How to photograph men on the street. Beautiful poses for a male photo shoot at home, outdoors and in the studio

It is always necessary to prepare for a photo shoot, think about images and poses in advance, besides, it is always easier for men to work when they know what is expected of them and what they should do. The presence of cheat sheets in a male photo shoot is always welcome, and always has a positive effect on the result
So let's look at some simple example poses for men.

1. A very simple pose. We photograph the upper body. Arms crossed, shoulders slightly forward, stomach tucked.

2. We take pictures in full height. The arms are crossed, as in the previous example, one leg extends slightly behind the other. Weight is transferred to both legs.

3. Answering eternal question“Where should I put my hands?”, we offer you the following options.

1. The hand hangs freely to the side;
2. Hands on hips;
3.In pockets;
4. Both arms are crossed on the chest.

4. We take full-length photographs, thumbs in your pockets.

5. Same position, but outerwear You can throw it over your shoulder with one hand and leave the other in your pocket.

6. Sitting pose. Arms are crossed, the ankle of one leg rests on the knee of the other leg. Try to photograph a little from above so that the legs do not appear huge.

7. You can lean a little against the wall.

8. We photograph against the wall, the model seems to be slightly propping up the wall.

9. Nice pose for commercial photography. The model is holding in her hands an object that characterizes her type of employment.

10. Sitting on a table pose is also good for formal and commercial photography.

11. The pose, sitting at the table, is perfect for illuminating the type of human activity.

12. The same position at the table, but slightly change the position of the hand.

13. Pose at the table, but shot from the other side.

14. Pose at the table, the model crossed her arms and rested her elbows on the table. It is also well suited for illuminating the type of human activity.

15. Full-length pose. A man stands near his workplace, leaning one hand on a chair.

16. Sitting on a chair, one leg on top of the other. Free, relaxed pose.

17. Natural posture of a person sitting on the ground.

18. Another option for a pose on the ground, in this pose, the main thing is not to move your arms too far from the body.

19. Relaxed pose while sitting on the floor.

20. A person is sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall or any other object.

21. Portrait close-up. Don't be afraid to take portraits up close.

Many people love selfies, but most of them don't know how to take them correctly. The photos are not very beautiful or exciting, they cannot impress people, so no one will look at them. There are some people who can make even the scariest photo look cute, but how do they do it? Today we’ll look at how cool it is to take a photo for a guy and a girl, or tips for a cool selfie.

1. Lighting

Before taking photos, you need to make sure there is enough natural light in your room. If the sun shines too brightly, you can hang a thin curtain. This light makes the photo natural, and the lines of the face are smoother and softer.

Also, if there is not enough light, then use artificial light to fill in the shadows.

2. Favorite lipstick (girls)

Bright lipstick always helps to attract attention. When people look at your photos, the first thing they will notice is your beautiful lips, which makes your selfie more memorable. It is recommended to use soft pink, bright red or purple lipstick. Also don't forget about transparent glitter.

3. Beard (guys)

Men can use their beard to their advantage. Almost everyone knows that a beard adds brutality and also makes a photo memorable. You can also pair your beard with glasses or a stylish hat.

4. Correct angle

Many people claim that if you tilt your head at an angle and take a photo, the photo will come out more voluminous. This way you can visually enlarge your eyes and emphasize your cheekbones.

You need to choose the side of the tilt, you can first take a photo with right side, and then with the left. See which side is the most photogenic and take selfies from that side.

5. Smile

If you want to get a good feeling from your photo, then you need to smile for a selfie. A smile conveys positive attitude, and also makes faces much prettier.

A smile must be natural. To trigger it, you can remember pleasant moments from your life or funny incidents from comedies.

In addition, you can awaken the actor in you and try to take a selfie with other facial expressions - sadness, fear, solemnity and others.

6. Ideal pose

Find the perfect pose for yourself. Most people who look great in photographs have several ideal poses. You need to find your own pose, which will make you very beautiful and desirable in all pictures. Practice daily in front of the mirror.

7. Use different apps and filters

In order to make a photo more beautiful, you can use many applications. You can find them on the Internet or the same popular Instagram, which allows girls or guys to make their photos more colorful. Try a retro look with a black and white filter, add some warm tones, or use a little blur. Try it, remember it, just don’t overdo it with processing.

8. Beautiful places

Use areas that would make a great idea for a selfie. Sky, sea, mountains - all this will make your photo unforgettable. Search different angles or natural objects to create a photo.

9. Selfie overhead

Raise your smartphone above your head and take a photo. Use the above mentioned Beautiful places. From this angle, you will see beautiful places behind you, some of your clothes, your emotions and much more. The photo will turn out more rich and interesting.

10. Selfie with animals

Do you have a pet or have you met a very beautiful animal on the street? Then take action! Animals have the ability to take photos very well. Selfies with cats, dogs, parrots, rats and other pets are the path to photography success.

Selfie poses for a guy:

The best poses for men for a photo shoot

Photo sessions for guys are less common than for women or children. After all, most men, unlike the fair sex, do not have the desire and ability to show off in front of the camera.

How can you make the photography process easier and more comfortable?

When preparing for a photo shoot, you should choose as many different clothes as possible. various styles, so that there is plenty to choose from when shooting. In addition, clothing can suggest the nature of future photographs. Clothes should also be comfortable: this will help you relax.

You can also take from the props various items, which could express inner world men: cigars, guitar, bottle of cognac, hookah, ball, skate... Choice in in this case is not limited to anything.

It would be useful to discuss possible options shooting, it is important to understand what the person you are photographing wants to get out of it. Usually men want to be brutal, masculine, sexy, the photograph should reflect the man’s status. Show him the “best men’s poses for a photo shoot” cheat sheet before starting the photo shoot, and the pictures will turn out really amazing. It is no secret that many representatives of the stronger sex love black and white photography - such photography adds power and heroism to a man.

Many photographers say that men feel cozier and more comfortable if they have a trusting relationship with the photographer, and it is also easier for them to relax if there is also a man on the other side of the camera, although the opposite can also happen. In order to avoid embarrassment of the client, it is necessary to study it in advance psychological picture, learn more about a person, about his hobbies, work, favorite music, as it can be played in the studio.

In filming male portrait The simplest and most natural poses look good, the simpler the better.

Concerning general rules, then there are several subtleties that the photographer should take into account in order for the portrait to truly emphasize masculine features.

To emphasize broad shoulders and muscles, ask the model to turn her shoulders towards the camera, and, on the contrary, slightly turn her hips away from the lens.

In most cases, a man's eyes should look in the same direction as his face.

— regardless of whether the model is sitting or standing, you need to pay attention to posture. If a man forgets about his posture, you should gently remind him to keep his back straight.

Now let's look at best poses men for a photo shoot:

1. A very simple pose for a male portrait: a man stands with his arms crossed over his chest. With this position, you should pay special attention to two things: your shoulders should be slightly pulled back and your stomach should be pulled in.

2. A similar pose, good for full-length photos. The arms are crossed at chest level, the hands are on the elbows, the thumbs are hidden inside. In addition to the arms, ask the model to also cross her legs so that one is in front of the other. Make sure that the weight of the body is predominantly on one leg, otherwise the pose will be unsightly and awkward.

3. The same pose can be repeated, only in this case, ask the man to put one hand in his pocket and leave the other relaxed.

4. If you ask a man to put his hands completely or partially into the front pockets of his trousers, you are guaranteed to get a natural and relaxed posture. There are two options for this pose:

A) the hands are folded into a fist at waist level, the thumbs are in the pockets;

B) the hand is hidden in the pocket, only the thumbs are outside.

5. This pose is not much different from the previous one. All you have to do is throw an item of clothing or a briefcase over your shoulder, thumb The other hand rests on the trouser pocket, legs are crossed.

6. If you are photographing a man sitting, ask him to place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other, this will give you a natural and relaxed pose. The shooting point should be slightly elevated above the model's eyes.

7. Full-length portraits look good when a man leans his back against the wall. Your hands may be in your pockets. If a man leans against the wall with one leg bent at the knee, the photo will look more relaxed.

8. You can lean against the same wall sideways. This pose is good for both impromptu and formal portraits.

9. A very simple pose for a business portrait. An object in the hand (a laptop, a book, or even tools) can work as a sign indicating a man's occupation.

10. The easiest way to portray a relaxed man is to sit in a relaxed position with your hands resting freely on your

11. This is a simple pose for a person sitting at a table. In order to show the model's occupation, you can include some objects on the table in the frame that will act as signs.

12. A slight change from the previous pose. Very good for business portraits.

13. Another typical pose for a man that will make the photo more creative. The chair on which the model will sit must be turned with its back facing the camera lens.

14. A man sitting at a table leans on his crossed arms. Alternatively, you can place work-related items on the table to indicate his profession

Tired of group photos with friends in which you look the worst?

Tired of putting pictures from the Internet on your avatar because you don’t have good photos?

If you answered “Yes” to at least one of the questions, this article is for you!

Good photographs are a symbiosis of preparation, some knowledge and practice. They rarely happen just like that, so if you want to increase the frequency of their appearance, use these tips.

Closed eyes

This is a very common problem. Someone takes a photo, you stand there and think: “Don’t blink, don’t blink, don’t blink,” and in the end, you fell asleep in the photo.

Solution: When preparing to take a photo, close your eyes for a few seconds and open them slowly before the bird flies out. Trust me, it works.

If the photo must be taken with flash, look at the light source for a few seconds, your pupils will constrict and your eyes will be ready for the camera flash.

Double chin

Either you have it because you're fat, or it appears when you tilt your head down.

Solution: Don't lower your chin. Every time you take a photo, you lift your chin and pull your head forward a little. Do this and no more double chin!

Find your "work" side

Beckham, judging by the photo shoots, has a left working side.

Believe me, everyone has it. Look at the photos that you like, in which you think you turned out great, and try to find something in common in them - a pose, a turn of the head, a smile.

Oily facial skin

Oily skin shines in photographs and gives you an unhealthy wax figure look.

Solution: before the photo, remove sebum using napkins, special or regular ones, or even toilet paper, the main thing is that you won’t shine like a Madame Tussauds piece.

Don't look at the camera head-on

The photo shows how unsymmetrical the face is, but the starry areola still does its job.

It's rare to meet a person with perfect symmetrical face, without any flaws or imperfections. If you are not perfect, do not take a full-face photograph, turn your “working” side to the camera.

Suitable lighting

Any professional photographer will tell you that lighting is the most important aspect. high-quality photo. The first thing to avoid is direct artificial light shining down on you. It causes dark shadows to appear under the eyes and makes the face look tired.

Solution: ideal - diffused daylight light falling directly on you. sunlight will make the complexion warmer and no shadows under the eyes.

Natural smile

Looks like he met an old friend by chance.

A smile pulled on specially for a photo is terrible if you don’t know how to “stretch” it correctly. A real one, on the contrary, will brighten up any photo, but you’re not always in the right mood.

How can you bring your smile closer to its natural appearance, even when you’re not in the mood?

You can remember some joke or funny incident from life and sincerely smile at it, which will ultimately be captured in the photo.

As you most likely know, a sign of a sincere smile is eye expression. If the eyelids squint a little, and facial folds appear at the corners of the eyes, then the emotion is most likely natural. Therefore, to get closer to this, smile not only with your mouth, but also with your eyes.


If you slouch, you look fatter, your chest is narrower, your back is like a wheel - all this will make the photo terrible.

Solution: correct posture, stand straight, shoulders back, chin up, plus a smile - and your photogenicity increases significantly!

Use your tongue

99% Ron in this photo is using this technique.

A trick of fashion models is to press your tongue against your teeth when you smile. At the same time, the facial muscles relax because you are focused on the tongue, and a relaxed face looks better in a photograph, plus there are fewer facial wrinkles.

Not only women, but also men want to look attractive and sexy. If you want to attract the attention of girls or use a photo for your portfolio, you need to choose correct poses and ideas for a photo shoot.

No matter how handsome you are, a bad pose in a photo can turn you into a scary dwarf. But if you don’t shine with beauty, you definitely need to read this article! Thanks to our tips, you will look courageous and attractive in photographs. Find out the secrets of success right now!

How to look professional in photos:

Rule #1. Only you should be in the photo, no strangers. Well, of course, you can use various accessories and furniture to create a suitable environment.

Rule #2. It is advisable that the pictures are taken in a vertical format, so you will look tall and courageous. Alas, practice shows that most horizontal photos look funny and awkward, so it’s better not to take risks.

Rule #3. If the photo shoot takes place on outdoors, it must be carried out at a certain time - within 1.5 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset. Under no circumstances take photos when the sun is directly above you; the photos will turn out either too light or, on the contrary, dark.

Rule #4. Choose your clothes responsibly. The wrong tie or shirt can ruin your entire look. The same goes for hairstyles and accessories. Avoid clothing with large logos and inscriptions.

Photo shoot for men: ideas

Below we will present you with several ideas for photo shoots, and you can also familiarize yourself with the most advantageous poses.

In room. If you like minimalism and want to highlight only yourself in the photos, the simplest idea will suit you - indoors (photo studio). Don’t worry about the background behind you, this is not the main thing, the quality of the photo depends on your mood. Choose a simple, plain background without any patterns. It could also be an artificial field with grass, photo wallpaper in the background.

Outdoors. If the weather is beautiful outside, why not have a photo shoot outdoors? This way you will save a lot of money on renting a photo studio and recharge great mood. Did you like this option? Dress appropriately - none business suits and ties, only bright and light summer things.

To create a business style. Do you want to show yourself as a successful entrepreneur or manager? In this case, the photo must be taken in a good office - for desk, in the conference room. Dress yours best suit with a tie, don't forget about glasses and a good watch.

On a rest. Is it possible to take pictures while on vacation? Don't forget to wear bright shorts or swimming trunks, glasses and a cap! Take a photo with a cocktail in your hand near the pool, on a yacht or beach, in a bar, against the backdrop of local attractions.

In gym. Do you love playing sports? The gym will be a great place for a photo shoot; arrange it at a time when there are no visitors, in the morning or late in the evening. Pick up bigger dumbbells and show what you can do!

Remember our tips and don’t forget to communicate with the photographer during the photo shoot; lack of communication can ruin everything.

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