Slavic dolls-amulets - hear the call of your ancestors. Amulets in the form of dolls among the Slavs and their meaning

The ancient Slavs always attached special meaning to protective dolls. They brought good luck, success, cleared space in the house and protected the family from all evil. Such dolls are always made without the outlines of faces, they are dressed in special clothes, which carry the main semantic load. For example, if the doll is Rozhanitsa, then special signs were embroidered on clothes in the abdomen and chest. A used doll is always accompanied to the “other world” with gratitude and respect.

Most of the Slavic amulets dolls were identified with images of Goddesses, women, or any other feminine power. But there were dolls in the form of men, appealing to male power. There are also protective dolls in the form of animals (for example, the Sun Horse or the Bird of Joy). The basis for making a doll has always been the need for it, the reason for which it should serve. Each protective doll was responsible for something. The materials were carefully selected and always natural.

The main rules for creating magical Slavic dolls

Here are the main rules by which we mastered Slavic dolls amulets:

  1. The craftsman or craftswoman must be in excellent health and mood during production.
  2. It is advisable to enter the “Kudes state” (semi-trance state).
  3. The preferred time for making is the waxing moon to attract something, the waning moon to cleanse from negativity.
  4. It is better not to take on such work on holidays or weekends.
  5. It is important to make dolls on your knees when the woman is wearing a long skirt. Here the symbolism of a female creator “giving birth” creeps in, with a doll appearing on her lap.
  6. If the doll is a reel, then the use of needles, scissors, pins or other piercing or cutting objects is prohibited.
  7. The number of connected knots must be even. When tying, each knot is sung with a wish or a conspiracy.
  8. Doll based. They are made on twigs or slivers folded in a cross.
  9. You only need to use natural materials when creating protective dolls. Synthetic fabrics and the threads don't fit.
  10. All desires and aspirations must be in the mind of the hostess and in words without a shadow of doubt. Strong faith in the doll is needed, otherwise doubts can weaken the future amulet.

There may be other rules regarding individual moments. Let’s say that when making dolls for babies, you can generally use only an ordinary scarf. And the Solar Horse doll is made from straw and ribbons.

Why are amulets dolls made without faces?

The external feature of such protective gizmos is the absence of faces and a lot of multi-colored beautiful clothes, hair woven into braids, braids, beads, ribbons, flowers and other attributes. If there is no face on the doll, you should know that this is a message not to personify and depersonalize a thing that must fulfill its function on the energetic and mental plane.

The faceless doll not only confessed inanimate object for the lower worlds, but also inaccessible to the influence of diverse unwanted forces on it. It was assumed that the doll has many emotions, that it lives almost like a person, experiencing both grief and joy. Therefore, it makes no sense to depict specific emotions on it.

Why use ancient symbolism?

Each attribute, symbol on clothing or jewelry had its own meaning. It is the protective rag dolls, richly decorated with Slavic symbols, that have a great meaning. The meaning was an appeal to God or a natural force, whose sign was applied to the element of the doll. So, for example, on the Seventh Me Doll, the sign of Mother Earth was embroidered on the hem of the dress. It was believed that such a doll was able to feed the whole family and take care of all household members.

Fortune telling using a protective doll

They guess from a doll like this:

  • if the figure’s posture turns out to be uneven, then the doll’s owner is in an unstable state;
  • when the doll’s head came out too big, then it was time for the craftswoman to let go of some problems, stop focusing on one thing;
  • if you are upset about your clothes (somehow you didn’t like them), then pay attention to your communication with people, there is something wrong on your part.

The principle is clear. The main thing is to look not only for flaws and give them special meaning, correlating them with your condition, but also to find positive sides in a doll. Surely, the needlewoman will note how well and smoothly everything turned out when winding up the doll!

How to part with an old doll?

When parting with a doll that has brought a lot of benefit, you need to remember these rules:

  1. Mentally you need to thank and say goodbye to the doll.
  2. All elements, shreds, threads are carefully and slowly disassembled.
  3. Sharp objects cannot be used when disassembling the doll.
  4. If a thread or a rag breaks, it’s not a big deal, it was necessary.
  5. Threads and scraps are burned.
  6. Items from the previous doll cannot be used.
  7. Everything left from the doll is burned with a feeling of gratitude.
  8. The ashes need to be scattered to the wind. You can do it outside the window of your house, outside the door of your house.

Important! When the doll’s owners still feel sorry for it, feel pity, then the thing still works for them - it’s too early to part with it. After all, there are still connections, there is still a connection between the doll and the family.

What are the Slavic protective dolls and their meaning?

All the dolls listed below are not the limit in the arsenal of Slavic housewives and owners. The dolls were made so that you could take them on the road and attach them to your wallet to attract good luck and money. Solar dolls - Horse, Spiridon-Solstice (later name), Springflies are designed to attract the sun so that it shines brighter and is warmer.

Lonely women or girls who spent too much time in girls made Fatty Kostromushka ( Feminine essence). This doll also played the role of the Desire, attracting power to a married woman to conceive a child. It was believed that Kostromushka very quickly and smoothly lures the soul of a child.

Vepsian doll, made from scraps of old worn clothes and pulled out tangle threads, Moskovka (Seventh Self or - Family), girded with babies, Wedding ones, very similar to the Murashen couple, Ognevitsa, Magpies (Larks), Metlushka, Stolbushka, Roshcha, twisted into button, spoon and many other variations.

Consider the meaning and short description some dolls separately.

Zolnaya (Zolnitsa)

Zolnaya- will divert dark forces from the house, various evil eyes and damage. Inside the figurine there is a handful of ash from the hearth and stove (hence the name). To strengthen the head base ball, the ash was mixed with something. The difference from other dolls is that the hair or headdress was never attached. When moving to new house The ash pit was designed to take ash from the stove of the old house. This amulet could be with the family all its life and even be inherited. Therefore, rituals of parting with it were done only if it deteriorated - broke, for example.


Successful– attracting success in any business for the family and home. The difference between the Successful Doll and the Doli and Desire doll is that it fulfills smaller aspirations and contributes to the successful completion of some enterprise. It can be made from scraps, so such protective rag dolls are always beautiful and elegant. It is allowed to use the symbols that best suit the region of residence, or the family or clan of the owners making the doll.


Diaper used to drive away dark forces from the cradle of a newborn. It was believed that different spirits could be attracted from another world with the arrival of a baby in the World of Revealing. Did a Diaper (or several at once) future mom- pregnant woman. She put them in the baby's cradle. Even in moments of illness, when the baby is most vulnerable, this doll could protect the child and take on his illness.

Doll Happiness

Happiness– the name shows that it is designed to bring happiness, which is contained in the doll’s braid. The most striking attribute in this doll is her braid - it should be long, thick and richly decorated. The braid is twisted upward, which is why it makes the figurine itself stable - the support for the doll is the thick braid itself. The head and braid are made from natural linen threads. Another attribute is good-quality and beautiful little paws, which help her in finding happiness for her owners.

Kubyshka (Herbalist)

Kubyshka, Herbalist - protects the house and all family members from attack dark forces, brings goodness to the house, promotes harmonious relationships and cleanses the atmosphere in the house. The doll must be plump; medicinal herbs were placed inside it.

This amulet was always placed at the entrance to the house, preferably above the door. Any evil person, if he passes under Kubyshka, will forget all his bad intentions and thoughts. This has been considered among the Slavs from time immemorial, and even today. But the Herbalist could also be placed next to the baby, then she would reliably protect the baby from the evil eye.

Lovebird dolls

Lovebirds are called upon to protect a young family; a couple who recently got married serve as a symbol of an inseparable family. The dolls have one handle that connects two figures. According to Slavic tradition, such a talisman is given to the newlyweds, the bride and groom, right on their wedding day. Dolls are kept in the family for life!


The ten-handed pen is a great assistant to the housewife. Although she was burned on the Feast of the Intercession, all her aspirations went with her to the gods and serving spirits. It was she who served as the giver of strength for the hostess, because it was after the burning that the craftswoman seemed to have more strength, all her affairs were running smoothly, and she managed to do everything. The main condition when preparing is that the hem of the doll’s skirt should be decorated with nine red threads tied into bows, and the number of hands should be ten - five on each side.


Maslenitsa is one of the most powerful iconic dolls-amulets, it drives away all evil spirits from the house and, at the same time, gives the son-in-law a sign that the mother-in-law is waiting for him and her daughter to visit him for pancakes. Maslenitsa is made from bast and straw, dressed up in colorful rags, the chest is attached, and the head is decorated with a scarf. In the place where the face should be, be sure to cover the bundle of straw with a light linen cloth. The doll is hung out the window, and then burned at a festive ritual bonfire. The doll had great importance on the spring holiday of Maslenitsa, when they said goodbye to winter and prepared to welcome spring.

Pridorozhnitsa (Podorozhnitsa)

A roadside woman is a powerful protection on the road from all sorts of troubles and attracts strength and good luck so that a person returns home. The doll's bag, which was tied to both of her hands, contained ash from the stove, small items from the house, and sometimes salt and home desk and grains of wheat so that a person does not starve on the way. The size of the doll is small - no more than 5-6 cm.

Krupenichka (Zernushka)

The Krupenichka doll is considered one of the many main amulets in the house; it attracts prosperity to the house in the form of food, and prevents household members from going hungry. Housewives always prepared Krupenichka or Zernushka with their own hands; they did not trust this work to anyone else. The place for the doll should always be visible - it can be in the living room, but more often it was installed in the kitchen, closer to the provisions.

Inside the amulet are grains of various cereals. These grains were used first when sowing; grains from the first harvest were also put into the doll. From the resulting bag, in which cereal was stuffed, the doll’s body and head were made. They should be very dense, attracting a large harvest. To attract wealth to the family, city women today also make such dolls, stuffing them with any kind of cereal.


Shearing - brought a rich harvest for the family working in the field, vegetable garden, garden. Dolls are made from straw and bast, and sometimes various waste from flax production is used. You can dress such a doll, or you can simply decorate it with colored ribbons - it doesn’t matter here. It is important to make it from the first sheaf, which the Slavs called “nominal”, and therefore sacred.


Purifier - cleansed space and everything around when a person was sick or had some kind of spiritual illness or flaw. The person suffering from the problem must make the doll himself. In the process of working on the amulet, all problems must be mentally transferred to it. Appearance The doll must have at least one or more features similar to the owner. This could be a piece of clothing or some attribute. But not facial features! When burning a used doll, it is important to say:

You take with you everything bad and dark from me!


Kolyada - brings happiness to the house, makes the family strong, warms with the warmth of the sun. The doll symbolizes the sun and is named after the God of the Winter Sun. The Kolyada doll looks like a portly woman, with a large tied scarf on her head and in bright, elegant clothes.

The doll must have a gift bag in her hand - bread and salt are placed there. A broom must be tucked behind her belt; according to legend, she uses it to ward off evil spirits. They started preparing Kolyada already in mid-December, and then burned it at the stake on the holiday of the same name - Winter Solstice, Kolyada.


Kupala - takes away all the misfortunes, difficulties, sorrows that could arise during the year before the holiday of Kupala. They make a doll before the big summer holiday - Kupalo. It was necessarily made on a base in the form of two sticks folded in a cross. The doll's outfit is a shirt, a sundress, a belt. Decorations are long ribbons symbolizing girlish desires. They let the doll float on the water, and it took all the sorrows with it with its ribbons.

Day Night

Day-Night is a strong amulet aimed at protecting family members day and night from various misfortunes, troubles and dark forces. The manufacture of the amulet was necessarily carried out using plain dark and white fabrics (or yarn), symbolizing light and dark time days. The two-faced doll should stand on the windowsill - it needs to be turned every morning bright side to the room, and in the evening - dark side to the room.


Desire - embodies the dream or desire put into it during its manufacture. Here you need to choose your deepest desire, and only one. When making it, it is extremely important to make it elegant. After the doll is ready, you must go to the mirror, holding the doll in front of you, and confidently say your wish out loud. From time to time you need to talk to the doll, put it in a place of honor in the house. After the wish came true, the doll was burned with gratitude.


Fatty - brings happiness to the house in the form of a long-awaited born child. It was made specifically for that woman who could not get pregnant for a long time. It is highly desirable for a close relative to do this. The doll should stand in the most visible place in the house; after pregnancy occurred, it was moved to the part of the house where the woman was most often. During pregnancy and childbirth, Fatty must hide from prying eyes.


Verbnitsa is a talisman for children and adults, a helper to those who cannot find their way home when they went for willow before spring holidays. The symbolism of the doll announces the arrival of spring. The color of Verbnitsa's dress must match the spring theme, and the doll must have a willow twig in her hand.


Cabbage signaled to young guys that the girl was ready to get married and they could send matchmakers to her. The doll was placed on the window so that passing guys could see it. It was made from many shreds that were arranged like cabbage leaves.

IN different parts In Russia it was called differently - for example, the Volga Vepsians called it Feeder, Cabbage, and in Siberia - Rozhanitsa. The main attributes of the doll should be large breasts, embroidery symbols of the female, maternal form of the Goddesses (Lada, Mother Earth, Rozhanitsa and others).


A prosperous woman brings goodness and prosperity to the family. The doll is small, but very curvy and round. In her hand there may be money, a wallet or some other element symbolizing wealth. This doll can be given as a gift to relatives and even friends. It should stand in a prominent and even honorable place in the house. The red head and belt symbolize attracting good luck and profit.

Kuvatka (Kuvadka)

Kuvatka - warms the cradle of a newborn baby and drives away all evil spirits. The doll was given this name because it resembles the “croaking” of a small child. The role and appearance of the amulet is very similar to Pelenashka. Kuvadka had to be done by a pregnant woman herself, preferably 2 weeks before the onset of childbirth. Then this doll accompanied her everywhere, even in the bathhouse where the woman gave birth. Then the doll was placed in the cradle with the baby.


Bereginya is the direct purpose of the doll, to protect the house. Therefore, it was installed above the entrance to the house, so that it was necessarily higher than people’s heads. This doll meets and sees off all the people who come to the house. That's why they put it so that everyone can see it. She protects the household from quarrels, illnesses, does not allow evil spirits, misfortunes and misfortunes into the house. It is advisable to use light colors for such a doll with red embroidery or pattern.

Each homemade traditional doll had its own meaning, fulfilled its own task and could be made using different technologies. Today, the general public has a chilled perception of dolls; only in some families can one still find preserved traditions of knitting, weaving, and twisting beregin dolls and wishful dolls. But those who encounter magic and sorcery will always be in awe of such a high and mysterious art as making protective dolls with their own hands.

Amulet dolls are an important part of the daily life of our ancestors. They were asked for help, admired, admired and shared their experiences with them. And today we feel the influence of the simple, but in its own way powerful magic of dolls, interest in which is again beginning to revive in our hearts.

History of amulets dolls in Rus'

Amulet dolls are an important part folk culture. Previously, not a single child could do without it, and sometimes an adult family member was also given a doll. When the husband went to war, a doll-amulet was placed at the head of the table instead. Her task was to protect the owner from all dangers on his way. This tradition existed until the 20th century, but sudden changes in the state system stopped its development for a long time. Nowadays, the heritage of our ancestors has acquired new strength, and more and more more people are interested in and revive this art.

Exist different kinds dolls They differed in purpose and materials. The very first dolls were made from ash, and only later they began to be made from flax or straw. Clay, fabric, wood and even dough were also suitable for making dolls. According to their purpose, dolls were divided into play, ritual and protective. The first of them did not have any magical function; they served, as the name implies, for children to play with. They could even be made in the form of animals or birds, like some ritual dolls.

The second ones were used to mark some calendar holiday or transition from one state to another. For example, the Kolyada doll, which was created on winter solstice. It expressed the victory of light over dark forces. Sometimes it was burned with special curses, and in some cases it was kept as a talisman until the next year.

Also known is the Filippovka doll, which was made on a special day (November 27). Just at this time, it was time for weddings, that is, the girls transitioned to a new state - wives, and then mothers. It is believed that Filippovka helps a woman with new, unusual chores, protects her from fatigue and mistakes, and preserves the well-being of a young family both spiritually and materially. That is why this doll has as many as 6 arms, and a bag with grain and a coin is attached to its belt.

Protective dolls themselves can also be divided into several categories. For example, there are those that protect the child from disease or the evil eye; amulets for young girls or boys; for pregnant women; to protect the well-being of the family and so on. The areas of protection and assistance of dolls also differed. For example, the Bereginya doll is the keeper of the family hearth. Usually it was hung above the front door to prevent evil from seeping into the house. Insomnia was done for a small child who often woke up at night. It was believed that it drove away insomnia and nightmares and brought good dreams.

How to make a rag doll as a good luck charm?

Even though this creative work, and a lot in creating your own doll depends on inspiration and intuition; there are certain rules and norms that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. So if you decide to make a talisman yourself for the first time, take this into account.

So, first of all, the doll should not have a face.

Our ancestors believed that only a faceless doll could serve for good. Otherwise, an evil spirit may enter her through her eyes. Therefore, it is clear that protective dolls, especially those intended for children, never had their faces embroidered or painted. Sometimes a cross was embroidered on it.

It's no secret that the cross had sacred meaning in Rus' long before the adoption of Christianity. The pagans symbolized the sun with a cross, which is why this symbol entered our culture so easily. That’s why, when drawing the sun, people put additional protection on the doll. Also commonly used for the face white fabric, which symbolized the bright thoughts and intentions of the creator.

Also, when making a doll, there should be no needle or scissors; everything should be wrapped or tied. Although at later stages, such as sewing and decorating the doll's clothes, it was still possible to use a needle. Moreover, the fabric also needs to be torn, not cut. It’s not for nothing that another name for such dolls is “rvanki”. According to beliefs, by cutting off the fabric, you cut off the energy that should accumulate in the amulet.

Another fundamental principle of creating dolls was the non-participation of men in this process. Only women, as guardians of the clan and caretakers of traditions, could perform this ritual. This is due to the fact that this ritual was carried out in those distant times when matriarchy reigned, and it was women who were the keepers of knowledge. Therefore, if not one, but several women connected by family ties are involved, the amulet will be especially strong. In this case, you use not just personal energy, but the power of the entire family.

Of course, when creating such a doll, the creator must be in a suitable state. You can’t sit down to work angry or tired. You should feel joy and happiness, and transfer these feelings into your creation. You need to think about who you are making this amulet for, understand what exactly you want to put in it, what to protect from. Both her appearance and the direction of her energy depend on this. As a result, this somewhat reduces the power of a purchased doll, since the creator does not have the same emotions as in the case of a loved one.

When creating a doll, it is advisable to do all the work not at the table, but on your knees. The table counts commonplace, where the energy of many people mixes, while the knees belong only to us. If you are making a doll-amulet from fabric, then be sure to choose natural, undyed material. It will be good to take used fabric, but only if it is associated with good memories, that is, positive energy. Threads should also be only natural. For protective dolls, red threads are usually used, and for ritual and play dolls, you can also use white ones.

They also used to put it in a doll various herbs or grain. Herbs perform different functions, for example, archilimus should be used if a woman cannot get pregnant, cornflower protects from people who have evil intentions, gladiolus improves health, and St. John's wort is considered as a protector of children from the evil eye and damage, etc. If something goes wrong during work all the time, for example, it falls or breaks, it used to be thought that evil spirits trying to interfere. In such cases it was said:

Misfortune will come to the doll, but it will bypass me (or the name of the person for whom you are making the amulet).

There are rules about knots and skeins when creating a talisman doll. So, in some jobs you need to do odd number knots and skeins, and sometimes even. This is usually indicated in the description of the doll itself. But there is a rule that is the same for everyone: the skein must be wound clockwise, as they say, salted.

There are days when it is not recommended to make dolls. This is mainly Friday, with additional Sundays and major holidays. It should be remembered that the doll must be made in one go. You cannot stretch the process over several days. Try to set aside enough time so that you can finish everything in one day.

The service life of a talisman doll can also vary. Some dolls can last a very long time, they are even inherited from mother to daughter, but others need to be destroyed when they have served their purpose. How to understand when to change the amulet? Its appearance is in accordance with the amount of energy hidden inside. If your doll is already completely worn out and its contents are starting to spill out, then this is a sign that it’s time to say goodbye to it. However, this also needs to be done correctly. First you need to break it down into its components. Remember, even when disassembling, do not use scissors or other sharp objects. After this, burn the doll or throw it into the river, after thanking for the good service.

Some dolls need to rest from time to time. So, at Krupenichka-Zernovushka - it brings satiety, well-being, prosperity to the house - it is necessary to pour out the grain in the spring and use it for planting, and in the fall, from the new harvest, pour it back into the pupa. Also, in Kubishki-Travnitsy, which protect the house from all sorts of diseases and ailments, medicinal herbs must be changed every two years.

Slavic amulets and their meaning

Bereginya (Stolbushka) - one of the oldest amulets dolls. She is considered the first assistant to the housewife. Guardian of the family hearth, protects the family from evil people. Usually it is placed near front door to take care of the house. Her appearance may vary, but the main distinguishing feature of this doll is her large breasts, as a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and prosperity. When creating it, red threads are usually used. This color in Rus' has long been considered a protective color. She also helps women during childbirth, so midwives often asked to bring Bereginya with them. In addition, it was used in various rituals, for example, for fortune telling. Previously, it was given to their loved ones for housewarmings, birthdays and even weddings.

Grace (Blessing-Giver)

Grace (Blessing-Giver)- It has the exact date creation - April 7 or Christmas. Usually it was made as a gift, accompanying the act of donation with the words:

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged, don't give up!

Grace (Blessing-Giver)

Accordingly, the Grace doll is always depicted with raised hands. She brings good news to the house and helps raise children. The raised hands symbolize the transfer of energy to the woman from the sky. To create a doll, they often used rowan or birch, which in themselves are strong amulets. Some see in it a connection with the so-called Tree of Life.


Rich man - one of the types of Zernovushka dolls, brings wealth to the house. It is closely connected with ancestral power, therefore, when creating it, mentally ask for help from your ancestors. This doll must be changed every year; a special day is set aside for working on it - September 21, on the eve of the Family Day. While working on this amulet, think about what you would like for your family for the next year, what goals you will set for this doll. His clothes are made from brightly colored scraps that resemble autumn leaves. When they just started sowing, the grain was taken out of the doll and included in the crops. If the harvest was rich, the amulet was refilled with fresh grain in the fall. If the year was unlucky, the doll was burned and autumn equinox made again.

God's eye

God's eye - Probably the oldest amulet doll. Although calling him a doll would not be entirely correct, since he does not even approximately resemble a human figure. The cross underlying the design symbolizes both the 4 elements and the dominance of light over darkness in all four cardinal directions. The stripes on this amulet mean the forces to which you call for help, as well as the generations of your relatives, past and future. Colors also have their own symbolic meaning. Thus, white denotes purity, truth; red - vitality, activity, passion; green - the riot of nature, the origin of life; black symbolizes the earth, roots, the beginning of everything; blue - sky, joy, enlightenment. It should be hung opposite the front door, above the child’s bed.

Broom of prosperity

Broom of prosperity - also does not have a human appearance, but, nevertheless, belongs to the dolls. Home distinctive feature This amulet contains 7 small bundles of cereals. 7 is the most classic number, although it was believed that the more bags hung on the doll, the richer the family would become next year. The cereals were not thrown away from the bundles, but were carefully stored. Our ancestors perceived them as a sure cure for any disease. If one of the relatives fell ill, grains from the doll were certainly added to the food. In addition to cereals, other components could be added to the amulet, which also had a symbolic meaning. So, for example, corn meant the future of the family, its prosperity; pepper - male power; garlic protected from evil forces, but poppy fulfilled what was desired. The storage location of the amulet was hidden, and only the owner knew it. She used it for its intended purpose: to “sweep” the evil out of the house.


Ten-handle - As a rule, this doll was made as a wedding gift, although sometimes the bride herself took on the creation of such a talisman-helper. Its main purpose was to help the young housewife manage household chores and unusual chores. It was for this purpose that she had ten hands, each of which talked about a specific matter. Her body was tied with red threads, and 9 bows of the same color were traditionally sewn onto the bottom of the sundress. Previously, immediately after production, the doll was burned so that its energy would pass on to the owner, but now this is no longer done.


Desire - a very popular doll in the old days. It was considered only a female amulet and was carefully hidden from the male gaze. The best time August was considered for its creation. Most often, it was created only in childhood, carefully preserved throughout its life. They revealed their most cherished desires to her, asking for their fulfillment. To do this, they tied a new ribbon or bead to her, brought her to the mirror and said:

Look how beautiful you are. And for a gift, please fulfill my wish

Accordingly, the more beads and ribbons accumulated on the doll, the stronger it became. There are several types of Zhelannitsy: Jumping and Kroshechka-Khavroshechka. There may have been other species, but they have not survived to this day. These two types differed in scope fulfilled wishes. Jumping was more likely responsible for desires of a spiritual nature. Several types of wood were used in its creation, the choice of which depended on desire. Birch looked after health and family affairs; Rowan was responsible for active protection and prevention of evil actions; cherry preserved the beauty and desirability of the girl. Tiny Khavroshechka was engaged in the embodiment of material desires. She helped both to gain and increase wealth, give birth to healthy children, reap a rich harvest, etc.


Krupenichka - main doll from amulets, symbolized the satiety and well-being of the family. It was possible to judge from it whether the family was rich or not, since when there was a shortage of grain, it was usually taken from this amulet. It was filled with wheat grain, buckwheat, rice and other grains. Like Bogach, grain from Krupenichka was used for sowing, but from the new harvest it was poured back into the chrysalis. Sometimes, if the year was particularly successful, a coin would also be placed in the doll. Each grain crop had its own meaning: buckwheat is the most traditional cereal, satiety and prosperity; rice is a rare and expensive grain, a holiday in the house; oats - strength and health.

Amulet doll Mom

Mother- a talisman doll depicting the joy of motherhood as the creation of a new life. A mandatory attribute of her appearance is the presence of two babies in her arms. The doll was often given as a gift for a wedding or when a woman was already pregnant. The doll of a baby sleeping in the Mother's arms was called Pelenashka. It could also be made as an independent doll. The diapers were made by mothers immediately before the birth of the child. She was placed in the baby's crib so that evil forces mistook the doll for a child, and thus protect him. After the child’s baptism, the amulet was removed, but they still continued to keep it throughout their lives.

Slavic amulets dolls are a huge, unique world of fantasy and skill that cannot be illuminated at once. Once you become fascinated by them, you can no longer stop halfway and stop learning more and more about these old companions of our ancestors.

Amulet dolls - their types, history and rules of creation - all the secrets on the site

Do you wish reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about better protection working towards your perfection. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Amulet dolls are considered to be a thing of the past. But in fact, these special handmade amulets can still serve us today. During pagan times, they were a mandatory attribute of every Slavic home. Dolls were made for holidays, important events, and other special reasons.

Slavic dolls, or as they were also called,dolls, protected, helped to harvest, heal from illnesses, strengthen the family. Many traditions associated with the manufacture of these amulets and their use have survived to this day. Armed with this knowledge, you can apply it to own life, changing it for the better.

Slavic doll amulets appeared a very long time ago. Our forefathers believed that the World consists not only of human lands, but also the habitats of light and dark gods. They worshiped the light gods, asked them for protection or fulfillment of desires, fearing the dark ones. They were afraid not only of Chernobog, but also of his minions: strong demons, weaker spirits, people serving him - witches, sorcerers.

Offering prayers and bringing gifts to pagan deities, the Slavs additionally made various protective items. This is how the first doll appeared.

The folk amulet doll served different purposes - it brought wealth to the house, attracted love, helped to conceive a child or protect loved ones from evil forces.

The history of the amulet doll in Rus' began with the simplest materials at hand - tree branches or vines. Gradually, fabric began to be added to them, and over time, some of the dolls were made only from fabric. During pagan times, many people studied herbs. With their help, the Slavs treated, drove out diseases and evil spirits, and extended youth. Therefore, such amulets were often filled with dried herbs, which enhanced its magical properties.

Experienced women who have seen a lot in their lifetime worked on them. Most often these were grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but sometimes the mothers of the family were involved in making amulets. It was strictly forbidden to interfere with them. The needlewoman had to fully concentrate on the process. It was necessary to make the doll at a time, without stretching the process over several stages.

Such amulets were treated with great respect and passed down from mother to daughter.

Types of dolls in Rus'

Some people still perceive dolls as ordinary toys, thinking that they are only good for entertaining a child. Others hold them in high regard, believing that toys help prepare a child to interact with society. And only a minority knows that dolls used to act as magical objects.

All Slavic dolls were divided into three types:

  • gaming;
  • ritual;
  • protective.

Each of these types had its own task and rules of use.

Playing children's dolls

The Slavs made children's play dolls in the form of people, animals and even birds from wood.

Children's ones are considered the easiest to make. Devoid of any magical background, they were designed to entertain and bring joy. The materials chosen were varied, but most often it was wood. These toys were made in the form of people, animals and even birds.

Ritual dolls in Rus'

Scarecrow for Maslenitsa - shining example ritual doll among the Slavs.

This subspecies was made exclusively for a specific event. Not only for such important holidays as Maslenitsa or Ivan Kupala, but also for family celebrations. For example, childbirth. This is a painful and dangerous process that takes away the mother’s strength. Unable to protect the child at such an important moment, a woman can shift this task to Kuvadki. On wedding celebration the newlyweds also received ritual dolls called Lovebirds as a gift. Such a talisman strengthened love and helped preserve family happiness. Dolls for holidays were usually decorated with special magical symbols- more often .

A protective doll or a protective doll can be of several types - individual or family. The first was made for a specific family member. Usually for a woman, because she is the one responsible for procreation and therefore must be healthy. The second was made for the whole family. With its help they protected themselves from the envy of neighbors, homewreckers and dark forces.

What are Slavic dolls made of?

Slavic dolls were made from natural bases. It could not be otherwise, because then there were no such artificial materials as there are now. But even if they existed, no one would even think of using them to create talismans.

The Slavs respected and loved nature, and therefore believed that the natural basis would become the most best choice for a talisman. She will give him her power. Wood was chosen for body jewelry that protected against all sorts of troubles. But they didn’t make protective dolls from it - only children’s toys.

The Slavs preferred natural materials in the manufacture of amulets.

The Russian amulet doll was made by craftswomen in sewing, knitting or embroidery. Therefore, handicraft supplies were most often used for her: threads, ribbons, laces, beads, buttons. Sometimes vines or tree branches.

In some cases, a special filler was added - ash, cereals or herbs. They selected it in accordance with the goal they wanted to achieve. The grains were hidden in a doll when they wanted to attract wealth - so that there would always be food on the table. Ash is used to ward off evil spirits, and herbs are used to cleanse energy or prevent diseases.

If you decide to make a talisman with your own hands, do not rush into it. Think carefully about the purposes for which you need it, and then study the rules for its manufacture. This is a serious task that requires a careful approach.

The most famous amulets dolls

The amulet doll was an important element of Slavic culture. They were placed in prominent places in the house, placed in a child's cradle, and sometimes carried with them. Having learned about what kind of Slavic doll amulets there are and what their meaning is, you can make one for yourself and your family, continuing the traditions of your ancestors.


The ash doll helps protect the house from evil spirits, attracts prosperity to him. The name of the amulet comes from the word “ash”, because it was used as a filler. A handful of ash from the furnace was placed in a piece of cloth, from which a ball was then made - this was the head.

A distinctive feature of Zolnaya is complete absence hair on the head. They didn’t even make her a headdress. And they passed it on to the next generations instead of burning it.

The Herbal Pot helped clean the air in the house. They placed it in places where energy stagnation was felt. If someone had trouble sleeping, they would leave them near that person overnight. The amulet spread a pleasant herbal aroma, helping to normalize sleep.

The Herbalist was also used to ward off diseases - they hooked it onto a child’s cradle. Unlike Zolnaya, her torso, rather than her head, was filled with special contents.

Children are more defenseless against evil than adults. To protect their descendants from darkness, the Slavs made Pelenashki dolls for children. Such amulets were placed directly in the cradle. They diverted illnesses and troubles from the children, taking them for themselves.

The Lovebirds did not make the doll themselves. But they could be received as a wedding gift. It was given by close relatives - these could be mothers or grandmothers on the part of any of the newlyweds.

Lovebirds are easy to recognize by one striking sign - the hands with which they hold each other are intertwined into one, which symbolizes strong union. The amulet was made from different materials– straw, cloth or thread.

The meaning put into the Zhelannitsa doll can be easily guessed by its name. But don’t rush to write down a dozen wishes on a piece of paper. She can only fulfill one request. Therefore, it is better to focus on what is most important.

For the Desire to understand what is required of her, talk to her after creating her. Tell us in detail what you want to receive. This needs to be done in front of a mirror. When the dream turns into reality, burn the amulet, and before destroying it, thank it for the good work.


The purifier was used to heal physical diseases and illnesses caused by evil spirits. It never acted as a talisman for the family - it was made specifically for a sick person. He or him close relative had to mentally transfer all the bad things to the object while creating the doll.

Upon completion of work on it, a conspiracy was pronounced: “Let all the bad things go from me to you, take for yourself what is evil and alien”. Then all that remained was to burn it away from home and the disease would soon recede.

According to tradition, the Ten Handle was given to young women who got married. It's no coincidence that she has ten arms. It was believed that such a talisman would help the young housewife keep up with everything: look after the children, cook, eat, clean.

The ten-handle was made only from straw. The doll's head was decorated with a scarf, and her body was decorated with an elegant apron. One of the main colors was red, symbolizing vital energy and prosperity.

Day Night, like Lovebirds, is difficult to confuse with others. This is a double-sided amulet. You can make it in several ways: take two separate figures and fasten them back to back. Or make one figurine with two front sides.

One side symbolizes day, and the other - night. the main task such a talisman - to track usual order of things. Day Night watches the change of day and night, making sure that the night is as calm and favorable for the inhabitants of the house as the day. In the daytime, the daytime appearance was turned to face the residents, and in the dark, the nighttime appearance was turned.


The fat woman will be a good amulet for every woman who dreams of creating a full-fledged family. The image of Fat Girl is a girl growing up. Used it to help get pregnant. The Slavs believed that long braid dolls helped to attract the child's soul.

If, after a year of married life, a woman could not conceive an heir, her relatives made such a talisman for her. Only relatives could do it female line– mother, grandmother or great-grandmother, but not sister.

The Slavs made amulets not only to protect the home, but also tried to protect relatives located outside of it. This is how they made amulets for travelers.

The plantain protected the person on the way. This was ensured by a special ritual associated with a small bag of the Plantain. A handful of earth from their native lands was placed in it - it was believed that this gave a person strength. In addition to this, grains or bread crumbs were added to the bag - thanks to this, the traveler never went hungry.

The Slavs believed that spring did not come on its own - it was brought on the wings of birds. In order to quickly summon the flowering season, they made a special ritual doll - the Bird of Joy. She was covered from head to bottom with birds, symbolizing spring, good luck and happiness.

You need to make an odd number of birds, and one of them must be attached to the doll’s head. They also tried to make the headdress, the scarf, in the shape of a bird - with wings on the sides and a beak on top.

Veduchka, or leading to life

The veduchka was made by women who knew the joy of motherhood. One of the most important women's tasks was considered to be the continuation of the Family. The woman had to not only feed the child, feeding him with her juices, but also raise him.

Veduchka helped in this difficult task, supporting the mother and providing contact with the child. Externally, the amulet stood out among the rest - there was not one figurine, but two. Mother with child. The hands of the woman and the baby are united, which signified a strong spiritual connection between them.

Krupenichka, also called Zernushka, helped feed the family. Not only figuratively, but also literally. It was made after the harvest, filling a hidden inner bag with grain. When the family had nothing to eat, the women took grains out of it and used it for lunch. They did this not only during periods of famine, but regularly, replacing old grain with new ones.

Krupenichka was considered the main one in the pair, but the Muzhik Bogach accompanying her was also important. He helped in financially. In fact, this paired amulet is an image of a happy Slavic family - a skillful housewife and breadwinner of the family.

Baba Yaga

Many people associate Baba Yaga with an evil character, but in fact this is not entirely true. Even in folk tales, which have come down to us, the old witch sometimes acts as an assistant, helping the heroes out of all sorts of troubles.

Baba Yaga is not only a good adviser - she can become the keeper of the hearth. It was hung on the front door or on the windows of the house. So she swept away all sorts of nasty things - visible and invisible - from the house with her broom.


One of the most revered trees among the Slavs was the rowan. This influenced the emergence of such a talisman as the Rowan doll. It was made in the fall. The basis for the Rowan was a cross made of real rowan - this made the amulet more powerful.

Such a talisman protected from evil, protected family happiness and maintained an atmosphere of love in the house.

The lucky one was given to friends and relatives in order to attract wealth and prosperity to their home. Prosperity in this case is understood as wealth. But they wanted not so much money as what they could buy with it - food that filled the entire table, clothes for each family member, useful household items.

The successful girl was a motanka with a mandatory attribute - a bag. This item symbolized success in business. What kind of business should be successful was decided by the owner of the doll himself. The bell reported good news. She not only warned of good news, but also attracted it. The owner of such a talisman was more often in good location spirit, had more fun and received many joyful events from life. The Bell is characterized by clothing consisting of three skirts reminiscent of a herringbone.Solstice. This amulet was made for a specific purpose - to attract changes in life. But not just any, but those that I would like to receive.

The wheel in the hands of Spiridon symbolized life. The Slavs believed that thanks to him it was possible to turn life in the right, necessary direction. Such an amulet will be equally useful to any gender and will bring happiness in any of the chosen areas.

Rules for making amulets dolls

Amulet dolls cannot be made like ordinary toys. This is a much more serious matter, requiring not only taking into account the well-being of the craftswoman, but also the selection of materials, tools, as well as the manufacturing method.

A protective doll should be made with positive thoughts and in a good mood.

Needlewomen who decide to try to create a talisman with their own hands must adhere to the following rules:

  • Work on the amulet only when you have good mood and well-being. Even a simple headache, not to mention chronic illnesses, is considered a good reason to put off work.
  • During such sacred needlework, you need to think positively. Positive thoughts and emotions will help the amulet gain strength and quickly begin to complete its task.
  • Keep an eye on the lunar cycle as you get down to business. Talismans should be made for the waxing moon.
  • You've probably noticed that all the motans don't have a face. This, of course, is not due to laziness, but to superstition. Our ancestors believed that dolls with the characteristics of the owner could become a refuge for evil spirits. To protect themselves from it, they did not make faces on them, leaving them blank. This was done not only with protective and ritual dolls, but also with toys.
  • When making rag dolls, do not use sharp objects. Today's needlewomen will find it incredible to give up needles and scissors, but these are the rules. Failure to comply with them will turn the amulet into an ordinary object, devoid of magical power.
  • Now natural fabrics are rarely used due to their impracticality. But the presence of synthetic materials in talismans is unacceptable.

A doll-amulet, made in accordance with all Old Slavic beliefs, will become a full-fledged protector and fill your life with all the benefits.

How to part with a doll's amulet

Protective dolls should not be made with bad thoughts, stored anywhere and thrown away like ordinary garbage.

A protective doll is something more than an ordinary children's toy. Such a doll requires a reverent attitude in all respects. It cannot be made with bad thoughts, stored anywhere and thrown away like ordinary garbage.

Our ancestors passed on homemade talismans from generation to generation, practically without throwing them away. However, in some cases this had to be done. Moreover, sometimes destroying the amulet was a mandatory action.

In what situations should you get rid of the amulet:

  1. It's worn out. This applies more to fabric amulets than to straw ones. A frayed fabric or a loose thread is not considered a serious obstacle to use. But when the amulet literally disintegrates before your eyes, so that it cannot be repaired, it is better to part with it.
  2. Stopped working. Dolls made to ward off misfortune from a person or his family fall into disrepair faster than others. They may look like new on the outside, but suddenly stop working. This happens when the amulet takes on a powerful blow of negative energy inflicted by an evil sorcerer. In this case, you should put it in salt to clean it. Or try to perform a cleansing ritual with fire, but this must be done very carefully so that a fire does not start. If cleansing does not help, there is only one way out - bury it in the ground or burn it.
  3. Among the folk dolls there were also those that required mandatory destruction after the mission they had completed. For example, Desire. When she made a person’s secret dream come true, she was burned.

Knowing about these Slavic customs, you can easily navigate how to say goodbye to amulets dolls.

But here it is important not to forget about some features:

  • Before burning or burying, say goodbye to the doll. This can be a conversation we are used to or a mental conversation. Say thank you for all the good things she brought you.
  • Pay attention to your emotions when breaking up. If you don’t want to let go of the doll, most likely its time has not come yet. Clear the amulet of negativity and continue using it. With the amulet having completed its mission, they say goodbye to with a light heart, without regret.
  • Dolls that help attract wealth, prosperity or love do not have to be completely destroyed. Can be dissolved by using materials for other purposes. You cannot do this with protectors from illness, witchcraft and misfortune. They are burned as far from home as possible.

Parting with beloved amulets that brought happiness is sad and painful. But it is necessary to do this. Do not keep damaged or stopped working memory amulets, because in this way you will help to retain negativity around you.

Amulet dolls are an important component of the daily life of ancestors. They were asked for help, shared their experiences, and were admired. And today we feel the influence of the simple but powerful magic of dolls, in which interest is beginning to revive.

In the article:

History of amulets dolls in Rus'

Amulet dolls are part of folk culture. Previously, not a single child could do without them, and even adults were sometimes given them. When the husband went to war, a doll was placed at the head of the table in his place. Its task was to protect its owner from dangers along the way. The tradition existed until the twentieth century, but changes in the state system made it forgotten. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in the art of creating little coastlines.

The dolls varied in material. The first ones were made from ash, later - from flax or straw. Clay, fabric, wood and even dough were suitable for making. According to their purpose, dolls were divided into the following categories:

  • Gaming. They had no magical function and were used for children's fun. They could be made in the form of animals or birds, like some.
  • Ritual were used to mark a calendar holiday or a transition from one state to another. For example, on the winter solstice it was created Kolyada. It expressed the victory of light over dark forces. It was burned under special spells, and in some cases it was kept as a talisman until the next year.

Filippovka done on November 27th. At this time, it was time for weddings - the transition of girls to the status of wives, and then mothers. It was believed that Filippovka helps a woman with unusual troubles, protects her from fatigue and mistakes, and preserves the spiritual and material well-being of a young family. Therefore, the doll has 6 arms, and on her belt there is a bag with grain and a coin.

  • Oberezhnye can be divided into categories. Those that protect the child from disease or the evil eye; amulets dolls for girls or boys; for pregnant women; for the well-being of the family and so on. The spheres of help of dolls also differed. - keeper of the family hearth. It was hung above the front door to prevent evil from seeping into the house. Insomnia was done for a baby who woke up at night. It was believed that it drives away nightmares and brings good dreams.

How to make a rag doll as a good luck charm

Much in creating a doll depends on inspiration and intuition, but there are rules and regulations that are passed down from generation to generation. If you decide, take them into account.

The doll should not have a face. Her ancestors believed that an evil spirit could enter her through her eyes. Therefore, protective dolls, especially children’s ones, were not embroidered or had their faces painted. Sometimes a cross was depicted on it as additional protection.

It had a sacred meaning in Rus' long before the adoption of Christianity. The pagans designated the sun with a cross, so the symbol easily entered our culture. White cloth was usually used for the face, which symbolized the bright thoughts of the creator.

When making a doll, everything is wrapped or tied. The fabric had to be torn, not cut. Hence the name of such dolls - “rvanki”. According to beliefs, cutting material - remove the energy that should accumulate in the amulet. Although in the later stages they began to use a needle when sewing and decorating their clothes.

Another principle was the non-participation of men in the creation process. They could only perform the ritual. It was held back in the days when matriarchy reigned and women were considered the keepers of knowledge. Therefore, if not one, but several, connected by family ties, participate in the ritual, the amulet will turn out to be especially strong. In this case, the power of the entire family is involved.

Of course, when creating a doll, the creator must be in a suitable state. You can’t sit down to work angry or tired. You need to think about who you are making the amulet for; understand what you want to put in it, what to protect yourself from. Both the appearance of the amulet and the direction of its energy depend on this. A purchased doll has less power than one created for a loved one.

It is advisable to carry out work not at the table, but on your knees. The table is considered a place of mixing of common energy, and the legs belong only to you. If you are making a doll-amulet from fabric, choose natural, undyed material. It is better to take a worn piece of paper, but only if good memories (positive energy) are associated with it. The threads should also be natural. Red dolls are used for protective dolls, and for ritual and play dolls - You can also take white ones.

Previously, the doll was stuffed with herbs or grain. Plants have different functions. So, archilim suitable if a woman cannot get pregnant. cornflower protects against bad people, gladiolus improves health and St. John's wort protects children from the evil eye and damage.

If something went wrong during work (for example, something fell or broke), it was believed that evil spirits were trying to interfere. In such cases it was said:

Misfortune will pass on to the doll, but will bypass me (your name or the one for whom you are making the amulet).

In some jobs you need to make an odd number of knots and skeins, in others - even This is usually indicated in the doll's description. One rule for everyone: you need to wind it clockwise, as they say, salt it.

The process cannot be extended over several days. Try to set aside enough time to complete the doll in one go.

The lifespan of the amulet doll varies. Some are passed down from mother to daughter, while others need to be destroyed when they have served their purpose. The doll is worn out and the contents are spilling out. - It's time to say goodbye to her. Do it right. First you need to break it down into its components. When disassembling, do not use scissors or other sharp objects. After this, burn the amulet or throw it into the river, after thanking for the good service.

Some people need to rest from time to time. For example, which brings satiety, well-being and prosperity to the house. In the spring, grain from it must be used for planting, and in the fall, from the new harvest. - pour it back into the doll. To protect the house from diseases, medicinal plants must be changed every two years.

Slavic amulets and their meaning

Bereginya (Stolbushka) - one of the oldest amulets dolls. She is considered the first assistant to the housewife. The keeper of the hearth protects the family from evil people. Usually it is placed near the front door to protect the house. Appearance may vary. The main distinctive sign is large breasts as a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and prosperity. When creating a doll, red threads are usually used. She helps women during childbirth, so midwives often asked to take Bereginya. It was used in rituals, fortune telling, and given as a gift for housewarmings, birthdays and weddings.

Grace (Blessing-Giver)

It has an exact creation date - April 7 or Christmas. It was given as a gift, accompanying the ceremony with the words:

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged, don't give up!

Grace (Blessing-Giver)

Accordingly, Grace is always with her hands raised, which symbolizes the transfer of heavenly energy to the woman. Brings good news to the home and helps raise children. To create it, they used rowan or birch, which themselves are strong amulets. Some see in it a connection with Tree of Life.


One of the types of Zernovushka dolls brings wealth to the house. Closely related to ancestral strength. When creating it, mentally ask your ancestors for help. The rich man must be changed every year. A special day is set aside for work on it - September 21, on the eve of the Feast of Family and Family. When making a talisman, think about what you would like for your family for the next year. The clothes are made from brightly colored scraps that resemble autumn leaves. The grains from the doll were added to the crops. The harvest was rich - in the fall the amulet was filled with fresh grain. If the year turned out to be unsuccessful, the rich man was burned and wounded again on the autumn equinox.

God's eye

God's eye - Probably the oldest amulet doll. Although calling it a doll would not be entirely correct: it does not look like a human figure. The cross at the base of the picture symbolizes the 4 elements and the dominance of good over evil in all four directions. The stripes mean the forces to which you are calling for help - future and past generations of your relatives. The colors are also symbolic. White - purity, truth; red - vitality, activity, passion; green - the riot of nature, the origin of life. Black symbolizes the earth, roots, the beginning of everything; blue - sky, joy, enlightenment. The amulet should be hung opposite the front door, above the child’s bed.

Broom of prosperity

Does not have a human appearance, but belongs to the dolls. Distinctive are 7 small nodules with cereals. Seven is a classic number. As an option: the more bags, the richer the family next year. Cereals from the nodules were carefully preserved as a sure cure for any disease and were added to food for those who were sick. Other components of the broom also had symbolic meaning. So, corn is the prosperity of the family; pepper - male power. Garlic protected from evil spirits, poppy fulfilled what was desired. Only the housewife knew where the amulet was stored and used it for its intended purpose: to “sweep” the evil out of the house.


As a rule, they were made as a wedding gift, although sometimes the bride herself took on the task of creating an assistant amulet. The purpose is to help the young housewife manage household chores. For this purpose - ten hands, each of which talked about a specific matter. The body was tied with red threads, and 9 bows of the same color were sewn onto the bottom of the sundress. Previously, after making a doll, they burned it so that its energy passed on to the owner. They don't do this now.


The more decorations, the stronger the doll became. There are several types of Desires. Jumping answered spiritual requests. It was made from several types of wood. Birch looked after health and family affairs; Rowan prevented evil actions; The cherry preserved the girl’s beauty. Tiny Khavroshechka was engaged in the embodiment of material desires. She helped to gain and increase wealth, give birth to healthy children, and reap a good harvest.


Master class is for children senior group kindergarten, teachers, parents.

Purpose: gaming doll for child; amulet; handmade gift.

Target: Formation of children's interest in the history and culture of Russian people, through the production of traditional folk doll"Twist".


- educational: teach children to make folk doll"Twist". Enrich students’ knowledge about the history and diversity of folk doll;

-developing: to develop in students fine motor skills hands, perseverance, attention, eye and ability to work with scraps of fabric;

-educational: cultivate interest in one’s culture people and careful attitude towards doll. Cultivate aesthetic taste in production dolls"Twist".

Basic Concepts: doll, folk doll, Ragdoll, modern doll, amulets, rituals, games dolls.


2 squares of white fabric (20x20) for the torso and blouse;

One square (20x20) and two strips of colored fabric for a sundress;

A rectangular patch for an apron and a triangular one for a scarf;

White threads;

Sintepon (cotton wool) for volume;

braid for the belt.

ABOUT I’ll tell you now about the folk doll,

And if you like it, I’ll show you how to do it.

Handmade dolls for centuries accompanied the life of Russian peasants. They were carefully kept in chests and passed down from generation to generation. Mothers, older sisters, grandmothers sewed dolls for small children, “...despite all the incredible busyness, they found time for this. The child was specially taught traditional manufacturing techniques dolls, and from the age of five the simplest rag doll Any girl could do it." And they started teaching girls how to make dolls already from the age of three.

main feature dolls, is that it is made without a needle and is faceless. For a child doll will be a friend toy and a talisman at the same time, so it’s useless to prick her with a needle, and make a face folk beliefs cannot, since such doll can gain a soul and become dangerous. A "faceless" the doll is considered an inanimate object and cannot harm the child. A doll made with love by your own hands will be a source of pride for her. craftswomen.

Pupa manufacturing technology

Take one square of white fabric and fold the edge inward.

We put padding polyester in the middle

Perform a tight twist.

The result is a twist - a roll. This "body" our doll.

We tie the twist with thread at the level of the neck and waist.

We take the second square of white fabric, place a twist and a piece of padding polyester in the center.

Tie with thread at neck level.

Straighten the fabric. Let's try to remove excess folds from the face dolls.

Forming hands: we determine their length and wrap the excess fabric inside. We tuck the edges of the sleeve into the middle.

We measure the size of the palms and tighten them with thread. We tie the loose corners around the body with a thread on the belt, trying to distribute the fabric evenly.

The basis of our dolls are ready. But the outfit is your imagination and creativity. We have done sundress for doll. We take two narrow colored strips of fabric and place them crosswise across the shoulders on the chest and back. We tie it with a thread at the waist.

Fold the square of colored fabric in half. We wrap it around the body.

We tighten it with thread and tie it.

We tie a scarf on the doll, tie a belt and the doll is ready.

The doll is decorated with an apron. The ornament is drawn felt-tip pen.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Friends, colleagues, I can’t help but share my impressions with you. At the end of October, our group held a master class with parents on manufacturing.

Master class “Rag doll Krupenichka” Master Class " Ragdoll– krupenichka” Purpose: To reveal the methods of moral activity of a preschooler. Objectives: Replenish knowledge about folk.

The folk doll Otdarok - na - gift is so easy to make that it can easily be made by older children preschool age. Earlier.

Our group has a corner folk art which contains kitchen utensils, napkins and towels embroidered in satin stitch, wonderful.

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Bream is a very tasty freshwater fish. Due to its taste, it can be considered a universal river product. Bream can be...
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Beef aspic is a universal dish that can be served both on a holiday table and during a diet. This aspic is wonderful...
Liver is a healthy product that contains essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Pork, chicken or beef liver...
The savory snacks, which look like cakes, are relatively simple to prepare and layered like a sweet treat. Toppings...