Semyon Slepakov biography personal life wife. The history of stellar life, seeds of Slepakov. Voice acting by Semyon Slepakov

Many celebrities try not to advertise events in their personal lives, because they believe that at least something in it should remain truly personal and inviolable. This is what Semyon Slepakov did, marrying secretly from annoying sensation seekers.

Who is she, the wife of Semyon Slepakov?

Well-known throughout the country and far beyond its borders, comedian Semyon Slepakov, at the age of 33, decided to “settle down and get married.” The chosen one of the famous native of Pyatigorsk was a girl named Karina, who is a lawyer by profession. The girl has nothing to do with show business, although not so long ago there were rumors that the actress would become Semyon’s wife. Actually, the name and occupation are all that is known about Slepakov’s newly-made wife. Nevertheless, good friend The Slepakov family says that this couple is simply incredibly in love. Young people began to experience such deep feelings almost at first sight. It immediately became clear to everyone around that Semyon and Karina were simply made for each other, no matter how banal it may sound. Despite young age, Slepakov’s wife preaches true, correct values ​​- she believes that the most important thing in life is family and future children. This position is very useful, because Semyon this moment is a fairly eminent producer, for whom almost every minute is planned. Now the screenwriter of numerous comedy shows will finally think about more important things.

Semyon Slepakov decided to hold the wedding celebration itself in Italy. Only the closest and dearest couples were invited to the celebration; fortunately, no paparazzi got to this significant event in Slepakov’s life. Such mystery may not be to someone’s taste, but the young Slepakov family spent at least a few days away from ostentatious hype and fame, which sometimes simply is not needed by anyone.

A real actor and showman in life, a screenwriter of numerous shows, as well as a producer of the famous TV series “Interns,” has finally found happiness. According to his friends, Karina is not just a passing crush, she is Semyon’s other half, whom he intends to protect and protect from all troubles. We also wish happiness to this couple, may no amount of fame let them forget about the present, which is worth holding on to in life.

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Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov. Born on August 23, 1979 in Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. Russian showman, actor, producer, screenwriter, author and performer of songs.

By nationality - Jewish.

Father - Sergei Semenovich Slepakov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

Mother - Marina Borisovna Slepakova, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Uncle - Alexander Semyonovich Slepakov, writer, poet, bard.

Uncle - Vladimir Semyonovich Slepakov, businessman.

Grandmother - Esther Iosifovna.

Great-uncle - Yakov Aronovich Kostyukovsky, Soviet screenwriter and playwright.

Cousin- Alexander Vladimirovich Slepakov (1993-2011), played in KVN, died in an accident.

WITH early years studied music, to which his father introduced him. Led Zeppelin songs were constantly playing in their house, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, and also. He himself played the guitar and composed songs. Created my own group. His idol was, whom he looked up to and tried to imitate, however, Semyon admitted that English language he never learned to a more or less tolerable level.

Graduated from Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of French and Faculty of State Municipal Administration, majoring in linguist and manager. In 2004 he defended his PhD thesis in economics.

In 2000-2006 he was captain of the KVN team “Pyatigorsk Team”. In 2004, the Pyatigorsk Team became the champion Major League. It was thanks to KVN that he received his first recognition.

Since 2005 on offer Resident Comedy Club Garik Martirosyan moved to Moscow. He said: “There was nothing special to do in Pyatigorsk, just quietly drink yourself to death, then it became clear that it was time to do something else. At that time, we were already friends with Garik Martirosyan and together wrote scripts for KVN teams. It was he who suggested it to me move to Moscow. Well, then off we go."

In 2006, together with Garik Martirosyan and TNT producer Alexander Dulerain, he implemented the project “Our Russia” based on the format of the sketch show “Little Britain”. In the same 2006, he was part of the author’s group of special projects on Channel One - “Spring with Ivan Urgant”, “ New Year on the first".

In 2008, he became one of the producers and screenwriter of the series “Univer” and the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny."

Since 2010 - resident " Comedy Club" He is a permanent member of the jury in the TNT channel project “Comedy Battle”.

Since 2010, he has been a producer of the series “Interns.” Then the producer of the series “Univer. New dorm" In 2012, he became one of the producers and screenwriter of the series “Sashatanya” and the sketch comedy “HB”.

In 2015, he became one of the screenwriters and producers of the series “Concerned, or Love is Evil.”

Songs of Semyon Slepakov

Humorous songs have become very popular in the Russian segment of the Internet. Semyon Slepakova, which he himself composes and performs with guitar.

Back in 2005 he recorded the first music album. Since 2010, as a bard foreman, he began presenting his songs in the Comedy Club show. In 2012, he recorded his second music album “Semyon Slepakov. Album No. 1."

Author of many hits on YouTube - “Seal up your barrel”, “Every Friday”, “Lyuba is a YouTube star”, etc. Many songs caused a scandalous resonance, since Slepakov too openly reveals the truth of life in them and raises the most pressing questions.

So, in 2016, his composition, written based on the statement of the Russian prime minister, “There is no money, but you hold on,” caused a wide resonance. The song, on behalf of the prime minister, talks about what he and his colleagues have been doing all year and why they can go on vacation with peace of mind, having previously given the necessary recommendations to their electorate.

Semyon Slepakov - Address to the people

"Humor is always the same. We always laugh at precisely worded statements about our lives. And also at what we are actually afraid of. For example, we are afraid that our wife or husband will betray us, so we will laugh at jokes about cheating. This is human nature. Only the instruments of laughter change", - Slepakov is sure.

Height of Semyon Slepakov: 197 centimeters.

Personal life of Semyon Slepakov:

He was married to Karina Slepakova, she is a lawyer by profession. We got married on September 12, 2012 in Italy.

He told me about his wife: “My Karina is wonderful. She used to be a serious lawyer, and now she helps me in the cinema - she does costumes. We met quite simply - she came to a restaurant, and I was sitting there in a white shirt. That’s how it all started.” .

In April 2019, in the show “Hello, Andrey!” Ksenia Sobchak reported that Semyon Slepakov divorced Karina. However, within a few days, Semyon and Karina appeared in public together, demonstrating an idyll in their relationship.

Filmography of Semyon Slepakov:

2010 - Love in the Big City-2 - episode
2013 - University Day open doors(documentary)

Voiced by Semyon Slepakov:

2016 - Angry Birds in the cinema (Angry Birds Movie, The) (animated) - Bomb
2018 - Two Tails (animated)

Scripts by Semyon Slepakov:

2008-2011 - Univer

2016 - Bearded man
2018 -

Producer works of Semyon Slepakov:

2008-2011 - Univer
2010-2016 - Interns
2010 - Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny
2011-2017 - University. New dorm
2015 - Concerned, or Love is Evil
2016 - Bearded man
2017 - Buy Me

The Comedy Club resident shrouded his personal life in the strictest secrecy - even about own wedding which took place in 2012, he told only his closest friends, and introduced his wife to the public a month and a half after that significant event. Semyon Slepakov's wife has nothing to do with show business - Karina She is a lawyer by training and met her husband completely by accident, and their love was a feeling at first sight.

In the photo - the wife of Semyon Slepakov

Only at the age of thirty-three did Semyon decide to give up his bachelor life, and before that he had enjoyed freedom, built a career, and he had never been able to meet a suitable girl. Karina became the only one with whom he decided to throw in his lot. Semyon Slepakov’s wife is much younger than him and is absolutely not a public person. Karina does not like nightclubs and social events, which probably explains the fact that she has not appeared in public with her husband for so long.

Friends of this young woman beautiful couple they say that they are endlessly in love with each other, and the showman’s wife, despite her young age, considers the most important thing not entertainment, but her family. Semyon Slepakov is kind to his young wife and tries to protect her from all troubles and idle journalists. When they appear in public together, he does not leave her alone for a minute, so that no one can offend or tire Karina with questions.

In the photo - Semyon Slepakov with his wife

Now Semyon does not notice his many fans at all, whose attention has always surrounded this popular artist witty songs. Fame came to Semyon even at the time he became a member of the KVN team “Pyatigorsk Team”, and after the artist, at the suggestion of his friend Garik Martirosyan, moved to Moscow and began appearing on the Comedy Club stage, the whole country learned about him.

This work was always not only interesting for him, but also brought in good money, especially after Comedy show Club was shown on television for the first time. Semyon Slepakov is the author not only of songs, but also of many humorous shows and series, including “Our Russia”, “Interns” and others. In addition, he is producing some projects, including the show “HB”, which was recently released on the TNT channel. Semyon does not complain about the lack of work, but now something more important has appeared in his life - a family, which he does not forget about and takes care of with pleasure.

More than two years have passed since the news was made public, which shocked fans of Semyon Slepakov. The details of the Comedy Club resident’s marriage could only be told by his friends and very close acquaintances. To the deep regret of people watching the work of a talented native of Pyatigorsk, they prefer to remain silent. Semyon himself does not lift the veil of secrecy, protecting his newly acquired family happiness from prying eyes.

The chosen one of the man who captivated the public with songs and jokes continues to remain in the shadows. Information about her is so meager that PR in in this case out of the question. Despite all the efforts of the ubiquitous paparazzi, not a single representative of this profession managed to infiltrate the wedding of the producer of the series “Interns.”

Only those people with whom the newlyweds wanted to spend this significant day were notified about the upcoming celebration. The wedding procedure took place in sunny Italy in the fall of 2012. According to rumors, it is this time of year that Karina most sympathizes with. The charming bride and her star groom did everything to prevent their wedding photos from getting into the press. They did not leak to social networks either.

Over the past period of time, Semyon Slepakov’s wife has never tried to bask in the glory of her eminent husband. This state of affairs warms the soul of the comedian, who once admitted that he would not like to see many fans next to his life partner.

Compared to the almost two-meter showman, Karina looks fragile and childishly miniature. Amazing and surprising beautiful eyes brown-haired women who change color depending on the outfit, lighting and location of filming. The listed factors affect the predominance of bluish and grayish shades. When it comes to work, the sweet and shy girl chose a difficult path. Her legal education allows her to defend people's rights.

Semyon Slepakov’s wife also shares her husband’s hobby of collecting guitars. The relatively short period of acquaintance did not prevent Karina from giving her beloved a couple of antique instruments.

It is almost impossible to catch Semyon Slepakov and his wife at a social reception. Much more often young people can be found in in public places. Joint visits to concerts and cinemas demonstrate attentiveness to each other.

The refusal to do interviews and photo shoots is explained by Karina’s focus on other values ​​that are extremely important to her. Most of all she is concerned about her husband, the arrangement family nest and future children.

Semyon Slepakov - Russian showman, former captain KVN team of Pyatigorsk, a master of sharp words who creates ironic musical compositions, whose causticity sometimes evokes conflicting feelings among viewers.

But all the projects in which Semyon participates are distinguished by one thing - consistently high ratings and public interest.

Childhood and youth

Popular comedian, author and performer of songs own composition Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov was born in August 1979 in southern Pyatigorsk. The boy grew up in an intelligent professorial family, Jewish by nationality. Semyon's parents work at universities in Pyatigorsk. His father teaches at the Department of Economics at the North Caucasus Federal University, his mother at the Faculty of French Philology at PSU.

Related to creativity were Semyon’s uncle, who was fond of writing bard songs, and his great-uncle, a playwright by profession, who became famous as a screenwriter of popular Soviet films.

Mom took her son early to music school, but the boy did not like playing the piano. Semyon Slepakov felt his love for music in high school, when he picked up a guitar. My father made sure that this hobby had meaning and developed in in the right direction. He opened the group to his son, and.

Another hobby of Semyon Slepakov’s youth was KVN. Episodes of the television comedy game where the teams were presented various groups, the guy on TV didn’t miss it. Soon he organized a team of like-minded people at school, gathering other children. The boy had a great sense of humor.

After school, Semyon Slepakov becomes a student at Pyatigorsk Linguistic University. He studies excellently, and in two faculties at the same time. Upon graduation from the university, he receives two honors diplomas and majors in economics and linguist (he studied in depth French).

At the insistence of his mother, Semyon receives a Ph.D. in economics, having defended his dissertation. But even more than economics, Semyon Slepakov likes the French language. He speaks it fluently. At one time, he even completed a month-long internship in one of the provinces of France and planned to stay and work in this country. I got a job in graduate school and was about to write my dissertation. KVN disrupted these plans.

Humor and creativity

While still a student, Semyon Slepakov began playing in KVN. By the end of the university, his team gets into the Major League. Since 2000, Slepakov became the captain of the national team and remained so for six years. Under his leadership, in 2004, the Pyatigorsk Team became the champion of the Major League.

Many believe that thanks to Semyon the team became famous. Slepakov managed to bring the Pyatigorsk team to the most high level, making the team an elite KVN club.

Soon, a popular comedian and showman suggested that Semyon move from Pyatigorsk to the capital. He is a friend and authoritative person for Semyon. Martirosyan suggested that Slepakov organize a community of authors and monopolize it in KVN, which they did successfully. This author's conglomerate soon included Garik and Semyon themselves, and others.

Pyatigorsk national team - KVN golden numbers

The time when popular Kaveen players moved to Moscow was difficult and unstable. The money earned from previous touring activities helped me stay afloat.

Semyon Slepakov soon becomes a participant in the Comedy Club project together with and other famous showmen.

Semyon Slepakov - "Transformer Grandmother"

This work turned out to be creative, and the freedom of action compared to participation in KVN brought pleasure to the guys and gave them the opportunity to realize themselves. In addition, they soon gained fame. Friends created new format on TV. The debut took place in 2005 and was a huge success.

Later, Semyon Slepakov more than once participated in the creation of humorous shows, most of which earned the love and attention of the audience. “Our Russia” is becoming one of the most rated projects. The comedian is one of the comedy writers. He also acts as a producer of the humorous series “Univer”, “Interns”, “SashaTanya”, “HB” and other youth projects.

The creative biography of Semyon Slepakov is not only projects and series, but also popular humorous songs written by the author on the topic of the day. The most famous are “I can’t drink”, “F... is growing”, “Liver”, “Gazprom”, “The happiest day” (“Divorce”) and others.

Semyon Slepakov - "You Can't Drink"

Slepakov performed at comedy show and duet with others famous performers. His composition “Conversation between a husband and his wife,” which he performed together with, Russian singer and actress, as well as the song “Very Beautiful” with the singer were most remembered by the audience.

On humorous television show Slepakov consolidated his success. In the future, the comedian continues his career without constant participation in the project, performing new songs that he writes himself.

Semyon Slepakov and Marina Kravets - "Conversation between a husband and his wife"

The song “Appeal to the People” gained particular popularity in 2016. This composition was written after the Russian Prime Minister visited Crimea. The official met with local residents who asked him about pensions. Chapter Russian government admitted that there were no funds in the state treasury, hastening to end the meeting with the words:

“There’s just no money, but you hang in here, all the best to you, Have a good mood and health."

New job Slepakova turned out to be popular on the Internet. The composition has collected hundreds of thousands of likes on the YouTube video hosting site. This single became a continuation of the ironic videos. Previously, he performed "a song dedicated to a Russian official who is afraid."

To communicate with fans, Semyon created a personal account in "Instagram", where it places original photos and humorous posts.

Personal life

The showman's personal life is closed from prying eyes. Even moving to Moscow did not affect Slepakov’s lifestyle - on rare social events the artist appeared invariably alone, without a companion. In his youth, according to Semyon, he preferred to win the favor of girls by joking with them, so it was not possible to start an affair with everyone. Being a tall young man (Semyon’s height is 197 cm and his weight is 90 kg), the artist has always attracted the attention of miniature representatives of the fairer sex.

However, a non-public lifestyle did not prevent the artist from starting a family. Semyon got married at 33 years old. Slepakov's wife's name is Karina. She works as a lawyer. The Slepakovs' wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012. The girl prefers to remain in the shadow of her famous husband. Familiar couples talk about their relationship. They claim that the young people fell in love from the very first meeting. And Semyon especially liked the fact that Karina was far from show business.

The relationship between the spouses remains vibrant; Karina even mentioned in friendly conversations that she feels like a princess next to Semyon. The comedian's wife loves to pamper him with gourmet cuisine. One day, Karina even took part in a master class by French chef Andrei Garcia.

Semyon Slepakov has a hobby - collecting acoustic guitars. The wife also joined in the husband's hobby, two vintage instrument in the humorist's collection - her gift.

Semyon Slepakov now

In 2017, Semyon Slepakov confessed his love for a cat in an advertisement for food for Whiskas. A new video was published on the Whiskas Russia YouTube channel.

In the video, the comedian plays the song “Cat Addiction” on the guitar. Semyon ironically describes the situations in which he finds himself because of his love for his pet:

“He can tear off the cornice and leave a surprise in his slipper, but, no matter what, I fulfill his every whim.”

Semyon Slepakov dedicated two songs to the main event of 2018 - the World Cup. The first satirical solo composition was called “Trainer of the Russian National Team.” It was an immediate hit, but received mixed reviews.

Semyon Slepakov - "Ramzan Kadyrov - coach of the Russian national team"

The head of Chechnya invited Semyon to come to Grozny and write a different version of the composition. He was upset by the fact that according to the plot, the Russian team still lost the match. Semyon was also reproached for speaking ironically about the skill of the football players, when before the championship he should have supported them.

At the end of July, a recording recorded together with the group hit the Internet. The musicians ironically apologized to the players for not believing in them. The song “Champions” collected more than 8 million views in a month.

Semyon Slepakov and the group "Leningrad" - "Champions"

In mid-August, the TNT-PREMIER platform began showing the comedy series “ House arrest", written and produced by Semyon Slepakov. The film is dedicated to the theme of the fight against corruption. The mayor who steals is placed in custody at his place of registration. The trouble is that this room becomes not a luxurious mansion, but Communal apartment in a falling apart house. Others were invited to play the main roles.

In the spring of 2018, the artist went on tour to the United States, where he visited New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Now Semyon is preparing for solo performances in Moscow. Scheduled for December creative evening artist at the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall, and in February he will appear on the stage of Crocus City Hall.


  • "In Odnoklassniki"
  • "Time is mothballs"
  • "All men cheat on their wives"
  • “The woman stood on the scales”
  • "Victory Day"
  • "Birthday"
  • "Seal up your barrel"
  • “Address to Gazprom shareholders”
  • "Spinning and spinning"
  • "New Year"
  • "Electric wire"
  • "Appeal to the People"
  • "Cat addiction"
  • "Champions"
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