The special person Rakhmetov is the meaning of the image in the novel. Helping a student


From stories about new people

(Novel, 1863)

Rakhmetov is one of the main characters. The chapter "A Special Person" is dedicated to him. From noble family known since the 13th century. Among his ancestors were boyars, okolnichie, general-generals, etc. His father retired as a lieutenant general at the age of forty and settled in one of his estates, he was a despotic character, intelligent, educated and ultra-conservative. The mother suffered from the difficult nature of the father. The author mentions a fairly significant income of the hero (three thousand a year, despite the fact that he spends only four hundred on himself) to emphasize his unpretentiousness and asceticism.

By the time of the novel action, he is 22 years old. He is a student from the age of 16, studied at the natural faculty, but left the university for almost 3 years, worked on the estate, wandered around Russia - both by land and by water, had many adventures that he arranged for himself, took several people to Kazan and Moscow universities by making them his fellows. Returning to St. Petersburg, he entered the philological. Friends call R. "rigorist" and Nikitushka Lomov (named after the famous barge hauler) - for the outstanding physical strength that he developed in himself with exercises. After several months of study at the university, R. made acquaintance with especially smart heads like Kirsanov and Lopukhov, began to read books according to their instructions.

“Some time before he left the university and went to his estate, then wandering around Russia, he had already adopted original principles in material, moral, and mental life, and when he returned, they had already developed into a complete system to which he held steadily. “I don't drink a drop of wine. I don't touch a woman." And the nature was seething. “Why is this? Such an extreme is not necessary at all." “So it is necessary. We demand complete enjoyment of life for people—we must testify with our lives that we demand this not for the satisfaction of our personal passions, not for ourselves personally, but for man in general, that we speak only on principle, and not out of predilection, according to persuasion, not out of personal need.

Therefore, R. leads the most severe, Spartan lifestyle, eats only beef to maintain physical strength, motivating this by the fact that he should eat only what is available common people. He constantly tests willpower (the textbook famous episode of lying on nails). His only weakness is cigars. He manages to do extremely much, because he made it a rule to curb himself and at the disposal of time, not wasting it either on reading secondary books or on secondary matters.

R. lives in common, not personal, constantly in trouble, rarely at home. There is a well-known episode of his love for a certain lady, whom he saved by stopping a chaise with a runaway horse. R. deliberately refuses love, because she ties his hands. And in response to the author's ridicule, he says: "Yes, pity me, you are right, pity me: after all, I, too, am not an abstract idea, but a person who would like to live." R., probably, participates in the "disappearance" of Lopukhov, acts as his confidant, passing on his letter to Vera Pavlovna. During a visit to her, he explains in detail to her his view of her situation, reprimands her for transferring the workshop to other hands, he also speaks of Lopukhov's fault, which, in his words, "did not prevent this melodrama."

On the image of R. lies the seal of mystery, which is encrypted by the revolutionary activity of the hero - the "hidden" plot of the novel. She also marks his chosenness. Despite the fact that the hero takes part in the novel's conflict, his plot function is different - to represent the type of a special, "ideal" person, with whom all other characters are compared in one way or another. It is known that two years after the events described in the novel, he leaves St. Petersburg, believing that he has already done everything he could here, sells his estate, distributes part of the money to his scholarship holders so that they can complete the course, then traces of him are lost. The author calls people like R. "salt of salt


RAKHMETOV - central character works by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do? From stories about new people" (1863).

R. differs from other heroes of the novel in the same way as Chernyshevsky's novel itself - from traditional psychological novels. In the Epoch magazine, published by M.M. and F.M. Dostoevsky, they wrote about R. as “some kind of armchair myth, traveling as easily through the faculties as through Europe” (N. Solovyov). In the artistic hierarchy of the novel, he occupies the highest level, being the only representative of "special" people - in proportion to how in life the author, in his words, "has so far met only eight specimens of this breed." Some feature "already united them into one breed and separated them from all other people," to put it simply - participation in underground revolutionary work. Without knowing the "Aesopian language" of Chernyshevsky, it is impossible to understand why R. led "the most severe way of life", "engaged in other people's affairs or nobody's business in particular", in the "gathering points" of friends "got acquainted only with people who have influence on others" , "I was rarely at home, I kept walking and driving around."

A “special person” differs from “new people” in many ways. By origin, he is not a raznochinets, but a nobleman, “from a family known since the 13th century”; not circumstances, but only the strength of convictions makes him go against his environment. He remakes both his mental and physical nature, maintains "exorbitant strength in himself", because "it gives the respect and love of ordinary people." He completely renounces personal goods and intimate life so that the struggle for the full enjoyment of life should be a struggle “only on principle, and not on predilection, on conviction, and not on personal need.” Hence the nickname R. - "rigorist" (from the Latin. "rigore" - cruelty, firmness), under which he first appears in the VI section of the third chapter of the book. Life rigorism follows from mental rigorism: “All great theoreticians were people of extreme opinions,” Chernyshevsky wrote in his article “Count Cavour.” R. serves as a living embodiment of the theory of "calculation of mutual benefits", realizing the potential inherent in the "new people". It is also important that R.'s closest literary predecessor is Bazarov from Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. While maintaining some stylistic continuity, Chernyshevsky at the same time showed that R. differs from Bazarov in the presence of a positive point of application of his forces and has the ability to act among like-minded people.

The image of R. is built on a paradoxical combination of the incongruous. The extreme chronological specificity of his biography, which serves as a starting point for many other events in the book, is adjacent to significant gaps in events; secondary actor, he turns out to be “more important than all ... taken together”; an extreme materialist in his views, he lives and fights only for an idea. However, this inconsistency turns into a stylistic diversity characteristic of the menippea genre, to which the novel is close.

For all the visible extraneousness of the image of R. to the main plot of the book, he occupies an axial position in it, acting as an intermediary: between the “open” (family) and “hidden” (political-revolutionary) parts of the plot, that is, between the worlds visible and invisible to the ordinary reader : between that world and this one (when he hands Vera Pavlovna notes from Lopukhov, who “left for America”); between the past, present and future (when from an “ordinary good and honest young man” RAKHMETOV, a nobleman, a man of the past, he becomes a “special person” of the future and knows the coming of this future with an accuracy of a year); between different parts of this world (when traveling in Russia and abroad). The highest manifestation of R.'s messianic properties is the expectation of his arrival on the eve of the "change of scenery." The obvious mythological subtext of this image is connected with the structure of the novel, organized according to the principle of the “world tree”: R. and a few other “special people” descend from his upper, heavenly tier to the sinful earth for its purification. The hagiographic-legendary features of R.'s biography, referring to the "Life of Alexy, the Man of God", to epics about heroes and to the latest legends about barge hauler Nikitushka Lomov, to romantic images of superhumans, in combination with everyday detailing, are designed to emphasize his universality and absolute reality.

Among the prototypes of R., P.A. is most often called. Bakhmetev (according to Chernyshevsky himself), who studied with Chernyshevsky at the Saratov gymnasium and, after incomplete studies at the agricultural institute, left for Europe, and then for Oceania to create a new social system there. The image of R., as befits any hagiographic image, gave rise to many imitations. He became the standard of a professional revolutionary, as D.I. Pisarev pointed out in the article “The Thinking Proletariat” (1865), calling R. “ historical figure":" In the general movement of events, there are such moments when people like Rakhmetov are necessary and irreplaceable ... "

Lit .: Pisarev D.I. Thinking proletariat

//Pisarev D.I. Works. In three volumes. 1.1. L., 1982; Skaftymov A.P. Works of art Chernyshevsky, written in the Peter and Paul Fortress

//Skaftymov A.P. Moral quest Russian writers. M., 1972; Bakhtin M.M. Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. M., 1972; Lebedev A.A. Reasonable egoists of Chernyshevsky. M., 1973; Ta-marchenko G.E. Chernyshevsky is a novelist. L., 1976; Naumova N.N. Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?". L., 1978; Rudenko Yu.K. The novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?": Aesthetic originality and artistic method. L., 1979; Pinaev M.T. Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?": Commentary. The book for the teacher. M., 1988; Paperno I. Semiotics of Behavior: Nikolai Chernyshevsky - a man of the era of realism. M., 1996.

M.A. Dzyubenko

literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .

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The image of Rakhmetov in Chernyshevsky's novel What to do

The true hero of his era, before whom Chernyshevsky "bows down", is Rakhmetov, a revolutionary with his fiery love for all that is good. At the beginning of the novel, we see the image of Rakhmetov and the whole innocent, elevated atmosphere of respect and recognition that surrounds this hero. All this clearly shows that central theme novel is not in the image of love and new family relations"ordinary decent people", but in the glorification of all the unbridled revolutionary energy and feat ordinary person, Rakhmetova. The title of the novel “What is to be done?” is directly related to the image of Rakhmetov.

It is noteworthy that in the "Notes" of the III section, containing estimates of journals of the 60s, this famous place in the novel it was quoted in full from Sovremennik, word for word. The anonymous author of the Notes testified to the "enthusiastic" reception given by readers to the novel What Is to Be Done? He was bitterly annoyed that the followers of Chernyshevsky, “our nihilists have made up such a dense and autocratic corporation that they act in literary world completely despotic."

Nobody before Chernyshevsky in Russian, and indeed in the world fiction did not say such poetic penetrating words about the revolutionary, about the socialist. In the final chapter of the novel A Change of Scenery, confidence is expressed that a revolutionary upheaval is imminent. With all his being, the disgraced author of “What is to be done?” waited for the revolution in Russia, welcomed it, glorified its leaders.

With the feeling of a great realist artist and thinker, Chernyshevsky realized that only a relief image with the greatest completeness would express the essence of the Russian revolutionary - then still "an instance ... of a rare breed" - and would have a strong educational impact on the reader. According to the terminology of the author of "What is to be done?", he painted the Rakhmetovs as "funny".

“There was a lot of fun in them,” Chernyshevsky wrote, “everything important in them was funny, everything that made them people of a special breed.” Chernyshevsky, who was under judicial investigation, was often forced to resort to Aesopian language, most of all on those pages where he wrote about Rakhmetov. The word "revolutionary" is replaced here by the concepts "rigorist", "special person", "higher nature". revolutionary activity- "business", revolutionary beliefs and views - "original principles in material, moral, and mental life." Revolutionary propaganda - "Rakhmetov's fiery speeches, of course, are not about love"; tsarism, the landlord system - "circumstances", "the old order", "what must perish." Socialism - "golden age", "new order", "what must live", etc.

With the subtlest hints, the author made it clear that his hero was doing revolutionary work. Having reported that Rakhmetov has an abyss of all sorts of “cases that did not personally concern him,” Chernyshevsky concludes the story with words from which it becomes clear what dangerous conspiratorial pursuits his hero indulges in: “But often he was not at home for several days. Then, instead of him, one of his friends sat with him and received visitors, devoted to him in body and soul and silent as a grave.

Surrounded by these and similar allusions, revealing political person Rakhmetov as a revolutionary and a socialist, Chernyshevsky extremely pointedly, emphatically highlights the main aspects of his character, the unusualness of his life biography.

Rakhmetov is a descendant of an ancient aristocratic family, the son of a wealthy ultra-conservative landowner. Protesting thoughts began to wander in the head of the young man while still in the house of his despot father, who had caused much harm and grief to his mother, beloved girl, and serfs. AT student years Rakhmetov made friends with Kirsanov, and “his degeneration into special person».

Already this extraordinary biography Rakhmetov (healthy ear on a tiny patch of rotten noble swamp), the mighty conquering power of new revolutionary ideas. At the same time, the writer did not fantasize, he knew, and his readers knew, that revolutionaries - people from the nobility - were not an exceptional phenomenon in Russian history (Radishchev, the Decembrists, many of the Petrashevists, Ogarev, Herzen, etc.).

The figure of Rakhmetov testified how far the process of decomposition had gone within the old society, within the ruling class, to be honest, healthy people renounce it and join the people and the revolution. Rakhmetov tempers himself physical work, leads the most severe way of life, to match the common people. Moreover, Rakhmetov does not observe the life and life of the people from the outside. The hero of Chernyshevsky himself works as a plowman, carpenter, carrier, barge hauler. Rakhmetov is proud of the fact that his comrades in the strap dubbed him Nikitushka Lomov, the glorious and dear name for the common people of the Volga bogatyr barge hauler. So unusually convex, pointedly represented in the novel is the revolutionary's democracy, which brought him the trust, respect and love of ordinary people.

To emphasize Rakhmetov's deep devotion to the revolutionary cause, Chernyshevsky deliberately exaggerates the Spartan, ascetic principles in the behavior of his hero. Nature is ebullient, lively, passionate, Rakhmetov refuses love, from life's pleasures. “We demand full enjoyment of life for people,” he says, “we must testify with our lives that we demand this not to satisfy our personal passions, not for ourselves personally, but for a person in general.”

Rakhmetov checks his readiness to endure the most difficult trials, any suffering, even torture in the name of revolutionary convictions by the fact that once he calmly fits on felt studded with nails, and, bloodied, spends the whole night in this way. "Try. It is necessary ... - says Rakhmetov, - just in case, it is necessary. I see I can."

Rakhmetov is not only a stern person, but also taciturn, “phenomenally rude”, “terribly harsh”, and, in essence, he is delicate, sweet, cheerful, gentle and a kind person. Harmful "circumstances" do not allow him to forget "his dreary thoughts, his burning sorrow", and he rarely jokes, more often he looks like a "gloomy monster". Honest people are not offended by his harshness. They love him, trust him. The writer admires his "funny" hero.

In the role of Rakhmetov, the most significant aspects of the character of the revolutionary type that was emerging in Russia are captured, with his unbending will to fight, high moral nobility, boundless devotion to the people and homeland. fierce public struggle around “What is to be done?”, around the images of “new people” created by Chernyshevsky, the embittered attacks of enemies on the author of this revolutionary novel and sincere gratitude adherents, allies, in turn, clearly reveal a political being like the hero - Rakhmetov.

The novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” was written in the Peter and Paul Fortress. It was begun on December 14, 1862 and completed on April 4, 1863. It was written in the era of the rise of the revolutionary movement in Russia.
The hero of the novel, Rakhmetov, is a revolutionary. By origin he is a nobleman. His father was a rich man. But a free life did not keep Rakhmetov on his father's estate. He left the province and entered the natural faculty in St. Petersburg. Rakhmetov easily became close in the capital with progressively thinking people. I met Kirsanov, from whom I learned a lot of new and advanced politically. Began to read a lot. After six months, he stopped reading books and said: “Now reading has become a secondary matter for me; I am ready for LIFE from this side. He began to order himself and fulfill these orders exactly on time. Then Rakhmetov began to harden the body. Undertook the hardest work. Was even a burlak. He did all this in preparation for great revolutionary deeds.
Rakhmetov followed the path chosen once and for all. He ate only what ordinary people ate, although he had the opportunity to eat better. He explained this simply: “It is necessary - it gives respect and love to ordinary people. It's useful, it might come in handy." Rakhmetov refused to marry a wealthy young widow. He explained it this way: "... I must suppress love in myself: love for you would bind my hands, they will not be untied soon - they are already tied."

Chernyshevsky in the image of Rakhmetov portrayed a revolutionary leader, a special person. The author wrote about such people: “... This is the color the best people, these are engines of engines, this is the salt of the salt of the earth. Rakhmetov is a knight without fear and reproach, a man as if forged from steel. He expands the circle of his knowledge with amazing speed, carefully studies life.


Here genuine person which Russia now especially needs, take an example from him and, whoever can and is able, follow his path, for this is the only path for you that can lead to the desired goal,
N. G. Chernyshevsky
As a character, Rakhmetov appears in the chapter "A Special Person". In others
chapters his name is only mentioned. But it is felt that this image is central, that Rakhmetov - the main character novel What to Do?
The chapter "Special Man" forms, as it were, a small independent story in the novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it. Talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts the time frame and does not give a consistent description and biography. He uses hints and omissions, intertwining what was "knew" about him with what was "learned" later. Therefore, every stroke of the biography is of fundamental importance. For example, origin. Indeed, why does the raznochinets Chernyshevsky make the main character of the socio-political novel a nobleman whose pedigree goes back centuries? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of a revolutionary nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive. Since the best representatives of the nobility renounce their privileges, then the crisis is ripe.

The rebirth of Rakhmetov began in early youth. His family was obviously a serf. This is evidenced by the mean phrase: "Yes, and he saw that in the village." Observing the cruelty of serfdom, the young man began to think about justice. “Thoughts began to wander in him, and Kirsanov was to him what Lopukhov was to Vera Pavlovna.” On the very first evening, he "eagerly listened" to Kirsanov, "interrupted his words with exclamations and curses for what must perish, blessings for what must live." Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only in his aristocratic pedigree, but also in his exceptional strength of character, which manifests itself in the constant hardening of the body and spirit, but especially in his preoccupation with the preparation for the revolutionary struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word. The dream of a revolution for Rakhmetov is a guide to action, a guideline for his entire personal life.

The desire for rapprochement with ordinary people. This can be seen from his travels in Russia, physical labor, severe self-restraint in his personal life. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, thereby expressing their love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who condescendingly spoke to the "thick-bearded" peasants, the nobleman Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass to be studied. He believes that the people are worthy of respect and is trying to experience at least part of the burden that hangs on the peasant's shoulders.
Chernyshevsky shows Rakhmetov as a person of a “very rare”, “special breed”, but at the same time as a typical person, belonging to a new social group, although not numerous. The writer endowed the "special person" with severe demands on himself and. different and even gloomy appearance. Vera Pavlovna finds him "very boring" at first. “Lopukhov and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt in front of him at times a certain cowardice ... except for Masha and those who equaled or surpassed her in the simplicity of soul and dress.” But Vera Pavlovna, having got to know Rakhmetov better, says about him: "What a gentle and kind person he is!"
Rakhmetov is a rigorist, that is, a person who never deviates from accepted rules behavior. He is preparing himself for the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. After sleeping on the nails for the night, he explains his act, smiling broadly and joyfully: “A trial. Need to. Unbelievable, of course: but just in case, it is necessary. I see I can." This is probably how Chernyshevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question "What to do?" Nikolai Gavrilovich responds with the image of Rakhmetov and the words placed in the epigraph.

The figure of this rigorist had an enormous influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that their "favorite was especially Rakhmetov."
I like Rakhmetov. He has those qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his perseverance, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to the chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be a little like this character.

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