What ridiculous names there are. The strangest baby names in Russia. Indian female names

Almost 20% of parents do not have time to decide on the name of their unborn child by the time of his birth, but there are also those who cannot come to an agreement even a month after the birth of the baby. Distracted by many everyday problems, it is sometimes very difficult for a husband and wife to agree, because everyone has their own preferences and their own vision of this issue. And here, relatives, friends, and just acquaintances begin to offer their options. Fashion dictates, television promotes, how can you choose?

It is clear that every parent wishes for their child happy life. Believing that a newborn's name can define him future fate, to promote success in their personal life and career, parents often see their future in the baby’s name - and, sometimes, they choose a rare rather than a common name for their baby. Why?

  • They believe that it will help the child develop certain qualities- for example, independence.
  • They strive to distinguish their child from other children in advance.
  • Follow family traditions, where the names of grandparents are passed down from generation to generation.

Based on these premises, it is possible to determine where rare names come from.

  • The most obvious is the “well forgotten old”. Names that were used to call children many years, and sometimes centuries, ago appear in everyday life. In Russia they sound again Old Slavonic names- Bogdan, Miroslava, Tayana.
  • There are very creative and progressive parents who come up with names themselves. This is how the name Svetlana appeared, although it was invented for the character, and not for her own child. And the name Stella was invented for a cycle of sonnets.
  • Sometimes adults try to remember events that are important to them. This is exactly how they are born completely unusual names, many of which subsequently become unviable, but some of these names continue to exist - for example, Kazbek, Damir or Kim. This desire to record various historical events, places to remember and immortalize some great personalities. To a greater extent, the Soviet names that have appeared reflect this trend, and they can be called rare (Radiy, Zarya, Vladlen, Astra).
  • You can also consider rare names to be those foreign, borrowed names that are not accepted in use in a particular country. Wherein most of Christian names are one way or another duplicated both in Catholicism and Orthodoxy (Martha - Martha, Christiana - Christina). Here are some foreign names still can be called rare - Emma, ​​Madeleine, Monica, Laura.

Rare names for girls

Giving my daughter rare name, parents strive first of all to highlight and emphasize some specific features of the newborn, which, as the parents are sure, their daughter will definitely have. Most often these are beautiful, sonorous, melodious names. U different nationalities your list of rare female names.

In Russia in Lately It became fashionable to give children Old Slavonic names. For example, the opportunity arose to personally meet Zabava or Bozhena, although such names are still considered rare. And believers will be pleased to see such girls beautiful names, like Seraphim, Pelageya or Evdokia.

Zemfira, Ilzira, Ilyuza, Mavlyuda, Mavile, Nomina, Nuria, Perizat, Razilya, Sazhida, Safura, Sevara, Fazilya, Fariza, Hadiya, Shakira, Shahina, Enger

Rare names for boys

The baby's name is chosen based on a specific idea. These can be names based on the zodiac sign, mythical, biblical, foreign or new names. Some previously rare names are now becoming popular, and former interest is returning to them. Some common names are transformed, acquiring new spellings and sounds, thus creating a new, beautiful, rare name.

In addition to the obvious goal of parents who choose a rare name for their child - to make him stand out from the rest, there is also a hidden one. Parents try in this way to teach children to be independent and independent from an early age. After all, starting from the first days of a baby’s life, those around him begin to ask, clarify, and be surprised by the name he heard, and the child cannot help but notice this.

But not all children can bear this burden, and not all, even adults, owners of such rare names are ready to continue to bear it. Such a selection leaves an imprint on inner world person. It can influence his behavior, make him closed, touchy, or, conversely, arrogant and aggressive. Many people, upon reaching adulthood, change their name to a more common one. But it also happens that it is his rare name that helps a person, and still a child, to overcome obstacles, hold his head high and achieve his goals.

But still, maybe future parents should think about it and choose one of the more familiar and popular names for their child?

Rare names by month

This list was compiled from the names given in the name day calendar. It includes Orthodox and Catholic names. This is another method that parents who are looking for a rare name for their child can use. The full name day calendar (including for popular names) can be found at the link below the table.

What names do parents not call their children? Loving mothers and fathers do not spare their own children, giving them strange, absurd, long and dissonant names. Surely, many children with such names have a hard life, but this is the will of their parents... Of course, each person is unique and inimitable in his own way, each is exceptional in his own way, but is it necessary to emphasize the uniqueness of your child by choosing a rare and unusual name for him?

Many believe so, and give their children such names that one can only shrug: Zhuzha, Viagra, Tulip, Lettuce, Millionaire, Air Traffic Controller - all these are real names registered in Russian registry offices for last couple years, and this is only a small part of the list. Thus, the list of residents of the Moscow region in 2009 was replenished with five unusual names: born Genevieve, Cinderella, Spring, as well as Mark Antony and Milord.

In 2008 the following were registered: North, Dolphin, Wind and Angel. The girls were named Luna and Galavictoria. There were also Lettuce Salad, Air Traffic Controller, and Simply a Hero. All these babies received birth certificates. However, one child has been denied registration for many years in a row.
The parents of a boy named BOC rVF 260602 (Biological Object of a Human of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002) cannot obtain either a birth certificate or a medical insurance policy for him. While it lasts litigation, the boy with no name does not visit kindergarten, nor school.

In 2009, the registry office of the city of Pavlovsk Voronezh region issued a birth certificate for a girl named Russia Kitsenko.

It is noteworthy that this is not the first Russian woman with the name Russia: her namesake is growing up in Nizhny Tagil - Russia Shramkova.

An unusual name is registered in the registry office of the town of Korolev near Moscow - Viagra. Happy parents claim that they had three reasons to name the child that way: the beauty and originality of the name, the drug of the same name that contributed to the conception, and, finally, a long-standing love for the group." VIA Gra".

Giving unusual names to children in honor of heads of state and significant events was popular during the Soviet Union. For example: Arvil is the Army of V.I. Lenin, Artak is the Artillery Academy, Bestreva is Beria - the guardian of the revolution, Vaterpezhekosma is Valentina Tereshkova - the first female cosmonaut, Vector is Great Communism Triumphant, Vilan is V.I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences , Vilorik - V.I. Lenin - liberator of workers and peasants, Vilyur - Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland, Vladlen - Vladimir Lenin, Volen - Lenin's Will, Dazdrasmygda - Long live the bond of city and village

Dazdraperma - Long live the first of May, Dotnara - Daughter of the working people, Izil - Fulfill the commandments of Ilyich, Kim - Communist Youth International, Lenta - Lenin's Labor Army, Lorierik - Lenin, October Revolution, industrialization, electrification, radioification and communism, Pofistal - Winner of fascism Joseph Stalin, Kukutsapol - Corn queen of the fields, Decree, Barricade, Smychka, Idea, Sovdep, Tractor, Novomir, Purple, Energy, Disizara - Child, boldly follow the revolution, Zheldora - Railway, Pyatvchet - Five-year plan at four years old, Uryuvkos (Hurray, Yura in space), Perkosrak (First space rocket), Luigi (a) - Lenin died, but the ideas are alive...

Not only in Russia, but also in China, unusual baby names are in fashion. There, quite often, children are called names that symbolize some big events or slogans. Among the most common are names that translate to “Defend China”, “Build a Nation”, “Journey into Space”, “Civilization”. Parents name babies in memory of victims devastating earthquake what happened in Sichuan Province - “Hope for Sichuan”

A lush set of names is not uncommon in Spain. Few people know that the famous artist Pablo Picasso's full name is: Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso - only 93 letters.

Some time ago, there lived a family in France, deprived of the most ordinary... surname. Instead, she “wore” a set of numbers - 1792. And the four sons in this family bore the names of... months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. Last representative of this strange family, Mr. March 1792, died in September 1904.

IN Latin America Parents love to give their children exotic names. A quick look through the Venezuelan phone book reveals names like Taj Mahal Sanchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morilo, Darwin Lenin Jimenez and even Hitler Eufemio Mayora.

Among the “masterpieces” invented by the inhabitants of the Manabi province are Super Strong Cement, Sports Cavalcade, Hard Football Victory, Chicken Paw, International Conflict.

There lives a baby in Sweden whose parents gave him an unusual but sonorous name - Oliver Google. His father, who has a PhD in search marketing, decided to name his child after his favorite search engine, Google.

The most long name in the world is borne by an Indian whose last name is Brahmatra. It consists of 1478 letters, representing a series of names merged together historical places, names of famous diplomats, theologians, scientists, etc. It takes at least ten minutes to read it.

"Hello, Two Kilos of Rice!", "Hello, Silver Dollar!" - this is how two residents of the Kandhmal region in the Indian state of Orissa greet each other when they meet. This corner of India holds the lead in the most unusual names that parents come up with for their children. Two kilograms of rice are a memory of the gift sent by the state: this is the measure of rice that is given out by decision of the authorities for each child born.

I entered one of the schools in Honolulu on the Hawaiian Islands. youngest daughter owner of one of the local restaurants. Her first and last name consist of 102 letters. Here they are: Napu Amo Hala Ona Ona Aneka Wehi Milestones Ona Hiwea Nena Wawa Keho Onka Kahe Hea Leke Ea Ona Nei Nana Nia Keko Oa Oga Wan Ika Wanao, which translates as “the numerous beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance." They were never able to include it in the class magazine.

The Indian Brahmatra has a “competitor” - Miss S. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken, (born in 1979, Montana, USA), and the first letter “S” in the name is just the beginning... And then there are another 597 letters.

It must be said that Americans are generally rich in inventions. The Jackson family from Chicago branded their five children, naming them: Meningitis, Laryngitis, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, Tonsillitis.

There is a girl in the Hawaiian Islands, the daughter of the owner of one of the local restaurants. Her first and last name consist of 102 letters. Here they are: Napu-Amo-Hala-Ona-Ona-Aneka-Wehi-Wehi-Ona-Hiwea-Nena-Wawa-Ke ho-Onka-Kahe-Hea-Leke-Ea-Ona-Ney-Nana-Nia-Keko- Oa-Oga-Wan-Ik a-Wanao. They were never able to include it in the class magazine. In Russian this means: "Numerous beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii's length and breadth with their fragrance."

When giving an unusual name to their child, not all parents think about the consequences - about how their child will live with this name in the future, about whether it is combined with the patronymic and surname. As a rule, such people want to stand out, either give the name of their idol, or follow the lead of momentary desires, not realizing that they are dooming their child to a difficult life.
(photos below are for illustration purposes)

Moreover, this applies to people of different financial incomes. For example, Russian multimillionaire Sergei Polonsky named his third son Mirax, in honor of one of his companies, Mirax Group, which after some time became bankrupt. It is worth adding that his dog, whose fate is unknown to us, was also given the honor of bearing this name.

A couple from the Voronezh region gave their daughter the name Russia - without even knowing that the girl’s namesake lived in Nizhny Tagil. By the way, in the same city a girl named Privatization is growing up. One can imagine the extent of her gratitude to her mom and dad for this “original” name.

Quite often, children's names are given in honor of show business and sports stars. The Russian national football team's achievement in the semi-finals of the European Championship in 2008 will be remembered for the rest of their lives by at least two boys named Gus, who were named after the team's then coach Guus Hiddink.

However, with these boys, one might say, everything is in order compared to the unfortunate child named Porof (short for “shame on Russian football”).

There lives a boy in the Moscow region whose name is Reduxin. Mom named him after the drug device that helped her lose weight and meet her future husband. In the city of Korolev, a girl called Viagra is growing up, named either in honor of another medicinal device, or in honor of a famous musical group.

Russian singer Alsou, without thinking twice, named her eldest daughter Safina (Safina - maiden name singers).

Wanting to determine the fate of their child and raise his social level, the parents named the boy Master, hoping that in later life it will be very good for him.

There are many such examples. But most of all, the guy with the name Luca Happiness Somerset Ocean has the most choice: in any case, he can represent himself as one of the four components of his name at will.

...and still no one can beat Dazdraperma!

Every pregnant woman begins to come up with names for her child long before his birth, trying to choose the most beautiful names in the world. However, you need to understand that the fate of the baby will depend on the name. If you see a beautiful name on the extensive list, do not rush to name your child. Try saying it out loud a few times and you will learn how the name “sounds.” Find out the meaning of the name, choose several options and think about each one. Perhaps the initial impulse was too hasty. Intuition will definitely tell you the best option for a tiny son or daughter.

Over the past three years, parents around the world have been trying to choose sophisticated names for their children. For example, in the hit parade “The Most fashionable names for boys" for 2012-2014 included many biblical names: Adam, Noah, Daniel, Ethan, Jonah, Raphael. In the rating "Most popular names for girls" for the same period included the following names: Isabella, Sofia, Zoya, Alisa, Milana, Emma, ​​Alina, Amelia and etc.

The most popular names at the end of 2014:

Unusual names for children from loving mothers and fathers

The most beautiful names in the world cannot quench the thirst of parents who want to somehow distinguish their child, to make him unique, at least through the name. As soon as they don’t name newborn babies, wanting to give them sonorous names, not realizing that children have a hard time with such names. For example, when registering babies in the countries of the former “post-Soviet space,” the most unusual names for girls were considered: Tsvitana, Valencia, Shahroza, Kvita, Melisa, Cleopatra . No less were invented for boys interesting namesKrishna, Milan, Aladdin, Christopher, Eden, Odysseus, Nero and etc.

Sometimes parents go even further in their best intentions and call their children double or even triple names, believing that they will someday be included in the category of “The Most famous names world”, when the children grow up, become geniuses and become famous: Zabava-Rowan, Hana-Fani, Tsarina-Almaza, Panna-Milana, Prince-Volodar and etc.

Among Russian children, under the influence of famous Indian, American and Asian TV series, names such as Oscar, Naomi, Zita, Gita, Jennifer, Mirabella, Vanessa and etc.

The most popular names for girls and boys with patriotic overtones

Several cases have been recorded in the Russian Federation when newborn girls were named Russia . Can you imagine how strange it sounds when a child has the most common surname - Russia Ivanova or Russia Grachev. For some reason, parents in Nizhny Tagil named their daughter Privatization . They probably remembered fun historical times.

After the revolution, people named their children patriotically: Pofistal (Winner of fascism ), Perkosrak (First space rocket), Uryurvkos (Hurray, Yura in space!) etc. And these days, not being satisfied with the options from the list of “The most common names for girls and boys,” children are called unusually. For example, naming a girl Viagra , parents explain this not by addiction to a well-known drug, but great love to the VIA Gra group.

After the sensational football matches, the registry offices begin to register babies, perpetuating the names of famous athletes, football coaches, and goalkeepers.

The most unusual names in the world

To read some names, it takes several minutes to pronounce a huge number of letters or decipher an abbreviation puzzle. For example, the longest name in the world has 1478 letters. It’s hard to believe, but that’s what they really named the child, combining into one whole the names of memorable historical places, the names of famous scientists, diplomats and much more. The ranking of the most unusual names in the world includes the following names:

1. When an American family from New Orleans gave birth to three twin girls, they named them Mu, Wu and Gu . By the way, Americans, more often than any other nationality in the world, “suffer” from idiocy; calling children is extremely absurd.

2. For a long time in France there was a dynasty that did not have a surname, it was replaced by a set of numbers 1792 . To be completely original, they decided to name their sons by the months of the year. The most popular names for boys in this family were: January 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. By the way, the last of the male family of this dynasty, Mr. March 1791, died in 1904.

3. Everyone knows the artist Pablo Picasso and admires his work. However, few people know that this genius artist there was an unusual name Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. Such long and magnificent names were fashionable in Spain in past centuries; some old surnames have been preserved unusual tradition and today.

4. Family from American city Chicago even named her children Appendicitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis, Peritonitis and Meningitis . Maybe the head of the family was a novice doctor and decided to “practice” memorizing professional terms on his own children?

5. In the Indian village of Kandhmala, the parents named the boy “I love potatoes.” It is not known whether the child will become a genius, but he has already glorified his village.

6. In Russia in the last century, names like Revolution, Electrification, Industrialization or even original ones - Lagshmivara (“Schmidt’s Camp in the Arctic”), Kukutsapol (“Corn is the Queen of the Fields”). Then there were the ratings “Most Popular female names in Russia" or male names, were not compiled. It's a pity, we could have learned a lot of interesting names.

7. In India, two boys from the same village were named "Hello, Silver Dollar!" and “Hello, Two kilograms of rice!” . By the way, India has long been the leader in the most unusual names for children. Probably the best dreamers and inventors live there.

8. In Hawaii, the owner of a local restaurant decided to give his daughter original name and chose, in his opinion, the most unusual name in the world - Napu-Amo-Hala-Ona-Ona-Aneka-Wehi-Wehi-Ona-Hiwea-Nena-Wawa-Keho-Onka-Kahe-Hea-Leke-Ea-Ona-Ney-Nana-Nia-Keko-Oa-Oga- Wan-Ika-Wanao . The teachers refused to include such a name in the class register, because of this there was a scandal with the parents. By the way, when translated into Russian, this unusual name also sounds long - “Numerous beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance.”

And here is a video selection of examples of the most unusual names of our time:

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