Paranormal real life stories. Scary inexplicable facts. Future predicting app

Communication with the dead, leaving the body, reading thoughts, clairvoyance... It is difficult for eyewitnesses of such phenomena to talk about them for fear of being branded crazy. Our experts suggest listening to witnesses to paranormal incidents without making judgments. So, Paranormal Stories narrated by eyewitnesses.

“...Beyond the body”

This happened sixteen years ago. I slipped, fell and hit the back of my head hard - and suddenly I found myself outside my body. From somewhere above I saw myself lying on the floor and people fussing around me. Then a dark tunnel appeared in front of me. I flew along it towards the warm, blessed light that was visible ahead... And unexpectedly returned to my body.” Thirty-five-year-old Mikhail, an employee of a pharmaceutical company, talks for the first time in several years about what he experienced in a state of clinical death. “I tried to talk about it with the doctor, who brought me to my senses. She replied that these were delusional visions that arose due to the fact that my brain was starved of oxygen. But she didn’t explain why I saw from the side how she was giving me artificial respiration! The doctor didn’t even want to listen, she just gave me a sedative.”

Mikhail decided not to talk about it anymore, and also to keep secret those “sudden exits from the body” that happened to him more than once later. “I was scared at first,” he says. “I tried not to pay attention to these paranormal phenomena and immersed myself in my studies. But these “stories” were repeated about once a year, and I went to a psychiatrist. I told him that at such moments I seem to move into something that is nearby, for example a tree, and I can feel what it feels. Probably in vain! The doctor asked if I was using drugs. As a result, he prescribed me tranquilizers and added that my symptoms were an unconscious dream of omnipotence and could indicate the beginning of a split personality.

I left his office in horror, imagining myself in a mental hospital.” A successful professional career has reassured Mikhail about his mental health, but he still fears the “attacks” will return.

Everything incomprehensible is scary, and paranormal phenomena and stories - especially!

“Disputes between those who believe in such phenomena and skeptics are fruitless,” says Stefan Allix(Stephane АШх), founder Institute of Research paranormal phenomena (INREES, France). – Some present their evidence, others refute it with the help of classical theories. Our goal is to bring together the efforts of researchers, psychologists and doctors and provide those who have lived through such experiences with an environment where they can be heard, remembering what matters most: their humanity.” Of course, such perceptual phenomena can be caused by very real mental disorders. “Therefore, it is necessary first of all to listen to the person carefully and impartially,” explains the psychotherapist Isabelle de Cosco(Isabelle de Kochko), who studies cases of obsession and obsession at the INREES Institute. “If “out-of-body experiences” may seem like harbingers of a possible illness, then “communication” with the deceased can easily be confused with psychosis, and obsession can be mistaken for paranoia or multiple personality disorder.”

An unbiased look at paranormal stories

Only by listening carefully to the person and observing how he shares his experiences can we avoid making too hasty diagnoses. Does the narrator show emotions that are natural during such experiences? Is he trying to convince the listener that he is right at any cost? Is he balanced? Everyday life? If we listen nonjudgmentally and openly, abandoning common prejudices, then an eyewitness to a paranormal phenomenon will be able to assess the extent of his adequacy. “As a rule, this is a painful experience, and not a disease, because it does not disrupt the structure of the personality,” I am sure Raymond Moody(Raymond Moody), author of the worldwide bestseller " Life after life ", in which he first collected and published stories of those who experienced clinical death. “Those I have met,” he writes, “are not victims of psychosis. They're normal resilient people participating in the life of society. They have a job and a position in society that excludes irresponsibility. They have relatives, friends, and they can clearly distinguish what happens to them in their dreams and in reality. Meanwhile, all these people claim that what they experienced was not a dream, but actually happened to them.”

These words are confirmed by the story of 28-year-old Anastasia: “I have had visions since childhood. At first I was very scared and tried to tell my loved ones about it. But they turned away and turned the conversation to something else. I realized that it’s not worth talking about at all.” Later, Anastasia discovered the ability to perceive other people's physical pain from a distance. “But it’s only now that I’ve graduated from medical school that I’ve gained confidence in myself and am beginning to explore what may be the gift of healing,” she concludes. On this path, she is supported by meetings with people who have experienced the same thing as her, and with scientists who are looking for an explanation for this.

"I know my son is alive"

The son of 42-year-old Andrei died in a car accident at the age of sixteen. After this, events began to occur for which the father could not find rational explanations. Not everyone close to him could understand him.

“Three days after Nikita’s death, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night - something was glowing above the bed. I always tried to think logically and was not at all inclined to think about God, about the other world, about meetings with the dead... My son was dead, I thought, and that’s it. That night, when I saw the light, I checked to see if the curtains were drawn, if the window was closed... I was too exhausted by grief to worry or think - and fell asleep again. What happened three months later seriously shook my convictions. One evening, my wife and I were in Nikita’s room, and suddenly someone slapped me twice on the back of the head. “Someone hit me!” – I looked back. “Maybe it’s Nikita,” Alena whispered. We didn't talk about it anymore. Alena is a believer, although she rarely goes to church. She then read a lot about afterlife. I almost unconsciously began to accept this idea: it eased my grief, and most importantly, it explained something. The sudden slap on the head was quite consistent with Nikita’s spontaneous manners.

Soon Alena suggested going to a clairvoyant. I agreed out of curiosity, I thought: what if this meeting will bring me relief? At the very beginning of the session, the clairvoyant's head jerked forward, he said that someone slapped him twice on the back of the head. In his opinion, Nikita thus wanted to communicate that he died immediately. It was a great relief for us: we were not shown his body, and we imagined the worst. The clairvoyant met us for the first time, but, looking at the photograph of his son, he immediately described in detail his character, habits, and his relationship with us. “Maybe it’s just a physiognomist’s talent?” – I thought. But then he accurately described our apartment and said that before his death, Nikita bought his girlfriend a gift and now asked us to give it to us. This both amazed and reassured me. Did it console you? No. I think that after the death of a child it is no longer possible to become the same as before. But my idea of ​​death has changed a lot. Moreover, strange incidents continued: the sound of footsteps was heard, the door slammed, things disappeared or appeared. At first glance, it looks like an accident. But taken together they took on a special meaning. For example, I discovered strange SMS messages on my mobile phone. Where are they from? But even calls to the provider did not help; the number they came from could not be traced.

And I became stronger in the conviction that it was my son who was sending me messages. It’s a pity that the friends we confided in then limited themselves to a condescending answer: “Well, if only it would make you feel better.” When they found out that we were visiting a clairvoyant, they began to dissuade us: “You might be lured into a sect.” Despite the suffering, I did not go crazy. I realized this when I talked to people who had experienced similar things. Now, four years later, I live as rationally as before. But my life has changed. Minor difficulties no longer irritate me, and I no longer chase praise and recognition. Now I have more tolerance and less selfishness. I did not become a believer, but in my own way I opened up to spiritual life. And I know that my son is alive, because I felt it.”

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  • paranormal phenomena eyewitness accounts

This article brings to your attention several paranormal phenomena that scientists and skeptics have been puzzling over for many years and cannot come to a definite conclusion.

Taos Rumble

The Taos hum is a low-frequency noise of unknown origin. This phenomenon got its name thanks to the city in which it was recorded - Taos, New Mexico. In fact, such phenomena are characteristic not only of this small town: the appearance of inexplicable noises was noticed in different countries Worldwide.

Audio recording of the Taos Rumble:

Often, these sounds are attributed to industrial origin. And yet, the situation in Taos is somewhat different: only 2% of the local population hear the noise. In addition, people who have heard the Taos hum note that it is amplified inside buildings, and in the case of ordinary noise of industrial origin the opposite would be true.

Basically, the nature of this phenomenon is explained in different ways:
1. Ordinary industrial or other noise produced by machines, acoustic systems, etc.
2. Infrasound, which can be of geological or tectonic nature.
3. Pulsed microwaves
4. Electromagnetic waves
5. Sound waves from low-frequency communication systems (for example, communications on submarines)
6. Radiation in the ionosphere, including that produced within the framework of HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
It is important to note that the source of the noise has not been conclusively determined, despite numerous studies carried out by local universities as well as individuals.

Near Death Experiences

Near-death experiences are common name for the personal experiences of people at the time of their clinical death. The following phenomenon may answer questions about the possibility of life after death. Many people who have experienced clinical death claim that such life exists.

NDEs include physiological, psychological and transcendental aspects. Although different people describe the events that happen to them after clinical death in different ways, many elements are common to all:

  • The first sensory impression is a very unpleasant sound (noise);
  • Understanding that he has died;
  • Pleasant emotions: calm and tranquility;
  • The feeling of leaving the body, floating above your own body and observing others;
  • A feeling of moving upward through a bright tunnel of light or narrow passage;
  • Meeting with deceased relatives or clergy;
  • An encounter with a being of light (often interpreted as a deity);
  • Consideration of past life episodes;
  • Reaching a boundary or boundaries;
  • Feeling of reluctance to return to the body;
  • Feeling warm despite lack of clothing.

It is also known that in some cases the experiences following the seventh stage, on the contrary, are extremely unpleasant.
Communities of people who experience or study the paranormal are more open to interpreting near-death experiences as evidence of the existence of an afterlife. In turn, scientists often interpret this phenomenon as hallucinations or fiction.
In 2008, a study was launched in the UK that will study 1,500 patients who experienced clinical death. The study will involve 25 hospitals in the UK and US.

Doppelgangers - ghostly doubles

In literature, doppelgängers (German doppelganger - “double”) are demonic doubles of people, the opposite of a guardian angel. The appearance of a doppelganger often foreshadows the death of the hero. Despite the fact that they are generally considered literary characters, there are several historical sources, indirectly proving the existence of these creatures.
One of these is the testimony of Queen Elizabeth I, recorded by a chronicler shortly before her death. According to the queen, she saw herself lying on the bed of her bedroom, or rather her double, who, according to her, was very pale.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe saw his own double, dressed in a gray suit trimmed with gold, while riding on a horse towards Drusenheim. At the same time, the double was driving in the opposite direction. Eight years later, while traveling from Drusenheim along the same road, Goethe noticed that he was wearing the exact same suit as the one he had seen on the double.
It is known that Catherine II also saw her copy moving in her direction. Frightened, she ordered the soldiers to shoot her.
An unusual incident of a similar nature also happened to Abraham Lincoln: the reflection he saw in the mirror had two faces. Being a superstitious person, Lincoln remembered what he saw for a long time.

The sudarium from Oviedo is a piece of fabric measuring 84 x 53 cm with blood stains. Some people are inclined to believe that this sudarium was wrapped around the head of Christ after his death, as mentioned in the Gospel of John (20:6-7). It is believed that both the sudarion and the shroud were used in funeral ritual. During the study, the purpose of which was to confirm or refute the authenticity of the sudarium, blood stains remaining on the fabric were examined. As it turned out, the blood on the sir and the shroud belongs to the fourth group. In addition, most of the stains on sudariya come from fluid from the lungs. This is explained by the fact that often people who were crucified died not from loss of blood, but from suffocation.

Ghost stories and other paranormal stories represent tens of hundreds of cases that defy material reality. From time to time we encounter such mystical horror that it is impossible to believe.

I'll tell you paranormal stories, good ghost

The next few "fairy tales" range from mildly creepy to downright frightening, but they all have one thing in common. common feature: There is no reasonable explanation for them. - Please don't read Mystic stories before going to bed - take care of your psyche.

Voices in a woman's head.

In 1984, a woman was quietly reading a book while at home. Suddenly a clear voice sounded in her head, speaking to her with the words: Please, do not be afraid. I know how shocking this kind of conversation is for you, but this is the simplest way to communicate. My friend and I worked at Children's Hospital, and we would like to help you. You are sick.

After a series of medical tests, including psychological tests, the patient was diagnosed with a large benign brain tumor. Moreover, the mysterious voice continued to speak to her during medical testing.

After completing the operation to remove the tumor, the patient came to her senses and heard a voice in last time: We were glad to help you. Farewell.

The woman did not report any post-surgical problems and no longer heard the voice. A study of a patient diagnosed with a brain tumor and a mysterious voice in her head was published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Imaginary friend or relative?

My grandfather passed away a few weeks after I was born. You understand, I have never seen what he looks like. When I was 5 years old, I started seeing a man in a rocking chair. My parents thought it was an “imaginary friend” from dreams. But they were increasingly surprised when I told them the details of the communication.

Finally my parents asked me more about this. I told them every detail I could remember and they showed me a photograph of the man. This was my grandfather.

Today I'm 22, and I feel my grandfather somewhere in the background. I remember when I dreamed of graduating high school, and looked at the stands, I saw him next to his parents. I like to think that he is watching over me from wherever he is.

Past life experience?

Several years ago, when my daughter was just over three years old, my husband and I watched a television show about the horror of 9/11. It was the day of the anniversary of the event. My daughter, who was coloring pictures nearby, looked up when a plane appeared on the screen, hitting one of the World War II buildings. shopping center. Suddenly she told us: “I died there.”

Then she just went back to her pictures as if she hadn't said a word. We never talked to her about the concept of death and we never discussed 9/11.

My daughter hasn't talked about it since, but now if something comes on TV about 9/11, she says, "I don't want to watch it."

Skeleton of Hampton Court Palace.

Hampton Court Palace is considered one of the most frequently visited buildings in England. According to their website, the castle is haunted by at least three ghosts.

Skeleton from Hampton Court Palace. England - a world of conservatism, a palace without a ghost - a shack

Catherine Howard - was repeatedly noticed by palace staff and guests. Sybil Penn, a ghost wandering around the palace, is apparently worried that her grave was moved back in 1829.

However, the palace's most notable "occupant" has to be "The Skeleton", a creepy apparition caught on the palace's CCTV cameras in 2003. Palace officials explain on their website:

For three days in a row, palace security personnel were forced to close one of the fire doors... On the first day, CCTV footage showed the doors being thrown wide open with great force, but nothing was visible.

On the second day the same thing happened, but this time she suddenly appeared on the screen in an evening dress and closed the doors. They add: The doors opened again on the third day, but there was no further sign of the ghostly “gatekeeper.”

Could this be the ghost of the most famous resident of Henry VIII's palace? You can watch the video yourself on YouTube.

Papa Doppelganger (double)*

About ten years ago (I was 8 years old at the time), I visited my father at his house. My stepmother was in the kitchen and I was in the family room. We both saw him walking up the stairs in a red flannel shirt and blue jeans. I called my father and followed him. Father turned and looked at me, climbed to the top step and turned the corner.

I called my father again. Suddenly, unexpectedly, from the living room, dad raised his head over the couch and asked what I wanted. He slept on the couch the whole time, but my stepmother and I saw him coming from the living room up the stairs.

It was the most impossible thing I've ever seen. Both my stepmother and I still remember this and talk about it to this day. Moreover, everything happened in good daylight, so it was not some kind of supernatural illusion of the night.

Wilson Hall, Ohio University.

Room 428 in Wilson Hall is permanently locked. To students from Ohio University, the ninth oldest state university USA, no one is allowed to look into the room due to numerous reports of ghosts and dangerous ghostly activity.

Wilson Hall was reportedly built on an Indian burial ground (that always ends badly). Spiritualists claim; the building is located in the center of a pentagram formed by five ancient cemeteries, giving it geographical location additional forces of either security or evil.

In the 1970s, a student died under mysterious circumstances in room 428. Years later, a student used what she perceived as "energy" in the room to practice "astral projection" rituals.

In this practice, the human spirit (or consciousness) is said to leave the body and can travel at will. One day she cut her own wrists.

Since the two deaths occurred here, everyone in the room has reported horrific terrible phenomena at any time of the day or night. Objects flew across the room and crashed against the walls. Students heard voices whispering and even heart-rending screaming, although no one was there.

The door would often open and then close on its own. Even worse, demonic faces appeared right on the wooden door of the room. And although the school changed the door several times, the exhausted, disgusting faces appeared again.

Eventually, the room became too frightening, and the university, fearing that another student death might occur, decided to close the door permanently. This is the only one famous case, when the room is closed due to up to this day.

We are used to believing, or rather, we are convinced that the world around us lives according to established and familiar laws, but is this true?

  • (German: Doppelganger - double) a mysterious creature with the ability to polymorphism. The creature is able to recreate the image of a person indistinguishable from the original.

When humanity stands at a crossroads, its fate is often determined by forces beyond the understanding of mortals. By the way, usually those who have power control everything, and this is the government and military leaders, they can influence many things. Mainly by starting wars among themselves, making great scientific discoveries, or spying on the population.

The most important historical events- the flight of the first man into space and two World Wars - occurred under the influence of forces inaccessible to ordinary people. Sometimes these forces treat the world like a toy to suit their whims. Sometimes they are completely immaterial in origin...

Most stories about paranormal phenomena can be explained by optical illusions, tricks of light, calling them fiction and outright lies. People don't believe what they don't understand. However, such phenomena can leave a deep mark in the annals of history, changing the world, even if most people do not believe in their existence.

A person tends to doubt unknown things. And if many people witness phenomena that cannot be explained, the world often has to accept the fact that such things exist. So, we present ten inexplicable paranormal phenomena that changed the world: from UFOs, the existence of which was recognized by the Pope himself, to the damned Bermuda Triangle.

10. Miracle of the Sun recognized by the Catholic Church

How long does it take to recognize that an event has changed history? What about its recognition by the Roman Catholic Church itself? And even with subsequent canonization? The Miracle of the Sun was finally recognized as a valid biblical miracle on October 13, 1930, twenty years after the event itself. It became a sensation.

Around noon on Sunday, October 13, 1917, in the city of Fatima, Portugal, thousands of people on the street at that time witnessed the appearance of an opaque rotating disk against the background of a stormy sky, directing a blinding beam of light onto a crowd of onlookers, many of whom were able to discern the center of the disk image of the Holy Virgin Mary.

This phenomenon actually happened, was observed by 30,000-100,000 people of different ages, and was recognized as a true miracle by the Roman Catholic Church. Despite some attempts to explain it by cosmic dust or the play of light, science has still not been able to unravel the nature of this phenomenon.

9. A curse that takes lives

The butterfly effect has been described in many fantasy stories about time travel, which is not necessarily just about someone having to die. If you kill Hitler, save Abi Lincoln or something else, history will immediately change. As soon as someone dies, their influence on the course of history is immediately forgotten.

This is why the poltergeist curse doesn't seem so special. Most have heard about this curse from the various sequels or remakes of Tobey Hooper's classic haunted house, or from a know-it-all friend talking about how Steven Spielberg actually made the movie.

Spielberg is certainly responsible for the untimely deaths of dozens of people who starred in his films. And all because in his first film he used real human bones, not props. Since then, an inexplicable curse has claimed the lives of the main cast Due to various tragic or cruel circumstances, even the scriptwriter died in a car accident.

8. Forever locked haunted room

Even if room No. 428 left a very small mark on history, it was still no less significant. Stories of ghosts in one of the student dormitory rooms at Ohio University in Athens go back ten years, starting with the construction of Wilson Hall, a residence not only for students, but also for the ghost of a man who died in mysterious circumstances in the seventies.

The stories still vary, according to some, the spirit of a young woman killed in a cruel occult ritual lives here, according to others, astral projections of former residents were seen here, and, of course, ending with stories about ghosts who were seen by students and teachers, and paranormal activity - objects raised and thrown into the air.

Since then, room No. 428 of Wilson Hall has been tightly sealed. This is not a joke or a publicity stunt for Ohio University, this room was seriously declared uninhabitable, which is why it was closed, and no one has ever entered it since. Not counting, of course, the crew of SyFy's haunted house reality show.

7. The Roswell disaster turned the world upside down

If you've ever heard of Roswell, it's either because you're a child of the '90s, when the quality of talk shows left much to be desired, or because you're aware of the conspiracy theory that contributed to the rise of love for soap operas in the first place. science stories about aliens. Almost seventy years later, this story still gives me goosebumps.

Many still do not believe that the Roswell incident can be explained by the fall of a weather balloon (or a USSR spy satellite), being confident that the presence state secrets in the case of an unidentified flying object that suddenly fell to the ground, proves that the United States has made contact with aliens. Area 51 is hidden from outsiders for a reason.

Even if a UFO had nothing to do with it, and there was no autopsy of the alien’s body, which popular presenters Ant and Dec spoke about in their programs, the incident itself became iconic for lovers of the paranormal and changed pop culture so much that the mere mention of the word “Roswell” evokes associations with flying saucers. Google even came up with a new Doodle for this occasion!

6. Special Forces guys win success

In order to defeat their enemies, the American military often resorts to all sorts of strange, esoteric methods incomprehensible to the common man. Not long ago they tried to create a “gay bomb” that, when it exploded, would force enemy armies to throw down their weapons and start making love to each other, then there were cases where the CIA pumped people with LSD to brainwash them, and finally a small project called "Stargate".

Unfortunately, this project has nothing in common with the unexpectedly long-running series (by the way, a remake of Roland Emmerick is expected soon). Its details became known thanks to Jon Ronson's non-fiction book "The Men Staring at Goats", later adapted into the film "Crazy Special Forces" starring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey.

In the seventies, many representatives of the hippie movement were recruited into the US Army in order to study possible ways the use of software and remote control in weapons. Including a method of keeping an eye on goats until they die. Obviously, the average private or hippie soldier was not trained to use such weapons, but their innovative methods were used at the siege of Mount Carmel.

5. Ancient artifacts- evidence of ignorance of history

According to current estimates - based on paleontological data, etc. – It is believed that humanity appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago. However, it took us a very long time to evolve from primitive primates.

But then how do we explain the Dropa Stones, 12,000-year-old discs covered in small hieroglyphic symbols? Or even more incomprehensible spheres from Klerksdorp, found in mines in South Africa, which are about 3 billion years old, and are also composed of pyrophyllite and have depressions and carved grooves along the entire circumference? Pay attention to 10 historical mysteries.

No one knows. Seriously, scientists have been puzzling over these mysteries for years. Ufologists claim that these things came from extraterrestrial guests who once arrived on the nascent planet, but why didn’t they take evidence of crafts and language with them? Perhaps they left them to inspire the first people to develop civilization.

4. Morgellons disease, or the disease that is not recognized

A large number of stories about zombies - films, books, games, etc. - have a suggestive effect on a person, he begins to feel that not everything is all right with him. News about yet another infectious disease that the world has never seen before is most often accompanied by speeches from representatives of the US Centers for Disease Control, saying that they have never encountered anything like this before.

That's what's happening now. The Centers for Disease Control set the record straight by saying they are unsure whether Morgellons disease is actually a disease that causes painful sores throughout the body, whether it is contagious, and that it has so far been defined as an "unexplained dermopathy."

Changes are inevitable; they will occur along with a change in the physiology of the sick. Some are inclined to consider Morgellon's disease to be complete nonsense, that people actually think that they are sick, only the reason for the appearance of real boils throughout the body is still unclear. A terrible disease that no one really understands.

3. Disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

There is still heated debate about what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle (according to some estimates, its size is from 804 to 2,430 square kilometers, located in the ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda), but one thing is certain to say that a huge number of boats, planes and other types of transport that have ever entered this area have never emerged from it.

Despite a large number of disappearances, he was never included in latest list The 10 Most Dangerous Waters for Shipping. Some suggest that UFOs abduct people in this place, while others believe that Atlantis was once in this place, and it is there, in the opaque darkness of the ocean, that people are drawn.

However, something strange is definitely happening in the Bermuda Triangle, as evidenced by the numerous disappearances of civilian and military transport. Bombers and warships all mysteriously disappeared here contributed to the actual death toll of World War II.

2. Noises from parallel world under the water

People spend so much time looking at the stars in search of strange and wonderful creatures, forgetting that the Earth still holds many surprises. After all, we still haven’t explored 95% of the world’s oceans due to the impossibility of being at certain depths due to pressure changes. Can you imagine what strange creatures can live deep in the depths of the oceans?

It is worth remembering the sound, similar to a roar, a low-frequency powerful noise recorded by experts from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deep under water, which no one had ever heard before. It can be compared to the sound of shaking ice blocks, broken parts of a glacier falling into the water.

Some managed to record this sound very well, while others did not do it so well. The sound itself was discovered in Pacific Ocean at a depth of 1,760 km not far from the place where, according to the stories of Howard Lovecraft, Cthulhu himself, the ruler of the worlds, lives, which in itself is terrifying. It is clear that there is no Cthulhu there, but the roar at the bottom of the ocean once again reminded us that below, and not just high in the sky, there may be intelligent life waiting in the wings.

1. Battle for Los Angeles against aliens

The Battle of Los Angeles is perhaps one of the most widely covered in the press and is still unsolved mysteries in modern history. The facts remain facts: on the night of February 24-25, 1942, the US military was alerted in response to an attack by an unknown enemy army in the skies over California.

The incident took place shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, when America had just entered World War II, and everyone was on edge. In any case, the air defense forces would not have deployed such heavy anti-aircraft artillery fire if the reason was truly insignificant. At first they thought that this was the second attack of the Japanese army, but then this version was abandoned.

Secretary of the Navy Franklin Knox called the incident a “false alarm,” but could not explain the source of the light that caused all the fuss. Ufologists consider this case one of the most significant evidence of paranormal activity in history, the first contact proving that the aliens are not at all friendly towards people.

But even if the Battle of Los Angeles is not the first meeting between humans and aliens, it had another, more tangible impact on history: since then, the number of reports of UFO sightings and military interventions has grown exponentially...

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, a good horror story about phenomena from the “other world” will definitely make you shiver, or even deprive you of sleep. It’s not for nothing that the horror genre is considered the most win-win among filmmakers, especially stories based on real events. It’s easy to explain such popularity - who among us is not concerned with questions like “What happens to us after death?”

The stories you read here are true. They all deserve to be the basis for a good horror blockbuster. Some of them have already attracted the attention of Hollywood and they are being prepared or are being made into films. But none of them have hit the big screen yet.

Dog Suicide Bridge

Over the past 50 years, more than 50 dogs have jumped off the Overtown Bridge in Milton, Scotland. It is amazing that all the suicidal dogs jumped from almost the same point and they all belonged to long-nosed breeds.

The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals calls the phenomenon a "heartbreaking mystery." Many owners of dead animals have tried and are trying to investigate the circumstances of the mysterious “suicides.”

Many are convinced that the dogs were greatly frightened by the sudden appearance of something supernatural. Now the majority local residents try not to cross this bridge with animals.

By itself, this story may not seem exciting enough for a full-fledged horror film, but it could well serve as an ominous background for some more entertaining plot.

Elisa Lam

Elisa Lam was a Chinese-Canadian student. She was last seen alive on January 31, 2013. On the day of her disappearance, she was captured on CCTV cameras installed in the lobby and elevator of the Cecil Hotel, where she was staying with her parents. The girl behaved extremely strangely - she was either hiding from someone, or actively gesticulating, clearly trying to signal to someone invisible in a completely deserted corridor.

Two weeks later, when the police published these creepy images, the mystery of Elisa Lam's disappearance became the talk of the whole world. As usual, a huge number of crazy theories arose, many of which had to do with possession and paranormal activity.

A couple of weeks after Elisa's disappearance, guests at the Cecil Hotel began to complain about the strange color and unpleasant smell of the water. Early on the morning of February 19, a hotel employee went to check the water tank located on the roof of the building and found a naked, half-decomposed body there. An autopsy and forensic examination revealed no signs of violent death.

Investigators were never able to understand how Eliza managed to get to the roof of the building - only hotel employees had access there. It also remains a mystery how the girl managed to get inside the tank.

Elisa Lam's story inspired the scriptwriters at Sony Pictures. Preparations for filming the film are already underway.

Greenbrier Ghost

On a gloomy, dreary January morning in 1987, Mary Jane Heaster watched as the body of her beloved daughter Zona was lowered into the ground. The investigator who led the case linked the death of the young woman with an unsuccessful birth, but at the time of her death, Zona was not even pregnant.

Over the course of several weeks after the funeral, the ghost of the Zone visited her mother several times, telling in detail who, why and how she killed her. Mary Jane went to the police and demanded that the investigation be reopened.

As a result, an exhumation and forensic examination were carried out, during which bruises on Zona’s neck and displacement of the vertebrae were discovered. The windpipe was severely damaged, which became the real reason death of a woman.

After this, the violent nature of Zona's death became obvious. The murderer turned out to be the victim's husband, who was eventually convicted of this crime.

Filmmakers have been eyeing this story for a long time, but it hasn’t gotten to the point of filming yet.

We wrote more about the Greenbrier ghost here.

The Obsession of Clara Germana Sele

In 1906, 16-year-old Clara Germana Sele, a pupil of the monastery of St. Michael in the South African province of Natal, confessed in confession to her confessor Father Horner Erasmus that she had made a deal with Satan.

The nuns of this monastery claimed that Clara suddenly began to understand and speak several languages ​​that she had previously had no idea about, including Polish, German and French.

According to documents that have survived since then, Clara also exhibited clairvoyant abilities, she could rise one and a half meters above the ground and periodically made eerie “animal” sounds.

For the rite of exile evil spirits two Catholic priests were called. They prayed over the girl for two days and, in the end, the demon left the unfortunate woman’s body.

The film "The Exorcist" was based on a similar, also true story that took place in Maryland (USA) in the 1940s.

Bella and the mountain elm

On April 18, 1943, in Hagley (England), four young people went into the local forest and came across a mountain elm tree, in the hollow of which they found a human skull. The guys immediately reported their discovery to the authorities, after which the police examined the tree and removed the entire human skeleton of a young woman from the hollow. Or rather, almost whole - the hands were cut off and buried next to the tree.

It was not possible to establish the identity of the murdered woman (the murder, according to experts, occurred 18 months before the discovery of the skeleton), but the locals called her Bella. The Second World War was in full swing, there were no resources to conduct a full investigation, so the case remained unsolved.

However, since then, in the vicinity of Hagley, the inscription “Who hid Bella in the mountain elm?” began to often appear on the walls of buildings. Ideal plot for a mystical drama.

Ghosts of the White House

The White House in many ways can be considered one of the most sinister buildings on the planet, including the mystical one. IN different time the ghosts of former owners - Presidents Henry Harrison, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln - appeared here. Many people saw them.

One day, the ghost of Lincoln appeared to the British Prime Minister. Winston Churchill had just taken a bath, entered the bedroom in what his mother gave birth to and was dumbfounded: the ghost of Lincoln stood by the fireplace in full regalia, in a robe, and kept the fire going. Churchill was a man of remarkable self-control, so after a second he pulled himself together: “ Good evening, Mr President. I’m sorry that you caught me in an inappropriate manner,” he said respectfully. After that the ghost disappeared.

The President, who difficult years appears to help run the country - more like a comedy than a horror film.

Edison's spirit machine

Thomas Edison is certainly one of them greatest inventors of all times. And although pictures about his life and his creations have appeared many times in films and on television, the story of Edison's most unusual invention has not yet made it to the big screen. It's a pity.

In 1920, Edison conceived the idea of ​​creating a machine that would allow communication with representatives of other dimensions. This machine, according to the inventor’s plan, was supposed to make it easier for aliens from the “other world” to communicate with their relatives and friends who remained in “this world.” That is, it would be a much more advanced alternative to the Ouija board.

Whether Edison built his own spiritual machine and what happened to this invention - history is silent.

The horror of the Cecil Hotel

Elisa Lam's story was the last one creepy story, which occurred at the Cecil Hotel and received wide publicity, but was far from the only one. There were many murders and suicides here in the 1950s and 1960s.

In 1964, a woman named Pigeon Goldie Osgood was found in her room with many stab wounds on the body. Notorious serial killers Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterweger stayed at this hotel before they began killing.

It was at this hotel that Elizabeth Short, known as the Black Dahlia, was last seen alive. Her body was later found on an abandoned plot of land, cut in two at the waist and dismembered (external and internal genitalia, as well as nipples, were removed). The woman's mouth had been cut open to form a semblance of a sinister smile.

Silverpilen Ghost Train

The story of the Silverpillen train (meaning "silver arrow") is one of the most famous urban legends in Sweden. A train with this name actually existed and was decommissioned in 1996.

Since then, workers have regularly reported the appearance of the ghost of this train in abandoned Stockholm subway tunnels after midnight. Some witnesses claim that they saw passengers boarding the ghost train, who were then never seen again. Most often, a ghost train is seen at the unfinished Kymlinge station.

UFO crash in the Berwyn Mountains

On January 23, 1974, residents of the villages of Llandderfel and Llandrillo were frightened by a terrible roar in the mountains. The ground shook and a bright flash lit up the evening sky.

Seismologists at this time recorded an earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale.

Immediately after the incident, one local resident ran, as she assumed, to the site of the plane crash, but instead of smoking debris she saw pulsating red and orange lights on the slope. Soon the police cordoned off the site of the alleged crash. After some time, the authorities announced that they had found absolutely nothing there.

Nobody believed them, of course. Ufologists are convinced that in this place the British authorities found living aliens in a crashed spaceship.

Poltergeist from Enfield

From 1977 to 1979, two sisters (11 and 13 years old) constantly talked about strange things happening in their house: furniture moving on its own, ominous demonic voices, flying toys and other objects. There were even cases of girls themselves levitating.

This story attracted a lot of media attention, and then the police and several child psychologists joined the investigation. Some skeptics believed that the girls were simply pretending and making things up, although many witnesses confirmed the authenticity of their words.

Be that as it may, the story of the Enfield poltergeist is one of the most thoroughly documented paranormal phenomena to date. Many were dedicated to her documentaries, radio and television programs.

A film based on this story is currently being filmed.

June and Jennifer Gibbons

Twins June and Jennifer Gibbons had a bleak childhood. IN school years they were bullied as the only black children in the class. In the end, the girls began to communicate only with each other and even invented their own language, which no one else could understand.

At the age of 14, the girls were separated and sent to different boarding schools. However, they soon had to be reunited - both sisters experienced the separation so hard. Growing up, June and Jennifer tried to make a career as writers and committed a number of crimes. As a result, they found themselves locked in psychiatric clinic, where they were put on antipsychotic drugs.

During this period, the sisters agreed that one of them would die so that the second could live normal life. Jennifer volunteered to sacrifice herself and soon died from acute myocarditis. After some time, June left the clinic and went to Wales, where she led a normal, unremarkable, quiet life.

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