Sad stories about animals. Stories that prove animals have souls


We broke up. So it happened.
What can we say, when it can be equated with death.
The person has left your life. And there will be no more, no longer wants ... imagine he finds a new love,
and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair.
And comes..

Vegans can do anything

Aussie vegan climbs Mount Everest to prove 'vegans can do anything' and dies
Vegans, don't climb mountains!

Two climbers from the Netherlands and Australia have summited the world's highest Mount Everest and died on their descent due to altitude sickness, reports the Associated Press.

Both climbers were in the same group. 35 year old Eric A..

He hated his wife

A strong love story that will not leave you indifferent...

He hated his wife. Hated! They lived together for 20 years. For 20 years of his life, he saw her every day in the morning, but only Last year he became wildly annoyed by her habits. Especially one of them: stretch out your arms and, while still in bed, say: “Hello to ..

Very sad story

A girl (15 years old) was bought a horse. She loved her, looked after her, fed her. The horse was trained to jump up to 150 cm.
Once they went to training with their horse. The girl put an obstacle And went to him ...
The horse jumped perfectly with a huge margin .....

Doctors don't always help...

Mom, without stopping, wrapped him in bandages while the baby screamed in agony. Seeing the boy a year later, the world refused to believe.

A year ago, thirty-five-year-old Stephanie Smith had a son, Isaiah. When the baby was born, her whole life was filled with love. For days on end, mother and son spent together, rejoicing at each other. Od..

You never got married

I heard about a man who avoided marriage all his life, and when he was dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
You never married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is some secret, at least now reveal it - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even..

Today we want to tell you about our smaller brothers, who sometimes, at the cost of their lives, saved a person's life. These interesting stories about animals from real life able to touch the soul of everyone. After all, you never know how your fate will turn out and who will have to save your life! We have collected various sad and funny stories about domestic animals and wild animals from all over the world.
1. In the USA, Winnie the cat saved his family. When the house was filled with carbon monoxide, he jumped on his sleeping mistress, began to scratch her while meowing loudly. When the hostess woke up with difficulty and was barely able to get out of bed, she got to the phone and called 911. “If it weren’t for Vinnie the cat, who screamed and scratched, we wouldn’t be here today,” the hostess said. The family believes that the gas leak was due to a breakdown in the gas distribution system in the basement of the house. According to the rescuers - 5 minutes and this story would have a sad ending.

2. Dog Tang rescued 92 sailors who ran aground. In 1919, a ship called "Ethie" hit the rocks and ran aground. On board were 93 sailors and Tang, a Newfoundland ship dog. After one of the sailors was carried away to the sea, the sailors handed a rope to Tang's teeth and he jumped into the water and went to land. To the general surprise of the sailors, the dog reached the ground holding the rope in his teeth. All 92 sailors survived and were taken to safe place. Tang was later awarded a medal for courage.

3. In Krasnoyarsk, a dog saved its owner. The young man went into the river to bathe. The water was cold and his legs cramped because of which he began to drown. When the guy completely disappeared into the water, a labrador named Rem, who was sleeping on the shore, rushed into the water with lightning speed! The dog tried to grab the owner by the clothes, but he did not succeed. Then he grabbed the owner's hand with his teeth and dragged him to the shore.

4. In a coastal village in one of the old wooden houses a fire broke out at night. A young mother and five of her children from 11 to 2 years old were on fire. They slept peacefully! But Keti's domestic cat smelled the smell of smoke in time, crawled under the blanket of the hostess and began to scratch her painfully, trying to wake her up. The hostess threw the cat away and turned on the other side. But the cat did not give up until it woke the woman. The children were evacuated. Everyone escaped ... except for the cat itself. The house burned to the ground along with things and Kathy who saved everyone. Residents of the village collected money, things for the victims of the fire, arranged for them to spend the night. But the savior herself could not even be buried.

5. Mandy the goat saved her owner in Austria. Farmer Noel Osborne fell and injured his hip, he was too far away from anyone who could hear his cries and come to the rescue. Noel lay on outdoors 5 days with a broken hip. But how did he survive? He was saved by a goat named Mandy. She lay down next to him and warmed the owner. In addition, the goat fed him with her milk, thus she helped the farmer survive in the conditions of cold rainy nights. Noel Osborne was rescued by friends on the 6th day.

6. In the 90s in Novosibirsk, an ordinary cat prevented the death of the owner, a big businessman. Climbing under his car, she did not want to get out of there. Then the man himself climbed under the car to get his pet. Imagine his surprise when he discovered that a package was glued to the bottom of the car. The sappers called in determined that it was a bomb connected to a pager. Luckily, she was able to be defused. Later it was found out that the cat saved the life of the owner just half an hour before a possible tragedy.

7. In the suburbs, a shepherd dog sacrificed her life to save the mistress and her 5-year-old daughter. Woman walking at dusk young dog, when suddenly the dog rushed forward and grabbed a bare wire hanging from a power line pole with its teeth. From hard hit The dog died instantly. According to electricians, if not for the dog, either the girl or her mother could have received death blow current.

8. In the USA, a rabbit managed to warn the owner about a sneaking thief. In Wisconsin, a woman told police that she woke up because a rabbit drummed its paws, as it always does in the presence of a stranger. The woman jumped up, screamed, and thus frightened off the thief who entered the house.

9. In Germany, a cat rescued a baby left in the winter at night on the street. With its loud meowing, the cat attracted the attention of passers-by and thanks to this, the baby was safely delivered to the local hospital. Nothing threatens the health of the newborn. The whereabouts of the boy's mother is unknown.

10. Doberman Khan did not have time to stay in a new house for four days, as he had already saved his owner's 17-month-old daughter. Charlotte was playing in the backyard of the house, when suddenly Han began to growl. As it turned out later, Khan saw a royal brown snake in the grass. He tried to push the girl aside to take her away from that place, but he failed. Then he gently took her by the diaper and threw her a meter behind him. The sharp movement of Khan frightened the snake, and she bit him on the paw, but after medical care, the doberman hero has fully recovered.

11. A cat named Padding saved the life of his owner Amy Yung on the same day he was taken home from a shelter for homeless animals. The girl suffered from diabetes and when she had an attack, she fell into a diabetic coma. As soon as this happened, Padding immediately began to bite and push the hostess until she recovered a little. Amy was very weak and therefore could not loudly call her son Ethan, who was sleeping in the next room. Then the cat ran into Ethan's room and began to bite and push him until he woke up and called the rescue service for his mother. All doctors admitted that the cat saved the woman's life.

12. A pit bull dog named Kilo saved his owners. Arriving home after another run, American Justin Becker and his girlfriend heard a knock on the door. When they opened it, there was a man in the doorway wearing a delivery service uniform who said his scanner was broken and asked if he could come into the house to use their pen and hand them a package. As soon as the guy crossed the threshold, the delivery immediately turned into a robbery. Without thinking twice, the pitubl rushed at the robber armed with a pistol. The robber managed to shoot the 12-year-old dog in the head, but the bullet ricocheted off his skull and exited in the neck without hitting vital organs. After 3 days, after the medical assistance provided, Kilo was already walking on the street.

13. A pig saved a woman from a heart attack. In 1998, Jo Ann Alzman had a heart attack while on vacation in Pennsylvania. Lulu, her daughter's pig, ran out of the house and lay down on the road, stopping traffic. The pig tried tirelessly to help the woman: she returned home to check on Jo Ann, and then ran back to the street for help. As a result, she managed to attract attention to herself: one man stopped the car and followed the pig into the house, where he found a woman lying on the floor and, realizing what had happened, called an ambulance.

14. German Shepherd Buddy saved his beloved owner. Joe Stalnecker adopted Buddy when he was only 8 months old. Joe also taught him how to use the phone to call 911 when he started experiencing symptoms of impending seizures. If Joe passes out and is unable to call 911, Buddy will have to call 911 by pressing the shortcut button with his teeth. In 2008, the rescue service received a call, but no one spoke on the other end of the line, but it was heard only as someone whined and howled loudly. Medics arrived on the scene a couple of minutes later and found Joe Stalnecker unconscious on the floor of his own house. A couple of days later, Joe was released from the hospital. Thus, the shepherd dog saved a man's life.

15. Willie the parrot saved two-year-old girl Hanna Kuusk, who would have suffocated if not for the reaction of the bird. Megan Howard, the child's nanny and the owner of the parrot, prepared the cake, put it on the table to cool and went to the toilet. While in the toilet, she suddenly heard that the parrot was shouting loudly something like this: “Mom! Baby! Mum! Baby!". Megan ran to the kitchen and saw a bitten pie, and next to her was a girl with already blue lips, who was choking. The woman quickly carried out the Heimlich maneuver and the girl herself spat out a piece of the pie. For rescuing the girl, Willie the parrot was presented for an award by the local Red Cross service.

16. Jersey Cocker clung to the pants of his master Tom Owen when he was heading to a friend to fly on his private jet. Usually quiet and calm, the dog whined and growled menacingly. Noticing that the owner was still about to leave, the dog bit him on the leg, causing the anger of the whole family, and in the end he did not go anywhere. And in the morning it became known that a friend crashed on a plane, crashing into a rock.

17. A case from Russia - a mongrel saved several families from an earthquake at once, who fed her. Suddenly, the dog began to howl heart-rendingly under the doors of the houses. Residents were forced to leave, and at this time the walls collapsed.

18. Golden retriever Toby saved his mistress. While at home, 45-year-old Debbie Parkhurst was eating an apple and suddenly choked on a piece that blocked Airways. The woman began to choke! At that moment, her 2-year-old golden retriever knocked her to the floor and started jumping on her owner's chest. Thus, Toby the dog did something similar to the Heimlich maneuver until a piece of apple flew out of her throat. After that, he began to lick the woman's face, thanks to which she did not lose consciousness.

19. A rabbit saved a man suffering from diabetes from a coma from a coma. In the UK, Simon Stegall fell into a coma while watching TV. His pet rabbit Dory saw this and jumped on his chest, hitting him hard. Victoria, Simon's wife, noticed Dory's strange behavior, realized what had happened, and called an ambulance.

20. English Cocker Spaniel Honey saved his owner's life. One day, Michael Bosch and his dog Honey got into an SUV accident. Michael soon realized that he and Honey had remained locked in the overturned car. Somehow, the man was able to release the dog into the wild so that she could bring someone to help, although he himself did not really believe in it. A 5-month-old English Cocker Spaniel caught the attention of a man half a mile away from the overturned car and led him to the scene of the accident. Later, the rescuers said that if it were not for Honey, then Michael would have died.

21. In Thailand, in the city of Phuket, the elephant Ningnong saved the life of 8-year-old girl Amber Mason. She vacationed with her mother and stepfather and befriended a 4-year-old elephant named Ningnong. The place where they settled was covered by a tsunami. Once, while playing on the beach along with other elephants, Ningnong felt something was wrong and ran back to the girl, so when the tsunami hit the city, the little girl was not hurt, because Ningnong sheltered her from the elements with his own body.

22. Chihuahua Chi-Chi saved the lives of two women. Mary Lane and her husband were relaxing on the beach, and with them was their chihuahua named Chi-Chi. He had a very calm disposition and sat on a chair. But suddenly the dog jumped up and ran along the beach, barking loudly and dragging along the sand on a leash a small chair to which he was tied. The owners chased him and saw two elderly ladies who fell under the storm waves and drowned in the water, unable to get ashore. Mary and her husband quickly dragged the ladies ashore. Returning back to the resting place, the couple saw Chi-Chi sleeping peacefully in his chair.

23. Beluga whale Mila rescued a 26-year-old diver when he took part in a free diving competition during which no breathing equipment can be used. The competition was held in a pool with a depth of 6 meters among the whales. At the same time, the water was cooled to the temperature of the water in the Arctic. When the diver wanted to return to the surface, he felt that his legs were cramped from the cold and he could not move them. And then the beluga whale gently took the legs of the beluga whale with her teeth and lifted it to the surface. Beluga whales, like dolphins, have telepathy and read minds, which saved the diver's life.

24. Dolphins saved swimmers from a shark in the coastal waters of New Zealand. In 2004, four people escaped death from a great white shark attack thanks to a group of dolphins that swam around them in circles until the shark lost interest and swam away. At first, the swimmers thought that the dolphins were just playing with them, but they quickly realized that in fact, these smart animals saved them from a 3-meter white shark that was trying to break through the “ring”.

25. Lions rescued a girl from kidnappers in Ethiopia in 2005. On her way home from school, a 12-year-old girl was abducted by four men. A few days later, the kidnappers met three lions who chased away the intruders who abandoned the girl. But the lions did not harm her. When the police finally found the girl, the predators simply left.

26. A dog saved a man from drowning in Spain. A chocolate Labrador named Nanook noticed a drowning man in the port of Malaga and brought his owner to the scene. The lean man, who appeared to be in his 60s, was almost frozen to death and was close to drowning. If not for the dog, he would hardly have survived in this situation. The Labrador later received praise from the Port Authority.

27. Salia's cat saved a man during a house fire in Australia in 2014. Craig Jeeves was sleeping at his home when the fire started. Suddenly the striped cat Sally jumped on his head and began to scream. Jeeves woke up just in time to get out of the house, which soon burned down completely.

28. A horse named Kerry saved her owner, mother of two children Fiona Boyd. She was alone on the family farm when she heard a calf outside her window. When she went outside, she saw that the calf had lost its mother and could not find her among the other cows. She decided to help him and take the calf to his mother in the barn. But the mother noticed her calf earlier and misunderstood Fiona's gesture, believing that the woman had taken away her calf and wanted to kill him. The cow rushed at the woman, knocking her down, and after that began to stomp on her. Fiona was lying on the ground, covering her head with her hands, but when the stomping stopped, she looked up and saw that her 15-year-old horse named Kerry, who was nearby, began to kick a cow. While the horse distracted the cow, Fiona managed to crawl to safety under the electric fence.

29. In the US state of Arkansas, a calf saved a woman from a snake. Janice Wolf was in the back pasture of the farm where she worked when an 11-month-old Watussi calf suddenly turned towards her and blocked her path. She could not understand why he was doing this, took him by the horns and tried to lead him out of her way. However, the animal tossed its head, causing the woman to lose her balance and fall. Then, when Janice saw a poisonous snake in the grass, she realized that the snake was exactly where her leg would be, if not for the watussi. This is how a calf saved a woman's life.

Touching stories touch to the core, and even the most callous person can be touched by a couple. Sometimes in life there are not enough small, kind experiences from which you can be moved to tears. Our touching stories are selected for this. Stories are taken from the Internet, and only the best ones are published.

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“I stood in line at the store, behind a little grandmother, whose hands were shaking, a lost look, she tightly pressed a small purse to her chest, they saw for sure, so knitted, I saw this several times and she did not have enough 7 rubles to buy, then what she took, bread, milk, a tiny piece of cereal liver sausage. And the seller spoke very rudely to her, and she stood so lost, I felt so sorry for her, I made a remark to the seller and put 10 rubles on the cash register. But my heart began to beat so quickly, I took this grandmother by the hand, she looked into my eyes, she didn’t seem to understand why I did it, but I took it and led me to shopping room, along the way, picking up food for her in a basket, everything only the most necessary, meat, bones for soup, eggs, all kinds of cereals, and she walked silently behind me and everyone looked at us. We got to the fruit and I asked what she likes, my grandmother silently looked at me and blinked her eyes. I took a little bit of everything, but I think it will last a long time. We approached the checkout, people parted and let us out of the queue, then I realized that I had little money with me and barely enough for her basket, I left mine in the hall, paid, all this time holding this grandmother by the hand and we went out into the street . At that moment, I noticed that a tear flowed down my grandmother’s cheek, I asked where she could take her, put her in the car, and she offered to come in for tea. We went to her house, I have never seen anything like this, everything is like a scoop, but it’s cozy, while she was heating tea and putting pies with onions on the table, I looked around and realized how our old people live. After all I got into the car and then I was covered. I cried for 10 minutes...

14.10.2016 2 3929

Once a father scolded his four-year-old daughter for spending, as it seemed to him, in vain, a large number of gold wrapping paper, pasting over an empty box in order to put it under the Christmas tree.
There was hardly any money.
And because of this, the father was even more nervous.
The next morning, the girl brought her father a box pasted over by her and said:
- Dad, this is for you!
The father was incredibly embarrassed and repented of his intemperance the day before.
However, repentance gave way to a new fit of irritation when, upon opening the box, he saw that it was empty.
"Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there must be something inside?" he shouted to his daughter.
The little girl raised her large, tearful eyes and said:
- It's not empty, daddy. I put my kisses in there. All of them are for you.
From the feelings that flooded over him, his father could not speak.
He only hugged his little girl and begged for forgiveness.
My father told me later that this box pasted over with gold, he long years kept next to his bed.
When difficult moments came in his life, he simply opened it, and then all those kisses that his daughter put there flew out, touching his cheeks, forehead, eyes and hands.

23.08.2016 0 4257

I never thought that I would find myself in a situation from which I could not get out myself. Briefly about myself: I am 28 years old, my husband is 27, we are raising a wonderful son three years . I grew up in a Ukrainian village, my parents are in good standing there, however, they have been going to work in Russia for five years now. I have been married for four years, but this is not marriage, but hell! When we met, everything was like in a fairy tale: every day flowers, soft toys, kisses until the morning! Then, as always with young people, they fly. But my dear was not afraid and said: give birth. My husband goes on flights, he is a sailor, he makes good money. And now it's time to get acquainted with his unfortunate parents. They didn’t like me right away, they say, a provincial. His parents have been divorced for twenty years, but they communicate with each other. His father never loved his children and was shy: they lived poorly and badly after the divorce, but the son did well: he got a gigolo with a young rich girl. My parents paid for the wedding, they also rented an apartment for six months, and his parents only shouted all over the town that they arranged a gorgeous wedding for us. My husband had a vacation, he had to return to the sea, and he did not want to leave me alone for a long time in a rented apartment. I moved it to my mother-in-law, and then I knew all the torments of hell: she hid food from me, closed the washing machine in the pantry so that I could wash it by hand, turned on the music at full volume, pushed and so on. It's time to give birth, I went at night myself, without waking anyone, and in the morning, lying with the baby in the ward, I listened on the phone, how bad I am, that I didn’t close the vestibule (I don’t have the keys to it). She spent three days in the hospital, no one came. My mother could not get there, because it was January and the roads were very snowy. True, a godfather came to the discharge with flowers and took me away. We returned home, and there the holiday was in full swing! Drunk people I don't know rushed to bathe my son. And we have experienced this too. The husband returned six months later, the baby was three months old. At that time, we were just living in the village with my mother: she came on vacation and took us away. I returned with my husband again to that hell from which I had just escaped. Difficulties have already begun in our relations. True, he helped a lot with the baby: he washed diapers and warmed porridge, they didn’t know any problems with money, since he made good money. And then the pressure from the mother-in-law began to give her $ 200 a month for utilities. My mother-in-law lived in a three-room apartment, I was with a child, my husband and his older brother, who, at the age of 30, did not work anywhere and sat at the computer for days. The husband correctly said that we would all pay equally, so she got furious and kicked us out with the baby on the street, we had to rent an apartment. Two years did not communicate with her at all, and then she called and said that she was in the hospital. We immediately broke down and went. She had a breast tumor, but nothing happened. We paid for the operation and the postoperative period, she was discharged, the husband began to visit his mother often. And then I noticed that, as soon as he stayed with her, he arrived drunk, aggressive. He began to reproach me that it was I who brought his mother to the operation (I wonder how?). Before that, he drank very rarely - he valued his career, and now for a long time he has been turning into an alcoholic, an aggressive tyrant, raising his hand at me, shouting that I am a kept woman and a beggar (these are the words of his mother). Yesterday a drunk came again, now I'm sitting all in gold, like Christmas tree, and with a black eye.

02.06.2016 0 1982

When this old man died in a nursing home in a small Australian town, everyone believed that he passed away without leaving any valuable trace in it. Later, when the nurses were sorting through his meager belongings, they discovered this poem. Its meaning and content impressed the staff so much that copies of the poem were quickly distributed to all hospital workers. A nurse took a copy to Melbourne... The old man's only will has since appeared in Christmas magazines all over the country, as well as in psychology magazines. And this old man, who died a beggar in a godforsaken town in Australia, struck people all over the world with the depth of his soul.
Coming in to wake me up in the morning
Who do you see, nurse?
The old man is capricious, out of habit
Still living somehow
Half blind, half fool
"Living" is just right to put in quotation marks.
He does not hear - it is necessary to overstrain,
Wasting food.
He mumbles all the time - there is no way with him.
Well, as much as possible, shut up!
Dropped the plate on the floor.
Where are the shoes? Where is the second sock?
The last fucking hero.
Get off the bed! For you to die...
Sister! Look into my eyes!
Be able to see what...
Behind this weakness and pain,
For the life lived, big.
Behind a moth-eaten jacket
Behind flabby skin, "behind the soul".
Beyond the present day
Try to see me...
... I'm a boy! fidget dear,
Cheerful, slightly mischievous.
I'm scared. I'm five years old at most,
And the carousel is so high!
But father and mother are near,
I glare at them.
And though my fear is indestructible,
I know exactly what we love...
... Here I am sixteen, I'm on fire!
I soar in the clouds with my soul!
I dream, I rejoice, I grieve,
I'm young, I'm looking for love...
... And here it is, my happy moment!
I'm twenty eight. I am the groom!
I go with love to the altar,
And again I burn, I burn, I burn ...
... I'm thirty-five, my family is growing,
We already have sons
Your home, farm. And wife
My daughter is about to give birth...
... And life flies, flies forward!
I'm forty-five - a cycle!
And the children grow by the day.
Toys, school, institute...
All! Flew from the nest
And scattered in all directions!
The run of celestial bodies is slowed down,
Our cozy home is empty...
... But we are together with our beloved!
We lay down together and get up.
She won't let me be sad.
And life flies forward again ...
... Now I'm sixty.
Once again, the children in the house are crying!
Grandchildren have a cheerful round dance.
Oh how happy we are! But here...
... Faded suddenly. Sun light.
My love is no more!
Happiness also has a side...
I went gray in a week
Hungry, soul drooped
And I felt that I was an old man ...
... Now I live without fantasies,
I live for my grandchildren and children.
My world is with me, but every day
Less and less light in it ...
Throwing the cross of old age on your shoulders,
Brad is tired of going nowhere.
The heart was covered with a crust of ice.
And time does not heal my pain.
Oh Lord, how long life is
When she's not happy...
... But this should be reconciled.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
And you, leaning over me,
Open your eyes, sister.
I'm not a capricious old man, no!
Beloved husband, father and grandfather...
... and the boy is small, hitherto
In the radiance sunny day
Flying into the distance on a carousel...
Try to see me...
And maybe, grieving for me, you will find YOURSELF!
Think of this poem the next time you meet an old
man! And think that sooner or later you too will be like him or her! The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be
see or touch. They must be felt in the heart!

29.05.2016 0 1799

I had a successful hunt the other day, I easily found the lair of wolves. I immediately shot the she-wolf with a shot, my dog ​​killed two of her puppies. He was already boasting to his wife about his prey, as a wolf howl was heard in the distance, but this time it was somehow unusual. He was saturated with grief and longing.
And in the morning of the next day, although I sleep quite soundly, a roar at the house woke me up, I ran out of the door in what I was. A wild picture appeared before my eyes: at my house, there was a huge wolf. The dog was on a chain, and the chain did not reach, and probably he could not help. And next to him, my daughter stood and merrily played with his tail.
There was nothing I could do to help at that moment, and she did not understand what was in danger. We met the wolf's eyes. "The head of the family of that one" - I immediately understood. And he only whispered with his lips: "Do not touch your daughter, kill me better."
My eyes filled with tears, and my daughter asked: “Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Leaving the wolf's tail, she immediately ran up. He pressed her against him with one hand. And the wolf left, leaving us alone. And did not harm either my daughter or me, For the pain and grief I caused him, for the death of his she-wolf and children.
He took revenge. But he took revenge without bloodshed. He showed that he stronger than people. He conveyed his feelings of pain to me. And he made it clear that I killed the children ...

09.05.2016 0 1474

This letter from father to son was written by Livingston Larned almost 100 years ago, but it still touches people's hearts to this day. It became popular after Dale Carnegie published it in his book.
“Listen, son. I say these words when you sleep your small hand is under your cheek, and curly blond hair is matted on a damp forehead. I snuck into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with the consciousness of my guilt.
That's what I thought, son: I took mine out on you Bad mood. I scolded you when you were getting dressed to go to school because you only touched your face with a wet towel. I chastised you for not cleaning your shoes. I yelled at you angrily when you threw some of your clothes on the floor.
At breakfast, I picked on you too. You spilled your tea. You greedily swallowed food. You put your elbows on the table. You buttered the bread too thickly. And then when you went out to play and I was in a hurry to get on the train, you turned around, waved at me and shouted: "Goodbye, dad!" - I frowned and answered: "Straighten your shoulders!"
Then, at the end of the day, it all started again. On my way home, I noticed you playing marbles on your knees. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you in front of your comrades, forcing you to walk home ahead of me. Stockings are expensive - and if you had to buy them with your own money, you would be more careful! Just imagine, son, what your father said!
Do you remember how you then entered the library where I was reading - timidly, with pain in your eyes? When I glanced at you over the top of the newspaper, irritated at being interrupted, you hesitated at the door. "What do you need?" I asked sharply.
You did not answer, but impetuously rushed to me, hugged my neck and kissed me. Your hands gripped me with the love that god put in your heart and which even my dismissive attitude could not wither. And then you walked away, treading your feet, up the stairs.
Well, son, soon after that the newspaper slipped out of my hands and a terrible, sickening fear took possession of me. What has habit done to me? The habit of finding fault, scolding - such was my reward to you for being a little boy. You can’t say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from my youth and measured you by the yardstick of my own years.
And in your character there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere. Your little heart as great as the dawn over the distant hills. It manifested itself in your elemental impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Nothing else matters today, son.
I came to your bed in the dark and, ashamed, I knelt before you! This is a weak atonement. I know you wouldn't understand these things if I told you all this when you woke up. But tomorrow I'll be a real father! I will be your friend, suffer when you suffer and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when an angry word is about to come out. I will constantly repeat like a spell: "He's only a boy, a little boy!"
I'm afraid I saw you as a grown man in my mind. However, now, when I see you, son, wearily huddled in the crib, I understand that you are still a child. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms and your head lay on her shoulder. I demanded too much, too much."

A few stories proving that animals have a soul!

A parrot who uttered touching dying words.
Alex is an African gray parrot, was able to distinguish and identify colors, and had a great relationship with a girl named Irina Pepperberg. When Alex died in 2007, his last words to her were: "It was good with you. I love you."

The two guide dogs that led their owners 70 stories up from the World shopping center before the towers collapsed on September 11th.

Chimps mourning their dead friend.
At a chimpanzee rescue center in Cameroon, a chimpanzee named Dorothy died of heart failure. What happened next was amazing: her chimpanzee friends embraced in solidarity and solemnly watched as their friend was buried.

The amazing story of a lion named Christian.
Lion cub Christian was adopted by two brothers in 1969. When he grew up, he was returned to the wild. The brothers returned a year later and were told that Christian became the leader of the pride, so that he hardly remembers them. After several hours of searching, they finally found Christian and this is how he met them:

Gorilla Coco reacts to a sad moment in her favorite movie. Coco is watching her favorite movie "Tea with Mussolini". There is one sad scene in the film where a little boy, who is about to be separated from his family, waves his hand to them from a departing train. As soon as the farewell scene begins, Koko turns away. She then gestures for the words "frown", "sad", "sad", "trouble", "mother", and "Coco-loves" with tears in her eyes.

Cows have best friends and get very upset when they are separated.
According to scientist Christa McLenan: "When cows are in the company of their friends, their heart rate is much lower than when they are left in the company of a random individual."

Jack Russell Terrier who gave his life to save five children from wild dogs.
In 2007, five children were playing with George (the same dog) when they were attacked by pit bulls. "George tried to protect us by barking and lunging at them," said one of the children, "but they started biting him. One on the head and the other on the back." His heroic intervention saved the children, although he later succumbed to his injuries. George was posthumously awarded a medal for bravery.

A beluga whale that rescued a diver who was seized with convulsions at a depth of 20 feet.
When freediver Yang Yang tried to come back from the bottom, she found her legs were cramping and she couldn't move. "I started to choke and began to sink lower and lower, and I thought that was my end. - I was almost dead, when all of a sudden I felt an incredible force under me that was dragging me to the surface." Beluga, later named Mila, saw what was happening and rushed into battle, saving the diver

A cat that feels the approach of death.
Oscar can always feel when one of the residents in the nursing home where he lived was close to death, and will sit quietly on the bed during their last hour. One relative of two elderly sisters who died in a nursing home said: "Oscar's presence gave the women a sense of peace and tranquility. Both women love animals. Oscar brought a special calmness to the room. What could be more peaceful than a cat's purr?"

A Staffordshire Terrier who defended his owner from a machete gang.
Patricia Edshead was making tea when three masked men armed with bladed weapons broke into her home. Ex-husband The woman rushed to help, but one of the attackers cut his arm with his machete. "I was trapped in the kitchen with Oi (that was the name of the dog) and one of the attackers. He raised the machete over my head," she said. "Oi jumped up and bit him on the arm. The man hit the dog on the head with a machete, but she still chased him until he ran out of the house. She saved my life."

A gorilla who remembered his old friend.
Damian Aspinal brought a gorilla named Kwibi to England. When Kwibi was 5 years old, he had to take the gorilla back to Africa and set it free. 5 years later, Damian returned to West Africa to see his old friend, despite warnings that Kwibi could become feral and aggressive towards people. Damien was swimming up the river and calling out to Kweebee, as he had called him before, when suddenly a gorilla appeared on the bank of the river. Qweeby heard the voice of his old friend and recognized him. "He looked into my eyes with such love. It was incredible! He didn't want to let me go."

Recently it became known that fish can use tools to perform simple tasks.
In 2011, a diver spotted an amazing fish that smashed a clam against a rock to eat the innards, proving fish have a lot more power than most people previously thought.

A German Shepherd who became a guide dog for a blind spaniel.
When Ellie, a blind spaniel, was taken in by animal shelter director Jean Spencer, no one expected her other dog, Leo, to decide to become a guide dog. "I take them for a walk in the park and Leo takes Ellie around," Spencer says. "He protects her from everything, even the more aggressive dogs around."

Two retired circus elephants who are reunited after a 25-year separation under the roof of an orphanage.
Jenny and Shirley were taken to the circus at the same time: Jenny was still very young, and Shirley was in her 20s. 25 years later, they were reunited at an elephant orphanage. On the night when they saw each other again, they tried to reach each other with their trunks through the bars of the cage. After that, the friends became inseparable.

Incredible Facts

Life has repeatedly proven that animals experience almost the same emotions as people. Some even believe that our smaller brothers are capable of love, friendship and fidelity no less than people, and even more than them.

Animals suffer when they are alone; they grieve deeply about the loss of loved ones; and mothers are ready to give their lives without delay for their children (even if it is the mother of a tyrannosaurus rex!).

However, animals will always remain animals: no matter how human their emotions are, animals will never receive the same status in this world that humans have. That is what nature has decreed...

We bring to your attention ten real stories about animals that are not only touching, but can become quite instructive even for people. Perhaps they will help you look at the world around us in a completely different way.

Friendship between animals and people

Maddison and Lily: a story about female friendship

It is not simple touching story about the friendship of two dogs is instructive a story of selfless devotion and support which became the basis of survival. Moreover, the ending of this story is far from a happy ending. In a word, everything is like in life ...

The main characters of the story are two female Great Danes named Maddison and Lily. At the age of one and a half years, Lily lost her sight. The reason is the injury, due to which the eyelashes have grown into the dog's eyeballs, causing constant suffering to the animal.

Perhaps she should have been taken to the vet earlier. However, when they finally did it, it was too late: Had to have Lily's damaged eyes removed. Fortunately for Lily, she came under the care of a dog named Maddison, who became a real guide for her friend.

However, the owners decided to give the animals to a shelter located in the city of Shrewsbury (Shropshire, UK). There, the dogs lived soul to soul, causing affection of the workers of the shelter. The animals literally did not part for a minute, becoming an example of a touching friendship.

However, some time later, a family from the city of Nantwich, Cheshire, decided to take the Great Danes. It is not known why, but the move was stressful for Lily, who became embittered and began to break down on Maddison, attack her. The couple decided to separate...

Jack: firefighter dog and psychologist

And this story is about how human kindness not only saved the life of an animal, but, thanks to a combination of circumstances, indirectly led (and continues to lead) to saving the lives of many people. But more about everything.

Several years ago, a barn burned down in Hanahan, Berkeley County, Southern California. Firefighters were able to get out of the fire. puppy named Jack, who received second and third degree burns - more than 75 percent of his body was burned!

Jack's owners took the dog to a veterinary clinic, from where, apparently, they were not going to take him. Fortunately, Jack's recovery was not long in coming. And then the dog was found and new owner- He was taken in by a firefighter named Lindler, who, in fact, pulled Jack out of the fire.

The dog quickly recovered, and soon became involved in the work of the fire brigade. After a while she became the most real firefighters mascot. Moreover, Jack began to be used for information company, in which the animal was taken to schools, talking about preventive measures to combat fires.

More to come: Jack was taken to the firefighter's oath (apparently he barked it), and then handed him an official dog tag as a full member of the state fire brigade. Now Jack has become part of a program for the rehabilitation of children who survived the fires.

Children come into contact with a dog whose body has terrible scars from a long-standing fire. Jack - very kind and funny dog attracting the love of others. Thus, the kids are shown that, despite the burns that disfigure the body, inner beauty remains intact...

Bob the Cat and street musician James Bowen

This story of friendship between a cat and a London street musician is worthy of a writer's pen. Actually, it was embodied on paper by the musician himself, who retrained as a writer, for which he earned himself considerable fame.

Bowen, born in 1979 in the UK, spent his childhood in Australia. In 1997, he returned to his homeland, to his half-sister. However, he soon became homeless. And in general, his life cannot be called happy: in childhood he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and, having lost his home, the man became a heroin addict.

All his life, from early childhood until the spring of 2007, James was a real outcast. Until I met homeless red cat. The animal's paw was seriously injured, and Bowen did everything to cure the cat (whom he named "Bob").

Then the musician began to take Bob to his street performances, having gained some popularity among the London public precisely because of such a tandem - a man and a cat. After some time, James retrained as a street newspaper seller.

However, people continued to come to him only to to see this couple. Videos with James and Bob began to appear on YouTube. Around that time, Bowen firmly decided to give up drugs. In fact, it happened thanks to Bob.

To say that James's life has changed dramatically is an understatement. Since then, he has published six books (co-authored with writer Harry Jenkins), each of which contains stories about the life of the author himself and the cat Bob.

The books became bestsellers, and one of them, "Street Cat Named Bob", was nominated for the prestigious British National Book Award. Based on this book, a film of the same name was released in 2016, which won the British National Film Award as " Best movie Britain."

A touching story of animal friendship

Baloo the bear, Leo the lion and Shere Khan the tiger

It is believed that for a tiger, a lion and a bear, coexistence (that is, in the same enclosure or cage) is something from the realm of fantasy. However this trinity completely destroyed the stereotypes. Looking at them, one gets the feeling that the animals seem to have descended from the pages of the famous "Jungle Book" by Ruryard Kipling.

In fact, there are no analogues of this peacefully coexisting trio in the whole world. But how did they find mutual language? It can be said that the animals were brought together by a difficult childhood fate: they were found as cubs in the basement of some drug dealer in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

It was obvious that no one cared about the animals - they were on the verge starvation . They were all taken together to the State Animal Shelter, located in the town of Locust Grove, where the kids had to recover from their many injuries and illnesses for a long time.

Without further ado, the shelter workers named the Tiger Cub Sher Khan, the bear cub Baloo, and the lion cub Leo. From that moment on, the animals were separated only once - Baloo underwent an operation to remove a tourniquet that had grown into the body from the neck.

The trinity spends all their free time together, as if they are representatives of the same species. They are practically inseparable: animals walk together, sleep, caress, eat. Initially, the shelter workers thought to resettle them in different enclosures. However, realizing that these three were related by a common misfortune back in early childhood , the animals were left to live together.

The non-profit Noah's Ark Center (namely, this is the name of this shelter in the state of Georgia) has become a new home for one and a half thousand different animals. However, the uniqueness of Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan is undeniable. As well as their kindness, the employees of the Center enter their enclosure without fear, calling the animals a real family.

Nurse Cat Rademenes

This story looks mystical (especially considering the fact that its main participant is a black cat). In 2014 in medical Center for animals of the city of Bydgoszcz, Poland, they brought a two-month-old cat. They brought him to put him to sleep, as he was seriously ill - severe airway inflammation.

The cat was getting worse and worse every day, but the workers of the shelter did not raise their hand to lull this little fluffy ball of fading life. They gave Rademenes a chance and left the cat, for which they were later rewarded. But not financially.

The cat, having returned to life, suddenly began to demonstrate behavior that is more characteristic of people, and not animals - Rademenes began to take care of each guest Polish shelter-clinic, moreover, not paying attention to the type of animal.

No, Rademenes did not learn how to take tests and prescribe medications! However, during the whole day he takes care of every sick creature that ended up in the shelter: Rademenes lies next to sick animals, licks their muzzles and ears, hugs them with his paws, shares his warmth.

Shelter workers have long considered the cat as their talisman, which promises recovery to every patient shelter-clinic for animals. The sight of a cat showing concern for its fellows has become so familiar to everyone in this center that they have long jokingly (or even seriously!) Called Rademenes a nurse and their colleague.

Touching photos of animals and people

Mzi the turtle and Owen the hippo

Looking at this couple, you are just waiting for the hippopotamus to say now: “Ride me, big turtle!”. However, a hippo named Owen weighs more than a lion cub... And the advanced age of a turtle named Mzi, as it were, hints at the need for respectable behavior.

This unusual friendship between a turtle and a hippo began in 2004. Owen had previously lived in Kenya with his family, but lost all his loved ones after the tsunami that happened in the Indian Ocean. The animal was identified in Haller Park, one of the reserves in Kenya.

Although the hippo already at that time weighed a couple of hundred kilograms, he was very weak. Trying to attach him to some other hippo family would be reckless - the males would not be able to accept the baby, killing him as a potential competitor.

But Owen suddenly found himself new family- in the face of a 130-year-old turtle named Mzi! The latter did not immediately appreciate breadth of soul and good impulses of a young hippo trying long time avoid contact with him. However, Owen turned out to be that stubborn one.

The giant tortoise gave up and soon this unusual friendship became strong and famous all over the world. Animals, a year later, became best friends. They are almost always together, sometimes staying in a pond, sometimes eating, sometimes just lying under a tree in leaves and grass.

Owen eventually adopted the turtle's habits: he not only sleeps at night, unlike other hippos, but also great at eating turtle food. Perhaps this relationship would be better called the relationship of mother and son than friendship. Although the animals frolic as equals (which, in principle, is not characteristic of turtles).

Owen is getting bigger and bigger every day than Mzee (who was originally three times the size of a hippopotamus). More likely, reserve workers will be forced to separate the animals so that Owen, because of his love and playfulness, does not crush or trample poor Mzi. However, perhaps people will come up with something else so as not to separate this unusual couple.

The dog who couldn't forget his dead owner

It has been ten years since the release of the sentimental and touching story about dog loyalty called "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend". Despite the wide popularity of this story, it is impossible not to recall it in this article.

However, it is not necessary to dwell on Hachiko. In fact, similar stories related to the manifestation unending loyalty on the part of dogs occur much more frequently. This speech will focus on a German shepherd named "Captain", who lived in the Argentine town of Villa Carlos Paz (province of Cordoba).

A certain Miguel Guzman gave a German Shepherd puppy to his son. However, as is often the case, he himself became the real and most beloved master of the Captain. A year later, Miguel died unexpectedly. On the same day, the dog disappeared from the house. At least when Guzman's relatives returned home after the funeral, the Captain was no longer there.

The owners decided that something happened to the dog. However, when they visited the father of the family at the cemetery the following Sunday, found the Captain on the gravestone of the head of the family. The dog saw them and began to howl, as if complaining and mourning Miguel.

Since then, the Captain has literally lived on his master's grave. They repeatedly tried to bring him back home, but the dog did not stay there for a long time - every evening at six o'clock it fit on the grave of Miguel Guzman, where he spent the whole night.

Compassionate visitors to the cemetery and its workers fed the Captain. So he lived on the grave for ten whole years. There he died, moreover, quite recently. Representatives of the Animal Welfare Fund plan to obtain permission from relatives to bury faithful dog next to his beloved master.

Our little brothers

Dog Jack - the winner of cancer

Another story related to german shepherd nicknamed Jack, touched the souls of so many people suffering from various cancers. Dog Jack was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 14 months.

The owners took the animal to the clinic, where, as a result, Jack underwent a six-hour operation to remove a cancerous tumor that had already metastasized. that hit him all left ear . The cancer penetrated into the external auditory canal, and therefore the left ear of the animal had to be amputated.

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