What nationality was Muslim Magomayev really? Muslim Magomayev: the story of his first unhappy marriage and his beloved daughter (photo shoot) Magomayev and his children

On the stage, Magomayev had no equal in popularity. The very idea that Opera singer with a luxurious baritone, polished at La Scala, he descended to the stage, was bold and unexpected for Soviet art.

It is even more incomprehensible why Magomayev left the stage so early - at over fifty years old and still in demand - he left the stage, although his voice still sounded great. We asked him about this close friend - people's artist Russia Vladislav Verestnikov.

“He was too critical of himself,” says Vladislav Arkadyevich. - If he couldn’t hit even one note, he refused to sing the whole part. He did not work on the staff of a single opera house, despite the fact that he sang not only pop songs, but also the classical repertoire.

For all his popularity in life, Muslim was very accessible, pure and even a naive person. In Chechnya he was considered a Chechen, since his ancestors moved to Baku from Chechnya. Accordingly, in Azerbaijan he was called an Azerbaijani. And he, despite the fact that he was born into a Muslim family, was seriously interested in Orthodoxy. He had a huge film library at home. religious themes, he was especially fascinated by stories about the life of Jesus Christ. In this sense, Magomayev was a man of peace.

In his youth, Muslim Magometovich was compared to agent 007, actor Sean Connery - there was something in common in their appearance. And Magomayev liked acting in films, although he spoke about his work as a joke. He was offered the role of Vronsky in “Anna Karenina” by Alexander Zarkhi. He refused in favor of Vasily Lanovoy. But he agreed to play Persian poet Nizami.

IN last years Magomayev had serious problems with blood vessels, his legs hurt, he suffered from tachycardia, his blood pressure was constantly jumping, so it was impossible to wake up without a cup of coffee.

In the evenings we walked around Tverskoy Boulevard, recalls Vladislav Verestnikov. - Muslim needed to walk, and I persuaded him to buy a treadmill. But this idea did not delight him. Doctors told him that by smoking (Magomaev smoked three packs a day - Ed.) he stole fifteen years of his life. But he did not agree to quit smoking or change his lifestyle. He said: “I will not quit smoking even on pain of death.” And live differently right life he wasn't interested. I think something was bothering him. He said more than once: “Let them remember me young.” This concerned not only his early departure from the stage, but also life in general. He believed that he had already done everything; all-Union fame and the love of the public came to him at the age of 19. The only thing he asked God for was a quick death.

Magomayev died suddenly at the age of 66...


Tamara SINYAVSKAYA: “I have no one else to dialogue with...”

Tamara Sinyavskaya kept a vow of silence for the entire year after Magomayev’s death. The Azerbaijani government granted the widow the right to fly free of charge to Baku to visit her husband’s grave (Magomayev is buried in the Alley of Honor) at any time she wants.

(There were reasons for the decision to transport Magomayev’s ashes to his historical homeland. In Azerbaijan, the singer is a national hero, to whose grave the people’s path literally will not be overgrown. People often come to the Vagankovskoye cemetery, which was first proposed by the Moscow government for the burial of Magomayev criminal gang bow to their authorities. Such proximity to the singer’s relatives seemed at least strange...)

Tamara Sinyavskaya told me that their long-standing alliance with Magomayev was maintained not only thanks to love:

We had many common interests. Especially when it came to music and singing. As soon as Muslim saw someone’s performance on TV, which caused him an explosion of emotions, he immediately came to me: “Did you hear that?!” And the evening of “questions and answers”, delight or indignation begins. Muslim was very emotional person, although our tastes and assessments almost always coincided. Now I have no one to conduct this fascinating dialogue with...


My daughter married the son of a close friend

Marina, Muslim Magomayev’s daughter from his first marriage to Ophelia (she was his classmate at music school), moved to America a long time ago. While she lived in Baku with her mother, they rarely saw each other with Muslim, but maintained a relationship. The singer loved Marina very much. And when the question of marriage arose, he introduced her to the son of his old friend and impresario Gennady Kozlovsky Alik. Marina married Alik and moved with him to America.


It was never possible to build a dacha on Nikolina Gora

Close friends of Magomayev told me that Muslim was building a dacha on Nikolina Gora for his wife Tamara Sinyavskaya. Three-story mansion. But I never finished it. Why? According to one version, he was prevented from doing this by a conflict-ridden and restless neighbor - the son of the former USSR Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolai Shchelokov. According to another version, there were not enough funds. By the standards of Soviet times, Muslim Magomayev earned good money (of course, cannot be compared with the fees of current stars), but his money did not stay. If the singer was asked for a loan, he gave without hesitation. He shared everything - right down to the building materials. As a result, this building material was not enough for our own dacha. He built a more modest one-story house near Zvenigorod. Dacha life gave him and Tamara Sinyavskaya great pleasure. But he couldn’t stay stuck outside the city for a long time - he didn’t have enough communication with friends and the Internet (Magomaev had his own website, his own online community).

Soviet crooner, composer.
Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1964).
Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1971).
People's Artist of the USSR (1973).
Honored Cultural Worker of the Polish People's Republic.

Born on August 17, 1942 in Baku (Azerbaijan).
Father - Magomet Magomayev, a theater artist, died at the front two days before the Victory.
Mother - Aishet Magomayeva (nee Kinzhalova), dramatic actress.
His grandfather is Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer, whose name is given to the Azerbaijan Philharmonic.

Since childhood, he was fond of painting and sculpture.

Studied at music school at the Baku Conservatory in piano and composition.

Graduated from the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in vocal class by Shovket Mamedova (1968).

In 1960-1961 - soloist of the Grozny State Philharmonic.

All-Union fame came after his performance in Kremlin Palace congresses at the final concert of the Azerbaijani art festival in 1962.
First solo concert Muslim Magomayev took place on November 10, 1963 in concert hall named after Tchaikovsky.

From 1963 to 1968, Magomayev was a soloist at the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov, and continues to perform on the concert stage.
In 1964-1965, he interned at the La Scala theater in Milan, but at the end of the internship he refused to work in the troupe Bolshoi Theater.
In 1966 and 1969 with great success Muslim Magomayev's tour took place in famous theater Olympia in Paris. Olympia director Bruno Cocatrice wanted to get Magomaev for another year and offered him a contract, promising to make him an international star. The singer seriously considered this possibility, but the USSR Ministry of Culture refused, citing the fact that Magomayev had to perform at government concerts.

In 1973, at the age of 31, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

From 1975 to 1978 - Magomayev was artistic director The Azerbaijan State Pop Symphony Orchestra he created, with which he toured extensively throughout the USSR.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Magomayev’s popularity in the USSR was limitless: stadiums with thousands of people, endless tours all over Soviet Union, constant appearances on television. Records with his songs were released in huge numbers. To this day, he remains an idol for many generations of people in the post-Soviet space.
IN concert repertoire Magomayev more than 600 works (Russian romances, classical, pop and Neapolitan songs); he starred in the films: “Nizami” (1982) and “Muslim Magomayev Sings”, “Moscow in Notes”.

In 1978-1987 - soloist of the Baku Opera House.

First wife - Ophelia (married at the age of 18, lived with her for one year). There is a daughter, Marina, and a grandson, Allen.
The second wife is Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya (they lived together for almost 34 years), singer, People's Artist of the USSR.

In 1997, one of the minor planets was named after him 4980 Magomaev solar system, known to astronomers under the code 1974 SP1.

He passed away on Saturday October 25, 2008 at 06:49 am in his Moscow apartment from coronary heart disease.

prizes and awards

Order of Honor (August 17, 2002) - for huge contribution in the development of musical art.
Order of Independence (Azerbaijan, 2002) - for great services in the development of Azerbaijani culture.
Order of Glory (Azerbaijan, 1997).
Order of Friendship of Peoples (1980).
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971).
Badge of honor “For services to Polish culture.”
Badge "Miner's Glory" III degree.
Order "Heart of Danko", awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian culture.
In 1969, at the festival in Sopot, Magomayev received 1st prize,
and in Cannes in 1968 and 1970 - the “Golden Disc” for millions of copies of records.

In recent months, the great singer was tormented by severe pain; he repeatedly turned to doctors for help. From time to time, Muslim Magometovich went to the clinic for treatment, and as soon as he felt a little better, he returned home. Staying in the hospital was a painful ordeal for the idol of millions.
Tonight the heart of the master of Soviet, Azerbaijani and Russian stage stopped.
Early in the morning, a team urgently went to the singer’s apartment on Leontyevsky Lane in Moscow. emergency care. However, it was still not possible to save the life of the great singer, poet and composer (few people know that Magomayev wrote music for films)...

The singer’s wife Tamara Sinyavskaya called and said that her husband was very ill, the emergency doctors said. - The call was at 6.09, and already at 6.11 we were there. Magomayev was unconscious. All efforts, alas, were in vain.

At 6.49 on October 25, 2008, the heart of the unsurpassed baritone died forever. Doctors pronounced Magomayev dead.


Unique baritone, high artistry and generosity Muslim Magomayev has captivated more than one generation of listeners. The range of its possibilities is unusually wide - operas, musicals, Neapolitan songs, vocal works Azerbaijani and Russian composers. He became famous at the age of 19, after performing at a youth festival in Helsinki, and at the age of 31 he was awarded the highest award - the title of People's Artist of the USSR. For many decades, the singer continues to be the idol of millions; his name, undoubtedly, has become a kind of symbol of our art.

Muslim Magomayev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku into a very famous and respected family. He was named after his grandfather - so he became his full namesake. Muslim did not find his famous relative alive - he died in 1937, 5 years before the birth of his grandson, but the boy was always interested in his life and work - he looked at archives, read letters, listened to music. Muslim knew that he had to follow his path - to become a composer, a conductor, and a pianist.

In 1949, Muslim was sent to a ten-year music school at the Baku Conservatory. There was only one criterion for admission - natural talent. When Muslim was 9 years old, his mother took him to Vyshny Volochok, where she served in the theater. He forever fell in love with this discreet, cozy Russian town, its simple, trusting people. Here the boy first learned what the Russian soul is. There he continued his studies at the music school with V. M. Shulgina. She was a wonderful woman, a wise, patient teacher. In addition to school, she worked in the city drama theater as a musical designer, selected and processed music for performances, and directed the choir in one of the educational institutions.

Muslim lived in Vyshny Volochek about a year and, by decision of his mother, returned to Baku to continue his musical education.

When the school learned about how Magomayev sings in class musical literature he became a vocal illustrator - he sang arias and romances. Since the music school did not have a vocal department, Muslim was assigned to the best teacher at the conservatory, Susanna Arkadievna. He came to study at her home, and, to the joy of the student, his neighbor Rauf Atakishiev, an excellent singer who served in the Baku opera house. Subsequently, Muslim sang with him more than once opera stage. The talented student was also noticed by the excellent cellist, professor of the Baku Conservatory V. Ts. Anshelevich. He began to give him lessons free of charge, for the love of his work and creative interest. Anshelevich did not interfere with the vocals, did not stage the voice, but showed how to fillet it. The lessons with the cellist professor were not in vain: Muslim learned to overcome vocal technical riffs. The experience gained in classes with Vladimir Tsesarevich came in handy when Magomayev began working on the role of Figaro in The Barber of Seville.

Magomaev could not continue his studies at music school. Singing captivated him so much that all other objects began to distract him, and he went into School of Music, which gave me a meeting with the wonderful accompanist T. I. Kretingen. Tamara Isidorovna was looking for unknown romances and works for Muslim ancient composers. Magomayev often performed with her at the evenings of the vocal department on the stage of the Philharmonic. In the opera class they prepared an excerpt from P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Mazepa" - this was Muslim's first opera performance. And then a student play came out" Barber of Seville"Life at the school was in full swing, concert practice was encouraged, the guys performed a lot. Magomayev forever remembered his romantic mood, as he was doing what he loved, and the teachers did not limit the freedom of students.


During these years, Muslim married his classmate Ophelia, they had a daughter, Marina, but later the family broke up. Marina currently lives in America - she is a person very close to Muslim Magometovich. Once upon a time, her grandfather, an academician and chemist, persuaded her to study geodesy and cartography. Although Marina graduated from school as a pianist and was predicted to have a wonderful future as a musician, she chose a different path. Now Muslim Magometovich has friendly relations with his daughter, and he greatly appreciates this.

When Muslim was accepted into the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Air Defense District, he began touring the Caucasus. His repertoire included pop songs, opera classics, and arias from operettas. Once, when Muslim arrived from Grozny on vacation, he was called to the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Komsomol and informed about his upcoming trip to the VIII World Festival youth and students in Helsinki. The large USSR delegation from the republic included the Azerbaijan Radio and Television Orchestra under the direction of T. Akhmedov and the only soloist, Muslim Magomayev. The Helsinki Festival began in Moscow with Central House Soviet army named after Frunze, where future participants gathered for rehearsals of the cultural program. I liked Magomayev’s songs, and for this reason positive feedback he foresaw success.

In Finland, Muslim performed on the streets and in halls with T. Akhmedov’s orchestra. For some reason, on Finnish soil he could sing more than ever. After the end of the festival, the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee, S.P. Pavlov, presented medals to the most distinguished participants. Among them was Muslim Magomayev. Arriving in Moscow, Muslim saw his photograph in the Ogonyok magazine with the note: “A young man from Baku conquers the world.” And in the fall he and T. Akhmedov’s orchestra were invited to Central television. After the program, Magomayev began to be recognized - this was the first recognition, but real fame came later. After Helsinki, Muslim returned to Baku and entered the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater as an intern.


The turning point in the singer’s biography was March 26, 1963. The Decade of Culture and Art of Azerbaijan was held in Moscow - the best gathered in the capital artistic groups republics, recognized masters and aspiring youth. Concerts in which Muslim participated took place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. He was received very warmly. The young singer performed verses of Mephistopheles from Gounod’s Faust, Hasan Khan’s aria from national opera"Kor-ogly" by U. Gadzhibekov, "Do the Russians want war." Something happened to the audience when he came on stage at last concert, broadcast on television, and sang the song "Buchenwald Alarm", which in his excellent performance shocked the audience, and Figaro's cavatina. After the cavatina, performed on Italian, the audience began chanting and shouting “bravo.” E. A. Furtseva and I. S. Kozlovsky were sitting in the box, who also continuously applauded. Muslim nodded to conductor Niyazi and repeated the cavatina in Russian.

At the end of the summer of 1969, the IX International festival pop song. Muslim Magomayev was sent from the USSR. For the singing competition, he chose Krzysztof Sadowski's song "On This Day", presenting it as a beautiful melodic song in the Italian spirit, and received 1st prize. At the 2nd song competition of the participating countries, Muslim performed “Heart in the Snow” by A. Babajanyan. The song was received wonderfully, but according to the terms of the competition, one performer could not receive two awards at once. Having received the 1st prize as a performer, Muslim Magomayev broke the tradition of the Sopot Festival, becoming the second singer in the entire history of the competition to win the main award. He visited Sopot again as a guest at the 10th anniversary festival, held in 1970.

At the Baku Philharmonic, which bears the name of his grandfather, Muslim Magometovich met Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya. Perhaps there was some kind of sign in this: the Philharmonic is like a family abode of the Magomayevs, in which the spirit of their ancestors lives. Even before Sinyavskaya left for Italy, Magomayev became a regular at the Bolshoi Theater - he listened to all the performances with her participation, gave the largest and most beautiful bouquets... And then there was a test of feelings by separation - Tamara Sinyavskaya went for an internship in Italy for six months, and Muslim called her every time day. It was at that moment that “Melody” arose... When A. Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov showed Magomayev new song, he liked it immediately, and after a few days it was recorded. Tamara Ilyinichna was one of the first to hear it on the phone in distant Italy. Muslim Magometovich admits that he could not marry another woman - he and Tamara Ilyinichna real love, common interests and one thing...


The discography of Muslim Magomayev includes 45 records, dozens of recordings published in the popular music magazine"Krugozor", as well as 15 CDs: "Thank you" (1995), "Arias from operas and musicals. Neapolitan songs" (1996), "Stars Soviet stage. Muslim Magomaev. The Best" (2001), "Love is my song. Dreamland" (2001), "Memories of A. Babajanyan and R. Rozhdestvensky" (series "Stars that do not go out", 2002), "Muslim Magomaev. Favorites" (2002), "Arias from operas" (2002), "Songs of Italy" (2002), "Concert in the Tchaikovsky Hall, 1963" (2002), "Great performers of the 20th century. Muslim Magomayev" (2002), "With love for a woman" (2003), "Performances, musicals, films" (2003), "Rhapsody of Love" (2004), "Muslim Magomayev. Improvisations" (2004), "Muslim Magomaev. Concerts, concerts, concerts" (2005).

Another hobby of Muslim Magomayev is film music, which he writes mainly for the films of Eldar Kuliev. In the mid-1980s, the film director conceived a film about the poet and thinker of the Middle Ages Nizami and invited Muslim to play this role. The film was shot in Azerbaijan and Samarkand. The two-part film turned out wonderful - everything in it is exquisite, ornamentally beautiful, truly oriental. Poetry, philosophy, fluidity of thoughts, actions, reflections on life, love and death. Muslim Magomayev played the role of his great compatriot in a movie for the first time.

In the mid-1980s, director Yaroslavsky drama theater named after F. Volkov, Gleb Drozdov invited Magomayev to write music for the play “A Bird Gives Birth to a Bird.” Muslim Magometovich wrote a song that received the same name as the play, which he later recorded on the radio. The premiere of the play was a success. Subsequently, Drozdov invited Magomayev to write music for the play “Yaroslavna” based on “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”. Muslim Magometovich, deep down in his soul, had long wanted to test his strength in the Russian theme, and the result was interesting musical numbers. Echoing each other, intertwining into a Russian wreath, three themes sounded: Yaroslavna’s lament, which was recorded by Tamara Sinyavskaya, Boyan’s song (aka the Presenter of the performance) performed by Vladimir Atlantov, and Prince Igor’s aria, which was recorded by Muslim Magomayev. The premiere took place in August 1985. The performance was not performed on the theater stage, but near the walls of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, where the manuscript of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” was discovered in the 18th century. These walls became the best decoration.


Everyone loved Muslim Magomayev. At one time, L. I. Brezhnev listened with pleasure to his song “Bella, ciao,” and Shah Farah, after her official visit to Baku, invited the singer to take part in the celebration of the anniversary of the coronation of the Shah of Iran. Good and warm relations long years connected Muslim Magomayev with the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR G. A. Aliyev. Muslim Magometovich was even elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan. He received letters with various requests, sent them to the appropriate authorities, and tried to help people. Living in Moscow, I specially came to sessions in Baku.

Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote: “I was present at many concerts in which Muslim Magomayev sang, and there was never a case when the presenter had time to name the full name of the artist. Usually after the name “Muslim” such applause is heard that, despite the most powerful speakers and all the efforts of the presenter, the name "Magomayev" is hopelessly drowned in an enthusiastic roar. We are used to this. Just as we are accustomed to the fact that his name alone has long become a kind of landmark of our art. And also to the fact that any opera aria, any song in his performance it is always an expected miracle."

M. M. Magomayev was awarded the Orders of Honor (2002), the Red Banner of Labor (1971), Friendship of Peoples (1980), the Orders of Azerbaijan "Istiglal" (2002) and "Shohrat" (1997), the honorary badge "For Services to Polish Culture" , badge "Miner's Glory" III degree. In 2004 awarded the order M. V. Lomonosov Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement of the Russian Federation. In 2005, for his outstanding personal contribution to the development of Russian culture, he was awarded National Award named after Peter the Great. He is a Knight of the Order “Heart of Danko”, awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian culture.

LIFE.RU had documents at its disposal indicating that Muslim Magomayev could have been saved from fatal disease. Doctors of the Cardiocenter named after. Bakulev prepared the great singer for a complex heart operation. Muslim Magomedovich did not live to see her for only a few days.

November 11 master national stage had to go for a preoperative examination. Coronary bypass surgery was last hope save Magomayev's life. Only those closest to Muslim Magomayev knew what was hidden behind the dry stamp “after a long long illness died..."

Muslim Magomedovich fought courageously terrible disease. Muslim Magometovich in Lately I felt very bad. He practically never left the house. The 66-year-old singer had serious problems with blood vessels, which caused problems with his heart.

The circulatory disorder led to the fact that part of the heart was no longer supplied with blood. During examination at the Cardiology Center named after. Bakulev, where Muslim Magomayev was treated, in addition to tachycardia and hypertension, doctors discovered pathology of his heart muscle. Six months ago, the singer underwent vascular surgery, but, unfortunately, it did not give the expected result. “Angioplasty, which the cardiac surgeons relied on, did not produce results,” the doctor at the cardiac center does not hide. “The problem of narrowed vessels could not be solved.” To improve blood circulation, doctors had to insert a special catheter into Muslim Magometovich’s vessels. Worldwide famous Baku resident operated on the best specialists cardio center.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, Magomayev was not getting better. The singer continued to suffer terrible pain. Then doctors decided that only coronary bypass surgery could save Muslim Magometovich’s life.

“The singer had a very weak heart,” shared Bakulevka’s doctor. “In addition to narrowed vessels, atherosclerotic plaques were found in him.” With this diagnosis, shunting is often the only way out. During surgery, a shunt is inserted into the plaque-clogged vessel and redirects blood flow around the clogged section of the artery. "But for a long time“They didn’t dare to undertake this operation,” our interlocutor continues. - If angioplasty is done under local anesthesia, then a complete bypass is required. And at an advanced age, this is a huge risk. You can never be completely sure that a patient’s heart will withstand anesthesia.”

After much deliberation, doctors finally decided to perform bypass surgery. A note was made in the singer’s medical record that on November 11 he should go for the last preoperative examination. But Muslim Magometovich did not live to see this day.

Muslim Magometovich Magomayev in all sources is called an Azerbaijani (and, of course, Soviet) singer and composer. The famous baritone was indeed born in the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic, Baku. But whether he even had Azerbaijani ancestors is a big question.

Origin of mother

Muslim Magometovich’s mother, Aishet Akhmedovna, also belonged to the artistic community. She was an actress, laureate Stalin Prize 1941. Aishet Akhmedovna's stage name is Kinzhalova. She was born in the capital of the Republic of Adygea, Maykop. Aishet Akhmedovna's father was Turkish, her mother was 50% Russian, 50% Adyghe.

Felix Kireev, a historian of Ossetian origin, researched the ancestry famous singer and made a very interesting conclusion. Aishet Kinzhalova’s grandfather could have been Ossetian Ivan Aleksandrovich Khanzhalov. He was a nobleman of high birth, a White Guard colonel and the head of the Vladikavkaz Military District.

Naturally, in Soviet time“to shine” with such a “non-worker-peasant” origin famous actress I could not. And Muslim Magomayev himself never mentioned that his great-grandfather was an Ossetian and a royal subject. In the name of preserving the lives of themselves and their children, Magomaev’s ancestors had to forget about this part of their ancestry.

Origin of father

Magomayev's father was theater artist. According to official data, he was Azerbaijani by nationality. Muslim Magometovich's paternal grandfather, Abdul-Muslim, was a famous Azerbaijani and Chechen composer. The Philharmonic in Baku is named after him. But he came from an old Chechen family, or teip in Chechen, Vashendora. Born in Grozny, the capital of the modern Chechen Republic.

Muslim Magomayev himself said that his paternal grandmother (Bagdagul-Jamal) was a Tatar. The singer avoided questions about his grandfather’s nationality. But in Chechnya, both his grandfather and great-grandfather are well known. Muslim Magometovich's great-grandfather was a Chechen gunsmith, born in the village of Starye Atagi. It is there that the Magomayev family nest is located, and that is where their surname comes from. Thus, it turns out that Muslim Magometovich’s family included Russians, Ossetians, Tatars, Turks, Adygeis and Chechens.

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