Nikita Kuznetsov. Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina: latest news (photo) Where is Nikita Kuznetsov from house 2 from

Nikita Kuznetsov is a Russian rap artist, also known under the pseudonym Mastank, a participant in the TV show “ New Factory Stars." As a result of the project, he took second place and received the title of the most promising of all “manufacturers”.

Childhood and youth

Nikita was born on June 26, 1998 in the small town of Neryungri in the Sakha Republic. Nikita became interested in music as a child - at the age of 7 he became interested in hip-hop culture. Nikita’s idol is rapper Guf: Kuznetsov admitted that he grew up listening to his songs and, in general, discovered rap thanks to him. In general, he grew up as a very reserved child, he had few friends, and he devoted all his free time to creativity.

After graduating from school, Kuznetsov worked as a bartender, but at the same time continued to study music. Under the pseudonym Mastank, Nikita performed his songs at various concerts and music festivals Neryungri and by 2015 had become a fairly well-known personality throughout the city.

In June 2016, Nikita released his first video for the song “Dreams,” which was received ambiguously by fans of the genre, but overall positively.

Mastank (Nikita Kuznetsov) - Dreams

Nikita Kuznetsov and “New Star Factory”

On September 2, 2017, the “New Star Factory” project was launched on the Muz-TV channel under the leadership of Viktor Drobysh, one of the participants of which was Kuznetsov.

Since childhood, I have dreamed of carving out my niche in hip-hop culture. It won't be easy, but I will try to be the best.

At the first reporting concert, the young performer, together with Sergei Zhukov, the lead singer of the group “Hands Up,” sang the song “When We Were Young.”

In subsequent performances, Kuznetsov shared the stage with such famous performers, like Keti Topuria, the group “SunStroke Project”, “Disco Accident” and “Estradarada”, Nastasya Samburskaya and Shura. At one of the concerts, Nikita sang his own song “No Problem,” which immediately fell into the hearts of the young artist’s fans.

Nikita Kuznetsov and Nastasya Samburskaya - Bad Boys

At one of the interviews, Kuznetsov admitted that it was difficult for him to be in a factory “house” - in a closed room, where everything is monotonous and monotonous. The artist said that he was used to running errands all day, meeting with different people and spend a lot of time on fresh air, whereas new life more like school times, overshadowed by the same faces.

The artist also said that he doesn’t get along with people as well as other participants, although Nikita still managed to find a kindred spirit in Dan Ruvinsky, Elman Zeynalov and Vova Idiatullin, who soon left the project.

At the beginning of October, Kuznetsov was one of the three nominees for elimination. Also at risk were Danya Ruvinsky and Marta Zhdanyuk. Nikita took the news of his possible departure quite calmly and easily, while Martha and Daniel were noticeably upset. As a result, Zhdanyuk left the project.

Nikita Kuznetsov - No Problem. New Star Factory

On October 18, 2017, the musician presented a studio version of his hit “No Problem,” which was also released on iTunes.

In mid-December 2017, the “New Star Factory” ended. Nikita Mastank was among the six finalists and according to the results audience voting, which lasted a week, took second place (the first went to Guzel Khasanova). The jury also awarded the young rapper the title of the most promising participant in the project.

Personal life of Nikita Kuznetsov

Judging by the information on the singer’s social network pages, last years Nikita is worried difficult relationships. The end of 2016 was especially difficult for him, because “he always has in his head the image of that person who doesn’t care about you, but with whom you have a lot in common.” In December 2016, Nikita posted a photo with a certain blonde and the comment: “The one that drives me crazy.”

On the “New Star Factory” project, Nikita first developed a liking for participant Lolita Voloshina, but a couple of weeks later everyone started talking about the romance between Kuznetsov and Anya Moon. The guys denied in every possible way that there was anything between them, but it’s not easy to hide the beginning of a relationship from video cameras.

At the next concert, Anya Moon left the project. It is difficult to judge how the relationship between young artists is developing now: the guys prefer not to comment on this moment.

Nikita Kuznetsov now

Although many “manufacturers” were lost after the end of the project, Nikita Kuznetsov had a different fate. He wisely used the chance given to him and continues to seriously engage in creativity. So, in the summer of 2018, he presented the public with the video “Whirlpool,” which takes place in a mental hospital. Main role played by Novosibirsk theater actress Linda Akhmetzyanova. And then the single “Everything She Needs” was released.

Mastank – Omut

Around the same time, the rapper announced that he was rebranding - he decided to add another letter S to his pseudonym - MASSTANK. The fact is that on the Internet one comes across his old demo recordings under this name, which the rapper no longer wants to be associated with, or even compositions that belong to other people.

As journalists and organizers of the Dom-2 project said in the latest news, Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina left the television set after winning the “Love of the Year” competition, held in the program instead of the “Person of the Year” competition. Traditionally, the winners of such competitions receive the right to real estate in a new building and leave the project in real life. Moreover, Rapunzel and the Blumenkrants family, who had previously collected much large quantity votes of TV viewers than the declared couple of lovers.

After the future newlyweds left the project, the reality organizers continue to be interested in the fate of Darina and Nikita. So, it became known that the guys had opened a joint business to install festive events For everyone. True, its volumes are not very impressive yet - the pair is trading balloons, used in the decoration of celebrations and their own participation as presenters.

And Kuznetsov has not yet become the owner of housing in the capital - the project organizers had problems with the developer, who was supposed to donate an apartment to the winners of an annual competition on a television project.

Another reason why Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina left reality, according to TV viewers, commented last news from "House-2", it's too much of them ideal relationship. And the guy repeatedly talked about his boundless love for the young woman, and Darina herself treats her chosen one with great reverence and endless respect, demonstrating incredible humility and devotion to all viewers. Therefore, the couple is not interesting to a wide audience; many fans of the show call their relationship too boring and sugary. It is much more interesting to watch the lives of the more scandalous participants in the TV show.

Darina and Nikita have an ideal relationship

Moreover, the notorious housing problem on the project it also takes place - to return to the place of residence from a personal mansion to a multi-family hostel, which provides square meters for beginners, Kuznetsov is undignified. Many fans of the project believe that this is what provoked the couple’s departure.

Even more excitement among reality supporters was caused by rumors that not everything is as good in an ideal couple as the organizers of the project are trying to imagine. So, in one of the broadcasts of “House-2”, where the lovers were invited as guests of honor, Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina could not answer the journalists’ questions about the latest news in preparation for the upcoming wedding. The guy said he was planning a wedding for the summer, while the girl herself seemed confused by the question.

It seems that Kuznetsov may get married next year, but Markina knows nothing about it. In addition, a few minutes earlier, the girl clarified that she had not yet received an official marriage proposal.

We remind you that at the beginning of autumn, long before participating in the upcoming project competition, Kuznetsov was attacked by outsiders from “House-2”, who were collecting dirt on the future winner of “Love of the Year”. So, according to Maria Kokhno, Maya Bulgakova, Yulia Efremenkova and Sergei Kucherov, the young man cheated on his lover with his former partner in the project and also his fiancée in previous seasons, Evgenia Alaeva. Opponents of Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina referred to recent news reports published by journalists supervising the reality show.

Fans star couple doubted the veracity of reporters who had long ago lost the trust of television viewers due to their own dishonesty. In addition, the guy was able to justify himself, saying that outside the perimeter he only traveled in official vehicles with a DVR. And you can check his words by looking at the recordings of his trips, captured literally minute by minute.

All curious people were able to verify the truth of his statement by tracking social media with the participation of the “ex”, where there were no reports of meetings with Nikita.

Opinion of project participants about the victory of the old-timer

As the residents of “House-2” themselves argue, the victory of Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina was rigged by the organizers of the reality show. Latest news about the upcoming renovation in the long-awaited apartment of 40 square meters. m. with a dressing room, bedroom and kitchen, convince everyone that disagreements in the couple were always present and the ex-participants were together only for the sake of winning the scandalous competition. Their allegations rest on the behavior of Nikita, who during the 8 years of his life in “House-2” managed to try his luck with several participants in the project and was even able to marry one of them.

Nikita Kuznetsov is happy with Darina

In addition, Kuznetsov treated his reality partners very poorly, often raised his hand to them and insulted them. Therefore, the guy’s opponents claim that in the end there will be no wedding and Darina will remain out of work after the sale of the apartment she won.

In favor young man Lera Forst spoke, saying that, according to her observations, Nikita’s behavior changed radically after he met Darina. He began to behave like an adult man - much calmer and more reasonable, which speaks in favor of the couple’s relationship. At the same time, the girl explains the behavior of Kuznetsov’s opponents with simple envy - for many years of patience and loyalty to reality, Nikita received a good reward - property in a new building and an excellent, beautiful bride with a wonderful character.

We remind you that a few months earlier, the love of Darina and Nikita was subjected to a serious test - while in the Seychelles, the beauty slipped on the rocks on the coast and broke her leg.

Most of her followers on Instagram expressed condolences to their favorite, who was trying, with tears in her eyes, to perform the exercises prescribed by doctors. There were also spiteful critics who were perplexed about the suffering of the star participant and accused her of deception. The girl's chosen one turned out to be at his best - he carried her in his arms, surrounded her with attention and care. Darina then even complained about gastronomic restrictions - she had to eat exclusively the food that Kuznetsov personally prepared for his beloved. A little later, the couple went to the capital, where the beauty underwent surgery in one of the Moscow clinics. When there was no longer an urgent need for medical help, Kuznetsov and Markina returned to the walls of the reality show.

Then Darina published words of gratitude to her chosen one on her Instagram page, who did not leave the girl alone with the problem for a second. As they said, “both in sorrow and in joy,” the lovers remained together, supporting each other and making grandiose plans for the future.

Darina thanked Nikita for her support

By the way, it is care perfect couple saved the main candidate for leaving “House-2” and the opponent of their relationship, Maria Kokhno, from being thrown out of reality. Dissatisfied TV viewers accused the project organizers of being addicted to scandalous famous participant. They say that it is she who makes the rating of the program, provoking an unhealthy interest in her antics.

Nikita Kuznetsov was born on July 18, 1987 in the small town of Nyandoma Arkhangelsk region. He grew up in an intelligent family. His mother is a museum director, his father is a veterinarian.

Nikita grew up as a smart guy, but as a teenager he began to become more hooligan and skip classes. The parents, realizing that they were missing out on their son, persuaded him to enter a military university. Nikita dreamed of becoming an actor. He went to theater studio and even won prizes in competitions. But in the end, the guy succumbed to the persuasion of his parents and entered the Moscow Military University under the Ministry of Defense.

At the age of 16, Nikita ended up in Moscow and for 4 years obediently studied the wisdom of military affairs, but was never able to graduate from university. The desire to be creative won out. Nikita began working in Moscow nightclubs. And he succeeded in this matter. Having started working as a VJ and administrator, Kuznetsov after some time rose to become a club manager.

A nice guy, working in clubs, easily met girls, but he did not have a long-term relationship. And he decided to succumb to the adventure and find love on the television project “Dom-2”.

The life of Nikita Kuznetsov on the project

Nikita came to Dom-2 for the first time on July 20, 2008. He came to Maria Kruglykhina, who was meeting with Sergei Palych. And despite all Nikita’s efforts, the girl remained faithful to her choice. After courting Kruglykhina, Kuznetsov tried to build relationships with Nadezhda Ermakova and Evgenia Feofilaktova, sympathized with Olga Buzova, Sasha Kharitonova, Natalya Varvina and Elena Bushina, but even here he failed. Many girls on the project liked the attractive guy, but his wayward character and constant complaints about his chosen ones scared them away. And on May 6, 2009, Nikita was kicked out of the project for a brutal fight with Mowgli (Ilya Berezhny) over the flighty Feofilaktova.

Second visit to the project

Literally 3 months later, Kuznetsov again found himself in the Dom-2 Glade. He honestly admitted that he was unclaimed outside the perimeter. The 21-year-old ambitious guy thought that after leaving the project, interesting offers to work in film or television would await him. But the reality turned out to be not so rosy. Therefore, Kuznetsov returned to the project for a new portion of fame.

Nikita's second arrival was more successful. He fell in love with the bright and inaccessible beauty Nelly Ermolaeva, and she soon reciprocated. Their relationship was never smooth. The girl constantly made claims to the lazy Nikita, and he, in turn, accused her of commercialism and selfishness. And after the quarrels, the couple violently reconciled. As a result, this vibrant relationship ended in a wedding.

As part of the “Person of the Year” competition in 2010, Nikita proposed to Nelly. And on February 14, 2011, the couple had a magnificent wedding in Verona. According to viewers and participants, this was one of the best ceremonies on the project.

After the honeymoon, the newlyweds began to think about leaving the television set. They now have a foundation in the form of stable work. Nikita worked in the entertainment industry, and Nelly opened a beauty salon. In the fall of 2011, they left the project to focus on their careers. A year later, fans learned that the couple could not stand the test of time and broke up. The initiator of the divorce was Ermolaeva.

Third arrival for the House 2 project

Nikita could not exist for long without a star project. Already in the summer of 2013, he appeared on the perimeter as part of the “revolutionaries”. The management decided to revive the broadcasts and invited bright “oldies” to the project, among whom was Nikita Kuznetsov. At first, the guy was not too active and preferred lying on the couch to chatting with girls. But later Nikita confidently regained the title of macho “Dom-2”. The list of his love victories was replenished with the names of eccentric blondes Sasha Skorodumova, Diana Ignatyuk and Liza Kutuzova. But no one stayed in his life for long.

And in the fall of 2014, Nikita Kuznetsov unexpectedly began dating the capricious 19-year-old Alexandra Artemova. The couple constantly fought and made up, trying to re-educate each other. Some viewers even began to draw parallels between Sasha and Nelly and talked about marriage. But even here the guy was not distinguished by his consistency. Kuznetsov was caught in treason by Artyomova. In the Seychelles, he was seduced by Anastasia Lisova. And after some time, Nikita was kicked out of the project for beating his former mistress.

And back in action

It would seem that after numerous fights and conflicts, the guy is not welcome at Dom-2. But already in 2016, he became the host of the show “House 2. Island of Love” (season 2). A few months later, Kuznetsov appeared in Polyana as a participant and announced that he was seriously thinking about getting married and was looking for a life partner.

About the friends and children of Nikita Kuznetsov

Nikita Kuznetsov is a rather closed and complex person. As a child, he even suffered from sociopathy and avoided other children. Later, the guy outgrew his fear of communication and happily misbehaved in company, but still kept his distance from people. Behind long years On the television project “Dom-2” he never became close friends with anyone. He preferred to date girls, and compete with guys or have harsh conflicts. Kuznetsov has close people outside the perimeter, but their circle is very narrow. Not everyone is ready to tolerate a cynical and sharp-tongued friend.

In a few years family life Nellie and Nikita had no children. The couple was focused on building a career, so they were in no hurry to have children. According to Nikita Kuznetsov, the girls told him many times that they were pregnant, but this was not actually confirmed. Thus, the women only tried to keep him near them.

Age: 31 years old

City: Nyandoma

Height: 186 cm Weight: 81 kg

Was on the project 224 days

Nikita Kuznetsov born on July 18, 1987 in the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk region. All his life he has been drawn to creativity, he loves to write poetry, actively participate in amateur performances and all kinds of drama clubs. The parents adored their son, indulged his desires and dreamed of giving the boy a decent education. But Nikita himself was more inclined to stage activities. But under pressure from his parents, the guy enters VUMO (Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), where for four years he masters the basics of military affairs. True, graduate educational institution, the young man still couldn’t. Creativity took its toll, and in his fourth year he went into civilian life, where Kuznetsov worked for a year and a half in nightclubs in Moscow, where he made quite a decent career in this area: the guy went from VJ and administrator to club manager. According to Nikita’s personal admission, he never had problems with girls. He made acquaintances quickly and easily. But the guy didn’t have a serious relationship before the project.

On July 20, 2008, Nikita Kuznetsov comes to the television project House 2 to Maria Kruglykhina. At that time, Maria was dating Sergei Palych, and, despite all efforts, they failed to recapture the girl. After courting Maria, Kuznetsov's life began long period complete uncertainty in personal life. He visited the Castigs many times, met girls, but all his relationships lasted no more than a couple of days. An attempt to create a more or less serious relationship can be considered his efforts to create a couple with Nadezhda Ermakova, and then with Evgenia Feofilaktova. Nikita did not suit Nadezhda in an intimate relationship, and Zhenya was easily taken away from him by Andrei Cherkasov. Then there were attempts to court Olga Buzova and Natalya Varvina, which also led nowhere. The outwardly attractive guy was liked by many participants in the show, but his hot temper and unfounded claims against girls prevented Nikita from becoming a real macho of the project. At one time, the project beauties, Elena Bushina and Alexandra Kharitonova, even decided to teach the impudent man a lesson: at first, both openly seduced him and each demanded that he make a choice, and when he finally decided, both pointedly rejected the handsome man, admitting that they had played a prank on him.

On May 6, 2009, Kuznetsov was kicked out for a fight with Ilya Berezhny (Mowgli) over Zhenya Feofilaktova. As they say, it wasn’t even a fight, but rather a beating of Mowgli. For the same reason, most of The contractions remained behind the scenes in the reality show House 2.

On July 17, 2009, Nikita was given another chance on House 2. He returned to the television project and told the whole truth about his stay behind the perimeter after his departure. Brief meaning his speech at the front was as follows: having gone beyond the perimeter, Kuznetsov expected that all kinds of offers would immediately pour in with requests to become a TV presenter or act in films. But the young man outside House 2 turned out to be completely unclaimed, which he openly spoke about at the front. The guys were not against him staying. It should be noted that the second appearance on the television project turned out to be more successful for Nikita. The girl he fell in love with was Nelly Ermolaeva, for whose sake he even destroyed his diary, where he wrote down every girl he conquered.

The relationship between Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov on the television project House 2 is not very simple. Noisy quarrels and just as bright reconciliations. Nellie and Nikita have quite a lot of claims against each other. They constantly compete, and on any occasion (who gets to sing songs, who leads the party better, etc.). Nellie considers Nikita a slacker who does not want to work and study, and Nikita, in turn, constantly reproaches Nellie for absolute selfishness and commercialism.

Nellie also did not like her lover’s indecisiveness. Once she even proposed marriage to him herself, trying to emphasize that she missed masculine actions from her partner. And soon Nikita himself decided to marry Nelly, timing his marriage proposal to coincide with the next “Person of the Year” competition. On February 14, 2011, the couple Nikita and Nelly got married in the city of Verona, Italy. After the wedding, the guys' lives calmed down somewhat: Nikita got a job, Nelly opened a beauty salon. True, a little later the quarrels continued and the guys realized that the peculiarities of life on the project, in particular the need to conflict, could destroy their relationship. On September 5, 2011, the couple left the project. Outside the perimeter, the union lasted for quite a long time (a total of 1 year and three months), but at the end of autumn 2012 it became known that the couple were getting a divorce. Nelly initiated the divorce.

And a little more than a year later, in the early summer of 2013, Nikita Kuznetsov appeared on the project for the third time: as part of a team of “revolutionaries,” he came to teach young people how to build love. At first, Nikita was accused of being too passive: all he did was eat and lie on the sofa. However, very soon the “revolutionary” began to swing: he paid attention first to Sasha Skorodumova, then to Diana Ignatyuk, and then to Elizaveta Kutuzova. It is curious that all three girls are blonde and eccentric. And Nikita had big problems in relationships with all three.

Skorodumova, after some hesitation, still preferred Sergei Sichkar, with whom she even went outside the perimeter. Nikita's second lover was Diana Ignatyuk. He put pressure on Diana about her poor diet - she became hysterical, became depressed and, as a result, left the project. True, before leaving, she said at Lobny that Nikita Kuznetsov as a man was far from “wow”. Soon she came to the project again, but not to Nikita. Then Nikita had a period of unsuccessful relationships. First with Nastya Boykova, then Varvara Tretyakova, who, not having time to return, was immediately expelled from the gate. Then there was another Nastya, ex-girlfriend his eternal rival Andrei Cherkasov, and Tatyana Pop, who also left quite quickly. And recently, the loving revolutionary suffered a fiasco in an attempt to build love with the eccentric metropolitan beauty Liza Kutuzova. Initially, the young people were prevented by Bogdan Lenchuk, who tried to take the girl away from Nikita. And when he failed, he told everyone that there had allegedly been intimacy between him and Lisa. But Nikita was able to forgive the girl for this and the guys got along. The next break was associated with Nikita's long vacation. After reuniting and moving into the VIP house, the guys realized that they had lost their passion for each other and were living together like neighbors, without kisses and tenderness. Lisa and Nikita mutually decided to leave, but stayed good friends. Now Nikita is looking for new love.

Nikita Kuznetsov's VKontakte page.

Nikita Kuznetsov born in 1987. Hometown Moscow, zodiac sign – Cancer. Nikita has been drawn to creativity all his life, he loves to write poetry, actively participate in amateur performances and all kinds of drama clubs. But life took its own course, and, under pressure from his parents, the guy entered the Moscow University of the Ministry of Defense, where for four years he mastered the basics of military affairs. True, the young man was never able to graduate from a higher educational institution. His creativity took over, and in his fourth year he went into civilian life, where Kuznetsov worked in nightclubs in Moscow for a year and a half.

In July 2008, Nikita Kuznetsov came to the television project House 2 to Maria Kruglykhina. At that time, Maria was dating Sergei Palych, and, despite all efforts, she was never able to recapture the girl. After courting Maria, a long period of complete uncertainty in his personal life began in Kuznetsov’s life. He visited the Castigs many times, met girls, but all his relationships lasted no more than a couple of days. An attempt to create a more or less serious relationship can be considered his efforts to create a couple with Nadezhda Ermakova, and then with Evgenia Feofilaktova. Nadezhda was not satisfied with Nikita in an intimate relationship, and Zhenya was easily taken away from him by Andrei Cherkasov. Then there were attempts to court Olga Buzova and Natalya Varvina, which also came to nothing.

On May 6, 2009, Kuznetsov was kicked out for a fight with Ilya Berezhny (Mowgli) over Zhenya Feofilaktova. As they say, it wasn’t even a s***, but a beating of Mowgli. For the same reason, most of the fight remained behind the scenes in the reality show House 2.

On July 17, 2009, Nikita was given another chance on House 2. He returned to the television project and told the whole truth about his stay behind the perimeter after his departure. The brief meaning of his speech at the front was as follows: having gone beyond the perimeter, Kuznetsov expected that all kinds of offers would immediately pour in with requests to become a TV presenter or act in films. But the young man outside House 2 turned out to be completely unclaimed, which he openly spoke about at the front. The guys were not against him staying.

It should be noted that the second appearance on the television project turned out to be more successful for Nikita. The girl he fell in love with was Nelly Ermolaeva, for whose sake he even destroyed his diary, where he wrote down every girl he conquered.

The relationship between Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov on the television project House 2 is not very simple. Young people have a lot of complaints against each other. Nellie considers Nikita a slacker who does not want to work and study, and Nikita, in turn, constantly reproaches Nellie for absolute selfishness and commercialism. Plus, there is always an unspoken rivalry between them as to who leads the parties better, who is allowed to sing more House 2 songs, and Nelly’s father is categorically against their relationship. And let’s not forget that there is Vlad Kadoni, this omnipresent “magician” who, at the first opportunity, tries to take Nellie away from Nikita Kuznetsov. But, as they say: and yet they are together...

On February 14, 2011, the couple Nikita and Nelly got married in the city of Verona, Italy. On August 30, 2011, Nikita left the project along with Nelly.

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