Methods and conditions for overcoming intrapersonal conflict. Internal conflict: types, causes, solutions

Internal conflicts have been studied by a huge number of psychologists, including Sigmund Freud, who was the first to point out the essence of this condition. It lies in constant tension associated with a huge number of contradictions around a person: social, cultural, drives, desires.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

There are six main groups of internal conflicts that overtake each of us from time to time.

  1. Motivational – a clash of different motives.
  2. Moral is the clash of our desires and responsibilities. Very often it arises as a result of a discrepancy between our desires and the requirements of our parents or environment.
  3. Unrealization or inferiority complex. Internal conflict This type occurs when your desires do not turn into reality. This often includes dissatisfaction with one's appearance or abilities.
  4. Interrole conflict occurs when a person takes on two roles and cannot determine which of them is more acceptable to him. For example, a woman is a careerist or a mother.
  5. An adaptation conflict arises if the requirements for the surrounding world do not correspond to the capabilities. Often found in the professional sphere.
  6. Inadequate self-esteem arises as a result of discrepancies between one’s personal aspirations and the assessment of capabilities.

Causes of intrapersonal conflict

As we have already said, internal conflict is a normal human process that develops. In fact, this is the result of constant search for oneself, the struggle for a certain place in life. But if they are not addressed in time, they can lead a person into a complete existential vacuum, which is akin to a feeling of emptiness and abandonment. This condition can result in a serious disorder, which is characterized by the belief in the absolute absence of meaning in life.

Among the most common reasons: contradiction, different aspirations, multiple desires and difficulty in determining priorities. These are contradictions in the sphere of interests, goals, motives. Lack of opportunities to realize anything, and at the same time the inability to ignore your desire. This is a special manifestation of a completely normal interaction between various components of a person’s personality.

It is interesting that internal conflict arises only when two equal forces press on a person. If one of them is not equally important as the second, we choose the most optimal option and avoid conflict.

How to resolve internal conflict?

Despite the fact that internal conflicts are a normal state developing person, we need to solve them or try to warn them. For this there are specific techniques. We will give you some tips that will help you understand the problem and begin to resolve it.

Start by knowing yourself. It is very important to specifically understand all your pros and cons. In this way, in your own eyes you will become a completely defined, complete person.

Analyze your mistakes and shortcomings in terms of obstacles to achieving your potential. Often a person is concentrated in a huge number of factors that hinder his development:

  • Habit of passing on responsibility
  • Faith in others, but not in yourself
  • Hypocrisy has become a habit
  • Lack of willingness to pursue and defend one’s happiness
  • Independent dulling of one’s strength, which stimulates development
  • Preoccupation with the secondary and unimportant

Try to clearly articulate your values.

Develop self-confidence: constantly try new things, do not fuss, do not envy and humiliate yourself, do not lie to yourself and do not try to give a false impression to others, do not adapt to your environment.

Start by changing yourself and your internal conflicts will subside on their own, and you will feel real growth your abilities.

Resolving (overcoming) intrapersonal conflict- restoring the coherence of the individual’s inner world, establishing the unity of consciousness, reducing the severity of contradictions life relationships, achieving a new quality of life.

The solution to intrapersonal conflict can be constructive and destructive. During constructive overcoming intrapersonal conflict is achieved peace of mind, understanding of life deepens, a new value consciousness arises. The solution to an intrapersonal conflict is realized due to the absence of painful states associated with the conflict; reducing the manifestations of negative psychological and socio-psychological factors of intrapersonal conflict; improving the quality and efficiency of professional activities.

To resolve intrapersonal conflict, special strategies of individual behavior are used (Table 5.3):

Table 5.3

Strategies for resolving intrapersonal conflict

According to Freud's theory, overcoming intrapersonal conflict is ensured by the formation and operation of psychological defense mechanisms. Psychological protection- a full-fledged, everyday functioning mechanism of the psyche. It is a product of ontogenetic development and learning. Developing as a means of socio-psychological adaptation, psychological defense mechanisms are designed to control emotions in cases where experience signals a person about the negative consequences of her experiences.

Some researchers [F. Vasilyuk, E. Kirschbaum, Art. Rottenberg, I. Stoikov) consider psychological defense to be an unproductive means of resolving intrapersonal conflict, since protective mechanisms limit the development of the individual, his “own activity.” However, in difficult situations they can be used skillfully.

TO psychological defense mechanisms include repression, rationalization, denial, isolation, compensation and others. Let's look at the characteristics of some of them.

Negation- one of the ontogenetically earliest and simplest defense mechanisms. Denial develops with the aim of obtaining negative emotions caused by a person getting into difficult situation and provides for an infantile substitution of decision-making in accordance with new circumstances and their ignoring.

Projection develops relatively early in ontogenesis to prohibit the feeling of rejection of oneself due to the inability to cope with difficulties. Projection involves attributing various difficulties to the source. negative qualities as a rational basis for his rejection and self-acceptance against this background.

Regression develops into early childhood to limit the feeling of self-doubt and fear, failures associated with taking initiative. Regression involves a return to childhood behavioral stereotypes in a situation of internal conflict.

Substitution develops to restrain the emotion of anger towards a stronger or more significant subject in order to avoid aggression or ignoring in response. The individual relieves tension by directing aggression towards a weaker object or towards himself. Substitution has active and passive forms and can be used by individuals regardless of the type of conflict response.

Suppression develops to contain fear, the manifestations of which are unacceptable for positive self-perception and threaten to become directly dependent on the aggressor. Fear is blocked by forgetting its source, as well as the circumstances associated with it. Suppression includes the closely related mechanisms of isolation and introjection.

Insulation- perception of traumatic situations or memories of them without feelings of anxiety.

Introjection- appropriation of values ​​or character traits of other people to prevent threats from them.

Intellectualization develops in early adolescence and involves arbitrary interpretation of events to develop a sense of subjective control over the situation. At the same time, methods are used: comparison of opposing trends; compiling a list of “+” and “-” for each trend and analyzing them; scaling each “+” and “-” for each of the trends and summing them up.

Sublimation- satisfaction of repressed unacceptable feelings (sexual or aggressive) by the implementation of socially approved alternatives by switching to another type of activity, as well as the implementation of attractive, socially significant actions.

Rationalization- search for objective reasons to justify actions caused by suppressed unacceptable feelings by: discrediting the goal (elementary disgrace) discrediting a significant other who denies attention; exceeding the quality of conditions, fate; affirmation of harm for good; reassessment of values, the entire motivational system; self-discrediting (reconciliation of guilt).

Compensation- ontogenetically the latest and most complex defense mechanism, which is developed and used, as a rule, consciously and is intended to prevent feelings of sadness, grief over a real or imaginary loss, inferiority. It includes mechanisms of identification and fantasy. Identification- modeling the behavior of another person by increasing self-esteem or satisfying a sense of duty for possible loss. Fantasy- escape into the imagination in order to avoid real problems associated with resolving intrapersonal conflict.

Defense mechanisms that develop in ontogenesis as a means of adaptation and conflict resolution can, under certain conditions, cause states of maladaptation. At the heart of this uncertainty is the position that defense mechanisms are mainly products of conflicts of early ontogenesis.

Resolving intrapersonal conflicts involves the use of basic principles and methods that, taking into account individual specifics, can be used in various situations. These include the following Steps:

1. An adequate assessment of the situation and the desire to identify those contradictions that caused the conflict and caused feelings of anxiety, fear or anger.

2. Awareness existential meaning conflict, analysis of the degree of its importance, assessment of the place and role from the point of view of the investigation.

3. Localization of the cause of the conflict, identifying its essence.

4. Analysis of the causes of intrapersonal conflict.

5. "Descent of steam" with the release of accumulated anger, emotions or anxiety using and physical exercise, and creative activities.

6. Conducting individual relaxation training.

7. Change the conditions and / or style of your work, if intrapersonal conflict arises constantly due to unfavorable operating conditions.

8. Studying the possibility of reducing the level of aspirations if abilities and opportunities do not correspond to aspirations and interests.

9. Practicing the ability to forgive not only others, but also yourself.

10. opportunities to cry. The American biochemist V. Frey, who specifically studied tears, discovered that when they are caused negative emotions, they contain a substance that acts like morphine and has calming qualities. In his opinion, tears are defensive reaction for stress. Crying with tears serves as a signal to the brain, relieving tension, providing emotional release and relief.


1. Intrapersonal conflict is a state of personality structure when contradictory and mutually exclusive motives simultaneously exist in it, value orientations and the goals with which she is this moment unable to cope, that is, to develop behavioral priorities.

2. Intrapersonal conflict, in its consequences, can be either constructive (functional, productive) with positive consequences, or destructive (dysfunctional, unproductive with negative consequences.

3. In accordance with the understanding of the inner world of a person, the following intrapersonal conflicts are determined: motivational, moral, role, adaptation, conflict of unfulfilled desire or inferiority complex.

4. The solution to internal conflict is the process of restoring the coherence of the individual’s inner world, establishing the unity of the psyche, and reducing the severity of the contradictions in life relationships. The resolution of internal conflicts is influenced by ideological attitudes, volitional qualities, character, and gender and age characteristics of the individual.

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Some people face a serious psychological problem due to which a big dispute occurs within the individual. In other words, intrapersonal conflict is the contradictions that engulf the individual. He is in great doubt and cannot make a single decision, since two opposing points of view have the same “weight.” It is worth noting that this psychological problem can lead to serious personal growth, if a person connects all his resources and mobilizes, he will end up in big problems.

How does this happen in life? For example, a person finds himself in a difficult situation and cannot do final choice between real feelings and a marriage of convenience. Cannot make a final choice between work and family. There are a lot of such situations, but if you “immerse yourself in them headlong” and give them great importance, there is a risk of coming to an intrapersonal conflict. Due to the lack of harmony between outside world and one’s own self, there is also a risk of developing more serious psychological disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze approaches to understanding intrapersonal conflict.

Basis and features of intrapersonal conflict

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As mentioned above, the basis of intrapersonal conflict is, first of all, disagreements experienced within the individual. This conflict flares up inside a person, and he, as a rule, cannot stand it in the world. The individual finds himself in a situation where he needs to rethink his values ​​and, if this can be done, he acquires new ones. useful qualities and vision of the world. However, in reality it is not always possible to cope with the situation, which leads to even greater isolation and asociality. The characteristics of intrapersonal conflict are such that they cause stress, frustration and anxiety.

Anxiety manifests itself even before a certain situation unfolds. It, in turn, is divided into situational and personal. Situational anxiety develops due to external circumstances, but if a person does not have time to cope with it, it immediately turns into personal anxiety. Remember how in childhood we were scolded for failing and threatened with punishment. When a child receives a negative assessment, situational anxiety occurs (external circumstances have turned out badly), after which he remembers his parents and the expected consequences. Thus, internal anxiety begins to appear. These are the moments when they begin internal dialogues, which can develop into something more, for example, into intrapersonal conflicts or frustration.

Frustration is a condition in which a person experiences big disappointment. It arises in cases where it is not possible to solve a complex problem for subjective or objective reasons. The same child cannot avoid scandal at home; this leads him to oppression and frustration. In adults, this condition occurs most often when setting a goal and failing to achieve it. When an individual throws all his strength and resources into solving a problem, but it turns out to be unsolvable at a given moment in time. As a result, a person experiences great disappointment, powerlessness, and his desires do not coincide with his capabilities.

Further, if the individual fails to cope with the developing internal negativity, stress may occur, which covers even more topics related to life in general and one’s position in it. Let's return to the topic of goal setting. Let’s say an individual has set a goal to earn much more more money, and as usually happens, he overestimated his capabilities. However, he wants to have expensive car, new housing and beautiful things. As a result, all forces are mobilized and after some time he realizes that he can’t achieve anything and gives up his idea. A small conflict flares up within the individual, the person begins to blame himself, and then the entire world around him, for injustice. You can often come across sayings that life is unpleasant, you’re only lucky bad people There is deception and corruption all around. Although most often these problems do not directly affect the individual and have only a minor impact on his life.

What is intrapersonal conflict?

To finally understand the concept of intrapersonal conflict, imagine a state of complete doubt. It is so strong, and the two opposing opinions are so reasonable, that you find yourself in a kind of stupor. And if we add to this the unsolvability of the problem on our own and the impossibility of help from the outside world, the person plunges even more into an intrapersonal conflict. Interestingly, the confrontation is developing according to several scenarios.

  • Latency. In such a state, a person does not even notice that he is in a confrontational state. As a rule, he has a lot to do, he is in a bustle, which is why he has no opportunity to be alone with himself. Under the guise of vigorous activity or euphoria, the plight of the individual is hidden;
  • Unusual structure. In this state, intrapersonal conflict is not based on other subjects;
  • Specificity. A person, among other things, experiences stress, fear, and depression.

Famous psychologist in Western world Sigmund Freud believed that the essence human nature consists of constant mental contradiction. This tension is often associated with foundations social culture and the desire of the individual. As a small example, here are the rules of conduct. For example, we are told: “You need to be quiet in the library.” But maybe we want to discuss it with someone interesting topic V full voice or even stand on your head in the middle of the room. There are a huge number of such situations and most of them are small, which we can handle.

The German psychologist Lewin believed that a strong intrapersonal conflict develops in cases where two opposing opinions of the same magnitude collide within a person. And the greater their significance and vital importance, the greater the risk of developing confrontation within oneself. Rogers also presented an interesting point of view. How often do we set ideals for ourselves that are impossible to achieve? Moreover, sometimes our judgments are so subjective that we ourselves deny the possibility of achievement. As a result, understanding the ideal self that we strive for, and the real discrepancy leads to big problems and powerlessness.

Varieties and types

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If we talk about the main types of intrapersonal conflicts, then it is worth understanding that we are dealing with subjective opinion. As a result, there are no precise concepts, since the authors have different views on the problem. However, the basis is there. As a rule, intrapersonal conflicts flare up in the social-consumer and value-motivational spheres.

Valuable and motivational sphere:

  • Moral. When a person does not find a balance between his preferences and morality. Between personal attitude and duty to society;
  • Motivation. It often develops in situations where in order to achieve a goal you need to sacrifice your safety and comfort. As a result, the question arises between calmness and the desire to possess something.
  • Adaptation. Conflict arises when a person finds it difficult to adapt to a new reality. For example, a change in social circle or a new place of work;
  • Unrealization. The desired does not coincide with the actual;
  • Inadequate self-esteem. Sometimes a person underestimates his abilities too much or, on the contrary, overestimates them, as a result of which intrapersonal conflicts with reality arise.

Classification of intrapersonal conflicts in the social and consumer sphere:

  • Conflict of social norms. Often a person denies social principles because they do not coincide with his inner vision;
  • Conflict of needs. Often due to a limited budget we cannot choose required product and whims win. As a result, there are a lot of loans, the meaning of life is lost, there is no joy from ownership;
  • Conflict between social norm and need.

There are also types of intrapersonal conflicts. Lewin (German psychologist) proposed 4 main types: frustrating, vital, equivalent and ambivalent.

  • The ambivalent type of confrontation develops in cases where the result or some actions equally repel and seduce. A contradiction arises;
  • Equivalent. When an individual is given a goal to complete several tasks of equal importance. To get out of a conflict, you need to find a compromise;
  • A frustrating type develops when a person prohibits himself from performing certain actions because they diverge from generally accepted moral principles and society;
  • Vital. When a person has to make decisions that he does not like, but they are necessary.

We can distinguish the main forms of manifestation of intrapersonal conflicts:

  • Euphoria - unjustified joy, tears are often interspersed with laughter;
  • Neurasthenia – migraine, insomnia, high depression, low performance;
  • Projection – criticism, negativity in relationships with people;
  • Regression is primitivism in behavior, refusal of responsibility.
  • Nomadism is a constant desire for change;
  • Rationalism is self-justification.


As a rule, the causes of intrapersonal conflict, its emergence and development, are determined by three main factors:

  • External, due to the behavior of the individual within a certain group;
  • Internal, hidden in the contradictions of the personality itself;
  • External, conditioned by the status as a whole within society.

When a person is faced with external factors conditioned by confrontation with society as a whole, they are usually based on personal status. That is, a person does not like his position in society or how he is treated.

Intrapersonal conflicts within a certain group may be different, however, there is a common basis - the inability to satisfy one’s needs. For example:

  • Lack of the desired object. I want a cup of coffee, but they don’t sell that kind of coffee in this city, and so on;
  • Physical obstacles. A person is in a closed room and cannot get out on his own;
  • Social circumstances;
  • Biological barriers.

However, it cannot be said that one of the reasons is separate from the other. In fact, everything is very interconnected and one reason smoothly flows into another. For example, the development of internal conflict is most often caused by confrontation with a certain group or society as a whole. Contradictions cannot just appear (out of emptiness). Do not forget that the basis of confrontation is based on two opposing opinions, which must be important. Otherwise, this will not be a problem for the individual, and he will pass them by introspection.

It is important that the opinions are of equal strength, otherwise the individual will simply choose the strongest. When they are the same size, confrontation arises, and stormy dialogues develop inside. What are the contradictions based on?

  • Confrontation social roles. Modern world requires a person to perform many tasks, and time, as a rule, is not enough. For example, an adult is given the task of picking up a child from kindergarten and fulfill an urgent work order;
  • The confrontation between ordinary need and social norm. As you know, the human stomach works and sometimes it needs to remove gases. But what to do when there is a meeting or you are in decent company;
  • Conflict of religion and social values. A striking example- hostilities. True Christian observes the commandment “thou shalt not kill,” but when something threatens his family or homeland, a big dilemma also arises;
  • Mismatch between interests, needs and motives. In other words, a person himself does not understand what he needs from life in general.

Often intrapersonal conflict develops due to working relationships within the enterprise, since most time a person has to work and is in conditions created by the external environment. If a person could choose where and how to work, many problems simply would not arise. The main reasons for the development of conflict within a certain group:

  • The struggle of values ​​between one’s views on life, foundations and professional tasks. For example, if a person is pure in soul and is used to speaking honestly, it will be difficult or even impossible for him to engage in advertising and sales;
  • Great responsibility and excessive tasks that are not comparable to the person’s capabilities.
  • The desire for creativity and routine work at the enterprise;
  • Two incompatible tasks;
  • Strict work requirements and poor working conditions;
  • Poor mechanism for achieving the goal, vagueness, ambiguity and at the same time a specific task.
  • Morality and profit.

Forms and methods of solving the problem

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Analyzing the forms of manifestation and methods of resolving intrapersonal conflicts is an important task for every person. We have already talked about forms, now we can move on to the topic of resolving the situation. The point is, if a person does not find a positive solution for himself, this will lead to a protracted confrontation and, as a consequence, to a suicidal situation, a nervous breakdown, or the development of psychological disorders. That is why it is important to know how to act in the current conditions. Moreover, if you calmly figure it out, it’s not so difficult.

To resolve intrapersonal conflict as quickly as possible, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Care. Try to let go of the difficult situation and switch to another topic. Sometimes a problem cannot be solved with existing skills and capabilities. Therefore, it is worth accepting;
  • Compromise. If there is a choice, try to come to a compromise and immediately begin to act;
  • Sublimation. In cases where you cannot solve a problem, switch to another activity that brings you pleasure. For example, a hobby, sports or creativity where you can achieve results. Later you will return to the unresolved problem with renewed vigor. In some cases, this works as a prevention of the development of intrapersonal conflicts;
  • Reorientation. Change your attitude towards a person or object;
  • Idealization. If reality is very bad, turn on some music and try to daydream. Break away from reality. Watch a comedy or movie that you like best;
  • Correction. Try to be objective about your Self;
  • Crowding out. If desires are unrealistic, try to suppress them or push them into the future, switching to more achievable ones.

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It is interesting that the consequences of intrapersonal conflict are of the same “nature” as the confrontation itself. That is, it can have both a positive effect on a person and a negative one. In any case, the result will depend only on the individual person.

Negative consequences

  • Deadlock in personal development, degradation is possible;
  • A constant state of stress, anxiety, suspiciousness, dependence on the opinions of other people and circumstances;
  • Disorganization in physiological and psychological terms;
  • Activity decreases;
  • Manifestation of polar qualities - submissiveness or aggressiveness. Inferiority, uncertainty in one's actions often develops, and the meaning of life is lost.

In society, behavior manifests itself as follows:

  • Inappropriate reaction to other people;
  • Isolation from other group members;
  • Blaming others for your failures.

If a person does not resolve the causes of intrapersonal conflict in time, there is a risk of developing psychological deviations of a neurotic nature. This is why it is important to contact psychologists at any age if you are unable to resolve the situation.

Positive consequences

  • Will and character are strengthened in struggle. People who often overcome themselves become strong and are able to manage their internal resources;
  • Self-improvement, self-development and self-affirmation;
  • Intrapersonal intelligence develops;
  • The human psyche is more resistant to the influence of external stimuli. After several victories, a person is no longer afraid to take on a challenge and boldly goes into battle, improving his Self.

As you can see, these types of problems challenge us, but they also contain hidden potential for growth. If you gather your courage or seek the help of specialists, they will help you eliminate the causes of intrapersonal conflict and make you stronger.

When considering the causes of intrapersonal conflict, they can be divided into three types of interrelated causes. 1. Internal reasons.

The internal causes of intrapersonal conflict are rooted in contradictions between various motives of a person in the absence of consistency between the components of its internal structure. Moreover, the more difficult inner world a person, the more developed his feelings and formed values, the higher his ability for self-analysis, the more to a greater extent the person is prone to conflict. Among the main contradictions that cause internal conflict are the following:

Contradiction between the needs of the individual and existing social norms;

Contradiction of motives, interests and needs (both you want to go on a date, and you need to prepare for a seminar)

Contradiction of social roles (both you need to be in class and you need to visit your sick grandmother)

Contradiction of social values ​​and norms (not to do violence, and to protect friends from a bully).

For an intrapersonal conflict to arise, these contradictions must acquire a deep personal meaning, otherwise a person will not give them meaning. In addition, the different sides of the contradictions in the strength of their impact on a person should be approximately equal, otherwise a person will easily choose less of two evils, and more of two goods, and there will be no conflict.

2. External reasons.

A. External causes of intrapersonal conflict, determined by the position of the individual in the group.

their common feature is the impossibility of satisfying needs and motives that have deep meaning in a given situation. inner meaning and meaning for humans:

physical obstacles that make it impossible to satisfy basic needs: inability to make it before the start of classes due to a traffic accident;

Lack of an object necessary to satisfy habitual needs (I want to drink a cup of coffee, but the shops are closed and there is no more coffee at home)

Biological limitations (people with physical disabilities, confined to wheelchair, cannot independently carry out a walk)

Social conditions - main source the largest number our intrapersonal conflicts (the inability to qualitatively prepare for classes through living in a dormitory, and when our need for respect does not meet with understanding: if we feel like strangers in our study group because of the attitude of some people towards us).

B. External reasons causing intrapersonal conflict at the organizational level can be represented by the following types of contradictions:

The contradiction between great responsibility and insufficient rights for its implementation (elder study group assigned certain responsibilities, but not given the rights to perform them)

Contradiction between strict requirements for the quality of task completion and existing conditions (it is necessary to write a high-quality scientific paper, but there is not enough time and literature)

Contradiction between two mutually exclusive requirements or objectives (requirements to simultaneously improve the quality of teaching and, at the same time, increase the teaching load);

The contradiction between a strictly defined task and poorly explained conditions for its implementation (the need to write scientific work for a competition in the first year and insufficient attention from the supervisor to the student)

Contradiction between the desire for creativity, career, self-affirmation and the possibilities of realizing this within the organization (due to the desire to become an excellent student and misunderstanding of this by classmates, an intrapersonal conflict may develop)

Contradictions caused by the incompatibility of a person’s social roles (the status of the head of a study group to make the same demands and standards of behavior in relation to classmates, the state close friend- other).

B. External causes of intrapersonal conflict, determined by the position of the individual in society.

These reasons are associated with contradictions that arise at the level of the social macrosystem and are rooted in the character social order and economic life. These include:

The contradictions between competition and personal success, on the one hand, and brotherly love and humanity, on the other;

Contradictions between our needs and existing obstacles to their satisfaction;

Contradictions between the declared freedom of a person and existing actual restrictions (choice of work, second choice of rest).

Thus, the face in the system of general dominance of market relations and alienation is bifurcated. She feels like both a seller and a product in this continuous market. A person feels that her value does not depend on her human qualities, but on success in a competitive market with an ever-changing environment. Therefore, she is forced to constantly fight for success, and any obstacle on this path poses a serious threat to her internal state and gives rise to intrapersonal conflict.

All this is typical for Ukraine when it comes to the influence of market relations on the formation of personality. We too should be prepared for the trials associated with an increase in intrapersonal conflicts, stress and neuroses. Moreover, Negative consequences The influence of market reforms on the human psyche and on the development of intrapersonal conflicts is already manifesting itself very noticeably.

A rapid reassessment of values ​​played a big role in this. An entire generation of people was unable to adapt to market values ​​or did not want to accept them. It turned out that the ideals that it lived by and believed in for decades became irrelevant and no one needed. This situation could not help but cause feelings of disappointment, apathy and worthlessness.

It should be noted that the internal and external causes of internal personal conflicts are closely interrelated. Thus, people who are in a state of intrapersonal conflict, representing a potential danger to interpersonal relationships in Group.

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