The best poses for photo shoots at home. A regular photo standing, sitting or lying down. Photography for curvy girls

In order to receive nice photos, several conditions are necessary at once: the proper environment, a skilled photographer, etc. But special role Poses for a photo shoot on the street also play a role, as they allow you to favorably emphasize bright, memorable features of your appearance and cleverly hide those small flaws that do not suit you. It is clear that you need to pose even when shooting takes place indoors. But today we will only talk about street poses.

Basic poses for girls

Poses for an outdoor photo shoot for girls are presented in several options:

1) "Triumphant".

This pose emphasizes that the girl is the center of attention. You need to bend one leg at the knee and lift it slightly, while raising your arms up or spreading them to the sides. The chest should be tucked up and slightly tilted forward, and the chin should be slightly tucked.

2) "Supermodel".

This good example poses for an outdoor photo shoot in the fall, for example: you need to redistribute your body weight onto one hip, placing it slightly to the side. The hand should also be placed on the thigh. It is also possible various options with this pose: so, you can just stand half-turned, but this will already allow you to significantly change big picture.

3) “Criss-cross”.

Another good option for a beautiful pose for an outdoor photo shoot, which allows you to achieve a simultaneous combination of audacity and sophistication. The general technique of execution does not differ from the previous pose, but in this case the legs should be crossed. This means that one leg, bent at the knee, is put forward, and the second - straight - acts as a support for the first. At the same time, your hands should be relaxed; you can put one hand on your thigh.

4) Based on an object.

This pose allows the girl to look absolutely at ease. For execution, you will need to find a certain support point (any surface can play its role, be it a door or an architectural column). You can cross your legs or use the technique from the previous pose;

5) "Defile".

As the name of the pose suggests, it was borrowed from the model's arsenal. The most significant advantage of this pose for a photo shoot on the street - various photos will confirm this - gives the image dynamics. The correct technique for performing the pose in question is as follows:

  1. head slightly lowered;
  2. the back is rounded;
  3. the body, as well as the toes of the shoes, are directed away from the camera, as if the girl is about to leave.

It is only important not to tilt your head too low, otherwise you will get the feeling that the girl is looking at her own shoes or hiding her face.

“What if I’m with a friend?”

Photos of two girlfriends turn out to be very attractive: brightly playful or mysteriously passionate images can give the picture an indescribable liveliness. And if you have a real girlfriend, then why not have a great photo shoot?

Let's talk about what poses there might be for a photo shoot on the street with a friend. First, you can start with portraits. Especially interesting options obtained in the warm season, when you can lie down on the grass.

Those photos look unusual in which one of the girls turned out to be sharp, and the second one was somewhat blurry.

As an interesting pose for an outdoor photo shoot in winter, you can use this option: two friends stand holding hands. The full strength of their friendship can be reflected if they are captured in the picture without outerwear, moreover, during a snowfall.

You can create and dramatic image: then the two friends should simply stand behind each other, and the clothes and background should dominate dark shades.

Now about the guys

Let's not forget to mention the poses for a photo shoot on the street for guys. There may also be many options here, but we will look at the most affordable and popular ones.

So, the simplest pose is a standing man with his arms crossed over his chest. It is only important to take into account two nuances: the shoulders should be pulled back slightly, and the stomach should be pulled in.

A relaxed pose also looks great - when a man puts his hands completely or partially into his pockets.

The best pose for an outdoor photo shoot for men is the following: a man sits with his legs crossed. In this case, you also get a fairly relaxed pose.

Let's give another example of a relaxed pose for a guy: he stands with his back against the wall. In this case, let your hands be in your pockets, and let one leg, bent at the knee, rest against the wall.

In conclusion, we can note the following: there are a great many options for different poses for a photo shoot. Some of them are rarely used, while others are ubiquitous. Take, for example, poses for an outdoor photo shoot in the fall: almost every girl has a photo with leaves or against a background of leaves. Therefore, any pose can be diversified if you add some of your own unique elements to it.

How to pose correctly: Video

Not all photographers work with models. The job of many photographers is to photograph ordinary people, and our goal is to make them look like models in the photographs. How do we do this if our clients have no experience posing or managing their faces in front of the camera? Here are seven tips to help your subjects feel like models.

1. Working with hair

We often don't think of hair as a part of the body that can be controlled, but it is possible! If you are photographing a person with long hair, then poorly placed hair will be the first thing that catches your eye in the photo. No general rule to make the hair look “super” in the frame. To different people fit different variants hair location

Let's say you're doing a simple portrait shoot without a makeup artist or hairdresser. The first thing to remember is that hair lying on your shoulders looks terrible. They give the model a wild look and something needs to be done about it. Here are six options for working with long hair.

  1. Original "wild" variant
  2. All the hair in the back
  3. All hair in front
  4. Hair on one side in front
  5. Hair from the other side in front
  6. Hair collected

Option #1 should be avoided at all costs. All other options are applicable depending on the model and the effect you want to achieve. The existence of options 4 and 5 is explained by the fact that in life, hair can look better on one side than on the other.

Typically you want people to look at the camera and most of face was visible. For this article I chose option No. 6 with collected hair, so that I can better see how the girl follows my instructions and there is nothing distracting. For many women, the ponytail is an at-home hairstyle option, but it looks very nice in portraits, revealing the face.

2. Move your chin (or ears) forward

When a person stands normally and relaxed, or even stands beautifully and poses, a small crease may be noticeable under the chin. This manifests itself almost regardless of thinness. If you tell people to point their chin forward, which sounds obvious to you, they will likely point their chins at you, which will look like photographing their nostrils (not very attractive). So instead, encourage your model to move her ears forward.

“Before” and “after” the suggestion to move your ears forward.

The same thing from the outside. I sometimes call it "turtle" because it looks like a turtle pulling its head out of its shell. It may be a little uncomfortable or unnatural, but the results are always worth the inconvenience.

The same technique performed by a man. He is fit and athletic, but still, in a natural pose, his chin is not photogenic enough.

3. Raise your hands

When people just stand as usual, they often have their arms pressed to either side. This causes several problems. Firstly, it makes them look awkward and uncomfortable in photographs. Secondly, the arms pressed to the body look thicker than they actually are.

This can be corrected simply by raising your arms a few centimeters so that they are not pressed against the body. Or you can put your hands in some position, for example resting on your hip. In the picture above, the red line indicates the apparent size of the hand before changing position. The line of the same length in the second picture shows how much thinner the arm looks when it is not pressed to the body.

4. Leave visual space around the waist

Everyone likes to look slimmer. One of simple ways The way you can make your client look slimmer is to show their “natural” waist without any additions. I mean visually isolating the waist so that it doesn't look wider than it is. My model is standing with her hands on her hips. The first photo does not show the best position. The arm behind the body is not visually separated from it and adds width to the waist. But if you move your hand forward a little, space will appear, so that nothing will be added to your waist size.

The red line shows the apparent width of the case in the first photo. It is moved to the second photo to show how much the hand added. This rule applies not only to hands. Anything in the background behind the model can create this effect. This could be, for example, other people, tree trunks, lamp posts.

5.Rotate Your Shoulders

It's very simple but important advice. If a person stands straight in front of the camera, he looks bigger. This is good if you are photographing a football player or the director of a large company, but is not very suitable for photographing model portraits. When turned, the model shows a more beautiful profile and looks slimmer.

The red line shows the width of the model standing exactly in front of the camera. A slight twist produces a photo of the model still looking at the camera, but with a slimmer profile.

6. Don't show the whites of your eyes

If you want to capture a distant, dreamy look away from the camera, don't ask your model to look into the distance. Point to a specific object behind you so you can control where you are looking.

In the first photo, I invited the model to look towards the door next to us. You can mostly see the whites of her eyes, which is not good. You want to see the iris, the colored part. I invited her to look out the window. A slight change in the direction of the gaze brought her eyes back to us and the result was a more attractive portrait.

7. Don't let your nose interrupt your facial contours

This rule is a little more complicated, but also important. If you don't want to take a frontal shot, you ask the model to turn slightly to the side. Let's say you don't want to shoot a classic profile, in which only one side of the face will be visible, and the model will turn about a quarter so that both eyes are visible. If you mentally draw a line along the side of your face, then this line should not intersect with your nose.

If she turns too much, the nose will cross this line, ruining the natural contour of the face. This creates a “Pinocchio” effect and visually increases the length of the nose. To avoid this, you should ask the model to turn slightly back towards the camera so that there is a little space between the tip of the nose and the edge of the face. You should not cross this line or your facial features will look disproportionate.

Putting it all together

Here's a sample list you can follow on your next shoot.

  • Hair is pulled back over one shoulder and loose in front of the other.
  • The chin is pushed forward to create a stronger facial line.
  • The arm is raised from the body.
  • The waist has no visual enhancers.
  • Shoulders turned.
  • The pupils are visible, not the whites of the eyes.
  • The nose does not cross the line of the face.

What are you doing to ordinary people did you look like a model in the photographs? Share your thoughts on the tips you read or your own tricks in the comments.

About the author: Ben Lucas is a Seattle-based portrait and wedding photographer. He strives to preserve the best emotions of his clients, be they brides, actors, chefs or even lawyers. You can follow his news at

The poses below are a kind of hint that can be used not only by the model, but also by the photographer. So, if you are planning to do a creative photo shoot in the studio or on the street, print these pictures or download them to your smartphone. IN Hard time they will help you get into the right frame of mind.

Well, it's time to get acquainted with the spectacular poses of the girls. There are 60 of them in total:

1. This portrait pose is simple. The model's gaze is aimed at the camera lens. She looks over her shoulder at him. Take a close look at the model. If you regularly change the angle, each time her portrait will be unique.

2. Often, in the process of shooting a portrait, the model and the photographer ignore one important detail. In this case we're talking about about the position of the hands. If you ask a girl to play with her hands, you can get very creative photos. In this case, you should adhere to the following rule. The hands should be soft, flexible, and the palms should not be flat or tense.

3. This photographer demonstrates this compositional rule, usually the 3rd rule.

4. Agree that the model who sat down and brought her knees together looks very cute.

5. When a girl is on the ground (reclining or completely lying on it), she radiates openness. Squat down and start shooting literally from the bottom position.

6. Let the girl give free rein to her hands. She can cross them or casually touch them to the ground. This angle is perfect for an outdoor pose for any girl. Especially if the girl is among flowers and herbs.

7. The simplest pose. At the same time, she looks impressive. The photographer must shoot from a low position. Walk around the girl from all sides and shoot her from different angles. At the same time, the model should loosen up and regularly perform smooth movements all parts of the body.

8. This position is ideal for models that have any, even the most non-standard, parameters. Let the girl change the positions of her legs and arms, etc. At the same time, you should focus all your attention on her eyes.

9. It’s not for nothing that this pose is called cute and groovy. It will successfully complement almost any interior. A photographer can photograph a girl while she is lying on the bed, lying on the grass, or sunbathing on a sandy, pebble beach. You should photograph the girl from the bottom position, focusing on her eyes.

10. Thanks to this pose, the model will demonstrate all the charms of her figure.

11. Suitable for a sitting girl. Sit the model so that one of her knees touches her chest and the other touches the ground. The girl must look into the camera lens. Ideal pose for girls to take photos in the studio.

12. Allows the photographer to emphasize all the charms of the girl’s body, as well as its plasticity. Typically used for shooting against a bright background. A good pose for photographing at sea.

13. This position is characterized by simplicity, naturalness, and variety of choice. Various experiments are also welcome. Let the model work her hips, etc. The ideal pose for photographing in a dress.

14. This position is easy and, at the same time, graceful. The girl turned her body a little to the side. Moreover, her hands are hidden in the back pockets of her jeans and shorts.

15. With the help of a slight forward bend, the girl emphasizes the shape of her body. Thus, she radiates sexuality.

16. In this pose, the model demonstrates her sensuality. As a rule, it is chosen by slim, sports girls.

17. There are many options for poses when a girl is photographed at full length. This situation may become the initial one. After which the girl should easily turn her body and make movements with other parts of her body.

18. This pose implies relaxation. Remind the girl that you can touch the wall with more than just your back. It is recommended to use other parts of the body for this. Ideal pose for a photo shoot in full height.

19. Frames in which the model is captured in full length are specific. As a rule, such photos depict tall girls. Be sure to use the following secret. The girl's body should look like the letter "S" curved like a snake. She should focus all her body weight on one of her legs and relax her arms as much as possible.

20. This is the most ideal position for girls with a slender figure. It provides various options. In order to capture the model in the most advantageous position, ask her to make leisurely movements with her hands.

21. This pose exudes romance and tenderness. It is recommended to use all kinds of fabrics. Draperies will also work. Thanks to them, you will be able to take the most sensual photos. At the same time, there is no need to expose your entire back. It is enough to expose your shoulder a little. And a playful mood is guaranteed.

22. This is one of the most spectacular filming positions. The girl is turned sideways to the camera lens. At the same time, the shoulder is slightly upturned. Important - the chin and shoulder should not touch.

23. Quite a traditional pose. The girl transfers the entire weight of her body to one of her legs and bends in the shape of a serpentine English letter. alphabet "S".

24. A girl touches a plane with her hands, which is in a vertical position. For example, against the wall. This pose allows you to take excellent portrait photos in nature.

25. If a girl has beautiful, and also long, hair, you simply must demonstrate it dynamically. Ask her to quickly turn her head. This way her hair will start to wave.

26. The girl sat down on the bed and lay down in a soft chair. And if you give her a cup of coffee at the same time, you can get a very atmospheric photo. It may seem that she was very cold and in this moment warmed up with a hot drink.

27. This provision was literally created for organizing filming at home or in a studio. A girl can choose a bed or a comfortable, soft sofa.

28. One of the most spectacular positions for girls who sit on a soft sofa.

29. Designed for girls who sit on the ground. At the same time, you can photograph it from different angles.

30. Don't limit yourself to standard plots. Even in a sitting position, the model gives you the opportunity to experiment with her image.

31. It is generally accepted that if a person crosses his legs and arms, he creates a psychological barrier in front of other people. That is why it is not recommended to do this during photography. But there is an exception to the rule. You should try to take a photo of a girl who has her arms crossed over her chest.

32. Not in all cases it is necessary to ask the model to place her hands in a certain position. It will be better if she relaxes them and behaves naturally. This rule also applies to legs.

33. This is another one bright examples, which is designed to successfully photograph a girl the full length of her body. At the same time, her hands should be in her pockets.

34. Usually this position is taken during the shooting that takes place on the street in summer and autumn. You should ask the girl to take off her shoes and take a leisurely walk.

35. The girl’s hands are hidden behind her back. This standing pose is extraordinary and very sincere. At the same time, the girl can lean on the wall.

36. This pose is intended for formal compositions. The girl is turned to the camera lens with her hip. Moreover, her gaze is focused on the photographer. As for her head, it is slightly tilted to the side.

37. When a girl touches her waist with her hands, she will look spectacular in the frame. You should get a good half-length or full-length portrait.

38. Author: Gunnar Rathbun. When there is a bulky piece of furniture nearby that allows you to lean your elbow on it, do not use it. It will allow the girl to take a formal and at the same time free pose.

39. The girl must sit down on some object. You can remove it in this position both at home and outside.

40. A feminine and impressive pose for a girl that you shoot in full view.

41. This is a very difficult situation. Since the photographer must convey the girl’s movement. But if he does it right, it will turn out to be a good fashion shot.

42. Good position. But to make the photo effective, you need to adjust some camera settings. The model should lean on the bridge railing. A fence will do too. Thanks to the wide aperture, you will be able to achieve a shallow depth of field, as well as a hazy background.

43. Proper placement of all moving parts of the body is a decisive factor for this provision. A girl of any build is suitable for such a photo shoot. The photographer needs to take pictures from a slightly elevated position. A good pose for a photo in the forest.

44. This provision is created for intimate photos. It is used in completely different conditions. Be it a bed, a sandy beach, etc. A good pose for erotic photography.

45. The photographer should take the angle from the lowest position. In this case, the girl is recommended to rise slightly and bow her head slightly. She will also need to bend her legs and cross her feet.

46. ​​This provision is not easy to implement. To pay attention the following nuances. One of the hands that the girl uses as a support should be facing away from the body. Moreover, she needs to stretch her legs and control her abdominal muscles. This position is suitable for those models who can boast of a good physique.

47. It is also difficult to execute and will require professional skills from the photographer. To take spectacular pictures, he must monitor the girl’s entire body.

48. A very impressive position for a photo shoot.

49. Good for subtle artistic nude photography female body. Provides many various variations with all kinds of placement of body parts.

50. The main thing in this pose is to place your legs in the most correct way. Guide the girl’s movements very carefully, telling her the required position. Important condition– the girl must wear shoes that have high heels.

51. Characterized by simplicity and undeniable perfection. Make sure that the girl does not cover her face with her hand or shoulder. And if she fixes her gaze on the floor, the photo will turn out to be extremely romantic. As for the raised elbow, it must be directed to the left or right of the camera lens.

52. Designed for a full-length portrait. It is necessary to film the girl next to the wall. The photographer must take a picture of the girl by going behind her.

53. Typically, such poses are taken by models who are fond of one of the sports. They curve their body in an "S" shape. They regularly move their hips and arms, and turn their heads this way and that.

54. If you use light, airy fabric, the girl and the photographer can make bold experiments. The result will be spectacular shots. This pose is recommended to be taken outdoors when a light breeze blows.

55. Among other positions, this pose stands out for its ease and simplicity. Thanks to her, a girl is able to emphasize the graceful curves of her figure.

56. Airy and gentle position. The girl sits down. At the same time, it only partially transfers the entire body to the feet of the legs bent at the knees. Looks at the photographer over his shoulder.

57. This pose is characterized by simplicity and, at the same time, magnificence. Suitable for all conditions. You can photograph the model in this pose both indoors and outdoors. Typically used for a silhouette photo shoot that is set against a bright and colorful background.

58. Author: Karen Abramyan. A wall or other vertical object creates ideal conditions for creating a particular pose. So, the same walls can be used as a support for hands.

59. A very graceful position. Remind the girl that she should slouch a little. That is, lean away from the supporting back of an easy chair, bench, etc.

60. Pose in motion. It is necessary to take steps walking towards the photographer. It is not necessary to look into the lens.

In conclusion, it would not be amiss to once again recall that the above examples are only a kind of initial “sketches”. After all, there are many different variations of each position. Feel free to bring creative ideas to life. Constantly ask the model to experiment with facial expressions, smiles, and change the position of her arms or legs. Please note that even if the girl changes her position slightly, you will get pictures with a completely different context. Also, if the photographer changes the angle, then you should expect completely different shots.
At the same time, you can change the distance to the girl you are photographing - either move closer to her or move away from her.

The poses of the girls in this article should be treated as initial tips. It’s better if he looks at and evaluates the angles we offer with the model who will pose for him. Especially if she is new to this business. This will help the photographer find a girl mutual language and tune it to your wavelength.

During the photo shoot, be sure to ask the model’s opinion, ask which poses appeal to her most. Thanks to this simple psychological technique, she will relax, and you will be able to take beautiful photographs.
Also, before the photo shoot, ask the model exactly how she wants to see herself in future photos. Innocent? Sexy? Romantic? Perhaps she would like to emphasize one of her character traits? In general, don’t be shy, talk to the girl. This way you will get to know her better.

Don’t ignore cropping your photo; experiment with its composition. In other words, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Because they learn from them.

If you are suddenly overtaken by a creative impasse, have run out of new ideas, or are just looking for a little hint for photographing a girl, then you can use sketches as a starting cheat sheet, because they are one of the the most important stages preparation for a photo shoot. The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photos you will receive as a result of photography.

1. A very simple pose for a portrait - the model is looking at you over her shoulder. Pay attention to how unusual and interesting a portrait can look if you change the angle.

2. Very often, when shooting portraits, both the model and the photographer forget about the position of their hands. However, something creative can happen if you ask the model to play with her hands, trying out different positions on her head and face. The main thing to remember is one rule - no flat, tense palms: the hands should be soft, flexible and, preferably, they should not be facing directly into the frame with the palm or back of the hand.

3. You are probably familiar with this compositional rule, usually the rule of thirds

4. A very cute pose for a sitting model - with your knees together.

5. Another open and attractive pose - the model lies on the ground. Get down and take the shot almost from ground level.

6. And again, an option for a lying position: you can ask the model to play with her hands - fold them or calmly lower them to the ground. A great angle for shooting outdoors, among flowers and grasses.

7. The most basic pose, but it looks simply stunning. You need to shoot from the lower level; walk around the model in a circle, taking pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the arms, hands, and head.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions of your legs and arms, focusing on the model's eyes.

9. Cute and playful pose. Great for almost any setting: on the bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a photo of the model from a low position, focusing on the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to demonstrate beautiful figure models. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette against a bright background.

11. Another friendly pose for a seated model. Position the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest and the other leg, also bent at the knee, lies on the ground. The gaze is directed into the lens. Try using different shooting angles for better results.

12. Great way demonstrate all the beauty and plasticity of the model’s body. Can be used as a silhouette pose against a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with big amount possible options. Let the model experiment with the position of the hips, arms, and head.

14. Simple and at the same time elegant pose. The model is turned slightly to the side, hands in the back pockets.

15. A slight forward tilt can unobtrusively emphasize the model’s shape. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. A sensual pose with raised arms emphasizes the smooth curves of the body. Well suited for slim and fit models.

17. The options for posing in full height are simply endless; this position can be taken as a starting point. Ask the model to easily turn her body, change the position of her arms, head, direction of gaze, etc.

18. This pose looks quite relaxed. Don't forget that you can lean against the wall not only with your back, but also with your shoulder, arm or hip.

19. Full-length shots are quite specific and are better suited for tall, slender models. There you are little secret: The model’s body should resemble the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the arms are in a relaxed state.

20. One of the best poses for slim models with a huge number of possible options. To catch the most advantageous position, ask the model to slowly change the position of her arms and continuously bend her body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and draperies. With their help you can get sensual photographs. It is not necessary to expose your entire back: often, even a slightly bare shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. A good pose for a photo shoot and an excellent angle from which the model appears slimmer. The model stands sideways, with her chin slightly down and her shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often, ordinary poses are the most successful. The model should transfer the weight of the body to one leg, while bending the body into an S-shape.

24. The model touches a vertical surface, such as a wall or tree, lightly with both hands. The pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model has beautiful long hair, be sure to show it in motion. Ask her to quickly turn her head to allow the hair to develop. Experiment with shutter speed to get clear or blurry shots that highlight movement.

26. In the next pose, the model is sitting on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, you can get a thematic photo (for example, the girl was cold, and now she is resting and warming up).

27. An excellent and comfortable pose that is suitable for a photo shoot in the house, studio on the couch and more...

28. A beautiful pose for a model sitting on a sofa.

29. Excellent for photographing a model sitting on the ground. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. You can experiment in a sitting position; you should not limit yourself only to certain subject poses.

31. It is believed that crossing legs and arms between people creates a certain psychological barrier, and this is not recommended when taking photographs. However, this is not always the case. The photographer should try to take a photo where the model's arms are crossed over her chest. This is a great pose for a women's photo shoot.

32. It’s not always worth coming up with a certain hand position. It is completely normal to leave them in a natural, relaxed position. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing to remember is that while standing, the model must transfer her body weight to one leg.

33. Another example of a full body photo pose that is perfect for a photo shoot. The girl's hands, fully or partially, are in her pockets.

34. This pose is perfect for a summer photo shoot. Ask the model to take off her shoes and walk slowly.

35. The model’s hands behind her back, an unusual, but very open and sincere pose. The model can also lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, a very simple, and at the same time, effective position is suitable. The model stands slightly sideways, with her face turned towards the photographer, her head tilted slightly to the side.

37. The model will look very harmonious in the frame if you place both hands on your waist. The pose is suitable for half-length and full-length portraits.

38. If there is any tall piece of furniture nearby that you can lean on with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create a formal, but at the same time free and inviting pose.

39. Another good position is to sit on something. Well suited for both indoor and outdoor shooting.

40. An example of a feminine and winning pose for a full-length shot of a model.

41. A rather complex pose, due to the fact that you need to convey the movement of the model. However, if done correctly, the reward will be a great, elegant fashion shot.

42. Great pose, although it will require certain camera settings: the girl is leaning on a fence or bridge railing. A large aperture will provide shallow depth of field and a blurry background.

43. A great pose if done with its features in mind. The correct placement of the arms and legs plays a decisive role here. Ideal for any body type. Please note that shooting should be done from a slightly elevated position.

44. A great pose for intimate photography. Well used in various environments, bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting pose. We take the angle from the bottom point. The upper part of the model's body is slightly raised, and the head is slightly tilted down. The legs are bent at the knees upward, the feet are crossed.

46. ​​This pose is not the easiest. There are a few things to pay attention to: the arm the model is leaning on should be facing away from the body, the abdominal muscles should be under control, and the legs should be extended. The pose is ideal for a sporty body type.

47. The next difficult pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For successful final result he must take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, arms, waist (there should be no folds in the skin!), hips and legs.

48. Very beautiful pose for shooting a model.

49. The ideal pose for fine artistic photography of the naked body. An infinite number of variations are possible with different positions head, arms and legs.

50. A very difficult pose. The main thing is the correct position of the legs. Carefully guide the model, prompting the desired position. The model must wear high heels.

51. Simple and perfect pose. Make sure that the model's face is not covered by her hand or shoulder. A look directed downwards creates a special romantic mood. The raised elbow is directed away from the camera.

52. Pose for a full-length portrait near a wall. Take a photo of the model from the back.

53. Refined pose for sports models. Ask the model to bend her body in an S shape, change the position of her hips and arms, and turn her head in different directions.

54. Using a lightweight fabric creates endless options for the model and photographer to create amazing images. It is very beneficial to use this pose on outdoors in windy weather.

55. An easy and simple pose that highlights lines female figure. Ideal as a silhouette against a bright background.

56. Light and gentle pose. The model sits on bent legs, but does not lean too much on her feet. The gaze is directed over the shoulder.

57. Simple but gorgeous pose. Works in a variety of conditions, both indoors and outdoors. Also suitable for shooting a silhouette against a bright background.

58. Using a wall or any other similar object is very helpful in creating different poses. For example, walls can serve as a handhold.

59. Very beautiful and elegant pose. Remember that the main thing in this pose is that the model should lean slightly forward from the back of the sofa (chair, bench, etc.).

The content of the article

Every girl dreams of becoming a model and participating in a photo shoot, walking down the catwalk to the flashes of cameras and the delight of the audience. But then the model reaches the edge of the path, wants to take a spectacular pose and freezes. How to stand up, where to put your hands, how to place your feet? Choice good pose is not an easy task at all. However, it's not that complicated. You just need to know the basic poses, understand what is happening and what you want to say. And, of course, everything will work out. Let's look together for the most suitable interiors, consider all aspects of shooting so that it will be useful for both models and photographers.

Choosing a pose for a photo shoot

The most important thing you need to understand is that there are positive and negative poses. It is not difficult to distinguish one from another, you just have to look at various photos from an album or from the Internet. The main points of a successful photograph are the absence of tension, an expressive look, naturalness, movement and even flight. The photographer plays a very important role in the photo shoot, however, the model must also be able to dress correctly, choose the right angle, make an expressive look so that it is interesting and reflects her personality. Often, aspiring models look tense and scared in photographs because they forget to concentrate and relax.

Photos are also different. Portraits can be individual or group; photographs can be taken standing or sitting. But the main thing in any photo is the face. Do not make your facial expression serious or smile unnaturally. Then it would be better to just relax and look straight into the lens. You should not throw your head back and show your nostrils to the audience. It is better to tilt your head slightly to one side to avoid a double chin.

If you are photographed in full height, do not take a pose in the “at attention” style; in this case, asymmetry is important. You can lean on one leg to highlight your feminine curves. Poses can be different, and a professional photographer will be able to choose the most advantageous one and calculate everything small parts. For example, pay attention to the shoulders, which few people think about during a photo shoot. However, if you place them too flat, you will look like a square, so it is better to raise one shoulder. Or you can turn half a turn to narrow the shoulder line. You can also bring your shoulders together to make the photo look original.

Sometimes you have to take photos lying down. Photos are especially popular when the model lies on her stomach and looks forward over her shoulder. It is important not to tilt your head back in order to look natural. Poses in which the model herself is comfortable will look best, so they will look natural in the photo.

In addition, the pictures should not look vulgar. Although in Lately Photos that are borderline acceptable are very common; this remains a personal choice for each model. After all, youth is so fleeting, and is it worth dirtying your natural purity?

The most successful options

Photographers have always collected best poses for a photo shoot. With successful cooperation with the photographer and knowledge of the basic rules of successful photos, you can look very good in the photo. Here is one of the rules for how to build a pose: a natural stance, one leg slightly in front, the weight of the body transferred to the leg behind, the head tilted slightly to the side, the face also turned there, and the eyes looking straight into the lens. You can either put your hands on your waist, or you can make a “visor” with them or straighten your hair with your hand. A sincere, not forced, smile is very important, which can also be rehearsed in front of a mirror. And the main thing that will definitely come in handy is intuition, which will help you correct the mistake.

Some tips for successful photos:

1. The model seems to push away or attract an imaginary object.
2. Maintains the weight of the body on a certain part of it, for example, on the leg.
3. Depicts a specific animal.
4. Plays with any object: glasses, umbrella or handbag.
5. Grasps an object or oneself.
6. Depicts behavior in cold or hot weather.
During a photo shoot, light and shadow composition play a very important role; this can emphasize the mood, shape or texture. Poses that need to be chosen correctly are also important. Here are examples of the most successful poses:
1. When shooting a portrait, the model holds her hands beautifully near her face, but not with her palms facing the camera.
2. Add straight or diagonal lines to the silhouette of the model.
3. Sitting pose with knees brought together.
4. Variant of a lying model in nature.
5. The model keeps her hands on her hips or in the back pockets of her pants.
6. A pose with a slight forward bend can show off your breasts.
7. A vertical photo with a silhouette of the model that resembles the letter S.
8. Successful placement of the model in profile, half a turn and shooting the model in motion. You can also depict covering parts of the body with certain accessories.
9. A raised shoulder along with a pubescent chin can make you look slimmer.
10. To add slimness to curvy figures, you can bring your hands to them, but it doesn’t look nice.
11. Long and beautiful hair perfectly demonstrated in motion. You need to turn your head sharply or wave it.
12. A photo with arms crossed on the chest looks beautiful.
13. Draperies, as well as a photograph of the model from the back with her head turned towards the photographer, can add romance and tenderness.
14. The portrait will be successful if the model rests her hand on some hard surface.
15. And in a strict portrait, it is better to cross your arms in front and turn your head half a turn.
16. The photo will look as natural as possible if the model easily transfers weight from one foot to the other.
17. The pose with your hands behind your back looks interesting.
18. If the photo is full-length, you can put your hand on your waist.
19. The interior also plays an important role. To show the connection with the environment, it is worth leaning on some picturesque object.
20. You can also effectively play up walking down the catwalk in heels.
21. You can sit down, but do not lean on your feet, because it looks ugly and heavy.
22. Do not forget that the part is on foreground will look very big, so don't mess with the proportions.
23. Avoid unaesthetic moments and poses.
24. It is necessary to listen to the photographer and follow his commands exactly.
25. To better see the model’s facial features, you need to turn the face in profile or simply turn it towards the camera. Photographers have this secret: if a half-turn portrait is taken, it is necessary that the pupils of the eyes differ by more than half.
26. When photographing a model who is looking to the side, it is necessary that the pupil of the eye is visible, and not just the white. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, you need to take into account the viewing angle.
27. When photographing a woman or girl, the photographer needs to be especially careful, find and emphasize the most successful features.

Photos of girls

As already noted, every girl has dreamed at least once. However, photographers should remember that a girl is a gentle and airy creature who can be scared by anything, and therefore needs to be treated very delicately. In addition, every girl, in addition to her beautiful appearance, has a lot of tensions and complexes. The photographer’s task is to help the girl relax, without crossing the line of what is permitted. It is very important to gain her trust and find a common language.

Photography poses should not be vulgar. Needed with help correct selection angle and interior show the tenderness of the girl. The best backgrounds are sea, sky, forest and pure snow. Flowers, kittens, butterflies, music, books and the gym can help reveal a tender and romantic image. And, of course, beautiful outfits. A skilled photographer will be able to select the right one and take a very successful photo.

The girls look great in almost all poses. There are a lot of successful scenes and poses, among which you should choose the most suitable ones.
It also happens that the photographer wants to add sensuality to the photo and asks the model to ruffle her hair with her hands. And in the photo it looks like a diseased ear. The model must understand what it is doing and why.

You should not point your hands or fingers towards the lens, they will look very short. It would be better to point one hand towards the opposite shoulder, which will help it look good.

Using all the possibilities of the terrain will greatly enrich your shooting. Photos will look beautiful against the background of a beautiful fence, stairs, walls, car or forest.

Girls – this is spring and romance. They radiate with innocence and pure love. Therefore, we also need to remember about the photograph of lovers. And if a couple has entrusted the photographer with the right to capture their feelings, then he is a true master and will be able to see and photograph the most bright moments manifestations of feelings that overwhelm lovers. In order to get the most successful photographs, you should use the following techniques:

1. The couple should stand as high as possible closer friend to a friend and look into the eyes, you can hold hands.
2. To liberate lovers, it is worth inviting them to look at each other as they did when they first met.
3. A photo in which both will stand with their backs to each other and look up, while holding hands, will look good.
4. Such a simple pose will also look cute: the girl puts her hand on the boy’s chest and lowers her eyes, and he looks at her.
5. A soulful pose in which the guy hugs the girl by the waist or shoulders, while they look at the camera.
6. The most sensual shot will be a kiss, in which the young man lifts the girl a little.
7. It’s beautiful when lovers stand face to face with their eyes closed.
8. A photograph against the horizon can create a romantic mood.
9. Photos in which the photographer captures the scene from above will be successful.
10. A photo in which lovers look into each other’s eyes, while the girl holds her hand on her lover’s shoulder, will be touching.
11. The girl looks at the camera, and the guy looks into the distance.
12. The girl looks at the camera, and the boy looks at her, or vice versa.
13. Playing with emotions in the frame.
14. The guy lifts the girl, while she laughs and throws her head back. Her legs are bent at the knees.
15. The photo in which the girl wraps her arms around the guy’s neck and he hugs her looks very intimate. At the same time, their eyes are closed.
16. Shooting from a distance of a couple walking hand in hand or hugging from the front or back.
17. Looks great summer photo couple running across a meadow, clearing or beach.
18. As an option - a photograph of a couple lying on the sand with their eyes closed, holding hands.

There are a great many similar poses. But the photographer has no right to vulgarize with a careless photograph that pure and sacred thing that lives in the souls of lovers.

Every person who has a photo album at home likes to review the most successful shots from time to time. At the same time, no one thinks about how much skill and labor the professionals put into each picture. After all, it seems that taking a photo is not at all difficult: I saw it, clicked it, saved it. But try to compare your pictures with those taken by the photographer, and the difference will be obvious. Therefore, in order to take successful photographs, you should understand what you need to do and what you shouldn’t do.

First, you should review your photographs and determine what worked in them and what didn’t. Draw your own conclusions. It is very important to train yourself to take photographs only in burst mode to avoid unpleasant moments. You also need to enjoy the process and the result. Therefore, it is especially important to approach the choice of pose for a photo. The tension in the frame will be very visible. Also, do not duplicate photographs from magazines. After all, what suits a professional model will not always look natural on amateurs.

It is also important to remember that all photographs are divided into static and dynamic. For static photography, a chair that is positioned sideways or with its back to the camera can be a suitable accessory. Not only can you sit on it, you can take great photos if you rest your knee on the seat in a profile picture. It will also be a good idea to arch your back while doing this.

For outdoor photo shoots, you need to think through the image in advance. This applies to both choosing a place for photography and the correct selection of clothes and accessories. If a model is embarrassed to be photographed in front of strangers, then it is worth choosing a suitable romantic setting. For example, a photograph on the steps of the embankment, thoughtfully peering into the distance. At the same time, you can look back.

When photographing outdoors, one of the following paths is always chosen: nature is the background for photographs, or the model interacts and merges with the surrounding world. In the first option, trees, fences or stones can be used as support, and in the second case, clothing or pose is chosen based on the situation. For example, you can play with the pose of Alyonushka, who is bending over a pond, or in a flowering meadow, depict a girl weaving a wreath or picking flowers.

Using our tips, you can create a lot of unique images. All you have to do is use your imagination!

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