found an underground gynecologist - abortions were prohibited then. The doctor showed me the fetus. I cried a lot, I was simply choking on tears.

When Vasily divorced Samoilova, he fell head over heels in love with another beauty of Soviet cinema - Zinaida Kiriyenko.

Zinaida KIRIENKO refused to become the wife of Vasily Semenovich

Now, when I meet Lanovoy, I tell him with a laugh: “Vasya, what a pair of long-livers we would make,” the actress told me. - And then, in the late 50s, I was almost the only one who turned him off. He came to our apartment on Sadovo-Chernogryazskaya Street, where I lived with my aunt, and begged my relative to convince me to become his wife.

During our next meeting, a thunderstorm began, and Vasya and I hid in the closet. There an unpleasant conversation took place: I admitted that Vasya was not my type. He was very upset.

At that time, legends were formed about Lanovoy’s love of love in creative circles. Colleague Nikolai Gritsenko even composed the following epigram for him:

“Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, Vasil Semenych Lanovoi. - one was born for the equestrian life, the other for the sexual life!”

Lanovoy’s second wife was the Pushkin Theater actress Tamara Zyablova, who also worked as a television director. When their romance began, Vasily was invited to Yalta to star in the film “ Scarlet Sails" He brought Tamara with him to the Black Sea resort. Bye future husband in the frame he depicted love with his partner Anastasia Vertinskaya, Zyablova was waiting at the hotel.

One day, the actor asked the captain of the ship on which the filming took place to sail straight to the pier where the hotel windows looked out. Vasily effectively ran down the gangway from the sailboat, shouted declarations of love to his beloved through the window and immediately proposed.

“I was Tamara’s good friend,” says Ksenia Marinina. - I walked at their wedding in Moscow. Her husband was five years younger than her. Tomochka was a little complex about this, because any woman in such a situation thinks that she is already many years old. In addition, the marriage with Lanov was long-awaited and, as it turned out, the only one.

They dreamed of children, but for some reason they put it off. Vasya’s jealousy showed itself even then. He carefully watched who his wife was looking at and why, and perhaps gave her a beating. Although Tamara delicately avoided this topic in our conversations. She spoke about “her Vasechka” exclusively in positive intonations.

And suddenly, after several years of marriage, Zyablova, who was a little over 40, realized that she was expecting a child. The anticipation of the baby inspired her even more. Tamara was in no hurry to go on maternity leave, she worked with triple strength. But one day, returning in the evening from Mikhailovsky, where she organized Pushkin evenings, she got into a terrible car accident. She died on the spot.

Colleagues were very worried about the grief-stricken actor. Many tried to support him, and Faina Ranevskaya was the first to send a telegram with words of condolences.

Several months passed before the life of 37-year-old Lanovoy appeared main woman his life - Irina Kupchenko. And he felt happy again.

Pretty 23-year-old actress Vakhtangov Theater By the time she met Vasily Semenovich, she had already been married, and also experienced a short but passionate affair with the director and playboy Andron Konchalovsky, who also became godfather Irina in the cinema.

In 1969, while still a student at Shchuka, Kupchenko got into “The Noble Nest” and memorably played the role of Lisa Kalitina. Andron openly spoke about his relationship with Kupchenko in his book “Uplifting Deception”:

For a very long time, nothing worked for me... I was in a desperate state, and in this state I had one desire - to feel the intermittent female breathing nearby. This is how my romance with Ira Kupchenko began...

It happened in the Sovetskaya hotel with plywood walls to the music of Pergolesi: I brought a record player and a bunch of Italian Baroque records to Leningrad. I remember the room was full of dresses from the picture: we dressed up in them while playing... Our romance turned out to be quite short. By the end of the film we were just friends.

First KONCHALOVSKY fell in love with Irina, and then with Beata TYSHKEVICH

As the actors who starred in “The Noble Nest” say, Andron also managed to have an affair there with the Polish star Beata Tyszkiewicz.

Beata and Irina were complete opposites. One is extremely open, the other is closed and very correct,” actor Viktor Sergachev shared a few days before his death.

The artist in Konchalovsky’s film group was a friend of the director, Nikolai Dvigubsky. They say that Kolya also immediately really liked Kupchenko, but he patiently waited for Irina and Andron’s passions to subside so that he could start courting this sweet, shy girl. Unlike his comrade, Dvigubsky went further and even persuaded Irina to become his wife. They got married immediately after the release of " Noble nest"on the screens. By that time the young wife had graduated Theatre Institute, where, by the way, she was known as hard to touch.

Irochka seemed to us, classmates, to be a purposeful, well-read girl,” says Natalya Drozhzhina. “She distanced herself from gatherings with guitars and was glad that teachers allowed her to act in film in order to be able to earn money.

However, I was also acting then, and even in a rather daring scene. I remember Ira came up and asked how much I was paid for this, and I admitted that I received a fee as an honored artist, because according to the script I was forced to sit in the bathtub and pretend to be a little mermaid. In response, Kupchenko only smiled mysteriously.

Kupchenko’s marriage to Dvigubsky turned out to be difficult in everyday terms. The young couple settled in Nikolai’s workshop, where they slept on a sagging sofa. The husband prepared onion soup for his wife, and instead of a child they had a dachshund, with whom they happily tinkered during breaks between filming. Maybe that's why the relationship quickly burned out. Ira and Kolya began to disappear more and more from work and eventually divorced.

DVIGUBSKY after breaking up with KUPCHENKO

Then Dvigubsky married another former beloved woman of Konchalovsky, Natalya Arinbasarova, and Kupchenko married Lanovoy.

At first, the theater gossips did not predict a long family life for young Irina and the adult. They whispered that Vasya was amorous and had an affair with almost every movie partner, but Ira was a conservative and would not tolerate such things. But in spite of all the gossips, they have been together for 40 years.

Of course, at first there were some frictions,” Lanovoy smiles, “but two boys appeared...

In film " Strange woman» LANOVOY and KUPCHENKO played a love couple for the only time

The couple's sons, Alexander and Sergei, named after the poets Pushkin and Yesenin, did not follow in the footsteps of their parents: one graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, the other from an economics university. But this does not prevent the family from often getting together and talking for hours on end. different topics at a large table laden with exquisite dishes, skillfully prepared by a talented mother.

His father named his sons Sasha and Seryozha in honor of his favorite poets - PUSHKIN and ESENINA

Kupchenko and Lanovoy are a wonderful couple, internally and externally, says Natalya Drozhzhina. - They became close at a difficult moment. Ira supported in Hard time. And she became a good wife for Vasily Semenovich and a wonderful mother for his sons.

The hero of the day through the eyes of her directors


Brilliant actress! She has the spirit of the image, she weaves it from the smallest strokes. I immediately approved her for the main role in the film “A Word for Protection,” but we could not work: that year she became seriously ill, and the doctors forbade her not only from filming, but also from going on stage. But in difficult film I had the pleasure of filming “The Turn” together with Oleg Yankovsky.


Ira played in my film “Vacation in September.” The work was difficult; we filmed secretly in Petrozavodsk, in an apartment without decorations. She still couldn't find mutual language with partner Oleg Dahl. For some reason, the actor behaved bitterly and ironically towards Ira, although other men undoubtedly had their eyes on her.

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WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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