Examples of patriotism and education of schoolchildren. Patriotism is the main key to the revival of Russian Civilization

Test: Matvey Vologzhanin

Patriotism is one of the almost instinctive feelings of a person. The presence of this quality in us, alas, as always, is very vulgarly explained by biological laws. Tigers would be very bad patriots, cows too, but wolves, on the contrary, would make wonderful sons of the fatherland.

The fact is that humans were initially adapted to exist in related pack groups (not very large, most likely 6–10 people: pairs of parents with grown-up children). Our methods of nutrition and self-defense were ideal for such a design. At the same time, the mutual affection of members of one pack is so great that a person is ready to take significant risks in the name of saving his relatives. And this strategy turned out to be the most profitable for us.

For example, among ruminants that graze in large herds (bison, antelope, gazelles), the “die but protect your own” strategy turns out to be a losing one. James Gordon Russell, who spent a long time studying the behavior of wildebeest in the Serengeti, repeatedly noted cases when individual animals, instead of running away from the lions hunting them, went into a frontal attack. Two or three antelopes, each weighing a quarter of a ton, could easily trample a predator with their sharp hooves and injure it. If the entire huge herd joined the actions of the “wrong” wildebeest, all that would remain of the impudent cats would be a dark spot on the dusty ground of the savannah. However, the herd rushed as fast as they could away from the scene of the fight. And even though the brave men prevailed over the lions, they paid too dearly for it. Russell marked fighting antelopes and saw that the wounds received often led to exhaustion of the animal, its death, or, at a minimum, to a complete fiasco in the battle. love front. The cowardly and fleet-footed egoistic individuals lived much longer and multiplied much more abundantly. Therefore, patriotism is unprofitable for ruminants, just as it is not suitable for large predators, who need a large hunting area in their sole ownership for food.

With us, those who survived and won were those who knew how to fight shoulder to shoulder with members of their pack, who were ready to take risks and even self-sacrifice. Groups grew, turned into tribes, into settlements, into the first proto-states - and ultimately we survived and won to such an extent that we created a civilization.

The one who is not with us is the one who carnalizes us!

Children are the best patriots.
Teenagers aged 8–18 years are most receptive to the ideas of patriotism. At this age, a person already has the instinct to protect the pack, but there is still no family or children, the responsibility for which forces parents to be more careful and selfish. A teenager is much more inclined than an adult to be guided by the concepts of “friend” and “stranger.” An interesting study on this topic was published by American sociologists who studied the 10 million audience of the online game World of Warcraft. In this game, participants can choose one of two factions - Alliance or Horde. Players of different factions cannot communicate with each other in the game, but they can attack representatives of the opposing faction. According to surveys, most players under the age of 18 rate those playing for the opposing faction as "stupid, evil, mean, dishonest and disgusting" and players on their own side as "smart, friendly, interesting, decent and good."
The older the respondents were, the greater the proportion of their answers that were occupied by statements like “generally the same people play for both factions” and “behavior depends on the person, not the faction.”

Greek beginning

"Patriotism" - the word Greek origin, “patria” literally translates as “fatherland,” and the concept itself arose precisely during the era of the Greek city-states. Why did it not exist before this, when, as we have seen, the phenomenon itself is a thing as ancient as the human race? Because there was no need. Before the Greeks, the idea of ​​patriotism was tied by the ideologists of that time mainly to symbols (usually to the symbol of their god or king) as the official embodiment of a deity, or, with a weak influence of religion on public life, as among the northern peoples or in China, to the idea of ​​“blood” that is, to a sense of community with representatives of one's tribe, people who speak the same language and belong to the same people.

The Greeks, who created a civilization of city-states that desperately butted heads with each other, were in complete disarray on this ideological front. All of them - the Spartans, the Athenians, the Sybarites, and the Cretans - were Greeks. Everyone had the same pantheon of gods (although each city chose one or two favorites, who were considered its special patrons), and as a result Greek mythology turned into a description of endless skirmishes between the gods: Apollo and Ares, Aphrodite and Hera, Athena and Poseidon, etc. As for the kings, in most cities they simply were not there, and where there were, there were fewer democratic-minded Greeks they were generally inclined to deify them.

Therefore, they had to look for a different ideological base. And they very quickly found it, proclaiming patriotism to be the first human virtue - the willingness to sacrifice their interests not in the name of sunny Mithras, not in the glory of the great Ashurbanipal, but simply in the name of their fellow citizens, their city, their beloved sunny Athens with its silvery olive groves and old a mother sitting in a modest tunic at a spinning wheel and waiting for her son with victory...

This type of patriotism is now called “police patriotism.” (By the way, when the Greeks began to regularly fight the Persians, their polis patriotism was temporarily, but very quickly replaced by national patriotism, and the speakers of that time, all these Herodotus, Thucydides and Ctesias, very quickly learned phrases like “great Hellas”, “stinking Persians” and “in unity is our strength.”)

The greatest patriots are the Romans

Hellenic ancient ethical norms, as we know, were sometimes taken by the Romans more seriously than the Greeks themselves took them. From a Greek point of view, a patriot is someone who regularly pays taxes, participates in public life, does not violate laws and sends horsemen and foot soldiers from his home to the army in case of war. In the era of the Roman Republic, patriotism was synonymous with the word “glory” and was revered above personal valor.

For the Romans, the absolute hero was not Hercules or some other Perseus, who would have fun spending his life in various interesting exploits, but Curtius. This semi-mythological character was a fifteen-year-old youth who, having learned that the smoking bottomless crack that crossed Rome after the earthquake can only be gotten rid of by throwing there the most precious thing that is in Rome, shouting: “The most precious thing in Rome are its patriotic sons.” ! - he jumped into the crevice together with the horse (the horse, according to the myth, was a so-so patriot, for he tried weak-willedly to retreat in front of the abyss, but his trick did not work). Blind obedience to the law, renunciation of one’s own self and willingness to give everything in the name of Rome, including one’s own children - this is ideal program Roman patriotism. This ideology turned out to be the most successful for the aggressor nation: tiny Rome subjugated all of Italy, and then three-quarters of Europe, the Mediterranean and a large part of Asia and Africa. (And here the Romans had to change their national patriotism to imperial patriotism, which was much weaker and unreliable.)

Until now, the patriotism of the era of the Roman Republic is considered a commodity of the highest grade, and many ideologists of statehood today dream in the depths of their souls that the capricious, selfish and lazy idiots called their people would go somewhere, and in return they would have millions of true people at their disposal. Romans*.

« Probably, I am also an ideologist of statehood. Moreover, I could do without millions of Romans - the first point of the program would already suit me enough. Although I may just be moping: winter, lack of vitamins... »

Christianity is unpatriotic

At first, Christians were active opponents of patriotism in any form. IN best case scenario they agreed to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, that is, to pay taxes, but they were still deeply convinced that there is neither Greek, nor Jew, nor Scythian, nor barbarian, but there is only the kingdom of God, in the presence of which any earthly states are dust and decay . “Any foreign country is a fatherland for them, and any fatherland is a foreign country.” There was no talk of a Christian going to serve in the army, because any murder is a sin, this is clearly and clearly stated in the Gospel. Of course, the Roman Empire fought Christianity as best it could, for such an infection could wear through the very iron foundations of the state in a matter of years.

But, as it turned out, Christianity turned out to be a very plastic thing. Firstly, it split into several directions, which were not a sin to fight with each other; secondly, it turned into an excellent weapon for inspiring peoples to fight against the filthy infidels, of which, thank God, there were still plenty of all over Asia, Africa and the Americas. As for “thou shalt not kill,” they managed to elegantly sidestep this issue: after all, one cannot take ideal but unattainable standards seriously (although any early Christian would be sickened if he saw a modern priest busily consecrating an anti-aircraft missile system ). As for the Orthodox Church, which initially relied on closeness to secular authorities, here patriotism is a virtue not only not discussed, but also simply obligatory.

Critics and the flirtatious state

In the “patriot - country” pair, the latter behaves like a notorious coquette. You must love her and be ready to sacrifice yourself in her name. For her, you are an empty place. Moreover, the more insignificant a cog you feel, the more patriotic your essence (“Let me die, but my death is nothing compared to the prosperity of my homeland”). You are a booger, you are a zero, you are a trifle, “the voice of one is thinner than a squeak”*).

* - Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Mayakovsky wrote this when he compared the individual and the party. They say that when he first thundered these lines with his thunderous bass at a poetry evening, people there crawled out of their chairs »

The Fatherland has every right melancholy to chew you up, chew and digest you, and all other patriots will only welcome this if they consider that what they ate benefited the body as a whole. This imbalance in relationships was very clearly expressed by James Joyce in his famous phrase: “I will not die for Ireland, let Ireland die for me!” (IRA supporters now really dislike James Joyce for this phrase.)

Patriotism manifests itself most dangerously where power, in the popular imagination, is a kind of quintessence of the state. The Roman Republicans, who perceived their elected authorities as hired servants, were in little danger in this case: they endlessly debated about what was most beneficial for Rome, and, in general, kept power with a tight grip. But where power was traditionally hereditary, despotic, where the king-priest was the symbol of the country, there the loyal patriotism of the majority of the population allowed rare outrages to happen, often dangerous not only for the inhabitants of the country, but also for the fate of the power itself.

Therefore, since the Enlightenment, there have been thinkers who have tried to modify the idea of ​​patriotism - undoubtedly, the most useful for the survival of society, but fraught with the most unpleasant complications. Kant, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Hobbes, Henry Thoreau - dozens and hundreds of the smartest heads tried to develop the norms of a new patriotism. And as a result, they all came to the conclusion that a true patriot not only does not have to be blind and submissive, but his first duty should be to look for spots in the sun. In order to lead his fatherland to the ideal, it is necessary to monitor him more strictly than a teenage girl - instantly stopping, albeit at the risk of his life, any of his attempts to behave dangerously, stupidly or wrongly. This is how the phenomenon of “critical patriotism” arose, in which a person not only does not praise his country, but, on the contrary, meticulously examines it under a magnifying glass and yells in a loud voice when he notices some nasty thing. One of the programmatic works in this direction was the work American writer Henry Thoreau “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience,” in which he called the first duty of a citizen and patriot a categorical refusal to comply with “wrong” laws that are “disastrous” to the country.

Critical patriots always advocate maximum freedom of the press. For the vigilant supervision of society over the work of officials at all levels. For the honest teaching of history, no matter how disgusting the role of the fatherland may look in some cases, for only such knowledge will give society immunity from repeating mistakes.

Usually the authorities, and the majority of the country's residents, do not like critics of patriots and call them enemies of the people. They are sure that love must be blind and unreasoning and perceive criticisms as a humiliation of their ideals, as a betrayal.

There is no hope that both of these types of patriots will ever come to an agreement.

Not a patriot means schizophrenic

In the USSR, where, as we know, there were no political prisoners, psychiatrists developed the most interesting concept that any person who criticizes his state is mentally ill. This theory was recognized as the only correct one, and there are still psychiatrists who strongly share these beliefs. Here is how, for example, the famous psychiatrist, representative of the “old school” Tatyana Krylatova explains the situation: “Love requires great emotional costs. And a schizophrenic has big problems with emotionality. And they begin to reject what is most energetically costly for them - love. This internal conflict causes aggression. The same thing happens in relation to the Motherland. Here again there is rejection, a person stops including his macro-society in the category of “mine” and has a negative attitude towards the Motherland.”

Modern patriots

IN modern world attitudes towards the concept of “patriotism” have changed greatly since the times of the Romans. Such unpleasant words as “chauvinism”, “Nazism” and “xenophobia” are dangling too close to him. Nevertheless, there is no point in saying that the time of patriots has passed: they still have a lot to do on this planet.

Even in Europe, which still shakes at the memory of Schicklgruber, there is a rise in patriotic sentiment. Either in Austria Jörg Haider comes to power, then in France Le Pen's ears rise proudly in the elections, then Pino Rauti seduces the Italians with the promise of clearing Milan and Parma of gypsies and Moroccans. This is Europe’s response to two factors: globalization and the mass emigration of Asian and European residents there.

“Immigrants are uneducated, they work for pennies, they claim our benefits, they bring an outdated culture that is alien to us, they rape our daughters and eat our infant sons!”

“Transnational corporations are strangling small entrepreneurs, they are destroying our identity, they are turning our fields and gardens into asphalt-filled sites of dull progress, they are lobbying for their idiotic laws and feeding us their rotten McDonald’s!”

Cosmopolitan from a barrel

The main opponents of patriots are cosmopolitans, those who believe that all humanity is united people, and this planet is entirely our Motherland. The very first cosmopolitan known to us was the Greek Cynic philosopher Diogenes. Alas, this wonderful philosopher considerably spoiled the reputation of cosmopolitanism by the fact that, while vehemently denying statehood, he also denied culture, civilization, family and comfort. IN ideal world, Diogenes believed, people should live like animals, in nature, making do with a minimum of amenities, having neither wives nor husbands, be completely free and not invent any nonsense like writing, reading and other unnecessary tedious inventions.

National patriotism as a rejection of foreign influence is undoubtedly appropriate in a world that wants to remain consistently diverse. Therefore, no matter how decent people wince, looking at Tymoshenko in wheat braids and Haider in an Alpine hat, it is worth understanding: as long as patriotism of this kind remains in a position “from below”, as long as it is not supported by laws, as long as it does not call for cannibalism and pogroms - his role cannot be called exclusively negative. It is much more dangerous when national patriotism begins to walk hand in hand with state patriotism.

There are only a few countries in the world in which state patriotism is one of the mandatory components of the ideology carefully instilled by the authorities. These are, for example, the USA, Russia and Japan.

In the United States, a country with an extremely heterogeneous population, it serves as the cement that holds together the motley bunch that is the American people. At the same time, ethnic patriotism in the States, as everyone understands, is practically excluded.

In Japan, national patriotism and patriotism state essence same. For the Japanese, it is a way to preserve their specific way of life (nevertheless, it is being eroded from year to year: modern Japanese is already much closer psychologically to representatives of post-Christian cultures than their grandparents). And since almost exclusively Japanese live in Japan, and there are very few other peoples there, then there is no harm in “Japan for the Japanese!” A little. Of course, for the Japanese! Please, no one is against it, eat your tofu and be healthy.

As for Russia, national Great Russian patriotism, which swelled like a mushroom in the rain after the collapse of the USSR, is now coming into contact with state patriotism, which is diligently spread by the official ideology. The task here is to concentrate power in the hands of the ruling elite and keep the country from the influence of centrifugal forces. Historians have again begun to lie a lot about this; on TV they talk endlessly about the evil beeches sitting around state border, and in the evenings young people go to slaughter Kalmyks and Uzbeks as desecrators of the holy Russian land. Ideologists, of course, realize that national, ethnic patriotism in a multi-ethnic country is a suicidal phenomenon, but so far they cannot come up with anything to both eat the state-patriotic fish and avoid a nationwide performance of “Horst Wessel” to the balalaika.

So the time for patriotism is far from over. It is even possible that it will not pass in the distant future, when the entire planet will be a conglomerate of small atomized countries, united in free unions and inhabited by people who choose their citizenship not by birth, but guided solely by personal sympathies. Still, as we already wrote above, patriotism is an instinctive feeling of a person, and each of us feels the need to divide people into “us” and “strangers”. Even if in reality we are all our own.

Russian patriotism... Lately it serves as an inexhaustible topic for controversy and discussion, " round tables"Representatives from various walks of life, including the military, are trying to uncover the meaning of this concept. The word "patriotism" comes from the Greek patio - homeland, fatherland. In explanatory dictionary Vl. Dahl points out that “a patriot is a lover of the fatherland, a zealot for its good...” The problems of patriotism began to be addressed more and more often Russian politicians. Their speech emphasized the need to strengthen Russian state, it is recognized that the reforms carried out in the country require a clear ideological justification. And it can only be based on patriotism.

Without instilling love for the Fatherland, without propaganda historical traditions it is impossible to strengthen the spiritual strength of the people, to revive the new strong state. Without an emphasis on protecting Russia's interests, it is unthinkable to develop any fruitful and independent foreign and domestic policy. Without instilling in young people a sense of respect for the history of Russia, for the deeds and traditions of previous generations, it is impossible to build a strong army.

Given the relevance of the topic, in my project I wanted to show the continuity of Russian patriotism using the example of two Patriotic Wars.

For more than thousand-year history Russia has experienced many attacks by foreign armies, which, as a rule, ended in the defeat and death of the aggressors. The independence of their homeland was defended by the broad masses of the people, deciding the outcome of the armed struggle. The highest manifestation of patriotism marked the last two wars of liberation - 1812 and 1941-1945. The people who rose up to defend their land, both in the person of their army, and in the person of civilians, who burned their houses and little property so that nothing would fall to the enemy, and who joined the partisans, and in the person of their military leaders, who led the difficult defense against the superior forces of the conquerors , - for everyone, for all of Russia, these wars were fair, truly Patriotic, people's. They showed the continuity of the patriotism of our people and the traditions of our army.

The wars of 1812 and 1941-1945, which were called patriotic in Russia, are separated by not only 130 years. Russia early XIX centuries is a country of noble landowners and serfs, a stronghold of Orthodoxy. Soviet Russia of the 40s of the 20th century is a country with a completely different socio-economic structure under the complete dominance of communist ideology. What unites these two wars? Firstly, the armies of unprecedented size, collected by invaders from all over Europe, and secondly, the highest fortitude shown by Russian soldiers in bloody battles with the enemy. But the main thing is that these were “people's wars,” that is, wars where the aggressor was opposed not only by the regular army, but by the entire people, the entire country. The Patriotic Wars caused an unprecedented growth in national self-awareness. A nationwide patriotic movement arose aimed at expelling the hated enemy from their native land. The traditional slogan of the Russian army is “for God, the Tsar and the Fatherland!” was replaced during the Great Patriotic War by the slogan “For the Motherland, for Stalin!”, but the main thing for which Russian soldiers went to die at all times was the Fatherland and Motherland. And one can understand the feelings of the Russian patriot, the former White Guard commander in the south of Russia during the Civil War, General Anton Denikin, who was in exile in German-occupied France during the Great Patriotic War.

Denikin in his message to veterans white movement in November 1944 he wrote: “The enemy has been expelled from the borders of the fatherland. We - and in this inevitability the tragedy of our situation - are not participants, but only witnesses to the events that have shaken our homeland in recent years. We could only follow with deep sorrow the suffering of our people, with pride - the greatness of their feat. We experienced pain in the days of the defeat of the army, although it is called “Red” and not Russian, and joy in the days of its victories. And now that World War is not yet finished, we with all our hearts wish for its victorious completion, which will protect our country from arrogant encroachments from the outside.”

In my essay, I used a lot of literature on the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. I would like to briefly talk about some books.

The book “1812 in memories, correspondence and stories of contemporaries” is compiled from memories, memoirs, correspondence, stories of participants and witnesses of the Patriotic War of 1812. Its value lies in the fact that the reader gets to know first-hand the precious information of contemporaries about historical drama of the Russian people almost two hundred years ago.

In the album “1812. Borodino Panorama" presents portraits, battle compositions, fragments of a panorama from the extensive collection of the "Battle of Borodino" panorama museum. Scenes of battles and episodes of partisan warfare by famous Russian and foreign artists give a vivid idea of ​​the feat of the Russian people during the Patriotic War of 1812. Compiled by I.A. Nikolaeva, N.A. Kolosov, P.M. Volodin.

Poet-hussar, poet-partisan, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Denis Vasilyevich Davydov became a legend during his lifetime. He was amazingly talented. In everything he did: he fought, he loved, he wrote poetry and prose, he made friends, he was an active and charming person. The collection “Hussar Feast” includes poems by D. Davydov and military notes.

Anniversary edition “Borodino. 1812." released for the 175th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. A large number of Color illustrations and popular text allow you to clearly and visibly present the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 and literally follow the course of the grandiose Battle of Borodino literally hour by hour.

The widely known book by four-time Hero of the Soviet Union Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, “Memories and Reflections,” was first published in 1969 and has since gone through twelve editions. All these years, the book has always enjoyed great popularity among readers. different generations. The new edition (2002) is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow and the 105th anniversary of the birth of G.K. Zhukov.

The book uses photographic documents from the personal archive of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, Central State Archive film and photo documents, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the photo archive of the magazine "Soviet Warrior", the photo library of the APN, TASS photo chronicles, the Zhukovsky People's Military History Museum, as well as photographs of Soviet military photojournalists.

The first volume tells about Zhukov's life, from childhood to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, to the fight for Leningrad.

The second volume included: The Battle of Moscow, the strategic defeat of the enemy in the Stalingrad area, the defeat of fascist troops on the Kursk Bulge, the liberation of Belarus and Ukraine, Berlin operation and the Potsdam Conference.

Brief historical reference book “The Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. Events. People. Documents" is dedicated to one of the most heroic and difficult periods in the history of our country and people. The “Chronicle of Events” section shows a long and difficult path Soviet army from the tragic initial period of the Patriotic War to the great Victory Day over fascism. The book also contains brief curriculum vitae about party and statesmen period of the Patriotic War, military leaders, particularly distinguished soldiers and commanders of the Soviet Army, partisans and underground fighters, scientists and designers of defense equipment and others. Documents from the Patriotic War are published. The reference book is richly illustrated and contains maps.

By the beginning of 1944, the German Wehrmacht had completely lost strategic initiative, but the Germans still occupied vast territories of the Soviet Union, however, all attempts by the German command to retain what they had gained ended in defeat. The Wehrmacht failed to carry out a single offensive operation of either a strategic or operational scale on the Eastern Front in 1944. The agony of the Third Reich was inexorably approaching. Hitler tried in vain to create an impregnable defense of Germany, and German soldiers, officers and generals continued to fight and die, although many of them understood that the war was lost. The outstanding German historian Alex Buchner in his book “1944. Collapse on the Eastern Front" comprehensively examines the military reasons for the Wehrmacht's defeats in six major defensive battles and makes interesting conclusions based on numerous military-historical studies and eyewitness memories. Many details of the 1944 operations and military documents become available to the domestic reader for the first time thanks to this book.

A lot has been written about the battle of Moscow; this topic is inexhaustible. And yet, the book “Moscow on the Front Line” stands out in particular. 1941-1942. Archival documents and materials”, designed for wide circle readers.

It was in the battle near our capital that the Nazi troops suffered their first strategic defeat in the Great Patriotic War, and the myth of the invincibility of the German army was dispelled. This is where it started Great Victory in forty-five. The value of the book is that for the first time, based on unique documents, memories, photographs from the largest archives of Moscow, as well as museums, it is shown everyday life wartime capitals. A lot of materials are devoted to the Moscow region. The documents tell about the first difficult months of the fight against strong enemy, about the perseverance, courage and patriotism of our grandfathers and fathers, who drove and defeated the Nazis.

Without a doubt, about 400 documents and over 400 illustrations, most of which are published for the first time, will not leave anyone indifferent. “Soviet soldiers, partisans and home front workers gave everything to protect their capital,” emphasized Marshal G.K. Zhukov, speaking at a scientific conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi invaders near Moscow. - In the fierce, bloody battles for Moscow, all our units, formations of all types of troops showed exceptional tenacity and perseverance. From beginning to end, Soviet soldiers honorably fulfilled their sacred duty to their Motherland, showed massive heroism, sparing neither their strength nor their very lives to defend Moscow.”

Patriotism of the Russian people on the Borodino field

On the night of June 24, 1812, after extensive and thorough preparation, the French army, called the “Great,” began crossing the Neman River. The total number of the “Great Army” exceeded 600 thousand people. Armies of similar strength world history I didn't know yet. Napoleon was opposed by Russian troops stationed along the border with a total number of only 230 thousand people. Avoiding defeat individually, the 1st and 2nd Russian armies retreated into the interior of the country, fighting stubborn battles.

There was no unity in the Russian army regarding further actions. Barclay de Tolly believed that in order to preserve the army it was necessary to continue the retreat, and the ardent Bagration demanded that he go on the offensive, accusing Barclay of lack of patriotism. To avoid a split in the army, Alexander I appointed 67-year-old Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, a student of Suvorov, who was well known and trusted by the people and the army, and who enjoyed a reputation as an intelligent and cautious commander, as commander-in-chief. “I had,” the emperor wrote, “to choose the one whom the general voice pointed to.”

This is exactly the kind of leader that was needed for people's war. Kutuzov knew: Napoleon would be destroyed not just by space and excessively extended lines of communication, but by the desert into which the Russian people would turn their country in order to destroy the invading enemy. Gradually, the “campaign of 1812” turned into a people’s war, the Patriotic War. All segments of the population took part in the defense of the fatherland. Merchants and nobility donated money, young people enlisted in the militia, peasants armed themselves and attacked the French.

The Battle of Borodino in 1812 is a rare example in the history of wars of a general battle, the outcome of which both sides immediately announced and to this day celebrate as their victory, with good reason.

On August 26 (September 7), 1812, in the area of ​​the village of Borodino, a general battle took place between the Russian (120 thousand people, 640 guns) and French (130-135 thousand people, 587 guns) armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. The battle began at dawn on August 26.

Delzon's division suddenly attacked and captured the village of Borodino, in which the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment was located.

Almost simultaneously main blow was applied by Napoleon to the Russian left flank, to the Semenov (Bagration) flushes. Fierce fighting in this direction lasted almost until noon. Tens of thousands of people, with the endless roar of 800 guns, fought in bloody single combat. With faces black from gunpowder, in a united desire to defeat the enemy, Russian infantrymen, artillerymen, and cavalry repelled several attacks. After Bagration was wounded, the troops of the Great Army managed to occupy three flashes, which were the advanced artillery fortifications of the general defense system of the left flank in the area of ​​​​the village of Semenovskaya. Napoleon, obsessed with the desire, at all costs, to break through the defense of the left flank of the Russian troops, throws the cavalry corps of Latour-Mabourg and Nansouty into the attack. General D.S. arrived to replace the wounded Bagration. Dokhturov, who managed to organize the defense of Semenovsky Heights in a timely and competent manner. The village of Semenovskoye was in the hands of the enemy, but attempts to break through the defense of the left flank were never successful.

The center of the Russian position is Raevsky’s battery (“fatal redoubt”). The attacks on this fortification, launched by E. Beauharnais's corps and Davout's infantry divisions in the first half of the day, were drowned out by the fierce resistance of the Russian army. Death was flying everywhere.

In the battles for the Utitsky Kurgan on the left flank of the troops of the corps N.A. Tuchkov courageously held back Poniatowski’s corps, not allowing themselves to be outflanked. The troops of Tuchkov 1st showed extraordinary courage and perseverance in fulfilling their military duty.

In the middle of the day F.P. Uvarov, commanding the cavalry corps, and Ataman M.I. Platov, at the head of a Cossack detachment, carried out an unprecedented raid on the enemy’s left flank. This “sabotage” alerted Napoleon and distracted part of the forces of his army, giving a temporary respite to the left flank of the Russian army, exhausted from enemy attacks.

In the afternoon, the Raevsky battery again became the epicenter of events. The cavalry of General O. Caulaincourt fell with all its might onto the central heights. Trying to build on their success, the cavalrymen attacked the Russian infantrymen east of the captured battery behind the Ognik stream. But Russian dragoons and cuirassiers, including the Life Guards Cavalry and Cavalry Regiments, overthrew the French.

Endless gunfire, screams of commanders, screams of the wounded, groans of the dying, neighing horses - everything was mixed up in this grandiose theater of military operations, horrifying with bloodshed. It seemed as if the sun had faded into black powder smoke and nothing living could survive in this monstrous inferno.

Night fell over the battlefield, thousands of dead remained lying in places where they died with weapons in their hands. The losses of each side amounted to 40 thousand killed, wounded and missing.

Russian soldiers covered themselves with unfading glory in the Battle of Borodino! Is it possible to list all those who distinguished themselves on the battlefield? These are the brave defenders of Bagration's flushes and Raevsky's battery, and brave and skillful artillerymen, and desperate and dashing cavalrymen and Cossacks, and courageous and persistent army and guards infantrymen. Yes, it’s scary to go into a wall-to-wall bayonet attack, but how much courage do you need to have to stand for several hours in a completely open place under the terrifying fire of enemy artillery located literally six hundred paces away, and not flinch, not become cowardly, not retreat?! So, rooted to the spot, the Lithuanian and Izmailovsky regiments of the Life Guards stood on the left flank of the Russian army. Each volley of enemy artillery mercilessly mowed down their orderly ranks, and when the cannon fire died down, they rushed towards the guardsmen like an avalanche" iron men"Napoleon, as the French emperor called his cuirassiers. Sparkling in the sun with cuirasses, Napoleon's armored men flew into the guards' squares bristling with bayonets and rolled back, unable to overcome the courage of the Russian guard. And again a hail of cannonballs and grapeshots fell on the Lithuanians and Izmailovites. Artillery fire was so strong that the Russians were looking forward to the next cavalry attack in order to take a break from the hellish bombardment. While repelling the next attack of Napoleon’s heavy cavalry, the guards in the process also managed to capture the cuirassiers, who were placed in the middle of the square. On the third attack, brutalized by the failures of the French cavalry, which was also repulsed by the guards, the Lithuanian regiment itself rushed to the offensive, in which it was successful. Repeatedly and later, the guards infantry, experiencing the most destructive fire of the enemy for six hours, suffered huge losses, rushed in again and again. a bayonet attack on the infantry and cavalry of an enemy sometimes six times superior to it and put him to flight! Aren't these true examples of valor, glory and patriotism! Reporting to M.I. Kutuzov about the battle of Borodino, Lieutenant General P.P. Konovnitsyn wrote: “I cannot speak with satisfied praise to Your Lordship about the exemplary fearlessness shown on this day by the Lithuanian and Izmailovsky Life Guards regiments. Having arrived on the left flank, they unshakably withstood the strongest fire of the enemy artillery; their ranks, showered with grapeshot, despite the loss, were in the best order, and all ranks from the first to the last, one before the other, showed their desire to die before yielding to the enemy. Three large cavalry attacks of the enemy cuirassiers. and horse grenadiers on both regiments were repelled with incredible success, for despite the fact that the squares built by these regiments were completely surrounded, the enemy was driven away with extreme damage by fire and bayonets... In a word, the Izmailovsky and Litovsky regiments in the memorable battle 26 On August 1st, in view of the entire army, they covered themselves with undeniable glory...” Unable to build on the success, Napoleon withdrew his troops to their original positions, and the Russian army retreated to Moscow.

"In world history There are very few battles, wrote the Soviet historian Academician Tarle, that could be compared with the Battle of Borodino in terms of bloodshed, unheard of before, and in terms of cruelty, and in terms of enormous consequences. Napoleon destroyed almost half of the Russian army in this battle and a few days later entered Moscow, and despite this, he not only did not break the spirit of the surviving part of the Russian army, but did not frighten the Russian people, who, precisely after Borodin and after the death of Moscow, strengthened fierce resistance to the enemy."1

Napoleon himself gave a very accurate assessment of the results of the Battle of Borodino. “Of the fifty battles I have given, the battle of Moscow expressed the most

valor and achieved the least success." “The battle of Borodino was one of those where extraordinary efforts had the most unsatisfactory results.” “The most terrible of all my battles is the one I fought near Moscow. The French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians acquired the right to be invincible.”

To the question What does it mean to be a patriot (examples from life) asked by the author philosophize the best answer is To be a patriot means to be loyal to your country and to be ready to defend its interests and even give your life if the Fatherland demands it.
Many examples of patriotism can be taken from history
So at the beginning of the 17th century civil uprising led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, they defended the independence of Russia in the fight against foreign invaders.
During the Second World War, many patriots went to their death to defend their country: Alexander Sailors, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya,

Answer from Manka bond?¦?[guru]
Drive a VAZ...

Answer from Evgeniy Purov[guru]
I'll drive a Kalina and smoke

Answer from European[guru]
Become a deputy. They are all patriots.

Answer from Country road[guru]
The feat of Zina Portnova
Zina Portnova was born in Leningrad. After seventh grade, in the summer of 1941, she came on vacation to her grandmother in the Belarusian village of Zuya. There the war found her. Belarus was occupied by the Nazis.
From the first days of the occupation, boys and girls began to act decisively, and a secret organization “Young Avengers” was created. The guys fought against the fascist occupiers. They blew up a water pumping station, which delayed the sending of ten fascist trains to the front. While distracting the enemy, the Avengers destroyed bridges and highways, blew up a local power plant, and burned down a factory. Having obtained information about the actions of the Germans, they immediately passed it on to the partisans.
Zina Portnova was assigned more and more difficult tasks. According to one of them, the girl managed to get a job in a German canteen. After working there for a while, she carried out an effective operation - she poisoned food for German soldiers. More than 100 fascists suffered from her lunch. The Germans began to blame Zina. Wanting to prove her innocence, the girl tried the poisoned soup and only miraculously survived.
In 1943, traitors appeared who revealed secret information and handed our guys over to the Nazis. Many were arrested and shot. Then the command of the partisan detachment instructed Portnova to establish contact with those who survived. The Nazis captured the young partisan when she was returning from a mission. Zina was terribly tortured. But the answer to the enemy was only her silence, contempt and hatred. The interrogations did not stop.
“The Gestapo man came to the window. And Zina, rushing to the table, grabbed the pistol. Apparently catching the rustle, the officer turned around impulsively, but the weapon was already in her hand. She pulled the trigger. For some reason I didn’t hear the shot. I just saw how the German, clutching his chest with his hands, fell to the floor, and the second one, sitting at the side table, jumped up from his chair and hastily unfastened the holster of his revolver. She pointed the gun at him too. Again, almost without aiming, she pulled the trigger. Rushing to the exit, Zina pulled the door open, jumped out into the next room and from there onto the porch. There she shot at the sentry almost point-blank. Running out of the commandant’s office building, Portnova rushed like a whirlwind down the path.
“If only I could run to the river,” the girl thought. But the sound of a chase was heard from behind... “Why don’t they shoot? “The surface of the water already seemed very close. And beyond the river the forest turned black. She heard the sound of machine gun fire and something prickly pierced her leg. Zina fell on the river sand. She still had enough strength to rise slightly and shoot... She saved the last bullet for herself.
When the Germans got very close, she decided it was all over and pointed the gun at her chest and pulled the trigger. But there was no shot: it misfired. The fascist knocked the pistol out of her weakening hands.”
Zina was sent to prison. The Germans brutally tortured the girl for more than a month; they wanted her to betray her comrades. But having taken an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, Zina kept it.
On the morning of January 13, 1944, a gray-haired and blind girl was taken out to be executed. She walked, stumbling with her bare feet in the snow.
The girl withstood all the torture. She truly loved our Motherland and died for it, firmly believing in our victory.
Zinaida Portnova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Let's turn to the interpretation of this word. Big Soviet Encyclopedia draws attention to the fact that this is, first of all, a feeling. And based on this, he gives the following signs: love for the homeland, the desire to be useful to it, devoted exclusively to it.

However, this definition applies very narrowly to the concept under consideration. In our opinion, love for one’s native land embraces the value experience of the entire people to which a person is involved. Not only is she herself part of traditions and history, she bears the full weight of the experience of previous generations.

Commitment to your people, respect for their culture - this is what true patriotism means.

What do we mean by people? Maybe this is all of humanity? Nation? Town? Village? In fact, it is impossible to clearly define this concept geographically.

We are talking about common values ​​that people adhere to and try to put into practice of their own free will. And the population in this case can be completely different.

Let's look at one interesting formula. Everyone can see their own meaning in it.

People = Population + Political will + Patriotism

One thing about it will always remain unchanged - the people are dependent both on devotion to their native land and on the will of the state. The latter, in order to strengthen the spirit of the nation, is ready to do anything to ensure a comfortable life for the population.

Let us highlight the following postulates that can be seen in this formula.

A people cannot exist without patriotism

We talked about what this concept includes values ​​- moral, ideological, everyday. Imagine that the feeling of love for the homeland will disappear - respect for the past and traditions will disappear - the people will disappear. This chain is quite logical. We don’t think about how dependent we really are on the experience of previous generations - imagine that every newly born person has to evolve and reinvent the wheel. All the achievements that we enjoy are the product of the activities of millions and billions of our ancestors. And we owe it to them to be grateful.

External will can replace your own will

We have an adequate perception of the events taking place in the state. However, political will implies a slightly different meaning. This is the opportunity and desire to form your own values, complementing the traditions of the past. If we don’t do this ourselves, then anyone can impose them. It is important to be able to defend your right to an opinion and not let other people’s stereotypes wedge into your life, changing it. This is where the split between false and true occurs.

True patriotism is not only love for the fatherland, for the homeland. It is also about defending the interests of its population.

Why is it no longer fashionable to love your native country?

Let's turn to a rather complex problem and try to find, if not a comprehensive solution, then at least a complete answer. What has happened in modern society, why does devotion to the Fatherland cause a smile?

Is it really not important to love your homeland?

Many opposition media propagate the desire to displace existing traditions and radically change them. This is a trend, especially among young people. You can endlessly criticize new trends, politicians and oppositionists. But adhering to a strictly conservative course is also not an ideal scenario, as history has shown. The best changes are those that people feel weakly. Our psychology is this: we almost always resist something new, and therefore it is important that people feel comfortable.

Maybe the wrong generation

There are so many opinions now that young people have gone bad. I stopped respecting my elders and appreciating help, moral principles. Give these people a few decades, they will live and see that without the past there is no movement into the future. Hundreds are also born talented people, it seems like nothing has changed. And the spirit of rebellion inherent in youth is a very transitory thing.

It's about ourselves

But this is more like the truth. Without noticing it ourselves, on the one hand we are developing, and on the other, we are degrading. Let us give one ambiguous example.

A scientist who had long studied evolution from a biological point of view decided to look at it from a philosophical perspective. Man is always working - it is believed that it was labor that made him this way from a monkey. At the same time, people have driven themselves into a trap - how long can a person afford to live without working and enjoying life? Only the rich. So what then is the philosophical meaning of evolution?

But let's return to our question. What is wrong with us? We gradually began to forget the traditions and foundations of previous generations. Some things have become obsolete, some were unique to a certain time, some have become a funny ritual. This is how we slowly began to devalue our love for our homeland.

Another underestimated factor is external influence. Young fragile minds, subjected to forced attacks of other people's opinions and arguments, can create doubts in their young soul. That is why true patriotism- this is a feeling that can and should take refuge in days of such trials - it will give strength and patience.

How to revive love for your homeland

To answer this question, you need to look at what values ​​are important for modern society.

Science and technology

Smart is the new sexy! You can now hear variations of such a phrase from everywhere: on the radio, television. Technology is not only our future, but also the values ​​of our generation. Where does science begin? From education.

A big problem for many is obtaining knowledge for quite a lot of money. Many, knowing that they supposedly won’t learn anything special in higher institutions, they just buy “crusts”. And this is a very scary trend, if you think about it. How many people in our country can injure other people, break things, lives, just because they decided to acquire a diploma in transition.

Nobody is going to make education free just like that, this is a fact that needs to be accepted. Despite this, young people understand that being a pro in their field is an honor and respect. Most, even if they don’t have money for education, try to gain knowledge from books, other people’s research - they try to gain all the experience on their own. This trend can save the new generation's correct understanding of love for the motherland.

Defense of the native land

Patriotism is a concept that in many social studies textbooks is considered as the defense of one’s Fatherland from internal and external enemies.

But let's take a closer look at modern society: a huge number of guys dream of “selecting” from the army, knowing what hardships and trials they will have to endure.

Priorities are being set incorrectly now. The great word – “patriot” – was vulgarized, beaten and left for dead. You need to think, first of all, about what values ​​were instilled in the child in the family - not to be intimidated by the army, the barracks, or evil ensigns, but to tell what all these trials will teach.

On the other hand, the army institute is working terribly now - there are many cases when guys who served were brought home to wheelchair. And no, they were not in hot spots. This is how their “comrades” tried. Everything comes from the family. Now we come to the main thing.

Traditional family values

A strong family traditional type capable of raising a strong personality, independent of external influence, who adequately assesses what is happening in the country and in the world as a whole. Such a person is capable of not only loving his homeland, but also defending it.

Even if the family was unable to provide that strong moral layer capable of protecting the child, teaching him to appreciate and love his homeland, then he himself can and should take on the role of educator. If not parents, then the right teachers, church, faith - all this contributes to understanding and logically explains what patriotism implies, what love for oneself and people means.

Examples of heroism in Russia: great feats in the name of the Fatherland

What to study younger generations, if not from the experience of elders? We invite you to look at the heroic deeds of our compatriots, committed out of love for their native land.

The Great Patriotic War is rich in examples. We will present only those that have been practically forgotten. Little is written about them in books and articles, and they are rarely discussed with schoolchildren in class. Memory is the highest reward for a warrior, which cannot be deprived of him.

Katya Zelenko

She went down in Russian history as the first female pilot to use a ram to destroy enemy aircraft. Its small Su-2 bomber fought against German stubbornness to the last - until the ammunition ran out.

Our heroine decided to take a desperate act, which became fatal in her life. Her self-sacrifice, not for fame or money - it was important, it had value for herself. Katya was raised correctly: her love for her homeland was reflected in her heroic deed.

Dima Komarov

The feat of this man truly shows who a patriot is and what patriotism is. He, leading a small detachment of volunteers, rammed a huge German armored train. And after a successful operation, the only one from the entire team was able to survive.

This behavior is admirable: a man strived to do the literally impossible. However, faith in himself, his own strengths and upheld values ​​helped him make a decision.

Kolya Sirotinin

This example seems unrealistic, but the events are documented and took place. This man, together with his friend, opposed a full-fledged German army.

When his comrade died, Kolya began to fight back alone. The result was the destruction of 17 tanks and armored personnel carriers, and the killing of almost six dozen German soldiers. After Sirotkin ran out of ammunition and grenades, the Germans asked him to surrender. However, the one with the last machine gun flew at the enemy - that’s the whole answer. Young hero died, but did not give up.

Epistinia Stepanova

Now it is quite difficult to understand what is patriotism and what is not. And is it possible to measure love for the motherland by heroic deeds alone?

Epistinia is a unique woman; she gave birth to and raised 15 children, ten of whom went to war and never returned. Yes, you should never forget about the everyday feat during the war. As Tatyana Tolstaya wrote in one of her stories: “women have gone through a difficult path of change from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. These beautiful, fragile undines, as it turned out, can be strong and courageous, only time will require this from them.”

Briefly telling what patriotism is and defining it is quite difficult, since this concept is very broad. If we take it narrowly, considering the concept from textbooks, then it is just a feeling - and most often it is one-sided.

If we look at the problem from the other side, we can highlight an approach in which a person who loves his country is a true citizen who honors the memory of the past generation and cares about his values.

Yes, now there is a deep problem of depreciation of this phenomenon, but it is also possible to outline the main trends in society that will make it possible to instill in young people in the future traditional values. By the way, turning to your roots and origins helps a lot with this. Order a beautifully designed Genealogy Book from us, and you will be pleased with the result for several reasons: good quality completed work and getting to know the previous generation and its history.

On the eve of the holiday of February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, it’s time to talk about patriotic education youth. What do the concepts of “patriot” and “patriotism” mean these days, for example, for modern schoolchildren? The article contains the opinions of the guys themselves.

If for you such concepts as “patriot”, “patriotism”, “feeling of patriotism” are an empty phrase or cause irony, irritation, etc., try to think about this unusual question: is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?
This question is especially appropriate to ask schoolchildren, among whom there are many cynics, in order to get them thinking about a difficult topic. And this can be done on the eve of a class hour or any other event dedicated to instilling a sense of patriotism.

Such questions can attract children to a serious and constructive discussion. At first glance, the question “Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?” seems rather strange, but it is precisely as a result of this approach (as practice shows) that even a cynic can be forced to think and express his “thought-out” opinion on this matter.
It would be nice to organize a competition for the best answer to this strange question from the guys’ point of view. Let everyone share their opinions.

To the questions “How does patriotism manifest itself?” and “Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?” The students gave very interesting answers. After generalization and systematization, they look like this.

  • Patriotism is manifested in respect for one's country, its past, and the memory of ancestors; in interest in the history of their country, studying the experience of previous generations. And this leads to finding out the causes of many events, which in turn gives knowledge. He who is armed with knowledge is protected from many failures and mistakes, does not waste time correcting them, goes further and overtakes in his development those who “tread on the same rake.” Knowing your history and the experience of previous generations helps you navigate the world, calculate the consequences of your own actions, and feel confident. At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. Without the historical past, neither the present nor the future is possible. According to many classics, “Forgetfulness of the past, historical unconsciousness is fraught with spiritual emptiness both for the individual and for all people.” It is the understanding of the failures and mistakes of the historical past that leads to the achievements and merits of the present, and helps to survive in difficult times. Therefore, it is beneficial to be a patriot.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability to appreciate and take care of one’s homeland, the desire to change it for the better, to make it cleaner, kinder, more beautiful. For example, it is more pleasant and convenient to walk on clean, repaired roads. Shoes last longer and are less likely to fall. It is also much more pleasant to deal with decent people, and not with boors and scoundrels. It's nice to enjoy the beauty of nature and human creations that are not at all difficult to preserve. If a person learns to ennoble himself and the territory surrounding him, life will become happier, psychological comfort will appear, which will allow him to spend his money more efficiently. mental strength, enjoy life and achieve a lot. Therefore, it is beneficial to be a patriot. True patriotism is manifested in the ability to be moral person who create beauty and goodness around themselves.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability to be faithful and devoted to one’s country, one’s cause, one’s family, one’s views and ideas, one’s dreams. A patriot does not shout at every corner about his passionate love for his homeland; he silently does his job well, remains true to his principles, ideals and universal human values. Thus, he really helps not only his country, but also himself. A person who studied hard, acquiring knowledge, and as a result received Good work, became socially active, built his future, created a full-fledged family, works honestly - did much more for his country than the one who walks around with slogans, chants for patriotism and verbally defends the prestige of his country. People whose sense of patriotism is not developed have no future. They will destroy themselves because they do not develop and do not have a strong “core”. This is the law of life. Patriotism is needed for personal development, for survival. Therefore, it is beneficial to be a patriot.

I really want everyone to understand the following: “ Patriotism as political, social and moral principle reflects the attitude of a person (citizen) to his country. This attitude is manifested in concern for the interests of one’s fatherland, in readiness for self-sacrifice for it, in loyalty and devotion to one’s country, in pride in its social and cultural achievements, in sympathy for the suffering of one’s people and condemnation of the social vices of society, in respect for the historical past his country and the traditions inherited from him, in a readiness to subordinate his interests to the interests of the country, in an effort to defend his country, his people. A patriot is someone who works conscientiously for the good of his country and encourages those around him to do the same, who helps his fellow citizens improve. Without caring about others, you risk being left alone.”

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