Stereotypes about “crazy” Russians through the eyes of foreigners. Russians live in constant fear. All Russians want to go to America

“The beauty of a Russian woman is the country’s innumerable capital.” This is what he said about our compatriots French author, Alexander Lats. What do foreigners think about us, and how true is this?

Victim of patriarchy

In Russia, women are still at the mercy of men. This is exactly how the “weaker sex” of Europe sees our social structure.

In the West, the attitude towards women and the position of the woman herself are very different from Russian reality. There, emancipation prevails not only “on paper”, but also in public opinion. It is not customary for a woman to pay, hold the door, give up her seat, or help with heavy bags. And not because men “take revenge” on the weaker sex for feminism, but because this can offend a woman and result in a serious misunderstanding.

European women are quite happy with this position. Looking at the conditions in Russia, where it is customary to “court” the weaker sex, they are perplexed why our compatriots have not yet declared a revolution and overthrown machismo. However, as Anna-Lena Lauren, a Finnish journalist who worked in Russia for several years, noted: “Apparently, the most closely guarded secret in Russia is this: women are not dumber or weaker than men - on the contrary. But no one told the men about this.”

Woman is the head of the family

The previous stereotype also has back side. Many foreigners, especially men, who happen to for a long time to live in Russia and have the opportunity to observe the way of life of a simple Russian family, they say, “a hidden matriarchy reigns in Russia.”

This paradigm is true, but only partly. It is the woman who in most cases runs the entire household. Even where a man has reached a dead end, a woman must still find a way out - after all, she is the one responsible for the home and family. But the last word still often remains with the stronger sex.

Russian woman cooks well...

Every Russian woman - good hostess, who knows how to cook borscht perfectly. If she doesn’t know the recipe for this “mysterious dish,” then that means she’s not from Russia at all, but is simply pretending. The stereotype that all Russian women do is cook, fatty, abundantly and a lot, is very popular, especially among Americans. They can be understood - most of American women don’t know how to cook at all, except perhaps to heat it in the microwave. But unfortunately, in many Russian cities this stereotype is no longer relevant.

...and drinks a lot of vodka

Regardless of gender, if you are from Russia, you will definitely drink vodka. And he does it in large quantities. If not, then as in the case of borscht, he/she is definitely not from Russia.

Russian women lack self-confidence

Both in your career and in everyday life. Even HR specialists note that Russian women, being ideal candidates, will always respond to lower vacancies, and they will still need to be convinced that they are worthy of higher positions. And if they think that they do not meet some requirements, then they will not send a resume at all. The same is true “on the road” - women are a priori worse drivers than men. Why? Because "everyone says so."

The most beautiful

Russian girls are the most beautiful, stylish and desirable in the world. This is usually what foreigners say when asked about Russian women. Slavic appearance, of course, is very popular in the West, but it is not what puts beauties from Russia head and shoulders above the rest. In Russia it is customary to take care of yourself, and appearance- recipe for success. In Europe, on the contrary, feminism dictates a careless attitude towards appearance. A beautiful and well-groomed woman is perceived as a “stupid woman.” At least, this is what French author Alexander Lutz said about the perception of his compatriots, comparing them with Russians: “In France, the average young woman believes that not taking care of herself is the most The best way attract a man who will appreciate her personality and intelligence. Thus, European feminism has deprived daily life beauty and eroticism."

Russian woman is pragmatic

The Russian woman is often described as selfish and unfeeling, with a wallet instead of a heart and “with a brain as empty as her hair appears light and smooth.” This stereotype developed in the 90s, when thousands of beauties from countries former Union rushed across the opened borders to look for a beautiful and stable life in the West. The idea that marriage to a foreigner, no matter who he is, is better than life in Russia has led to more than one personal tragedy and has formed in America and Europe a clear conviction that Russian women are ready to do anything just to get a European citizenship. The attitude towards them developed accordingly. Even today, if you have a visa at the border, you have to explain to the officers that the main objective trips - business or tourism, and not the search for a second half.

Russia is already in the spotlight of the world community more than a year. All the time that the Ukrainian crisis lasts, the Russian Federation is spoken about in all languages, and there is hardly a media outlet that has never touched upon the topic of our country’s role in the events in Ukraine. the site learned how the flow of this information changed foreigners' opinions about Russians. Tourists and emigrants told us how they treat us abroad after the Ukrainian events.

In the photo: a frame from the program on the TNT channel "Our RUSSIA"

Vitaly, individual traveler. New Year holidays spent in Argentina.

It is unlikely that Russians have become treated worse abroad, at least, I personally have not noticed this. To those with whom I spoke on my last trip, and these were backpackers (literally - “people with backpacks”, travelers – editor’s note) from different countries, including from Europe and the USA, and local residents, they don’t care about what’s happening with us and Ukraine, so they haven’t changed their attitude towards us. We can say that they are outside of politics, and if so, then neither Putin, nor Obama, nor Poroshenko, nor Merkel can influence a joint trip to a tavern, an excursion, or any other format of communication.

Argentinean Roberto Ariel Gomez Rodriguez admitted to me that he loves Russians, but hates “Yankees” (as many people call Americans). And what the authorities of the countries participating in the conflict decide does not affect the opinion of Rodriguez and his circle regarding us Russians.

On video: performance folklore ensemble at the festival of Russian culture in Argentina. Among the dancers are both Argentines and descendants of Russian emigrants

In fact, if Russians are treated poorly abroad, this has nothing to do with the current foreign policy situation. For example, in Argentina, at the Iguazu Falls, I met a group of typical “domestic-made” tourists who behaved disgustingly and were indignant at why they were not understood in our language. native language, and also obscenely recommended that everyone learn Russian. It is these travelers who build the foundation for the negative perception of Russians; they are much more firmly entrenched in the memory of foreigners than the actions of our politicians.

Roman, translator in the Jamaican office of a Russian mining company.

I can’t remember that Russians were treated worse after the Ukrainian events. Russians are the same as before in the eyes of foreigners. If we talk specifically about the residents of Jamaica, they do not particularly speak out about their position; most of them are probably indifferent. Although there was a recent case when one taxi driver gave travelers from Russia a tirade. “Russia! Bad country! Killing people,” he said impulsively.

Here in Jamaica there are practically no Russians, so little is known about Russia, there is simply no one to show our mentality to. Yes, of course, Jamaicans watch American television, and therefore understand the essence of things as the United States propagates. And at work, employees are smart enough not to speak out about Russia, since almost all the top management in our company is from Russia. Personally, I have not yet noticed any bias in myself.

Dmitry, programmer at a Canadian digital agency. Lives in Toronto for 15 years. Has dual citizenship.

In Toronto, I am surrounded by smart and educated people, both among my colleagues and outside of work. Communicating with them constantly, I saw neither bitterness nor hostility towards ordinary Russians (emigrants, people from Russia), since everyone understands that there is no influence on foreign policy We do not provide services to the state. That is, during the entire period of the conflict, I personally did not see any negativity - everything was the same as it was before. In fact, I am judged here on my personal and professional qualities, and not on my membership in a particular ethnic group. In general, Russians are respected in Canada, since none of us here, relatively speaking, are lying in the ditch, and almost everyone is active and healthy image life.

At the same time, Canadians generally have a wary attitude towards Russia as a state. In practice, this, and in this sense, Putin is viewed critically. In general, everything is complicated with the Ukrainian conflict. No one except the Canadian government directly accuses Russia of this. And in general, Canada is very politically correct, so you will never hear open unfriendly statements addressed to anyone here. However, everyone understands that the information provided by the media is distorted in favor of each specific state - and in Canada everything is presented exactly in a way that is beneficial to the United States.

In the USA, Russians are treated approximately the same as in Canada, but in specific states with more low level culturally negative attitudes can be found much more often. In general, it depends on the state of the brain and the level of general education of each individual person. In this regard, in places with a higher concentration of adequate educated people– in New York and Boston, for example, - negative attitude practically none to Russians.

I have friends in France who say that there, indeed, the attitude towards the Russian-speaking population has become much cooler. Again, this does not concern anyone in particular, but is connected in general with the actions of Putin and the government. In conversations with the French, there is sympathy for the fact that you are from Russia, but Europeans prefer to avoid sensitive political topics. And yet it seems to me that the West is more concerned about problems with Islamist extremists than about events in Ukraine.

Anatoly, head of department in the company - the largest importer of food products. Frequently travels on international business trips.

In Germany, for example, Russians are treated as adequately as before, given that there are a lot of emigrants living there. Although the Germans do not approve of Putin’s policies, they are still tolerant and do not confuse them with their personal attitude towards Russians. If you try to find out their opinion regarding what is happening in Russia’s relations with the West, then not a single person has a clear position. Those who think about it don’t understand, and now he’s trying to get out of it as best he can. But we can definitely say that the Germans do not understand why two nations, which have so much in common and which have always lived side by side in peace, butted heads and became enemies!

Photo: RIA Novosti

Someone realizes that Ukraine is a battlefield between Russia and the West, and sees that Russians themselves do not have a clear opinion about the correctness of their country’s policy. At the same time, the majority of Germans are sure: everything that is shown on TV is propaganda that zombifies both sides. But in general, there are those who blame Putin for everything, and there are also those who understand that all these political games are beneficial to someone. This does not affect the personal attitude towards people.

Artem, lawyer, native of Armenia. Works in Moscow.

I live in Russia and have been communicating with Russians for many years. I have been thinking like a Russian for a long time, so I fully support the policy of the President of the Russian Federation, it is close to me. But according to national characteristics, I am half Armenian and half Belarusian. In both my homelands, basically everyone, just like me, condemns Ukrainians for fratricide and betrayal - for the fact that they want to exchange native Russian, Slavic values ​​for European ones. It is clear that after the Ukrainian events, no one in my circle personally began to treat Russians worse.

Andrey, owner of a hotel business in Russia. He travels more than he stays in Moscow.

My acquaintances and foreign friends all hold radical views by 80%. It so happens that they are all socialists, communists and other minorities from the left wing, so they have . And now they look at you as a hegemon or something, who seems to be trying to remake the world. In general, they treat us with respect. But this is one part of the iceberg, quite small. Others most likely hold diametrically opposed views.

But in Italy I noticed a certain caution towards myself. Since all the media support the Ukrainian position and promote the integration of Ukrainians into Europe, Italians have become more restrained in communicating with Russians.

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It would seem like forever modern technologies and the Internet there should no longer be any prejudices about the lifestyle of people in other countries. But when I arrived in London, it turned out that stereotypes are alive and well! Young people do not even try to get to the bottom of the truth; it is easier for them to live in captivity of the illusions that the press inspires. Today we decided to tell you about how foreigners see Russians. You hardly recognize yourself in this description.


You've probably heard how in other countries they joke that in Russia there are bears walking the streets. So - foreigners don’t joke! They really think that some lost bear might suddenly end up on Red Square. When I first talked to English children, for some reason they decided that I was something like Tarzan. Foreigners think that Russia is a continuous taiga with Kremlin towers somewhere in the middle.


Many foreigners have never heard of dumplings, dumplings, cabbage soup and even borscht. They are sure that Russians live on caviar and vodka. Of course, in our country there is a custom of drinking, but sociologists have found that the most drinking nation is the Irish, and not the Russians. However, if you suddenly say at a party that you don’t drink, you will shock foreigners, because they believe that all Russians drink liters of alcohol.


Having learned that I was Russian, my English classmates were, one might say, frightened, and only over time we became friends. At first they decided that my dad was from the Russian mafia, about which there are incredible stories in London. Later, I myself witnessed parties where drunken oligarchs spent millions on drinks in order to impress their foreign partners. But the myth of the Russian mafia, which successfully promotes such films as “The Transporter”, “The Protector”, “Jack Ryan: Chaos Theory”, still scares foreigners.


I don’t want to argue with one stereotype at all: all foreigners are sure that Russian girls are the most beautiful and sexy. Of course, thanks to such films as “SALT” and “The Avengers”, the image of a beautiful Russian spy was formed in the minds of foreigners. But every barrel has a fly in the ointment! At the same time, foreign men are convinced that it is easy to sleep with a Russian girl, and they believe that our beauties are ready to do anything for the sake of a profitable match.


Foreigners are unlikely to have seen Russian customs, songs, and dances. Their idea of ​​our entertainment is quite poor, because they are based only on films. And when the eternal Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger (68), played a Russian officer, everyone in the West decided that we are just like that - stern and never smile. Foreigners think that all Russians dream of becoming military men and are obsessed with weapons and hunting.

1. Russians distrust anything cheap.

2. English word bargain cannot be adequately translated into Russian, because the concept of a high-quality product (or service) sold inexpensively is alien to the Russian average person.

3. Freebies are a completely different matter. The fact of receiving an elite product for free does not reduce its eliteness.

4. Those Russians who managed to climb the top steps socio-political hierarchy, consider it necessary to thumb their noses at everyone who has not achieved this exalted status.

5. It’s not enough for them to just drive an elite car: they also have to wear a flashing light and constantly honk the horn so that they give way to you - in a word, so that your eliteness does not escape anyone’s attention.

6. In Russia you need to call lazy waitresses with persistently demanding: “Girl!”

7. It is impossible to survive in the Moscow metro without the skill of pushing people away with your elbows.

8. Unlike America, in Russia you can buy beer and drink it on a bench in public place. And you won't be arrested.

9. Characteristic Russian peculiarity are late-night kitchen gatherings and conversations about life.

10. Russians tend to avoid talking about work, while for Americans this is the main topic.

11. The Japanese view Russian dachas as a huge luxury, which they can only dream of in their homeland.

12. In Russia, during any reception, guests are immediately separated by gender.

13. In Russia, you will most likely be shocked by the huge number of police officers patrolling the streets.

14. Russians never throw anything away. Never. Nothing.

15. However, if you quietly throw away half the trash, the Russian will not notice anything.

16. An unfamiliar Russian will most likely address you in proletarian familiarity, “man” or “woman”.

17. “I’m sorry that I’m asking you” when addressing someone in Russia, only beggars in public transport say.

18. Be prepared for the fact that when making some important request, a Russian friend will never say “please” or “thank you in advance.”

19. In Russia, any issue or problem can be solved “through pull” or agreement.

20. The Russian proverb “arrogance is the second happiness” cannot be adequately translated into another language. They just won't understand.

21. Russians drink a lot of vodka. And this is not a myth.

22. In reality, in Russia you don’t have to fear for your life while walking the streets. Seriously.

23. The unbearable cold in Russia is a myth. Although a third of Russia is located beyond the Arctic Circle, all big cities are in a temperate climate.

24. Russian men are convinced that feminism led to the collapse of America and Europe and that Russia's historical mission is to resist it

25. Russians are sincerely convinced that Americans think that bears walk the streets in Russia. However, this myth about the bear is a purely Russian invention. In Moscow you can even buy a T-shirt on which is written in English: “I was in Russia. There are no bears there.” By purchasing such a T-shirt, a Russian will feel that he has made a very patriotic statement. But to a foreigner it will simply be incomprehensible.

26. Russians do not understand when someone from the West comes to Russia for permanent residence. They believe that it is necessary, on the contrary, to leave here.

27. When you visit a dentist in Russia, they immediately ask you: “Where does it hurt?” When they hear that nothing hurts, you just showed up for a routine dental examination, which you do once every six months, the doctors are very surprised.

28. Brushing your teeth, using dental floss, professional cleaning - Russians treat these rituals without fanaticism.

29. They also allow themselves weaknesses that the American cult of dentistry classifies as mortal sins - for example, drinking tea with a centimeter layer of sugar at the bottom of the cup.

30. Most Russians, from small children to pensioners, abuse emoticons. And very few people can do without them at all.

32. The number of brackets from which the smiley is built also deserves attention. If one friend writes “I’m celebrating my birthday today, join me :-)”, and the second one writes, “I’m celebrating my birthday today, join me :-)))))”, then the conclusion suggests itself that the second holiday will be five times better than the first.

33. The Moscow metro is the best in the world. Better than New York and London. Trains every 1.5 minutes during rush hour! Tickets are less than a dollar and there are no zones!

34. At the same time, there is a whole class of Muscovites who, out of principle, will never take the subway, even if they are late for an important business meeting. They will languish in a traffic jam for many hours in their luxury car.

35. In fact, to come to live in Russia, you either need to love this country very much or be a complete loser who cannot realize himself in his homeland and wants to enjoy the honor that foreigners from “capitalist countries” still enjoy in Russia.

36. As soon as one of the Russians has the slightest reason to celebrate something - be it a birthday or a promotion, they immediately bring treats for all their colleagues (sweets, chocolates, cakes and sometimes even bottles of wine). This tradition seems strange to Americans - usually the hero of the occasion expects gifts from his colleagues. But in Russia it’s the other way around. Here you need to show generosity, demonstrate the entire breadth of the Russian soul.

37. “Stove” is one of those words whose meaning can only be understood if you live in Russia, moreover, in the countryside and in winter. When it’s minus 30 outside, and the stove is the only thing that prevents the thermometer in your house from dropping to the same temperature. You can cook and even sleep on a classic Russian stove.

38. In Russia they are very suspicious of people speaking other languages ​​in a confined space.

39. Alcohol and the theme of intoxication are an important part of Russian culture and literature.

40. A Russian who doesn’t drink is an extraordinary fact. Most likely, such a person has some kind of tragedy or stress associated with alcohol.

41. Don’t be surprised if you are invited to celebrate the New Year in Russia at 11:30 pm, until 6 am you will drink cognac, champagne, herring under a fur coat, Olivier salad and julienne, then you will be put to bed and the holiday will continue in the apartment three days.

42. Russians don't use blinds at home, and curtains are rarely thick enough to block straight lines. sunlight.

43. There is no culture of sobriety in Russia; the only non-alcoholic establishments are foreign fast foods such as McDonalds and KFC.

44. Russians love hanging carpets on the walls.

45. Unlearn how to smile constantly while you are in Russia, especially strangers. The “false, insincere” American smile infuriates the Russians.

46. ​​Borsch, cabbage rolls and dumplings are actually not Russian original dishes, but Ukrainian.

47. In Russia there is no tradition of sending aging parents to a nursing home and throwing out children after they reach adulthood. Everyone lives in the same apartment.

48. Despite traffic jams and poor roads, Russians buy themselves huge, inefficient cars.

49. Russia is the only country other than Japan where they eat sushi. Sushi has become almost a part national cuisine.

50. Russians are very hospitable and willingly invite you to their home. You will most likely be given black tea and fatty foods (such as boiled or smoked sausage).

What do foreigners think about Russia? How has their opinion of us changed? Which stereotypes remain stable, and which, after years, have long since disappeared, like dust from “white apples”?

I. “The law is not written for Russians”

We got used to this quite a long time ago. However, foreigners still say something like the following about life in our country:

“Surprisingly, for these Russians, not following the rules seems to be the absolute norm.”

And indeed it is. For them, on the contrary, compliance with any rules is considered the norm, even if there is no control nearby.

It is inconceivable in their opinion that Russians, without the slightest doubt, cross the road at a red light, only because, according to their calculations, it is still quite far away from the entrance of a moving car.

II. “Russians drink completely”

IN Western world There is a persistent stereotype that our nation is an incredibly heavy drinker. Literally everyone talks about this to one degree or another. But meanwhile, if we look at the official WHO statistics, Russia will not take first, not second, or even third place in terms of alcohol consumption per capita. Even the reserved Balts have overtaken us on this issue.

At the same time, foreigners are sincerely surprised that in our country there can be absolutely any reason for drinking, and the process that began with the idea of ​​sitting “little by little” almost always develops into a full-scale table.

The most striking difference between Russians and residents of foreign countries is that Russians, when tipsy, “get smarter” and begin to have active, highly intellectual conversations. Talking about politics, the meaning of life, and simply philosophizing, while all the other nations in the world, on the contrary, are recklessly stupid, boasting, lying and telling a series of fictitious stories.

III. “There is no feminism in Russia”

With this stereotype, unlike the previous ones, everything is exactly the opposite. Foreigners like him extremely.

Men from abroad openly dream of choosing a Russian woman as a wife, since most American women, European women and other representatives of the fairer sex are trying to prove their mythical “independence”. They scare men with their lack of basic femininity, pay for themselves in restaurants, react painfully if they are helped to open the door, do not understand why they offer a hand, or simply sit them down in their chair. Such representatives, when creating a family, are guided primarily by material considerations, rush to draw up a marriage contract, and even choose the first question on a date:

"What do you do for a living?".

Of course, foreigners run away from them as quickly as they can.

Our women, on the contrary, like to appear weak, although in fact they are the strongest. Thanks to this, even an American in our country feels like a man much more than in his own homeland.

This is where the above stereotype came from, in general.

IV. “Russians have an incredible culture”

This is a true template that has more than a monolithic rationale behind it.

Mostly foreign excursion groups from abroad visit St. Petersburg and Moscow, and this is where the most famous Russian attractions are located. In this regard, it is not surprising that everyone speaks with delight about the Hermitage, Winter Palace, Tretyakov Gallery, Intercession Cathedral and Red Square. Another thing is surprising: for some reason many guests are extremely amazed that people of absolutely all ages go to museums and galleries in Russia. Often you can find young couples in love, and for Americans, with their culture of popcorn and Mickey Mouse, this is simply an inexplicable problem...

The love of Russians and their craving for reading amazes everyone who comes to us, because neither a tablet nor a modern smartphone could fight it off.

V. “Russians have a strange attitude towards food”

Foreigners very often talk about life in Russia, remembering dumplings, borscht, pancakes with meat and caviar. In this regard, Russia seems to them to be a rich power. This conclusion stems from the fact that all feasts in our country are held on a huge scale, and are always kept that way, regardless of the occasion and financial situation.

An American does not understand why it is so important for a Russian to set the table with dishes with all kinds of salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese and sausage slices, fried chicken legs and other food. But those who know Russia better already realize that a Russian will invest and give everything he has for the convenience of the guest. And what is most surprising is that he will do this not in order to impress, but first of all for himself, and from the heart for those whom he receives.

Of course, in this situation, it also seems strange to a foreigner that after such a feast the organizer may well remain in his last shirt, but even so, he will not be afraid and will go for it anyway.

VI. "Russians never smile"

Almost all foreign guests remember kind words our sincere Russian hospitality, but at the same time they consider us serious and gloomy. They think that our harsh climate is to blame for this. And therefore, they say, on the street you can rarely see men, women, young people, or old people smiling.

But the strange thing for them is that the situation changes dramatically, all they have to do is turn to the Russians for advice. If you ask a question, enter their social circle, or meet the person the next day, then, for inexplicable reasons, the moodiness disappears.

“Why can’t you smile from the very beginning?” they ask with incomprehension. And the “tolerant” ones do not realize that in Russia such an approach is called insincere, and an empty smile without real feelings is not worth a damn.

VII. “This mysterious Russian mentality”

Any European or American in Russia has to adapt. For example, to the fact that for some reason Russians constantly keep all sorts of unnecessary things. “They say that this is in case something can be fixed,” and this fact raises even more questions among Americans.

They don’t understand why Russians (unlike modern Westerners) learn to “be able” to do everything at once? But we really can be professionals in completely different fields. Every man, regardless of his type of activity, is able to hold a power tool in his hands, work with the construction of a house, be his own cook, or make and repair everything. For a foreigner, this state of affairs seems the height of absurdity.

“Why be prepared for anything when you can always call the service or rescue service?!”

And the “comrades” do not understand that real life, such an opportunity may not always present itself.

But main feature Russian person, which extremely amazes guests who come to our country - this is a wide and mysterious soul Russia.

To be always ready to help, to provide this help free of charge, not to evaluate the offered leverage in monetary terms, all this for the Western man in the street is still inexplicable and completely incomprehensible from beginning to end...

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