Oleg Yakovlev, what happened to him: the true cause of the singer’s death, funeral, (Photo, Video). They can’t bury Oleg Yakovlev for several weeks. I didn’t miss touring life.

In March 1998, fans of the group " Ivanushki International“We learned that Igor Sorin left the team. No one came to take his place then famous Oleg Yakovlev. The biography of the young soloist at that time included only acting achievements. Young fans were hostile to the appearance of a new performer, and after tragic death his predecessor was subjected to real persecution of the singer.

Life before "Ivanushki"

Oleg was born in international family. The mother was Buryat and adhered to the Buddhist faith. Father is Uzbek and Muslim. The guy chose his own path in religion and professed Orthodoxy. He began singing as a child and was a choir soloist before graduating from school. He entered the Irkutsk Theater School, where he studied the art of puppet theater. After graduation, I decided to move to Moscow.


In the capital, he entered GITIS and studied for several years acting. He was lucky to get into the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina, and after graduating from the institute, the guy got a place in the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. He considered his director and mentor a close person and until the end of his life he called him his “second father.” In three roles in successful performances.


The unprecedented success of the boy group brought Igor Sorin the love of millions of girls across the country. But it has popularity reverse side- the guy is tired of endless tours and tours. He wanted solo career and singing songs that he liked. He left the group at the beginning of 1998, making way for a new lead singer.

First difficulties

Oleg had to experience all the hatred of Igor’s fans. He was called a “cheap fake” and was booed when he appeared on stage. It was incredibly difficult to sing in such an environment and look happy. Kirov fans did not allow the guy to sing a single song. During his performance, they shouted and demanded that he get off the stage. This seemed to them not enough, and after the concert they beat the guy, attacking him with the whole crowd. He was insulted on ethnic grounds and ignored the group’s concerts, calling on Matvienko to remove the “incomprehensible” boy from the lineup.

But the hardest test was yet to come. Six months later, Sorin dies under unclear circumstances, and a wave of hatred literally covers Yakovlev. Fans do not want to admit that Igor himself left the group and went into free swimming. There are rumors that he was kicked out and committed suicide, unable to cope with this fact. This was the most difficult period in the biography of Oleg Yakovlev. Now artists take “haters” for granted and pay little attention to them. But at the end of the last century, such a phenomenon was new, and not everyone was able to survive the aggression of fans.

Time cures

A year passed after Igor's death, and gradually the noise faded away. Either the fans matured, or they were finally able to recognize Oleg’s talent, but the bullying stopped. The group again traveled around the country and in the same Kirov received Yakovlev with loud applause and the Guy was able to open up in the group and performed several new solo songs. A strong young voice was able to win the hearts of young girls, and the soloist was recognized as a full-fledged member of “Ivanushki”. He has his own army of fans. Maybe not as big as Sorin’s, but they were faithful and devoted to their idol.

From this moment on, the new soloist of “Ivanushki” Oleg Yakovlev’s biography begins to be replenished with new facts. Songs are regularly released that become hits. In 2001, Alla Pugacheva invites him to shoot a new video. In the story, he plays Renata Litvinova’s lover and experiences their difficult separation. The Diva herself saw real charisma and acting talent in this thin young man.

The downside of fame

Life behind the scenes and recording studio was also in full swing. In the biography of “Ivanushki” and Oleg Yakovlev, difficult times begin. Together with Andrei and Kirill, he rested after the concerts. Alcohol helped them relieve tension. IN large quantities. Friends slowly but surely ruined their health. And if the first two were stopped by their wives, then no one stopped the free Oleg from drinking at any time. Yes, many artists suffer from alcoholism, and sometimes they have to undergo treatment for a long time after such entertainment. Increasingly, Yakovlev begins to indulge in all kinds of bad things, and this leads to disruptions in rehearsals and recording of new songs. He no longer adheres to the schedule, and Matvienko threatens to fire him several times. Calm and intelligent Oleg understands that his behavior harms all members of the team, but he can no longer stop.

At this moment he begins to understand Sorin. It is simply impossible to live in such a rhythm and not be able to relax with the help of alcohol. But if Igor was looking for peace in a sect, then Oleg found it in love. The years of loneliness ended with the appearance of Alexandra in his life. The journalist did not hide the fact that she is a long-time fan of the group “Ivanushki” and specifically their lead singer Oleg Yakovlev. The girl’s biography did not contain anything remarkable at that time.

Family life

During this period, friends and relatives note the emotional and spiritual uplift of the guy. He began to look noticeably better and completely devoted himself to creativity. He returned to his favorite activity - writing poetry. It would seem that life has finally gotten better and now all that remains is to wait for the addition to the family. But the couple was in no hurry to formalize the relationship. They attended all events together, and colleagues rejoiced at the artist’s return to a full life.

Like a bolt from the blue

His common-law wife loved Oleg and was able to instill confidence in him. In 2012, he announced his departure from the group. They didn’t stop him because Matvienko had already suffered enough last years from an unstable singer. However, no one believed in his success outside the team. In the biography of Oleg Yakovlev, “Ivanushki” occupied a central place, but he considered that the time had come to leave the boy band. In 2013, he officially ends his work with the producer and leaves the lineup.

Solo career

The first song, entitled “Dance with Your Eyes Closed,” was a success among listeners, but did not become a hit. The video for this composition turned out to be very beautiful, and it was often broadcast on music channels. On the wave of his first success, the soloist records several more new songs. But all subsequent compositions do not find a response in the hearts of listeners. “Dance” remained the only solo song in Oleg Yakovlev’s biography that was accepted by the people.


Having lost his place in the group and left without recognition, the singer returns to old habits. This time, alcohol enslaved the artist so much that in a couple of years he seriously deteriorated his health. Several times he found himself in a hospital bed, and even the woman he loved could not influence the situation. In a couple of years, Oleg grew old a lot, and all his friends noted his depressed state. They stopped inviting him to concerts, and this finally finished off the talented performer.


On June 29, 2017, the first reports appeared on the Internet that Oleg Yakovlev had passed away. The biography of “little white Ivanushka” was written by fate itself. The body could not cope with the abundance of alcohol, and the artist developed double pneumonia. The disease itself could have been successfully cured, but coupled with liver cirrhosis, it led to the singer’s death. During the last filming, it was noticeable that the man had yellow whites of his eyes. Rumors immediately spread that the singer had AIDS and that it was he who caused pneumonia, which became the official cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death. The performer's biography did not include drugs or promiscuity, and this version was quickly refuted. The funeral was quiet, and relatives and friends came to say goodbye to the artist. Former colleagues in the workshop paid tribute to the memory of the singer and said a lot about him good words. According to the will, Oleg’s body was cremated and 40 days later buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Journalists talked to Oleg Yakovlev’s lover Alexandra Kutsevol. She said that the farewell date for the artist has not yet been set. “We will inform you additionally about the farewell date. There will be no funeral, there will be cremation,” TASS quotes Alexandra Kutsevol.


At the same time, the artist’s chosen one noted that the cause of Yakovlev’s death was cardiac arrest. It is interesting that Life.ru, with reference to the same Kutsevol, claimed that the singer died of double pneumonia. According to other sources, the 47-year-old singer died as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

Oleg Yakovlev spent his last hours with his loved ones. The artist’s press secretary said that the doctors understood serious condition an artist who is unlikely to make it through, and decided to let his loved ones in to see him.

"We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. Although the doctors no longer encouraged us. Oleg never regained consciousness. We did not have time to say goodbye to him. And they didn’t say the most important words either,” admitted the artist’s representative.

Yakovlev’s press secretary was vague about liver cirrhosis. “They say a lot now. He really had bad diagnoses, a lot of things fell on him. In an instant, his condition worsened sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes manager Oleg Yakovlev as saying.

According to the representative, until last day the singer was in the apartment. “The fact of the matter is that Oleg preferred to be treated at home. When he became really ill, he was hospitalized. He did not want to be treated, although he had long been advised to go to a clinic. He was stubborn and wanted to stay at home. Perhaps if he If he had been hospitalized earlier, it would have been possible to save him,” the spokeswoman explained.

Neither connections nor the pleas of fans helped to “knock out” a place for the public’s favorite in the cemetery, where permission from the Moscow authorities is required for burial.

The problem was not even in acquiring a place in the columbarium - Yakovlev’s wife was counting on a small plot to erect a monument, because numerous grieving fans want to come to Oleg.

Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev did not see Oleg Yakovlev off last way

On Monday, August 7, the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki International” passed away exactly 40 days from the moment of his death after complications due to pneumonia. Twenty colleagues and comrades came to see off their friend and colleague on their last journey to the Troyekurovskoye cemetery. Most likely, the artist’s relatives did not want a public funeral ceremony, so the people closest to Yakovlev during his lifetime were present. And that’s why the singer’s ex-colleagues Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev were not at the funeral, - big question. Most likely, they were not in the city that day.

But among those seeing off the musician on his last journey was the chief creative life Oleg is the man who helped Yakovlev become a star, for which Oleg never tired of thanking him. Surely, you already guessed that this is producer Igor Matvienko. Even after Yakovlev left his group employment history lay in the Matvienko production center. “You don’t have to worry, everything is fine with my pension,” Oleg said in one of his last interviews. But, alas, Yakovlev was not destined to live to a happy old age...

The burial of the white urn with Yakovlev’s ashes took place, according to tradition, to applause. The grave was decorated with white chrysanthemums and fir branches.

The most touching moment of the ceremony was Oleg Yakovlev’s song “Don’t Cry,” which was played at this mournful moment - he left it almost finished... In 40 days, his wife and Igor Matvienko prepared a posthumous release of the composition. Hearing the voice of the artist who had just been interred, people could not hold back their tears...

Why were they buried so late?

Many people wonder why famous performer buried after 40 days? Oleg Yakovlev’s wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, tried to “knock out” one from the Moscow authorities square meter site for erecting a monument, but a response from the administration of the necropolis was expected until Friday, August 4. As a result, the burial was moved to the Troyekurovskoye cemetery.

Why “Ivanushka” passed away at the age of 48

In the intensive care unit of a Moscow hospital on June 29. Official reason cardiac arrest - bilateral pneumonia with complications. The media also made assumptions about the chronic nature of the illness of the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki International” - in particular, the diagnosis was “cirrhosis of the liver”.

On Monday, August 7, 40 days after his death, the ashes of the 47-year-old singer were buried. Oleg Yakovlev died in the intensive care unit of a Moscow hospital on June 29. The official cause of cardiac arrest is bilateral pneumonia with complications. The media also voiced speculation about the chronic nature of the illness of the ex-soloist of Ivanushki International, in particular, cirrhosis of the liver.

Many people have asked why the famous performer was buried after 40 days? Last week, Oleg Yakovlev’s actual wife explained the situation to KP. According to Alexandra Kutsevol, relatives hoped until the last that they would receive permission to bury the urn with the artist’s ashes in Vagankovskoe cemetery. There were hopes to erect a monument, which, as Kutsevol said, would require one square meter of area. A response from the necropolis administration was expected until Friday, August 4. As a result, the burial was forced to be organized at another cemetery in the capital - Troekurovsky.

Due to the fact that the date of the funeral was not announced until Sunday, only those closest to Oleg were able to see off the musician on his final journey. Even his ex-colleagues from “Ivanushki” Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev did not come.

Among those who came was the main person in Oleg’s creative life, who made Yakovlev famous, for which the singer was eternally grateful to him. This is producer Igor Matvienko. Despite the fact that the artist left the “Ivanushki” group, for all 4 years of his solo career the performer’s work record book lay in Matvienko’s production center. “You don’t have to worry, everything is fine with my pension,” Oleg said in one of his last interviews.

But he was not destined to retire.

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Oleg Yakovlev was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. The ashes of the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki” were buried 39 days after the death of Evgeniy GUSEV

Alexandra Kutsevol, Yakovlev’s beloved, has believed in the success of the artist as an independent unit in recent years. The main dream Oleg was the first to record solo album his original songs. But he never managed to release the disc.

He left one song, “Don’t Cry,” almost finished. During these 40 days, the wife and Igor Matvienko prepared a posthumous release of the first and last original song by Oleg Yakovlev. And for the first time, the singer’s work was performed at his grave. People, hearing the voice of the artist who had just been interred, were unable to hold back their tears.

And, according to tradition, the artist was greeted with applause.

Natalya Gulkina, ex-soloist of the Mirage group, also came to say goodbye to her friend. She couldn’t come to say goodbye to the artist because she was on tour, so she was at the funeral.

We communicated for many years, met constantly at concerts,” says Natalya Gulkina. “We weren’t very close friends, but we all know each other.” It is painful and insulting that young people are leaving. There was so much more that could have been done. Everything is very sad, painful, everything is projected onto oneself, onto others... The Kingdom of Heaven. May he rest in peace. God grant that his songs will be played on the radio. I really want everyone to remember to let his music play. A person is alive when the memory of him is alive. He was kind, sincere, open, when we met, he ran with his arms open, always wishing good luck. I have never seen him in a bad state; on the contrary, he is always in a positive state. He and I are in different time ran the program. And meeting him was always a joy. They exchanged a few words and ran on... This is life, nothing can be done about it.

His farewell song sounded, how did you like it?

Sad song, sad to hear it. Everything is very symbolic: “Don’t cry”... The song, God willing, will live on. After all, an artist makes a song so that he can then go on stage many, many times, so that later the song will be loved and sung. Unfortunately, he will never go on stage with her. But I think that everyone who is here, she is on long years will sink into the soul.

Oleg Yakovlev did not know his father, his mother died, and his sister passed away after a serious illness 5 years ago. In recent years, the closest and dearest person to him was Alexandra Kutsevol. They were connected not only by love, but also by work - Sasha was producing the singer after leaving “Ivanushki”. She still cannot come to terms with the loss and she denies the expression “Time heals”:

I suffer. I suffer that I am growing up, but he is not getting older. Memories begin to fade. They are not as clear. It scares. They say time heals, but I feel the loss more acutely. I want to write memories from all these years. He used to keep diaries, then he stopped. But I want to remember it all. And I don’t want time to heal,” says Alexandra.

What was he like?

Oleg treated everyone equally, with great respect. Starting from security guards, ending with ministers and government officials. I was always amazed that he would enter the room and be the first to shake hands with the guards, say hello, and compliment the waiters. This is a man for whom there were no ranks. He is bright, magical and all-loving, he could give his neighbor his last shirt. This is how Oleg was. Oleg was strong man. He never showed it. He taught me to be strong too. And I never wanted people to cry. And it’s no coincidence that today’s premiere is called “Don’t Cry.” The song was almost ready back in March. And his farewell album, although without him, will be released by next spring. We will discuss this with Igor Matvienko.

Initially they planned a funeral at Vagankovsky...

We got this place. Troekurovskoye is a branch Novodevichy Cemetery. I want to thank everyone for their participation and help! First of all, to the production center of Igor Matvienko and himself, Diana Gurtskaya and her husband Pyotr Kucherenko. They got involved, they helped. Thank God, we managed to do it. It's very cozy here.

Why weren’t any of the “Ivanushkas” there?

We weren't planning a public event here at all. In two days we realized where and when. Farewell was on July 1st. There must be some sacred history, which didn’t quite work out (Alexandra means that representatives of several media outlets came to the funeral - Ed). Whoever found out, found out. We did not conduct a special mailing; we did not plan to gather anyone. They wanted to do it in a narrow circle, quietly and calmly. But it so happened that Oleg, as a public person, wanted it that way. I always say now that if something happens, it means it is Yakovlev’s will.

Oleg Yakovlev died today, June 29, early in the morning in one of the capital’s clinics. As Life.ru competently reports, the performer had problems with the liver (allegedly cirrhosis) and was in intensive care for several days. Common-law wife artist Alexandra Kutsevol told why Oleg Yakovlev died.


“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so all this time he was connected to the machine. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home by himself. Previously, we did not call an ambulance, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said the artist’s inconsolable lover.

Meanwhile, Life.ru provides slightly different information. According to the publication, the 47-year-old singer died as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

Earlier, he spoke about Yakovlev’s health former colleague from the group "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev. "We filmed together new clip and were recording a song, and I didn’t know that he had any problems. But I always jokingly told him: “Oleg, smoke less cigarettes.” I was always ready to support him in terms of healthy lifestyle. Just a month and a half ago he was full of strength,” the performer noted.

Journalists learned about the death of Oleg Yakovlev thanks to a message from Alexandra Kutsevol, which she left a sad message on her official page V social network Instagram. “Today at 7:05, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! I’m always with you,” the inconsolable woman turned to him after publishing a photo of her lover wife.

Oleg Yakovlev joined the famous trio "Ivanushki International" in 1998 after the death of Igor Sorin. He left the team in 2013, but, according to him, he never regretted his decision. “For the first time in my life, I felt like such a big deal. I stopped dividing life into three parts. This is so cool and interesting! My eyes are burning,” the artist admitted.

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