Structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation table. Types and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

The RF Armed Forces have a three-service structure that meets modern requirements and makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of combat use and seriously simplify interaction various types RF Armed Forces and reduce the cost of the command and control system. Currently, the RF Armed Forces structurally include three types: - Ground Forces; - Air Force; - Navy. three types of troops: - Strategic Missile Forces; - Space Forces; - Airborne troops. as well as: - troops not included in the branches of the RF Armed Forces; - rear of the RF Armed Forces; - organizations and military units for the construction and quartering of troops. Ground forces Air Force Navy branches of troops

Motorized rifle troops MOTORIZED TROOPS, the largest branch Ground Forces(since 1963). Motorized rifle troops have preserved the best traditions of Russian and Soviet infantry, which was called the “queen of the fields.” They consist of motorized rifle formations, units and subunits, which include motorized rifle, artillery, tank and other units and subunits.

TANK FORCES TANK FORCES, branch of the ground forces. They consist of tank, motorized rifle (mechanized, motorized infantry), missile, artillery and other units and units. This is the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are equipped with tanks (T-72, T-80, T-90), self-propelled artillery (Geocint, Msta), missile weapons, etc. Tank forces are characterized by high maneuverability and increased resistance to impact nuclear weapons. Modern tank forces are capable of making rapid marches over long distances, breaking through defenses and developing an offensive at a high tempo, and immediately overcoming water obstacles fords and crossings.

ROCKET FORCES AND ARTILLERY ROCKET FORCES AND ARTILLERY, a branch of the Ground Forces, created in the early 60s. in the Armed Forces of the USSR for nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy. Rocket troops and artillery, as a branch of the military, are retained in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently in service missile forces and artillery there are Grad, Smerch, Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, D-30 artillery guns and other weapons. All types of weapons have been tested and shown to be highly effective during combat operations in Afghanistan and on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

AIR DEFENSE FORCES Air defense of the ground forces is a complex of combat operations of various air defense forces and means in service with units and subunits of the ground forces. The air defense of the ground forces is organized with the goal of defeating the enemy's air attack means, repelling attacks from his aircraft and missiles on troops and rear facilities, and also prohibiting the conduct of aerial reconnaissance. Today, the air defense of the ground forces is equipped with effective and mobile anti-aircraft missile systems: "Shilka", "Stlela-10", "Kub", "Tunguska", man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) "Strela-3", "Igla" , "Igla-1", etc.

SPECIAL TROOPS SPECIAL TROOPS, units and units designed to perform special tasks to support the combat and daily activities of the armed forces (engineering, radio engineering, chemical, etc.) and having special technical equipment. To successfully and timely solve the assigned tasks, there are units of military intelligence, radio and radio engineering, engineering and other special types of intelligence. Currently, many special forces have been created to combat illegal armed gangs in the Chechen Republic and Tajikistan. During the Afghan war, special forces units proved their effectiveness, they engaged in reconnaissance, destroyed caravans with weapons and gangs of dushmans.

INTELLIGENCE TROOPS To successfully conduct modern combat, it is necessary, first of all, to know well the enemy, his forces, means and nature of action. To provide commanders and staffs of all levels with this data, there is most important species combat support of troops' actions - reconnaissance. Only where reconnaissance is carried out successfully and actively, purposefully, are combat missions accomplished successfully and with the least losses. On the contrary, poorly organized reconnaissance has always been the main reason for the failure of military operations. This is evidenced by the experience of combat operations during the Great Patriotic War, during the actions of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, and during actions to combat illegal armed groups in Chechnya.

COMMUNICATION FORCES Military communications are an integral part of the management of the Armed Forces, its material basis. The efficiency of troop leadership and the timeliness of the use of combat assets and weapons largely depend on its condition and functioning. In its development, military communications have traveled a long and complex path, inextricably linked with the history of the creation of the Armed Forces, changes in the forms and methods of their use, and the improvement of military art. From the simplest audio and visual means of communication for transmitting signals and commands directly on the battlefield to widely branched multi-channel, modern automated systems capable of providing communication over an almost unlimited range with both stationary and moving objects located on land, on water, under water and in the air - this is the historical path of development and improvement of military communications

ENGINEERING TROOPS ENGINEERING TROOPS, special troops designed to provide engineering support for combat operations of troops. IN Russian army consist of engineering-sapper (sapper), engineering-road, pontoon-bridge, ferry-landing and other formations, units and subunits. They are equipped with a variety of high-performance equipment for complex, labor-intensive engineering work, various landing and pontoon-bridge means for crossing water obstacles at high speeds, and means for quickly creating anti-tank, anti-personnel and other obstacles.

FORMATIONS, UNITS AND INSTITUTIONS OF THE REPORT Modern combined arms combat is, first of all, characterized by the widespread use of nuclear missile weapons and the participation of a large number of troops in it. It is also characterized by great tension, maneuverability, high tempos, rapid and abrupt changes in the situation, and actions of subunits and units in separate directions and with separation from the main forces. Modern combat will require significant consumption of ammunition, fuel, lubricants and other materials. During combat operations, it will become necessary to organize the evacuation and repair of a large number of armored vehicles, motor vehicles and weapons, as well as the evacuation and assistance medical care the wounded and sick. Consequently, logistics support is one of the important factors ensuring victory in battle. It includes activities for the organization and implementation of material, technical and medical support troops. Rear units and subunits with reserves of materiel that are part of formations, units and subunits constitute the military rear. They are intended for their material, technical and medical support. Consequently, the military rear consists of the rear of divisions, regiments and battalions; it is the lower level that directly provides units, subunits and each serviceman with everything necessary for life and battle.

RADIATION, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROTECTION TROOPS Radiation, chemical and biological defense troops are special troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Their main purpose is to organize the protection of troops, the population and rear facilities from radiation, chemical and biological hazards both in peacetime and in war time. Thus, the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops are currently entrusted with the following tasks: detection and detection of nuclear explosions; conducting radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance, dosimetric and chemical monitoring; assessment of the radiation, chemical and biological situation after the enemy used weapons mass destruction, destruction (accidents) of radiation, chemical, biologically hazardous objects; carrying out special treatment of personnel, weapons, equipment, disinfecting areas and military facilities; control over changes in the degree of contamination of the area with radioactive products; inflicting casualties on the enemy using incendiary weapons; aerosol counteraction to enemy high-precision weapons and reconnaissance equipment; implementation of aerosol (smoke) camouflage of troops and objects; supplying formations and units with weapons and means of radiation, chemical and biological protection; repair of weapons and radiation, chemical and biological protection equipment; assessment of consequences and forecasting of possible radiation, chemical and biological conditions; liquidation of consequences of accidents (destructions) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities.

PARTS AND DIVISIONS OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT Specially technical support includes: - nuclear technical; - rocket technology; - technical and metrological. In turn, technical support along with support by type of equipment: - artillery and technical; - tank technical; - auto technical; - engineering and technical; - chemical and technical; - aviation engineering (including technical support for logistics services); - technical support for communications and automated control systems.

ATTACK AVIATION ATTACK AVIATION is a type of combat aircraft designed to destroy, as a rule, small-sized and mobile ground (sea) targets. The main task of attack aviation is air support for ground forces and naval forces. Organizationally, attack aviation formations can be included in army (military), front-line (tactical) aviation and naval aviation (Navy), and in a number of foreign armies - also in carrier aviation or marine aviation.

RECOVERY AVIATION Reconnaissance aviation, a type of long-range (strategic), front-line aviation and naval aviation, designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance in order to obtain information about the enemy in land and sea (ocean) theaters of military operations. In the armies of the most developed countries, R. a. It is armed with manned aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles with special technical equipment that allows reconnaissance day and night in various ways: visually, photographing and radar detection. In Russia, aircraft for conducting aerial reconnaissance were first used during maneuvers of troops of the Petrograd, Warsaw and Kyiv military districts in the 2nd World War, the number of aircraft specially equipped for conducting aerial reconnaissance, used to perform reconnaissance missions, increased sharply. To the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Armed Forces, the following aircraft were used for aerial reconnaissance during the day: Su-2, Pe-2, Pe-3, Il-2 and Il-4 aircraft; at night SB, DB-3, R-5 and Po-2 aircraft. IN post-war years The army received modern jet aircraft equipped with high-quality photo and electronic equipment; its units and subdivisions, in addition to flight ones, include ground units with equipment for darkroom and photogrammetric work.

TRANSPORT AVIATION Military transport aviation consists of airborne transport and special aviation. Its main tasks are: air transportation of troops to areas of combat units during the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces, air transportation of troops, military equipment and cargo to areas of armed conflicts; air transportation in the interests of maneuvering aviation formations and units in order to create new aviation groups and strengthen those operating in the most important strategic directions.




GROUND AND COASTAL FORCES OF THE NAVY THE MARINE CORPS CONSISTS OF UNITS AND DIVISIONS SPECIALLY TRAINED FOR OPERATIONS IN MARINE LANDING. IT IS ARMED WITH AUTOMATIC SMALL WEAPONS, TANKS, ARTILLERY, ANTI-TANK AND ANTI-AIR FORCES, INFANTRY COMBAT VEHICLES, ARMORED TRANSPORTERS. A SIGNIFICANT PLACE IN THE EQUIPMENT OF THE MARINE CORPS IS occupied by FLOATING EQUIPMENT AND HIGH PERFORMANCE VEHICLES THAT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR USE IN MARINE LANDING AIR FORTS Airborne troops (Airborne Forces) are a mobile branch of troops designed to perform combat missions behind enemy lines, as well as for operations in quality reserve of the Supreme High Command. Airborne forces can be used to: capture administrative and political centers, industrial facilities, and base areas for enemy aviation and naval forces; capturing and holding crossings on water barriers, mountain passes and passages, communication nodes; destruction of nuclear weapons, power plants, airfields and other important facilities; disruption of command and control of troops and the work of the enemy's rear, disruption of the formation and transfer of his reserves. They can also be used as operational-tactical landings in certain directions in the interests of ground forces in possible local conflicts. The airborne forces are equipped with modern weapons and military equipment, by special means, allowing them to effectively and on time carry out the tasks assigned to them (airborne combat vehicles, airplanes, helicopters, etc.) Organizationally, the Airborne Forces consist of parachute, artillery, self-propelled artillery, special and other units and subunits.

Concept of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Armed forces(AF) - an armed organization of a state, designed to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity in cases of aggression, war, one of the most important instruments of political power, may consist of regular and reserve components (including reserves of all types and branches of the armed forces).

The purpose of the armed forces, the principles of their construction, training and education of personnel are determined by society, the political system and state policy, as well as the scale of the country, its geographical location, historical, social and cultural traditions. Economics and power have always had and continue to have a decisive influence on the armed forces.

The armed forces of different states differ in size, principles of formation, organizational structure, and functions performed.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a state military organization that forms the basis of Russia's defense. In the system of government in the Russian Federation, they belong to the executive branch of government.

The Armed Forces of Russia are intended to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, to armedly defend the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Their activities are carried out on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal acts related to ensuring the defense and security of the state. Among such documents are the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Defense”, the Law “On military duty And military service", Law "On the status of military personnel", "Current tasks of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" and others.

The leadership of the Armed Forces is exercised by the President of Russia - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Within the limits of his authority, he issues orders and directives that are binding on the Russian Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies.

The President of Russia has the right to approve the Military Doctrine, forms and heads the Security Council, appoints and dismisses the high command of the Armed Forces, and in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation or an immediate threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation introduces martial law on the territory of Russia or its individual localities with immediate notification of this Federation Council and State Duma. Direct control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Minister of Defense of Russia through the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, which is the main body for the operational management of the Armed Forces.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is responsible for developing proposals on issues of military policy and the military doctrine of the Russian Federation; development of the concept of building the Armed Forces; development of federal state program weapons and development of military equipment, as well as proposals for state defense orders; coordination and financing of work carried out for defense purposes; ensuring social protection of military personnel, civilian personnel The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families; organization of scientific research for defense purposes, ordering and financing on a contractual basis research and development work in the field of defense; cooperation with military departments of foreign states and other issues.

The Armed Forces are an object of policy, since it is the army that implements state military policy in practice. The state's military policy is aimed at preparing and using means of armed violence to protect the interests of the people. In this regard, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are exposed to influence from other government bodies, political parties and public organizations. For example, the legislative bodies of the state represented by the parliament, on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other laws, determine the purpose, tasks, composition and general organizational structure of the army, the principles of higher military command and approve military budgets.

Have a significant impact on the Armed Forces executive bodies states that exercise direct control over the army and make decisions about its use.

The impact on the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as an object of politics and political parties cannot be underestimated. In practice, this influence on the army is exerted through elements of the state mechanism, where certain political interests are realized.

Due to the fact that the Armed Forces are an important state institution, a number of important questions arise. Let's look at some of them.

In some means mass media From time to time there is an arbitrary, incorrect interpretation of the concept of “army outside politics.” How is it really? Yes, the army cannot and should not take the side of any political parties, movements, associations and determine the policy of the state. And only in this regard is the army out of politics. However, she is a tool public policy, since the Armed Forces belong to the executive branch of government. You cannot be out of politics while performing political tasks. In this sense, it participates in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the state’s military policy in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current legislation. Since it is the state, and not political parties, that has the monopoly right to use military force in society on the basis of laws.

In this regard, the activities of political parties, as well as other public associations pursuing political goals, and the formation of their structures in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies are not permitted. Conducting any political propaganda and campaigning, including election campaigns, is also prohibited. It is not permitted to use staff positions and financial resources of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to create structures and carry out the activities of political parties, as well as other public associations pursuing political goals.

The army is one of the most important bodies of the state, in which its special place is determined by specific tasks, methods and methods of organization, way of life and activity, and the special nature of the relationship between military personnel.

Thus, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occupy an important place in the state structure of Russia. Their main purpose is the armed defense of the constitutional order, sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the state. They have internal and external functions defined by the Constitution, military doctrine and federal legislation.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1992. They form the basis of the state's defense. In addition, the border troops of the Russian Federation, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, railway troops of the Russian Federation, troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, and civil defense troops are involved in the defense.

The Armed Forces are an integral element of statehood. They are a state military organization designed to repel aggression and defeat the aggressor, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with Russia’s international obligations (B modern world there is not a single more or less significant state that does not have its own army).

Along with external functions in peacetime and war, the Armed Forces can be involved in maintaining order in emergency situations, eliminating major accidents and disasters, and solving certain national economic problems. This is especially important to take into account at the present time, when our country is experiencing socio-economic difficulties associated with the transition period to a market economy.

The overall leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. According to the Constitution and the Law “On Defense”, this is the President of Russia. The leader of the lesson needs to remind the soldiers the name of the President of the Russian Federation, his biography, as well as subsequent government officials.

Direct leadership of the Russian Armed Forces is exercised by the Minister of Defense through the Ministry of Defense.

The main body for the operational control of troops and naval forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the General Staff.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of central command bodies, branches, branches of troops, associations, formations, military units, institutions and organizations, as well as military educational institutions, which are included in the branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the rear of the Armed Forces and troops, not included in the types and branches of troops.

Here and in further presentation of the issue, it is recommended to accompany the story with a demonstration of relevant diagrams and tables, film and video clips.

Control bodies are designed to direct troops (forces) at various levels in both peacetime and wartime conditions. These include commands, headquarters, departments, departments and others permanently and temporarily created structures. To locate and operate control elements in combat conditions, control posts are deployed.

Associations are military formations that include several smaller formations or associations, as well as units and institutions. Associations include the army, flotilla, as well as the military district - a territorial combined arms association and the fleet - a naval association.

A military district is a territorial combined arms association of military units, formations, educational institutions, military institutions of various types and branches of the Armed Forces. A military district, as a rule, covers the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The fleet is the highest operational formation of the Navy. District and fleet commanders direct their troops (forces) through the headquarters subordinate to them.

The lesson leader must be given brief information about the military district (fleet), on the territory of which the military unit in which the soldiers begin their service is stationed.

Formations are military formations consisting of several units or formations of a smaller composition, usually various branches of troops (forces), special troops (services), as well as support and service units (units). Formations include corps, divisions, brigades and other military formations equivalent to them. Next, you need to provide a certificate about the unit to which the military unit belongs.

A military unit is an organizationally independent combat and administrative-economic unit in all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military units include all regiments, ships of ranks 1, 2 and 3, individual battalions (divisions, squadrons), as well as individual companies that are not part of battalions and regiments. Regiments, individual battalions, divisions and squadrons are awarded the Battle Banner, and ships of the Navy are awarded the Naval Flag. It is recommended to provide a brief information about the military unit (ship) in which the soldiers (sailors) arrived to serve and their battle flags.

The institutions of the Ministry of Defense include such structures supporting the life of the Armed Forces, such as military medical institutions, officers' houses, military museums, editorial offices of military publications, sanatoriums, rest homes, tourist centers, etc.

Military educational institutions include: military academies, military institutes, higher and secondary military schools, military faculties at civilian universities, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools, training and retraining courses for officers.

Part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be part of the joint armed forces (for example, the CIS Allied Forces) or be under a unified command in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation (for example, as part of the UN peacekeeping forces or collective CIS peacekeeping forces in zones of local military conflicts ).

A branch of the Armed Forces is their component, distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment (on land, in the water, in the air).

In turn, each branch of the Armed Forces consists of combat arms (forces), special troops and logistics.

Each branch of the Armed Forces is headed by a commander-in-chief, and there is Main Headquarters. The leader of the lesson is recommended to tell the soldiers about the corresponding branch and branch of the Armed Forces, revealing the specifics of the organization, weapons, material and technical support, training system, traditions, symbols, etc. It is necessary to name the military ranks and names of commanders and other officials.

It is important to note that under the conditions of the ongoing reform, a transition has been made from the previously existing five-type to four-type structure. Subsequently, it is planned to move to a three-service structure (according to the areas of use of troops: land, sea, air and space), and ultimately to two components: the Strategic Deterrence Forces (SDF) and the General Purpose Forces (SON).

Concluding the presentation this issue, the leader of the lesson is recommended to emphasize that it is precisely with the reform of the Armed Forces that the prospects for successfully ensuring the defense of the Fatherland are connected today. Soldiers must be aware of the objective need for reform caused by changes in the geostrategic position of Russia and the military-political situation; economic and demographic factors. It is necessary to convey to every soldier (sailor) the idea that there is no alternative to the ongoing reform.

The consideration of this issue should be completed by setting out the requirements of the Minister of Defense for the organization of combat training of troops in the current academic year (training period). At the same time, it is necessary to reveal the tasks of the unit (ship), subdivision, military personnel in the light of the ongoing reform, and also to convince listeners that the defense of the Fatherland, the reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are our common concern, a matter of honor and conscience of every serviceman. The contribution of each soldier in solving these important state tasks depends to a decisive extent on how deeply the requirements imposed on him by laws, military regulations, commanders and superiors are assimilated, understood and fulfilled.

Types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of modern Russia

A branch of the Armed Forces is a component distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment (on land, in the water, in the air).

In turn, each branch of the Armed Forces consists of combat arms (forces), special troops and logistics. The Russian Armed Forces consist of types and branches of troops.

A branch of the armed forces is understood as a part of a branch of the Armed Forces, distinguished by its main weapons, technical equipment, organizational structure, nature of training and ability to perform specific combat missions. In addition, there are independent kind troops. In the Russian Armed Forces these are the Airborne Forces.

Each branch of the Armed Forces is headed by a commander-in-chief and has a main headquarters. The armed forces are part of the structure of the state associated with the performance of its external functions (national defense, etc.). Until the 20th century, the armed forces included the land army and the navy (Navy). Modern Armed Forces consist of various types of armed forces (ground forces, air force, navy, etc.), some military organizations of the state, higher authorities military administration, logistics authorities. The branches of the Armed Forces are divided into branches of the armed forces (branch of forces in the Navy, branch of aviation) and special troops. The armed forces are recruited on the basis of universal conscription and on a contract basis.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (AFRF) are designed to repel an enemy attack and defeat it, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international obligations. Structurally, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of four types: Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), Ground Forces, Air Force (Air Force), Navy (Navy). A branch of the Armed Forces (AF) is a part of the Armed Forces of a state, designed to conduct combat operations in a certain area (on land, at sea, in the air, in space) with a specific type of weapon. Each type of armed forces has its own structure, weapons, combat training system and logistics. Structurally, each type of aircraft consists of the following components:

  1. Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) - from the Strategic Missile Forces itself, the Military Space Forces (VKS), the Rocket and Space Defense Forces (VRKO).
  2. Ground forces - from motorized rifle, tank, missile forces and artillery, military air defense, army aviation; special troops (formations and units - reconnaissance, communications, engineering, radiation and chemical protection and others).
  3. Air Force (Air Force) - actually from the Air Force and troops air defense(air defense).
  4. The Navy (VMF) is made up of the Naval Forces (VMS) and the Coastal Defense Forces (CDF).

The branches of the armed forces include branches of the armed forces - components of the branch of the armed forces, which includes military formations that have weapons unique to them and methods of their combat use.

The Russian Armed Forces were created on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 466 of May 7, 1992, after the collapse of the USSR. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, according to Article 87 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the President of Russia.

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Lesson type: lesson-lecture

Goals: introduce students to the structure, purpose and armament of the branches and branches of the RF Armed Forces

Lesson questions:

  1. Purpose, tasks and structure of the Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy
  2. Purpose of the Strategic Missile Forces, Airborne Forces, Space Force
  3. Tasks of the military branches: border, civil defense, internal, railway

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing time
  2. Introduction to the lesson
  3. Types of the RF Armed Forces
  4. Other troops of the Russian Armed Forces
  5. Branches of the Russian Armed Forces
  6. Check of knowledge
  7. Homework

During the classes

Organizational moment: communication of the lesson topic, work plan

Introduction to the lesson: teacher’s message on the topic “Armies of the World: Interesting Facts”

(slides 3-10)

The most unusual maneuver before an attack

During the Russian war against the Bukhara Emirate in 1868, the infantry, right in front of the enemy’s eyes, crossed the river in chest-deep water and occupied the heights of Chapan-Ata in a bayonet attack. The maneuver was swift, there was no time to take off shoes and pour out water. Therefore, the soldiers stood on their hands, while their comrades shook their legs.

A month later, in battle, the Bukharans in the front rows, approaching a rifle shot, stood on their hands, and the rear ones began to conscientiously shake their legs.

They were firmly convinced that they had unraveled the Russian ritual that brought victory

The most unusual decree

Sew buttons onto the front side of the sleeve of a soldier's uniform.

Purpose of the decree: to wean soldiers, most of whom were recruited from peasant backgrounds, from wiping their mouths with their sleeves after eating, so that expensive cloth would last longer

The shortest war

In 1896, a war broke out between Britain and Zanzibar that lasted exactly 38 minutes.

The most fake attack

During World War II, the Germans built a mock-up of an airfield in Holland in great secrecy. Airplanes, hangars, cars, air defense systems - everything is made of wood. But one day an English bomber arrived and dropped a single bomb on the false airfield, after which construction of the airfield stopped. The bomb was wooden

The most curious army laws

In Britain, only in 1947, the position of the person obliged to fire a cannon at the time of Napoleon’s invasion of England was abolished

The most ridiculous war

In 1249, a soldier from Bologna fled to Modena, seizing an old oak tub from which he watered his horse. The authorities of Bologna demanded that they hand over not a deserter, but a tub. Having received a refusal, Bologna began a war against Modena that lasted 22 years and was accompanied by significant destruction. And the tub still remains in Modena and is stored in one of the city’s towers

The most unusual weapon

One Siamese king, retreating, ordered that the enemy be fired from cannons not with cannonballs, but with silver coins. How he completely disorganized the enemy and won the battle

Types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Before studying the material, students are given a task in the form of tables, which they must fill out as the teacher explains new material (slide 11)

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is Russian President V.V. Putin. The main functions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces:

  1. Management of the implementation of defense policy
  2. Approval of plans for the construction and use of the army and navy
  3. Appointment and dismissal of positions of high military command
  4. Assignment of higher military ranks
  5. Call for military service
  6. Declaration of a state of war
  7. Orders of the Armed Forces for the conduct of military operations (slide 12)

Direct leadership of the Armed Forces through the Ministry of Defense is exercised by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (slide 12)

The branches of the Armed Forces are divided by natural environment (slide 13), in which they must conduct armed confrontation with the enemy. Based on this, their weapons, combat tactics, organization and all other characteristics are determined, down to the specifics of their clothing and food rations. The listed characteristics are influenced by many other factors, among which the traditions that have developed over the entire history of the existence of the Armed Forces are of decisive importance.

Ground forces (slides 14-25)

The history of the Ground Forces is the longest. Our ancestors, according to historians in the 5th-6th centuries, fought only on foot, practically without using cavalry. Therefore, the traditions expressed in the concepts of courage and perseverance, self-sacrifice, and military brotherhood in the Ground Forces are especially vividly expressed.

Ground forces operate on land accordingly. They are intended for:

  • Covering the State Border
  • Reflecting the aggressor's blows
  • Retention of occupied territory
  • Defeat of troop groups
  • Capturing enemy territory

The Ground Forces consist of combat arms, special troops, formations, units of centrally subordinate institutions and organizations, and the rear of the Ground Forces.

Motorized rifle troops:

Designed to conduct combat operations independently, as well as together with other military branches and special troops. The motorized rifle troops have motorized rifle, tank, missile, artillery, anti-aircraft missile units and units, as well as special forces and logistics units.

Distinctive features are high mobility and maneuverability.

Tank forces:

They constitute the main strike force of the SV. They are used primarily in the main directions to deliver powerful and deep blows to the enemy.

Rocket troops and artillery:

They are the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy. Called upon to solve fire missions in combat in the interests of other branches of the military.

Air Defense Forces:

Designed to destroy enemy airborne forces, to protect troop groups, command posts, airfields and rear facilities from attacks.

Air Force (slides 26-34)

The Air Force is the youngest branch of the Russian Armed Forces.

Outstanding Russian scientists made a great contribution to the creation of aviation: N.E. Zhukovsky, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.A. Chaplygin. In 1882, naval officer A.F. Mozhaisky created the world's first airplane. In 1913, the multi-engine aircraft “Russian Knight” was assembled, and later “Ilya Muromets”. The advent of the jet engine caused a qualitative leap in the development of aviation. In 1946, the first jet aircraft Yak-15 and MiG-9 were flown into the air.

The modern structure of the Air Force was created in 1998 as a result of the merger of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces.

The types of aviation include: bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, military transport, army, special.

The main tasks of the Air Force:

  • Protecting the country from reconnaissance and air strikes
  • Gaining air superiority
  • Defeat the enemy from the air
  • Conducting comprehensive reconnaissance and performing special tasks
  • Ensuring the actions of formations of the Armed Forces

Navy (slides 35 – 41)

On October 20, 1696, at the insistence of Peter I, the Boyar Duma made the historic decision “There will be sea vessels.” It is from this moment that the history of the development of the domestic navy begins.

The first permanent grouping of forces - the Azov Fleet - was formed from ships built in the winter of 1695-1696. Before the First World War, the fleet was homogeneous. Coastal troops (marines, coastal artillery) existed since early XVIII centuries, were not part of the fleet. On March 19, 1906, a new branch of the Navy was born and began to develop - the submarine force. 1914 - the first units of Naval Aviation were formed. Mid-1930s - the Navy included naval aviation, coastal defense and air defense units.

Over the 3 centuries of its existence, the regular Russian fleet has covered itself with unfading glory. Gangut and Chesma, Sinop and Tendra, the defense of Sevastopol and Port Arthur are glorious pages of its history. The Russian Navy reached its greatest power in the second half of the 20th century. Wasn't on globe not a single corner of the World Ocean where our naval flag is not present.

The Navy is intended for the armed defense of Russia's interests and for conducting combat operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war.

The Navy is capable of launching nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting ocean and maritime communications and protecting its maritime transport, assisting the Ground Forces, participating in repelling enemy landings and performing other tasks.

The Navy organizationally includes the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as the Caspian military flotilla and the Leningrad naval base.

The role of the fleet in the history of Russia has always gone beyond the scope of its purely military tasks. The presence of the fleet contributed to our country's active foreign policy. He has more than once become a deterrent for the enemy of our state when the threat of war arose.

Other troops of the Russian Armed Forces (slides 42-44)

In the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are 3 types of troops that are not included in the branches of the Armed Forces. They are very different from each other in tasks, structure and features of combat use, but they have one thing in common - they all act in the interests of the Armed Forces as a whole and are capable of performing assigned tasks both in cooperation with other components of the Armed Forces and independently. This independence in performing tasks, the specificity of the tasks themselves, required their separation into special structures.

Strategic Missile Forces. Today, the Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of strategic nuclear forces; they are armed with intercontinental combat missile systems of various types and are designed to destroy important enemy targets in a nuclear war, destroy their strategic and other means of nuclear attack, defeat large groups of armed forces, violate state and military control, disorganize rear.

Space Force - a fundamentally new branch of the military, which is designed to ensure the security of Russia in outer space. The main tasks of the Space Forces are: communicating warnings to the country's top military-political leadership about a missile attack, missile defense of Moscow, creating, deploying, maintaining and managing an orbital constellation of spacecraft.

Airborne troops (VDV) - a mobile branch of troops designed to perform combat missions behind enemy lines, as well as to act as a reserve of the Supreme High Command. Airborne forces can be used for: capturing administrative and political centers, industrial facilities, basing areas of enemy aviation and naval forces, seizing and holding crossings on water barriers, mountain passes and passages, destroying nuclear attack weapons, disrupting enemy command and control and rear operations, disrupting formation and the transfer of its reserves.

Branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (slides 45-49)

The internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are intended to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state, to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen from criminal and other unlawful attacks. At the moment, the number of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is determined at 199,800 people. The VV special forces comprise 16 mobile units.

Railway troops are intended for restoration, construction, operation and technical cover railways, used to provide transportation in wartime.

Border troops are designed to protect state borders on land, seas, rivers and lakes, as well as the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and their natural resources. The management of the border troops is carried out by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In Russia, the origins of the border service date back to the 14th and 15th centuries. In connection with the frequent raids of nomads on the southern and south-eastern outskirts of the Moscow principality, from the 60s of the 14th century, guard posts and villages began to be set up. In the 16th century, serif lines were revived, and later, border fortified lines and bearing border service took on the form of a public service.

Civil Defense troops in Peaceful time participate in eliminating the consequences emergency situations: natural disasters, epidemics, major accidents and disasters that threaten public health and require rescue operations. In the event of the outbreak of hostilities or the introduction of martial law by the President of the Russian Federation on the territory of the country or in its individual regions, the activities of civil defense troops are carried out in full.

Intermediate knowledge test:

Checking that students have filled out the tables correctly, correcting errors (orally)

"Check yourself" (slides 50-62)

  1. Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?
  2. Troops taking part in maintaining public order?
  3. The branch of the military responsible for the restoration, construction, operation of railways used to provide military transportation?
  4. Who are the Border Troops subordinated to and what are they intended for?
  5. What are the types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?
  6. Formulate the main tasks solved by the Air Force?
  7. What are the branches of the Russian Armed Forces?
  8. Which branch of the Russian Armed Forces does the flag belong to?
  9. Who exercises direct control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?
  10. What is the purpose of the Russian Ground Forces?
  11. Name the branch of the military subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation?

Homework: prepare a report on the exploits of sailors, pilots, and border guards in war or peacetime.

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