Presentation on the topic "The social significance of design and architecture as a human environment"

"Man in modern society" - The inconsistency of progress and its criteria. The main institutions of society. The difference between man and animals. Society in the broadest sense. An individual is born, a person becomes, individuality is defended. Natural and social in man. Types (kinds) of worldview. Global problems modernity. Activity as a way of existence of people.

"Human society" - The basis of the economy - an institution that has reached a high development private property. Relationships between the individual and society are built on the basis of mutual responsibility. Society is nature. The right to property is seen as natural and inalienable. intersocial problems. Therefore, the number of hungry people on the planet is not decreasing, but increasing.

"Social role" - Worker. Jacob Levy Moreno (1892-1974). Society citizen. age roles. Types of role requirements. Plan. Social roles in adolescence. Friend, acquaintance. The whole world is theater. Child. A set of actions that a person must perform. Person. Student. Student. Boss. Social assessment.

"Man and society" - historical type society based on certain way production. Economic sphere Social sphere Political sphere Spiritual sphere. Types of societies. ?? Religion. They can be solved only by the joint efforts of all peoples and states. Expansion of rights and freedoms, democracy, separation of powers.

"The position of man in society" - Tasks in sociology. What determines the position of a person in society. Share in the population. social role. A.P. Chekhov "Thick and Thin". Main social groups. How are social status and social role related? Learning new material. social status and social role. What determines the position of a person.

"Social statuses and roles" - The main status. Degree of formalization. real groups. A wide range of relationships is established between husband and wife. Social status and role. Talcott Parsons. By scale. status incompatibility. nominal groups. Status types. Specifications social roles. Position, education, qualifications.

There are 10 presentations in total in the topic

Ideal City City through times and countries An ideal city. An ideally organized human settlement, both socially and architecturally, in harmony with environment. It exists in plans, projects and writings, but has not yet been fully implemented in practice. The foundations were laid by Plato (427-347 BC) in the dialogue "State", in art form the ideal system of life in the state-city on the island of Atlantis is described in detail. Teacher of fine arts and drawing MBOU secondary school No. 6 named after. Ts.L. Kunikova Ukolova Alina Aleksandrovna

Houses and buildings in the city were made of red, white, black stone. All these types of stones have also been found in Pampa Aullagas. Atlantis (ancient Greek Ἀτλαντὶς) - the legendary island (archipelago or even continent), located in the modern Atlantic Ocean and sank in one day to the seabed as a result of an earthquake and flood, along with its inhabitants - the Atlanteans.

But the most amazing feature of Atlantis, which Plato described first of all as the home of Poseidon, and then as the city of Atlantis, is that the central island is surrounded by alternating strips of water and land!

In the thirties of the XIV century, Michelangelo began designing the Capitol Square on the top of the Capitoline Hill. He began his work in the most paradoxical way - he placed in the middle of the future square equestrian statue Marcus Aurelius. For the first time the sculptural monument was separated from architectural structure and received an independent town-planning significance. Subsequently, the students of Michelangelo completed the construction of the square in accordance with the plan of their teacher. The main building of the square was the Palace of Senators decorated with a tower. The complex art of building a city.

The ideal city of Thomas More is Amaurotum. 1512

Giorgio Vasari. Plan of the ideal city. 1598

The ideal city of Jacques Perret. 1601

The ideal city of Vicenzo Scamozzi Palmanova In Italy, at the foot of the Alps, near the Slovenian border, there is an amazing city - Palmanova. It is in terms of an absolutely correct nine-pointed star. Palmanova was founded by the government of the Venetian Republic on October 7, 1593, on the anniversary of the victory of the Venetians over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Ideal city According to the plan of the Italian architect Vincenzo Scamozzi(1548 -1616), the city and the fortress received the correct form of a nine-pointed star, and each of the bastions was planned in such a way as to protect the neighboring ones. The fortress was surrounded by a moat. Access was through three monumental gates. Among the internal buildings, the most remarkable is the cathedral, which was built in the early years of the 17th century, possibly according to the project of the same Scamozzi.

The ideal city was called upon to educate morals and feelings, to correct souls and minds. In the treatises of that era, it was recommended, for example, to arrange squares and crossroads so that the young were under the constant supervision of the elders. Some frolic in the open space, others talk decorously in the colonnade. Censuses show that half of the male population of Italian cities of the 15th century is under 40 years old, the vast majority of them are single. Alberti touchingly writes: “The presence of fathers will turn the playing and competing youth from all debauchery and pranks.” Palmanova (Veneto, Italy). "Ideal city" of the Renaissance. Built in 1593-95. Aerial photography.

The ideal city of Perret. 1601

The Ideal City of Vicenzo Scamozzi Vincenzo Scamozzi (1548-1616), Italian architect and architectural theorist. According to the plan of Scamozzi, the territory of the city was surrounded by twelve bastions and had four city gates, from which there were two main streets intersecting at right angles. At their intersection was the main square, which overlooked the palace, cathedral, university and city institutions. To the main square from the west and east adjoined two retail space, in the north there was an exchange area, and in the south - an area for trading in hay and firewood. The territory of the city was crossed by a river, and closer to its periphery there were eight parish churches. The layout of the city was regular. Neuf-Briesach

Neuf-Brisach (fr. Neuf-Brisach), a city in Alsace (France), the construction of which began in 1698 as a result of the Treaty of Ryswick, which obliged Louis XIV to cede Vieux-Brisach (Old Brisach), which is now called Breisach-am-Rhein (Germany). Louis XIV commissioned the construction of a new fortified city in order to prevent the crossing of the Rhine in the area. The construction was entrusted to Sebastian de Prestre, seigneur de Vauban (1633 - 1707). In plan, the city is an octagon with bastions (outer) forming a star.

city ​​and man

The social significance of design and architecture as a human environment

City through times and countries. Figurative-style language of the architecture of the past

Task: trace how to material culture reflects a person's worldview.


1. Applying patterns of architecture different styles and analyzing their features, sketch a building .

2. Find images of works of architecture and design of past eras of the same style and make collage .

The feeling of love for the Motherland is largely born by the city, its houses and streets - the place where we live.

Cities are living, constantly changing organisms, and a person is a part of this organism that determines its development.

Modern city- a combination of problems of economy and transport, ecology and health care. But the main ones in this series are architecture and design, which define and shape the urban environment.

Architecture is not the construction of one house, but creation of urban space.

The most complex architectural tasks faced the architects when creating cities. When a person ceased to see in a dwelling only a means of salvation from natural adversities, and realized the need for the beauty of a building, then the art of architecture arose in its modern sense.

Images of material culture of the past

People's dwellings- living evidence of aesthetic ideals different peoples.

Such are the Russian izba, the Ukrainian hut, the African hut on stilts, mountain huts in villages, as if rooted to rocky steeps, Chinese fanzas and northern plagues, the Asian yurt among the steppe expanses and winds.


Order – strictly thought-out ratio of sizes and combinations of structural and decorative parts of the building. The orders share a common structure and composition, but differ in style and proportions.

Three types of order:

a) Doric

b) ionic;

c) Corinthian .

Time has changed the face of cities and countries, making stone chronicle epochs.

occupies a special place in the history of culture antique art .

The desire for harmony allowed architects to combine the rigidity of a rectangular composition with a variety of relief, freedom of space and convenience for life in the planning of cities.


The severity of life and religious asceticism permeates not only the being of a person of the Middle Ages, but also the style of architecture called romanesque .

Compositional simplicity, rough masonry, compactness of forms gave severe expressiveness to urban buildings, monasteries and castles with their powerful towers, massive fortress walls, cut through by narrow windows and galleries.

To match the architecture, this style found its expression in clothes, furniture, household utensils.

The artistic consciousness of the people of the Middle Ages was most fully embodied in gothic architecture.

Gothic- severe and elegant style. The image of the city appears as a world of various buildings: cathedrals, town halls, workshops and stone houses. The building was considered in connection with space. Its layout was based on the already established environment and the life that was in full swing around.

The Gothic style, sometimes tense and rigid, sometimes subtly decorative, determined not only the silhouettes and forms of cities, but also costumes, dishes, and jewelry.

The ideals of each era are connected with the past, sometimes turning to it, sometimes denying it.

For architecture renaissance characteristic is the creation of buildings based on ancient forms and the order system.

The rise of art in the Renaissance is associated with the names of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Brunelleschi, Alberti, etc.

Architectural ensembles, the clarity of rectangular volumes, the balance of the composition of facades, harmony, logic - this is the architecture of the Renaissance.

The ideas of the Renaissance spread throughout Europe, laying the foundations for the formation of a style baroque .

The magnificence of palaces and parks, the sophistication of decorations reflected the greatness not only of kings, but of the whole nation, its spirit and culture.

The splendor of baroque façade forms competed with the richness and exuberance of the decor in the interior. This style is characterized by complex spatial solutions, the predominance of curvilinear and oval outlines of architectural forms.

The variety of ideas of antiquity made it possible to create an architectural opposition to the magnificent baroque - strict classicism.

This style proclaimed the balance of forms, the subordination of parts and symmetry as patterns of composition, likening them to ancient canons.

Define style:

2. Baroque

1. Classicism

3. Gothic 4. Antique

4. Antique

6. Renaissance

5. Romanesque

7. Antique

8. Gothic



11. Classicism

12. Romanesque

Recall and identify the building:

Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris

Cologne Cathedral

leaning tower of pisa



Collagethe technique of creating a whole image from a number of individual fragments of other images. In the process of creating a composition, different types overlays, blending, transparency.

Synopsis of an art lesson in grade 7

Theme: City through times and countries. The image is the stylistic language of the architecture of the past.

The purpose of the lesson: To generalize knowledge about the history of architecture and design. Repeat what has been learned about the architecture of different peoples and eras: the architecture of a people's dwelling, temple architecture, a private house.

Lesson objectives:

    To acquaint the children with the figurative and stylistic language of architecture.

    To broaden the horizons of students with new knowledge about architecture.

    Develop a sense of beauty, for beauty will save the world.

    evoke desire careful attitude to monuments of culture and art created by many generations.

Equipment: Notebook, presentation, instr. and accessories

Lesson type : combined

Planned educational outcomes

 Subject uud

 Metasubject uud

Personal oud

 understand the significance of the architectural and spatial compositional dominant in the external appearance of the city;

be able to talk about the features of architectural and artistic styles different eras: antique, gothic, romanesque, renaissance, baroque, classicism;

create an image of the material culture of the past in their own creative work; develop individual Creative skills students, to form a sustainable interest in creative activity


trace how the material culture of different eras and peoples reflects the worldview of a person, his attitude towards himself, the world.


work according to the plan, referring to the goal;

plan activities in a learning situation, express your opinion in a dialogue about achieving emotional figurativeness, correct your opinion (in accordance with the opinion of your comrades).


learn to ask questions;

use speech means according to the situation;

define the purpose and problem in learning activities, observe the norms of collective communication; plan activities, understand the position of another

 be aware of your interests (achieve your goal);

understand the meaning of knowledge for a person, choose your image and be responsible for your choice;

show interest in architectural and artistic styles;

show cognitive activity;

to form communicative competence in communication and cooperation

with peers, adults in the process of educational, creative activities

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

    Divide children into groups.

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Introductory word of the teacher, accompanying the conversation with the students.

Since ancient times, man began to take care to protect himself from bad weather, predators. Find a comfortable place to sleep and eat. Make your home comfortable and safe.

People moved from place to place in search of food. Where there were no caves, people used the available materials to build comfortable living spaces.

As time went on, people began to live longer in one place, to engage in agriculture. They needed stronger, more durable houses. Buildings for pets, food storage and different instruments for labor.

Let's take a trip through different countries and see what kind of houses people built and what materials they used.

2. Presentation of the topic.

Ancient Greece with its hot, Mediterranean climate, gave rise to a special type of architecture: open, with many columns and porticos, sheltering from the scorching sun and providing shade.

Pyramids of Egypt- a home for the return of the soul. The Egyptians believed in afterlife. Inside the tomb, all living conditions were preserved, so that when the soul of a person returns, he would have the same as during life. People were afraid of the return of a person, they closed all entrances and exits.

Medieval castle. My home is my castle. Castle surrounded by water, drawbridge, lookout towers.

Style directions of architecture of the world.

History does not stand still. "Everything flows, everything changes" - testifies folk wisdom. So it was, so it is, so it will be. A person wisely intertwines the past, the present and is looking for a new one.ancient art is the most ancient art of the era, which began to develop under the influence of ancient Greek cultural tradition and it originated even BC - IV AD.

Roman style lasted from the X - XIII century. v. this style united all kinds of arts into a single whole: monumental painting and sculpture, inextricably linked with architecture, arts and crafts. The main art form during this period was architecture. Roman style -

Gothic style lasted until the 16th century and completed the development of medieval art in Western, Central and partly Eastern Europe. Gothic art was cult in purpose and religious in subject matter. It appealed to the highest divine powers, eternity, the Christian worldview. Leading place in art, it was occupied by the cathedral, around which the life of the townspeople was concentrated.

the beginningrenaissance in Architecture is considered to be 1436, when the architect Philippe Brunelleschi completed the construction of the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiere in Florence, which is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Renaissance in Italy went through three stages in its development: early renaissance, high renaissance and later Renaissance. characteristic featuresbaroque there was a desire for dynamic compositions and magnificent architectural decoration. Most famous work Italian baroque can be called the square in front of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, created by the architect Lorenzo Bernini. Somewhat later, the Baroque originates in France, but is not widely used here.

Baroque is being replaced by a new style -rococo, which, unlike the previous style, appeals in reverse to convenience everyday life, sophistication of the situation. It is easy to characterize it by the following features: the rejection of straight lines, the order system, light colors, airy softness, asymmetry, sophistication and quirkiness of forms. Since the middle of the 17th century, in France, the dominant style has becomeclassicism , which from the end of the XVIII century. widely distributed in Russia. Many domestic buildings of this era are on a par with outstanding monuments world architecture. Among them Palace Square(architect K.I. Rossi), Kazan Cathedral (architect A.N. Voronikhin), New style- empire It was expressed, first of all, by the massiveness of monumental forms, rich decorations, and strict lines. Sculptures and additional architectural decoration of buildings were also an important element of the Empire style.

V late XIX at the beginning of the 20th century. in a completely new modern style -modern. The main feature is decorative; the main motive is a climbing plant; the main principle is the likening of a man-made form to a natural one and vice versa.

Working with terms

basilica - rectangular in plan, as a rule, an elongated building, divided into several longitudinal aisles - naves, rows of columns or pillars.

Arch - semicircular or curvilinear reception overlap, available in a convex shape.

stained glass - work decorative arts made of colored glass or other translucent material.

Order - in classical architecture, the order of the ratio of load-bearing and carried parts of a building, which is an architectural and artistic image of a post-and-beam structure)

3. Independent work.

Today, based on the material presented and based on the proposed source - cards, you should try to correctly determine the style of architecture.

4. Summing up the lesson.

5. Homework: give in notebooks short description every style.

6. Reflection

slide 2

City through times and countries. The figurative and stylistic language of the architecture of the past

Objective: To trace how a person's worldview is reflected in material culture. Task: 1. Applying examples of architecture of different styles and analyzing their features, draw a sketch of the building. 2. After considering the buildings of the famous cities of the world, create a collage or sketch recognizable silhouette cities. 3. Find images of works of architecture and design of past eras of the same style and make a collage.

slide 3

The feeling of love for the Motherland is largely born by the city, its houses and streets - the place where we live.

Cities are living, constantly changing organisms, and a person is a part of this organism that determines its development. A modern city is a combination of problems of economy and transport, ecology and healthcare. But the main ones in this series are architecture and design, which define and shape the urban environment.

slide 4

Architecture is not the construction of a single house, but the creation of an urban space.

The most complex architectural tasks faced the architects when creating cities. When a person ceased to see in a dwelling only a means of salvation from natural adversities, and realized the need for the beauty of a building, then the art of architecture arose in its modern sense.

slide 5

From primitive shelters to skyscrapers, the creative thought of man has gone through many stages on the way to the emergence of the cities in which we live now. In contrast to the people's dwelling, which captures the collective construction and artistic experience, the architecture of the city is a personal author's work. Outstanding architects, stone cutters and carvers, artists and decorators were involved in the creation of any significant architectural structure. Our task is to trace how the material culture of different eras - buildings, things, clothing - reflects a person's worldview, his attitude towards himself, towards the world. The knowledge acquired in previous years will allow you to see in the change of styles not only changes in technology and the skill of artists, but also how a person, society, his aesthetic ideals have changed.

slide 6

Folk dwellings are living evidence of the aesthetic ideals of different peoples. Such are the Russian izba, the Ukrainian hut, the African hut on stilts, mountain huts in villages, as if rooted to rocky steeps, Chinese fanzas and northern plagues, the Asian yurt among the steppe expanses and winds. ________________________

Slide 7

Order - a strictly thought-out ratio of sizes and combinations of structural and decorative parts of the building. Orders have a common design and composition, but differ in style and proportions.

Three types of orders: a) Doric; b) ionic; c) Corinthian. a B C)

Slide 8

Time changed the appearance of cities and countries, making up the stone chronicle of epochs.

Ancient art occupies a special place in the history of culture. The desire for harmony allowed architects to combine the rigidity of a rectangular composition with a variety of relief, freedom of space and convenience for life in the planning of cities. ______________________

Slide 9

The severity of life and religious asceticism permeate not only the being of a person of the Middle Ages, but also the style of architecture called Romanesque.

Compositional simplicity, rough masonry, compactness of forms gave severe expressiveness to urban buildings, monasteries and castles with their powerful towers, massive fortress walls, cut through by narrow windows and galleries. To match the architecture, this style found its expression in clothes, furniture, household utensils.

Slide 10

The artistic consciousness of the people of the Middle Ages was most fully embodied in Gothic architecture.

Gothic is a severe and elegant style. The image of the city appears as a world of various buildings: cathedrals, town halls, workshops and stone houses. The building was considered in connection with space. Its layout was based on the already established environment and the life that was in full swing around. The Gothic style, sometimes tense and rigid, sometimes subtly decorative, determined not only the silhouettes and forms of cities, but also costumes, dishes, and jewelry.

slide 11

The architecture of the Renaissance is characterized by the creation of buildings based on ancient forms and the order system. The rise of art in the Renaissance is associated with the names of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Brunelleschi, Alberti, etc. Architectural ensembles, the clarity of rectangular volumes, the balance of the composition of facades, harmony, logic - this is the architecture of the Renaissance.

slide 12

Renaissance ideas spread throughout Europe, laying the foundations for the formation of the Baroque style.

The magnificence of palaces and parks, the sophistication of decorations reflected the greatness not only of kings, but of the whole nation, its spirit and culture. The splendor of baroque façade forms competed with the richness and exuberance of the decor in the interior. This style is characterized by complex spatial solutions, the predominance of curvilinear and oval outlines of architectural forms.

slide 13

The variety of ideas of antiquity made it possible to create an architectural opposition to the magnificent baroque - strict classicism.

This style proclaimed the balance of forms, the subordination of parts and symmetry as patterns of composition, likening them to ancient canons.

Slide 14

Define style:

1. Classicism 2. Baroque 1 2

slide 15

3. Gothic 4. Antique

4. Antique 3 4

slide 16

6. Renaissance

5.Romance 5 6

Slide 17

7. Antique 8. Gothic 7 8

Slide 18

9.Classicism 10.Baroque 9 10

Slide 19

11. Classicism 12. Romanesque 11 12

Slide 20

Recall and identify the building:

Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral Cologne Cathedral Leaning Tower of Pisa Colosseum Parthenon

slide 21

Collage is a technique for creating a whole image from a number of separate fragments of other images. In the process of creating a composition, various types of overlay, blending, and transparency are used.

slide 22

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