Louisa May Alcott "Little Women" Little Women movie

Louisa Alcott

Little Women

Instead of a preface

Let this short story
It will raise everything secret from the bottom of the soul,
Will make you think and understand
That there is no valor greater than kindness.

Let this short story
It will seem like a pilgrim to you,
Who told you a lot of stories,
So that, having recognized them, you become wiser.

Let this short story
Will make you think about your neighbor
And, despite many obstacles,
Will teach you the science of mercy.

From John Bunyan

Pilgrim Game

- Well, what kind of Christmas is it without gifts! – Jo, lying on the carpet, grumbled.

“It’s a terrible thing to be poor,” answered Meg, and looked down at her old dress with a sigh.

Amy even coughed in frustration.

– Well, we’re not so bad yet. At least we have a father and mother, and we all live together,” Beth responded from her corner, and her voice sounded much more cheerful than the others.

Hearing these words, the girls perked up.

“Yes, but dad isn’t with us,” Jo seemed to remember. - When will we see each other now?

Here all four fell silent again, and each involuntarily thought about what Jo had not said: dad is now at war, which means he may not return at all.

The sisters were silent for some time.

“You know why Mom doesn’t want us to give each other presents this Christmas,” Meg finally said. - The winter is going to be difficult. And my mother believes that while men are at war, women have no right to spend money on pleasure. Of course, little depends on us. But it's only fair that we make small sacrifices. Mom says that such sacrifices should bring joy, but I... am not particularly happy.

And, remembering what wonderful things they usually give at Christmas, Meg sadly shook her head.

- Yes, we are of little use: each of us has no more than a dollar. It is unlikely that the army will get rich from such donations. However, I could do without gifts this year. But I really want to buy Ondine and Sintram,” said Jo, who loved books more than anything else in the world.

“I need sheet music,” Beth admitted and sighed so quietly that only the poker and the teapot heard her sigh.

“And I’ll buy a box of Faber colored pencils,” Amy said. - I really need them.

“But mom didn’t say anything about our money.” It is unlikely that she wants us to give up everything altogether. Can you at least allow yourself small joys? We didn’t get this money just like that! – Jo said passionately and immediately became embarrassed.

“I certainly didn’t get them for nothing,” Meg said. – Teach these terrible children all day long! It's much better to stay at home!

“It’s all nothing compared to what I’m going through,” said Jo. “I’d like to see how you would like to sit all day long with an eccentric old woman.” Listen to her grumbling, fulfill her whims, and she is always dissatisfied with everything! It is simply impossible to please her. She leeches me all the time. I just want to slap her across the cheeks. Or throw herself out the window, never to see this old hag again.

“It’s a sin, of course, to complain, but it seems to me that my work is even worse.” They should force you to wash the dishes and clean up! You know how tired I am! And my hands become rough, I can hardly play the piano anymore.

Beth looked sadly at her hands and sighed loudly.

– I’m still worse! - Amy exclaimed. -You don't have to go to school. These nasty girls are not making fun of you! If I don’t learn my lesson, they make fun of me! And over my old dresses, and over our dad, since he went broke. They will even make fun of your nose if they don’t like it.

“Amy,” Jo remarked with a laugh, “we shouldn’t say “mocked,” but “mocked.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Amy waved it off. “You understood me perfectly, so why be ironic?” Besides,” she added with an important look, “new words expand one’s horizons.”

- Stop bickering! What is there to argue about? Of course, it would be better if dad didn’t go broke. When I was very little, we were rich. In those days, we didn’t think about any savings,” Meg sighed.

- Well, yes, but yesterday you said that we are happier than the royal children. And that the royal children, although rich, quarrel and fight every now and then.

- That's right, Beth. I don't go back on my words. Of course, it's difficult for us. But we also know how to have fun. No wonder Jo called us a cheerful bunch.

“That’s it,” Amy remarked disapprovingly. “Where did Jo get these words from?”

And she cast a reproachful glance at long-legged Jo, who still lay stretched out on the carpet.

Jo immediately sat down and began to whistle.

- Stop whistling, Joe! You're acting like a boy.

– And I want to behave like a boy.

– I can’t stand this!

“And I can’t stand well-bred bastards.”

“The chicks are cooing in the nest,” Beth sang and made such a funny face that the debaters laughed merrily.

Beth always acted as a conciliator.

“I must note, my dears, that you are both wrong,” Meg said edifyingly. She was the oldest and felt the right to give advice to the others. “You, Josephine, are already big enough.” It's time to leave your boyish ways and learn to behave decently. While you were little, everything went well. Now look, you're already wearing your hair. And you look like a real girl.

- I'm not a girl! – Jo was stubborn. “And if it’s all about the hair, I’d rather wear pigtails until I’m twenty.” “She tore the net from her head, and her brown hair immediately flew out like a fan. “I hate to think that I will ever turn into the adult Miss March.” I'll put on a long dress and become as prim as a turkey. I'm already unlucky. How lucky I was to be born a girl when I love playing boyish games so much! All my life I regret that I am not a boy. And now even more. Otherwise I would have gone to fight with my dad. Now sit here and knit like an ancient old woman!

Jo shook the blue army sock she was knitting during the conversation so hard that the knitting needles clinked and the ball of wool rolled into the corner.

- Poor Jo! You're probably really unlucky. But there’s nothing you can do about it; you’ll have to be content with the nickname. However, if you want, we are ready to consider you an older brother,” Beth said.

At the same time, she affectionately stroked Joe’s thick hair, and she could make sure that despite washing the dishes, Beth’s hands remained as gentle as ever.

“I can’t praise you enough, Amy,” Meg continued. – You go to the other extreme. You're too prim and mannered. It's funny for now, but if you don't stop in time, you risk turning into a cutesy young lady. How pleasant a person is, well-mannered and able to express his thoughts gracefully! You can’t say a simple word! Believe me, pompous speech sounds no better than Joe's boyish slang.

- So, Joe is a “tomboy”, Amy is a “cute young lady”. Well, who do you think I am? – Beth asked, ready to listen to her share of instructions.

“You are a delight to us,” Meg answered affectionately.

None of the sisters objected. Beth, whose family name was Mouse, was everyone's favorite.

And now, my dear young readers, the time has come to sketch, at least in general terms, portraits of the four sisters. We found them knitting on a December evening. The wood is crackling cheerfully in the fireplace, and it’s snowing outside the window.

The room in which the sisters are located is furnished with the simplest furniture, and the pile on the carpet is fairly worn. And yet it is very cozy here. Expensive paintings hang on the walls, bookshelves line the walls, and window sills are decorated with chrysanthemums and Christmas roses. In short, by all appearances, it’s a real family home.

The older sister, sixteen-year-old Margaret, is very pretty. Delicate oval face, huge eyes, beautifully contoured mouth, thick head of brown hair, beautiful hands... Now you can imagine that the March couple can be rightfully proud of their eldest daughter.

Joe, a year younger than Meg, is outwardly the complete opposite of her. Tall, thin, dark, she somewhat resembles a foal. She positively does not know what to do with her long arms and legs, and it seems that they are always getting in her way. The line of the mouth indicates a decisive character. And the gray eyes seem to pierce the interlocutor right through. Jo's eyes reveal everything that is in her soul. And since her mood often changes, in her eyes you can read mockery, thoughtfulness, and sometimes even rage. Thick long hair- perhaps the only decoration of her appearance. But they bother Jo, and she takes them under the net.

Now Joe is at the most “unfortunate” age. Carelessness in her clothes, clumsy movements - everything betrays her as a teenager who is about to turn into a girl, but for some reason resists nature with all her might.

© Batishcheva M., translation into Russian, 2014

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

* * *

Now, Book, the fruit of my labors, go
And show everyone what you keep
in your chest.
You entertain and instruct my friends,
May the right path to good
my verse will show them.
I flatter myself that my dreams will come true,
What is the meaning of life to understand
you will help them all.
You introduce them to Mercy; it
On the path of life there should be a rule.
Let your voice be loud
will call upon young maidens
Appreciate the world that exists, and the one
what awaits us all.
Having the Lord in your soul, let him be with Him
The pilgrim will follow the safest path.
John Bunyan

Chapter 1
Pilgrim Game

“It’s not Christmas without gifts,” Jo grumbled dissatisfied, stretching out on the rug in front of the fireplace.

- How disgusting it is to be poor! – Meg sighed and looked down at her old dress.

“It’s just unfair that some girls have a lot of beautiful things, while others have nothing at all,” little Amy added, sniffling resentfully.

“But we have dad and mom, and we all have each other,” Bess responded with satisfaction from her corner.

At these encouraging words, the four young faces, illuminated by the firelight, brightened for a moment, but immediately darkened again, as Jo said sadly:

“We don’t have a dad and won’t have one for a long time.”

She did not say: “Perhaps never,” but each of them added these words to herself, thinking about her father, who is so far from them - where they are fighting.

Everyone was silent for a minute, then Meg spoke in a different tone:

“You know why mom suggested not giving each other gifts for Christmas.” The winter is going to be hard, and my mother thinks that we should not spend money on pleasure, while men bear all the hardships of front-line life. There is little we can do to help them, but we are still able to make our small sacrifices and should do so joyfully. But I'm afraid there is no such joy in my soul. - And Meg shook her head, sadly thinking about all the beautiful things that she wanted to have.

“But in my opinion, the little pocket money we have cannot bring any noticeable benefit.” Each of us has only a dollar, and it is unlikely that we will help the army that much if we donate this money to it. I agree not to expect any gifts from my mother or you, but I really want to buy myself “Ondine and Sintram”. I've dreamed about this for so long! said Jo, who was a famous book eater.

“I was going to spend my dollar on new sheet music,” Bess said with such a small sigh that it was heard only by the tea stand and fire brush standing nearby.

– I’ll buy myself a box of colored pencils. “I absolutely need them,” Amy said decisively.

“Mom didn’t say anything about our pocket money, and she, of course, won’t demand that we completely give up all pleasures.” Let each of us buy what we want, and we will be at least a little happy. I think we deserve it because we worked so hard! - exclaimed Jo, looking at the heels of her worn-out shoes like a man.

“I really had a hard time teaching these annoying children almost all day long when I really wanted to go home,” Meg began again in a plaintive tone.

“It wasn’t nearly as hard for you as it was for me,” Jo said. – How would you like to sit locked up for hours with a fussy and capricious old woman who doesn’t give you a minute of peace, is always unhappy and bores you to such an extent that you are ready to throw yourself out of the window or cry?

“It’s not nice, of course, to complain, but I think that washing dishes and keeping the house in order is the most unpleasant job in the world.” It makes me irritable, and my hands feel like wood, so I can’t even play scales properly. - And Bess looked at her calloused hands with a sigh, which this time everyone heard.

“And I think that none of you suffers as much as I do!” - Amy exclaimed. “After all, you don’t have to go to school and sit there with arrogant girls who tell on you if you don’t know your lesson, laugh at your dresses, insult you because you don’t have a very beautiful nose, and clean your father, since he is not rich.

- If you want to say honor, then say so, and don’t talk about your father as if he were a sooty kettle,” Jo advised with a laugh.

- I know perfectly well what I want to say, and there is no point in addressing me with such starcasm. It is very commendable to use Nice words and replenish your fox, – Amy retorted with dignity.

- Don't peck each other, kids. Don't you, Joe, wish we had the money now that Dad lost when we were little? - said Meg, who was the eldest and could remember better times. - My God! How happy and friendly we would be if we had no worries!

“And the other day you said that, in your opinion, we are much happier than the King children, despite all their wealth, because all they do is quarrel and fight.”

“Of course, Bess, I said that and I really think that we are happier than them, even if we have to work.” After all, we know how to have fun, and in general we are a “warm company,” as Jo would say.

“Joe always uses such vulgar expressions!” – Amy remarked, looking reproachfully at the long figure stretched out on the rug.

Jo immediately sat up, put her hands in her pockets and whistled.

- Stop it, Joe, it's so boyish!

“That’s why I whistle.”

– I can’t stand rude, ill-mannered girls!

– I hate cutesy and mannered touchy-feely ones!

“The birds in their nest are all chirping in harmony,” Bess sang with such a funny expression on her face that the irritated voices gave way to laughter and the “birds” stopped pecking each other for a while.

“Really, girls, you both deserve to be blamed,” Meg said judiciously, starting to teach like an older sister. “You, Josephine, are old enough to give up these boyish antics and behave like a girl.” Your manners didn't matter much when you were little. However, now that you are so tall and are giving yourself a “grown-up” hairstyle, you should remember that you are already a young lady, and not a tomboy.

- I’m no young lady! And if I become a young lady by styling my hair, then I’d better wear two braids until I’m twenty! - Jo exclaimed, pulling the net from her hair and shaking her thick chestnut mane. “It’s disgusting to even think that I’ll have to become an adult, call myself Miss March, wear long dresses and be prim, like some Chinese aster!” And it’s so bad to be a girl when I love everything boyish: work, games, and manners! I can’t get used to the fact that I’m not a boy, and now it’s even harder because I’m dying to go into the army and fight shoulder to shoulder with dad, but instead I have to sit at home and knit, like some sleepy old woman ! - And Jo shook her blue soldier’s sock so fiercely that the knitting needles knocked against each other like castanets, and the ball jumped around the room.

- Poor Jo! It's terrible, but there's nothing you can do about it. “You’ll have to be content with turning your name into a man’s name and playing the part of a brother to us girls,” said Beth, stroking Joe’s tousled head with her small hand, the touch of which no amount of hard work in the world could ever make rough.

“And as for you, Amy,” Meg continued, “you are too picky and ceremonious.” It's just funny for now, but if you don't watch out in time, then when you grow up, you'll turn into a stupid cutesy goose. I like your good manners and pleasant way of expressing yourself, but only until you begin to become more sophisticated. All these ridiculous words of yours are no better than Joe's slang.

“If Joe is a tomboy and Amy is a cutesy goose, then please tell me who I am,” Bess asked, ready to listen to reproaches addressed to herself.

“You’re just a delight, that’s all,” Meg answered warmly, and no one objected to her, because Mouse, as Bess was called, was the favorite of the whole family.

Young readers are always interested in “what people look like”, so we take this moment to give them short description the appearance of four sisters who sat with knitting in their hands in the December twilight, when fluffy snow was quietly falling outside the windows, and the fire was cheerfully crackling in the living room. It was a cozy old room; True, the carpet was faded, and the furniture was very simple, but there were several good paintings, the closet was filled with books, chrysanthemums and small roses bloomed on the window sills, and everything around exhaled home comfort and peace.

Margaret, the eldest of the sisters, was sixteen and very pretty: plump and fair, with big eyes, soft dark hair, a lovely mouth and white hands, of which she was especially proud. Fifteen-year-old Jo, very tall, thin, dark, resembled a foal, since she seemed to have absolutely no idea what to do with her long arms and legs, which always got in her way. She had a well-defined mouth, a funny nose and prickly gray eyes that seemed to see everything at once and looked fiercely, mockingly, and thoughtfully. Long Thick hair were her only beauty, but she usually rolled them into a knot and put them in a net so as not to get in the way. Jo was stooped, with large hands and feet, and was indifferent and carefree about her clothes. Overall, she gave the impression of a girl who was rapidly turning into a woman and was very unhappy about it. Elizabeth - or Bess, as everyone called her - was a rosy-cheeked thirteen-year-old girl with smooth hair and bright eyes, shy, timid, with an invariably meek expression on her face. Her father called her “Little Serenity,” and the name suited her perfectly, for she seemed to live in her own happy world, venturing out of it only to meet the few whom she trusted and loved. Amy, although the youngest, was the most important person in the family - at least in her own eyes. A real Snow Maiden with blue eyes, curly golden hair hanging down to her shoulders, pale and slender, she always watched her manners, trying to behave like a young lady. As for the characters of the four sisters, we will leave the clarification of this issue for the future.

The clock struck six, and after sweeping the ashes from the fireplace, Beth placed her mother's slippers before it to warm them. The sight of these old shoes gave the girls a pleasant feeling, because their mother was soon to return, and everyone was preparing to greet her with joy: Meg stopped scolding her sisters and turned on the lamp, Amy climbed out of the most comfortable chair, although she was not even asked to do so, Jo I forgot about my fatigue and sat down to hold my mother’s shoes closer to the fire.

– Mom needs a new pair, these are completely worn out.

“I’ll buy her one with my dollar,” said Bess.

- No, I'll do it! - Amy screamed.

“I’m the eldest,” Meg began, but then Jo decisively intervened:

- While dad is away, I am the man in the family, and I will buy her shoes, because when he left, he told me to take care of her.

“Listen to what I came up with,” said Bess. - Let each of us give her some kind of gift for Christmas, but we won’t buy anything for ourselves.

- Great, dear! How similar to you! What will we buy? – Jo exclaimed joyfully.

They all thought deeply for a moment, then Meg announced, as if the idea had been suggested to her by the sight of her own pretty hands:

– I’ll give her a pair of beautiful gloves.

– Army shoes, it couldn’t be better! - Jo screamed.

“A few handkerchiefs, hemmed and marked,” said Bess.

- I'll buy a small bottle of cologne. She likes it, and besides, it will be inexpensive, so I will have money left over for pencils,” Amy added.

- How do we give her gifts? - asked Meg.

“We’ll put everything on the table, bring her in and watch her unwrap the packages,” Jo answered. – Remember how it used to happen on our birthdays?

– I was always scared when it was my turn to sit in big chair with a crown on your head and watch you all march around and give me gifts with kisses. I was happy with the gifts and the kisses, but it was just terrible that you sat and looked at me while I unwrapped the gifts,” said Bess, toasting both her face and the slices of bread for tea on the fire.

– Let mom think that we want to buy gifts for ourselves, and then we will surprise her. I'll have to go shopping tomorrow afternoon. It's only a little while before Christmas, and we still have so much to prepare for the production,” said Jo, looking down on everyone and pacing up and down the room with her hands behind her back.

- I'm probably in last time I take part in the production. “I’m getting too old for this kind of fun,” said Meg, who was still a child when it came to dressing up.

“Well, I’m sure that as long as you can walk around in a white dress with your hair down and wear jewelry made of gold paper, you won’t refuse it.” “You are the best actress among us, and if you leave the stage, our theater will come to an end,” said Jo. - Let's have a rehearsal right now. Amy, come here, let's re-enact the scene where you faint, otherwise you look like you swallowed a yardstick.

- What can I do? I’ve never seen anyone faint, and I’m not going to fall flat like you and end up completely covered in bruises. If I can’t lower myself smoothly, then it’s better for me to fall into a chair, and everything will be very graceful. “Even if Hugo comes at me with a gun, I don’t care,” said Amy, who had no dramatic talent but was cast as the leading lady because she was small enough for the play’s villain to drag her offstage.

- Do this: clasp your hands - like this - and, staggering, retreat and desperately shout: “Rodrigo! Save me! Save!" - And Jo demonstrated this maneuver with a melodramatic scream that sent shivers down to the bones.

Amy followed her example, but at the same time she put her arms completely straight forward and moved with sharp jerks, as if wound up, and her “O-oh!” it was more reminiscent of a pin prick than of fear and mental anguish. Joe let out a groan of despair, Meg laughed openly, and Bess, looking at what was happening with interest, let the bread burn.

- Useless! Okay, do what you can when the time comes, but if the audience laughs, don't blame me. Now you, Meg.

Then everything went smoothly: Don Pedro, the heroine’s father, challenged the world in a speech two pages long, delivered without taking a breath; the sorceress Hagar chanted terrible spells over a simmering cauldron full of poisonous toads, thereby achieving a supernatural result; Rodrigo, chief positive hero, resolutely tore his chains into pieces, and Hugo, the main villain, died in agony caused by arsenic and remorse, with chilling“ha, ha, ha!”

“This is the best production we've ever had,” Meg said as the dead villain rose and sat down, rubbing his bruised elbows.

“And how do you manage to write and stage such wonderful plays, Joe?” You are a real Shakespeare! - exclaimed Bess, who firmly believed that all her sisters had wonderful talents in all areas.

“Well, not really,” Jo answered modestly. “I think my opera The Curse of the Sorceress is not a bad thing, but I would willingly try to stage Macbeth if only we could arrange a trapdoor for Banquo’s spirit on the stage.” I always wanted to play the role of a killer. “Do I see a dagger in front of me?” - Jo muttered, rolling her eyes wildly and convulsively grasping the air with her hands, as did some famous tragedian whom she had once seen in the theater.

- No, it’s just a fork for toasting bread, and instead of bread there’s mom’s shoe on it! - Meg exclaimed, and the rehearsal ended with a general burst of laughter.

“How nice it is that I found you so cheerful, my girls,” a joyful voice was heard at the door, and the actors and spectators turned to greet the tall woman with an affectionate smile. motherly gaze and a pleasant expression on his face that always seemed to say, “Can I help you?” and it was truly amazing. Despite her modest clothes, she had a very noble appearance, and the girls believed that under the simple gray cloak and unfashionable hat was hiding the most wonderful mother in the world.

- Well, my dears, how did you get along without me today? I had a lot of work to do - we were preparing Christmas parcels, so I couldn't come home for lunch. Has anyone come in, Bess? How's your runny nose, Meg? Joe, you look so tired. Kiss me Amy baby.

And with these motherly questions Mrs. March took off her wet cloak and hat, put on warm shoes, sat down in comfortable armchair and drew Amy to her, preparing to spend the happiest hours of her full of work and worries of the day. The girls began to fuss, trying - each in their own way - to do everything for her comfort. Meg was setting the table, Jo had brought logs for the fire and was now arranging the chairs, dropping and overturning everything she touched with a crash, Bess was quietly and busily scurrying between the kitchen and the living room, while Amy sat with her hands folded and gave directions to everyone.

When everyone was already sitting at the table, Mrs. March said with a particularly happy expression on her face:

- I have something to treat you after dinner.

Quick, lively smiles, as if Sunbeam, ran over their faces. Beth folded her hands, forgetting the biscuit she was holding, and Jo threw up her napkin, shouting:

- Letter, letter! Long live dad!

– Yes, a wonderful long letter. He is healthy and believes that he will cope with the cold season much better than we thought. He sends us all the best good wishes for Christmas, and especially to you girls,” said Mrs. March, touching her pocket as if it contained a treasure.

– We quickly finish eating – that’s all! Stop bending your little finger and simpering over the plate, Amy! - Jo shouted, swallowing her tea in a hurry and dropping the bread butter side down on the carpet.

Beth could no longer eat, she slipped back into her dark corner and, sitting there, reflected on the upcoming pleasure.

Finally everyone was ready.

“It’s just wonderful that dad went to war as a chaplain, although he is already over military age and his health is not good enough to be a soldier,” Meg said warmly.

“I wish I could go to war as a drummer or vivan... What are they called?.. Or as a nurse, so I could be with dad and help him,” Jo moaned.

“It must be very unpleasant to sleep in a tent, eat all kinds of tasteless food and drink from a tin mug,” Amy sighed.

- When will he come home, mom? – Bess asked with a slightly noticeable tremor in her voice.

- Not soon, dear, unless he gets sick. He will remain there and faithfully perform his duty as long as he can, and we have no right to ask him to return one minute before the moment when they can do without him. Now sit down and listen.

Everyone sat close to the fire: Mom in the big chair, Bess at her feet, Meg and Amy sat on either side of the arms of the chair, and Jo leaned against the back so that no one would see signs of excitement on her face if the letter turned out to be touching. . And few of the letters written during that difficult time were not touching, especially those letters that fathers sent home. This letter said little about the difficulties endured from day to day, about the threatening dangers or the stubbornly suppressed longing for home. It was a cheerful, hopeful message with lively descriptions of soldier’s life, campaigns, military news, and only at the end it was discovered that the author’s heart was overflowing with fatherly love and longing for the daughters left at home: “Tell them my deep love and kiss them for me. Tell them I think about them during the day, pray for them at night and draw best consolation in thoughts of their love. Whole year we have to wait for the meeting; this is such a long time, but remind them that while we wait, we can work, and therefore these difficult days should not be wasted. I know they will remember everything I told them and will be loving and caring children for you, will do their duty honestly, fight persistently with their internal enemies and defeat them so decisively and beautifully that when I return to them, I will be able to love my little women even more and be proud of them.”

Everyone sighed when this part of the letter was read. Jo wasn't ashamed of the huge tear that rolled down the tip of her nose, and Amy didn't notice that she was ruffling her hair as she hid her face on her mother's shoulder and sobbed:

- I'm so selfish! But I'll try really hard to improve, so maybe he won't be disappointed in me when he comes back.

- We will all try! - Meg exclaimed. – I know that I think too much about my appearance and don’t like to work, but this will not happen anymore, as far as I can.

“I’ll try to be the little woman he wants me to be, not be rude and wild, and do my duty here at home instead of dreaming of being somewhere else,” said Jo, thinking at the same time that she would find it much more difficult to control herself while staying at home than to face one or two Southern rebels.

Bess didn’t say anything, she simply wiped away her tears with a blue soldier’s sock and began to knit with all her might, so that, without wasting time, she could begin to fulfill her immediate duty. In the depths of her gentle soul she made a promise to herself to become such as her father hoped to meet when the next year brought him a happy homecoming.

Mrs. March broke the silence that followed Joe's words, saying in a cheerful voice:

– Remember how we played pilgrims when you were little? How you rejoiced when I tied bags with rags on your back instead of knapsacks, gave you hats, sticks and paper scrolls with parting words and sent you on a journey through the house from the cellar, which was the City of Destruction, to the very roof, where from various beautiful things we created Heavenly City?

– Oh, how wonderful it was, especially getting past the lions, fighting Apollyon, going through the valley of the evil elves! - Jo exclaimed.

“I really loved the moment when we finally threw off our knapsacks and they rolled down the stairs,” Meg said.

“It was most pleasant for me when we all went out onto the flat roof and stood among pots of flowers and other beautiful things and sang for joy in the rays of the sun,” Bess said with a smile, as if reliving these beautiful moments.

“And I only remember that I was afraid of the cellar and the dark hallway, but I loved the milk and pies that we ate on the roof.” If I weren’t now too old for such entertainment, I would probably play again,” said Amy, who started talking about giving up childhood games at the ripe age of twelve.

– My dear, we are never too old for this game, because we play it one way or another all our lives. Our knapsacks are always behind our backs, our road is in front of us, and the desire for goodness and happiness is the guide that leads us through many sorrows and mistakes to peace of mind, which is the real Heavenly City. Now, my little pilgrims, why don't you start over again, not just for fun, but for real, and let's see how far you can get before daddy gets home.

– Are you serious, mom? Where are our knapsacks? asked Amy, who was a very matter-of-fact young lady.

“Each of you has already said what burden she will have to bear.” And only Bess remained silent. I don’t think she has such a burden,” said Mrs. March.

- I have it too. My burden is washing dishes and wiping dust, and I also envy girls who can play a good piano, and I am afraid of people.

Bess's burden turned out to be so funny that everyone wanted to laugh, but no one did this, not wanting to offend her.

“Then let’s hit the road,” Meg said thoughtfully. – Playing pilgrims is just another name for striving to become a better person. Maybe the game will help us; because although we want to be good, it is hard work for us, and often we forget about our intended goals and do less to achieve them than we could.

“Tonight we were sitting in the Swamp of Dejection, and mom came and pulled us out, like Hope in a book.” But we also need scrolls with parting words. Where will we get them? – asked Jo, delighted that this game would bring at least a little romance into such a boring task as doing duty.

“Look under your pillow on Christmas morning and you will find your guidebook there,” answered Mrs. March.

They discussed this new plan while old Hannah was clearing the table. Then four small work baskets were brought out, and needles began to flash as the girls hemmed sheets for Aunt March. It was not an interesting activity at all, but no one complained that evening. The work progressed as they accepted Joe's suggestion: divide each of the long seams into four parts, call them Europe, Asia, Africa and America and, while making stitches on each of these parts, talk about different countries these continents.

At nine everyone stopped working and sang a few songs in chorus before going to bed. No one but Beth could extract melodious sounds from the old piano; only she alone knew how to gently touch the yellowed keys so that the simple songs they sang would sound to the music. Meg's voice was like a flute; she and her mother led a small choir. Amy chirped like a cricket, and Jo was in seventh heaven and wandered there as she pleased, always managing to ruin the most thoughtful melody with an unexpected trill or hoarse low sounds. The girls sang from the time they learned to speak, and this evening singing became a family tradition, for the mother was a born singer. The first sounds heard in the house in the morning were the sound of her voice as she walked through the rooms, singing like a lark, and the last thing heard in the evening were the same soul-gratifying sounds, for the girls were never too old to refuse from the usual mother's lullaby.

I became acquainted with Little Women through my fascination with actress Katharine Hepburn. One of her first film jobs was the role of Josephine March in the film Little Women. Her performance there fascinates and evokes admiration, so I really enjoyed the film. A couple of years later, I watched the film adaptation with still young stars of modern Hollywood. I had no idea that the book existed until I found it on a shelf in the children's library where I go with my son.

What surprised me even more was that both films were based on not one book, but two - Little Women and Good Wives. Of course, I read both. Naturally, the books are much richer than any movie, containing more stories and incidents than could be included in a movie, as well as wisdom and life lessons. It is not surprising that I wanted to find the ideal actress for the role of each girl, because there are three films to choose from - 1933 with Hollywood stars of the 30-40s, who are little known in our country, 1949 with Elizabeth Taylor, 1994 with Kirsten Dunst, Winona Ryder, Claire Danes and Christian Bale.

The plot of the books is simple - in the center of the story is the poor March family - father and mother (Marmee), an old maid Hannah, 4 daughters of different ages - from 12 to 16 years old - Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy. And their neighbors are the wealthy Mr. Lawrence, his 15-year-old grandson Theodore (Lori or Teddy) and the latter’s teacher, Mr. Brooke. Each girl is distinguished by her special prettiness and bright features character.

Meg is a 16-year-old beauty, vain and envious of the rich, but at the same time sensible and hard-working, very feminine, which leads to envy of her wealthy friends. Jo is a 15-year-old tomboy who writes scary or love stories, loves theatrical effects. She is harsh, quick-tempered, restless, but at the same time generous and kind, cheerful and affectionate. Beth is the ideal person: kind, soft, flexible, loves to play the piano and kittens, but is very shy. Amy, a 12-year-old lover of painting and antique noses, is romantic, loves to show off, wants to become rich and famous, while learning to control her shortcomings and knows how to please anyone.

When I read both Little Women and Good Wives, I had a few thoughts running through my head.

1. The author of the book is Louisa May Alcott, who wrote both works back in 1868-69. These books have been loved by many generations of girls and women. What's the secret? After all, Louise, in principle, was describing her family - in particular herself and her sisters. But not every artistic autobiography achieves such popularity. For example, I cannot find or remember a similar book for young people in our literature, which is sad. If you can, then in the comments I will be glad that I was wrong, since both books Louisa May Alcott is really good both for entertainment and for the formation of high moral beliefs.

2. The book is a must-read for teenagers and young girls. I myself greatly regretted that I did not know about its existence in my youth. If at my age many things seemed to me simply a storehouse of knowledge on self-development, harmonious relationship to yourself and people, then what can we say about young minds and hearts? Of course, reading about girlish entertainment, problems and dreams for an adult woman is a little boring, but all this is compensated by the thoughts to which the author leads his readers. Many fans of "Little Women" prefer the first book, but I was more interested in reading the sequel - "Good Wives" - love twists and turns, the choice of betrothed, relationships in marriage.

3. Despite the fact that the main characters of the books, the March sisters, are still the core of the family, its basis is their mother - Marmee, Mrs. March. Father - Mr. March passes in the background, but from Marmee's stories we know that it was her husband who helped her become wiser and learn to deal with shortcomings. The influence of the spiritual and moral principles of the father and mother allows girls to make the right choice every time they are faced with difficulties, grief or a difficult decision. Several times I was simply amazed at how my mother prompted or explained to her daughters some simple, but very clear everyday rules, gently guiding them towards morality and self-development. Despite poverty and limited funds, March's parents always encouraged their daughters' hobbies, so Jo became a good writer (Louise wrote to Jo from herself), Amy tried a lot different ways artistic creativity, and Beth played the piano superbly. Marmee, by her example, taught the girls mercy and patience, although she herself told them how difficult it was for her after her husband lost his fortune. Parents allowed their daughters a lot, even if they knew they were wrong. And they never reproached them later, trusting the girls in choosing their path, counting on their inner honesty towards themselves.

In the novel, the girls receive a Christmas gift from their mother - “The Pilgrim’s Progress to the Heavenly Land” - a religious book, very popular and constantly reprinted since 1678. The book should aim girls at fighting their own weaknesses and shortcomings, which every person has. Marmee is also surprisingly progressive - unlike Aunt March (the rich sister of the girls’ father), she does not count on a profitable marriage for one of her daughters, believing that finding her own path and independence is more useful than material well-being. Therefore, girls start working early and are confident that they will support themselves, even if they never get married.

Some readers find the novels too cheesy, but I didn't think so. Of course not exactly shown real people, which is natural for fiction. They suffer almost no flaws, and those that are present are quite innocent and common. The sisters do not quarrel or fight (with the exception of Joe and Amy), they are polite and well-mannered, smart and well-read, educated and beautiful. Mom does not scold them for mistakes and pranks, she is always ready to devote her time to them. The father studies science with them, is always calm, cheerful and loves to tinker with the children. This cannot but irritate some, but it is not the real reality that is being described, but the one in which the author would like to be in his childhood. Louisa May Alcott leaves behind the scenes what her family had to endure (for example, real hunger), painting a softer and more romantic image ideal family. In addition, her novels were instructive literature for girls, so they could not be a purely realistic work, a real biography, but, first of all, a book that encourages development in the Christian understanding of the word.

Many fans of Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Women are disappointed in the second part of the book, Good Wives, because their hopes are not fulfilled. For example, Beth's death pisses many people off, but Louise's sister actually died from the effects of scarlet fever. Many are disappointed that Jo did not marry Laurie, that he went to the youngest, spoiled sister, who is considered a dummy. But if you read the novel carefully, it is immediately clear that Jo needed a husband whom she would admire, who would be morally superior and guide her. (As her father guided her mother). Amy has also changed very, very much since the first book and has grown up to be a worthy daughter of her parents. Otherwise, Laurie would not have married her, because... what he valued in the March family was healthy moral and spirituality. Thanks to their influence, he became a man who reconsidered his superficial and frivolous attitude towards life, became the support of his family and a benefactor to those around him.

In general, Louisa May Alcott hoped to show more real world adults, where she deliberately shattered all the readers' expectations. In life, indeed, often what is desired does not coincide with reality, and dreams sometimes remain dreams and people grow up and behave differently than in childhood, develop or degrade, change their opinions on many important issues due to accumulated experience and emerging opportunities, etc. P.

These novels gave rise to many film adaptations: the first two were filmed back in 1917-1918 in the UK and the USA. But the next three are popular and loved among a wide audience - 1933, 1949 and 1994. I heard that they are going to make another film, because 20 years have passed since the last film adaptation. 17 series and films were shot for TV, but we won’t talk about them here. because they are all not translated into Russian and are difficult to find on the Internet.

The first film adaptation deservedly glorified Katharine Hepburn - I’ll say right away that she is the ideal Jo for me - tall, fast, frisky, eccentric and very organic. The actresses playing her sisters are also all famous and popular in Hollywood, because... they all had other successful film roles. Of course, looking at them, it is difficult to imagine at the beginning of the film that they are from 12 to 16, because the roles are already played by adult women - the youngest is 17 (Beth - Jean Parker), and Amy (Joanne Bennett) was actually pregnant during filming. The film is still in black and white, but this somehow does not interfere with enjoying the atmosphere. Until I read the book, I was happy with everything about this version. Now I will say that Laurie is “pale”, and the story about the sisters did not work out - all the attention is on Joe, and the rest pass in the background - each has only one or two large scenes about own history, and not about the March family in general.

The second film adaptation of 1949 almost completely repeats the first, but has a number of advantages. Firstly, the film is in color, secondly, Beth is played here by a talented girl - Margaret O'Brien, who won an Oscar at the age of 7!, thirdly, in the film again star cast of established and future stars of American cinema. But there are also disadvantages - Jo is played by an actress (June Allison) who is 32 years old! This is, of course, not a guard, and she looks natural with her partners, who are from 27 to 33 (Lori and the professor, respectively), but still, still. It's annoying that Amy is not the youngest here - Elizabeth Taylor was already 17 when filming began. I also didn’t like Laurie (Peter Lawford) at all - he’s kind of faded and looks old.

There is also a scene in the film that is simply impossible to imagine when reading the novel: the girls receive a letter from their father, but then Aunt March arrives and gives them money for Christmas. And they run off to the store to do some shopping, and read the letter after returning. Anyone who has read the novel will immediately say that without reading the letter from their father, not one of them (maybe only Amy, and even that is not a fact) would have thought of running for gifts. This clearly does not take into account the atmosphere of the March family, where a kind and loving attitude towards parents exceeds any material acquisitions.

Another minus is that the film has not been translated into Russian. For those who speak English or know the novel well, this fact will not be an obstacle to viewing. But the rest of us are unlikely to be interested in this film, which is a little sad, because... Most Americans love this particular film adaptation, because it is often shown during the Christmas holidays.

It’s a pleasure to watch the 1994 film “Little Women” - the picture and the actors are pleasing to the eye. All the main characters are known to us from other film works at an older age, so it is especially interesting to look at them at the beginning of their journey. It’s good that there are two Amys in the film—a little one and an adult—everything immediately falls into place. In addition, this film specifically indicates a time period of 4 years in the life of the March family, which divides the film into 2 parts. In this regard, previous film adaptations are very inferior, when it is not clear how much time has passed and how old the heroines are now.

The first part of the film pleased me - this is really the story of sisters, each assigned story line, no one stands out, everyone is in charge, everyone is equal. The only thing that confuses me is Marmee’s feminist statements, which look ridiculous if you are familiar with the source material.

The second part is horror, horror! But not all that pleases. A lot of "gag". First, the good stuff. First of all, at least it shows love line between Laurie and Amy, it becomes clear why and how they fell in love with each other. In other films this is not present or not developed, so their relationship is not clear to the viewer - how and why they suddenly got married, although no one expected this based on the plot. Secondly, the birth of Meg’s children is shown; this was mentioned in passing in previous film adaptations. It’s bad that Joe was turned into Louisa May Alcott, a feminist who eventually wrote the novel “Little Women.” For what? And it’s also incomprehensible how calculatedly Professor Baer seduces young Jo March, who doesn’t want to get married at all (according to the book), but in the film she immediately starts flirting with him, shining her eyes and so on. In my opinion, the whole love story between Joe and the professor is unconvincing and does not coincide with the images that are born when reading the book “Good Wives”. In general, the second part is not for everyone, although the costumes and actors play very well, but when you watch it after reading the book... some scenes are disgusting.

Well, now let's move on to the film image of the main characters:

Marmee, Mrs. March is a tireless worker and mentor. I’m not the only one who considers her simply the standard of a woman: a wife and mother. Honestly, for me all the actresses who play this role are equal. Although, to be honest, I simply adore Sarandon and single her out separately, but this is due to her age: if I were over 50, I would most likely prefer actresses of the older generation.

Marmee-Sarandon was made into a bright feminist, who is radically different from Marmee in previous film adaptations. What’s even more striking is that the director somehow guessed the real character of Louisa May Alcott’s mother, with whom the character of Marmee was written. Recently the book “Marmee and Louise” was published in America, dedicated to new biography writers based recently open documents. It turned out that Abigail, Louise's mother, was indeed very active socially, as well as a supporter of women's equality.
In the book, at first it is not clear what Jo’s character is like - she is so hot-tempered and uncontrollable, until her mother admits that her character was even worse!

“For forty years I tamed myself and only recently achieved some results. Almost every day I suddenly begin to feel terrible irritability. But I’ve learned to hide it, and no one seems to notice what’s going on with me. Still, I hope that the day will come when I will get rid of irritability itself. In any case, I will try, even if it takes another forty years.”

Personally, this kind of self-education really amazes me, because I am also very emotional and irritable. I don’t even know whether it’s good or bad for the psyche to be able to control yourself like that, but the results from Marmee’s book are wonderful - she is always full of strength to become a comforter and inspiration for her girls, while also doing other social things. She achieved such heights thanks to the influence of her husband:

“It wasn’t me who did it, Joe, it was your father who did it. He never loses his temper. Melancholy and despair are alien to him. He believes in the best. You see, in the face of all the misfortunes, he showed such cheerfulness and hard work that I was simply ashamed to behave any differently. And how he consoled me, Joe! And he convinced me that I myself must possess all the qualities that I want to endow my children with. I should be an example in everything. And then the task became simpler: holding back for your sake turned out to be much easier than just looking after yourself. As soon as I lost my temper, your frightened look brought me to my senses. And the best reward I received for my efforts is the love and respect of my daughters.”

By my calculations, Marmee is 45 years old at the beginning of the novel. All her daughters are beautiful, each in their own way, so if we take purely external data, then for me the most beautiful and feminine was Marmee, played by Mary Astor.

Meg is the older sister, therefore the most reasonable, reserved and responsible. However, like any young woman, she is not without frivolity. According to the book, she is the most beautiful of the sisters, a fashionista, and therefore suffers greatly from the loss of the family fortune - after all, new hats and ball dresses. Unlike her younger sisters, she remembers what it means to live in abundance. Aunt March hopes that with such appearance Meg will hook up with a rich man and help the whole family, but she falls in love with Theodore Lawrence's poor teacher, Mr. Brooke. She waits 4 years for Brooke to start her own business and buy them a house in order to live separately from her parents. Meg is the first of the sisters to become a mother - she has twins - a boy and a girl.

Louisa May Alcott's real older sister, Anna, with whom the character of Meg was written, loved the theater and met her husband during the production new play. She also had two children. But, unfortunately, her husband died very early and she was forced to use the help of her mother and Louise in order to raise and support the kids. Louise bought Anna a house, but a few days after moving in, their mother died. Anne lived the longest of the Alcott family members.

I like Meg very much, despite her beauty, she does not turn up her nose, does not boast, but is ready to work for the sake of her family, to be a support for everyone who needs consolation or advice. In this regard, she is very similar to Marmee. If we take movie images as an example, the best Meg for me is Trini Alvarado. The fact is that it is in “Little Women” of 1994 that the image of Meg is revealed almost completely and Trini has room to develop and show the character of the heroine. But in previous films he often just passes in the background. In the 1933 film adaptation, Frances Dee is almost not remembered, but her contemporaries considered her a beauty and it was precisely because of her appearance that she did not get the role of Melanie in “ gone With the Wind“- they thought that she would be too beautiful and would outshine the new girl - Vivien Leigh! Frances Dee is very feminine, but there is too little of her on screen. Janet Leigh is very pretty and you want to look at her, but again there are too few of her in movies. At least she appears in the final frames several times, which is already pleasing. So if you decide to watch the 1933 or 1949 film adaptations, pay close attention to both actresses - they deserve it.

The second sister - Josephine March - is clumsy, eccentric, harsh, impatient, impetuous, unrestrained. It would seem that there is something to like about it? But on the other hand, she is open and kind, smart and talented, direct and selfless. Louise wrote Joe from herself and one can only guess whether she was actually like this in childhood or whether she thought up the image, making it more vibrant and attractive. Joe, like Louise, becomes a writer; all the money from the sale of her works goes to help her family. Unlike her real self, her Joe gets happily married and becomes the mother of two boys.

Despite her flaws, which would be annoying in real life, Jo March is one of the most compelling characters, although not my favorite. This is especially noticeable in the films, where Jo's story is clearly chosen as the main story, in contrast to her sisters, whose problems and their solutions are less interesting for the writers, but, in my opinion, more useful for young girls.

The brightest, most unique, graceful, playful and eccentric is Katharine Hepburn's Jo. June Allison copies Catherine's performance in many ways, but her Jo is grittier and therefore more realistic. (By the way, June always reminded me of the young Gurchenko from the times of “ carnival night".) And Winona Ryder's Joe is generally too petite and feminine, and is not at all associated with the kind of tomboy who does not want to observe any rules of decency.

Beth, the third sister, is shy and very kind, she looks like a house fairy. Beth grows flowers, tinkers with kittens and dolls, greets children running to school, and plays the piano. She never argues, never quarrels with anyone, always in good mood. Her kindness will melt the heart of Mr. Lawrence, who has lost his granddaughter. He gave the piano to his deceased granddaughter Beth so that she could enjoy music. Unfortunately, Beth becomes seriously ill with scarlet fever and the disease permanently weakens her health. Beth's death greatly affects Joe because... they were very close.

Beth is my favorite, her character is attractive to me, because I myself am far from calm and peaceful. People of this type seem to me to be the happiest, because they know how to create their own cozy and clean world, they know how to love with all their hearts, they know how to accept the blows of fate with courage and without hysterics.

I'm happy with Beth's portrayal in all three film adaptations. Each actress created her own unique Beth, which makes viewers fall in love with their character even more. The young actresses who match Beth’s age in Little Women look especially natural. And Gene Parker plays the final scene superbly.

Louisa May Alcott's younger sister Elizabeth actually died at the age of 23, so the chapters dedicated to Beth's illness and death are extremely heartfelt and sad.

“There are many such Bethes in the world, timid, quiet, sitting in their corners and living for others so joyfully that no one notices their self-sacrifice until the little cricket behind the stove stops chirping and the presence of something sweet, sunny ends, leaving Behind me there is only shadow and silence.”

Amy is the most interesting character, In my opinion. And her fate is no less amazing than Joe’s story. If Meg is a specimen traditional woman, and Joe is modern and enlightened, almost a feminist, then Amy is Cinderella, who “made herself” (Self made man). In the first book, we see a typical youngest daughter - narrow-minded and spoiled, and in the second book (Good Wives), the author shows us Amy, who undergoes a metamorphosis. Having decided to become a better person, to fight vanity, pride and arrogance, Amy before her eyes turned into a young woman with a gentle character and tall moral principles. Louisa May Alcott shows several situations from the life of the matured Amy, which show how the spiritual and moral growth of this girl took place. It is not surprising that this new Amy attracted Laurie and, as a result, they, having experienced the death of a loved one and broken dreams, made an excellent family duo.

Louise's real younger sister is Abigail was 8 years younger than her. Since childhood, she loved to draw. After the publication of Little Women, Louise was able to sponsor her sister’s education in Europe - in Paris, London and Rome. She became especially famous as a copyist of Turner's paintings. At 38, she married a 22-year-old businessman who sponsored her passion for painting. A year later, her painting was exhibited at the Paris Salon - this was a great achievement for a woman artist at that time. (1879) Unfortunately, she died that same year, 7 weeks after giving birth to her daughter. The girl was sent from Paris to be raised by her aunt, Louisa May Alcott, and after Louise’s death she was taken into the care of the elder sister of the Alcott family, Anna.

The best Amy is undoubtedly in the 1994 film adaptation - little Amy is played by Kirsten Dunst, a masterpiece, and the matured, serious and restrained beauty played by Samantha Mathis evokes respect and admiration not only from Laurie. If we talk about earlier Amys, I liked Joan Bennett more than Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor did a great job of showing the comical side of little Amy's mannerisms and arrogance, but when performed by an already grown-up girl it looks a little vulgar. Joan Bennett plays the capricious girl better and therefore looks younger than her age.

Laurie is cheerful, active, loves music, rides horses, and rows. He grows up without his mother and father, who died early. That is why he is very happy to communicate with the March family - wonderful parents and girls, who are always more affectionate and kinder than boys, make up for his lack of maternal affection. Laurie's mother is Italian, so he is described as having dark hair and dark skin. He is an artistic, sympathetic boy, but, like any child, he loves to play pranks. As a student, he leads a lavish lifestyle, which girls do not like. After Jo refuses to become his wife, he goes to Europe and tries to become a pianist. As a result, realizing that he lacks talent, he, on Amy’s advice, begins to help his grandfather with business.

Laurie is a charming young man, with excellent manners, active and kind. He is ready to take part in all the affairs of the March family, help selflessly and have fun like crazy. In the movies, the closest person to the book Laurie is Christian Bale, both in appearance and in his demeanor. Christian was 20 when the film was filmed and is the youngest Laurie in all the film adaptations. Douglas Montgomery wears too much makeup and, although he runs and fences well and wears boyish clothes, he still looks like a young man, not a youth. Peter Lawford generally seems like an old man and also looks vulgar. I don’t know how, but at 27 years old he has the appearance of a rake and is quite shabby. Apparently his real life affected his appearance too much. I don’t even understand how he got through the casting.

Another unique character novel, controversial and accepted differently by fans of the book - German professor Friedrich Baer. Many people do not want to understand why the young and impetuous Jo chose the poor “old man” professor as her husband, and not the young and rich Laurie. But if you read the novel carefully, everything falls into place. The professor is an amazing person - he is unusually sympathetic and kind to all the people around him. He supports two nephews and for their sake endures hardships far from his homeland. His gentleness, delicacy, artistry, ease and simplicity of communication could not help but interest Jo, and then win her heart - after all, this man became an example and teacher for her. And judging by his inability to “do business,” most likely Louisa May Alcott was partially describing her father.

« Why did everyone love him? That's what puzzled Joe at first. He was neither rich, nor noble, nor young, nor handsome, nor in any respect was he what is called charming, representative, outstanding, and yet he attracted people to himself, and people gathered around him, just like like being around a nice warm fireplace. He was poor, but he always seemed to be giving something away; a stranger, but everyone was his friend; far from young, but he enjoyed life like a boy; ugly and eccentric, but his face seemed beautiful to many, and his oddities were readily forgiven.”

If we consider film adaptations, then the most “bayer” Baer is Paul Lucas. He completely coincided with my vision of the professor from the book - a magnificent image, somewhat reminiscent of Pierre Bezukhov. Rossano Brazzi would have been more suitable for the role of Laurie - no one would have disputed his Italian origin. And at 33 he looks happy with life a man, imposing and quite wealthy, and not a shabby, absent-minded professor, who is slightly over 40. Gabriel Byrne is the closest match in age to the hero of the book, but his Baer can hardly be called naive, lost or overly sensitive. He is more reminiscent of an Englishman than an enthusiastic and poetically inclined German. And his behavior with Joe looks like a clearly rehearsed seduction, while in the book the professor for a very long time did not dare to confess his feelings to the young girl, because he was poor and thought that she would marry a rich man and the same age as Theodore Lawrence.

Louisa May Alcott little women - wonderful novel and for girls school age, and for teenagers, and for young women, and for parents. The plot of the novel is simple, but the main characters are very lively and sweet. Maybe that’s why the novel has an unfading fame - it is not only constantly republished and filmed, but plays based on it are regularly staged. I think that many actresses and just young schoolgirls are happy to take part in the production of a story from the life of four sisters, adapted for the stage, because it’s so cool to be like long dresses and pretend to be educated young ladies from the 19th century.

P.S. To be honest, this article should have appeared back in May, but I was sorely short of time to write it. Maybe that's why it's so bulky. Don’t judge strictly, and if you liked it and had the strength to finish reading it, press the “magic” buttons of social networks - maybe someone else will get through it. Thank you.

Composers Thomas Newman, Georges Bizet, Conrad Kocher, more Editing Nicholas Boman Cinematographer Geoffrey Simpson Writers Robin Swicord, Louisa May Alcott Designers Jan Roelfs, Richard Hudolin, Colleen Atwood, more

Do you know that

  • The film is based on the novel by L.M. Allcott.
  • The film was shot in the USA and Canada.
  • Winona Ryder dedicated the film to a murdered girl who really loved the book that became the plot of the film.
  • While filming the movie, Claire Danes was carrying a candle up the stairs and her hair caught fire.
  • Costumes are passed down from older sister to younger sister to highlight the family's poverty and the bond between sisters.
  • Claire Danes' debut film.
  • The opera in which Professor Baer gives Joe a role is The Pearl Fishers by Georges Bizet.
  • On the set of this film, Winona Ryder introduced Christian Bale to her assistant, who later became his wife.
  • Christina Ricci, Thora Birch and Natalie Portman auditioned for the role of young Amy March, but the role eventually went to Kirsten Dunst.
  • The film's set was modeled after the Orchard House, Louisa May Alcott's family home in Concord, Massachusetts. This is the house she lived in while writing the book.
  • Alicia Silverstone auditioned for the role of Beth March, but the director saw the character as much younger.
  • Winona Ryder, Susan Sarandon and Claire Danes wore wigs in the film, which were made by famous wig designer Peter Owen.
  • The film was originally to be directed by John Duigan.
  • Olivia Hussey expressed interest in playing Marmee, but was rejected by producers due to her English accent and because she was considered too similar to Trini Alvarado, who played Meg March.
  • Unlike the 1933, 1949, and 1978 versions, Beth dies in this film adaptation of the book.

More facts (+12)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

The life story of the four March sisters is closely connected with the history of the country in which they live. Civil War in the USA became a major life milestone that in one way or another affected the life of every girl. We see them at first very small, then the stage of growing up passes and youth begins - the sweetest time for any beauty. Despite their blood relationship, the March sisters are very different. Meg dreams of a big family and a beloved husband, while Joe does not at all imagine himself as a housewife. She wants fame, glory, respect. She doesn’t know how to achieve this, but she still secretly dreams of such a life. Amy is very hot-tempered and harsh, she does not believe in love, but she respects money. And only Beth becomes the link between such dissimilar, and at the same time, such loving people.

Possibly a name American writer Louisa May Alcott is not as widely known in Russia compared to the names and works of such famous women writers as Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte or Margaret Mitchell. However, in America, and then throughout the world, Alcott quickly won the love of readers, primarily thanks to her novel “Little Women,” which still remains one of the most popular “books for girls.”

Throughout the 20th century, the book underwent several film adaptations, the most successful and striking of which was the version directed by Gillian Armstrong, filmed in 1994 with the participation of talented young actresses such as Winona Ryder, Trini Alvarado, Kristen Dunst, Claire Danes, as well as Susan Sarandon and etc.

Little Women is the story of four sisters coming of age during and after the Civil War.

XIX century. Small American town. Christmas Eve. Mrs. March sits by the fireplace, surrounded by her four daughters, reading a letter... For Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy and their mother, this is the first Christmas they celebrate without their father - at this time he is fighting at the front. But, despite all the difficulties of the war period, constant lack of money, illness, the March family tries to maintain good spirits and support each other in everything. The sisters work, study, help their mother around the house, stage family plays, and write a literary newspaper. They soon welcome another member into their group - Laurie - a rich and bored young man who lives next door and who becomes a close friend of the whole family.

Each of the March sisters has their own character, their own dreams, interests and ambitions. But let’s not idealize them - each has its own shortcomings, bad inclinations that they have to overcome.

Thus, the main vices of Meg, the eldest and prettiest of the sisters, are vanity and love of money. She dreams of getting into high society and suffers from her poverty. But, having once tried on the “dress” of a social coquette, which turned out to be completely unsuitable for her, and, having gone through the pangs of shame for her behavior, she learns the simple truth - “money does not buy happiness.”

The central character of the book and film is Jo's second-eldest sister, a real tomboy in a skirt. She is cramped within the stereotypical behavior of an ordinary girl. Her main passion is literature, and she dreams of becoming a famous writer. Because of her hot temper and straightforwardness, she often gets into unpleasant situations, but thanks to her mother’s wise advice, she manages to soften her violent temperament.

Beth is quiet and timid, and of all the sisters she has the least drive and ambition. All her joys are within the confines of her home and family hearth. “There are many such Bess in the world, timid, quiet, sitting in their corners and living for others so joyfully that no one notices their self-sacrifice until the little cricket behind the stove stops chirping and the presence of something sweet, sunny ends, leaving Behind me there is only shadow and silence.”

Younger Amy dreams of becoming an artist. She is the most spoiled, prone to selfishness and vanity, and she too has to learn some life lessons.

As the March sisters grow up, they become “little women” and each of them (except Beth - a different fate is prepared for her) sooner or later faces one of the most important questions in the girl’s fate - the question of marriage. Everyone has a choice to make. Will it be correct? What will the March sisters choose - wealth and comfort or loyalty to their hearts and sincere love?

There are no big incidents or big twists in Little Women. This is a film about small tragedies and small joys ordinary family. But behind the simple plot there are very valuable lessons morality.

The film, and even more so the book, would be excellent material for educating the younger generation, and adults could borrow some of Mrs. March's methods. A loving mother not only gives her children instructions and reads morals, she allows her daughters to learn from their own mistakes, but at the same time is always there to support, warn and give simple but wise advice. It is through the wisdom of their mother that the March sisters learn the cardinal virtues. They learn to forgive and care for each other, to help and share the latter with others, despite their own poverty, to resist modern mores and not succumb to the temptations of the world, to see their own shortcomings and fight them (“..you must carefully monitor your “inner enemy” ",<…>otherwise this enemy may darken, if not ruin, your life." They learn that modesty is an adornment, not a drawback for a girl, and empty idleness is not the best pastime (“.. some entertainment without work is no better than one work without entertainment”).

From the book we learn that Mrs. March's source of wisdom is truly Christian, and she tries to teach this wisdom to her children: “If it seems that I don’t need help, it’s because I have another friend who consoles and supports me even better than dad. My child, worries and temptations are beginning to enter your life, there may be many of them, but you can overcome them all if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of our Heavenly Father, just as you feel the strength and tenderness of your earthly father. The more you love and trust Him, the closer to Him you feel and the less dependent you are on human strength and wisdom. His love and care will never dry up, change or be taken away from you; they can become a source of eternal peace, happiness and strength. Believe me with all your soul and turn to God with all your little worries, hopes, sins and sorrows, openly and trustingly, as you turn to your mother.”

“Little Women” is a very kind, family-friendly, warm and cozy movie. The film is beautifully and talentedly shot: beautiful costumes, landscapes, music, everyday details, funny moments - all this allows you to get real pleasure from watching.

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