Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich. Pelageya Khanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Participation in various projects

Dmitry Efimovich - Russian director series in the genre of comic television shows, screenwriter. Born March 26, 1975 in First higher education received a degree in mathematics, and then studied to become a film and television director.

Left KVN

In 1997-1998, the director played for the national team of Novosibirsk University, a three-time champion Major League KVN. This determined his further creative destiny, allowing us to engage in the implementation of television projects, club and concert activities together with residents of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. He is better known to regular viewers of the TNT channel as: Dmitry Efimovich - director Comedy Woman.

By now, the director's portfolio already includes several successful projects. Having started his career at the age of 30 with partnership work to create Comedy show Club (three seasons in 2005 and two in 2012-2013), continued it in the series “Our Russia” (in the first seasons of 2006). Then he independently acted as a production director for the first 35 episodes of Comedy Woman (2008) and tried himself as a screenwriter and director of the mini-series “Mitrich. Russian Depression" in 2010.

Made in Woman

The television show Comedy Woman, which premiered in 2008, was originally called Made in Woman. Now it is unofficially called “female Comedy Club" But Dmitry Efimovich, as one of the creators of the project, did not intend to follow this path. He immediately determined that the new brainchild should not look like female version Comedy Club, but should become a variety show, in which there will be incendiary humor, songs and dances, and clown eccentricity. Unfortunately, Made in Woman in its given version lasted only four issues, and then, after a short break, it became exactly what Efimovich wanted to avoid - Comedy Woman, as if a soft response to tough male humor. All participants in this show once started in KVN. The former spouses of Dmitry Efimovich are also former KVN members.

"Our Russian"

The sketch series was born in 2006 with the assistance of Semyon Slepakov and Garik Martirosyan. It ridicules many negative social phenomena, for example, corruption, football fans, “concern for the people” of some politicians and others. Despite its topicality, “Our Russian” causes a lot of criticism from critics. The film is accused of inciting ethnic conflicts and corrupting viewers, so the creators had to cut out some episodes.

Polina first

In the beginning there was a couple - Dmitry Efimovich and Polina Sibagatullina. The director's first wife is one of members of Comedy Woman, where she performs under the pseudonym Madame Polina. She plays the role of a very peculiar “Bosnian poetess - a secular alcoholic”, supposedly born in Sarajevo and making a living from poetry. According to legend, the Muse comes to her either in the morning or after drinking port. Thanks to this stage role, the artist gained fame among a wide audience of television viewers. Sibagatullina’s career began in the KVN team and was one of the most bright participants this talented team. Already in the debut season of 1999, the team managed to reach the final of the Major League, taking third place. In the same year, Sibagatullina became Miss KVN.

Polina the second

Pelageya Khanova, an ethno-folk singer, known on the stage simply under the name Pelageya, took part in two KVN games as part of the Novosibirsk national team state university in the 1997 season. Now it's already ex-husband Pelagei Dmitry Efimovich noticed her as an eleven-year-old girl, and married her after thirteen years. At that time, the young vocal singer was the youngest member of the club. In 2000 she created an art-folk group in Moscow under own name. The young people met for the second time in the capital, and here their romance began. In 2010, the couple got married, after which Khanova, taking her husband’s surname, became Efimovich. This fact for a long time he hid even from her colleagues from the Pelageya group. The singer officially acquired her current name after receiving a passport, and before that she was recorded in documents as Polina Khanova. The artist changed her name to Pelageya to avoid legal confusion. Since childhood, her family called her by her current name in honor of her great-grandmother.

Marriages and divorces

What caused the director to break up with two popular artists is a mystery, but family life Dmitry Efimovich did not succeed. From snippets of rare interviews with ex-wives, it is clear that the name Polina is not the only thing that unites them both. According to stories former colleagues from Comedy Woman, the reason for the collapse of the union with Polina Sibagatullina was insurmountable differences between the partners, the main one of which was the absence of a child. Subsequently, Polina herself repeatedly called the relationship with Efimovich a mistake. Busy with shows and performances, she doubted that she would be able to devote time to the child. Dmitry Efimovich lived with her for only two years.

In the marriage with Pelageya, the same situation repeated itself. The singer also could not give her husband a baby. One of the most popular Russian stage The performers' tours are scheduled months in advance. I had to choose: either a career or a child. And in 2012, two years after the wedding, Pelageya filed documents for divorce, returning maiden name. Efimovich is already approaching 40 years old, so his desire to have children is understandable. But Dmitry’s own infidelity was also mentioned.


It is not known for certain whether Dmitry Efimovich, whose photo was once seen by one of the winners of the “Battle of Psychics” show, Natalya Vorotnikova, knows about her prediction that he will have two more families. The psychic prophesied with a person much younger than him. It is she who will give birth to the Comedy Woman director’s long-awaited child. But this union will not last long. Later he marries a woman with whom he will be together for the rest of his life.

What to do and who is to blame?

Currently Dmitry Efimovich is working on new television projects, which are expected to be released on screen soon. What will they be like? The director himself knows: everything that he has done so far is only a rehash of ready-made foreign content. Almost 98 percent of software products Russian television purchases abroad. The director wondered many times why preference was given to foreign films rather than promotion own projects. Lack of staff, insufficient funding, leadership crisis? Does Russia really not have its own talents?

Dmitry Efimovich, whose biography in his professional and personal life continues to be written, according to the Western horoscope is Aries, according to the Eastern - Cat (Rabbit). When combining horoscopes, the result is a Wild Cat. It seems that the director of the series likes to “walk by himself.” Efimovich’s personality is contradictory, it is reflected in the conflict of his character: he left consistently successful TV shows, broke up with his beloved women... And this means that eternal questions will appear before him again and again.

The rival of the singer who recently gave birth hoped to the last that hockey player Telegin would return to her

The rival of the singer who recently gave birth hoped until the last that hockey player Telegin would return to her

January 21 popular singer PELAGEIA became a mother for the first time. Her fans learned about this during the KHL hockey “star match” in Ufa, where her husband, 24-year-old CSKA and Russian national team forward Ivan TELEGIN, was given a tumbler with a congratulatory inscription. The happy dad literally hovered above the ice, every now and then swinging his stick like a baby, apparently saying hello to his beloved, who this time could not attend the game. And then he couldn’t stand it and admitted: a daughter was born, they named her Taisiya. He didn't say another word. But Ivan’s former common-law wife, whom he abandoned with their child for the sake of Pelageya, did not remain silent and spoke about how their relationship is now.

A scandalous story in which, unexpectedly for everyone, the ex-mentor of the shows “The Voice” and “The Voice” got involved. Children,” is still being teased by all and sundry: the charming Polya (real name Pelagia) took the hockey player away Ivan Telegina from a family where a baby had just been born.

Hoping to return common-law husband 26 year old Evgenia Nour I even decided to make a public confession on one of the talk shows, but in the end I was still left with nothing.

If I had known that after that program so much criticism would fall on me, I would never have gone there,” Zhenya sighs. - Even Native sister Ivana, with whom we communicated very closely, suddenly began writing on social networks that she couldn’t trust me. I don’t understand why she’s interfering. Moreover, she herself has not communicated with her brother for two years - they had a serious conflict. By the way, I tried to reconcile them with Vanya, because Katya, like no one else, knows who Telegin really is. He a strange man: today he says one thing, and tomorrow he says something completely different.

- I know that some even doubted that you really gave birth to a baby from Telegin. Isn't it offensive?

Yes, some crazy people study the photo of my son almost under a microscope, and then send their conclusions. Like, why doesn’t the boy’s eyes look like Ivan’s? But I don’t pay attention to this - I myself know the truth, and Telegin has no doubts about this. Otherwise he wouldn’t have given me a penny.

Previously, you complained that the money that Ivan allocates to you is sorely lacking. Has the situation changed now?

Initially, he gave 50 thousand a month, sometimes less. I thought that this was enough to rent an apartment and maintain small child. This did not suit me, but Ivan refused to discuss it with me. Even after the television broadcast, he was in no hurry to solve the problem, he only wrote angry text messages to me: they say, well, have you disgraced the whole country? Fortunately, my lawyer managed to come to an agreement with him, and now Telegin pays my son and me an amount on which we can normally live. Naturally, when Mark grows up a little, I plan to go to work. I don't intend to be a kept woman.

- Does the father even see the child?

I don’t want to offend anyone, so I’ll answer this: extremely rarely. Telegin’s parents do not communicate with Mark either. In fact, I myself would like to look into Ivan’s eyes and ask why he did this to us? But he simply avoids it. I think he is ashamed for cheating and living with two women at the same time. After all, it turns out that Pelageya became pregnant just a month after I gave birth to Ivana Mark. Is it normal?

- Didn’t you even suspect that your husband was having an affair?

- We were together for 3.5 years, we had a good time, and suddenly everything ends abruptly. A month before Mark was born, I started having contractions. The doctors insisted that I go to the hospital. While I was in custody, I thought that they were waiting for us at home and loved us, but when our son was born, everything changed dramatically. Ivan left, saying nasty things to me, without really explaining anything. I think that all this month he was thoroughly “treated” by his godmother - he himself would not have thought of such a thing. It was she who brought Telegin together with Pelageya, because she herself is from the world of show business and has been friends with Polina for a long time. Apparently, at some point this woman stopped liking me, so she decided to introduce her godson to someone else. Nobody even thought about me. When all this happened, I almost went crazy. I was so worried that I could neither eat nor sleep. She even began to faint. It’s good that I had friends nearby who supported me. Of course, there were also those who did not spare my nerves, and every now and then they reported: “Your one is now rocking the club with Pelageya.” Until the last moment I hoped that he would take a walk and return. But this did not happen.

- Recently, Ivan became a dad for the second time...

Well what can I say? I'm very glad that it was born new person. In fact, I try to stay away from their family - it’s all been too hard for me. Although, of course, it’s impossible to completely distance myself: every now and then I receive insults and even threats from Pelageya’s fans. For some reason they think that I somehow offended her. On that program they made me out to be almost a fallen woman who deliberately became pregnant by Telegin, gave birth to his son and is forcibly trying to keep him, destroying her happiness in the process great singer. But no one knows that Ivan was having a wild night while I was in conservancy. He always loved fun, noisy parties, clubs. We actually met there. At that time I was not free - I was in a serious relationship with another man. But Ivan courted and wooed me so persistently for almost six months that I gave up. So what's the result? He was fine with me until I “fell out of the picture” due to pregnancy. I know Ivan very well - everyone should live by his rules: if he is having fun, everyone around him should also smile and light up. He's just young, he hasn't worked up yet. I’m sure even now he doesn’t realize what he’s done.

- And you weren’t able to explain yourself to Pelageya herself? Didn't she understand that she was breaking up her family?

- I asked myself this question a million times and couldn’t understand why she decided to do this, because outwardly she seems very decent and kind. I don’t think Ivan was able to pull the wool over the eyes of an adult woman. I think she just fell head over heels in love with him. Ivan knows how to achieve, knows how to seduce a girl. If he likes someone, he will do everything to attract attention to himself. That's strict mother Pelagia seemed to be able to charm. Although in fact, I think she accepted her daughter’s choice philosophically: he is young, strong, healthy, promising - you can give birth to such a man. There have been no men left in show business for a long time, and a woman’s biological clock is ticking. Apparently, my mother weighed everything and realized: she had to take it. So in our situation, it’s not me, not Pelageya, but only Ivan who is to blame. We can only hope that he lost his temper and calmed down. Although, to be honest, it’s hard to believe - Telegin is not that person.

Pelageya - popular folk singer, star and mentor of the show “The Voice”, leader and soloist of the group “Pelageya”

Date of Birth: July 14, 1986
Place of Birth: Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Cancer

“Now I draw my inspiration from my family. This is my source. And now I feel much stronger than when I didn’t have a family. Because, on the one hand, I have something to protect, but at the same time, I have become much calmer, more peaceful.”

Biography of Pelageya

Pelageya Sergeevna Telegina (nee Khanova) is actually her name famous singer. Raising a star daughter for Poly’s mother, a jazz singer from Novosibirsk Svetlana Khanova (nee Smirnova), was main goal in life. She once wanted to become a star herself. But life decreed otherwise: Svetlana lost her voice. Then I received special education and became a theater director.

Polya (on the birth certificate the girl was recorded as Polina, and when she received her passport, she changed her name) was a very obedient child and almost always took first place in various competitions amateur performances both in his native Novosibirsk and in the capitals.

The beginning of the way

As a little girl, at the age of four, she appeared on stage. And at the age of eight she entered the Novosibirsk special school at the conservatory.

And already at the age of 9 she took part in a competition for young talents - in the program “ morning Star"and won it.

Soon the Poly family moved from Novosibirsk to the capital's Ochakovo district. Now the girl decided to conquer Moscow.

“If I didn’t have my mother, I’m not sure I would be an artist. I don’t think I would have had enough strength, perseverance, stubbornness. To come to Moscow... I don’t have this penetrating power.”

Pelageya became the brightest and youngest member of the Novosibirsk University KVN team at that time.

Life in Moscow

More than twenty years ago, Pelageya’s first single “Lyubo” was released. And at the age of 12, the girl was invited to perform this song in front of the heads of Russia, France and Germany at the summit of three states. Pelageya even has a photograph with Jacques Chirac, Boris Yeltsin and Helmut Kohl. And even then she was called a star.

In Moscow, Pelageya easily entered an elite gymnasium, and then GITIS (RATI) for an experimental course for pop artists. To quickly become a certified artist, Pelageya took exams for grades 10 and 11 as an external student.

In 2005, the Pelageya group was created, in which Svetlana Khanova is a producer, arranger, and administrator.

In 2012-2014 she was a mentor in the most popular show “The Voice”, “The Voice Children” (2014-2016, 2018). In 2018 – mentor of “Voice 60+”.

Today the singer does not have her own hit, and her songs are almost never played on the radio, but Pelageya has one hundred percent recognition. She is loved by the people, but at the same time remains the most closed Russian star. There is a minimum of comments about her personal life, there are practically no photographs of her daughter Taisiya on the Internet, and joint appearances in public with her husband, the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin, are very rare.

In 2005, the series “Yesenin” was released on Channel One, where leading role played by Sergei Bezrukov, he was also the producer of the film. He invited Pelageya to star in a small role. Sergei was not stopped by the fact that the girl had absolutely no filming.

“She has a cosmic range. She is so charming, open and sincere. This sincerity is very captivating."

True, Pelageya herself believes that her first acting experience was unsuccessful.

Personal life

Pelageya's first husband is a Comedy director Woman Dmitry Efimovich, but the couple were married for only two years from 2010 to 2012.

When Pelageya met hockey player Ivan Telegin (they were introduced by mutual friends), she had no idea that she would become his wife. They got to talking, and the singer discovered that their concepts of family, life, and home were very similar. They got married in 2016 and didn’t say a word to journalists about the ceremony.

Pelageya also told only her closest relatives about the birth of her daughter Taisiya in January 2017.

“The birth of my daughter is the happiest day of my life. I woke up, watched hockey and went to give birth!”


1999 - “Love!”
2003/1012 - “Pelageya”
2004 – “TURNIP (Rehearsal)”
2006 - “Single”
2007 - “Girl Songs”
2008-2010 - “Siberian Drive”
2010 - “Trails”


The popular folk and ethnic singer Pelageya is known to most Russian viewers. The girl independently created a group, which she named after herself. Recognize the performer folk songs became after her repeated participation in the “Voice” program. In this article we will examine her biography in detail.

  • Polina spent her childhood in Novosibirsk. Due to an unfortunate coincidence, my mother lost her voice, but she was by profession jazz singer. After the tragedy, Svetlana, that was the name of Pelageya’s parent, directed all her unspent energy to creating a career for her daughter. It was Svetlana who did not sleep at night to sew a costume or come up with and choose the lyrics for a song for her little one. Thanks to the tireless efforts of her mother, the singer achieved considerable achievements in her career;
  • the future star grew exceptionally talented child. Listening to her mother’s songs, little Polya tried to sing along with her, and at the age of 3 she could already read. Her first book was Gargantua and Pantagruel. IN kindergarten not a single matinee was complete without performances by the future star;
  • at the age of 9 the girl enters music school V hometown. A year later, the young singer meets the leader of the famous Kalinov Bridge. Revyakin advised Pelageya to take part in “Morning Star,” which she does;
  • After winning the competition, the girl performs in the Kremlin, wins the “Gifts of Siberia” scholarship, receives a gracious farewell from Patriarch Alexy, and participates in KVN. And all this at 11 years old!


At the age of 10, Pelageya and her mother moved permanently to the capital. Here the girl studies at the music school at Gnesinka and at the same time discovers her talent as a comedian by playing in KVN.

  • the girl is invited to represent our country in the “New Names of the Planet” program at the UN, she also sings duets with many pop stars, performs at charity events, official meetings of heads of government, alternative projects, for example, “Learn to Swim”;
  • In 2001 he finished his studies at school and entered the RATI on stage. After 2 years he performs at the day of the city in Northern capital. Even then, the Pelageya group was formed and officially celebrated its first birthday. In the interval between studies and performances, Pelageya manages to appear in one of the episodes of the film about the Ryazan poet. A couple of years later, Khanova finishes her studies, receiving an “excellent” rating in all subjects;
  • At the age of 23, the girl established herself as a professional folk singer in the “Two Stars” project, where she worked in a duet with Dashula Moroz. Later, in “Property of the Republic,” the viewer could again enjoy the extraordinary abilities of the Siberian woman. The issue was dedicated to the work of Sukachev, with whom more at a young age our heroine sang a duet. In this program, by voting, the singer was declared the winner of the competition for best performance Garik's songs.

Then the days of glory began for Pelageya solo career on the Russian stage. She was invited and took part in the opera “Bubble”, the project “Devil’s Dozen”, numerous radio programs and even an audio play.

Participation in the show The Voice

  1. In 2012, the singer’s moment of glory began, as for the first time she became a mentor and co-host of the large-scale project “The Voice”. For three seasons in a row, Khanova has been trying to be nice with Agutin, patient with the mocking Gradsky, flirtatious with the explosive Bilan. And she succeeds very well.
  2. In one of the seasons, the performer suddenly changes her appearance dramatically, turning from a plump, laughing woman into a serious and slender lady. Later, Pelageya admits that she did not feel too comfortable in her new skinny image. Soon she gained a few kilograms, and everything fell into place.
  3. In 2014, Khanova worked on the project “Voice. Children", where he sincerely tries to help rising stars become professional artists stage. Pelageya spends several seasons in the role of mother-mentor, managing to also participate in KVN, voicing ladybug in the cartoon, reads the voice-over text in documentary film about Alexandra Pakhmutova.

Personal life

After an unsuccessful marriage with director Dima Efimovich, with whom the singer officially broke up in 2012, Pelageya meets the charming hockey player Ivan Telegin.

The lovers carefully hide their relationship and secretly marry away from prying eyes. After this, Pelageya, now Telegina, begins serious preparations for childbirth: she significantly cuts back on concerts and performances, and refuses to participate in The Voice. In January 2017, Taya was born.

  • At birth, the singer was named Pelageya. The name was unusual, besides, it was borne by the girl’s great-grandmother. But when completing the paperwork, the baby was registered as Polina. Later, when the girl received her first passport, the mistake was corrected and the name Pelageya was returned;
  • Polina never saw her own dad. The singer’s mother was married several times, and the girl received her surname from her stepfather, who, however, was not present in her life for long;
  • When Polya arrived in Moscow for the Igor Nikolaev competition, it turned out that there were no nominations for folk performers. However, the girl still demonstrated her talent on the stage and won first place, and was also awarded a prize amount of 1 thousand dollars;
  • In 2016, Pelageya began dating a famous athlete. Commenting on her romance with the hockey player, the singer insisted that she was not involved in her boyfriend’s previous breakup with common-law wife. Telegin left his former passion with a baby in his arms to begin caring for his new lover;
  • While working in the “Two Stars” project, Pelageya refuses to continue the performances that the show’s producers planned for her in a duet with Dasha Moroz. According to the singer, she was too physically exhausted and could not support Daria on the project due to health problems. After filming stopped, Pelageya was hit with a stream of unflattering statements about her from the project management in the media;
  • The singer’s first husband, Efimovich, with whom she lived for about two years, did not leave the heroine any joyful memories of himself after the divorce. Pelageya wanted to erase her ex from her life once and for all, so she returned her maiden name;
  • During the singer’s performance in Evjan, at the invitation of Rastropovich, the whole audience applauded her, and Vishnevskaya predicted a great future for the young talent. opera stage. In addition to the listed celebrities, Pelageya was listened to by Hilary Clinton, Jacques Chirac, Boris Yeltsin, who, by the way, even shed a tear when he heard the sincere motives of the Russian folk song performed by Paulie.


  1. Love.
  2. Album of the same name called “Pelageya”.
  3. Single.
  4. Grandfather's songs.
  5. Siberian drive.
  6. The Cherry Orchard.
  7. Paths.
  8. Not for you (illegal).

The singer’s work, like herself, is imbued with an inexplicable charm. There is something extraordinary in Pelageya’s voice, some notes that penetrate the soul. Maybe that’s why the performer managed to get to the pedestal of popularity and become a recognizable folk singer not only in our country.


  1. Name: Polina Sergeevna Telegina (Khanova).
  2. Birth: July 14, 1986.
  3. Zodiac: Cancer.
  4. Homeland: Siberia, Novosibirsk.
  5. Parents: Svetlana Khanova.
  6. Height: 163 cm.

What do you think about Pelageya? We are waiting for your answers below!

Pelageya - Russian singer, performing as part of a group of the same name in a genre that the musicians themselves call ethno-rock-art-folk. Today, the popularity of Pelageya has increased many times also because for several recent years she is a “mentor” of the show “The Voice” on Channel One.

Pelageya’s mother is a former jazz singer. However, due to the loss of her voice, she was forced to retrain and become a theater director. On this moment her main job— support her daughter in everything and everywhere; she acts as her producer. The surname Pelageya came from last husband her mother. In the birth certificate, Pelageya was recorded as Polina by mistake by the registry office workers. The girl corrected the annoying misunderstanding when she received her passport.

At the age of 4, Pelageya first appeared on stage. At 8, she entered a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. Moreover, without exams. Amazed by the girl’s talent, the teachers actually created a separate study place– she became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school. In addition, two funds at once - “ Young talents Siberia" and "New Names of the Planet" under UNESCO paid young Pelageya a scholarship: just sing, just learn!

Already at the age of 10, Pelageya glorified her native Siberia in the capital, becoming the winner in the “Morning Star” Winners competition and receiving the title “ Best Performer folk song in Russia".

TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev, famous rock musician, leader of the Kalinov Most group Dmitry Revyakin, and even director Andrei Konchalovsky expressed their undisguised admiration for the girl’s talent. The latter played a significant role in the life of the young singer, offering her a contract with the FeeLee recording company, specializing in the release of alternative rock. Actually, from that moment on, the family council decided to move to Moscow, where Pelageya easily entered the music school at the Institute. Gnessins and began performing as a solo artist.

In those years, the fame of the child prodigy reached unprecedented heights. Suffice it to say that in 1998, at the personal invitation of Boris Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana Yumasheva, 12-year-old Pelageya spoke at the summit of three heads of state (B. Yeltsin, G. Kohl, J. Chirac), after which Jacques Chirac called her the new Edith Piaf . And in 1999, at the personal invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich - to music festival in Evian, together with such musical titans as Evgeny Kissin, Ravi Shankar and B.B. King. Already at the age of 14, Pelageya graduated from school as an external student and entered the RATI in the variety department. And in 2005, having graduated with honors and creating a group named after herself, she began performing.

In 2009, Pelageya took part in the show “Two Stars” on Channel One, paired with Daria Moroz. And since 2012, the singer has become a permanent “mentor” in the popular show “The Voice”. In the first season of the program, her ward Elmira Kalimullina took second place, and in the second season, Pelageya’s student Tina Kuznetsova took fourth place. Pelageya was also a mentor on the show “The Voice. Children".

Pelageya protects her personal life. It is known that the singer was married. Her marriage to Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich lasted from 2010 to 2012. IN currently She is dating a young man, but refuses to reveal his name.


  • Pelageya has been practicing yoga for many years.
  • Pelageya at the age of 10 became a participant in KVN, performing as part of the Novosibirsk University team. At that time - the youngest in the history of the game.
  • Pelageya’s mother’s friend was Yanka Diaghileva. And Pelageya is very proud of the fact that in her infancy the rock icon stayed with her several times instead of her mother.

1996 - Victory in the Morning Star competition in the category “Best performer of folk songs in Russia”

2007 - Award " Best Rock Album of the Year" in the nomination "For Best Mixing" for the album "Girls' Songs".

2008 - Triumph Prize for contribution to Russian culture.

2009 - Nashe Radio station award in the field of rock and roll “Soloist of the Year”

2014 - Title of Honored Worker of Culture of Ingushetia

2004 - Yesenin
1999 - Love!

2003 - Pelageya

2006 - Single

2007 - Girls' songs

2009 — Siberian Drive

2010 — Paths

2015 — “The Cherry Orchard”

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