How to draw joyful children playing on a rainbow. Drawing lesson “Rainbow-arc. Cheerful clouds with a rainbow mood

How to draw a rainbow? Many children ask their parents this question. Meanwhile, the task of an adult is not just to explain to a child how to make such a drawing, but also to simultaneously explain what it is. a natural phenomenon.

What is a rainbow

Such a beautiful phenomenon as a rainbow is liked by both adults and children.

It is useful to tell kids that this multi-colored arc occurs when the rays of the sun illuminate a collection of water droplets in the air. This phenomenon can only be observed during or after rain. Drops of water that pass through sunlight, reflect it from different angles. As a result of this, a multi-colored arc is obtained - a spectrum of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Learning the colors of the spectrum

Drawing with children is a fun activity for parents and useful for children. It will be easy for a child to remember all seven colors of the spectrum thanks to the old rhyme: every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits. In it, all the words mean a specific color. After this, you and your child can start creating a picture, because every adult knows how to draw a rainbow. But the child does not know this.

How to draw a rainbow step by step

For very young children, you can show several simple ways. How to draw a rainbow with paints. This requires a simple album sheet, seven colors corresponding to the colors of the spectrum and a ruler.

In the same magical way for children, you can draw a rainbow, using a small roller and mixing paints in the order of the spectrum. The kids themselves can create such a drawing. With the proper level of accuracy, the picture will look very decent - it can even be framed and hung in a child’s room.

It is useful for children to learn how to draw a rainbow with a pencil to develop hand motor skills. For such a drawing, the child has to apply more effort. This is why many pediatricians recommend drawing with colored pencils.

For such a picture, you can immediately take seven colors in your hands and draw an arc line in one movement. Or you can draw each layer of the rainbow separately. Here it is useful to give freedom to the child - let him use his own imagination and decide how to do better. Parents can help the child turn such a sketch into a real picture - simply complete the clouds, sky, sun and earth.

Pictures for children with a rainbow are an opportunity, if not with your own eyes, then at least in pictures to see a real miracle of nature. Just like hundreds and thousands of years ago, so now, when a scientific explanation has been found for the phenomenon, people are amazed by the beauty of the colors spreading in the sky after the rain. Children especially enjoy the rainbow and consider it something magical that can make wishes come true.

Read our article, and then tell your child why and how a rainbow appears, admire beautiful photos and drawings, download them to your computer for free directly from the site catalog.

Photo of a rainbow in nature

To the pupil kindergarten or a primary school student will have a hard time understanding why a rainbow actually appears. To do this you need to master at least school course physics and find out what sunlight is made of. The kid is more likely to believe that a multi-colored arch in the sky is a bridge that Nature, or a Wizard, for example, threw over. Or what is it - a stairway to heaven. This is exactly what our ancestors thought.

But also small child It can be explained that a rainbow appears after rain, and sometimes during it, when the rays of the sun suddenly appearing from behind the clouds encounter drops of water hanging in the air and break up into 7 primary colors. If your baby has never seen this amazing natural phenomenon on the street or in books, show him the fun in pictures on a transparent background.

Sun and rainbow

In order for a rainbow to appear over a city, field, river, or mountains, certain conditions are necessary. The air should be moist, and the light source, that is, the sun, should be bright. But why is it not always visible in the summer, when rainy weather gives way to clear weather? For light to break up into colored stripes, it must fall on raindrops at an angle of 42 degrees. And the rainbow is visible only to those people who stand with their backs to the Sun.

Another interesting fact: despite the fact that the rainbow is depicted as an arch, an arc, a semicircle, it represents vicious circle. We simply do not see its lower half beyond the horizon.
You can see a circular rainbow from an airplane window.

By the way, rainbows don’t only appear after rain. It can be observed near waterfalls, rivers and lakes, and other bodies of water in the heat. And at night, in the light of the moon, especially the full one, you can see a unique white sphere.

Seeing a rainbow in the sky is a good omen. A natural phenomenon symbolizes transformation, renewal, hope for the best. People believed that his eyewitnesses would definitely be lucky - their wishes would come true, they would definitely get rich.

Veselka colors

Passing through a drop of water, the light beam is divided into a spectrum consisting of 7 colors, visible to the naked eye. These colors always come in the same clear sequence.

The colors of the rainbow are:

  • red,
  • orange,
  • yellow,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • violet.

The sequence of rainbow colors is not always easy for young children to remember. There are several techniques and ways to do this, but the simplest is to learn the mnemonic verse “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.”

Beautiful drawn pictures

If a child has learned a mnemonic rhyme and memorized the sequence of 7 colors, you can invite him to take an album, markers or paints and draw a rainbow himself. One of these images will serve as a visual aid or a model for sketching.

Sun and rainbow, fairy meadow with rainbow, hand drawn talented artist, you can download, print and hang in your children's room.

Rhymes and videos for kindergarten and primary school children

Teachers of kindergarten and primary school, while studying colors or natural phenomena, tell kids about the rainbow. During classes, children draw 7 colored stripes, make appliqués from colored paper, and learn funny rhymes. If the equipment of a group room or office allows it, it is also worth showing the kids an educational video about the “sky rocker”.

Short poems for kindergarten

The famous children's poet S. Marshak suggests that you can climb along a rainbow to the very sky, and then from it roll somersault to the ground.

Indeed, rain and sun are powerful builders, capable of creating an incredibly beautiful, bright, colorful rainbow with their bare hands.

Video for children

Children aged 3-5 years are called the age of “why”. If you are tired of answering the endless questions of your inquisitive little one, and he really wants to know where the rainbow is in the sky, show him this educational video.

Dear friends and guests of the “Music of the Soul” blog! Today I offer you a selection of pictures of one of the most beautiful natural phenomena - rainbows. You will find photos of rainbows in nature, poems about the rainbow of life and the rainbow of happiness, and some legends about the rainbow-arc.

Rainbow - arc of happiness

Nicolas Valentin (c)

The rainbow symbolizes the meeting of Heaven and Earth. According to the Bible, the rainbow appeared after global flood, as a sign of God and his promise - never again to send a flood to the Earth. The rainbow is a symbol of peace and happiness, in contrast to lightning, which expresses the wrath of Heaven. After all, a rainbow appears after a thunderstorm against the backdrop of a peaceful and renewed nature, clean after the rain. A rainbow is a bridge between worlds, as a sign of God's mercy and love for us.

Rainbow arc colors

Remember the children's saying that helped us remember the seven colors of the rainbow?

Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.

And there is another little rhyme, I only found out about it now -

How Jacques the City Beller Once Broke the Lantern

The colors in both the first and second phrases are listed according to the order of the colors in the rainbow, which begins with red. The first letter of each word represents a specific color. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Although in fact the spectrum of colors of the rainbow is continuous, these colors of the rainbow gradually transform into one another. The colors in the phrase are listed according to the order of the colors in the rainbow, which starts with red. Red is light with the longest wavelength.

In Christian symbolism, 7 colors are images of the seven sacraments and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
And there is such an interpretation of the color of the rainbow - the red color of the rainbow represents the wrath of God, orange - happiness, yellow - generosity, green - hope, blue - tenderness, blue - pacification of natural forces, purple - greatness.

The colored rainbow is the arc of life.

IN Slavic legends It is believed that angels descend along this magical bridge, collect water from the earth’s rivers and seas, so that this water will then spill onto the earth as life-giving moisture in the form of rain.

In Bulgaria they believed that if a woman who only gave birth to girls went to drink water in the place where the rainbow “drinks”, then she would give birth to boys.

In China, a rainbow is a rainbow celestial dragon whose tail shines with all the colors of life, uniting yang and yin.
In Africa, they believe that the rainbow is a snake that encircles the Earth with a ring of luxurious color and guards the heavenly treasures.
The Indians considered the rainbow to be a ladder to Heaven; if you are strong and courageous, you can walk along it to the Sun. The Inca rulers wore the image of a rainbow on their emblems and coats of arms, they believed that these were the rays of the Sacred Sun.
Residents of the island of Nias believe that the rainbow is a huge overflowing net that catches the souls of people.
IN Scandinavian mythology The rainbow is a “trembling path”, a three-colored bridge connecting two worlds. Souls traveled along it to the afterlife. Before the end of the world, this bridge collapses.
And in Christianity, the rainbow symbolizes forgiveness, a pact between God and man.

Poems and photos about rainbows

Juan Ramon Jimenez - poems about rainbows

The game with the rainbow beckons me
on a harp in motionless clouds,
music of gold and silver
above the burning eternal radiance.

At the crossing of these rays
I would voice my thoughts double:
the high clouds of my days
with a rainbow on the sky;

you, undying eye, -
a vision of flying nights,
your reflection in my heart,
my aspiration to the clouds.

Sh.Patrikov - poems about the rainbow

I don't go to

I go to
when it ends
hung in the sky
I believe in Togo
painted it"

F.I. Tyutchev - poems about the rainbow

How unexpected and bright
In the damp blue sky,
Aerial arch erected
In your momentary celebration!
One end stuck into the forests,
Gone behind the clouds for others -
She covered half the sky
And she became exhausted at the height.
Oh, in this rainbow vision
What a treat for the eyes!
It is given to us for a moment,
Catch him, catch him quickly!
Look - it has already turned pale,
Another minute, two - and then what?
Gone, somehow gone completely,
What do you breathe and live by?

A selection of pictures about the rainbow.

If a rainbow lasts too long, people stop looking at it.

A rainbow is the personification of all the colors of life.

If you look from above, the rainbow is not a bridge, but a horseshoe for good luck
Sh. Patrikov

Rainbow – pictures and proverbs

If there is more red in the rainbow, then expect wind.

A high and steep rainbow means sunny and clear weather, while a flat and low rainbow means stormy and gloomy weather.

A rainbow stretches across the river - expect clear and sunny weather,
and if a rainbow shines along the river, then expect heavy rain and bad weather.

The rainbow stands from north to south - for rain, from east to west - for clear weather.

If you take a shovel and go to the end of the rainbow, you might find treasure.

Natalia Yanina
Drawing lesson “Rainbow-arc”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 122 combined type" Saransk

Open drawing lesson

in the older group


(Educational areas:

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Work", « Artistic creativity» , "Music")



senior group No. 8


Saransk 2013

Abstract of the open drawing classes in the senior group.

Subject: Rainbow-arc.

Goals and objectives of the work: improve children’s knowledge about the colors of the spectrum, their sequential arrangement; teach to recognize, name, select each color of the spectrum from several, determine the missing color in the spectrum by representation; promote the development of attention to color, practice finding mistakes made when constructing a series of colors in the spectrum; develop attention and observation; arouse interest in drawing V unconventional technology– with a sponge on a wet sheet; teach you to look at the world carefully and with love - how a real artist; teach you to feel the mood and character of color.

Materials and equipment: reproductions of landscapes depicting a rainbow; flower drawings (iris, tulip, cornflower, forget-me-nots, narcissus, calendula); letters of spectrum colors; A4 sheets; napkins, oilcloth for the table, watercolor paints, brushes, sponges, jars of water, wet wipes, didactic game “Fold a seven-flowered flower”

Preliminary work: During a walk, the teacher admires the rainbow glow. The teacher draws attention to how the sun’s ray shimmers with colors rainbows in soap bubble . Analysis of visual aids "Primary and secondary colors".

Reading poems and riddles about rainbow.

Colorful like a peacock's tail

A bridge stood over our river.

Good for everyone. Handsome, tall

And not far from home.

It’s a pity to have to go, friends,

There is no way for him.

Because of the cloudy heights,

Looking at the valley

The seven-colored cat came out,

He arched his back gently.

N. Krasilnikov

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to our party today class. Let's say hello.



Guys, today we have something unusual class.

Let's give each other a smile and a ray of sunshine that looks out our window.

Once upon a time there was a boy in the world who dreamed of becoming an artist. He was sitting by the window one day, looking at the gray rain outside the glass and feeling sad. And the rain got tired of drizzling and stopped. The sun came out from behind the clouds, and all the colors sparkled in the clear sky. rainbow.

The boy laughed, ran out into the yard and shouted:

- Rainbow - arc, Hello! How beautiful, bright, colorful you are. Why are you so beautiful?

Rainbow smiled:

My parents gave me paints - Father Red Sun and Mother Deep Voditsa.

Questions for children: Why do you think the rainbow said that her father is Red Sun, and her mother is Deep Water?

Educator: Guys, Look at the picture, it shows rainbow. How can you decipher a word? « rainbow» ? For example, a solar arc.

Children: Arc of Joy.

Educator: Guys, which of you has seen the real one? rainbow and how it was?

Children: It was raining, and then she appeared rainbow.

What does it look like rainbow? (children's answers).

What time of year can you see rainbow? (spring, summer).

After which you can observe rainbow? (after the rain).

What else can you see after the rain? (Sun) .

Where else can you see rainbow(near fountains, over a river or lake, in drops of a soap bubble).

How does it make you feel? rainbow? (happiness, joy, improved mood).

Even our garden is called « Rainbow» .

After the rain, flowers bloom. Let's admire the flowers that surround us. I will show a picture of a flower, and you try to remember its name and what color it is.

IRIS – purple

TULIP – red

Cornflower – blue


NARCISSUS – yellow

CALENDULA – orange

And the leaves and stems are green.

Educator: So, rainbow can be observed in the sky in the warm season, when fine, frequent, warm rain drips. And at the same time it shines through the clouds Sun: Sun rays pass through rain droplets and form rainbow.

Physical education minute:

There is rain and thunderstorm in the sky. We raise our hands up.

Close your eyes! We close our eyes with our hands.

The rain is over. The grass shines. Hands to the side.

In the sky rainbow is worth. We draw with our hands rainbow above your head.

Hurry, hurry,

Run out the door, Run in place.

Barefoot on the grass,

Walking straight into the sky

Jump... Let's jump.

(During physical education, the teacher turns on the sounds of rain)

Educator: Listen to a poem about rainbow(child reads a poem):

The arc shone after the rain -

Rainbow, rainbow, rainbow.

How many different colors are there in it?

Let's count quickly!

Bright red color of viburnum,

Orange - the color of an orange,

Dandelion yellow,

Bend three fingers.

Green leaf color

Blue brook, blue, purple,

That's why seven in total.

Educator: After listening to the poem, you realized how many flowers there are rainbows?

Children: 7 colors.

Educator: What colors? What rhyme do we know to remember them


The teacher clarifies children's knowledge about pheasants

Educator: That's right, let's repeat everything in chorus. Each

the first letter matches the first letter of the color. What colors are rainbows?

Children: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

A game “Fold a seven-flowered flower”

Target: consolidate knowledge of color order rainbows.

Each child receives a petal seven-flowered flower, pronouncing a phrase “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” Children arrange the petals in order.

Educator: Guys, what are the main colors?

Children: Red, yellow, blue.

Educator: Right. Guys, what about the other colors, how can you get them? Look at this picture, what do you see here? What happens to the paints? They merge and new colors are obtained.

If you mix red and yellow, you get orange.

If you mix red and blue you get purple

If you mix Blue colour and yellow, we get green.

Do you remember?

Now go to the tables and sit down.

Finger game "Rain"

It started to rain for a walk. Both index and middle fingers

hands "walking"

He runs down the alley. Bend one finger on both hands

per line

Drumming on the window

Scared the big cat

Washed the umbrellas of passers-by,

The rain also washed out the roofs.

The city immediately became wet. They shake their palms as if shaking them off

water from them

The rain has stopped. Tired. Place your palms on the table

Educator: Guys, you have a sheet of white paper on your table. Now we all soak our sponge in some water and cover the sheet - this is a technique drawing is called"in the wet". I'll show you how to do it. Are you all wet?

Educator: And now our magic will begin. Guys, what are we going to do with you? paint?

Children: Sponge.

Educator: Yes, that’s right, we pick up a sponge and start applying stripes of paint. What colors?

Children: Red, yellow, blue, purple.

Educator: Just be careful not to get your hands dirty.

Now we take the sponge in our hands and apply paint in an arc, what happens?

Children: Rainbow.

(During work, the teacher turns on calm music)

Educator: Now it will appear rainbow.

IN rainbow has seven arms,

Seven colored girlfriends!

The red bow is the orange girlfriend!

The yellow bow is the green friend!

Blue bow - blue girlfriend!

And the purple bow is a friend to all bows!

Educator: What else would you like? draw? Think about what you can see after the rain and draw it.

Educator: Look what beautiful iridescence we got.

Show off all your work and show what you have done.

Guys, what natural phenomenon were we talking about today?

Let's repeat the colors again rainbows.

What did you like most about our class?

I also really liked the way you worked on class. You guys are great!

Let's say goodbye to our guests and tell them "Goodbye".

Rainbow is an amazingly beautiful natural phenomenon. Those who are lucky enough to see it in person at least once often want to capture this magic, but the camera is not always at hand. An excellent solution in this case would be to learn how to draw a rainbow. Moreover, in this case you will add to natural beauty rainbow a piece of yourself, your creativity.

Rainbow and clouds - let's draw together

So, let's begin our bright lesson. As you know, a rainbow appears during or immediately after rain: white sunlight passes through water droplets, as if through a lens, is refracted and forms a unique color spectrum. Therefore, when we figure out how to draw a rainbow step by step, we will draw clouds nearby - this will clearly show that the rain has just stopped.

Let's start with the clouds. Or, more precisely, from a cloud - it will be small, neat, fluffy in appearance.

Then at some distance we draw another one. It is important that both clouds are at the same level.

Let's draw a rainbow between two clouds. It will consist of seven arcs - one for each color.

Now let's color the drawing. The colors will go from top to bottom in the following sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

That's all - the drawing is ready.

Cheerful clouds with a rainbow mood

Often in cartoons, many objects are depicted as animated, with cute faces. In our case, these will be clouds - they will admire the rainbow. It will be fun, and at the same time we will learn how to draw a rainbow with a pencil.

We draw the outlines of the clouds. They will be fluffy, soft, with smooth curves. They should be approximately the same size.

Now let’s draw their “faces”. One cloud's eyes will be wide open, and the second will squint with pleasure. But their smiles will be equally cheerful.

Now the rainbow is a wide, smooth arc, divided into seven segments. We’ll also draw the clouds’ paws with which they will hold each other. And a small heart in the center.

Let's add some color to our masterpiece. Of course, we need the seven traditional colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

That's it, we did it - everything is completely drawn.

Rainbow, sky and sun

In the first two sections we only drew rainbows and clouds. Now let's go a little further: add the sun and sky. This way the picture will look more complete, and this way you can better learn how to paint a rainbow with paints.

First, let's outline the elements that interest us. First of all, clouds and a multi-colored arc.

Then we will color the rainbow in the correct order.

Then we’ll draw a few more clouds and a sun with a smiling face.

Now we need to finally color the picture: the sky should be blue and the sun yellow. Any paints will do: watercolor, gouache, acrylic, oil, etc.

Bright rainbow drawing for beginner artists

If you are just starting to learn the craft of artists, then you should not spend all your time just doing geometric shapes and development of technology. Yes, of course, this is important, but you need to find time for something bright, interesting, creative. For example, it will be great to learn how to draw a rainbow easily.

First of all, let's draw a long narrow cloud. Unlike previous sections, in which the arc was based on two small clouds, here there will be only one.

Then we will draw an arc divided into segments and a sun hiding behind another cloud with a smiling face and long rays.

After that we will add colors. We already know how to color a rainbow, all that remains is to color the clouds a little blue and make the sun orange.

That's it, we completely coped with the task.

Fields after rain - drawing with children

The combination of endless fields, a path stretching into the distance, a red sky at sunset and a rainbow is truly unearthly beauty. And if you want to understand how to draw a rainbow example, then do it on this beautiful example would be a very good idea.

So, let's begin. First of all, let's depict the fields and the path - the area will be hilly, with smooth bends.

Then we will work with the upper part of the drawing - clouds, sun.

Now let's work with paints. There will be no room for monotony here: a pinkish sky, red, orange and green fields - no greyness, despondency or sadness.

That's it, our beautiful autumn landscape completely completed. Be sure to praise the child for being able to portray such beauty.

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