Where is chemistry needed upon admission? Where to study chemistry: interesting options

Chemistry is a rather complex discipline that is given only to a few. If you are one of those graduates who are well versed in this subject and want to connect their professional activities with this area, then you should take the Unified State Exam in Chemistry. In order to successfully enter a university, you need to consider the main faculties where you can submit an application with the results of this exam. Our review of the most relevant professions will help you with this.

Faculties and areas of training

Chemical faculty

If you are truly passionate about the subject, then you should enroll in chemistry. To consider your application by the admissions committee, where you must submit all documents in a timely manner, you will need scores not only in chemistry, but also in Russian and mathematics. At this department you will be able to master the following in-demand specialties:

  • pharmacist,
  • chemist,
  • biochemist,
  • chemical analysis laboratory assistant.

Your professional activity will be related to chemical research and experiments, development chemical composition new products, chemical testing and production of a variety of materials.


This direction involves activities in the agricultural sector of the country. Today in Russia, under the conditions of the import substitution policy, there is an acute shortage of qualified experts. Therefore, agronomic professions are in incredible demand in the labor market. At the faculty you can study the specialties of an agronomist, botanist, vegetable grower, plant breeder, agricultural technician and breeder. Where exactly to apply will help determine your results on the Unified State Exam, among which subjects such as chemistry, biology and Russian are required.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

If agronomic professions are not suitable for you because of the biology exam, then you can enroll in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, where you are required to present results in chemistry, Russian and mathematics. The construction industry is always relevant: after all, thousands of new residential, office and shopping complexes are built in the country every year, the functioning of which cannot be done without the help of relevant specialists. In this direction, you will be able to master such professions as civil engineer, architect, urban planner, cladding specialist and many others.

Technology of light industry products

Here you have a chance to get a diploma as a technologist, fashion designer, marketer, or production operator chemical fibers. Specialists in the field design and develop lightweight products industries, monitor their quality and provide comprehensive management technological processes. Most often, technology graduates are employed in textile factories and plants, which always require qualified experts.

Many combine their main job with scientific and teaching activities. To become a technologist, you will need good results in chemistry.

Fire safety

A very dangerous and responsible profession that involves carrying out measures to prevent fires, eliminate fires and evacuate people in emergency situations. This department trains future firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, state fire inspectors and engineers fire safety. In order to enter the faculty, you will be required not only Unified State Exam results in Russian, mathematics and chemistry, but also good physical preparation.

This way you can decide which direction to choose, since there are a lot of specialties related to chemistry and biology in various fields. It is very important to choose exactly the activity that you will like, because from each employee associated with these disciplines, as a rule, responsibility, accuracy, erudition and ingenuity are expected. At the same time, we will list where to enroll in biology and chemistry.

Biological direction

With knowledge of biology, you can work in the field of flora, study the plant world, and agriculture. Currently, science is popular in the direction of genetic engineering, the study of biological processes in living nature. Ecology is not far behind in popularity. If you are taking or have already passed the Unified State Exam, but don’t know where to go with chemistry and biology, then you can consider the following options:

  • botany;
  • zoology;
  • agronomy;
  • ecology;
  • psychology;
  • pedagogy.

There are other areas that are related to those listed above.

Activities in the field of chemistry

Chemical processes can be observed everywhere: in nature, in technology, and in medicine; even cosmetology cannot do without this science. But what should we do with biology and chemistry so that more attention is paid to chemistry?

A chemist typically spends most of his time in the laboratory. He can engage in chemical or medical research, study manufacturing technology various materials, engage in research in the field environment.

Is biochemistry necessary?

But it also happens that a student knows and loves both subjects very well: chemistry and biology. Of course, he has every chance of becoming an excellent specialist. But who should know these two sciences perfectly? Let's list:

  • doctors;
  • pharmacists;
  • biochemists.

Which universities accept applicants with knowledge of chemistry and biology?

You have successfully passed the Unified State Exam (Russian, Chemistry, Biology), but don’t know where to apply?

In this case, focus on the following institute profiles:

  • medical;
  • pedagogical;
  • multidisciplinary (there will probably be a suitable faculty there).

For example, you can enroll in Moscow at:

  • MMA im. Sechenov.
  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  • RUDN University

You can also choose an agricultural or technical university if you have an interest in agriculture or technology.

What specialties exist?

Where to go with biology and chemistry? We discussed this issue earlier. Now we will briefly list which specialties correspond to these areas:

  • biologist;
  • chemist;
  • biochemist;
  • ecologist;
  • agronomist;
  • geneticist;
  • engineer;
  • microbiologist.

There are other qualifications that may differ in their narrow profile.

What kind of work can you do?

School graduates and their parents are wondering who can work in biology and chemistry, where they can go. As we have already discussed above, the choice is quite wide. If a person knows how to explain simple and complex things, conduct basic experiments, and share his knowledge with an audience, then it is recommended to choose pedagogical activity with the possibility of admission to graduate school.

If you have an interest in medicine and a desire to study everything that happens in the human or animal body, then you can choose biochemistry to work in a laboratory and conduct various tests.

For lovers rural life, nature can also be used to study the living and inanimate world.

For those who like to research something, to get to the bottom of the truth on their own, it is better to consider research laboratories for the creation of new drugs, household chemicals or various cosmetics.

Is the job promising?

This question often worries parents. It is difficult to say for sure whether there is career, any prospects. Often it all depends on the person himself, his personal qualities and professionalism. If he wants to learn, develop, if necessary, study, for example, foreign languages to go to conferences or on business trips to other countries, then, of course, his profession is promising. Such activities will not only bring good income, but will also help the development of science and the surrounding world.

What can you do on your own?

Sometimes it happens that an adult who has worked for some time at an enterprise realizes that there is a desire to open his own laboratory for research or conduct various seminars and trainings, but he lacks knowledge and skills.

Then he wonders where he can go by taking chemistry and biology. What can you offer? For example:

  • carrying out psychological trainings and consultations;
  • independent research in the field of biochemistry;
  • tutoring;
  • studying science for the purpose of writing articles, blogs, books.

To study chemistry and biology yourself, you need to invest in the purchase of equipment, consumables and tools.

Disadvantages for those who know chemistry and biology well

The disadvantage of almost all chemists and biochemists is that they work with harmful and even hazardous substances. If a researcher has a predisposition to allergies, has concomitant diseases, or weak immunity, then it is better not to go into such a field at all. But if everything is in order with your health, then you can safely ask where to go with biology and chemistry. There is plenty to choose from: there are suitable faculties in medical, agricultural, technical and pedagogical universities.

It must be remembered that the work of such specialists is harmful, your health may worsen, so it is recommended to familiarize yourself with future profession.

Studying in the science class of MBOU "Babaevskaya Secondary School No. 1"- this is preparation for admission of future applicants to the following areas of training: biology, medicine, psychology, veterinary medicine, physical education.

Target: in-depth study of natural science subjects for admission to universities and preparing future applicants for successful mastery of higher education programs.

Future graduates wishing to continue their education will certainly be faced with the question: where to go? It’s good for those who have already decided on their future profession a long time ago. Many people first take tests in their favorite subjects and only after that decide which faculty to submit their documents to. If your favorite subject is biology, you have quite a wide choice.

Having passed biology with a high score, you can apply for Department of Biology. In addition to this subject, you will have to bring your Unified State Examination results. Russian language, mathematics (or chemistry), and also, perhaps, pass an additional intra-university exam in your favorite natural science(Depending on the university, disciplines may vary). It would be nice if you also understood physics - at the beginning of your studies at the Faculty of Biology, a lot of attention is paid to this subject.

Biology is a mandatory exam for admission to Faculty of Medicine . Along with this discipline, you will have to show your knowledge V Russian language and chemistry. If you would like to engage not in treating people, but in developing and implementing latest technologies and ultra-modern equipment, you will also need knowledge of physics.

Psychologist - another specialty, admission to which is not possible without testing in biology. If you have a tendency to humanities, You can give preference to this faculty. However, the list of required items varies depending on the educational institution. As a rule, applicants, in addition to biology, also provide Unified State Examination results in Russian language, social studies, mathematics or history.

IN veterinary medicine You can't do without biology. Those wishing to treat animals, in addition to the main subject, will have to confirm their knowledge In russian language, and mathematics or chemistry depending on the chosen faculty.

Unified State Examination results in biology are required for admission to faculty physical culture . Also, depending on the educational institution you choose, you may need Russian language andprofessional test (physical fitness testing).

If you really love biology and are good at it, then you should try your hand at this area. By enrolling in this direction, you can become in the future:

Specialists in this field participate in scientific expeditions, conduct laboratory research, assess the state of the Earth's resources, and take part in projects to create rare biological objects.

The Faculty of Biology, where you can enter only with high scores in biology and chemistry, opens a variety of activities for its graduates, including environmental organizations, nature reserves, biochemical industry enterprises and much more. They will be prepared for activities in professional fields:

Bachelors in the direction of 06.03.01. “Biology” after mastering the general education program in the “Bioecology” profile, those who have shown an interest in science have the opportunity to continue their education in the master’s program in the direction of 04/06/01. “Biology” (master’s program “Ecology”), in postgraduate courses in the following areas of training: 06/05/01 “Earth Sciences”, 06/06/01 “Biological Sciences”, 06/44/01 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”.

With biology, you can also enter the Faculty of Psychology, where thousands of candidates submit their applications every year. For admission, some universities also require you to present results in social studies. This is a fairly popular profession among applicants due to its stable demand. Here students can master a variety of specialties:

In the future, graduates of the faculty quickly find positions in medical organizations, educational institutions and various private companies. Many specialists open their own offices and practice psychology privately.

If you have always been partial to animals and have a good understanding of biology, then you can become a veterinarian.

Specialists in this profile not only treat domestic and wild animals, but also take part in the creation of new vaccines, study unknown diseases and conduct gene experiments.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, for admission to which you will also need high scores in Russian and chemistry, graduates specialists who later work in private veterinary clinics and research laboratories. Today this profession very in demand and very highly paid.

The love for sports leads many applicants to this direction. Here graduates have the opportunity to study as a coach, physical education teacher and sports instructor. After graduation, many specialists find work in educational institutions, sports centers, fitness clubs and swimming pools. This is an active profession that will allow you to earn money and keep yourself in great shape at the same time.

Large group forestry specialists(forestry, forest management, forest protection, seed farming, afforestation, etc.) manage to harmoniously combine love for nature and creative love. Highly qualified teachers will provide knowledge on dendrology, forestry, forest science, reforestation, and forest protection. In practice, you will get acquainted with the gifts of the forest, a variety of mushrooms, berries, and medicinal herbs. Carry out the logging process carefully and efficiently modern technology, to process wood, producing environmentally friendly products, will be taught in the direction of “Technology of logging and wood processing industries.

A specialist can get a job in a forestry enterprise, a timber industry enterprise, or a wood processing plant. There are vacancies in city parks, botanical gardens and nature reserves. Another direction for self-realization is design and landscape firms, where wildlife experts are always in demand. You can also get a job in organizations that protect the environment. Alternatively, the position of a gardener at a country house may be attractive.

Agronomist– a qualified specialist whose main task is to improve agricultural production, as well as to monitor the work of field farmers, gardeners, machine operators, combine operators, etc. Today, the profession of agronomist is one of the key specialties in the field of agriculture. It is quite natural that this profession is chosen mainly by residents of villages and villages, who have been accustomed to working on the land since childhood, love and know how to do it. However, in last years There is a popularization of the profession of agronomist among city children, who consider this work not only useful for society, but also an excellent opportunity to return to roots and communicate with nature every day. True, only a few manage to realize themselves in this profession.

By studying in the Agronomy profile, you will learn to own and apply modern technologies production of fruits and vegetables, their processing and storage not only on a production scale, but also at the level of farming and personal subsidiary plots. You will be taught the skills of landscape design, the basics of floriculture, and ornamental gardening by training in the “Ornamental Horticulture and Gardening” profile. landscape design", direction "Gardening".




Budget places

Passing scores from last year

Competition person/place




Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

On a commercial basis

Correspondence studies

68 thousand rubles. in year

Psychology of performance

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

On a commercial basis

Faculty of Biology and Human Health


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Physical Culture

1. Biology
2. Russian language 3. Professional test (physical fitness testing)

On a commercial basis

181.4 (average score)

65,800 rub. in year

Recreation and sports and health tourism

1. Biology
2. Russian language professional test (physical fitness testing)

On a commercial basis

Correspondence studies

73,800 rub. in year

Vologda State University, VoGU, http://priem.vogu35.ru/

Pedagogical Institute, Natural Geographical Faculty



Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Faculty social work, pedagogy and psychology


Teacher Education


Psychology and social pedagogy

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Vologda State Dairy Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin (VSMHA)

Technology of logging and wood processing industries (Forest engineering)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language


Faculty of Technology

Food products of animal origin (Technology of milk and dairy products)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

full-time, correspondence

Forestry (Forestry)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

full-time, correspondence

Agronomy (Agronomy)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

full-time, correspondence

Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry

Gardening (Ornamental gardening and landscape design)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry

Technology of production and processing of agricultural products (Organization entrepreneurial activity in the agro-industrial complex)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Extramural studies

Veterinary medicine (Veterinary medicine)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

full-time, part-time, part-time

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

Zootechnics (Technology for the production of livestock products)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

full-time, correspondence

St. Petersburg Stateforest Technical University(SPbGLTU)

Institute of Forest and Nature Management


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

81,000 per year

St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine



Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Part-time, part-time, part-time

Veterinary and sanitary examination

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen



social pedagogy

(Child psychology)



bachelor's degree)

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Educational Psychology

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Psychology and social pedagogy

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

Physical education and health technologies


e test:


culture (OFP),

Russian language

(in writing),


Faculty of Biology

General biology

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Biological (pedagogical) education

Biology, Russian language, social studies



Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Agrochemistry and agro-soil science

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Production and processing technology

agricultural products

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Aquatic biological resources

and aquaculture

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Animal science

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkina (St. Petersburg)

Defectology and social work

Speech therapy

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Full-time, part-time

Natural history, geography and tourism


Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Teacher Education

Social studies, biology, Russian language

Technology and organization active species tourism

Biology, physical education (entrance test), Russian language



Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Full-time, part-time

Clinical psychology

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Philosophy, cultural studies and art

landscape architecture

Biology, PU mathematics, Russian language

Full-time, correspondence (paid)

NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg http://lesgaft.spb.ru/ru/commission/priyomnaya-komissiya

Physical Culture

Physical Culture

Russian language, biology, Selected sport (BC + SFP) – practical

58 (2015, Unified State Examination)

Full-time, part-time

Total accepted on budget

Of them

Unified State Examination score

score itself






Northwestern State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikova, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Tver State Medical University

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy

Ivanovo State Medical Academy


First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. I.P. Pavlova

Social work

Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk

Chemical and biotechnology

St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy

One of the most noble professions is the profession of a doctor, and according to statistics, it is very prestigious in Russia. For many, this profession is presented with a romantic aura - salvation human lives, grateful patients, joyful smiles. All this, of course, is present, but life is not a movie, there is another side of the coin - it’s hard work, constant stressful situations, the need to be ready to rush to help at any time of the day or night, to be able to let someone else’s pain through your heart, to have iron self-control.

If you are firmly convinced that treating people is your calling, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if any comments from skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and begin preparing for admission, having previously clarified what is needed to go to medical school.

The decision to become a doctor should be entirely personal. It makes no sense to study at a medical college or university at the insistence of parents or fashion trends. This applies, however, to any other specialty, but studying medicine contrary to personal beliefs is unbearable. Keep in mind that you will have to study almost your whole life: about ten years at the university, residency, doctoral studies, and then regular advanced training courses.

If you have decided that the medical future is right for you - choose your direction professional activity. As practice shows, most applicants dream of a career as a surgeon. Think twice... It will be many, many years before you are allowed to undergo independent surgery. In addition, this is one of the most difficult specializations, where the doctor bears a great responsibility, which means that it is impossible to study at all. A surgeon must either be an excellent student or not be a surgeon at all.

Once you have decided on your specialization, find out which universities are considered flagships in training specialists in your field. Visit the department you are interested in per day open doors, take admission brochures (every university has them). There you will find almost comprehensive information about what subjects are required for admission, as well as a brief description of the amount of knowledge that a future student should have.

In practice, the target direction in 2017 looks like this: after graduation, the graduate will have to work for at least 3-5 years in the specified medical institution or return all funds paid to the state treasury.

The main core subjects for doctors are chemistry and biology. Compulsory for all specialties Russian language. At some universities, applicants also take mathematics.

It will be a very good help Golden medal or honors diploma special education, this gives additional points (in YGMA - 5 points). Many become students based on the results of university Olympiads (see websites).

You need to prepare for admission to medical school in advance, at least two to three years in advance. A lot of applicants complete various preparatory courses for admission to a medical university. However, attitudes towards such courses are ambiguous. However, even if the courses turned out to be beyond your means, you should not despair. Transfer to a school with in-depth study of biology and chemistry. Or talk to the teachers at your school. They will surely advise you good literature For self-study. It’s quite possible to enter a medical school while preparing on your own!

Some students prefer to receive specialized secondary medical education, hoping to then easily enter a higher educational institution. This option is possible, but not entirely justified. College graduates have the same rights and grounds for admission as students of regular schools. Of course, in college you will gain some knowledge and be able to understand whether a medical career is really for you. Admission to colleges is based on the average score of the certificate; Unified State Examination results are not required.

General Medicine . The range of responsibility of a paramedic is at least smaller than that of a doctor, but more varied. Often, paramedics provide any medical care From therapy to intensive care, the ambulance service also employs paramedics.

Nursing. Nurses are college graduates. The demand for junior medical staff is very high. Nurses and paramedics are required in almost all public and private clinics.

Medical and preventive care – qualification “sanitary paramedic”.

Midwifery. Obstetricians are those who provide assistance to women in labor.

Laboratory diagnostics – qualification of a medical laboratory technician, a laboratory worker involved in the study of various tests.

Orthopedic dentistry – another specialty in the secondary education program medical education. Graduates receive the profession of “dental technician”. They manufacture and fit dentures.

Preventive dentistry – dental hygienist – specialty used in medical college in great demand. A dental assistant who performs hygiene procedures and assists the doctor during operations.

Medical optics – Optical technician. A person who manufactures and repairs glasses, lenses and other corrective devices.

Medical massage - profession massage therapist. A good massage therapist can improve his skills by learning new massage techniques. As a rule, such specialists are in great demand and their work is well paid.

Pharmacy. Pharmacists are trained in this specialty. Although pharmacy workers no longer prepare medicines by hand, but sell ready-made ones, nevertheless, they cannot do without good knowledge of chemistry and physiology.

05/30/01 – “Medical biochemistry”: “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Russian language”;

05/31/01 – “General Medicine”: “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Russian language”;

05/31/02 – “Pediatrics”: “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Russian language”;

05/31/03 – “Dentistry”: “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Russian language”;

05.33.01 – “Pharmacy”: “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Russian language”;

05/37/01 – “Clinical psychology”: “Mathematics”, “Biology”, “Russian language”.



Reception plan

Competition for first place

Passing score (general competition)

General Medicine




Medical biochemistry

Clinical psychology

Social work

For training in specialty programs in the specialty “General Medicine”:

50 people, passing score – 197.

For training in specialty programs in the specialty “Pediatrics”:

20 people, passing score – 187.

For training in specialty programs in the specialty “Dentistry”:

2 people, passing score – 254.

For training in specialty programs in the specialty “Pharmacy”:

3 people, passing score – 184.

The manual was compiled by Andreeva S.N., deputy. director for water resources management at MBOU "Babaevskaya secondary school No. 1", tutor RC No. 8 (for the implementation of specialized training).

If the Unified State Exam results were not as expected, but strengths graduate - chemistry and biology, enrolling in a pharmacy college or university may be a good option. Pharmacist is a sought-after profession that can be obtained at a university or college after 11th grade. So, where to go if pharmacy is your vocation?

Is a pharmacist a person who sells medicine?

Not really. On the other side of the pharmacy window there may be not only a pharmacist, but also an ordinary pharmacy consultant. The difference between them is precisely the availability of professional knowledge in the field of pharmaceutics and pharmacology.

The pharmacist must know everything: what these or other medications consist of, how each individual ingredient affects human body what contraindications does it have? medicines, which drug should be taken for stomach pain, and which one should be taken if a person has insomnia. In addition, the pharmacist must be able to easily understand a doctor’s prescription and, if necessary, prepare a drug from the specified ingredients directly in the pharmacy.

To master this in-demand profession, you need to study diligently at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. Applicants who have excellent knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, biology and basics of genetics.

Prospects for the profession

Pharmacists, like medical workers, there is always not enough. The number of pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies in Russia is constantly increasing, and employers are snapping up new pharmaceutical graduates like hot cakes.

After completing their training, newly minted pharmacists are free to choose where they want to work next - there are indeed many prospects. You can get a job in a pharmacy and build a career there - from the “first boss” to the head of the pharmacy. You can send your resume to a pharmaceutical company - Russian or foreign. You can go into science and find your place in one of the many laboratories for the development, production or testing of new drugs.

I will be a pharmacist: where to start?

First of all, choose an educational institution: university or college. The difference lies in the possibility or impossibility of combining a profession with work.

For example, in the pharmaceutical college “New Knowledge” (Moscow), where you can enroll after 11th grade, training lasts 3 years 10 months - this is faster than at a university. In parallel with your studies, you can get a job: “New Knowledge” offers full-time and part-time education, and students themselves determine their schedule of classes (day, evening, mixed or weekend). A semester in college costs 24,500 rubles.

There are other options for obtaining a pharmaceutical education. At the Moscow State Educational Complex, you need to study to become a pharmacist according to the same schedule of part-time and part-time education for everyone - twice a week in the evenings and once on Saturday afternoons. Education here will cost 50 thousand rubles per semester. There are several more offers on “Pharmacy” in colleges near Moscow.

Higher education in this specialty can only be full-time and lasts 5 years. This year, enrollment for “Pharmacy” is underway at the State Humanitarian and Technological University (Orekhovo-Zuevo, 51,000 rubles/semester), Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (105,000 rubles/semester), Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (100,000 rubles/semester) and RUDN University (89,600 rubles/semester).


Comment on the article "Where to study chemistry and biology? Pharmaceutical college or university"

To college after 11th grade. Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. My son has now gone to college after 11th grade. I have already written about our situation, when due to...


Hello) I myself graduated from college first, BUT after 9th grade... many then came to us after 11th and everything was fine)) 3 years and you have a profession, at the same time you are growing up during this time, you understand what you need (that specialty or no)))) and then you calmly go to university) it seems to me that this is a good option when there is no exact choice of profession and it will be easier for parents, they won’t have to devote all their energy and money to something that the child will not do later) I went to university then I entered the dyeing course)

I went to college after 11 because I didn’t get into the budget and my parents couldn’t pay. I graduated, got a job and knowledge, entered a university as a correspondence student, I pay for it myself because... I work) thanks to the college certificate, the session is easy most re-read))

09/14/2017 16:17:24, Polina1996

Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? please advise where to go with Section: Parental experience (if you pass the GVE after 9th grade you can go to college...


It seems to me that there is no university without mathematics or Russian; no matter how you look at it, you will need to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian and mathematics, and this, as I see it, is not realistic. Commerce and business are mathematics (well, at the core).

Who does he see himself as? what profession?

I can advise you on a paid externship, where you can study the necessary subjects, and the rest of the grades are “drawn”. You can take one year at a time, or you can take 10-11 in a year. They train the right ones for the Unified State Examination.

Mine was trained, but we don’t have such problems, only mild psychiatry.
we passed 10-11 in 1 year, wrote 2 exams (Russian and basic mathematics) and went to college with a brilliant certificate (4.9 points)

But it’s difficult in college now, we have failed higher mathematics, and there will be a retake.
We have commerce in college, but there is also a higher education program there, an institute program, I don’t think it’s realistic for you...

Are you considering specialized colleges? This year my daughter is entering the Mikhailovsky College of Economics, a boarding school for disabled children. She has a programmer specialty, they also have an accountant and hotel management - this, I think, is for humanities students.

At the pharmaceutical college "New Knowledge" (Moscow), where can you go after 11? Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? And about Podolsk on the Internet...


Moscow, if only federal colleges accept strangers and dorms. Moscow colleges accept strangers only for a fee. There is a good college at Gzhel University with a dorm, many specialties, federal. And ask about Podolsk on the Internet. There should also be colleges in Serpukhov (like on your train line).

06.11.2016 16:35:29, yes

Isn’t it necessary to have Moscow registration in order to enroll in Moscow? We encountered this three years ago and introduced mandatory registration in Moscow.

We were paid even after 18. Ruslan has already been paid.

A relative would like her son to go to college after 9th grade, but she says that that year only Muscovites studied at College No. 3 for free. All the rest cost 120 thousand a year.


The main plus is that the child receives the profession that he has chosen and for which he has already spent at least 7 years (studying at a music school), and they will not be accepted into the Conservatory or the Gnessin Academy without college music. The Unified State Exam is not mandatory, but if you need it, the college will compile lists of those interested and there you will learn about further steps. As a last resort, you can always submit an application to the regional department of education, and they will assign you to take the Unified State Exam at some reception point. A lot also depends on which college you are going to go to; it is often more difficult to get there than to the most prestigious university

I'll wait and listen, I also wanted to start this topic

Admission to college. Education, development. Teenagers. Education and relationships with teenage children: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance...


Interesting too

This is how it happens now:
- we chose several colleges that interested us (the number seems to be unlimited).
- copies of documents were carried everywhere, the originals were not given to anyone.
By the way! You can see in advance (in May) which medical certificate is needed for admission and get it - it is valid for a year. We needed some kind of tricky one, not just 086, because we are going to medical college. Just so that after receiving the certificate you don’t waste time, but can immediately go and submit documents.
- Now on the websites of selected colleges I track the ratings of applicants (they are updated quite regularly) in order to understand where we pass and where we do not.
- Important point- you need to understand exactly by what date you need to bring the original documents. This may vary from college to college. But it turns out that everywhere before August 1st. And here's the dilemma. Since our scores are “borderline”, at the end of July we will have to decide where to go. Where we definitely go, or where we go only on the condition that not everyone ahead in the ranking will bring the originals. In general, the passing score will be clear only after August 1, when everyone who did not bring the original will be excluded from the competition. But then it will be too late to rock the boat...

The child is really needed when submitting copies of documents (immediately after graduation) and when submitting originals towards the end of July. It may also be needed if there are any internal entrance tests for your specialty (for example, we have some kind of mental testing, hairdressers have drawing, maybe...)
The rest of the time he may not be in Moscow.

We attended preparatory courses. For admission - it does not give anything at all. But I was at least more confident that she would not write the Russian GIA as “2”. We have improved our biology - it will be useful in the 1st year (if we enroll). What a baby once again was busy :)

Try to improve your qualifications within a year. Well, you get a “5” in physical education, in life safety... - and that’s bread :) We somehow didn’t stick to it, which I regret now.

I want to transfer it somewhere. Is it possible to go to college, even if it means losing a year? Based on the State Examination results, you can enter a medical college on a budget without any problems.

For many, chemistry is just another general education subject. But for some people this is a start in life, so to speak. The main thing is to correctly apply the acquired knowledge and understand how to reveal it in the future.

So, who needs chemistry? What specialties require knowledge of this subject? It is worth noting that chemists are needed almost everywhere. Thus, the military, food and oil refining industries simply require such workers. In addition, one cannot do without them in mechanical engineering, in the production of varnishes, paints, as well as in the field of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. And finally, it is simply impossible to do without chemistry in medicine. So the choice is obvious, and what’s more, there really is something to build it from. Now it’s worth moving directly to the chemical professions. So, research chemist, chemical engineer, analytical chemist, chemical technologist. These are the most in-demand professions. Such specialists are needed not only in research institutions, but also in production. In general, a lot depends on the specialization. So, for example, a translator learns several languages ​​in order to work in his field. A chemist only needs to know one subject in order to specialize in certain narrow areas.

If you want to dedicate your life research activities, then you need to understand that this work for the future. In order to achieve certain results, you will have to study and work in everything for a long time and systematic work. in this direction. As for the chemical technologist, everything is not so simple here either. True, this specialization is more practical. But without research in this case also indispensable. Such specialists are needed in almost all sectors of the national economy, as well as research organizations. Every day everyone is faced with the work of these people. Yes, fuel household chemicals, paints and much more, all this is the merit of specialists in these areas. Promising areas of work for chemists are pharmaceuticals and cosmetics production. It is worth noting that there is even such an industry as cosmetic chemistry. The most interesting thing is that chemists are also needed in forensic laboratories. This once again proves the fact that chemistry opens many doors for a person. Because there is plenty to choose from. We can talk on this topic endlessly, because there are really many specialties. Where to go with chemistry, and how to make your choice correctly?

With professions, everything is more or less clear, but where to go to study? In this case there should be no problems. Because there are chemistry departments in almost every educational institution. Only now I want to choose something really worthwhile. Therefore, below will be given as an example the best educational institutions to which you can go with knowledge of chemistry. Before starting this discussion, it should be noted that in addition to the main subject, you must also pass Mathematics and Russian. This is standard practice. Today, unfortunately, you cannot enter a university by passing only one specialized subject. So, the largest Moscow University named after Bauman offers applicants to enroll in the department of Biomedical Engineering, as well as Fundamental Sciences. Here everyone can reveal their potential. As for the latter, in addition to chemistry, there is also physics, higher mathematics, etc. So, not only those who like to work with reagents can find themselves. Moscow State Technical University is known to many as Baumanka. It is not only one of the largest, but also the best in its field. Because he is classified as research university, which has science Center, which is a particularly valuable object cultural heritage peoples of Russia. It is also worth noting the fact that it is one of the very first technical universities. To enroll in the above faculties, you must pass not only chemistry, but also mathematics and Russian. Regarding the minimum passing score, then in this case you will have to try hard. So it makes 36 points in chemistry.

A technical university is good, but is it the only option? Actually, that's not all. From time immemorial, chemistry has been a leading subject among physicians. Therefore, all medical educational institutions in the country are opening their doors. Only in some cases you will also need to take biology. So, the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov opens its doors to everyone who wants to connect their life with medicine. There are a lot of faculties in this educational institution, everyone can find themselves. It should be noted that unofficially this university is called “3rd med”. Today it is one of the most basic in Russia. After all, high-quality dentists are trained here. In addition, personnel are trained here in the specialty “General Medicine”. The educational institution has 90 years of experience behind it. This university traces its roots back to the beginning of dental schools. At that time similar educational institutions it just wasn't there. So, the university has more than 20 departments where they train really good doctors. In order to enter, you need to score 36 points in chemistry, as well as pass mathematics and Russian. With medicine, everything is basically clear, but where else can you go? Where can you study chemistry and really not make a mistake with your choice? St. Petersburg State University also opens its doors. What can he offer to incoming students? This educational institution has an institute of chemistry. The name speaks for itself. The main thing you need to know is this particular subject. This university is completely budget-funded, so everyone can try their hand, regardless of financial capabilities. This university can easily be considered one of the largest in Russia. It contains 24 special faculties, as well as the Military Department, whose graduates become reserve officers. In addition, the university includes the College of Medicine, the College of Physical Education and Sports, and Technology and Economics. So to speak, it is quite a multidisciplinary educational institution. In order to become a student of this educational institution you will have to try hard. Moreover, you need to take not only chemistry, but also mathematics and Russian. Again, a lot depends on the chosen department. The minimum score in chemistry is 36. In general, it is quite possible to try your luck.

All the educational institutions described above are not the best at all. More precisely, there is still plenty to choose from; it is clearly not worth limiting yourself to just the options considered. Now it’s worth moving on to the issue of considering advice to future students. It is necessary to understand that in most cases a specialty is chosen once and for life. Therefore, you need to think carefully about this issue. It is advisable to begin this process even before graduation. The fact is that preparing for the Unified State Exam is a rather labor-intensive process that cannot be rushed. This is why you should prepare in advance. Tutors, preparatory courses at educational institutions - all this is standard business. This should not be ignored. Of course, after choosing a profession, you should slowly but surely select an educational institution and find out more information about it. Thus, the right choice is made.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the educational institution may not be the most prestigious, the main thing is that the child feels comfortable studying there. It’s clearly not worth chasing “fashion”; it’s unnecessary. You need to decide on a university right away in grades 10-11 in order to have time to prepare for the Unified State Exam properly. It’s definitely not worth handing in subjects at random; it’s a bad idea, and also quite time-consuming. Parents also play a big role in choosing a child. They should help you do everything right, but in no case should you impose your own point of view on them. This is the life of a child and he has to choose who to be.

Where can you go if you take chemistry in Russia? In fact, there are quite a few educational institutions; the main thing is to decide in which area you want to work. Because knowledge of chemistry allows you to enter many institutes.

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