How Ksenia Borodina studied at school. Biography of Ksenia Borodina. In crime chronicle

Little is known about the almost ex-husband of Ksenia Borodina and the father of her second daughter: businessman Kurban Omarov is 36 years old, he comes from Dagestan, he has little son Lobster. We learned about Kurban only a year and a half ago. “His name is Kurban, his friends have called him Winter since childhood,” the TV presenter wrote on Instagram, adding that her fiancé is a non-public person, and she is ready to protect him from any attention from the press. But it was not possible to save Kurban, and he himself did not want to remain in the shadows for long.

Quite quickly after his engagement to Borodina, Omarov got used to the status of an Instagram star and began to openly publish passionate declarations of love for Ksenia. “Darling, for me a day without you is unbearable. I've dreamed of someone like you all my life. You teased me so much the night before yesterday that I’m still laughing. Your humor, your attitude towards me mixed with your beauty is my wealth. I love you very much. I will always be there, we have a long way to go and I am your support. The fruit of our love will soon appear and we will wrap it in love. You know, I am stingy with these words, but today, having stepped over myself, I want to say this publicly. No one will trample against such love, you and I are a generator of goodness and our friends are around us. Just know that I love you and I thank the Almighty for going there that day and taking me away forever,” Kurban wrote on the Internet (The authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved hereinafter. — Note edit.).


Quick wedding

Before the gossipers had time to find out minimal information about Kurban Omarov, Borodina had already set a wedding date. Joined the discussion of this news and ex-man Ksenia, policeman Mikhail Terekhin, whom the girl met on the show “Dom-2”, where Terekhin came to build love. “If people want to get married, let them get married. But this is somehow hasty and, it seems to me, thoughtless. And this pregnancy is ill-considered. I have the impression that they are trying to do everything as if everything is fun, wonderful and cool, but in their souls they are really scratching their heads,” Terekhin shared with reporters.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban took place on July 3 last year, at that time the bride was already pregnant. A few days after the wedding, the newlyweds, together with their children from previous relationships, went on a honeymoon to Ksyusha’s beloved Turkey.

Secret pregnancy

Ksenia found out about her second pregnancy in the spring, when she and Kurban were just preparing for the wedding. The lovers wanted to get married in September, but plans had to be changed. The star did not comment on fans’ guesses, but Ksenia did not manage to hide her situation for long - rumors about her situation began to appear long before the official confirmation of the pregnancy.

In anticipation of the birth of the baby, Ksenia organized a baby shower party, to which she invited her closest friends. Among those who came to rejoice for Borodin was former “House-2” participant Alena Vodonaeva, whose name will appear in our history... in connection with completely different events.

Birth of Theona

On December 22, baby Thea was born into the family. The 33-year-old TV presenter gave birth to a girl at the Moscow Mother and Child perinatal center. Just a month after her second birth, Ksenia Borodina returned to her normal rhythm of life and resumed work at Dom-2. While helping her wards build love, Borodina at the same time could not cope with her relationship...

General business

The daughter is not the only “common achievement” of the newlyweds. Ksenia admitted that conducting own business Her husband organized it for her. “I want to say thank you to my husband that he believed in me and opened 2 beauty salons for me this year and helped me with business at @borodina_shop_ He believed in me, invested money, soul, time, his knowledge, etc. I am very grateful him, that in addition to the fact that he has a lot of his own affairs and meetings, he devotes himself to my business too! It is so important when they believe in you! I’m a terrible coward and I’m very afraid of experiments, but he believes in me! And of course, thank you for buying our clothes!” — Borodina said on Instagram. It is this business that can now become a bone of financial contention between divorcing spouses. However, Borodina stated that she no longer has anything to do with the Borodina-shop clothing store. The TV presenter claims that she was deceived by her business partners.

The first bells

In mid-June, fans of the couple sounded the alarm because the couple had not published photos together for several weeks. The rumors intensified when Kurban did not appear at the birthday party of his daughter Ksenia Marusya. Gossips claimed that the man raised his hand against his wife, and she, in turn, kicked Omarov out. According to the participants of “House-2”, Ksenia staged a scene of jealousy for her husband, after which the couple spent a long time sorting out the relationship and Kurban pushed his wife hard. According to them, after this incident, Ksenia did not want to see the businessman and was soon to announce a divorce. Ksenia did report the divorce, and in a rather harsh form, but before that she ignored questions about the discord and asked to be left alone. “I will answer everyone immediately who asks about my personal life. I am very pleased that you are worried in such a huge number, I am pleased that many people think about this and write to me, but let’s keep the personal personal. Don’t pull me, please,” Ksenia said during a broadcast on Periscope.

This is the end

Ksenia and Kurban celebrated their wedding anniversary on July 3 separately. Borodina spent this day in the company of friends at the Novorizhskaya Zastava country restaurant. The girls were together until the evening, but Kurban Omarov never showed up at the restaurant, and later flew to Spain with actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Whether they went on vacation or whether the trip was for business, the young people never said. Ksenia’s comment on this matter was not long in coming: “I don’t care about such narrow-minded women like her, except for the pity that she is like the rest of the women who are single. Let them show their insecurity and try to promote themselves at my expense. Life has already punished them! They live by me, and I live my life." Perhaps it was this act of Omarov that finally drove Borodina crazy: she decided to announce the divorce publicly.

The truth about cheating

Last week, a frank and emotional post appeared on Borodina’s Instagram, in which Ksenia accused her husband of cheating even when she was in the last month of pregnancy. “It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (how he presents himself to the public) But I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is the pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating. I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the man Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived with rose-colored glasses, I was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes. Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! — wrote Borodina. Later it became known that the TV presenter hired a lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, who specializes in divorces of famous people.

Kurban's word

After Borodina’s confession, Omarov also decided to break the silence. Kurban wrote on Instagram that he really misses his daughter Thea. The businessman is upset that now he will rarely see the baby. Omarov hopes that he and Borodina will be able to agree on the girl’s upbringing. Omarov also commented on his relationship with Ksenia: “There are no two camps here, and you don’t need to take someone else’s position. I was born into a male family, and I had a corresponding upbringing. I will not allow myself any kind of statements towards the woman to whom I spoke words of love, the woman who gave birth to me a daughter with eyes as blue as the sky. I won’t write anything in my defense, I don’t want this controversy, and I also won’t allow anyone to offend or insult little Teona’s mother. Ksenia is a caring mother who constantly pays attention to her children, despite busy schedule. We had honest, sincere love, we burned like two suns and, unfortunately, it burned us.”

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina (Amoeva) is a TV personality who has earned people's love and popularity over many years of participation in the reality show “Dom-2”. This socialite, behind the vicissitudes of personal and professional life which is followed by millions. She constantly tries new images and roles: model, actress, writer, entrepreneur, author of her own clothing line. She successfully combines building a stellar career with a busy personal life: today she is happy wife and mother of two children.

All photos 25


Ksenia Borodina was born in Moscow on March 8, 1983 into a wealthy family. Her mother is Russian, her father is Armenian. Even financial well-being did not lead to love and harmony in this couple. When the girl was only a year old, her parents decided to separate. Mom almost immediately married an Italian citizen, the owner of a successful construction company, and moved to live in Europe. She was unable to take Ksyusha with her, and her grandparents took up raising the child.

The girl did not lose touch with her mother and father, maintaining close communication with them. She flew to visit her mother, but she was unable to stay in a foreign country for a long time. Within a couple of weeks she was drawn to her hometown.

Ksenia completed her nine-year education at an ordinary metropolitan school No. 749, then her parents transferred her to a lyceum, where special emphasis was placed on linguistic training. To continue her education, she was sent to a prestigious English school"Multilingua".

Future star did not live up to her family's expectations. She quit classes after just a couple of months and returned to Moscow. IN hometown A loved one was waiting for her - Alexander, who lived in the next entrance, with whom the young beauty had been in a relationship for two years.

Beautiful love it didn’t work out: the couple soon broke up. Ksenia admits that she never regretted leaving the prestigious educational institution. She continued her education and entered the second year of MIGMT.

While studying at the university, the girl dreamed of becoming a presenter. With enviable persistence, she looked for vacancies, attended castings and tried to break through. Numerous attempts did not produce results: she was not invited to filming, and the long-awaited fame did not come. Disappointed with her idea, the future star agreed to her stepfather’s offer to move to Italy and work in the family business.

When there were only a couple of hours left before the plane, Ksenia Borodina received a call from the TNT channel and was offered the position of host of the TV show “Dom-2”, which was preparing to be released on the wide screen. The girl did not hesitate for long: she abruptly changed her plans, canceling the move. This act put her at odds with her relatives who were waiting in Italy.

At the end of spring 2004, the rising star made her debut as a presenter. Her filming partner was an established TV personality, the charming Ksenia Sobchak. The reality show quickly gained popularity in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space, and its participants began to be recognized on the streets.

Three years after her television debut, Borodina tried herself as a writer. She published the book “The Laws of Love”. The presenter is going to write another piece, which will be significantly different from the first. In it she will talk about the vicissitudes of her creative path and the pitfalls that the presenter had to face.

After giving birth in 2009, Ksenia Kimovna gained extra pounds. Using her own method, she was able to regain her ideal figure in a short time, which shocked her colleagues in the creative workshop. In 2011, the presenter published the book “Losing Weight with Ksenia Borodina,” where she described her unique experience.

Since 2008, the TV show host went into business, opening her own beauty studio together with Sergei Zverev. Today she has an online store and her own line fashionable clothes. She successfully combines her career as a presenter, writer and businesswoman with attending private parties and fashionable events.

2011 was marked by the performance of Ksenia Borodina in two major television shows. She took part in “Dancing with the Stars,” where she performed in tandem with Alexander Golovin, and in “Cruel Intentions.”

Personal life

Behind romance novels the stars are watched by millions of television viewers. After a failed relationship with her first boyfriend, Alexander, she found a new lover on the set of a TV show. The participant was Oscar Karimov, the couple dated for about a year.

The star's next chosen one was Nikita Isaev, a top manager of a large insurance company, and then she started an affair with a famous metropolitan DJ.

In August 2008, Ksenia tied the knot with successful entrepreneur Yuri Budakov. The future spouses met while filming on the TNT channel and talked for a long time as acquaintances. Everything was decided by chance: the TV presenter’s car suddenly broke down, and she turned to Yuri for help. He took all the troubles of repairing the vehicle upon himself. This is how the relationship began.

The couple got married three years after they met. The wedding was modest; the closest people were invited to it. In 2009, Ksenia Borodina gave birth to a daughter, Marusya, whose name she captured in the form of a tattoo on her hand.

The couple's happiness did not last long: at the beginning of 2011, the husband demanded a divorce from Borodina. It turned out that the reason for the gap was different ideas about family life. The star preferred to spend time on social gatherings and filming, not with family. The couple quickly moved to different apartments and began to build their lives separately.

After an unsuccessful marriage, Ksenia Kimovna began dating a participant in the famous “TV show,” former policeman Mikhail Terekhin. The TV star helped her chosen one remove court cases (he was accused of bribery) so that nothing would darken their happiness. The affair lasted more than three years and ended loud scandal: Terekhin told intimate details to the general public life together.

In July 2015, Ksenia Borodina got married for the second time, having played a magnificent wedding, stylized as winter's tale. Her husband was the famous businessman Kurban Omarov. In December 2015, the TV personality gave birth to her second daughter, and in January she returned to film set reality show "Dom-2".

Ksyusha's parents divorced when she was only a year old. Mom soon married an Italian architect and went with him to his homeland. And she chose to leave her little daughter in Moscow with her grandparents. However, Ksenia regularly visited her mother and stepfather in Europe.

After graduating from a private lyceum with in-depth study of foreign languages, Ksenia immediately entered the second year of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism with a degree in tourism manager.

Borodina dreamed of becoming famous since childhood, but only in student years I decided on the “direction” - I fell ill with television. The future star began sending out her resume to TV channels and going to auditions. But this did not bring success. After graduating from university in 2004, she accepted her stepfather’s offer to move to Italy. However, at the very last moment, Borodina was invited to TV as the host of the TV show “Dom-2”. Her partner was the famous socialite Ksenia Sobchak. This moment became the starting point in Ksenia’s career.


Ksyusha loves to sing and often goes to karaoke. Among the TV presenter's other hobbies is football. She is a true fan of FC Lokomotiv, and also loves poetry and romantic comedies.

Borodin, how real woman, is partial to fashion and beauty. She is the owner of a beauty salon and has also tried herself as a clothing designer.

Personal life

In 2003, Ksenia began dating the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko. The romance did not last long, but the young people maintained friendly relations and were very close until tragic death musician in 2005.

In 2006, Borodina began a serious relationship with former Dom-2 participant Oscar Karimov, with whom she dated for more than a year.

In 2008, Ksenia got married for the first time. 08/08/08 the TV presenter was legally married to businessman Yuri Budagov, whom she met on Comedy Club. On June 10, 2009, their daughter Marusya was born, but on April 4, 2011, the couple divorced.

Ksyusha’s new love story began a few months after the divorce. And again the TV presenter drew attention to one of the participants in the TV show: Mikhail Terekhin. This relationship was not easy. For three years, the lovers regularly argued and periodically broke up. In the end, Borodina finally kicked Terekhin out of her house.

On July 3, 2015, Ksenia got married for the second time. Her chosen one was businessman Kurban Omarov. Initially, the wedding was scheduled for September 5, but the celebration was postponed to the summer due to the TV presenter’s pregnancy. On December 22, 2015, in one of the capital’s Borodin clinics, she gave birth to a daughter. The girl was named Thea.

In the summer of 2016, Ksenia officially announced her separation from her husband, but after a couple of months the couple were able to improve their relationship and save their marriage (many Internet users, by the way, considered the separation story just a PR stunt).

The TV presenter speaks two languages ​​fluently foreign languages: Italian and English.

Ksenia tried herself as a writer. In 2007, she released the book “House-2. Laws of Love,” and in 2011 she continued her experience and published a new creation, “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

The presenter of “House-2” also starred in cameo roles in the films “Zaza” and “Happy March 8, men!” and appeared in the series “Lavrova’s Method”, “Interns” and “Deffchonki”.

Ksenia Borodina is the only presenter who has been working on the Dom-2 television project since its inception.

Real name of the famous Russian TV presenter, actress and DJ Ksenia Borodina - Ksenia Kimovna Amoeva. This is a sweet and accomplished girl, a star Russian television, has always attracted the views of television viewers. She became famous after the release of the famous television project “Dom-2” on television, where she was the presenter along with the star Ksenia Sobchak. In his at a young age she was loved by the audience, beauty, intelligence, flawless figure and talent. Ksenia Borodina tops the list of the most sought-after TV presenters in Russia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Borodina

Fans have always been extremely interested in following his career famous star. Light and pure beauty girls, her charm attracted everyone more people to the ranks of her fans. Girls imitate her, follow all her projects, images and fashion trends, which Ksenia Borodina demonstrates. The public is also looking for answers to questions such as height, weight, age, and how old is Ksenia Borodina. Fans are interested in her family, vacation spots, favorite food, clothing preferences and, of course, the personal life of the TV presenter.

Another popular topic among fans is Ksenia Borodina’s hair color 2017. This fragile girl, weighing only forty-six kilograms and 165 centimeters tall, at 34 years old, managed to become a sought-after TV presenter, actress and happy mother. Also, many are interested in what kind of haircut Ksenia Borodina has.

Biography of Ksenia Borodina (TV presenter DOM-2)

Ksenia Amoeva, this is exactly the name of her father, which the girl changed to Borodin at the age of 16 because of a terrible resentment towards her dad, was born in 1983, on March 8th. Her father is Armenian, her mother is Russian. Ksenia's mother and father divorced when the girl was 1 year old. Mom immediately married a famous architect in Italy and went to live with him in his homeland. Ksenia Borodina remained to live in Moscow with her grandparents. The girl flew to Italy to visit her mother and new father, but quickly returned back, as she missed her madly. home country. The biography of Ksenia Borodina tells us that after graduating from school, the girl went to a language school for the summer British school, and lived in an ordinary English family. But soon she, unable to bear the separation from her boyfriend, returned to Russia. Here she becomes a student at the capital’s Institute of Tourism and Management, and having successfully completed her exams, she was immediately enrolled in the second year.

Since childhood, Ksenia Borodina dreamed of becoming a TV presenter, and persistently pursued her goal. She went to all kinds of castings, auditions and auditions, but for a very long time nothing worked out for her. And she decides to go to Italy to visit her relatives. Literally a few hours before the plane took off, she received a call from the TV channel and was invited to filming. It was then, in 2004, that she became the host popular show"House 2". Ksenia Borodina also starred in several films of Russian cinema. These are such paintings as “Zaza”, “Lavrov’s Method”, “Happy March 8, men!”. To all her merits, the young girl also becomes a writer. In 2007, her first book, “The Laws of Love,” was published, and in 2011, the world saw the second, “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.” For many girls, this was a very long-awaited event, as they were looking forward to this book for a detailed study of Ksenia Borodina’s methods and tips for having a stunning figure.

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina met her first love at school, it was a guy from the neighbor's entrance. They separated for one summer month, when the girl went to study in England. But it was because of him that Ksenia dropped out of school and returned back to Moscow. But after dating for a couple more months, the couple broke up. When a girl becomes the host of “House-2” she starts with new strength develop the personal life of Ksenia Borodina.

It was on this project that Ksenia Borodina meets her love - Oscar Karimov. But their romance lasted a year, after which the couple broke up, and Ksenia began dating Nikita Isaev, who at that time held the prestigious position of president of an insurance company. But Ksenia’s relationship with him did not work out either, and they broke up. Following this, Ksenia Borodina meets DJ Anton, and they begin whirlwind romance, which is actively discussed in the press. But, unfortunately, nothing came of this union. But they married their first legal husband in 2008, he was Yuri Budagov. Unfortunately, the couple was unable to save their family. Four years later, Ksenia remarries. Kurbanov Omarov and Ksenia Borodina got married in 2015, and in the same year their daughter was born.

Family of Ksenia Borodina

Since Ksenia’s parents divorced and separated when she was still a baby, the girl was raised by her grandmother Galina Ivanovna. It was she who instilled in Ksenia Borodina respect, love and understanding for her neighbors. Her grandmother taught her to always help those in need.

The family of Ksenia Borodina, namely her mother and stepfather, lived in Italy. The girl flew to visit them every month, but all the time she hurried back to her friends, her beloved and her own grandmother. Ksenia’s life developed in such a way that she often found herself abroad for various reasons, but all the time she was drawn back to her homeland, and it was in Russia that her nationwide fame began, after the release of “House-2”.

Children of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina tied the knot twice. And in two marriages, the famous leading Russian woman had a joyful event - the birth of a child. The children of Ksenia Borodina are her two beautiful daughters Maria and Thea. They live with their mother and treat each other very well and warmly.

The sisters actively spend time together, and despite the age difference they always find general occupation. The star mother's children often accompany her on social events, and also appear on the covers of famous magazines.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Maria

Ksenia Borodina married her first husband, Yuri Budagov, in 2008. And next year the couple has a child. The daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Maria, was born in 2009 and early on became a fairly public child.

At the age of three, the girl had already posed on the cover of Dom-2 magazine, and also appeared in this show with her famous mother Ksenia Borodina. The girl studies well, dances, builds a career as a fashion model, appears on the catwalk, also loves gymnastics and improves her level in English.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Thea

In the second marriage of Ksenia Borodina with Kurban Omarov, famous TV presenter becoming a mother for the second time. The daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Thea, was born in 2015. The couple did not show their daughter’s face to the public for a long time, but just recently the happy father in his social network I posted a photo of the girl in which you can see her face.

In the photo the girl is captured with her famous mother. Subscribers immediately began to guess who the girl looked like; many were inclined to believe that Thea was similar to her mother, others insisted that she was a copy of her father. Thea has an older sister, Maria, with whom she has fun and plays.

Ksenia Borodina's ex-husband - Yuri Budagov

Like many stars, Ksenia Borodina entered into her marriage on a very memorable and memorable day of the Eights. On August 8, 2008, Ksenia and Yuri played a luxurious wedding, to which 250 people were invited. And they met on the set famous Comedy show. They were friends for a long time, often called each other, but one day Ksenia called Yura to ask where her broken car could be repaired.

Ex-husband Ksenia Borodina - Yuri Budagov came to pick up the car and returned it in good working order. It was after this incident that the couple began dating. The couple dated for three years before getting married. Soon, Ksenia’s friend from the Dom-2 project let slip about her pregnancy. Ksenia was indeed pregnant, and dreamed of giving birth on June 8th, since for her the number 8 is lucky. But Marusya was born on the 9th. Later star mom got a tattoo on her body with the name of her first daughter.

Ksenia and Yuri divorced in 2011; according to rumors, the reason was Ksenia’s constant filming in the “Dom-2” project, and her frequent absence from home.

Ksenia Borodina's husband - Kurban Omarov

Some time later, in 2015, Ksenia got married for the second time. Ksenia Borodina's husband, Kurban Omarov, is very famous Russian businessman. He was born in 1985 in Dagestan. His father was the owner of a huge development company in Makhachkala. Today Kurban owns a number of companies that are also related to construction. The couple met at parties of one of the participants of “Dom-2”, and remained friends for two years. But then Ksenia and Kurban played a gorgeous wedding, which was attended by all their acquaintances, relatives and friends famous couple.

Naked Ksenia Borodina

In 2014, Internet hackers were able to hack Ksenia’s personal pages and steal photographs showing naked Ksenia Borodina. They contacted the star and asked to pay them about a million rubles so that the photos would not end up on the Internet and would not be seen by millions of people.

When Ksenia refused to pay, the hackers posted the photo for everyone to see. But naked Ksenia could be seen earlier on the cover of a famous racy magazine in 2005. Then Ksenia Borodina starred for candid photo shoot in the magazine both in 2008 and 2011.

Photo of Ksenia Borodina before and after plastic surgery

Ksenia Borodina is a role model for millions of girls and women. She has a bright and memorable appearance, always impeccable appearance and hairstyle. Ksenia plays sports and watches her diet. I don’t think that you can find photos of Ksenia Borodina before and after plastic surgery on the Internet.

Thanks to her hard work, regular exercise and healthy lifestyle, the girl looks gorgeous without the intervention of a plastic surgeon. Although many attribute various operations to Ksenia. That Ksenia changed the shape of her nose, cheekbones and added breasts, the star presenter denies this gossip, but never goes into detail.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Borodina

The life of Ksenia Borodina is very active and vibrant, one might say, in full swing. At 34 years old, she has already become the most rated TV presenter in Russia, written two books, acted in four films, and taken part in many programs and shows on television. Her fans, and simply interested public, can enjoy her real photos, With Everyday life presenters, with whom Ksenia Borodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia are filled.

U famous girl nine million subscribers on Instagram, they have the opportunity to contemplate more than seven thousand of her photos and videos, in which the star sincerely shares her joys and successes, her small victories and great achievements. Ksenia Borodina also has quite a lot of VKontakte (VK) interesting information about her, there you can find information about her career, leisure, hobbies and favorite clothing brands. VK has about thirty thousand subscribers who can view her page, look for new stories of her life and her hobbies.

Ksenia Borodina’s Facebook and Twitter are also actively updated and filled with content. Ksenia, by her example, demonstrates to millions of women how you can always remain chic and attractive woman, successful TV presenter, loving wife and a caring mother. She shining example women who successfully combine career, personal life and motherhood.

Name: Ksenia Borodina
Birthday: March 8, 1983 (age 34)
Place of Birth: Maskva, Russia
Height: 165 cm Weight: 49 kg
Zodiac sign: Fish
Eastern horoscope: Boar
Activity: actress, TV presenter

(Ksenia Borodina and Oscar Karimova)

(Ksenia Borodina and Nikita Isaev)

The writing career of Ksenia Borodina

Participation in the show as a TV presenter inspired Borodina to take up writing. In 2007, the girl published her first book, which was called “The Laws of Love.” The book was warmly received by loyal fans of the show "Dom-2". Ksenia promised that she would write another book soon after this. It will differ from the first both in genre and content. And the second book was supposed to tell about the biography of the TV presenter herself, about how she came to all-Russian fame. However, Borodina’s plans were not destined to come true.

In 2011, Ksenia published her second book. She was dedicated healthy image life. The book was called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

Entrepreneurial activity

Borodina also decided to try herself as an entrepreneur. Her friend, stylist Sergei Zverev, supported the girl in this endeavor. Together they opened a beauty salon. Ksenia also began to agree to host various events. She skillfully combined all this with work on a TV show.

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

The TV presenter’s first husband was businessman Yuri Budakov. A beautiful date was chosen for the wedding: 08/08/2008. The spouses were brought together by television. They met at the recording of one of the Comedy Club episodes. Like Yuri, Ksenia attended the program as a celebrity guest.

For a long time after this, the young people communicated. However, their relationship did not go beyond friendly conversations. The event that finally brought them together was that Ksenia had trouble with her car. And Yuri helped the girl without any questions. Since then they started dating.

Three years after they met, Yuri proposed to Ksenia. They had a modest wedding so that nothing on this day would distract them from each other. Among the guests were only the closest people.

Soon after the wedding, rumors appeared that Borodina was preparing to become a mother. On July 9, 2009, the rumors became true - Ksenia gave birth to a daughter. The girl was named Marusya. Motherhood has become the most desired role for Ksenia. She even got a tattoo of her daughter's name.

(Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budakov)

However, unfortunately, the marriage ended in divorce. Yuri demanded a divorce from the TV presenter, arguing that they had different ideas about the family. Ksenia was able to recover from a failed marriage. She began dating another participant in the television set.

After breaking up with Terekhin, Ksenia got married again.

(Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin)

Her second husband was Kurban Omarov. The couple had a daughter.

(Kurban Omarov andKsenia Borodina)

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WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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