Rocket landing troops. Types and types of troops are

During the aggravation of any political and military conflicts, the interest of the average person in the size and structure of the army of their country increases. Not even all military personnel know what troops is in Russian army. The army and navy, everyone remembers this from school textbooks. And what other friends can our country rely on if the situation takes an undesirable turn for everyone?

What troops does the Russian army have?

All armed forces can be divided into three categories:

  1. Ground troops.
  2. Aviation.
  3. Fleet.
  1. Motorized rifle troops.
  2. Tank.
  3. Rocket Forces and artillery.
  4. Various special services and units.

Queen of the fields, blitzkrieg and protection from air attacks.

If you are familiar with the army at least by hearsay, it’s not difficult to figure it out.

  • Motorized rifle The units are staffed with infantry, reinforced with armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. Typically, artillery and tanks are assigned to such units, in small quantities - to increase the effectiveness of offensive or defensive actions. The main task is to gain a foothold on newly captured lines or hold existing positions.
  • Tanks have always been a kind of “iron fist”, a striking force. With their help, the army delivers the most crushing blow, breaks through defenses, or simply maneuvers with available forces.
  • Artillery, not without reason, is considered the god of war. Maximum damage to enemy troops, performing tasks to destroy positions at a distance of tens of kilometers. Only enemy artillery and aviation can fight it.
  • Air defense designed to protect defending or attacking units from air raids. They are more expensive, but are not inferior in effectiveness to artillery strikes.
  • Special services designed to perform specific tasks that are beyond the capabilities of other types of troops. In addition, they ensure the normal daily activities of the group.

Dominance in the sky.

The aviation forces include:

  1. Long-range aviation.
  2. Frontline aviation.
  3. Army aviation.
  4. Special aviation.

Here everything is somewhat more complicated. Long-range aviation ensures the implementation of strategically important tasks; each bomber has a nuclear charge on board, which is capable of delivering over a distance of over 10 thousand kilometers. If a pilot is trusted with such a machine, we can safely assume that he has achieved the pinnacle of excellence in his field. Front-line and army aviation are often confused. The key difference is that the second includes military transport aviation, which is engaged in the transfer of equipment and personnel. Special aviation- it is responsible for the most technically complex tasks of identifying and neutralizing targets. They have reconnaissance and electronic warfare behind them.

The first of the three abbreviations stands for anti-aircraft missile forces. Our main defense against enemy aircraft, the most high level concentrations - near large cities and strategically important objects. Air and missile defense troops perform the most important tasks, protecting every citizen from a possible nuclear strike and minimizing its possible consequences.

And here radio technical troops They are somewhat similar to special aviation, but their scope of action is much narrower.

For those at sea.

It's time to remember about our fleet:

  1. Surface forces.
  2. Submariners.
  3. Coastal troops.

Coast Guard troops are undeservedly overlooked. This is a fairly powerful structure, not much inferior in number and equipment to other types of troops. Considering the length coastline, these units have every chance of taking the enemy's first blow. The Marines started Airborne uniform. Few people know, but the wearers of blue berets received their vests from the naval paratroopers. A lot has been said about submariners, one of the most difficult services. But there is always the prospect of retiring at thirty, if no emergency occurs during the entire voyage.

Clear skies overhead, paratroopers and space affairs.

We completely undeservedly ignored several individual branches of the military. Those who served in the Strategic Missile Forces will never forget these two years. Throughout the entire period of service, military personnel could feel like they were part of a huge system that ensures mutual nuclear deterrence. Airborne Forces are a separate branch of the military, about them we can add that they are the elite of the army. The main goal is to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines, behind the front line. Just a month ago, the VKS were officially formed. Aerospace Forces will protect our peace, but in the future. Their practical role today is questionable. Let's see how quickly this direction will develop.

When the international situation worsens, the population begins to become increasingly interested in the following issues:

  • army size;
  • its structure;
  • branch of the military, etc.

At the same time, quite often military personnel are not able to answer these questions accurately. In this article we will try to talk about this in as much detail as possible.

Structure of the RF Armed Forces

IN ground troops includes:

  • motorized rifle formations;
  • tank armies;
  • air defense;
  • missile forces;
  • artillery;
  • other auxiliary and special services.

The military air fleet consists of forces:

  • long-range;
  • frontline;
  • army;
  • special connections;
  • anti-aircraft missile forces;
  • air defense;
  • radio engineering parts.

The Navy includes:

  • coastal defense;
  • submarine and surface forces;
  • Marines.

Ground troops

Motorized rifle units are combat units that include:

  • infantry;
  • armored personnel carriers;

They are also given artillery and tanks to strengthen them. This is done in order to maximize the effectiveness of such units - both offensively and defensively. The main purpose of these forces is to ensure the rapid capture of new frontiers or reliable protection of already conquered ones.

Tank forces are a reliable and time-tested “fist of steel.” They are used to break through layered enemy defenses or to launch unexpected flank attacks. This branch of the military has high maneuverability and great fire potential.

Artillery is capable of destroying enemy positions at long distances. At the same time, its vulnerability is quite low, because the enemy can only reach it with the help of aviation or its guns.

Air defense responsibilities include protecting other units from attacking enemy aircraft. Its effectiveness is no less than that of artillery. However, the cost is much higher.

Various kinds of auxiliary units are engaged in ensuring the vital functions of army formations. Intelligence services work in certain areas where the effectiveness of other branches of the military is unacceptably low.


Long-range aviation is assigned exclusively strategic tasks. The bombers included in its composition are armed with nuclear warheads and are capable of delivering them over a distance of more than 10 thousand kilometers. The specialists entrusted with the control of such aircraft are recognized as the most experienced professionals in the Russian army.

Few people will be able to indicate what the difference is between front-line and army aviation. In reality it is quite significant. In the first case, we are talking about air forces that crush enemy positions and their rear infrastructure with bomb strikes, while in the second case we are talking about transport aircraft that carry out tasks of transferring forces and assets to strategically significant areas.

Special aviation is engaged in both identifying enemy targets and destroying them.

Russia's anti-aircraft missile forces are the country's reliable shield from the enemy air fleet. They are mainly deployed near large cities and strategically significant objects.

Air defense and missile defense - stand guard over the population, protecting it from missile attacks, including nuclear ones.

Radio technical troops are engaged in reconnaissance and identification of enemy targets.

Russian Navy

Currently, Russia has five navies. It's about O:

  • Caspian;
  • Pacific;
  • Northern;
  • Baltic;
  • Black Sea.

Russian coastal defense is a fairly powerful structural component of the Navy. The number of its personnel is not much inferior to other branches of the military. Taking into account the stretch of the country's coastline, the importance of such units in ensuring the security of the state cannot be overestimated.

The Marine Corps is for real elite troops RF. Her black uniform stands out in a special way at parades. Also, in a sense, it served as a prototype for uniforms for the Airborne Forces - it was from there that the famous vests and blue berets came.

Those wishing to join the ranks of the Marines must undergo a two-stage selection process. Initially, you need to win a competition at the military registration and enlistment office level. Once in the group of conscripts sent to the fleet, you will also later have to prove your right to a black Marine uniform by proving yourself to be a human:

  • physically strong;
  • strong-willed;
  • morally stable;
  • completely healthy.

Service in the submarine fleet is considered the most dangerous and difficult. It is for this reason that people retire from here after 30 years.

What other elite units are there?

The Strategic Missile Forces is a huge, well-coordinated system whose tasks include nuclear deterrence of potential adversaries. This type of army is armed with modern missiles, each of which individually is capable of destroying an entire region. These forces are almost not staffed by conscripts. To serve here, you will need excellent knowledge of mathematics and physics.

In addition, there is also the Airborne Forces - these forces are called upon to operate behind enemy lines. They can be deployed to any part of the world in the shortest possible time and capture certain objects, as well as hold them until the main units arrive.

It is worth pointing out, however, that there is no concept of “elite troops” in Russian legislation. Thus, their exclusivity largely depends on the perception of the population.

These, in particular, in addition to the above, are:

  • Space Force;

The first department is responsible for the protection of high-ranking civil servants, including the president (its structure has a special regiment that serves directly in the Kremlin). Every year 240 conscripts are recruited there. The applicant must undergo a very strict selection process. The main criteria are:

  • the minimum height must be 1.8 meters;
  • good physical fitness;
  • Slavic appearance.

Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of three branches of the Armed Forces, three branches of the armed forces, the Logistics Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Cantonment and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense, railway troops and other troops not included in the branches of the Armed Forces.

Ground forces are a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. In most countries they form the basis of their military power. The ground forces of the Russian Federation are capable, in cooperation with other types of forces, of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel the enemy’s invasion, its large airborne assault forces, and hold occupied territories, areas and lines. The ground forces of the Russian Federation include types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, military air defense, army aviation; special troops, military units and logistics institutions. Ground troops.

The most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces, the core of their combat formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems and installations, and effective reconnaissance and control equipment. Motorized rifle troops

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) - a branch of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of strategic targets that form the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential. Created in They are armed with intercontinental combat missile systems of various types, equipped with nuclear weapons. The Strategic Missile Forces include stationary and mobile missile forces, as well as special troops (units and units of missile technology, nuclear technology, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, communications, electronic warfare, geodetic, meteorological, security and reconnaissance), units and transport aviation and logistics units. The Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and special forces. Strategic Missile Forces.

Corps of Engineers. Engineering troops carry out tasks of installing mine-explosive barriers, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and anti-tank mines, creating non-explosive barriers, making passages in enemy mine-explosive barriers, neutralizing and destroying mines and landmines, participate in the construction of bridges, crossings, fortified positions, pillboxes, bunkers, construction of rock roads, laying paths for equipment and personnel in hard-to-reach places. In reconnaissance and sabotage groups, sappers may be assigned the task of mining or blowing up bridges, crossings, railway tracks, missile launchers, communications facilities, as well as laying mines and landmines on the approach routes of enemy reserves and other tasks.

The Air Force (VVS) is a branch of the armed forces designed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groups; ensuring the conquest of supremacy (in the air; protection from air strikes of important military-economic areas (objectives) and groupings of forces; warning of an air attack; destruction of objects that form the basis of the enemy’s military potential; air support for ground forces and naval forces; airborne landings ; transportation of troops and materiel by air. The main strike force of the Russian Air Force is combat aircraft, bombers, fighters and attack aircraft, capable of delivering missile and bomb attacks on ground targets and effectively conducting air battles. After joining with the troops. Peaceful time The Air Force guards the state border of the Russian Federation in the airspace. Air Force.

Space Force- a branch of the military intended to warn of a nuclear missile attack, communicate, and monitor the state of the space group. Created in 2001 by decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the basis of formations and units for launching and controlling spacecraft of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as missile and space defense troops. The tasks of the space forces include visual and electronic reconnaissance (in particular, early receipt of data on the preparation of the armed forces of foreign states for an attack), ensuring space information all branches of the military and the country's leadership. Space Forces.

Airborne troops(VDV) - a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. Airborne Forces are the real combat power of our Great Motherland. The actions of the landing force are fast, precise and deadly for the enemy. The Airborne Forces have repeatedly proven their strength and their heroism in military conflicts in all parts of the world, including in our homeland. Airborne troops (VDV).

Navy - naval forces (Navy), a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations in various areas of the World Ocean. Includes types of forces: surface and submarine forces, naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery troops, marine infantry, air defense forces (air defense), logistics forces, etc. The Navy of the Russian Federation is designed to destroy enemy fleet groups at sea and at coastal bases, for delivering nuclear strikes on its ground targets, to combat sea lanes, to assist ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, to land amphibious assault forces, and also to repel enemy landing forces. The Russian Navy is divided into strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. Organizationally, the Navy includes: the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific fleets, and the Caspian flotilla. Navy


Aircraft type- this is an integral part of the Armed Forces, which is distinguished by special weapons and is designed to perform tasks in certain environment(land, sea, air).

Branch of the Armed Forces- this is an integral part of the type of armed forces, distinguished by its weapons, equipment, structure, nature of training and ability to perform specific combat missions in interaction with other branches of the military.

Special troops serve to support the military branches and assist them in carrying out combat missions in their specialization.

Currently, the RF Armed Forces include three types ( Ground troops, Air Force, Navy), three types of troops (, Space Force, Airbornetroops), as well as troops not included in the types of armed forces, Armed Forces Rear And Housing and accommodation service Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Ground troops

Designed to cover the state border, repel attacks of the aggressor, hold occupied territory, defeat enemy groups and capture enemy territory. They have existed as a type of military since 1946.

The SV includes: type of troops– motorized rifle (MSV), tank (TV), missile forces and artillery (RF&A), military air defense (VVPVO), army aviation (AA); special troops– intelligence, communications, engineering, electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, automotive, technical support and rear security; military units and logistics institutions.

Organizationally, the Army consists of 6 military districts (Moscow Military District, Leningrad Military District, North North Military District, Purvo, Northern Military District, Far Eastern Military District), armies, army corps, divisions (motorized rifle, tank, artillery and machine gun artillery), fortified areas, brigades, individual military units, military institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Air Force

Designed to destroy troop groups, destroy important military, industrial facilities and communications centers behind enemy lines, provide air support for troops, conduct aerial reconnaissance, landing troops and air transport of cargo, as well as to protect the country’s most important facilities and troop groups from enemy air strikes, and performing special tasks. The founding day of the Air Force is August 12, 1912.

The Air Force includes: branch of aviation troops- bomber, attack, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special fighter aircraft; anti-aircraft missiles troops, radio engineering troops, special troops, units and institutions rear. Organizationally, the Air Force consists of the 1st Air Force and Air Defense District (Moscow), air armies, corps and divisions, anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering brigades, individual military units, military enterprises and institutions.


Designed to conduct combat operations in maritime areas, deliver powerful strikes against sea and continental targets, land and support landings, cover the coast and groups of fleet ships from air strikes, protect bases and coasts from attacks by enemy ships and landing forces. The founding day of the Russian fleet is considered to be October 20, 1696.

The Navy includes: type of naval forces - underwater (PS), surface (NS), naval aviation (MA), marine corps (MP) and coastal defense forces (CDF); ships, vessels and parts special purpose, units and subdivisions rear.

Organizationally, the Navy consists of 4 fleets (Northern Fleet, Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, Pacific Fleet), the Caspian Flotilla, the Kaliningrad Special Region, flotillas, divisions, brigades and divisions, individual military units, military enterprises and institutions.

Strategic Missile Forces

A branch of permanently ready troops designed to deter a potential aggressor from starting a war against the Russian Federation. Founded in 1959

Organizationally, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies, divisions and regiments, arsenals, training grounds, repair plants, units of special forces and rear services. They are armed with silo-based and mobile-based strategic missiles (Topol-M).

Space Force

Designed to protect the country from aerospace attacks and combat operations in space. Founded June 1, 2001.

Organizationally, the Space Command consists of a missile and space defense association, centers for testing and control of space assets, test cosmodromes (Plesetsk, Baikonur, Svobodny), and military educational institutions.

Airborne troops

A highly mobile branch of troops designed to reach the enemy by air and conduct combat operations in his rear. The Airborne Forces are the strategic reserve of the Supreme High Command. Founding Day: August 2, 1930

Organizationally, the Airborne Forces consist of airborne divisions, brigades, individual units and institutions.

Rear of the Armed Forces

Designed to accumulate and maintain stocks of materiel for logistics services and provide troops with them; for the supply of weapons, materiel and fuel; for organizing technical support; for carrying out activities on medical, veterinary and commercial services.

Organizationally, the rear of the Armed Forces consists of arsenals, bases, warehouses, special troops (automobile, road, pipeline, etc.), individual military units, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Russian Army in modern form established in 1992 on May 7. Even after multiple reductions, it remains one of the largest in the world and is so large that it is not so easy to immediately understand what troops there are.

General structure of the Russian Armed Forces

The standard conscript question is, “What branches of the military will I be sent to?” You can comment like this. The structure of the almost million-strong army seems simple on the surface. These are three types of Armed Forces, three independent kind troops, central military administration bodies, Armed Forces Logistics, Service of Quartering and Arrangement of Troops. But, examining this structure in more detail, an uninitiated person may feel dizzy from the variety of military branches.

Types of the Russian Armed Forces

When choosing which troops to serve in, consider the following.

  1. The main and massive branch of the Russian Armed Forces is the Ground Forces. They include such common types as: Motorized Rifle, Tank, Missile Troops, Air Defense Troops. As well as special ground forces (engineering, communications, automobile, railway, electronic warfare troops).
  2. The second type is the Air Force. It also has many branches: Long-Range Aviation, Frontline and Army, Military Transport, Special Aviation, Anti-Aircraft Missile Forces, Radio Engineering Troops.
  3. The Navy is the third main branch of the Armed Forces. The branches of the Navy are the Submarine and Surface Forces. Naval aviation units and formations of the Coastal Forces. Marine brigades and special forces units of the fleet.

Certain branches of the Russian Armed Forces

Responsible and important tasks are also carried out by individual branches of the Armed Forces. These are the Strategic Missile Forces, the Airborne Forces and the youngest branch - the Aerospace Defense Forces.

Additional military information

All these powerful forces are distributed geographically across four military districts of Russia: Western, Southern, Central, Eastern.

The Russian Armed Forces currently use a mixed system. Military personnel enter the ranks of the Armed Forces under contract and conscription. One calendar year is the period of conscription service. The main criterion for conscription into the army is health. Basically, it depends on the state of health in which troops a young man of military age is recruited and whether he is fit at all.

Understanding the diversity of the Russian Armed Forces, it is difficult to determine which troops are better. Each branch of the armed forces is unique due to the fact that it performs its own individual functions that no one else can perform professionally. This is why he is valuable. How valuable is any soldier, sailor or officer who is in his place in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

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