Stages of self-actualization. It is also possible to talk about self-actualization in cases where the social significance of the activity and its results is not directly visible: a woman, for example, can devote herself mainly to raising children and grandchildren, which can

The concept of self-actualization has become firmly established in our daily lives. More and more more people seriously think about how to fully realize their potential. Modern psychological science has proven that reality is inexhaustible and limitless.

In other words, we often do not suspect what internal power is hidden behind our physical shell, what significant spirituality requires self-expression. Some call this principle the soul, others talk about the need for self-actualization. One way or another, the expression of one’s true essence is necessary for every individual in order to remain in harmony with oneself and the world around us.

Self-actualization theory

The first to introduce this concept was K. Goldstein. The scientist formulated the term “self-actualization”. This is a special mood of consciousness when the needs for creative realization, disclosure of one’s abilities, and release of possibilities come to the fore. A person who has felt the need for self-actualization will do everything to achieve his goal, including overcoming obstacles that arise, without fear of disappointment, leaving behind doubts and anxieties.

Abraham Maslow

Students of psychology faculties are familiar with the famous Abraham Maslow from their first year. Among others significant values For him, self-actualization is a separate level of personality. Maslow talked about living your purpose. What does it mean? This means having the opportunity to open up to yourself to the maximum and in public life, to prove oneself in some matter of significant interest to the individual.

Abraham Maslow emphasizes that a person's self-actualization depends only on himself, and it cannot be transferred to the responsibility of another. Each of us has our own purpose, our own business, a talent that we must realize in this world. This is why we come into this world. Such a significant matter reveals in a person his true essence and the individual essence of the term “self-actualization”. Maslow talks about this.

Self-actualization during adolescence

Adolescence is quite difficult in its essence, one cannot but agree with this. It is at this time that values ​​and the foundations of ideas about the world are laid in a new way, from the position of understanding oneself and others, a worldview is formed, and self-actualization develops. This is why many young people aged fifteen to seventeen show excessive persistence, intolerance, and even aggressiveness. It is often said about young people of this period that their need for self-expression is closely related to their self-image and how this world works. For example, if a young man has the talent of an artist, then he will begin to realize it at this age exactly as much as he believes in his luck. If his peers do not understand him, they laugh at his activities and drawings, then there is a high probability that he will not have enough courage for successful self-realization in this period of development. At the age of fifteen to seventeen years, the influence of peers on self-perception is still great, and their opinion can be decisive.

Self-actualization in young people

We are talking about adults who have not only reached adulthood, but also received a profession or are studying at universities. This period of development is characterized by the desire for independence, the affirmation of one’s ideals, and the implementation of bold ideas and preferences.

The need for self-actualization is very high. For example, if at this time a young man starts working, he wants to achieve some success and climb higher on the career ladder. This time is most favorable for self-realization, since healthy ambitions will spur decisive action and lead to new achievements. In youth, self-actualization is not just a need, but a significant component

Self-actualization in a mature person

Sometimes it happens that a fully grown, accomplished person may feel a little out of place - out of place in the activity in which he is engaged, and experience difficulties in his personal life when building relationships. Self-actualization of an individual at this age largely depends on how much the individual allows himself to do what he likes. Most often, upon reaching maturity, many people “calm down” and often stop there. If this is a high position, then they do not strive to learn new things and stop educating themselves. If a person has not achieved true self-realization before this time, then thinking about it becomes painful for him, and, most likely, he will prefer to close this topic for himself, choosing to immerse himself in a habit, because it is safer and more comfortable. So such a person gets bored at work, without learning new things, without acquiring additional skills.

At the same time, this particular period of development can be an excellent starting point and lead a person to certain achievements if a person wants to change his life and makes significant efforts to do so. Self-actualization of the individual here acts as the last “warning bell”, a signal leading to change.

Happiness to be who you are

Perhaps someone will say that they cannot afford to fully realize themselves in life. In this case, for such people, self-actualization is an unattainable peak that they do not have the courage to climb. It takes a certain amount of courage to continually move in the direction you want. After all, in case of failure, you will definitely have to answer to yourself. Or those around him may also “point the finger”: they say, nothing worked out for him, look, in front of you is a complete loser. There is little consolation in the fact that they laugh at a person who has failed, usually those who have never made any attempts at self-realization. A person who has himself gone through similar difficulties will at least strive to help with advice, and in best case scenario will support, help.

Despite all the difficulties that any person inevitably faces when setting out on a “free voyage”, the movement towards self-actualization is worth it. You will eventually be rewarded for all the hardships and hardships you have had to endure so far. For there is no greater happiness in the world than knowing that you are fulfilling your destiny and not living in vain.

The feeling of victory and the joy of the winner

Only those who achieve a high level in their business experience a tremendous sense of satisfaction and peace of mind. Such a person knows exactly why he lives, and his own existence will never seem meaningless to him as long as there is an internal core on which everything rests. The need for self-actualization is inherent in every personality. But not every person knows how to achieve a state that makes everything she dreams possible.

Full bowl

When you reach a certain peak in business or any other endeavor that requires expenses internal resources, you not only feel like a winner, but you become more confident in yourself, you can make bold plans and dreams for your next achievements.

It feels like you are holding in your hands the whole world, which understands and accepts you. Personal victories allow a person to feel significant, needed, needed.

Creative self-realization

One can only imagine the enormous elation people experience when creating their works. creative professions: writers, poets, musicians, artists. For them, self-actualization is the meaning of life, the air they breathe. Take away this opportunity from them - they will go crazy. In fact, self-actualization is always associated with creativity, no matter what a person does, because he has to model new reality, independently choose for himself guidelines, values, tools that will guide him in the future.

Thus, the concept of self-actualization necessarily includes the desire for self-realization and the individual’s need for self-expression. Ambitious and talented people, of course, it is easier to determine the field of activity for yourself. But even if you are far from Shakespeare, you should not forget about your individuality, that it can be manifested if you wish.

When talking about personality development, one cannot leave aside the so-called self-actualization, so today we will talk about self-actualization of personality. In a nutshell, self-actualization is the complete disclosure and implementation by a person of his personal uniqueness, the realization of what is inherent in him as a person. But that's just in a nutshell.

Often, personality development is simply understood as the development of some skills and abilities, the acquisition of knowledge, the achievement of some goals... But with all this, you can be no different from a trained monkey, which can also be “developed” to a certain extent, but with a greater Personality letters or person she won't anyway - and that's why personality development It's hard to call it. So, self-actualization is something else :)

Personality with a capital P is mature, developed, realized, self-actualizing personality. What is this mysterious self-actualization and how to become a self-actualizing person? What needs to be done, what skills/traits/qualities to develop? Let's not reinvent the wheel. Self-actualization- the concept of humanistic psychology, usually associated with the name of Abraham Maslow. So let’s turn to him, especially since I mentioned him. This scientist, a psychologist, took the trouble to research what distinguishes healthy, fulfilled people from all the others who are sick to varying degrees and who have not reached the potential inherent in each person in their development.

According to Maslow, self-actualizing people make up only 0.5-1% of the total mass. Why so few? Maybe these are just some special people, their path is not suitable for everyone, and even more so, this is not what everyone should strive for, just as, for example, not everyone is given the gift of being a musician? The choice, of course, is everyone’s, but the psychologist convincingly proves that a person who refuses to realize his real human potential, this is not a healthy and not a full-fledged person. Unlike musical abilities, everyone has the ability and need for self-actualization, and it requires its satisfaction. But why is it so rarely implemented then?

Needs and self-actualization of personality

Yes, the key word is need. We are already accustomed to thinking in terms of needs, everyone has also heard about Maslow’s pyramid of needs, and the difference between self-actualization and all other activities lies precisely in the plane of needs. All our activities are determined by needs, I think no one will argue with this. Needs manifest themselves in desires (remember the list) and we begin to move to satisfy them.

But needs are different. It is clear that we have them - a carriage and a small cart: we need to eat, and have a roof over our heads, and be socially realized, and... But here we are talking about something else - that need for self-actualization is not just at the top of the pyramid, but is fundamentally different from all other needs.

Abraham Maslow proved that the need for self-actualization, or growth and development, is as innate as all others, but, like all higher things, it is “more intelligent” than lower ones - that is, it expresses itself less brazenly. This need is clearly visible in young children who strive specifically for development. But in an adult, the need for development is usually very weakly expressed - it is overshadowed by completely different, lower needs, the voice of which sounds louder.

Some of these lower needs are quite legitimate - these are basic needs: in food, safety, love, belonging, respect. We need all this in life, and it is precisely the satisfaction of these needs that we are usually busy with. But, recognizing the absolute need to satisfy them, Maslow draws a clear line between basic needs and the need for self-actualization or development.

In addition to natural basic ones, we may also have unnatural, “sick” needs. For example, various addictions or so-called “passions”: dependence on alcohol or a computer, a passion for collecting sexual partners or manipulating others... If a person considers the implementation of these inclinations to be self-realization, then he will not only not develop, but will take the path of degradation. In relation to the self-actualization of the individual, sick needs do not differ much from basic ones.

What unites them? And they unite them selfishly - consumer motives. Desires dictated by egoistic motives do not contribute to self-actualization, but to the development of egocentrism. Exactly at motives and this is the difference between the need for self-actualization and all the others. In the first case, trying to satisfy basic or painful needs, we strive to get rid of the discomfort that their dissatisfaction causes us - this is lack motive, and in the second - we start from ourselves, from excess. Behind the need for self-actualization there is no thirst, shortage, necessity - even calling it a “need” is not very correct. The desire for growth and development is valuable in itself and is not conditioned by anything.

To draw the line, one might say that everything that is based on fear and self-interest, in other words, needs dictated by safety or consumption, does not relate to self-actualization. Unfortunately, this is exactly what we usually live - our desires are driven by fear and self-interest. Accordingly, their implementation has nothing to do with self-actualization. Such needs or desires can be classified as “have”. The same thing that concerns self-actualization or personality development belongs to the category of “being”.

Another difference between self-actualization and other needs is that the motives for self-actualization are unique and individual, while the remaining needs are species-wide, the same for many.

What does "to be" mean? Signs of self-actualization

  • Be- is to know something because Interesting- out of a healthy desire for knowledge, and not because healthy or need to. For example, when it comes to books, some people say that they are only interested in reading things that benefit them by helping them solve their problems. Unfortunately, they are not interested in anything except their problems...
  • Be- this is to create because you want, and not for the sake of money or to increase your sense of self-worth, and not even for the sake of personal growth. The creative process itself is beautiful and amazing!
  • Be- this is to realize your talents and abilities and get pleasure from it. Yes, yes, self-realization is actually the development and realization of talents and abilities, and not at all the fulfillment of desires. We often don’t even know about our talents - somehow we don’t care about them... Although the development of abilities in itself, as they do with poor children, sending them to 5 sections at the same time, is not enough - this is not enough meaning must be for the person himself.
  • Certainly, be unrealistic without, and the meaning must certainly go beyond personal interests. To do this, you will have to solve metaphysical questions, but there is no other way - meaningless existence is impossible...
  • Be- is to love unconditionally and freely, and not to satisfy your need for love. rejoices that there is a beloved person in the world, loves him for his own sake, contemplates and takes care of the other. In contrast, the need for love worries about reciprocity, revels in its feelings about the loved one, cares about having a good relationship with him - for the sake of herself, her own comfort, and often she is not interested in the loved one himself.
  • Be- this is enjoying life, and not “pulling the burden” of everyday life or endlessly achieving something. This .
  • Be- is to perceive and accept the world as it is, and not in relation to oneself, through oneself, for oneself...

You already understand that the ability be and is a sign of self-actualization of the individual. The last point is key and requires clarification. An ordinary person sees and evaluates everything that happens exclusively through the prism of his “I”: “what will this give me or what will it threaten me with?” A self-actualizing person, being free from the dictates of this prism, is able to see reality more adequately.

Remember the fairy tale about the fool who was beaten all the time, because at the funeral he shouted “cannot bear to wear”, and at the wedding he cried? The reason for his inadequacy was that he was unable to think about others, about the situation - if he had done this, he would have easily understood how to behave. And his stupidity was that, trying to avoid beatings, he wanted to learn “how to”, instead of abandoning himself and understanding the situation.

An ordinary person often differs from this fool only in that over many years he has learned well how to “do it” and has learned to avoid “beatings,” but in an unfamiliar situation he gets lost or acts inappropriately. A self-actualizing person does not need “how it should be.” He behaves spontaneously - based on his real reaction to the situation, which he perceives directly. This is the paradox - on the one hand, it comes from out of myself, and on the other hand, he perceives the world as such, without being fixated on himself. But an ordinary person proceeds from his fears and self-interest, and not from himself, and perceives the world only in relation to himself (more precisely, to his fears and self-interest). As usual, there’s nowhere without dialectics :)

How to become a self-actualizing person?

How to achieve personal self-actualization? This cannot be taught, because everyone discovers the art of being within themselves. No wonder one of the roots of the word self-actualization, like words self-realizationitself. You can teach a monkey to draw a sun, but you cannot teach him to create. You can give a scheme for satisfying basic needs, but in self-actualization there are no schemes - because the individual is unique. You can force or oblige a person to do something, but only he himself can make a free decision and take responsibility for it.

Responsibility is, of course, a necessary condition for self-actualization. from just individual What distinguishes you is originality and independence, presence, actions determined by your own considerations, etc. In general, for this you need to learn to “walk with your feet” yourself - something no one can teach. And there can’t be any examples here - to have yours an opinion, like someone else, will have to be developed on one's own, and not repeat after this someone.

The only thing that can be advised here is to at least turn your search in this direction, and not indulge yourself with the illusion that the fulfillment of desires is self-realization, and the achievement of goals is personal growth, because both our desires and goals, as a rule, are conditioned deficit needs (from the word “deficit” - lack). But in each of us there are embryos and even sprouts of art be. When we were children, we knew how to do all this, until our parents began to develop us as they saw fit and explained to us “how it should be,” stopping our immediate reactions.

Self-actualization- the process is dynamic, it is not a state that needs to be achieved and then remain in it, but rather a direction of movement, priorities that structure life. The remaining needs will not go away - they also need to be satisfied, but for a self-actualizing person they cease to be the main content of life, receding into the background; development is more important for her.

If a person ignores his need for development, it will poison his life, because, although its voice is quiet, he has it and makes itself felt in a feeling of emptiness, waking dreams, depression, dissatisfaction with life and a painful search for something .., even physical illnesses can arise from this. But these scares, of course, are not the basis for self-actualization :) The only basis is our desire to realize ourselves in life, as a Human, to the full extent of our potential.

This is how I found the answer to the question: where to develop personality?. In addition to what has been said, one of these days I will publish the signs of a self-actualizing personality according to A. Maslow with explanations. In my opinion, under development personality can only be understood as a path of self-actualization. Everything else is monkey training, nothing more. And what do you think? I look forward to your questions and additions regarding personal self-actualization, and see you again!

© Nadezhda Dyachenko

Self-actualization– this is the absolute disclosure by an individual of personal potential, inclinations and inclinations. It is expressed in a personal desire for the most complete identification of personal capabilities and their further education. True self-actualization depends on the presence of favorable social and historical conditions, but it cannot be set by society or culture from the outside.

Self-actualization does not contain an external goal. It comes from within the individual, expressing his positive nature. Self-actualization is considered a key concept in the humanistic concept in psychology. Its main values ​​are: personal freedom, commitment to development, realization of the potential and desires of the subject.

Self-actualization of personality

The problem of personality self-actualization was most clearly presented by two leading psychologists, the founders of the humanistic approach to psychological science– K. Rogers and A. Maslow. Therefore, the theory of self-actualization is rooted in the humanistic direction of psychology. It was first developed in the mid-20th century in the USA and became a core component of humanistic psychology, which declared itself the third branch of psychology along with behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Humanistic psychology received its name due to the recognition of the dominant aspect of the personality as a single unique system, which is not something provided in advance, but an open opportunity for self-actualization. It is based on the belief that everyone is likely to flourish if they are given the opportunity to independently choose their own destiny and give it the desired direction.

The emergence of the concept of personality self-actualization and the identification of its main positions is associated with the name of A. Maslow. Its key point is the concept of personality formation, the doctrine of the need for extreme creative self-realization, which leads to true mental health.

According to a study conducted by A. Maslow, self-actualization is defined differently, but all scientists agree on the main thing:

– the need to reconcile the individual with the inner “I” as the “core” of the personality and its expression, in other words, “ideal functioning”, the development by the subject of all personal and species characteristics;

– in minimizing diseases and neuroses that reduce the fundamental personal and species-wide inclinations of the individual.

Some researchers believe that it is self-actualization and the subject that is the most powerful of the individual’s needs, which can overshadow even the need for food or sleep.

In accordance with the concept of K. Rogers, two directions in the individual’s psyche, given from birth, can be distinguished. The first is the self-actualizing direction, which includes inclinations and future qualities of the individual. And the second direction is a mechanism of control over the formation of personality or an organismic tracking process. It is on these two trends that the formation of a unique personality is based, including the real and ideal “I”, between which a completely different relationship can be observed - from disharmony to maximum harmony.

In this concept, self-actualization and self-realization of the subject have a close connection. Self-actualization of a person is presented as a process of discovering individual potential, allowing one to become a person who uses absolutely all possibilities. In the course of achieving goals, an individual lives a fantastically rich, exciting life, filled with work on himself and amazing results. Such a person lives, enjoying every moment of existence “here and now.”

You can select typical features self-actualization of personality. An individual who is engaged in self-actualization and has achieved great success, can be characterized as follows:

  • doing what he loves;
  • does not submit to other people's influence;
  • strives for development;
  • loves to read;
  • he can be called a creative person;
  • self-assured;
  • emotionally open;
  • forgives himself for the periodic incontinence and irritability inherent in everyone.

Such individuals are in complete harmony with themselves, as a result of which we can confidently say that personal growth contributes to more happy life.

Unfortunately, today the problem of self-actualization is considered one of the most undeveloped aspects in psychology.

Self-actualization Maslow

Maslow is considered the founder of the humanistic approach to psychology. The American psychologist, unlike his fellow scientists, studied mentally healthy individuals, creatively developed individuals, in other words, subjects who achieved self-actualization. And directly by the term self-actualization he meant the full use by individuals of abilities, potential, and inclinations.

Maslow's theory of self-actualization is an experience that is complete, selfless, alive, with complete concentration, absorption and absorption, in other words, an experience without the shyness characteristic of adolescence. He also developed character traits self-actualizing individuals:

– more effective perception of reality and more favorable relationships with it;

– acceptance of oneself, others, nature;

– spontaneity, simplicity, spontaneity;

– goal centeredness;

– non-hostile sense of humor;

– need for isolation and privacy;

– independence from the cultural and environmental environment, autonomy;

– constant novelty of the assessment;

– experience of higher states;

– deeper and more perfect interpersonal relationships;

– separation of means and tasks, the concept of good from evil;

– a sense of belonging, union with others;

– self-actualizing creativity.

Maslow's theory of self-actualization is that in order to achieve the goal of avoiding disappointments in human nature, individuals must first give up illusions about it. Maslow proposed eight principles of self-actualization.
The first principle is based on total selfless living experience with absolute concentration and absorption. Often individuals are not aware of what is happening in themselves and around them.

The second principle lies in choosing a solution towards growth in any situation. Choosing growth means opening yourself to new, unforeseen experiences, with the risk of remaining in the unknown.

The third principle teaches individuals to actually exist, not potentially. This principle means that you need to decide on the things that give you pleasure and those that don’t, regardless of the opinions and positions of others.

Principle four covers taking responsibility and honesty, which are moments of self-actualization.

The fifth principle is trusting your own instincts, views and following them, and not trusting what is accepted in society. Only in this case will the individual be able to make the right choice of profession, diet, life partner, creativity, etc.

The sixth principle advocates the regular development of their inclinations, talents, inclinations, their use in order to do excellently what they want to do.

Principle seven covers the transitional stage in self-actualization, which Maslow called “peak experience.” At peak moments, people think, act and feel as clearly and clearly as possible. They love and accept others more, are freer from personal conflict and anxiety, and can use their energy more constructively.

Principle eight symbolizes the next step of self-actualization, aimed at discovering “defenses” and destroying them. Maslow’s concept of “defense” implies projection, rationalization, repression, identification, etc., in other words, everything that is used in psychoanalytic practices.

Maslow identified several levels of fundamental needs, presented below. At the lowest level he placed physiological needs, such as the need for food or intimate relationships. Next comes the need for security. It is in order to satisfy this need that the subject will purchase an apartment, clothes, observe a certain regime, etc. At the third level there lives the need for belonging and love, i.e. the individual acquires a family and friends. The next level covers the need for respect, i.e. the subject moves up the career ladder, gets involved in politics, etc. The fifth level contains the need for self-actualization. It is the highest level in the presented hierarchy of needs model.

Maslow identified common characteristics for higher needs. He argued that higher needs emerge later. The specificity of higher needs lies in their uselessness for survival, i.e. The higher the level of the hierarchy the need is, the less necessary it will be for survival, the longer its satisfaction will be delayed.

Higher biological efficiency depends on the level of needs met, i.e. the higher the level, the greater the efficiency, life expectancy, fewer diseases, etc. All higher needs are perceived by individuals as less relevant. After all, a person has no time for reading books when there is nothing to eat or nowhere to live. Satisfying higher needs often leads to personal development, a happier life, and an enriched inner world.

Only after satisfying the need for self-actualization does the subject become actually full-fledged.

Need for self-actualization

One of the internal manifestations of the desire for personal development is the need for self-actualization.

According to the concept of K. Rogers, human nature contains a quality or phenomenon that encourages him to move in the direction of progress, towards maturity, i.e. to greater adequacy of one’s own self, potential and inclinations, to the integrity of the individual. Rogers was convinced that personal growth is inherent in every individual. He argued that even if the desire for self-actualization is tightly locked under layers of rusty psychological defenses, hidden behind sophisticated aspects that deny the very fact of its reality, it still exists in every individual and is only waiting for the moment of favorable conditions to manifest itself. Rogers' theory of self-actualization is based on his belief that there is an inherent desire at birth to become a complete person, capable and competent as much as one's potential allows.

By Maslow's need in self-actualization it represents the need for self-development, the need for self-expression, the need for self-realization, the desire for identity. He was convinced that the process of self-actualization is a full-fledged development of personality, which corresponds to the biological predetermination of the individual.

K. Goldstein argued that it is the individual’s abilities that determine his needs. Developing the doctrine of self-actualization, Maslow argued that the individual’s abilities stubbornly demand their use and stop making their demands only on the condition that they are fully used.

In accordance with Maslow's theory, the main motivating force that predetermines an individual's behavior is the strength of what is felt by the individual in his personal experience. The process of self-actualization is also reflected in hedonism - the enjoyment of the highest goods inherent in human nature. It is embodied in a feeling of deep satisfaction with life, expressed in a feeling of wholeness and enlightenment. Maslow called these sensations peak experiences.

The value significance and intensity of experiences that are associated with satisfying lower needs, for example, food or sleep, tend to decrease with each subsequent action to satisfy this need. Along with this, the peak experiences experienced by a person during self-actualization are the most intense in strength, stable and have greater value for the subject, in comparison with the experiences that arise from satisfying lower needs. This is what Maslow’s entire concept of the hierarchy of needs is based on. The main postulate of his concept can be considered the statement that the desire for self-actualization will always prevail in the ranking of motives.

Goldstein also argued that a healthy subject can temporarily postpone the satisfaction of needs such as food, sex, in order to satisfy curiosity or other motives.

Maslow believed that in order to satisfy higher needs, a subject can endure hardships, hardships, and will make sacrifices. Often, for the sake of views and principles, an individual agrees to lead an ascetic lifestyle. At the same time, Maslow emphasized the fundamental difference between deficit and existential motivation. A subject who has not satisfied his basic needs, who feels a deficit, for example, in security or food, will perceive the world as a hostile reality, which requires him to mobilize all efforts for survival. In such a world, he gets used to being defeated, as a result of which his entire moral and value system is subordinated only to lower needs. At the same time, the self-actualizing individual is no longer concerned with the problems of survival, he is striving for development and is controlled by internal potentials that were originally inherent in him by nature and require their implementation and development.

According to Maslow, human self-actualization means moving upward from the need to eliminate the deficit. He emphasized that human self-actualization cannot be considered as a state of nirvana, in which there are no problems at all. On the contrary, in the process of self-actualization, a person faces real problems of existence, which can bring disappointment and pain. Going beyond the boundaries of his own capabilities in the process of creative existence, a self-actualizing individual has to enter into a struggle with himself in order to force himself to make efforts for the next step in his own existence.

Along with this, Maslow was convinced that self-actualization cannot be the ultimate end in itself. He said that the process of self-actualization is intense and painstaking work leading to a gradual increase in achievements. Maslow also pointed out the possibility of “pseudo-development” due to avoidance of an unmet need. This occurs when a person convinces himself that the unsatisfied higher need for self-actualization is in fact satisfied or does not exist at all. However, this need is necessarily present as an unconscious force, calling on the individual to develop his own potential, to fulfill his life destiny, becoming himself.

Self-actualization as a personal goal will at the same time be an intermediate and final goal. Maslow was confident that self-actualization is not just a final state, it is directly the process of translating an individual’s inherent potential into reality.

Development of self-actualization

Today, in an era of rapid social transformations, forcing the individual to invariably transform his own existing and established life relationships, to rebuild himself, the problem of using and developing personal potential arises more acutely and in a qualitatively new way. Therefore, the issue of the importance of creating conditions for personal self-actualization, the need for incentives to personal growth and development of the creative potential of those individuals whose professional and work activities include training, education and assistance.

For individuals whose profession is closely related to communicative interaction with people, a high degree of personal maturity, mental health and the degree of self-actualization are not only professionally significant characteristics, but also key factors determining work efficiency.

Self-actualization is a mental new formation that has a direct connection with the formation of the highest possible abilities, the need to achieve success, overcome obstacles and strive for unknown heights of growth, both personal and professional.

The development of self-actualization is an eternal value for any modern subject. By facilitating the process of mastering the external elements of a positive attitude towards the implementation of activities, as a result of which a positive attitude towards one’s own personality is formed, the perception of oneself as a subject of such activity, self-actualization plays the role of a driving factor in personal development. It promotes the maximum manifestation of personal potential, the disclosure of the most hidden capabilities of the individual, and leads to self-organization and personal development. Self-actualization is also a key factor in the development internal integrity, the inseparability of all aspects of personality. So, for example, self-actualization determines the purposeful nature of the subject’s activity, gives promises for further professional and personal growth, promotes interactive processes of personal formation at the same time, being such an organizing moment that leads to a natural state of self-organization.

A necessary condition and foundation for the development of self-actualization will be the harmony of the psychological organization of the individual. The harmony of the psychological organization of personal self-actualization is determined by the formation of the spheres of a person’s life (behavioral, intellectual and emotionality), the balance of the development of these spheres and their integration.

Bekoeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of the North Ossetian Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education State University them. K.L. Khetagurova", Vladikavkaz [email protected]

Gorodetskaya Elzhbeta Sergeevna, second-year master's student of the Faculty of Psychology and Sociology, North Ossetian State University named after. K.L. Khetagurova", Vladikavkaz [email protected]

Creativity as a necessary condition for personal self-actualization

Abstract. The article examines the self-actualization of a teenager’s personality, which is a means of his creative self-expression. Creativity is defined as an activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socially unique uniqueness. The article also presents the results of the conducted experimental research, which took place on the basis of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial University under the Government Russian Federation"and the Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors.

Key words: creative self-expression, self-actualization, creative potential, personality orientation, creativity.

Self-actualization and the creative process overlap in many ways. Creative person and a self-actualizing person, according to A. Maslow, are identical. Maslow studied the nature of emotional health as a product of creative self-expression. Speaking of social significance art, L.S. Vygotsky emphasized its educational effect: “Art is the organization of our behavior, a setting forward, a requirement that may never be realized, but which makes us strive beyond our life for what lies beyond it.” Speaking about creativity, Vygotsky emphasized that " higher expressions creativity is accessible to a select few geniuses of humanity, but in the everyday life around us, creativity is a necessary condition of existence, and everything that goes beyond routine, that contains even a note of the new, owes its creation to creative process person." "Creativity is a force that transforms, promotes positive self-esteem and ensures the self-promotion of the individual in his development. The main source of creativity manifests itself in the same way as a person’s tendency to actualize himself, to become what is inherent in his potential.”

A.V. Petrovsky points out that “the embodiment of the individual’s innate characteristics in the personality is determined by the place that she chooses for herself in the system of social connections, her activity.” The basis of a person’s motives for activity and activity is the desire for self-actualization of the individual - a person, as it were, pours out of himself everything that has accumulated in him, that is relevant, important, significant for him; creating works of art and expressing oneself in them, designing technical innovations or actively participating in social life.

Creativity is defined as an activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socially unique uniqueness. Activity creative imagination turns out to be very complex and depends on a number of different factors. It is absolutely clear, therefore, that this activity cannot be the same in a child and an adult, because all these factors take different kind in different eras of childhood. That is why, in each period of child development, the creative imagination works in a special way, characteristic of the particular stage of development at which the child stands. Imagination depends on experience, and experience develops and grows gradually. The interests of a child and an adult are different, and therefore it is clear that a child’s imagination works differently than an adult’s. But the child’s experience is much poorer than the experience of an adult; his interests are simpler, more elementary, poorer; The child’s relationship with the environment also does not have the complexity, subtlety and diversity that distinguishes the behavior of an adult, and these are the most important factors that determine the work of the imagination. As the child develops, the imagination also develops, reaching its maturity only in an adult. That is why the products of true creative imagination in all areas creative activity belong only to already matured imagination. As one approaches maturity, the imagination begins to mature, and in adolescence, a powerful rise of imagination and the first beginnings of the maturation of fantasy are combined. Creativity brings great joy to a person. He also has his own sufferings, which have received the winged designation - the pangs of creativity. It is difficult to create, the need for creativity does not always coincide with the possibilities of creativity, and this gives rise to a painful feeling of suffering. This phenomenon reveals to us the last and most important feature of the imagination - the desire of the imagination for embodiment, this is the true basis and driving principle of creativity. “Any construction of the imagination, based on reality, strives to describe a full circle and be embodied in reality.” Creativity is a derivative of the individual’s realization of unique potentials in a certain area, and presupposes the presence of motives, knowledge and skills in the subject.

The study of these personality properties has revealed the important role of imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the individual’s need for self-actualization, in revealing and expanding one’s capabilities. In creativity, a special place is occupied by creative imagination, during which a person independently creates new images and ideas. In 2011, an experimental study took place on the basis of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" and the Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors. In the above educational institutions, testing was carried out to determine self-esteem, creative potential and the development of the process of self-actualization of the personality of students. Test "What is your self-esteem ? made it possible to identify the characteristics of self-esteem of boys and girls. Each person is naturally endowed with personal abilities and talents, each has a certain creative potential, but not every person uses his creative possibilities. Test "What is your creative potential?" helped to identify the creative potential of youth. The Cattell test made it possible to determine the degree of development of the process of self-actualization of the individual and identify its connection with the process of creative self-expression. The test made it possible to obtain diagnostic information on factors inherent in a self-actualizing personality. In group 11E of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University, 50 people took part in the testing. According to the test “What is your self-esteem?” 20 students showed inflated results, 22 students showed underestimated results and 8 students showed a real picture of self-esteem, which in percentage terms is 40%, 44% and 16%. According to the test “What is your creative potential?” 37 students underestimated themselves and their abilities, 13 students showed the presence of creative potential (“there are abilities, but I don’t use them, I don’t develop them”), which in percentage terms is 74% and 26%. According to the Cattell test, average results were obtained, that is intellectual abilities, emotional-volitional characteristics, communicative and interpersonal interactions were assessed at 3 points. In group 14E of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University, 56 students took part in the testing. On the test “What is your self-esteem?” 38 people showed inflated results, 13 showed underestimated results and 5 students showed a real picture of self-esteem, which in percentage terms is 68%, 23% and 9%. On the test “What is your creative potential?” 44 people overestimated themselves and their abilities, 12 students showed the presence of creative potential (“there are abilities, but I don’t use them, I don’t develop them”), which in percentage terms is 80% and 20%. According to the Cattell test, the following results were obtained: intellectual abilities, emotional-volitional characteristics, communication and interpersonal interactions are greatly overestimated. At the Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors, 20 people took part in testing. According to the test “What is your self-esteem?” 8 students showed overestimated results and 12 underestimated results, which in percentage terms is 40% and 60%. According to the test “What is your creative potential?” 100% of boys and girls underestimated themselves and their creative potential. According to the Cattell test, very low results were obtained, that is, intellectual abilities, emotional-volitional characteristics, communicative and interpersonal interactions were assessed at 2 points. Based on the test results, control groups (CG) and experimental groups (EG). The CG included students of group 11E of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University in the amount of 26 people. At the Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors, the CG included 8 people. In control groups with students, classes using the “Development” method creativity" were not carried out. The EG included 24 students of group 14E of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University and 12 people from the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors. In the experimental groups, from 2011 to 2013, systematic classes were carried out using the “Development of Creative Abilities” method. Before each lesson in all experimental groups, a survey was conducted using the “SAN” method, which showed the well-being, activity and mood of each student in the group and, accordingly, the group in in general. During the experiment, it was found that students in the experimental groups became interested in conducting classes, the students’ well-being and mood improved, and their activity increased; There is a tendency towards diligence and conscientiousness. Boys and girls became more balanced and calm in their relationships, more decisive in their actions, and were no longer ashamed of their creative successes. The drawings went from small, dim, not detailed, to large, spread over the entire sheet, bright, clear; elements of stylization appeared, attention to detail and interest in drawing in general appeared. The drawings grew into pictures with a compositional completion. The brightness of the drawings (pictures) indicates a change in attitude towards the surrounding black and white world, the world acquires bright shades, which means there is confidence in oneself, one’s abilities, an understanding of problems and a desire to solve them. There is a tendency for an increase in creative orientation personality. Students began to independently use other means for drawing: felt-tip pens, colored pens, paints, began to mix styles and independently use different materials. Many boys and girls began to draw on their own, outside of class. The general growth in the development of creative abilities in the experimental groups is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of growth of creative potential

In the final part of the experimental study in 2012–2013, students from both control and experimental groups were re-tested. Based on the results of secondary testing, the following was revealed: 1. According to the test “What is your self-esteem?” in the EG (group 14E) of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University, 60% of students showed a real picture of self-esteem; at the Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors, 80% of people showed a real picture of self-esteem. 2. According to the test “What is your creative potential?” in the EG (group 14E) of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University, 50% of students showed the presence of creative potential and the desire to develop it; in the Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors, 80% of people showed excellent results. 3. According to the Cattell test, the results of the EG are shown in Fig. 2, 3.

Rice. 2. Group 14E of the Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University

Rice. 3. Republican Center for Social Rehabilitation of Minors

4. In the control groups, the results of repeated testing do not differ significantly from the primary results. As a result of the research, we can draw the following conclusions: students have a tendency to increase creativity, self-control, the desire for self-disclosure, self-development; boys and girls have a decrease in aggressiveness and anxiety , increased sensitivity, emotional constriction, distrust of adults; more flexible behavior is noted, adequate self-esteem, a real assessment of their abilities and capabilities; students who have completed classes using the “Development of Personal Creative Abilities” method demonstrate an understanding of the nature of things and oneself, self-acceptance, increased empathy, activity and confidence, tolerance and attentiveness.

Links to sources 1. Vygotsky L. S. Psychology of art. – M.: Art, 1996. – 474 p. 2. Ibid. 3. Berulava M. N. Development of creative abilities of the individual in the aspect of humanization of education // Humanization of education. –1998. –No. 1. -WITH. 20–25.4. Zeigarnik B.V. Personality theory in foreign psychology. –M.: Education, 1982. –128 p.5. Soldatova V. S. Art as a method and means psychological correction emotional disturbances // Cultural life of the South of Russia. –2003. –No. 2. -WITH. 19–22.6. Vygotsky L. S. Decree. op.

Bekoeva Tatyana,

the Doctor of Philosophy, the associate professor of Pedagogics of North Ossetian State University of K.L.Khetagurov, [email protected] Eljbet, the Master of 2 course of faculty Psychology and sociology North Ossetian State University of K.L.Khetagurov, [email protected] necessary condition of self-dating of the personalityAbstract. In the article self-dating of the identity of the teenager which is means of its creative self-expression is considered. Creativity is defined as the activity generating something qualitatively new and different originality, originality and socially unique uniqueness. Also results of the pilot research which was conducted on the basis of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Vladikavkaz branch and the Republican Center of Social Rehabilitation of minors are given in the article. Keywords: creative self-expression, self-dating, creative potential, orientation of the personality, creativity.

Self-actualization needs

Finally, the highest level in the pyramid - self-actualization needs - was defined by Maslow as a person’s desire to become what he can become: “Musicians must play music, artists must paint, poets must write poetry, if they ultimately want to be at peace with by ourselves. People should be who they can become. They must be true to their nature" (quoted from: Kjell L., Ziegler D. Personality theories: basic principles, research and application. St. Petersburg, 1997).

One should not think that self-actualization is possible only for artistically gifted people - artists, musicians, etc. Everyone has their own creative and personal potential. Each person has his own calling, and the need for self-actualization means the desire to find this calling within himself and achieve the opportunity to do exactly this, his favorite thing. The paths and forms of self-actualization are very diverse, and it is at this, the highest level of needs, that people’s motivation and behavior are most individual and unique.

Maslow argued that the desire to maximize one's potential is inherent in all people. Nevertheless, there are very, very few people driven by precisely these needs, that is, those whom the scientist called self-actualizing (according to Maslow, who conducted a special study, no more than 1% of the entire population). Why do the needs inherent in the psyche of every person become incentives so rarely?

Maslow pointed out three reasons for this unfavorable situation:

– Ignorance of one’s capabilities and lack of understanding of the benefits of self-improvement (doubts about one’s own abilities, fear of success).

– The pressure of social and cultural stereotypes (a person’s potential may run counter to what society as a whole or the immediate environment requires of him: for example, stereotypes of “masculinity” and “femininity” can prevent a boy from becoming a talented dancer or makeup artist, and a girl from achieving success in some “non-female” profession).

– Counteraction to security needs (self-actualization processes sometimes require risky behavior, actions without a guarantee of success, and readiness to gain new experience).

What are people like who are guided in life by the needs of this level? For a detailed acquaintance with the topic, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the works of A. Maslow himself, who collected many “portraits” of self-actualizing people and described them very vividly. We will limit ourselves to a brief enumeration of those qualities that are characteristic of these “best representatives” of human society.

1. More effective perception of reality – the ability to see reality as it is, and not as one would like to see it.

2. Acceptance of yourself, other people and nature– freedom from excessive pressure of shame, anxiety, guilt, harmony not only with your soul, but also with your body; the ability to treat other people’s weaknesses with understanding, without the desire to correct or remake them; admiration for nature and understanding of the fact that laws beyond human control operate in it.

3. Spontaneity, simplicity and naturalness– lack of desire to produce an effect, to present oneself as someone else, and at the same time, the willingness to behave in accordance with the requirements of the situation, if necessary.

4. Problem-centered– commitment to some cause, calling, duty; business is perceived above immediate personal needs.

5. Independence and need for privacy– the need to communicate with oneself, the ability for creative, constructive solitude.

6. Independence– independence from culture and environment, reliance on internal sources of strength and development, the ability to self-control and lack of exposure to external conditions.

7. Freshness of perception– the ability to notice and appreciate even the most ordinary phenomena, enjoyment of what is given by nature, fate, and other people.

8. Summit experiences- culminating moments of “insight”, a feeling of absolute harmony with the world and nature, going beyond the limits of one’s “I”.

9. Public interest– a feeling of deep closeness, belonging to the human race, compassion and love for all humanity as a whole.

10. Deep interpersonal relationships– the circle of friends is small, but the relationship with each of the close people is very close, deep and serious.

11. Democratic character– freedom from class, racial, gender, age and other prejudices, willingness to learn from others.

12. Distinguishing between means and ends– the end never justifies the means; commitment to moral and ethical standards (although not necessarily religiosity); the ability to enjoy various activities for the sake of the pleasure of the activity itself (enjoyment of the means), and not for the sake of achieving a goal (for example, the pleasure of physical exercise as such, and not the desire for the goal of “becoming healthy,” etc.).

13. Philosophical sense of humor– pleasure from that humor that causes a smile rather than laughter, not from those jokes that make fun of someone in particular or hit “below the belt”, but rather stupidity and absurdity in human life in general (a clear example is the difference between some of the “momentary” jokes of M. Zadornov and the philosophical humor of M. Zhvanetsky).

14. Creativity– spontaneous and natural ability for creativity, similar to a child’s; not necessarily creativity in art, but a fresh and free from templates, enthusiastic approach to any business in which a person is engaged.

15. Resistance to acculturation– independence in preserving one’s own values ​​and ideals, non-subordination to dogma.

Even this short description may contribute to the impression that self-actualizing people are some kind of “superman”, soaring alone above a huge gray mass. Maslow repeatedly emphasized that this is not at all true. Yes, in many respects these people are exceptional and form a special layer in human society: “These individuals, themselves elite, choose as friends also the elite, but it is the elite of character, ability and talent, and not of birth, race, blood, name, family, age, youth, fame or power” (qtd. by: Kjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality: basic principles, research and application. St. Petersburg, 1997).

And these people are by no means angels, devoid of all human shortcomings. They can be difficult to communicate with, stubborn, quarrelsome, vain and hot-tempered. To many, they may seem cold and indifferent, and sometimes they actually behave with “surgical coldness,” especially in conflict resolution situations. Like all other people, they suffer from insecurities and doubts, or irritate and offend others. And yet they provide clear evidence that the potential for human growth and development is far greater than most of us are content with.

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