The Factory group introduced a new soloist. How the new soloist was received in the Factory group. Sooner or later, changes happen in any group. So a new member has appeared in the “Factory” group. WomanHit found out how the girls worked together

Singer Date of birth June 28 (Cancer) 1991 (27) Place of birth Krasny Luch Instagram @sasha_popovaa

For connoisseurs Russian music Sasha Popova is known as one of the soloists last composition group "Factory". The producer of the group noticed the aspiring artist on the set of the program “I want to go to Via-GRU” and invited her to the project. Creative career future singer started at age 3, but the girl for a long time I didn’t plan to seriously study music. She even entered medical school to become a dentist.

Biography of Alexandra Popova

Alexandra was born on June 28, 1991 in the town of Krasny Luch in eastern Ukraine. Her older sister attended a creative club. At the age of 3, Sasha took part in one of her performances and was liked by the public. With the support of her mother, the girl decided to take up acting skills, began hosting children's competitions and concerts.

In 1998, Alexandra won her first music competition. A year later, she was noted by members of the jury at the All-Ukrainian Review folk art in Lugansk. The girl combined performances with school and social activities.

In 2008 Popova entered the Medical University Donetsk, having decided to study dentistry. During her student years, she was a soloist of a local jazz band, mayor of the student organization, laureate music competition at the university. The girl took part in the television project “Pure Hit”, where she reached the finals.

After graduating from the institute, Alexandra became a contestant in Konstantin Meladze’s project “I want to go to Via-GRU.” She made it to the finals of the show, but did not win. Trying to start musical career as part of the TABOO group led by Anna Sedokova failed. The team did not record a single song.

Bright and talented singer noted producer Igor Matvienko. In 2014, he invited Alexandra Popova to the Factory group, where she replaced Katya Lee. Included musical group Sasha took part in the recording of 5 songs, received 2 Golden Gramophones, and starred in 4 videos. She appeared in candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine, after which she accepted a number of proposals from advertising agencies.

Anthology of Russian female groups: part 2

Alexandra Savelyeva presented new soloist group "Factory" - the girl's name is Alexandra Popova. Savelyeva posted on a social network a photo of the updated composition of the group in military uniform, the photo was taken backstage at the concert in the Kremlin on February 23.

Alexandra Popova, a dentist by profession, recently became a finalist music show"I want to VIA Gro", but in the end Igor Matvienko became interested in her, and the girl ended up in another popular group. Alexandra said that she herself initiated communication with the producer of the Factory group Igor Matvienko:

After the finale of the show, I decided that I would not give up, that I wanted to continue singing and performing. I wrote a letter to Igor Matvienko, told about myself, and sent links to my performances. To be honest, I didn’t really hope for a backlash and it was a big surprise for me that they answered me: “Alexandra, when you are in Moscow, come to the studio.”

Alexandra Savelyeva commented on the appearance of a new soloist in the group:

Sasha is a very nice girl, and, what’s important, she sings well and our voices sound wonderful together.

Let us remind you that the ex-soloist of the group Katya Li, who replaced Sati Casanova in 2010, last week announced her departure from “Factory” due to health problems. The girl posted an official video message on Facebook, in which she said that doctors forbade her to actively tour and continue her career in the group, otherwise she might not even become a mother in the future. All these events are connected with the injury that Katya received during the filming of the video “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

I had to ride a horse without a saddle, which I did enchantingly. I received a severe spinal injury, which I dealt with for another month and flew off for surgery in pain.

Alexandra Savelyeva, Katya Li, Irina Toneva

Tatyana Filippova, Center for Investigative Journalism

Crime and sentence

On September 17, it will be exactly one year since the Leninsky District Court of Nikolaev passed a verdict in the high-profile case of Alexandra Popova. 22-year-old Alexander Kosinov, who brutally beat 18-year-old Alexandra Popova on March 9, 2012, was sentenced to 12 years in prison and paid about 170 thousand UAH. moral and material damage the victim.

On November 21, the Court of Appeal of the Nikolaev Region, having considered the petitions of both parties, even increased the criminal’s stay behind bars, and now Kosinov went to prison for 15 years.

The reason for the young man to attack the thin girl with his fists was trivial: Sasha approached him to ask for the bag of her casual acquaintance Maria Christofi, who turned out to be Kosinov’s mistress. Word for word, and the skirmish turned into a rough quarrel, the young people switched to reproaches and obscene language, and Sasha also threatened Kosinov that her boyfriend would deal with him.

Warmed up with alcohol (Kosinov had previously drank a bottle of vodka and a couple of glasses of beer), Alexander brutally beat Sasha, stripped him, and took him away. mobile phone and left, leaving her unconscious.

After this, the doctors of the Nikolaev Emergency Hospital medical care Sasha was diagnosed with a severe traumatic brain injury with cerebral edema, ruptured lungs, fractures of the bones of the nose and jaw, fractures of the sternum and ribs. The girl was in a coma for 72 days.

Fortunately, the conditions for Sasha’s rehabilitation turned out to be suitable in the local Nikolaev sanatorium - the Ingul dispensary (she was supposed to be treated abroad), where she is currently receiving treatment. On the advice of doctors, she needs to take a preventative rehabilitation course every year.

In a year

At the meeting, Sasha herself and her mother, Alla Nikolaevna Gudz, immediately stipulated that the girls would not say a word about the offender.

Alla Nikolaevna noted: “As a matter of fact, Sasha doesn’t remember anything.”

I feel like I’m fine, only my head constantly hurts,” Sasha’s speech is leisurely, although clear and understandable. - I’m currently being treated in a sanatorium. Then I'll be in the hospital.

So far, doctors do not recommend any surgeries, although Sasha will eventually need plastic surgery. Alla Nikolaevna added that Sasha’s hair is falling out from the medications, but doctors are working to cleanse the body.

Sasha and her mother are very grateful to the doctors of the Emergency Hospital and Ingula:

“They saved her for me, raised her to her feet. At Ingul they treated her well. But now we need to go to some center to treat our legs. After all, Sasha has a limp. But I can’t leave my sick mother yet,” says Alla Gudz.

Sasha shows her right leg, which turns slightly inward when walking. Because of this, the girl can only walk no more than 10 meters, and then “she has to crawl, it’s hard to pull.”

We do therapeutic exercises until it helps,” explains Sasha’s mother. - We work out and get massages all the time. Need time. The doctors told us right away: it will take five to seven years, no less.

Sasha walks on her own, but does not step very confidently. He is afraid of falling, although his mother is always nearby and encourages him all the time. The big problem for Sasha still remains the restoration of memory and the fight against fears - he works with her experienced psychologist. Together with her mother, the girl reads poetry and tries to memorize it, but it doesn’t work out well. He says that sometimes he comes to the kitchen for some reason and cannot remember why.

Own apartment

Alla Nikolaevna is with her daughter almost all the time and rejoices at her every smallest success. When asked how she had changed own life, the woman says with a sigh: “Sometimes I have this feeling: I’m riding in a minibus and it’s like I’m with with open eyes I'm sleeping. I’m very tired, my mother is exhausting me, I need to run to work, do the laundry at home, and pay attention to everyone. And Sasha and I are together all the time.”

Alla Nikolaevna had a hard life before: her elderly mother requires constant care, and next to her is her 27-year-old son Vitaly, a disabled child who is not working now. They all live together in one apartment. Soon Sasha is going to live separately. The Akhmetov Foundation, as promised, purchased a three-room comfortable apartment for the girl in the city center, where Alla Nikolaevna is now slowly making repairs, because there is not enough money for everything. And Sasha “trains”: she goes to her own place for a couple of days, but then her mother takes her back.

Are you afraid to let go?

Afraid. I’m afraid to lose,” Alla Nikolaevna becomes sad. - Last night I went out and sat on the bench. No Sasha, I’m like an orphan. She and I are always in the kitchen.

Having your own apartment is a joy after all.

You know, it would be better if all this did not happen, - Alla Nikolaevna speaks in one phrase about many things at once, which is understandable anyway, without any words.

But Sasha, apparently, can’t wait to be independent.

Sasha, won’t it be difficult for you?

On the contrary,” the girl replies with conviction. - The further I go, the more I will do it myself, the better the result will be. And the fact that mom cooks everything, does everything, what good does that do?

Can you cook yourself?

Honestly? No. I can fry potatoes, boil them in their jackets, or make some kind of salad. My favorite salad is crab. I also love herring with mashed potatoes.

Dreams about the future

Today Sasha thinks a lot about life and about her future. He wants to learn the art of manicure, and then, when his memory is restored, to study law.

The girl cannot explain where such different desires came from. My mother helps me answer: “Sasha has long wanted to get into design. This was her dream."

I just like working as a stylist, and it works out a bit,” Sasha shows the brush and explains that right hand and my leg often cramps. To get rid of them, the girl writes a lot.

The girl’s mother believes that training is needed, and over time the ailments will go away. And Sasha already wants to study or work.

“She’s tenacious,” says Sasha’s mother. – After school I really wanted to work, to be independent, to be independent. This remains the case even now. Only her character has changed. She used to be kind and felt sorry for me all the time. And now she has become tough and nervous.

Sasha doesn’t want to talk about her character: “It’s better not to.” I am very harmful, I always insist on my own, I prove to everyone that I am right, and you are all wrong.

Maybe someone nearby is right?

I know I'm not always right, but I still prove that I'm right!

With sadness, Sasha talks about what last year she didn’t have a single friend left, without explaining why. The girl also experiences great disappointment and at the same time does not trust anyone, even her closest people and her mother.

Like any girl, Sasha dreams of love, family and children, but she understands perfectly well: all this is in the future. While her days are busy with constant physical exercise, writing, reading, memory training.

I'm 80% happy now. I just want to learn to walk! – Sasha sums up our conversation.

On the way to the stop, the girl steps very carefully, looking back at her mother every minute.

I think she will succeed,” says Alla Nikolaevna. - The most important thing is that we live!

Sasha, walk confidently! You survived a terrible misfortune, but came out victorious, although you will still have to work a lot. With you are your mother, brother, grandmother and aunt who support you every day, and thousands of people in hometown Nikolaev and throughout the country sincerely wish you health and happiness! You have earned the right to be happy!

This is a young beautiful singer, whose facial features make her incredibly similar to the famous American actress and famous Russian actress.

The girl was born on the territory of Ukraine in 1991. Sasha has an older sister who has been involved in singing and dancing since childhood. At the age of three, Sasha took part in one of her older sister’s performances, performing popular song about love. This is how her singing career began.

Alexandra spent her entire childhood performing in a theater group, at competitions for children, at the main Christmas tree of the city, and so on. The girl was inspired to engage in creativity by her mother. Sasha actively participates in various musical creative competitions, in some of them he wins or takes prizes. The girl combines all her successes with excellent studies at school.

Alexandra lost her mother quite early. She devotes all her victories since the age of 12 to her memory.

From adolescence, Alexandra becomes a real activist - she promotes healthy image life, performs, dances, participates in vocal competitions. And he wins again and again. This continues during her student years - bright and purposeful Sasha receives an education as a dentist and at the same time collects a number of creative awards and titles at her university.

Music and career

On big stage the girl begins to make her way after completing her studies - she tries her hand at the “I want to join VIA Gro” project, the organizer of which becomes.

At the first stage of selection, she performs the song of the group “Boombox” - “Watchmen” and immediately attracts the attention of the demanding jury.

Unfortunately, she does not win the competition, although she reaches final stage. However, she firmly decides that she will become a famous singer.

After some time, Alexandra receives an invitation that is impossible to refuse. It turned out that the group, under the patronage, was looking for a third soloist to replace Katya Li, who could not outshine the glory of Sati Casanova. Popova fits into the trio in all respects - young age, bright appearance, average height And beautiful figure.

Currently, the singer as part of the “Factory” performs songs and records Studio albums. Her photos appear on the pages of fashion magazines, and clips with her participation are seen on music channels whole country. By the way, the photo shoot of a trio member for men's magazine"Maksim".

The Fabrika group actively tours the country and participates in television programs. So, in the show “I want to go to Meladze” the girls performed together with the future members of M’Band - they sang on stage together with the “factory girls”. After the speech, the young people shared their impressions of meeting such popular singers V social network Instagram.

Personal life

On the personal front, everything is stable for Alexandra Popova - she is a member of happy relationship with a young man who committed heroic deed. Her boyfriend moved from Donetsk to Moscow following his beloved when she became a member of a popular musical trio.

Beauty secrets

Alexandra devotes her free time from work to working on herself - recently she has literally fallen in love with the gym and working out with barbells and free weights. The girl loves to attend group classes and swims in the pool every day.

She is sure that the key to beauty is sports and care. But the girl doesn’t yet understand all sorts of tricks - the girl is extremely surprised by the craze, for example, Botox injections in the face. In her opinion, this does not make women beautiful. On the contrary, they become very similar friend at a friend, and their faces turn into a kind of mask.

The girl constantly goes for massages and hair treatments. She makes her own face masks at home. A separate issue for Alexandra was her diet. The fact is that she has a natural tendency to quickly gain weight and gain weight. For the sake of a beautiful, slender figure, she had to give up tasty but unhealthy dishes, replacing sweets and fast food with nuts and fruits with cottage cheese.

Previously a star I experimented with diets, and once even dared to lose weight through starvation. But she quickly realized that this radical method was not for her. Now she simply modified her eating habits - she fell in love with greens, fish, water with lemon. I gave up pizza, pasta, melon and coffee. The girl eats sweets only until 12 noon.

Such tricks and restrictions allow the singer to shine on stage in the most extravagant and revealing outfits, delighting the audience with the songs she performs and general view entertainment show.

Changes happen in any team sooner or later. So a new member has appeared in the “Factory” group. WomanHit found out how the girls worked together.

Group "Factory".

press service materials.

Sasha Savelyeva: “We first heard Alexandra at my birthday”

“Apparently, fate decreed it this way.”
— Nowadays they write a lot about Katya on the Internet: that she is getting married, and that she will now be involved in fashion. Can you tell me what's really going on?
— To be honest, I haven’t read about it. We ourselves did not fully understand what happened. We waited for Katya until the last minute, thinking that she would return. But this did not happen.

— It’s always difficult when there is something established, as it was with Sati. And suddenly one day everything collapsed. Then long castings, difficult decision- and here you have it new person, with whom you continue this path. You accept him into the family, show him everything, tell him everything, make sure that there is a good atmosphere in the group...
- Then why does this happen?
— There are many factors here. First of all, there are some personal motives. When you join a team of this level, from that moment on you have to think not only about yourself, but also about the group as a whole. Realize that you cannot let down the people who work with you, respect them and be able to get out of difficult situations. This is not given to everyone.
— Did you take part in the casting of the new soloist?
— Sasha herself wrote to Igor, and she was invited to audition. After all, each producer has many performers in his database. When we found out that Katya would not return to the group, we began to look for a soloist: first, Igor (Matvienko. - “MCB”) watched and listened to the singers. Then the ones we liked went through to the second round, and we had to sing and dance together to understand how well we blended in voice and look.

— We first heard Alexandra at my birthday celebration - it so happened that the casting was more difficult for her than for the other participants. (Laughs.) She had to sing a song in front of 120 of my guests, and these people were almost all from show business. But she was not at all shy and performed the song. We rehearsed several times, and everyone decided to leave Sasha with us.
— Did they take patronage over her?
— Sasha herself asks us questions about how to sing correctly, etc. Naturally, we will prompt and support her.

— Everything depends on the personal qualities of the soloists, so we don’t have such a question: to suggest - yes, to order - no!

— It seems to me that it depends on the wishes of the soloists of the “Factory” group.

Irina Toneva: “The main thing is that everything is fine with Katerina”

He has been singing at the Factory since its inception. The group appeared on the Star Factory-1 project in 2002.
— Do you regret that Katya Lee left the group?
“The main thing is that everything is fine with Katerina.”
— You have been together for 12 years. Is it hard when someone else leaves you?
“Both those who leave and those who remain will be saved in the end by Her Majesty Music.”
— How did Alexandra Popova seem to you?
“The study of our youngest is still in progress.
— Did they take patronage over her?
- Yes.
— They wrote a lot about hazing in VIA Gre, but is this possible in your group?
— Hazing is the prerogative of the army.
— What do you think needs to be done to ensure that the Factory soloists don’t leave again?
— The main thing is the desire of the entire team to bring a holiday to people from the stage and screens.

Alexandra Popova: “I’ve been singing since childhood!”

Born in Donetsk. Dentist by training. She has loved singing since childhood, so without hesitation she entered the television competition “I want to join VIA Gro”, ending up with mentor Anna Sedokova. Participation in the show inspired Alexandra so much that she decided to forever connect her life with music and wrote a letter to producer Igor Matvienko. True, she did not expect a backlash. But soon the girl was invited to Moscow to the studio, and then offered to try herself as a soloist in “Factory”.
- Alexandra, do you believe or still don’t believe what happened to you?
- I believe! (Laughs.) Are you not?
— You are a dentist by training, but how did it happen that you ended up in the “Factory” group?
— I’ve been singing since childhood! My first performance took place when I was three years old, on the first of April! It was a joke number. (Laughs.) I sang the insanely popular song “Knot” by Alena Apina at that time. And then I started performing at all city events, both in a group and solo. It all started when my older sister and I went to the “Smile” music studio in our city of Krasny Luch, Lugansk region. My sister is seven years older than me, and there were children her age in the group, but there was simply no one to leave me with at home. And I repeated everything after the elders, I also sang and danced. They noticed this and came up with that very joke number especially for me. And when I was already in first grade, my mother, together with the head of the music studio, came up with a trio “ Good mood", in which I began to sing together with two girls. So I had a very positive creative childhood - from “Smile” to “Good Mood”. My older sister Natalya advised me to enroll in the Faculty of Dentistry at the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky. Dad, of course, supported this idea, since it is very important for him good profession and my future, independent of anyone. (Smiles.) While studying to be a dentist, I was also a soloist jazz orchestra Medicus band, participated in all university events, represented our university at many not only city, but also international competitions.
— Participation in the show “I want to join VIA Gro” is your first experience in the world of show business. Didn't he scare you?
- On the contrary, it helped! I learned to behave in front of the camera, quickly memorize choreography, and gather myself at the right moment - these are important skills for an artist.
— This year the “Factory” group turns 12 years old. There was no fear of how Sasha Savelyeva and Ira Toneva would receive you?
“I won’t hide it, I was worried when I went to my first meeting with the girls. But when we started communicating, the jitters subsided. We met in a small Italian restaurant on Mira Avenue. We drank tea with desserts, Sasha Savelyeva, I remember, ate some kind of green salad. The girls asked me about my life, about where I performed.
- In films they often show: a person gets on stage, and specialists begin to work with him - from a dentist to a stylist and a nutritionist. Has something similar happened to you?
— The girls said that the “Factory” group never had a personal dentist. But now it has appeared. (Laughs.)
— Ira and Sasha help you get used to their team?
“It’s great to work with the girls, they help me learn the program faster and give me advice!” We often spend time together between rehearsals, various events and concerts! We often bring each other different goodies. For example, I brought lard to the girls from Ukraine, and they treated me to all sorts of Russian sweets. (Smiles.)
— You yourself are from Donetsk. How did you get settled in Moscow?
— I’m still settling in. I still have trouble finding my way around Moscow - it’s good that my phone has a navigator!

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