Reincarnation. Lessons and meaning of soul rebirths. World religions confirm the reincarnation of the soul

Representatives of most religious movements believe in the transmigration of souls and reincarnation after death. This belief was born on the basis of various evidence of the reincarnation of the mental body in a new physical one. The soul can make transitions up to 50 times, and past lives significantly influence well-being and personal qualities subsequent incarnations.

Transmigration of the soul after death

Having started to search for an answer to the question of whether there is a transmigration of souls after death, you can find out that scientists designate 3 types of memories of previous lives:

  • déjà vu is a mental phenomenon in which a person gets the idea that he has already lived through this moment;
  • genetic memory is the memories of ancestors passed on to the individual through DNA;
  • reincarnation is the memory of previous incarnations of the soul.

Scientists consider the phenomenon to be a distortion of short-term memory, a hallucination, or even a symptom of mental problems. People who often experience this effect are advised to have their brain function checked. It is possible to awaken the genetic memory of ancient ancestors during hypnosis sessions, but sometimes such memories emerge on their own - in reality or in a dream. During reincarnation, the soul moves from one body to another; you can remember previous incarnations in a state of trance, after mental or physical trauma.

Transmigration of souls in Christianity

Unlike the beliefs of Eastern culture, reincarnation is traditionally rejected in Christianity. A negative attitude towards this phenomenon is based on the belief that the possibility of transmigration of souls contradicts the basic dogmas of the Bible. At the same time, in the main book of a Christian there are a number of ambiguously interpreted statements that most likely appeared at the birth of religion under the influence of the heritage of ancient thinkers who believed in reincarnation.

An alternative view of the transmigration of souls began to spread in Christianity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Then they appeared literary works Geddes MacGregor, Rudolf Stein and other authors trying to connect reincarnation and Christianity. Currently, there are some Christian religious movements that accept the theory of reincarnation and widely preach it. These Christian groups include:

  • Unity Church:
  • Christian Society;
  • Rosicrucian Fellowship, etc.

Transmigration of souls in Judaism

The concept of reincarnation in Judaism appeared after the writing of the Talmud, because the phenomenon is not mentioned in this book. The belief in the transmigration of souls (gilgul) initially appeared among the people and became more widespread over time. The idea of ​​reincarnation is based on the belief that, according to a higher plan, people should not suffer innocently. For this reason, dead infants and martyrs were recognized as incarnations of sinners who were paying for past lives.

The popular trend of Kabbalah, which is followed by a large number of representatives of show business, says that the human soul can be incarnated into another form of life, for example, as punishment. Another view on the reincarnation of the mental body is based on the fact that the soul reincarnates until it fulfills its assigned mission. But in general this phenomenon is very rare.

Transmigration of souls in Hinduism

The idea of ​​the transmigration of souls (samsara) has become widespread in Hinduism, and in this religious movement reincarnation and the law of karma are especially strongly connected. The alternation of births and deaths is subject to karma, which is the totality of the actions of an individual, i.e. the soul passes into the body it deserves. Rebirths according to this teaching occur until the soul becomes disillusioned with earthly pleasures, after which moksha—salvation—comes. Upon reaching this stage, the soul is immersed in peace and tranquility.

Reincarnation in Buddhism

The existence of the soul and reincarnation are denied in Buddhism. Moreover, in this religion there is the concept of santana - consciousness, the absolute “I”, wandering through the worlds of samsara, and how pleasant this world will be depends on karma. The main vices in Buddhism are stupidity, greed and passion; having gotten rid of them, the consciousness gains nirvana. But even if they deny the reincarnation of the soul, Buddhists have such a phenomenon as the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. After death supreme cleric the search begins for a newborn who is the successor of his line.

Reincarnation in Islam

Views on reincarnation in Islam are in many ways similar to those of Christians. The soul comes into the world once, and after the death of a person it passes beyond the barzakh (barrier). Only after the Day of Judgment will souls acquire new bodies, answer to Allah, and only then will they move on. The belief in the transmigration of souls among followers of some movements of Islam is similar to the beliefs of Kabbalists, i.e. they believe that the consequence of a sinful life is incarnation in the body of an animal: “Whoever angers Allah and brings His wrath, Allah will turn him into a pig or a monkey.”

Is there transmigration of souls after death?

A thorough study of the question of whether reincarnation exists is carried out not only by clergy, but also by scientists and doctors. Psychiatrist Ian Stevenson conducted unique work in the second half of the 20th century, analyzing thousands of cases of possible reincarnation of souls, and came to the conclusion that reincarnation does exist. The materials collected by researchers are of high value, because prove real facts reincarnations.

Dr. Stevenson considered the most striking evidence to be the presence of scars and moles and an unexpected talent for speaking an unknown language, which were supported by historical research. For example, during a hypnosis session, the boy remembered that in a previous incarnation he was hacked to death with an ax. The child had a corresponding scar on his head from birth. Stevenson found evidence that such a person actually lived and died from a mortal wound. And the scar from it completely coincided with the mark on the child’s head.

Where can the soul move to?

Those who believe in reincarnation may have a question: where do the souls of dead people move to? The opinions of followers of different religions differ, general rule one thing is that the ordeal of the soul in a variety of incarnations continues until it reaches a certain stage of development. Plato believed that gluttons and drunkards are reincarnated as donkeys, evil people as wolves and hawks, and blindly obedient people as ants or bees.

Transmigration of souls after death - real facts

Evidence of the existence of reincarnation can be found in any country in a wide variety of eras. Often scientists and doctors record children's memories of their past existences. With frightening accuracy, children 5-7 years old talk about where and with whom they lived, what they did, and how they died. Memory of previous lives gradually disappears by age 8. In adults, such memories may appear after emotional upheaval.

Transmigration of souls - evidence of the existence of reincarnation:

  1. One day, an unconscious man was found in a hotel room. The stranger was identified as Michael Boatright, but he called himself Johan. This man spoke Swedish well, although he could not know this language.
  2. At the beginning of the 20th century, the English teacher Evie suddenly realized that she could write in ancient Greek, and a little later she was able to speak it.
  3. Mexican Juan was institutionalized by a psychiatrist after complaining of realistic hallucinations. As it later turned out, he spoke in great detail about the rituals performed by the priests on the island of Crete.

"The soul falls into human body, as if into a temporary dwelling, from the outside, and again leaves it... it moves to other abodes, since the soul is immortal.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sooner or later we think about death, this is what inevitably awaits us at the end of our journey, which we call life.

  • Where does the life force go after the body dies?
  • What does our short stay on earth mean?
  • Why does our soul return over and over again, living new life at first?

Let's try to find answers to these exciting questions in the scriptures.

Reincarnation in Christianity

As you know, Christianity today does not recognize the idea. Here it is appropriate to ask the question: “Has it always been like this?” Evidence is now emerging that it was deliberately removed from the scriptures.

Despite this, passages can still be found in the Bible, and especially in the Gospel, confirming that the idea of ​​reincarnation of the soul was present in the Christian religion.

“Among the Pharisees there was a certain man named Nicodemus, [one of] the leaders of the Jews. He came to Jesus at night and said to Him: Rabbi! we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do such miracles as You do unless God is with him.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus said to Him: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he really enter his mother’s womb another time and be born?

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be surprised at what I said to you: you must be born again...” Excerpt from the Gospel of John, Chapter 3

I would like to note that the word “from above” in translation from Greek also means: “again”, “again”, “again”. This means that this passage can be translated a little differently, namely: “ must be born again...”. The English version of the Gospel uses the phrase “born anew,” which means “to be born again.”

I will send Elijah the prophet to you before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.

From the book of the prophet Malachi

At first glance there is no hidden meaning not in these words. But this prophecy was made in the 5th century BC. e., and this is four hundred years after the life of Elijah. It turns out that Malachi claimed that the prophet Elijah would again set foot on Earth in a new guise?

Jesus Christ himself also uttered unequivocal words: “ And His disciples asked Him: How come the scribes say that Elijah must come first?

Jesus answered them: It is true that Elijah must come first and arrange everything, but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him as they wanted; so the Son of man will suffer from them. Then the disciples understood that He was speaking to them about John the Baptist.”


Manichaeism is a religion that included elements of Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. Its founder was a certain Mani, a Persian by origin. He knew Eastern mysticism and Judaism very well and created a coherent worldview system.

The peculiarity of Manichaeism is that this religion contains the postulate of reincarnation, even moreover, the idea of ​​​​is the basis of this religion.

By the way, it was precisely because of this that orthodox Christians considered Manichaeism “ clean water” heresy, while the Manichaeans themselves claimed that they were the true Christians, and church Christians were only half-Christians.

The Manichaeans believed that the apostles, in difficult times, always reincarnated into other bodies in order to come to Earth and guide humanity on the true path. I would like to note that St. Augustine himself professed this religion for 9 years.

Manichaeism disappeared at the end of the 12th century, forever leaving its mark on the religions of Christianity and Islam.

The idea of ​​reincarnation in Buddhism and related religions

The religion of Buddhism came out of Hinduism, so it is not at all strange that these religions are very similar to each other. Although the Buddha's teachings would later begin to be perceived as apostate in India.

The basis of early Buddhism, like Manichaeism, was the idea of ​​reincarnation of souls. It was believed that who he will be in his next incarnation depends on how a person lives his life.

In other words, the early Buddhists were sure that a person was given the opportunity to live more than one life, but each subsequent incarnation depended on the previous one.

This was the case during the life of Buddha; after his death, the most dramatic period of this religion began. The thing is that soon after the departure of the Enlightened One, his like-minded people created 18 schools, in each of which all the teachings of the Buddha were explained in their own way. Therefore, many conflicting opinions arose.

One of the most influential was the Theravada school, which spread its teachings to many parts of South Asia.

Adherents of this religion believed that the human soul dies with the body, that is, they completely denied the possibility of reincarnation.

The main and to some extent irreconcilable opponents of the Theravadikas are Tibetan lamas and all those who profess Mahayana Buddhism.

Buddha taught that the soul is an eternal substance, and it cannot disappear without a trace. His opponents, the Hindu monks, on the contrary, said that there is no eternal “I”; they were convinced that everything comes and returns into oblivion.

Gautama taught that in everyone there is a particle of divine light - atman, which is incarnated on Earth over and over again to help a person achieve enlightenment.

Reincarnation in Northern Buddhism

The idea of ​​reincarnation of the soul had its place in northern Buddhism, based on the traditions of the Mahayana (“great vehicle of incarnation”). Tibetan Buddhism and Lamaism can also be classified as this religion.

It was in the Mahayana doctrine that the concept of “bodhisattva” became widespread. Bodhisattvas are people who have achieved enlightenment, but consciously chose endless rebirth in order to help suffering humanity. In Tibet, such a bodhisattva is the Dalai Lama, who constantly returned in the guise of another person, that is, his soul was constantly reincarnated.

The Tibetan doctrine is very contradictory; on the one hand, they recognize that a person lives more than one life, but at the same time they are skeptical about the idea of ​​reincarnation. For Tibetan Buddhism, it is extremely important, determining everything that happens.

Reincarnation in China

The Chinese, in principle, do not recognize the idea of ​​reincarnation, or more precisely, it contradicts their worldview, since they all believe that the soul after death has a very long journey in the afterlife, for which it is necessary to prepare while still living life on Earth.

That is why all the things that he used during life were placed in the grave with the deceased. For example, the tombs of kings contained everything that rulers were accustomed to during their lifetime: rich utensils, clothing, food, wives and servants.

Such serious preparation is proof that all Chinese believe that after death they will live happily ever after in the afterlife, and incarnation in a new guise on Earth is not at all part of their plans.

The Chinese especially revered the cult of ancestors; they believed that all deceased relatives became their guards on Earth, so they need to constantly bring gifts, communicate with them and always ask for advice. This is also proof that the Chinese did not believe in the possibility of reincarnation.

Reincarnation and the Dalai Lama

In countries where Lamaism is the official religion, it is recognized at the state level that a person after death can be reborn in a new guise.

The Dalai Lama is a prime example of this, as he is the incarnation of the Bodhisattva of Mercy, Chenrezig, who has been reincarnating on Earth for the past 500 years. Adherents of Lamaism believe that the soul of the Dalai Lama independently chooses a new body for itself. The monks’ task is to find the boy into whom the deceased lama will decide to incarnate this time.

The future Dalai Lama was born in 1935 in the northeast of Tibet in the province of Amdo, in the small village of Taktser, into a poor family of herders, two years after the death of the then high priest.

The Dalai Lady answers the question about reincarnation,

asked by Māris Dreshmanis, head of the Institute of Reincarnation.

Questions about what happens after his death have troubled humanity throughout its entire existence. In ancient times, the approach to theories about the transmigration of souls or the afterlife took place at a relatively primitive level - primitive people, worshiping totems and living nature, they believed that higher power will take care of them after their death.

They also believed in the ancestral transmigration of souls - when the soul wanders exclusively within a specific generation. Later, various ones arose, each of which has its own separate or similar vision of afterlife. In this article we will look at what is reincarnation how this concept is interpreted in different religions How Christianity and the theory of reincarnation of the soul are connected.

Reincarnation call the process of transmigration of the soul, the spiritual being of a person into another form, which occurs after the death of a person. Such a concept exists only in Eastern religions - Christianity excludes reincarnation as such.
It is noteworthy that reincarnation is not the transmigration of the human soul into the body of just another person - in all Eastern religions there is a theory that in the past or future life a person was or will be anything: a plant, an animal, an insect - but it is necessary animate object. Who the spirit will move into and what status you will gain in a future life depends on the deeds done in the present - depending on what you earn, your position in the future will be determined.

Did you know? The origin of the concept of “reincarnation” dates back to the 6th century BC. e. - the names of Socrates and Pythagoras are associated with him. According to legend, it was Pythagoras who uttered his famous phrase that the soul moves in a cycle determined by necessity.

Some theologians carry out a more advanced decoding of the concept of “reincarnation of the soul” - this is not the transmigration of the soul as an energetic principle, but the transmigration of the Spirit - a material structure that exists outside of time and environmental conditions.

There is even a special science - the physics of reincarnation, which provides calculations and plans for exactly how the spirit leaves the body and moves to another object. For example, in such physics the percentage probability of gender change during relocation is calculated, split personality or the law of vitality - according to it, the reincarnation of a person into an object of lower rank - for example, an insect - is impossible.
However, many religious movements dispute this theory. How exactly do Eastern religions explain the transmigration of the soul after death? Let’s take a closer look.

Basic teachings of Eastern religions

The common principle that unites all Eastern religions is monism, the ability to see the Divine or higher powers in everything: in nature, celestial bodies, objects. For most Western religions such a concept is heresy.

Important! Eastern religions are based on the theory of reincarnation and liberation, while Western religious movements produce a theory about the sole, earthly existence of the soul and spirit, which leads to post-mortem reward or punishment - this is their fundamental difference.

Rebirth of the soul is one of the key concepts on which the entire philosophy of this religious movement is based. The process of reincarnation is described in the Vedas, in these sacred texts the idea of ​​​​souls can be traced. Only the mortal body, the outer shell, dies - the spirit is immortal and is capable of moving and being reborn. Such a philosophy is inextricably linked with the concept.
It is precisely due to what karma a person has or what he earned in his current life that will determine who the person will ultimately transfer into in a future life.

According to Hindu philosophy, human soul is in constant wandering, and the fact that at the moment she lives in a specific person is only part of her journey, a kind of stop, preparation for the next rebirth. This cycle is called samsara. Chained people are characterized in the Vedas as ignorant and sinful beings who do not understand the true meaning of things. Those who have realized - those who have been conducting spiritual meditation for a long time - can leave the circle of samsara. In this case, the wanderings of the soul, its numerous births and deaths cease. This indicates that a person has achieved salvation (moksha).

The key difference between this movement and other Eastern religions is that the human soul can transmigrate into virgins- certain divine beings. In essence, a person can become a deity. However, this is only possible by accumulating enough exceptionally good karma. It is noteworthy that such reincarnation into a deity in Jainism is undesirable and even negative.
In order to earn good karma, the philosophy of Jainism has developed strict, even ascetic rules of morality and behavior (especially for priests). What is the value of just ahinsa - non-violence against any living creature (for example, sin happens even if you accidentally crushed an ant). Such strict rules mean that modern followers of Jainism today have mainly handicrafts. For the Jainism religion, the only way to get rid of the cycle of death is to achieve purity of spirit (by observing ascetic strict rules, constant meditation, suppression of passions). Ordinary people will not be able to get rid of samsara - to do this they need to become an ascetic.

The Sikh religion also teaches about immortality and rebirth of the soul. Unlike Jainism, family life and marriage are sacred to Sikhism- for them this is the basis of being, a way to glorify God - the only Creator of all things. There is no Sikhism in philosophy traditional ideas about karma, heaven and hell or the afterlife. This religion is a synthesis of certain concepts of Hinduism and Islam, which has developed its own philosophy. preach love and friendly relations towards all living beings.
The philosophy of Sikhism is based on the theory that man did not appear in this world out of nowhere - he already existed before. It is his past life, his possible family that determines his uniqueness and difference from other people in the present. The subsequent rebirth of the soul depends entirely on the guru, or God - the deity’s decision about rebirth is based on the good deeds performed by a person in the present. Past life certainly influences present existence - but it does not predetermine the status of Sikhs and their position in society in present life.

Did you know? There are cases in history when Sikhs were freed from the reincarnation of the soul: the tenth guru Gobind Singh, after performing the sacrament over the Sikhs, freed them from connection with a past life - a past family, faith, predestination.

In the religious movement of Buddhism, the concept of the immutability of the soul is absent - on the contrary, spiritual state can change depending on the law of karma(who or what the spirit will move into in the next life depends on the person’s karma). If a Buddhist was able to achieve heavenly peace, bliss, nirvana, the soul will be like a heavenly creature. If life was filled with negative actions and deeds, the soul will experience hellish torment during reincarnation.
It is noteworthy that in Buddhism there is a threefold attitude towards the reincarnation of the soul: it exists, it does not exist, and it does not matter whether it exists or not.

The fact is that, according to one facet of Buddhist teaching, the spirit wanders within the 6 wheels of samsara (hell inhabitants, hungry ghosts, animals, people, asuras, gods), therefore, as a result of the state of karma, the soul will be imprisoned in one of these 6 states. Another aspect of Buddhism says that the soul as unchangeable, moving from one object to another, does not exist (however, the karmic tendencies of past existence remain, which affect our soul in the present life).

Buddha said that there is no past self traveling between time. At the same time, he taught his followers that they would still reap the results (or echoes) of actions from past life.
It doesn’t matter whether there is rebirth or not - in a broad sense (as some followers of the Buddha taught), a person is a new being every day, not the same as he was last week or a month ago (experience accumulates, a person gets older) - but the person does not feel any difficulties or discomfort. Therefore, according to this concept, it is not at all burdensome for a person to receive future benefits from actions performed now, in the present.

Taoism is a Chinese religion based on the belief in immortality. It is noteworthy that gods as such are absent in this movement at all - their place is taken by various energies, so many are inclined to call Taoism more of a science than a religion. The theme of immortality is covered in many Chinese legends and myths, and recipes for longevity are kept in secret manuscripts to this day.

This belief in longevity also affected the Chinese: the immortality of the soul, according to Taoism, is possible in an exceptionally healthy and physically strong body, so recipes for youth have been selected over many centuries. In this regard, Taoism in its early stages came into conflict with Buddhism - the vague wandering of consciousness in the circles of samsara (Buddhism) contrasts with the theory of concrete work on immortality (Taoism).

However, later, under the influence of Buddhism, followers of Taoism also began to lean towards the theory of the transmigration of the soul to other realities, worlds and periods of time, and the main objective- maintaining physical strength - gradually gave way to spiritual self-improvement, meditation and concentration.
However, this did not exclude the attempt of the minions of the Tao path to discover the “elixir of life” - the Chinese people are still famous for their medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine remains the most popular among alternative medical sciences.

Important! The main components of Chinese medicine are acupressure and acupuncture. However, it is strictly not recommended to practice such methods of treatment on your own - ignorance of human anatomy and incorrect technique of performing or acupuncture can lead to significant deterioration and even death.

This Japanese religious movement is distinguished by its peacefulness and a certain idealization: the world seems initially to be a good, bright home for souls- both living beings (people, animals) and dead ones. In accordance with this belief, main feature Shintoism is the desire to live in harmony with all living things - not only with animate beings, but also with stones, nature, etc. Such a concept as immortality also appears in Shintoism, however, it is believed that only the spirits of the dead can achieve immortality ancestors
Shintoism combines both totemism and magic - amulets and sacred objects are widely used. There is no clear division between good and evil: if a person lives in harmony with everyone, then, most likely, he does good and follows the right path. The human soul, according to Shintoism, is also sinless and ideal - however evil spirits can seduce and denigrate her.

Shintoists believe in reincarnation, but it is believed that the newly reborn soul does not carry any memories from a past existence. However, it can demonstrate certain talents, inclinations and skills in a person’s life in the present. In Shinto there is no place for divine influence on a person’s path - everyone can determine their place by their feelings, actions, actions and relationships with others.

Perhaps there are no more antagonistic concepts in religion than reincarnation, the cycle of the soul in Hinduism, the wandering of the spirit in the circles of samsara in Buddhism, the immortality of the soul in Taoism on the one hand, and Christianity on the other. According to Christianity, every person and his soul are created by God the Creator. With the death of a person, his spirit also dies - until God resurrects his faithful and obedient followers to life in paradise.
Christian theologians (both Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) say that belief in reincarnation and karma helps a person explain why in this life he has problems, troubles in his personal life, etc.

Theologians say that it is easier for a person to blame his suffering on the law of karma, a past life - instead of repenting in the present, believing in the One God and leading a further sinless life. According to the Bible, reincarnation does not exist - this was preached by the followers of Jesus Christ, and they also argued that the spirits of the dead (as they believe in Shintoism) are not immortal.

Did you know?The Bible says: “The soul that sins shall die” (Ezek. 18:4). These words are the main arguments of Christians in opposition to the theory of reincarnation.

Christians, in their arguments about the impossibility of transmigration of the soul, rely on the words of God recorded in the Bible. They also cite simple statistics: if the majority of Eastern religions have been preaching since ancient times about the need for purification and the achievement of good karma, then enlightened, reborn people by today should make up more than 70% of the Earth's population. However, in practice, there is a global deterioration in the moral state of people, the emergence more wars and, especially in recent decades.

The confrontation between Eastern religions and Christianity has been going on since the 1st century AD. e. (the time Christianity was separated into a separate branch of religion). According to statistics, in modern world Christians account for more than 33%, and 23% are Islamists. The remaining 45% is divided between Eastern religions, atheists and various non-traditional beliefs. Thus, we see that the theory of reincarnation of the soul today is giving way to the belief in the absence of immortality, karma and samsara.

Every person, regardless of religion, at least once in his life thought about what awaits him after death. Someone doesn't believe in existence parallel reality, some are convinced that they will go to heaven or hell, while others are looking for all kinds of evidence of the reincarnation of the soul, hoping for rebirth in a new body. Latest version is gaining more and more popularity. Many people believe that a person can be reborn, and even films about reincarnation are made, after watching which the hypothesis looks more than convincing.

Where did the theory come from?

Representatives of Judaism and Buddhism were the first to believe in the transmigration of souls after death. It is these beliefs that formed the basis of religions that contain love for the world, the wisdom of the ages, as well as faith in infinity. Eastern sages have always been confident that immortality. Despite the fact that our body ages and then completely dies, the spiritual personality remains.

Each of us has moments when we are forced to say goodbye to loved ones, realizing that we will never see them again. However, if you believe the Eastern sages who know the laws of reincarnation, the deceased can be met, but only in a completely different image. The soul is able to move into another body, which does not have to be human. It could be any animal, for example a dog.

There are a colossal number of stories that relatives of deceased people perceive as evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. Perhaps there are some in your family too. Try to remember. Maybe the same bird often sits on your fence and is not afraid of you or even behaves strangely, trying to attract attention. Some people regard such manifestations as a wild fantasy, an ordinary coincidence, but there are also those who listen to their inner voice and see in this a certain sign.

From a scientific point of view

Scientists, philosophers and esotericists have been trying for centuries to unravel this mystery, to find convincing evidence of the reincarnation of souls. Many years of work on a version that suggests the possibility of transmigration of spiritual matter from one body to another has given rise to a variety of hypotheses.

One of the theories says that the human soul performs a certain function, namely, maintaining natural balance. In each life she receives the necessary experience, and after the death of her physical body, she moves to another, but always of the opposite sex.

If the deceased was not buried according to the rules or his tombstone was violated by vandals, then the person into whom the soul will move will experience serious mental health problems. He may develop illnesses such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, or persecution delusions. If you believe this hypothesis, then all people with mental disorders ended their past lives unsuccessfully.

The transmigration of souls after death can leave a mark on the body, for example, in the form of moles. One of the theories that arose in the process of studying this phenomenon indicates that large birthmarks are marks from the past. To be more precise, these are the places where there were scars on your “old” body. Possibly big birthmark indicates a mortal wound that killed the person whose soul now lives in you.

Some sources claim that the souls of people who led an incorrect lifestyle continue to exist in the body of animals. However, this version causes a lot of controversy among those who professionally deal with this issue. Most are convinced that the human soul is not capable of taking root in the body of an animal.

Eastern religion has own views on this matter. The sages believe that the soul of a person who has sinned greatly during life is doomed to a long and painful existence in the body of, for example, a dung beetle. It is also believed that energy matter that has left a person who has done a lot of troubles during his life can be imprisoned in a stone or some household item.

Some people tell incredible stories, assuring others that periodically images and memories arise in their minds that are in no way connected with real life. They are convinced that these are “pre-reincarnation” fragments reproduced at the level of cellular memory.

Most likely, among those who are now reading this article, there will be people who know firsthand about déjà vu. There are a huge number of explanations for this phenomenon, but no one has come to a consensus that would completely reveal the secret of this strange feeling.

Some believe that this occurs due to the closure of intracerebral impulses, while others are confident that this is a layering of intertemporal periods on top of each other. When experiencing a state of déjà vu, people begin to think that everything that is happening around them has already happened before. It’s as if they were at exactly this time and in this place, they absolutely clearly predict the further development of events and even know what their interlocutor will say next. It is unlikely that so many coincidences can happen at one time.

Several documented cases

Experiments aimed at establishing the facts of reincarnation were carried out long before various equipment and scientific laboratories. So, in eastern countries there were unique burial traditions. A puncture was made to a deceased person in a certain part of the body, and when a newborn was born, they looked for a mole on it in a similar place. Have you ever wondered what your birthmarks are? Perhaps their appearance is not accidental.

Many years later, researcher Jim Tucker became interested in this custom and documented the most interesting cases of reincarnation. Thus, one of his texts says that a year after the death of his grandfather, a baby was born. There was a strange mole on his arm, exactly in the place where a mark had been left before the funeral of the deceased.

But the weirdness didn't end there. A few years later, when the boy began to talk, he suddenly addressed his grandmother in a diminutive form, just as his grandfather liked to do. After the death of her husband, no one called the elderly widow that. Everyone was in deep shock, and the boy’s mother admitted that she saw her father in a dream, who did not want to part with his family and was looking for a way to return home.


In the same book about reincarnation there is another case that makes people think about the likelihood of the existence of this phenomenon. A woman named Diana worked at a public hospital located in Miami her entire adult life. In the hospital she met her soulmate. The man Diana married and then married had a birthmark that resembled a crescent moon.

The couple lived for many years in love and joy, but the most interesting thing happened at an appointment with a psychotherapist. A woman shared a story that supposedly happened in her previous life. She claimed that she was in the body of an Indian woman who was forced to hide from the European colonialists who occupied America. Once, in order not to give away herself and the crying child she was holding in her arms, the woman had to cover his mouth. Inadvertently, she strangled the baby, who had a crescent-shaped mole on the back of his head.

Fatal wound

Modern scientists also had to deal with the example of reincarnation. A boy was born in a Turkish town. Over time, he began to claim that he remembered numerous fragments from a past life in which he was a soldier. The boy said that when he was a soldier, he was shot with a large-caliber gun. The wound turned out to be fatal. For the first time he began to talk about his memories in a completely at a young age, absolutely not knowing what reincarnation is. Later it became known that a file with a medical history of a soldier who was admitted for treatment with a wound to the right area of ​​his face was found in the archives of a local clinic. A week later he died. Needless to say, the boy was born with multiple birth defects right side faces?

Evidence of Soul Reincarnation

Modern psychotherapists and psychologists often use a technique known as regression of past years. Using it together with hypnosis, you can restore memories that are deep in the subconscious.

Most likely, everyone has heard or seen in films how a patient is immersed in a state of hypnosis, after which it is possible to remember not only facts, for example, from early childhood, but also from a past life. When a person is brought to his senses, he remembers absolutely nothing of what he said to the doctor while in hypnosis. This practice makes it possible to understand all the subtleties of the human worldview. There are several cases that describe clear facts that confirm the existence of reincarnation after death.

In medicine there is such a thing as false memories. Researchers conducted a survey among children of different ages. To their surprise, most of the guys described in vivid colors last minutes from your previous life. As a rule, death occurred as a result of violent acts, and the events themselves occurred several years before the children interviewed were born. The most realistic and believable stories were from children aged 2 to 6 years.

Twilight Zone

And here is one of the situations that Brian Weiss, a psychoanalyst with many years of experience, described in his works. During the next session, to which a girl patient came, the doctor put her into a trance state. Katherine (that was the patient's name) began to say that she felt the presence of Brian's father, as well as his son, who died due to heart problems. It is worth noting the fact that the girl knew absolutely nothing about the doctor’s personal life and could not guess what tragedy Weiss experienced. A similar phenomenon, when someone sees the deceased relatives of their interlocutor, is usually called the “twilight zone.”

A story about two brothers

An even stranger story happened in the seventies of the last century. The young woman had a son named Kevin. At the age of two, the boy died from blood cancer caused by a complex fracture of his leg, which did not heal properly. They desperately tried to save the young patient and administered a course of chemotherapy. A catheter was inserted through his neck on the right side, and a scar appeared in the area of ​​his left ear due to deformation of the eye. The baby died in terrible pain.

Ten years later, the woman who lost her son gave birth to another child, but from a different man. The newborn boy developed a birthmark in the exact place where the deceased baby’s scar was. It later turned out that the second son had congenital problems with his left eye, and also limped on the leg that was broken in his older brother, although no pathologies were found.

Having become an adult, the guy told incredible stories, revealing the whole essence of reincarnation. He claimed that the soul of his elder brother was reborn in his image. He accurately recounted the entire medication course, and also accurately indicated the location of the catheter. In addition to memories associated with pain and suffering, the guy remembered his old place of residence, describing in detail a house that, in fact, he had never been to.

Burmese girl with Japanese background

The world learned about this story thanks to the work of psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, who described an amazing case in his teachings on reincarnation. In the sixties of the last century, a girl was born in Burma, who, at the age of three, began to talk about how she had been a Japanese soldier in a past life. According to her, he was burned alive local residents, tied tightly to a tree.

In addition to the fact that the girl was overcome by terrible memories, she was radically different from her peers in her behavior. She did not recognize Buddhism, did not wear long hair, and slapped the children with whom she periodically walked on the playground in the face in the same way as the Japanese soldiers did when they attacked Burma.

It is worth noting the fact that she was an unusual child since birth. On right hand the girl had an obvious defect: the ring and middle fingers were fused, resembling the membrane of waterfowl. A few days later, doctors amputated some of the phalanges, and the child's mother claims that on her daughter's right arm there was a mark that resembled a burn, as well as stripes that looked very similar to marks from ropes.

30 rupees

To the question of whether reincarnation exists, you will be given a positive answer by the residents of the village of Alluna Miana, which is located in India. This is where a boy named Taranjit Singh lived. At the age of two, he stated that in his previous life he was an ordinary student named Satnam Singh, who lived sixty kilometers from his home village of Taranjita.

The boy told his parents that his previous life was cut short as a result of a ridiculous accident, namely after a scooter flew into a student. The boy also said that he remembers the last seconds of his former existence, as if he was lying in a pool of blood, with notes and textbooks lying around. Taranjit remembered that at the time of the accident he had exactly thirty rupees in his pocket.

The boy’s words were not taken seriously for a long time, because in the village, where the population is poorly educated, no one knows what reincarnation is. However, the father, tired of his child’s constant stories, decided to understand the situation and get to the bottom of the truth. He learned that a guy with that name really lived and then died under the wheels of a scooter. Having gone with their son to a neighboring village, they found the house where Satnam lived. His parents were shocked by what facts from their son’s life were being operated on by someone else’s child. They confirmed that Satnam was dying in a pool of blood, with textbooks scattered around, and that he had thirty rupees in his pocket at the time of his death.

Rumors about the incredible rebirth of the soul quickly spread throughout the province. Local authorities turned to experts who were asked to conduct an examination. Taranjit was asked to write a few sentences, after which forensic handwriting was done. Everyone was truly bewildered when it turned out that the handwriting of both guys was almost identical.


In medicine, there are often cases when people begin to speak foreign languages, sometimes the most exotic ones. Most often, this phenomenon is a consequence clinical death, severe traumatic brain injury or stress. In parapsychology, this condition has its own name - xenoglossy.

For example, a person living in Russia can unexpectedly speak Turkish, without any accent. The only explanation that comes to mind is that in a past life he was a Turk.

For clarity, we can cite real example which took place in medical practice. So one American woman, born into a family of immigrants from of Eastern Europe who spoke Czech, Russian and Polish, began to surprise those around them. At an appointment with a psychoanalyst, while under hypnosis, a woman suddenly spoke in Swedish, introducing herself as a peasant who once lived in Sweden. Despite the fact that the people who followed the test did not believe the woman at all, the polygraph showed that she was telling the truth. There is not a single person in her family who knows Swedish, and she has never been interested in learning it. However, this did not stop the woman from speaking it without an accent.

Films about reincarnation

We couldn’t pass by such a phenomenon famous directors, working with the Mystic genre. The best films based on real stories about the transmigration of souls can be called: “Birth”, “Little Buddha”, “Restless Anna”.

Briefly, we can give the following definition of the concept of reincarnation:


Reincarnation is the physical process of a soul moving into another body after death.
Or in another way: reincarnation is the reincarnation of the soul.

But here a logical question immediately arises: what is the Soul then and why does it need this process of reincarnation.

Let's look at all these questions in this article.

So, pay attention to Fig. 1 below. Let's start right away with the main definitions. To quickly and clearly understand how Man works on the subtle planes of the existence of matter, what is the physics of the reincarnation of the soul, that is, the relocation, reincarnation of the soul.

Rice. 1. Graphic structure of reincarnation - relocation, reincarnation of the soul

In this picture you see the physical body of a person with 3 orbitals of brain activity (biological, social and spiritual), behind which a certain “sausage” “stretches” - an energy-information trail called the human memory body. This subtle-material structure - the body of memory - stores in itself like a database detailed information about all the events that happened in life this person in the current (current) incarnation from the point of birth to the moment “I am here and now” - the moment at which the human physical body is located in the space-time continuum.

This body of memory is precisely the Soul of a person. It also has another name: the mental body.


Thus, memory body = mental body = Human soul are synonyms.

Rice. 2. The structure of the human mental body (Soul) participating in the processes of reincarnation

So, trying to understand the question of what reincarnation is and how the reincarnation (transmigration) of the soul occurs, we first found out what the Human Soul is, and at the same time, we gave an affirmative answer to the question, is there life after death.

Reincarnation is the reincarnation of the Spirit, not the Soul!

To understand what we're talking about, let's look at Fig. again. 1.

As we have already found out, the Soul is an energy-information object, which is a memory body of the current incarnation of a person from the point of birth to the present moment in time.

But, taking as a given the presence of previous incarnations in a person, we can also talk about the Soul (that is, the body of memory) of the previous incarnation.

From Figure 1 we also see that the entire sequence of human incarnation bodies (memory bodies of previous incarnations) spirals into a spherical object that already belongs to the next plane of stable existence of matter - the Causal (see Figure 3).

This spherical object is precisely the Spirit of man.

Thus, it turns out that the Human Spirit is a subtle-material object consisting of Souls (memory bodies) of incarnations.

Therefore, reincarnation is not a reincarnation of the Soul, but of the Spirit, since the Spirit is a structure that exists outside of time, and the Soul is a structure that has its own lifetime, calculated by the duration of one or another incarnation.

So, once again: the reincarnation of the soul or the relocation of the soul after death to another body are not entirely correct concepts from the point of view of the physics of the processes of reincarnation. That's right: reincarnation (transmigration) of the Spirit.

Rice. 3. Stable plans for the existence of matter, in accordance with which the reincarnation of the soul occurs during reincarnation

Reincarnation. Laws of physics

  1. During reincarnation, that is, when the Spirit is reincarnated from one physical body to another, as a rule, a change of gender occurs. That is, if in this incarnation the Soul undergoes experience in female body, then in the previous incarnation most likely the Soul received experience in a male body and vice versa. Alternation of gender is necessary for a polar and balanced set of experiences by the Spirit (see Fig. 1). Therefore, if you are interested in the answer to the question, who was I in a past life, then you should start by understanding this fundamental law of gender alternation in the cycle of reincarnation.
  2. If the previous incarnation (more precisely, the soul of the previous incarnation) was closed incorrectly or incompletely during the reincarnation process, this can lead to “greetings from the past”: a split personality, as well as an excessive manifestation of masculine qualities on the female body in the current incarnation (the same applies to excessive manifestation feminine qualities V male body and personalities of the current incarnation)
  3. Transformation (reincarnation) of the Spirit occurs, as a rule, according to the law of increasing vitality. That is, the reverse transition from a person to an animal or insect no longer occurs during subsequent reincarnations! But the transition from animal forms of life to human forms as the Spirit develops and reincarnates is a natural phenomenon.

Reincarnation during life. What it is! Calculation based on new date of birth

IN special cases, when the task of a particular Soul in the current incarnation from the point of view of the Spirit has already been completed, but there is no need to change the biological carrier (physical body), the procedure of reincarnation (relocation) of a new soul with new tasks to this physical body can be carried out. Such phenomena of soul reincarnation without a change in the biological carrier can be accompanied by processes of clinical death, or some serious life shocks, after which a person begins to feel completely different, with changed views on the world, with different habits and goals in life.

As an example of such reincarnation, the transmigration of the soul during life, a story was recently shown on television, which told about an American who spent three months in a coma, and when he woke up, he turned out to be a Swede - there was a complete replacement of personality, memory, knowledge and skills, including his native language.

In such situations, if you take the date of an event that happened to a person as a new starting point, as the new date of his birth, and build an astrological chart for this date, or use numerological analysis reincarnation by date of birth, then you can learn a lot of interesting things regarding the new tasks that will be faced a new soul in the same physical body.

Rice. 4. Reincarnation according to a new date of birth. Astrological and numerological analysis

Actors and the transmigration of souls. Transformations live

The process of temporary relocation of the soul to another body can be observed first-hand in actors. Here we should distinguish between 2 types of roles into which reincarnation can occur:

  • fictional characters (heroes of stories, books)
  • real characters (people who lived previously or are currently living)

We can talk about the temporary transmigration of the soul into another body in the case when an actor plays the role of a real character. In the process of setting up for a role, the actor needs to study in detail the character, behavior and way of thinking of the person into whom he will be reincarnated. The actor needs to synchronize, get used to the image of the chosen character, begin to think, hear, see and feel life in the same way as his hero (heroine). In this way, attunement to the Soul of another person and synchronization with it occurs.

After this, the actor needs to “turn off” (weaken) his own Personality and let a Role, that is, another Soul, into this space, temporarily transferring to it the rights to use his physical body. After the temporary transmigration of another soul into the actor’s body is completed in this way, you can place it in the conditions of a scenario in which this character will live and interact with other people. And the less the personality of the actor himself is manifested in his character, the more fully the temporary transmigration (reincarnation) of someone else’s soul into the actor’s body occurs, the more we will want to say: “I believe,” observing the resurrected Soul of another person through the actor (if the actor produced reincarnation into any person from the past) or as a clone (fragmented Soul) of some person from the present.

Rules of acting:

A good actor does not play a role, but allows himself to be played by the role.

Rice. 5. Reincarnation into a role as a process of temporary relocation of the soul

Very often, such temporary invitations of other people’s souls into one’s body (transmigration of souls by invitation), which occur during multiple reincarnations of an actor in various roles, lead to serious consequences for the health and for the fate of the actor himself as a Person. You can be convinced of this by reading the life stories of famous artists who played the roles of some complex and tragic characters in our history in their artistic careers.

Historical reference:

In the recent past, the Church even forbade burying actors in a common cemetery, considering their souls “spoiled.”

Also, in the case when an actor tunes in to the role of a fictional character (the hero of a story, short story, book), he, as it were, creates a “virtual” Soul-matrix, into which he is then reincarnated. But there is also a danger here: if a given character (for example, the main character of some famous novel) has already been repeatedly played by other actors, then this “virtual” Soul of the protagonist already exists in the general energy-information space and, even without being a soul real person With real story life, it has no less influence on the fate of the actor who tunes in to it and allows for the temporary relocation of this soul into his body, since this “virtual” Soul is created and fed by the energy of other actors who previously played this role, as well as attention and emotions spectators who empathized with this role. Therefore, such strong “virtual” characters also often leave their mark on the fate, personality and health of the actor, just like the roles of real people from the past or present.

Rice. 6. The influence of the roles played on the personality and fate of the actors

In this regard, special attention in the acting environment has to be paid not only to high-quality transformation into a role (temporary relocation of the soul to another body), but also technologies for high-quality exit from the role- reincarnation back into your body and into your Personality.

We will look at this topic in more detail in one of our next articles.

Short-term reincarnation. Transmigration of souls as a temporary possession

This type of reincarnation can be observed and even experienced in the process of training on systemic family constellations by B. Hellinger. This happens as follows: when parsing any life situation one of the training participants (object A), some of the other training participants become actors taking on the roles of “father”, “mother”, “child”, “brother”, “ ex-husband", "wives", etc. the person whose problem is now being analyzed and modeled (object A). The most interesting thing is that with the so-called “transfer-projection” of the family roles of object A onto the selected training participants, they begin to model them quite accurately, displaying similar character traits and types of behavior. What happens is nothing more than a temporary possession (infection) of the selected “actors” by someone else’s behavior matrices. That is, we can say that in this case, a temporary relocation (sharing) of souls into the bodies of the “actors” participating in the training also occurs. We consider how environmentally friendly this is and what consequences it leads to in a separate article, but the fact of partial transmigration (reincarnation) of the soul is also observed here.

Rice. 7. The impact of temporary possession (short-term zombie reincarnation) on the structure of the memory body of the 4th dimension (Human Soul)

The impact of genetic karmic programs during the reincarnation of the soul

When considering issues of reincarnation, it is also necessary to take into account that the reincarnation of the soul occurs in a physical body, which is “generated” by the genetics of the father and mother. Thus, the karmic tasks of the Spirit, embodied in this physical body, are also connected karmic tasks The race that gave birth to this physical body. That is, in the current incarnation, the center of human consciousness monitors, as a rule, 3 types of tasks (problems):

  • karmic tasks set by the Spirit to be worked out in the current incarnation
  • personal “egoistic” tasks
  • karmic debts (encumbrances), soullessness according to genetic gender

Rice. 8. Translation of ancestral karmic problems during the reincarnation of the soul

Reincarnation. What is the meaning of reincarnation? How to get out of the circle of Samsara

Samsara is the cycle of reincarnations of the Spirit in various physical bodies (objects) in accordance with the law - the law of cause-and-effect relationships.

Our physical world can be considered as a “school” into which young, immature Spirits are brought up for education, who are “born” by subtle-material objects of higher orders of dimensions - Parents.

Reincarnations of the Spirit in this context can be compared to transitions from one class to another - with a diary and grades received in previous incarnations - the law of karma.

Rice. 9. Reincarnation. Exit from the circle of Samsara, the laws of Karma by analogy with the school diary

There are failed Spirits who have to be kept in the same class for the second year several times until they learn some important experience and pass everything test papers. Such a Spirit can have many incarnations in its structure, but quantity does not mean quality: if one Spirit “Vasya” may need one incarnation to learn the experience of tolerance and stop taking away scoops and cars from children in the common sandbox in which they all play together, then another Spirit “Kola” may need as many as 10 incarnations to realize this “simple” experience and coordinate your desires with the laws of the Universe.

Moreover, it is quite possible that this Kolya will change his consciousness only when, in one of his incarnations, the laws of karma bring him into a common sandbox with other similar Kolyas, who will all together begin to take away the scoop from him!

Rice. 10. Spirits with excellent results and Spirits with poor performance

There are excellent students who learn quickly, gain the necessary experience, and pass final exams and... And they leave the circle of Samsara.

There are spirit prodigies who, in just a couple of incarnations, understand the deep meaning of physical existence, quickly pass all tests with excellent marks and voluntarily leave the circle of physical reincarnations.

  • Institute
  • Service in the Heavenly Office
  • Parenthood
  • Supervision
  • Ministry

In general, as below, so above!


So, in this article we gave basic definitions of the concepts of reincarnation, reincarnation and transmigration of souls, considering them from a physical point of view in the context of the energy-informational structure of a person, and also looked a little behind the scenes of the circle of Samsara.

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