Bad-good husband: Alexander Gordon and all his wives (rare photos). Ekaterina Gordon: biography personal life (photo) Ekaterina Gordon biography personal life her parents

Katya grew up freedom-loving and willful. She began writing poetry and prose very early. As a student at Moscow gymnasium No. 1507, she mastered the work of a director puppet theater. And in high school, she graduated from the School of Economics of the International University and received a grant to enter the university’s Faculty of Economics, but chose social psychology. The girl graduated from Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University in 2002 with honors. She changed her last name, Prokofieva, which was listed on her birth certificate, to Podlipchuk, like her stepfather’s.

In addition to success in science, Katya also took steps in a creative direction. She studied piano at a music school. And after graduating from university, she entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors in the class of Pyotr Todorovsky, where she immediately became a noticeable student.

Personal life

TV presenter parameters:

  • age – in 2018 Katya will celebrate her 30th birthday;
  • weight – 54 kg;
  • height – 156 cm.

In 2000, Katya became the wife of her teacher Alexander Gordon. However, family life did not work out. 6 years life together ended in divorce. The whole story of the breakup fit into one short official interview. To the displeasure of many, the former spouses managed without scandals. After the divorce, Catherine decided to leave her husband’s surname and, left without support, began to build a career on her own.

Katya decided to try her luck for the second time only five years later. She married the famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin in the summer of 2011, just 3 weeks after they met. At this time, the girl was suing the producer of the Ranetki group Melnichenko. Gossips and in Katya’s second marriage they saw only her business interest. But the girl was in love.

However, a month later, a quarrel with her new husband ended in a concussion. The husband seriously beat Katya. He recorded his apology on camera, and the girl forgave her husband. But there was already a crack in the relationship, and eventually the couple divorced. And in the fall of 2012, Katya’s son, Daniel, was born. And two years later she marries Sergei again. In February 2017, Katya became a mother for the second time. Son Leon was born weighing 3.6 kg.

Coming to the show (life on the show)

Katya came to the show “Dom-2” in 2010. And not alone, but together with her twin sister Yulia. Both passed the casting and immediately got on film set. The girls quickly got used to the project and even tried to dominate and manipulate other participants. However, the scandalousness and bitchiness of Katya and Yulia not only did not alienate the audience from them, on the contrary, the girls gained fans.

On the program, Katya and Yulia liked one guy - Evgeniy Pynzar. However, very soon Katya’s attention switched to another young man, Denis Lysenko. But personal happiness did not work out. Just a month later, at the insistence of Denis, the couple broke up. Soon the girl was attracted to the “new guy” Philip Alekseev. The guy turned out to be overly emotional: he argued with Katya, broke her things in anger and even beat her. One day, Catherine’s patience came to an end, and she ran away from the apartment in which she lived with Philip. The girl’s return to the perimeter did not make the other participants too happy, as she intrigued a lot and provoked those around her to do unseemly things.

However, very soon Catherine developed a new relationship. This time her chosen one was not “ bad boy”, and the charming Oleg Miami. However, the girl’s volcano-like character added spice to this relationship. They broke up and got back together again, forcing viewers to constantly worry while watching their showdowns. A breakup could not be avoided, and Katya was left alone again.

Experiencing what happened, Katya gave up new attempts and completely devoted herself to her sister’s family happiness. By that time, Julia had gotten married and was preparing to become a mother. Katya’s dedication came at just the right time.

In 2013, Katya left the TV show, explaining this by relationships outside the perimeter. The name of her chosen one is still a secret. Only this relationship (if it really existed) did not last long. The girl again devoted herself to helping her sister and newborn nephew Roland.

Katya’s biography has many exciting moments that will be of interest to her fans:

  1. The girl maintained such friendly relations with her first husband Alexander, whose last name she still bears, that he became godfather her son Daniel.
  2. The TV presenter admitted that she was having an affair with a minor actor, Kirill Emelyanov, who became popular after the TV series “Kadetstvo” and “Kremlin Cadets.” The couple was not embarrassed by either the age difference or the public outcry caused by such revelations. By now this novel is over.
  3. In 2013, Katya faked her marriage. She calls Mitya Fomin her husband on Instagram and then publishes a photo of herself in which she is in a white dress, very similar to a wedding dress.

The girl is ready for any intrigue, just to attract attention to her person.

Participation in other shows

In 2008, Katya gave birth to the “Kill the Internet” project, designed to unite Internet addicts.

In 2016, Katerina Gordon became a participant in the “Voice” project. The unusual timbre and unique manner of performance attracted Dima Bilan. The girl performed her own song “Take Back Paradise.” However, in the semi-finals she lacked professionalism and experience.

In the same year, the girl became the host of the “Selfie” program on the Yu channel.

The charming and bright Katya Gordon fell in love with the audience both as a participant in the show and as a TV presenter. According to TimeOut, she is included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people Moscow.

What do you think about Katya? Write your answers below.

Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, songwriter, frontwoman of the band Blondrock.

Katya Gordon. Biography

Ekaterina Gordon(nee Orekhova, Podlipchuk, Prokofieva- by the names of her adoptive fathers) was born in 1980 in Moscow. She received her secondary education at the Moscow Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 1507.

...In the memory of the students junior classes humanitarian gymnasium 1507 remained puppet shows, staged by a young director.

“At school I was a real enfant terrible, so few people knew that I was a child prodigy.”

IN last grades In parallel with the gymnasium, she studied at the Economic School for High School Students at Moscow State University.

Received higher education at the faculty social psychology at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, graduating with honors. Topic of the thesis: “Television norm as a factor of uncritical attitude towards television information.”

After receiving a diploma higher education entered the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors (VKSiR) in the workshop of the famous Russian-Ukrainian director and screenwriter (“Intergirl”, “Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov”) P. E. Todorovsky, where, in her own words, “was one of the brightest students in her class (not just in her personal opinion).”

Her graduation film entitled " The sea is agitated..."was recognized by the course rector Gerasimov as "inhumane and prohibited from showing at festivals." In 2005, Ekaterina received the main prize for it at the New Cinema festival. 21 century".

The film tells touching story about the still very young, but already cynical TV journalist Marina (Daria Moroz), who goes to the Parus gardening partnership to make a report on the Day Navy. Marina photographs her own grandfather, a former sailor, and other retirees, and quietly communicating with old people changes something in her soul. In the finale, the veterans raise the flag, the anthem plays behind the scenes, and Marina cries.

Since then, she has released several more works (the film “I Walk Around Moscow”, 2 videos and one video for outdoor advertising on the 02TV channel), but they did not achieve much success.

In October 2017, Gordon announced that she was putting forward her candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

Radio career of Ekaterina Gordon / Ekaterina Gordon

In the early 2000s she worked at the radio station " Silver Rain" host of the program “Gloomy Morning”, then on the television channel M-1(current “Home”). There she met her future husband, a famous radio and television presenter, director and actor. Alexander Garievich Gordon, with whom, after six years of marriage, she divorced in 2006, keeping his last name. During their life together, the couple did not have any children, but they continue to be on friendly terms.

During my marriage with Sasha, I did not have any career. I was my husband's wife. Her career began after the divorce, so it’s very difficult to say that it was made thanks to Sasha. Another thing is that there are people who are always ready to first of all think negatively about you, and I will not try to convince them, but those others who are not aggressive, who are ready to face the facts, will understand everything anyway.

In 2007-2008 Ekaterina Gordon switched to radio "Mayak", where she worked as a presenter for a number of programs: “Cult of Personality”, “VIP Interrogation”, “FM Therapy”, “Talk to the Point”, « Recent history» , and also occasionally broadcast on radio "Culture" And " Echo of Moscow"(broadcast "Good hunting").

Ekaterina Gordon / Ekaterina Gordon and the scandal on the radio

It was on the air of the program "Cult of personality" at Mayak and an incident occurred that showed the viewer Katya Gordon from the other side: the scandalous presenter once became a guest of the studio Ksenia Sobchak, who, by aggressively answering the presenter’s questions, provoked her into hysterical behavior in live. After the end of the program, Ekaterina did not calm down and for a long time persuaded Sobchak in her LiveJournal and on other resources, trying to shockingly attract as much attention to herself as possible:

A reveler, a criminal, ill-mannered woman who is used to threatening, a neurotic from whom stylists run away after a week, a hack and a scare.

Katya Gordon. Creation

Katya Gordon worked as a TV presenter and hosted the program “ Vremechko"(TVC channel), " Conversation without rules"(O2TV TV channel), " The other side of the legend"(TV channel " Star»).

She also tries herself in the literary field: she has written the works “Conditions”, “Finished”, “Kill the Internet!!!” (utopian novel), “Visiting a Green Friend” (story), “The Art of Parting” (story), “Homo Liberalis” (story), “Is the President’s Wife Happy?” (play), “Time is Present” (script).

In October 2010, Blondrock released debut album « Love and freedom", in which Katya Gordon is the author of music and lyrics. Sound producer was Andrey Samsonov(known for his work with the group " Aquarium", Zemfira, Butusov, Mark Almond, Nick Cave.

In 2013, several artists included songs in their albums Katie Gordon: Dmitry Koldun “With the Heart”, Angelica Agurbash - “Empty Heart”. On November 30, 2013, Ani Lorak received the Golden Gramophone for the song “Take Back Paradise,” also written by Katya Gordon. With the same song, Katya Gordon came to the blind auditions for the fifth season of the show “The Voice” on Channel One.

The notorious journalist, TV presenter and poetess decided that she was ready to announce herself as a singer throughout the country. Gordon's vocal abilities were assessed by Dima Bilan, and Ekaterina, accordingly, ended up on his team.

Katya Gordon. Personal life

From 2000 to 2006, Katya was married to Alexander Gordon. At the time of their marriage, Ekaterina was 20 years old, and Alexander was 37. Alexander became for Katya, in her own words, not only a husband, but also a teacher in life. After the divorce, the couple maintained a good relationship.

In July 2011, Katya Gordon married lawyer Sergei Zhorin. On September 2, 2011, it became known that her husband beat Katya, she received a concussion and was hospitalized in the neurosurgical department of the Botkin Hospital. After this, Catherine divorced her husband.

A year later, on September 27, 2012, Ekaterina Gordon gave birth to a son, Daniel. On April 19, 2014, Gordon and Sergei Zhorin got married again, but this time their marriage lasted a little more than a month: on June 2, 2014, Zhorin filed for divorce.

Katya Gordon - famous TV presenter, talented journalist, aspiring singer, born 10/19/1980, native Muscovite.


The girl was born into a very intelligent professorial family. Both of her parents were university teachers: her mother was a mathematician, her father was a philologist. But they divorced when Katya was still a preschooler. Soon the mother remarried, and the stepfather decided to adopt Katya. This is how she received the surname Podlipchuk, which became the reason for children’s teasing at school.

In childhood

But this was Katya’s only problem with her classmates. She grew up as a very lively and sociable girl who showed bright artistic abilities early on. Katya loved everything related to the stage - singing, dancing, miniatures and performances. Moreover, still in primary school she began to compose herself short stories and poetry.

IN high school Katya became interested in puppet theater. She wrote scripts and independently staged entire performances with other students. At the same time, the girl managed to study at a music school, where she mastered the piano. In high school, at the insistence of her mother, she attended an economics course at Moscow State University.

The teachers quickly appreciated the girl’s talents and after graduation they were ready to admit her to the university without exams. But by that time Katya realized that boring economic specialties were not for her. Now psychology has become her new hobby, and she enrolled in this specialty.


Katino’s education was not limited to psychology. By the time she graduated from university, she had already tried writing scripts for films, and now she really wanted to try directing them. She understood that without knowing the basics of directing, it is impossible to make high-quality films and went to scriptwriting courses to get them.

She ended up in the workshop of the master of Russian cinema, Pyotr Todorovsky, and he considered her one of the most talented students. Under his leadership, Katya made her debut short film “The Sea is Worried Once”, the main character who became a young journalist who was filming a report on military events based on the stories of veterans.

Naturally, Katya reflected in the film the negative aspects of the war and how much it breaks the human psyche. This was the reason that the film was banned from public display, and Katya’s directorial work was not credited.

Even Todorovsky’s support did not allow her to obtain a diploma. But many years later, the film won the main prize at international festival"New Cinema".

Katya managed to realize herself as a writer. While still a teenager, she published her own collection of poems. She received funds for publication as a prize as a winner literary competition young authors. This book will still play an important role in her fate.

Katya continued to write, but switched to prose. Her novel about the “golden” Moscow youth, thoughtlessly wasting their lives, “The Finished,” evoked stormy responses. But Katya writes in different genres, raising vital important topics, about which journalists prefer to remain silent. So one of her latest works became the novel “Kill the Internet!”, dedicated to Internet addicted people.

But journalism still brought Katya fame. She is the author and presenter of many interesting radio and television programs, where it also raises hot topics and boldly expresses his own opinion. Katya invites political and public figures, public figures, artists into her programs and reveals the most unexpected sides to the audience.

In 2009, Katya decided to try herself as a singer and created her own rock band. The BlondROCK team began performing quite successfully at Moscow venues and even made it to the Eurovision semi-finals, but the guys did not make it to the competition itself. In 2010, they presented the public with their debut album, for which Katya herself became the songwriter.

Not only the audience liked the songs. Katya began to collaborate as an author with others famous performers. She wrote such hits as “Take Back Paradise”, “Empty Heart”, “Leave in English”, etc. But singing career Katie is not developing as well as she would like. Even from the “Voice” program, which she got into without much difficulty, she was eliminated in one of the first rounds.

Katya is actively engaged social activities. She advocates for animal rights, as well as freedom of assembly and speech. In the early 2000s, Katya became interested in jurisprudence. The reason for this was the scandal between her and the producer of the series “Ranetki”, which only ended in court.

Now Katya is actively fighting for the protection of children and women, and has made this the basis of her election program. She decided to run for president in defiance of her eternal opponent.

Personal life

In 2000, a 20-year-old student became a wife famous TV presenter Alexandra Gordon, whom I met in one of the restaurants. She came there on a date with a young man, organized by her mother. She was very worried that her daughter, devoting all her time to her studies, had still not built a serious relationship with anyone. If only she knew how this meeting would turn out.

Katya herself was the first to draw attention to Gordon - she watched his programs more than once and had great respect for this journalist. As a pretext for getting to know each other, she gave him her collection of poems, which was always in her purse.

With Alexander Gordon

While Katya was chatting with her gentleman, Gordon managed to read poetry and invited the girl to exchange phone numbers. And a month later he proposed to her, which Katya accepted with delight.

The marriage lasted less than six years. Still, the seventeen-year age difference did its job. Katya wanted to develop, Gordon believed that first of all she should be a wife. And although at first he began to actively help her, when Katya’s career took off sharply, he did not like such competition.

The relationship ended in divorce, after which Katya essentially remained on the street.

The second time she was no longer in a hurry to get married. Only in 2011 Katya was ready to become an official wife again. This time, the famous Moscow lawyer Sergei Zhorin. But this marriage lasted less than a year.

The husband's temperament turned out to be so hot that very soon he began to assault him. Freedom-loving Katya was not going to tolerate this and immediately left, being pregnant.

With Sergei Zhorin

The birth of a joint son served as a reason for reconciliation. In 2014, they even got married again, but this time family life lasted only a month. Both finally realized that they were not made for each other. Although Sergei continues to maintain relations with his son.

In the winter of 2017, Katya’s fans unexpectedly saw on Instagram a post about the birth of her second child. She did not advertise this pregnancy and for a long time hid the name of the child's father.

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon or simply Katya Gordon is a famous and extremely versatile woman. She has proven herself to be a talented TV presenter and radio station DJ, author and performer of rock songs.

Ekaterina devotes a lot of time to the decision social problems and even acted as the organizer of a movement that promotes love for mongrel dogs. She believes that if every person takes at least one mongrel from the shelter, they will close their doors, and families will find a loyal and reliable friend for a long time. By the way, Katya herself lives with the mongrel Kif.

Height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon

IN modern Russia There are many fans of Ekaterina Gordon's talent. It will be quite interesting for them to find out what the TV presenter’s height, weight, and age are. How old Katya Gordon is is no secret, so it’s worth answering this popular question.

Katya was born in 1980, so she is already thirty-six years old. According to her Zodiac sign, she is a fair, harmonious, calm, intellectual Libra. Eastern horoscope promises beautiful and smart woman the sign of the Monkey with its inherent assertiveness, enthusiasm, flightiness, enthusiasm and restless imagination.

Katya Gordon is a woman who has a standard height of one meter and seventy-one centimeters. She weighs fifty-three kilograms because she carefully monitors her figure.

Biography of Katya Gordon

The biography of Katya Gordon began in 1980 from the moment the girl was born in the capital of our Motherland. The girl was one of those children who are called “on their own.” She amazed adults with her willfulness and love of freedom. The baby learned to read and write very early, so she wrote short stories, calling them stories or poems.

Katya studied at a gymnasium with a humanitarian focus, she tried to do all her homework perfectly. She wrote scripts and directed puppet theater productions, these performances are still remembered by teachers and students educational institution. The girl visited music school, where she learned to play the piano masterfully.

In high school, a talented girl was noticed and offered to enroll in an economics school founded at the International University. Katya graduated from it in parallel with receiving secondary education. A grant was allocated for Katya to receive an education in the economic field, but the girl did it her own way.

Ekaterina became a student at the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University, which she graduated with honors in 2002. She did not work in her specialty, but applied to the Higher Directing Courses. Katya is remembered as a bright and persistent student, although thesis“The Sea Is Worried Once” was rejected by the artistic commission. The most interesting thing is that in 2005 this short film received the Grand Prix at the world festival “New Cinema. 21 century".

This wonderful woman tried herself as a TV presenter of entertainment and morning shows on the M1, TVC, First, and Zvezda channels. Katya was a presenter on the radio stations “Mayak”, “Silver Rain”, “Moscow Speaks”, “Culture”, “Echo of Moscow”. She amazed listeners with her creativity and ability to come up with slogans for programs on the fly.

By the way, Catherine did not give up her youthful passion for literature. She wrote and published several books, including “Fortune”, “Kill the Internet!!!”, “Finished”, “Life for Dummies”. The girl is the author of several popular novels and the play “Is the President’s Wife Happy?”

Katya created her own music group“BlondRock”, for which I wrote almost everything song compositions. In 2016 she participated in television show"Voice-5".

Ekaterina is the creator of a society for those who suffer from Internet addiction, and the first in the world trade union bloggers. She is one of the most beautiful people in the capital.

She is a very risky woman, as she has jumped with a parachute several times and visited Antarctica. Katya dances wonderfully modern dance and has a diploma as a translator, since he is fluent English language.

Personal life of Katya Gordon

Katya Gordon’s personal life is shrouded in darkness, since the woman is a non-public person. There are various rumors about her life, which say that the girl achieves everything in her career with the help of bed and marriage, however, this information remains at the level of ridiculous gossip.

The fact that her personal life was aimed at career growth is allegedly proven by the girl’s six-year marriage to TV presenter Alexander Gordon. However, Katya became popular after breaking up with her first husband.

In 2012, rumors appeared that the girl began dating singer Mitya Fomin. Journalists even predicted a quick marriage, but Katya Gordon denied this information, as well as the fact that her son was born from Mitya.

Currently, the girl is dating a major businessman Igor Matsanyuk, however, she is not planning to marry him yet. The couple recently had a son.

Katya Gordon's family

Katya Gordon's family is a mystery shrouded in darkness; there is no information about it on the Internet. It is only known that the parents separated when Katya was a little girl. The baby was raised by her stepfather, to whom she is grateful and considers her real dad.

When Katya grew up, she decided to change her father's surname. Her last name was Prokofieva, however, in more later years the girl decided to take her stepfather's surname and became Ekaterina Podlipchuk.

The most interesting thing is that the baby was born against all the laws of nature, because her mother was given a terrible diagnosis - infertility.

Children of Katya Gordon

Katya Gordon's children came at a great price to her because she was in rather poor health. When Katya was carrying her first child, doctors examined her and made a terrible diagnosis of an aneurysm. This led to what she experienced clinical death.

The doctors were horrified when they found out that Gordon was pregnant again. They dissuaded the girl from giving birth. It was very difficult for Ekaterina to bear her second son; in recent months she had complications. The woman endured everything for the sake of the baby. Only thanks to professional and experienced doctors, Katya and the baby remained alive and healthy.

IN Lately a woman dreams of a third child, but she will have to remain pregnant throughout the pregnancy. Katerina is not ready for this, so she is seriously thinking about freezing her egg and having a baby with the help of a surrogate mother.

Katya Gordon's son - Daniil Gordon

Katya Gordon's son, Daniil Gordon, was born in 2012; his father was his second husband, Sergei Zhorin.

He is very similar to his lawyer father in appearance and character, so Zhorin insisted that the baby bear his last name. The fact was that the lawyer suspected that the child was born from the singer Mitya Fomin. For now, Daniil still bears the last name Gordon, but things are moving towards changing it to his father’s.

Little Daniel is a very restless and incredibly talented boy. He loves outdoor games and plays sports. The boy is very attached to his father and loves to spend time with him.

Katya Gordon's son - Seraphim Gordon

Katya Gordon’s son, Seraphim Gordon, was born in 2017; his father was businessman Igor Matsanyuk. The pregnancy was very difficult, and contractions began while walking around the city. The expectant mother made her way to the maternity ward herself.

Katya Gordon gave birth to her second child weighing 3600 grams. It was decided to name the child Leon, but the father was against it.

Right before registration, Igor Matsanyuk said that the baby should be named after the saint on whose day he was born. The boy was named Seraphim, in honor of the beloved martyr Katya Gordon.

The baby grows up smiling, eats well and loves to walk in his mother’s arms.

Katya Gordon's ex-husband - Alexander Gordon

Ex-husband Kati Gordon - Alexander Gordon - appeared in her life in 2000, he was the girl’s teacher. The seventeen-year age difference did not hinder the couple; they got married and lived quite happily.

The girl took her husband's last name, and everyone around began to whisper that she did it only for the sake of successful career. The marriage lasted only six years, there were no children, although Gordon became the godfather of Katya’s eldest son.

The divorce happened because Alexander fell in love again. Katya took the divorce very hard, but three years later she came to terms with it and began actively pursuing a career.

Katya Gordon's ex-husband - Sergei Zhorin

Katya Gordon's ex-husband, Sergei Zhorin, appeared in Catherine's life in 2011. He was not only handsome, but also a famous and sought-after lawyer, whose services were used by actors and singers.

Sergei defended Katya in a lawsuit against the producer of the Ranetki group. The young people entered into a marriage rather quickly, just three weeks after they met.

The marriage broke up just as suddenly, because two months later Zhorin brutally beat his wife. She escaped with a concussion and numerous bruises and filed a police report. Sergei repented and even apologized to his wife publicly.

Katya forgave Zhorina, but was unable to accept and improve the relationship again.

Photo of Katya Gordon before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Katya Gordon before and after plastic surgery naturally exist in the open spaces world wide web. The girl does not hide from her fans that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. She clarifies that she had rhinoplasty because she was unhappy with the shape of her nose, considering it crooked.

Katerina spent a long time choosing a surgeon who could perform plastic surgery on her. He turned out to be a real professional who did plastic surgery famous people, — Tigran Aleksanyan.

The operation was successful, and Katya now enjoys being able to breathe freely.

Instagram and Wikipedia Katya Gordon

Katya Gordon’s Instagram and Wikipedia are available in official form, so all information can be trusted one hundred percent. Wikipedia contains information about personal and family life, and also about career.

Instagram is literally part of Katya Gordon’s life. In it she posts a variety of photographs and videos. The most interesting thing is that the woman managed to film how she was going to the maternity hospital with contractions in anticipation of the birth of her second son.

On Instagram, she posted a photo of her chosen one, Igor Matsanyuk, and was sincerely happy with all the comments from her subscribers.

Katya Gordon is a famous TV presenter, journalist, public figure, singer. Has its own company Saferoom, which provides legal and psychological assistance. A girl with a strong and steely character who made herself.

Katya Gordon was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow into a family of physicists. My father worked as an auditor for a long time, my mother taught at the university. The girl has younger brother Ivan.

Katya first wanted to become a psychologist, but after graduating from a pedagogical university, she decided to continue her studies. The girl entered the higher directing courses with Pyotr Todorovsky. Her graduation project, the short film “The Sea Is Worried Once,” was banned from showing in home country, but found its audience at the international film festival “New Cinema. 21 century".

The girl also tried herself as a TV presenter. IN different time Katya hosted programs on TVC, Channel One and Zvezda channels. Gordon also has work on the radio “Moscow Speaks” and “Mayak”. The girl was fired from the last radio station with a scandal when she had a fight with Ksenia Sobchak on air.

Ekaterina also contributed to domestic literature. The works “Finished” and “States” are only the beginning of her writing career. Utopian novel “Kill the Internet!!!” also came from her pen.

Katya Gordon was the founder and lead singer of the group “BlondRock”, for which she wrote all the songs herself. But in 2015 she decided to disband the group and began performing under own name. Also talented girl writes songs to colleagues, including Anya Lorak, Dmitry Koldun, Anzhelika Agurbash.
Gordon took part in season 5 music show"Voice". The girl ended up with mentor Dmitry Bilan, but at the stage of fights she lost to her rival and was forced to leave the project.

Ekaterina and Alexander Gordon

The girl’s first husband was Alexander Gordon, whom she married in 2000. Many spiteful critics believe that it is famous husband made efforts to career growth Catherine. The girl herself has repeatedly emphasized in her interviews that her husband has always been skeptical of her talents and has nothing to do with her professional growth.

Their marriage broke up in 2006. The couple had no material claims against each other, so they managed to separate quietly and peacefully. In her interviews, the girl emphasizes that the years spent with her first husband were filled with happy moments. She learned a lot from the experienced journalist.

Painful relationship with Zhorin

The talented girl Bala was married to Sergei Zhorin twice and both times their relationship ended loud scandal. They met during a trial in which Gordon acted as a defendant, and Zhorin represented the plaintiffs. After the case was closed, they decided to go to a restaurant together and have dinner. Things started between them love relationship and the couple decided to get married. Their first wedding took place in 2011. But less than a month had passed since Gordon was hospitalized with a concussion and numerous bruises. The girl said that her hot-tempered husband was to blame for everything, but still returned to him.

Their relationship was never harmonious, even during pregnancy. They often argued, separated and got back together again, until Katya filed for divorce. In 2012, Katya gave birth to her first child, son Daniel.

In April 2014, Zhorin and Gordon again legalized their relationship, giving each other another chance. But this relationship soon fell apart, and harsh statements by former spouses against each other often appeared in the press.

Life after divorce

Today Katya Gordon is riding the wave of her popularity. A woman successfully realizes herself in the professional sphere, not being afraid to try herself in different areas. In 2017, a joyful and an important event, she became a mother for the second time. The TV presenter gave birth to another son, but left the name of the child’s father a secret. Gordon was able to recover very quickly after childbirth and regain her former shape. With a height of 165 centimeters, her weight is 57 kilograms, and her figure is striking in ideal proportions.

In October 2017, Ekaterina Gordon announced that she intended to nominate her candidacy for the presidential election. But already at the beginning of the year, the girl abandoned the race, although she was able to collect the required number of voter signatures.

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