Position. Work of the jury of the “International Circus Art Competition “Star Continent”


about holding an open festival-competition

children's and youth and youth circus groups "New Stars - 2014"

in St. Petersburg 01/14/2014

Open festival-competition of children's, youth and youth circus groups of Russia “New Stars - 2014”, held as part of the festival “We are different - we are together”, dedicated to the 310th anniversary of the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg

Goals and objectives of the festival-competition:

    promoting the development of a culture of children's, youth and youth creativity, introducing managers and children to new trends and directions in circus art and pedagogy;

    introducing children to the creativity of children's and youth circus groups in Russia and abroad;

    identifying and supporting talented children's and youth circus groups, increasing the level performing skills through the work of the festival-competition;

    assistance to teachers working with children's groups and youth to improve the level of their qualifications and professional training;

    to attract attention public structures and organizations to the problems of children and children's creativity;

    identify gifted children and implement them potential opportunities through a festival-competition

    establish and strengthen creative contacts between children's and youth circus groups in Russia and abroad

Festival-competition management:

The organizers of the Festival are: Department for Youth Policy and Relations with Public Organizations of the Administration of the Admiralteysky District of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State state-financed organization“Admiralteysky Center for working with teenagers and youth. (hereinafter referred to as the Organizers), who:

    consider issues arising during the preparation of the Festival;

    organize work on preparing and conducting the qualifying round of the Festival;

    interact with the media.

    organize the Gala performance.

    organize the work of the jury.

Conditions for participation in the competition program:

Primary requirements:

    a circus group can present no more than 3 acts and one reprise-clownery (if any)

    clowning theaters present no more than 3 reprises.

    performances of all groups must be performed to a soundtrack

    all phonograms must be recorded on a high-quality CD technical level(if the quality of the phonogram recording is poor, the number will be removed from the competition).

    The duration of solo and pair performances is no more than 5 minutes (the assistant is not a participant in the performance)

    Group rooms can include 3 or more people. The duration of the number is no more than 6 minutes

    It is undesirable to demonstrate performances where the health and life of the performer is jeopardized

    when used in equipment rooms, have technical. passports.

    it is necessary to have cable equipment with the correct “starter”, checkels, carabiners, rotation machines must have factory markings)

    the order of competitive performances is determined by the organizing committee

    The gala concert includes performances from the winners of the festival and performances selected by members of the jury and the organizing committee of the festival

    The organizing committee has the right to remove from the festival program an act where the health and life of the performer is endangered

Dates and procedure for the festival-competition :

The International Children and Youth Festival-Competition is held from November 12 to 15, 2014 in St. Petersburg. First qualifying round runs on video materials sent by teams no later than October 20, 2014.

Participants of the festival-competition :

Participants in the festival-competition can be circus groups, clowning theaters, schools, studios of cultural institutions, teenagers and youth clubs, educational institutions and other departments. The age of the participants is from 5 to 30 years.
Nomination - circus art:
Age categories of participants
- from 5 to 9 years (younger)
- from 10 to 13 years (average)
- from 14 to 18 years old (senior)
- from 19 to 30 years old (pro)
Nomination – Clownery:

The age of the participants is from 5 to 30 years.

Criteria for evaluation:

    degree of professionalism of performers,

    originality of the image,

    complexity of the stunt repertoire,

    modern design of props, equipment, costume, performer’s hairstyle, makeup style

Jury of the festival-competition :

Outstanding cultural and artistic figures of Russia and professional circus performers

Winner's reward ceremony:

The winners of the festival-competition are evaluated by a jury according to the protocols.

Based on the results of the competition, the following are awarded:

    Festival Grand Prix

    Special diplomas for individual numbers

Sponsors and other organizations have the right to award special prizes and gifts.

Organizational matters

To participate in the festival-competition, you must fill out the application form(on the main page of the site ) Attention! A separate application form must be filled out for each number. The deadline for submitting an application and video recording is October 20, 2014.

The head of the delegation is responsible for the life and health of children during the festival-competition.

Questions by phone.

8 911 – 290 - 81-10 Shaikhiev Ramis Rafikovich

8-911 – 088 – 26 - 14 Shaikhieva Liliya Lvovna

For active Internet users:

E-mail circusns@ gmail. com

Skype – Our names on Skype " gold coin» « circusns» « circuslilya»

Skype- these are free calls between usersSkypeand low prices for calls to mobile and landline phones around the world.


To participate in the festival-competition of children's and youth circus groups "New Stars -2014", an organizational fee of 1000 rubles per group has been established. The registration fee is paid at the place of registration (upon arrival)

    Travel and accommodation expenses for participants are borne by the sending organization.

    Cost of accommodation per day from rubles per person (see appendix*)

    Cost of meals (breakfast, dinner) from rubles per person (see appendix*)

The organizers of the festival-competition provide :

    accommodation of participants and guests of the festival

    excursion program (optional, paid separately (see appendix*))

    transfer (station - accommodation - station). Transfer operation is not guaranteed if the delivery location, time, arrival and departure are not communicated.

* Due to the economic situation in the country, the application is being adjusted and will be sent to you upon your request by email circusns@ gmail. com

  • Information on the average monthly wages of managers, their deputies and chief accountants of government institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia calculated for the calendar year
  • Analytical reports and reviews of an informational nature.
  • Assessment of the quality of public services of cultural institutions of the Republic of Buryatia
  • Training on the Portal of state and municipal services of the Republic of Buryatia
  • Activities of the headquarters of civil defense and emergency situations of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia
  • State assignments of cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for 2010
  • Regulatory acts for the work of cultural institutions in order to implement Federal Law No. 83-FZ
  • Regulatory legal acts and other acts in the field of anti-corruption
  • Basic lists of state and municipal services
  • Instructions based on the results of the trips of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia to the regions of the Republic of Buryatia
  • Personnel work
    • Commission on Compliance with Requirements for Official Conduct and Resolution of Conflicts of Interest
  • Folk arts and crafts
    • Artistic Expert Council on Folk Arts and Crafts
  • Administrative regulations
  • Anti-corruption
    • Independent anti-corruption examination of draft regulatory legal acts
    • Information on income, property and property-related liabilities
    • Activities of the commission on compliance with requirements for official conduct and resolution of conflicts of interest
  • Independent assessment of work quality
    • Conducting an independent assessment of the quality of work of cultural institutions in 2014
    • Conducting an independent assessment of the quality of work of cultural institutions in 2015
    • Conducting an independent assessment of the quality of work of cultural institutions in 2016
  • Online check of compliance of the increase in utility fees with established restrictions
  • Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia
  • Regional state control over compliance with legislation on archival affairs in the territory of the Republic of Buryatia
  • Regional state control in relation to museum objects and museum collections included in the museum fund of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia
    • Orders on the implementation of regional state control
    • Forms of checklists (checklists)
  • Regulations on holding the International Forum - Festival of Children and Youth Circus Groups “A World Where the Circus Triumphant!”

    Autonomous cultural institution of the Republic of Buryatia " State Circus Republic of Buryatia" with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, in accordance with the work plan for 2014, is holding an International Forum - a festival of children's and youth circus groups "A world where the circus triumphs!" with master classes conducted by leading masters of circus art from Russia and abroad.

    Location: Ulan-Ude, Circus Shapito Park named after. Oreshkova

    1. Festival goals:

    Development of professional circus art in the Republic of Buryatia

    Increasing the role of circus art in the harmonious education of youth.

    Identification and support of talented groups in all genres of circus art.

    Increasing the level of performing skills, qualifications and professional training of circus performers.

    Dissemination in Buryatia of the ideas of harmonious development of personality and physical culture bodies cultivated by circus art as such.

    Propaganda among youth and the younger generation healthy image life, giving up bad habits under the auspices of “No to drugs and other bad habits

    2. Objectives of the festival :

    To promote the development of children's and youth creativity culture, to introduce leaders and children to new trends and directions in circus art and pedagogy;

    Identify and support talented children's and youth circus groups, improve the level of performing skills through the work of the forum-festival;

    To help teachers working with children's groups and youth improve the level of their qualifications and professional training;

    To attract the attention of public structures and organizations to the problems of children and children's creativity;

    Identify gifted children and realize their potential through the forum-festival;

    To establish and strengthen creative contacts between circus groups in Russia and abroad.

    3. Festival participants

    Forum participants - festivals may beprofessional, amateur, amateur, children's circus groups,clown theaters, schools, studios, creative associations cultural institutions, educational institutions and other departmentsV. Participants age from 6 to 23 years.

    Primary requirements:

    - A circus group can present no more than 3 acts and one reprise-clownery (if any)

    - Clown theaters present no more than 3 reprises.

    - performances of all groups must be performed to a soundtrack

    - all phonograms must be recorded on CD or on a flash drive of high technical quality (if the quality of the phonogram recording is poor, the number will be removed from the competition).

    - The duration of solo and pair performances is no more than 5 minutes (the assistant is not a participant in the performance)

    - Group rooms can include 3 or more people. The duration of the number is no more than 6 minutes

    - Availability of technical passports for air number equipment and certificates for cable equipment

    - it is necessary to have cable equipment with the correct “starter”, checkels, carabiners, rotation machines must have factory markings)

    - Air numbers without insurance will not be considered.

    - the order of competitive performances is determined by the organizing committee

    - The organizing committee has the right to remove an act from the festival program where the health and life of the performer is endangered

    - The gala concert is attended by acts selected by members of the jury and the festival organizing committee

    Jury of the festival-competition:

    Outstanding cultural and artistic figures of Russia and neighboring countriesAnd professional artists circus

    Criteria for evaluation:

    Degree of professionalism of performers

    Originality of the image

    Complexity of the stunt repertoire

    - “new genre”

    Artistic decision in the design of props, costume, and hairstyle of the performer

    Winner's reward ceremony:

    The winners of the festival-competition are evaluated by a jury according to the protocols.

    Based on the results of the competition, awards are made:

    Festival Grand Prix

    Laureate 1st degree

    - Laureate 2nd degree

    Laureate 3rd degree

    Special Diplomas for individual numbers:

    Best solo performer;

    Best group performer;

    People's Choice Award;

    Special prize of the Directorate of AUC RB “State Circus of the Republic of Belarus”

    Sponsors and other organizations have the right to award special prizes and gifts.

    4. Conditions of participation in the festival


    To participate in the International Forum - Festival of Children and Youth Circus Groups “A World Where the Circus Triumphant!” The registration fee is 500 rubles per participant.

    Expenses related to travel, accommodation and meals are borne by the sending party.

    The organizers of the forum-festival provide :

    Accommodation for festival participants and guests

    Transfer (station - accommodation - station)

    Excursion program

    To participate in the forum-festival, participants fill out an application form (form attached) and submit the following materials:

    Brief summary about the numbers and participants;

    Copies of technical passports for props and equipment of air numbers;

    Certificate for cable equipment.

    Submitted documents cannot be returned.

    670045, g .Ulan-Ude, st. 3rd Transportnaya, 33. AUC RB “State Circus of the Republic of Buryatia”

    Email: goscirk @gmail .com website http://goscirkrb.ru/ Festival Organizing Committee.

    Contact phone/fax: (301-2) 46-30-43 director Erdyniev Viktor Ayusheevich

    46-12-29 artistic director Dogdanova Tuyana Molonovna

    46-46-32 Ch. accountant Sodnomova Tamara Alekseevna. 46-16-19 Ch. admin Badmaeva Svetlana Pavlovna


    forum-festival “The World Where Circus Triumphant”


    9.00h – 20.00h

    Check-in of participants

    Group rehearsals (circus tent in Oreshkov Park)

    Dating evening


    13.00h - 17.00h

    Registration of participants

    Opening of the Festival. Review competitive program(circus tent park named after Oreshkov)

    Review of the competition program (circus tent in Oreshkov Park)

    Coffee break

    Round table for managers “Problems of development of modern circus art”

    Excursion to ethnographical museum for children.

    Master class on the genre of “clownery”

    Circus performance rehearsal

    Circus show with festival participants

    Master class in acrobatics.

    09.30h - 12.00h

    Master class on the original. genre "rubber"

    Preventive quiz “No to drugs and other bad habits!”


    Gala performance. Awarding of participants

    Festive dinner. Presentation of certificates of advanced training to team leaders.


    to participate in the International Festival-Forum

    “A world where the Circus triumphs!”

    Ulan-Ude, 2014.

    Team name_______________________________________________________________

    City (region of Russia) ______________________________________________________________

    Last name, first name, patronymic of the team leader Address, e-mail, tel./fax, mobile _________ _________________________________________________________________________________

    Name of the institution where the team is based________________________________________________

    Last name, first name, patronymic of the director of the institution_______________________________________________

    Lists of participants and accompanying persons


    Passport details

    Certificate of


    Status (maintainer, participant or leader)

    Total number: ________________ people (participants, leaders, accompanying persons)

    Residence wishes _____________________________________________________


    Arrival at the festival: (date, time, train number, (plane number), carriage number, flight number)

    Departure from the festival (date, time, train number, carriage number, plane number, flight number)

    Additional wishes _________________________________________________________________________________

    Performed repertoire

    (indicate the number of minutes for each number)

    Execution of a program in a block, / if the interval is specified in the breakdown ____________

    1 Room name, ____________________________________________________

    timing______ number of participants________ Age category___________

    2. genre ___________________________________________________

    3. phonogram style________________________________________________

    1 Room name

    2. genre_________________________________________________

    3 phonogram style

    FULL NAME. performers ______________________________________________________________

    1 Room name,____________________________________________________

    timing______ number of participants____Age category___________

    2. genre__________________________________________________________

    3 phonogram style________________________________

    FULL NAME. performers ______________________________________________________________

    Musical accompaniment(specify phonogram media: CD/MD

    The need for microphones and their number ________________________________________________

    Team leader _____________________________________


    "_____" _____________2014


    1. Performance times are subject to change.

    2. Dear managers, consider the accommodation offer. Mini hostel accommodation from 500 rub. You can check it out on the website http://www.minihostel.ru

    Conditions for advanced training

    for leaders of circus groups

    within the framework of the International Festival-Forum

    children's and youth circus groups

    “A world where the Circus triumphs!”

    Ulan-Ude, 2014.

    State Circus of the Republic of Belarus and the College of Arts. P.I. Tchaikovsky conducts advanced training courses for leaders of circus groups. The role of the teacher as a person who organizes educational process ensuring its high quality, the use of new information technologies not comparable.

    Professionalization of teaching activities in circus groups is necessary, since this moment These are people who are passionate about the circus, many of whom do not have a special circus education.

    Description:In this course, you will learn basic methods for solving all kinds of organizational problems. You will learn to set goals and analyze the difficulties that prevent you from achieving them. You will receive a methodology for teaching circus disciplines in acrobatics, the original rubber genre, and clowning. Round table on the topic “Problems in the development of modern circus art”

    Master classes are conducted by:

    Shelkovnikov Alexander Nikolaevich- Honored Artist of Russia, X prize-winner V international festival circus artists in Monte Carlo, laureate II All-Union Competition of Circus Artists, Director of the Kaluga Regional Center folk art, laureate of the international clown festival in Shenzhen (China)

    Tsend-OchirSelenge - Honored Artist of the Republic of Buryatia, laureate state prize Republic of Buryatia, Artistic director of the Mongolian circus "ASSA".

    Afanasyeva Natalya Yurievna- director SAOU DOD RB (DSHI) "Buryat Republican Circus School" teacher of the highest category.

    The cost of the advanced training course is 3000 rubles.

    "Talent Marathon"

    General provisions

    1.1. This regulation regulates the procedure for holding a circus art competition and original genre“Buffonade”, as part of the I Interdistrict Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Marathon of Talents” for students of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School, Educational Institution, School of Children’s Education, and Children’s Educational Institution.

    Goals and objectives of the competition


    Creating conditions for identifying new talented performers and groups among children and youth in the areas of circus art and original genre;

    Popularization pop art;


    Creating conditions for creative self-realization of children and youth, promoting their creative development;

    Acquiring skills public speaking;

    Establishment creative interaction between contestants;

    Creating conditions for the exchange of experience and skills of managers and teachers;

    Identification of talented and gifted children with a view to further attracting them to participate in the activities of the State Budgetary Institution of Preparatory Education Center Central region.

    Founders and organizers of the competition

    3.1. The founder of the competition is the education department of the Central District Administration. Organizer of the competition –

    3.2. The organizer of the competition is a state budgetary institution additional education Center for extracurricular work with children, youth and adults in the Central District of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Center for Extracurricular Activities).


    4.1. The following are allowed to participate in the competition:

    Students secondary schools and other educational institutions

    Students creative teams UDOD and ODOD

    4.2. All competition participants are divided into the following age groups:

    1st age group- 7-10 years

    2nd age group – 11-13 years old

    3rd age group – 14-17 years;

    4th age group -18 and older.

    Conditions of the competition

    5.1. Participants can submit competition numbers in accordance with the proposed nominations (pairs, group, solo):

    -circus art

    -original genre

    5.2. Speech time limit is up to five minutes.

    5.3. The number of numbers presented is no more than two from a participant or team.

    5.4. The competition organizers reserve the right to make additions and changes to this provision.

    5.5. Musical accompaniment for the competition is provided on a flash card or CD, CD-RW disk with high-quality recording. The phonogram can be sent in advance along with the application form for participation in the competition by e-mail to: address: konkurs@cvrcr. com or provided to the sound engineer of the GBU DO TsVR on the day of the competition no later than 30 minutes before the start. It is allowed to accompany the speech with a presentation made in the program Microsoft PowerPoint.

    Dates of the competition

    6.1. January 19, 2018 V 13.00 – competitive viewings will take place at the address: st. Pravdy, 8 lit. D.

    March 30, 2018 at 15:00 – Closing of the I Interdistrict Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Marathon of Talents". Gala – concert of the winners. Ceremonial award ceremony.

    6.2. Applications (Appendix 1) for participation in the competition are accepted from 04.12.2017 to 17.01.2018. at the address: st. Pravdy, 8, lit. D (room 203), also by fax: 315-48-81 or by email: [email protected]

    Criteria for evaluation

    7.1. The evaluation of competitive works is carried out according to criteria with scores assigned for each criterion from 1 to 10.

    7.2. The performances of the participants will be assessed in accordance with the level of their professional training.

    7.3. Criteria:

    Technical complexity of the performed repertoire:

    Regulations for the international circus art competition “GOLDEN RATIO”

    Time and place:

    April 27-28, 2019, Moscow State school circus and pop art named after. M.N. Rumyantseva (Pencil)

    (Moscow, 5th street Yamskogo Polya, 24)

    Project founder: Premiere LLC, Premiere-Co LLC

    Project goals:

    1. Activation creative activity talented children and youth;
    2. Exchange of creative achievements and the opportunity to establish close contacts between creative teams from different cities and countries;
    3. Popularization of creativity of talented children and youth;
    4. Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and youth;
    5. Professional development artistic directors theaters and creative groups.

    Anyone who has applied for participation and paid the registration fee is invited to participate.

    At the end of each performance - an open vote by the professional jury, immediately after the end of all performances in your age category - round table(optional): a professional jury will explain the grades given to the speakers and tell them what they need to work on. Contestants whose works were liked the most will be offered cooperation for further performances at Moscow venues or specific work.

    Competition program

    1. Circus groups are invited to participate in the competition in the following categories:

    "acrobatics"- double, group, single. plastic, partner, jumping, aerial; “clownery” - steam room, group, single - slapstick, musical, eccentric;

    "gymnastics": double, group, single partner;

    "tightrope walk": doubles, group, single, partner (on reels, manual, on stairs, etc.);

    "juggling": pairs, group, single (junior, middle, senior, mixed age categories).

    "Dressing, Clownery, Illusion, Pantomime, Musical Eccentricity."

    1. In each nomination, participants are distributed into the following age groups:

    8 – 12 years old,

    17 years and older.

    Participants are judged based on the following categories:

    a) Starting level of training;

    b) Average level preparation;

    c) Professional.

    The criterion is chosen by the leader (participant), depending on how prepared the participant is. Diplomas indicate the level: “Starter” and “Professional”

    1. Competitive performances are organized according to a specific schedule and take place in one round according to age categories from junior to senior.
    2. Participants present one performance with a total duration of no more than 4 minutes. If it is necessary to increase the duration - beyond 4 minutes, an additional fee will be charged (see financial conditions)
    3. Phonograms accompanying the performances must be of proper quality and provided to the organizing committee before April 10, 2019. By the address . You must wait for a confirmation letter confirming receipt of the phonogram.

    Each file is named in the format: team name/room name.

    1. Primary requirements:

    3 or more people can take part in group performances; demonstration of performances where the life and health of the performer is jeopardized is undesirable; when using specialized equipment in the performances, it is necessary have technical passports for them , air license plates without means of insurance will not be considered; it is necessary to have the correct cable rigging, “checkel”, “carabiners”, “rotation machines” must have factory markings. The festival administration is not responsible for injuries sustained due to the use of low-quality or poorly secured equipment, with the exception of equipment provided by GUCEI.

    When evaluating contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

    1. Degree of professionalism of performers
    2. Originality of the image
    3. Complexity of the stunt repertoire
    4. Modern design of props, equipment, costume, performer's hairstyle, makeup style.

    Participants in the finals of the competition are awarded the following titles:
    1. Laureate (3 degrees)
    2. Diploma holder

    All laureates of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees qualify for the finals of the festival, which will take place in November 2018. 1st degree laureates finals of the festival-competition "GOLDEN SECTION" fall into Super-finale of the project "PREMIERE"

    Evaluation criteria:

    In the final Participants can receive a maximum of 10 points from each of the 5 jury members. Laureates are speakers who have earned the following number of points:

    50-49 points – 1st degree winner of the festival finals “ Golden ratio».

    48-45 points – 2nd degree winner of the final of the Golden Section festival.

    40-44 points – Winner of the 3rd degree at the finals of the Golden Section festival.

    A competitor can take part in several categories.

    If you provide more than one number (in the same category and nomination), the points are not summed up, but the higher score is taken into account.

    Financial conditions

    Cost of participation:

    Participant (soloist) – 3200 rubles(per performed number up to 4 minutes).

    Participant (soloist) – 3500 rubles(for one performed number from 4 minutes to 6 minutes).

    Participant (soloist) – 3900 rubles(for one performed number 6-8 minutes).

    Duets and trios - 2200 rubles for each participant (for one performed number up to 4 minutes).

    Duets and trios - 2500 rubles for each participant (for one performed number 4-6 minutes).

    Duets and trios - 2900 rubles for each participant (for one performed number 6-8 minutes).

    Team (from 4 to 8 people) – 1600 rubles

    Team (from 9 to 14 people) – 1000 rubles for each participant (for one performed number).

    Team (from 15 and above) – 700 rubles for each participant. (per one performed number).

    When participating in a competition for the best director's work - an additional contribution of 2500 rubles.

    Photo and video

    A unique opportunity - only for participants of the Golden Section festival. Video filming of the festival will be carried out from 4 professional cameras(high quality), what is happening can be observed in live on the festival website (average or low recording quality). Online broadcast during the finals of the competition is free.

    After the festival you can get a recording of performances from 4 camerasin high quality with the original sound from the sound console, the cost of video recording 1 number - 600 rubles. No other festival in Russia has such an opportunity for that kind of money. 3 numbers – 1500 rubles.

    The cost of all photos of 1 issue is 200 rubles. 3 numbers - 500 rubles.

    The organizing committee of the Golden Section festival reserves the right to use and publish photos and video materials from the festival (non-exclusive rights). Participants who purchased these materials can publish these materials with reference to the original source.

    Filming in the hall with phones, cameras and video cameras is strictly prohibited!

    Prizes and awards

    All festival participants receive memorable souvenirs. In each nomination and in each age category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees are awarded. Diploma holders are awarded only participant diplomas.

    1. Free trips to children's creative camps.
    2. Certificates for free training for a year at the Aristocrat production center
    3. Cash certificates from 5,000 -75,000 rubles.
    4. Certificates for master classes by famous artists, choreographers, singers.
    5. Discount certificates from festival partners.

    Attention! Due to the limited number of seats, there is a fee to be in the hall. Ticket price is 300 rubles.

    Application procedure:

    Application can be submitted via the website:gold festival. ru

    At large quantities participants fill out the table:

    Participant's name (team name) City.




    Address (e-mail)


    Full name of the head



    ATTENTION, carefully check the completion of the table. Correction of errors, typos, changes in applications (replacement of numbers) are accepted STRICTLY UNTIL April 15th! APPLICATIONS must be sent to: This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

    If there is an error in the application(and as a result in the diploma) not our fault- Diploma reissue is paid - 150 rubles. If an error is discovered (made in the application) after the end of the festival, postage costs will be paid at your own expense. In case of an error on the part of the festival organizing committee, reprinting of the diploma, postage costs and apologies are at our expense.

    In response, within 2 days, you will be sent payment details. Payment must be made no later than April 10, 2018.

    Don't delay submitting applications. Registration for the festival is more than 1.5 years in advance!


    For nonresident participants of the festival, reservations of hotel rooms are provided upon prior request. The estimated cost of accommodation with two meals a day (breakfast, dinner) per day per person (for double occupancy) is 3,000 rubles. To reserve a place in a hotel, you must send with your application a list of participants, teachers, team leaders, accompanying persons, parents who will be staying at the hotel: full name (full name), date, month and year of birth, date of arrival and departure. Applications for hotel reservations are accepted from January 12 to April 10. to email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

    All expenses for travel and food for participants of the festival-competition, teachers, managers amateur performances, accompanists and parents are carried out at the expense of the directing party.


    During the festival, participants are provided with meals for an additional fee: Children's lunch - 350 rubles. Children's dinner - 300 rub. Adult lunch – from 350 rub. (depending on the selected menu. Adult dinner from 300 rubles (depending on the selected menu) The menu is specified by the organizing committee upon written request)

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