How to identify and develop your child's strengths. We recall extraordinary situations and analyze them


Typically, a child begins to show abilities for any activity at the age of 4-5 years. True, it also happens that extraordinary talent can already be seen in. Take a close look at your baby: observing him will help you determine which activities he likes best. The main thing is to understand what the child has a tendency towards, keep in mind that coercion only increases rejection. Favorite hobby should bring pleasure and joy.

A child’s artistic abilities, as a rule, appear already at 2-3 years of age. You will notice that the baby’s favorite activities are applique, modeling. Watch him: the child notices more colors than his peers, distinguishes their shades, pays attention to details, objects in the background.

Does your baby love to sing? Take a closer look so you don't miss it musical talent child. In addition to being able to reproduce music heard only once, the baby is also able to move rhythmically. He is not out of tune when he sings and is interested in musical instruments. Some of these children are happy to imitate famous performers.

From an early age, your baby enjoys listening and leafing through books; he learned early, remembers quickly and loves to recite poems. Watch him: maybe your future actor is growing up or. Such people have a rich imagination and great lexicon. The child likes to write stories, he is good at expressing his emotions and imitating the characters of fairy tales or cartoons.

Note that children who are intellectually gifted have greater knowledge in different areas or in one. They like to read encyclopedias, they are capable of deep analysis, and know how to think critically about facts. As a rule, such children quickly learn new material and easy to learn. Perhaps the future you can have in your child who is interested in numbers; easy to concentrate; loves to count everything; play Board games; take toys apart to see how they work. He likes puzzles, solving riddles and puzzles.

Sports talent distinguishes a child from his peers with agility, good coordination of movements and physical fitness. If your baby loves to run, compete with friends, mastered a bicycle early, and is simply bursting with energy, keep in mind that this does not mean that he is not given the gift. It’s just that the most interesting thing for him is to get satisfaction from physical fatigue.

Helpful advice

If you have doubts about any of your child's abilities, seek advice from a psychologist. It will help determine your propensity for certain activities using specially designed tests.


  • determining a child's abilities

It is believed that a child will have a greater chance of successfully realizing his abilities in the future, the earlier his parents can determine his inclinations. Of course, it’s great if a child, like Mozart, composes music from the age of 5 - everything is clear here. But how can this be done if the child’s talent does not lie on the surface?


IN early age The baby's interests are just beginning to form, so talking with the child about what he likes to do and what he doesn't will give little. Determining whether a kid is a “humanitarian” or a “techie” is also very difficult. Cases when inclinations were identified in a preschooler are very rare. During this period, most people like to do a variety of things. Of course, you can talk about musical or artistic talent, artistry, if your child sings or draws well. But, as a rule, it is possible to determine a child’s propensity for a certain type of activity no earlier than the time when the psyche moves into adolescence. Until then, try to develop your baby in all directions. The harmonious development of the child in the future will help you determine his inclinations, and he can do it himself. right choice.

Considering the age of the baby, expand his range of interests as much as possible. All children are born with potential inclinations for any type of activity, i.e. capable of anything. Your task is to help develop these abilities. And here it is not so important to teach a child at three years old to read and count. He will learn this anyway. He needs the basics general development. Communicate with your baby as much as possible, take him on excursions and to the theater. Teach him to give detailed answers to questions, speak beautifully, and retell. When reading him a fairy tale, ask him what he would do if he were there different heroes. Encourage your child's creative endeavors in every possible way. Hang sheets of whatman paper on the walls of the room so that the baby can draw, sculpt from, build sand castles on the river bank or in a sandbox, collect various construction sets.

Observe what toys your baby likes to play with and how he plays with them. Play different games and see which one he likes best. Play more often role-playing games. Tell your child about different professions. Give your child the opportunity to imagine himself in the game as a teacher, doctor, astronaut, etc. Arrange a little for him educational excursion to your work. Buy for your child various games “Young Chemist”, “Hairdresser”, “Doctor”, a microscope, a set of children’s musical instruments and so on. Let these be your “strategic” purchases. Enroll your child in the sports section of his choice.

When the baby gets older (in school age), try to make a list for yourself that will help determine his ability to different types activities. For example, a child inclined to engage in scientific work:
- many, including scientific publications;
- knows how to express his thoughts accurately and clearly;
- masters abstract concepts well;
- can accurately write down what he hears, record what he sees;
- tries to find out the meaning of various events;
- spends a lot of time designing.
A child’s literary abilities are expressed in his ability to:
- easily, consistently build a narrative, talk about something;
- when telling, discard everything insignificant, leaving the most important;
- bring something unusual, new, talking about something known and familiar to everyone;
- choose words in your story that well convey the feelings and emotional mood of the characters;
- convey details important for understanding the event;
- poems and stories.
Technical abilities help a child:
- perform manual labor tasks with ease;
- understand mechanisms and machines, design them (aircraft models, model trains, etc.);
- easy to repair broken appliances, use old parts to create new toys, crafts, appliances;
- draw sketches and drawings of mechanisms.
Child with intellectual abilities:
- grasps everything in class easily and quickly;
- reasons clearly, without getting confused in thoughts;
- uses his knowledge in practice in everyday situations;
- can capture the connection between cause and effect, one event and;
- quickly, without special memorization, remembers what is read and heard;
- has an extensive vocabulary;
- likes to read books that usually interest children a year or two older;
- can solve complex tasks that require mental effort;
- asks a lot of questions to adults on various topics;
- offers unexpected solutions, answers, thinks.
Artistic abilities are expressed in a child:
- easy entry into the role of another person;
- understanding and ability to play something well dramatic situation, conflict;
- in the accurate transmission of feelings and emotions through gestures, facial expressions, movements;
- in an effort to evoke emotional reactions in his listeners when he talks about something with passion.
Of course, you can add to this far from complete list of all the characteristics of your child’s behavior.

Helpful advice

If possible, visit different clubs and studios with your child - let him try different activities. Perhaps the one he likes more than others is his calling.


  • How to determine a child's abilities using numerology?

Many people want to have extrasensory (supernatural) abilities. But we know that in some people they are quite well developed, and in others they are in their infancy. How can you determine if you have psychic abilities and is it possible to do this? It turns out that it is possible. Which means we’ll try!

But first, let's look at how psychic abilities manifest themselves? Absolutely different. This may be the ability to see what has happened or what will happen. Some people have the gift of seeing through closed walls. For some it is the ability to search lost people, things. There is also a category of people with psychic abilities who can easily talk about an object, a photograph, or even a person without knowing them at all. There are even special techniques for finding out your extrasensory abilities.

How to detect psychic abilities?

Extrasensory abilities and the question of how to identify them acquire in Lately increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of debate and discussion about them in the media. mass media: programs on television, discussions in magazines and newspapers.

Anyone can test themselves for psychic abilities if it is very important and interesting to them. But in any case, this test does not give a 100% accurate answer. And its results will depend on many factors. For example, it makes no sense to carry it out if you are very tired or sick. In these cases, all your strength and energy are depleted. Better wait for a more opportune moment.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

There are three main ways to do this. Before you test your psychic abilities, you need to focus and concentrate well. Listen to your inner voice and start checking. Here are the methods we offer:

  • The first of them is all kinds of online testing, which are called “How to understand that you have psychic abilities?” Their essence is as follows: You go to a certain site that offers such services (they can be either paid or free). And the task is presented to you. For example, guess which of the twenty drawn boxes contains objects and which do not. Then the tasks gradually become more difficult. However, there is a large amount of subjectivity in such online testing. After all, psychics cannot feel the energy of the boxes through a computer screen.
  • The second is also testing like “How to understand that you have psychic abilities?” But they include questions that reveal the presence or absence of psychic abilities. However, the method can also be called quite subjective.
  • The third is completing tasks or tests in reality. Probably the most accurate and plausible test of how to find out if you have psychic abilities. The same test with boxes or, for example, envelopes (empty or filled) can be done for real. Of course, this will require someone's help. You can also conduct other tests: tell from a photograph about a person (of course, he should be unfamiliar to you, but your friend or spouse knows him well). In addition, you can try to look for some thing in the apartment. Someone must hide it first. In general, tasks can be anything. It depends only on your imagination and imagination.

Now you know how to find out about your psychic abilities. The best method in order to find out if you have psychic abilities, there will be a combination of all of the above. Based on the results of each of them, a final one can be compiled.

As you can see, testing psychic abilities is very easy and does not take much time. Especially if you have access to the Internet.

Psychic abilities can be tested several times. For example, you decided to develop and train them. Then, using the methods presented above, it will be easy to track the dynamics of your learning: whether there is success or not.

How to find out about psychic abilities?

We present to you one of the tests (according to the second method), how to understand whether you have psychic abilities. The questions must be answered “often” (two points), “sometimes” (one point), “never” (zero points):

It is very easy to interpret the test results: the more positive answers you gave, the more points you scored:

  • From zero to five points. Extrasensory abilities, unfortunately, are deeply hidden. However, you have some chances of developing them. Just for this you need to be patient.
  • From six to fifteen points. Sometimes your psychic abilities make themselves felt. However, you do not take them very seriously. But you have plenty of chances to develop them.
  • From sixteen to thirty points. You definitely have a tendency towards extrasensory perception. And you can call yourself a psychic if you develop your gift and use it for good.

How to discover psychic abilities in yourself: conclusions

From intuition to clairvoyance - exercises, training, practices.

An analytical mind is a natural trait that not everyone has, but almost everyone can develop analytical abilities if they have an inclination for them. As a rule, without the ability to analyze it is difficult to realize oneself in scientific activity, become successful writer, it is almost impossible to practice medicine and forensics, because these specialties require impeccable analysis of facts and data.

Meaning of the concept

Analytical abilities are the ability to logically organize the thinking process and reason. A person with an analytical mind, in his thoughts, invariably builds facts, images and other data into a coherent logical chain, analyzes them and, based on them, makes the right conclusions or predicts the most likely result.

The habit of reasoning is inherent in almost every person; we all express our thoughts and think about the information received, but not everyone knows how to make predictions and convincing conclusions based on this information. A person with an analytical mindset will always be able to find inconsistencies in the reasoning of others and find a logical solution.

How to determine

To determine whether you have analytical skills, you can take a simple test of four exercises:

  1. Try interlacing your fingers several times and see which finger is most often on top. The finger of the left hand will indicate a large emotional component, but the finger of the right hand eloquently indicates that your thinking is analytical.
  2. A pencil or ballpoint pen must be held at arm's length in the direction of some horizontal surface, preferably a solid color. Then close one eye and see if the pen has moved away from the horizontal line. At this moment, pay attention to which eye you have closed - the right one will indicate a more rigid and analytical mindset, and the left one will mean that your thinking is softer and more flexible, characteristic of the humanities.
  3. With your eyes closed, interlace your arms over your chest. Then open your eyes and see which hand is on top. Left hand will be evidence of the dominance of the more sensual right hemisphere, and the right one will indicate the superiority of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytical abilities.
  4. Clap your hands several times and look carefully which hand is the “main” one at the moment of clapping and is placed on top. Right hand- it's a sign decisive character and analytical mind, and the left one will say that you have a humanitarian mind and a rather gentle character.

Analysts first think, calculate and analyze, and then act. Because of this, they are sometimes considered boring. For them, facts and logic come first; they push emotions aside. They are always collected and categorical. However, in situations where it is necessary to use imagination or surrender to chance, analysts have a rather difficult time.

How to develop

There are several ways to develop and train analytical skills.

  1. Solving crosswords, solving puzzles, rebuses, reading detective stories.
  2. View educational programs on history, geography, travel.
  3. Logic games: chess, checkers, scrabble.
  4. Listening to various discussions in which political scientists take part. Watch how they reason, what arguments they give, how they structure their remarks.
  5. Maintaining internal dialogue when, pondering a certain fact, you ask yourself the question of how events could develop under certain circumstances. Always try to think carefully about any questions, even if the answer seems to lie on the surface.

Suitable professions

Often people with an analytical mindset are responsible for areas of life on which the safety of others directly depends. The most popular profile of professions where a mathematical and analytical mind is required is technical.

This includes applied natural Sciences, various medical specialties, economics, as well as everything related to jurisprudence. Analysts naturally make excellent programmers, accountants, investigators, legal advisers, resuscitators, psychotherapists, accountants, marketers, and political scientists.

"From how my childhood passed, who led
a child by the hand in his childhood years, which included
into his mind and heart from the surrounding world -
this determines to a decisive extent how
Today’s baby will become a man.”
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

From a very early age you can see how the first signs appear different talents for kids: some like to dance, some like to sing, some like to make crafts, and some like to decide logic problems or draw...

It is difficult to say that love for some type of activity is talent, because abilities appear later, and by developing abilities, we gain talent. Being talented doesn't necessarily mean being famous artist or scientists - there are many talented people in different areas.

Some say that talent (Greek talanton) is “an outstanding innate quality.” And some say that talent needs to be improved. Still others believe that abilities and talents are inherited.

Wikipedia defines talent as “certain abilities that develop with the acquisition of skill and experience.” The formation and development of a child’s talent depends largely on living conditions and activities. Many parents wonder: how to identify and develop a child’s existing abilities? Let's try to answer.

The problem of determining a child’s abilities faces parents from the very beginning. early childhood. Parents are beginning to worry about the search additional education. Music studio, creative studio, sports studio or some other? Sometimes it is difficult to make a choice so as not to harm. Should I send my child to a studio and develop him in one direction? What if you made a mistake? Give it to different studios? What if the child gets too tired?

When choosing a studio, parents should evaluate the child’s capabilities and take into account his interests. It is important to remember that any activity is the work of you and your child, subject to a strict routine and regime. Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Only constant exercise and training will give positive results. But if a child does not have certain abilities for the activities that his elders have chosen for him, then he may develop a loser complex, and you will not get the expected results. Your desire for your child to sing or play music may turn out to be psychological trauma for a child. Listen to your child’s wishes and help him choose a studio; be smart to motivate your child.

It is known from Newton's law that the force of action is directly proportional to the force of reaction - the more parents force the child, the less likely it is that they themselves will be satisfied with the results. For this reason, psychologists and teachers advise choosing clubs and sections where they do not strive to make a little champion or laureate, but simply help determine and develop the child’s abilities.

1. Baby's musical abilities

Until one year of age, musical abilities can only be judged by indirect signs. The baby smiles when he hears music, calms down, and may sing along - “walk.” Watch your child. If he shows emotion when music plays, sings along, and maybe even taps his foot to the beat of the music, or claps his hands to the music, quickly remembers words and melody, sings on his own, then this indicates that he will study in a music studio with pleasure. There is a very effective Suzuki system - a unique method of early musical development. This system provides for learning to play the violin (flute, piano, cello) from two to three years of age. Children very quickly begin to play simple pieces. According to the Japanese teacher Shinichi Suzuki, all children are musical, you just need to start developing their abilities in time: “What adults learn at a snail’s speed, children learn almost instantly.” Target music lessons With kids, Suzuki defined it this way: “My task is not to raise a musician, but through music to raise a good, noble person.”

2. Technical ability

The child loves to sit with the construction set for hours: building, inventing, assembling according to the diagram, modeling. Typically, children with technical abilities often ask questions: how does it work, what’s inside it, why is this part needed, and will it work if... Don’t brush aside such questions and try to answer them, buy encyclopedias and designers, develop an interest in various mechanisms.

3. Research ability

Children with investigative abilities love to conduct experiments and often ask questions “why?”, establishing cause-and-effect chains of various natural phenomena, and also look at scientific encyclopedias with interest and enjoy watching popular science programs.

4. Child's artistic abilities

All children love to draw and almost all have artistic ability. If a child actively shows interest in crafts, drawing, appliqué and other types of creativity, you should pay attention to this and develop this interest of the child.

At an early age, they do not teach the classical canons of drawing, but only develop artistic abilities. Good children's art studios create a creative atmosphere, your child will be able to develop his imagination, fine motor skills, and most importantly, he will enjoy self-realization and the opportunity to show how many new things he can now do.

5. Theater studio. Child's acting talent

If you once noticed that your child likes to imitate someone, copy their gait, manner of speech, happily performs at concerts and festive events, then you can safely bring him to the theater studio. Today children's theater studios, for some reason are not very popular with parents. But in vain: after all, they can teach children to be brave and confident, relaxed and at ease. Children read poems and fables by heart, develop speech, train their memory, and expand their vocabulary. Puppet show develops not only the speech of the little actor, but also motor skills, as well as coordination of movements. All this is no less important when preparing a child for school than the ability to read and write.

6. Sports sections. Physical abilities

Children with physical abilities are very diligent, persistent, they make every effort to achieve a certain goal. They love to compete, run, jump - and are not afraid to fall, get hurt, or hurt themselves. Classes in sports sections They train willpower, endurance, and determination, which a child undoubtedly has to do not only at school, but also in life.

7. Choreography. Rhythm. Musical and motor abilities

Is your child mobile, active, with a sense of rhythm? Listens to music, “dances” and comes up with his own movements? Take him to a trial lesson at a rhythm, choreography, fitness, aerobics or dance studio. IN dance clubs not only teach you how to move and dance beautifully: dance classes develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy. There are dance studios where children are taught from the age of two and a half according to the Isadora Duncan system - there is no barre in the classes, they don’t require special clothing and dance shoes. According to this system, dance is a kind of improvisation, free movements to classical music.

Your child may have different abilities, the task of parents is to support and develop them.

Methods for determining a child's abilities

Method Description
Observation By observing and studying what the child likes to do and what he is interested in, parents can easily get an idea of ​​their child’s capabilities.
A game Provide a choice of games. Pay attention to what role-playing games your child likes to play.
Contacting specialists early development, psychologists and teachers. Testing There are diagnostic programs that can help determine abilities. For example, when determining the level intellectual development Wechsler test is used. To find out creative potential child, his emotional and mental condition, use the “Non-existent animal” technique. They can also use complex diagnostics.
Cooperative activity Joint communication certainly develops creative activity and helps develop talent. Make it a rule to organize family holidays and traditions, puppet shows on weekends, hikes, excursions. Listen to music together, read, play games, visit museums and exhibitions, theaters, master classes, concerts.

The diagnostic results cannot determine the future achievements and talents of the child, but, nevertheless, this does not diminish the importance of early identification of abilities. We can help a child learn, create, and engage in interesting and exciting activities. Over time, your child will understand what he should do seriously and what will remain just a hobby. It often happens that talented children, without the opportunity to develop their talent, become mediocre students.

Modern schools place quite strict demands on children. Give your child the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities, develop them and increase them in children's preschool institutions. By helping to reveal your child’s talents, you will teach him to communicate, express himself, feel confident, and help increase self-esteem and ability to adapt in any situation. Surely, in 18-20 years your children will thank you for this. The main thing is to remember that every child is talented, be more attentive to your child’s manifestations - and you will succeed!

methodologist of the children's development network
clubs "AZ-BU-KA"

Natalia Model methodologist of the Network of children's development clubs "AZ-BU-KA"

Comment on the article "Development of a preschooler: how to determine and develop a child's abilities"

Do you think that genes influence children's ability to learn? I believe that they influence, not the only factor, of course, but they influence. Why, when you voice such a point of view, do they begin to attribute other things to you that you did not assert?


Of course, genes influence learning abilities and other developmental features. But it’s not so straightforward that “if dad was a mathematician, his children will also definitely be talented in mathematics.”
Well, the advice “you can choose your genes” won’t help much, you certainly can’t choose your own, and they influence the child’s genes no less than the father’s. And it is unlikely that anyone deliberately selects hereditarily stupid candidates for the fathers of the unborn child. :)

They certainly do, but how these genes develop in each child is another matter. The same parents can produce a rather diverse set of children. Although, according to our clinical psychologist, the IQ level of siblings in most cases is approximately the same and close to the level of their parents. It so happened that we had to test both children - indeed, the difference in IQ is minimal, but their abilities are expressed very differently. I think due to temperament, character, nervous system. As a result, a child with a higher intelligence learns very well, and a child with a lower intelligence learns brilliantly, and in junior classes everything was exactly the opposite.

The strange questions you write about are asked, I think, because as a group we are still very ignorant about biology, genes and genetics. Plus, the topic of equality, which has been heavily emphasized over the past 100 years, makes discussing this topic almost in bad taste. I talk a lot about this with my children, since they are both developmentally disabled, but I avoid talking about this topic in society precisely because the conversation usually turns out as you described. People have a natural tendency to simplify, and in this matter of learning ability, there are too many factors influencing the result.

The fact that a candidate of science emerges from a family from a deep village, where generations and generations are illiterate, does not surprise me at all. We ourselves have similar examples, but this does not refute the influence of the gene. It’s just that the dark ancestors didn’t have the opportunity to learn, and as soon as the opportunity arose, this was the result. My grandmother read syllable by syllable, and she learned to read as an adult at an educational program school, but my parents are happy to tell everyone how my grandmother read Ruslan and Lyudmila syllable to me when I was 3 years old and discussed it with me. I think she was very capable of learning, despite her outward denseness, she just did not have the opportunity to study. So the fact that I speak three languages, have a HE and a very valuable prof. license, does not get out of general theory. I just had the opportunity, but my grandmother didn’t. My children have even more opportunities, as they generally speak 4 languages ​​:)

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. WHEN and most importantly WHERE to take the child to determine: 1. whether he has musical abilities. which you need somehow...


I remembered it by chance.
I was walking once and met a girl, she was playing with Vera, well, because I had nothing better to do, I chatted with her, what was her name, how old was she, she said, like, Masha, 8 years old, and then, without preamble, let’s ask us - Can Vera sing? in the choir? mmm, unexpected question, clarified, means - does he do choral singing) no, we say no, she’s still small.
doesn't your boy sing? Kostya also gave a negative answer from Kostya from the stroller) and you yourself? no, especially not me) (unless it happened in my youth when I drank a little too much - I thought to myself)
Well, and she says so sadly - you are doing the right thing by not doing THIS)
and I’ll also tell you - when your children grow up, NEVER, NEVER, FOR ANYTHING, send them to choral singing...
it felt like the person was in pain)
I later saw her with my mother and even felt an urge to come up and ask - do you sing yourself?) but somehow I was shy

haha, my mother took me to 5 years old precisely because it seemed to her that I was absolutely deprived in this regard, by the age of 5 I didn’t know a single song, and when I started singing, it was something... vaguely reminiscent. but nothing, I passed the selection, and in the process of studying I turned out to be quite capable, except that these classes never pleased me, which is why my success was so-so.

Audition in music school.. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Girls, whose children study at the music school, how did the audition go? We signed up for the recorder, they said the audition would be in two weeks, and based on the results there would be a recruitment.


20.05.2018 17:26:29, School of Music

Already recorded?

We could choose an instrument only after listening.
Parents were not allowed to attend the audition itself. in the words of a child:
sang a song (mixing the snow with a spoon), asked to repeat the rhythm (tapping) and, turning away, say how many keys on the piano were pressed (1 or two)

No child can be higher than another and cannot deserve any special ones. They look for certain information, become fixated on receiving it, ignoring and pushing aside. In general, having a child with above average abilities, I don’t know how to answer your survey.


No child can be taller than another and cannot deserve any special separate activities in kindergarten/school, etc. Why should additional classes be organized for one group of children in the kindergarten, but not for others? This is already the superiority of some over others - and in general they went through the theory of “lower races”.
What is giftedness? A special perception of the world? For such children there are additional clubs, sections, music and sports schools. Everything is already organized for them, by the way.
And every mother’s perception of her child is generally a matter of self-awareness of this very mother))) You can revel in your miracle all day long, completely not noticing that the child is absolutely the same as everyone else))). That the neighbor’s child is developing in exactly the same way, it’s just that the neighbor doesn’t consider it necessary to tell everyone on the playground about super achievements). By the way, this is also a matter of education and modesty: you can boast, or you can tactfully remain silent.
Every person is unique. Absolutely. Absolutely every child is gifted from above.

I took part :) I understood the question in my own way, based on personal experience and what they have gone through and are still going through. 1) Absolutely every person has abilities, a natural inclination towards a certain type of activity. This is due to temperament and the mobility of the nervous system (this is genetically determined and, therefore, given at birth). If this is noticed and developed purposefully, in the future the ability will manifest itself fully, the child will become successful in the chosen field of activity, perhaps even the best of the best (these are famous athletes, musicians, artists, etc.) But there are a lot of factors involved turn out, it is important to “be in the right place at the right time.” 2) Giftedness is somewhat different from ability. This is a special device of the nervous system, which inevitably affects human behavior. Alas, such children are different from their peers. They are eccentrics, aliens in some ways. They look for certain information, become fixated on obtaining it, ignoring and pushing aside other areas of socialization. The "gift" is a kind of cross. He subjugates and controls the life of such a child. A striking example- Lomonosov.

How to determine a child's abilities? Achievements. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development That is, how to understand and determine what the baby is predisposed to? Well, for example, to music or dancing.


Maybe just try more different activities? And then you’ll see what her soul is for, and what works out better?

Auditions at music schools in late April - May. I don’t know what they did with the child at the audition, they were taken and 2 hours later released to their parents :-) the daughter said that they were asked to sing a song, tap out a given rhythm, repeat the note played on the piano, then a combination of notes, they examined the hands.
If you are not going to the Central Children's Music School, then you will enter without preparation, if only the child had the data.
In the questionnaire, I wrote our wishes for the instrument, but based on the results of listening, the teachers themselves will give you recommendations.
A child without specific desires will play any instrument if the teacher is good :-) So look at the teachers.

The teacher is important (I spent a long time choosing and persuading them to take it). We have a background, but there are no options; I graduated from this school myself. My daughter went at five, a little early (I realized this now), but communication with a good man twice a week - this carries not only a musical “load”. OUR friend hated the piano, now she enthusiastically “blows the pipe” (recorder, they start with it). Look at the school for yourself, the teachers, how interesting they are to you, they can be very creative personalities those who get carried away with their students and those who have classes later have to wait a long time for their lesson... this is also important. Unnecessary, forgetting to warn if they get sick, and the mother ran away from work, brought the child... and in vain. All aspects are important.
The piano is a universal instrument, but their theoretical disciplines are also more solid compared to the populists-instrumentalists-choir singers. First class in two places - mmm... Can you handle it? You'll have to drive and exercise. And one more thing... Panning octaves, etc. is very far from me. Does Tyulenev’s methodology take into account the teacher’s lack of musical education? I have hearing and a good voice, but music. education ends with knowing the notes.
Are music necessary? tools in the house?
And what site are we talking about? ? I haven’t seen everything you write there!!!

2. musical talent: (5 signs) - loves music and musical recordings, always Look at other discussions: We are looking for talents... In a letter, write about the child’s talents Development of a preschooler: how to identify and develop a child’s abilities. And someone - what...

Experience musical education And musical education: “Know the notes - before Look at other discussions: Listen to your child! Many parents wonder: how to identify and develop a child’s existing abilities? now he says...

To find out what strengths your child has, you first need to understand what type of personality he is.

Psychologists conventionally divide people into 4 types. By determining your child's personality type, you can learn about his or her strong qualities and direct energy towards their development.

1. Children of the sensitive type.

You can determine whether your child is a representative of the sensitive type by the following signs: they are emotional, react sharply to any comments or irritants, and their mood can change quickly.

Such children are very responsive and they do not ignore other people’s misfortunes; they will always help and come to the rescue if others need it. Often such children bring home a stray kitten or puppy.

Sensitive children do well creative professions, because they can draw, sculpt, and glue something for a long time and continuously.

It is better not to put such children into strict boundaries and not demand total obedience and fulfillment of all instructions. They need more freedom, but at the same time it is also important for them to feel the support of loved ones. It is very difficult for them to fit into the framework of the usual working day, sometimes they feel more comfortable doing their homework at night.

2. Active children.

Children of the active type are doers. They cannot sit still, they constantly need some kind of movement, and they always strive forward. If such a child understands that it is difficult for him to move forward on his own, rest assured, he will find himself a partner or fellow travelers, and together he will try to achieve what he wants, while persuading others.

It is these children who are the initiators of truancy for the whole class, ideological inspirers at school, organizers extracurricular activities- in a word, any active activity, just not to sit still.

They care little about their own internal desires and thoughts; they are extroverts and their energy is directed into the world, and not into themselves. In addition, such children are excellent at making plans and strategies.

Such children are excellent leaders, but they need to be occupied with something in time so that their energy goes into a creative and not destructive direction. Active children make excellent leaders, athletes, tour company managers, artists, designers, architects, etc.

3. Children of the communicative type.

The third type of children is communicative. For such people, communication with others is very important - it is in the foreground. Through communication and communication, a child of this type develops and gains new knowledge and skills.

For them, the worst punishment is to be expelled from the company and left without friends. They will use any means to seek recognition and attention from others.

Other characteristic feature The communicative type of children means doing everything at once, while rarely finishing what they start. Such children try to be everywhere at the same time; they want to do sports, dance, sing, weave with beads, etc.

In order for the lessons to be beneficial, it is important for parents to direct the energy of such children in one specific direction, otherwise the child will only be scattered and will not achieve any results.

Professions that involve communication are suitable for such people: they can be excellent teachers, workers information services, press secretaries, journalists. It is important for them to work in a team and be part of some big project.

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