Uniform of the troops of the Russian army. The uniform of the archery regiments of the Russian army of the XVII century

At the beginning of the 19th century, upon the accession to the Russian throne of Emperor Alexander I, curls and braids were forever destroyed, boots and shoes were replaced by high knee-high boots; the uniforms were significantly shortened, narrowed and got a look in the genus of the current tailcoats; standing solid collars and shoulder epaulettes and epaulettes were introduced; officers' collars were decorated with embroidery or buttonholes and were generally colored; shelves were distinguished by their colors. There was a rather large variety of hats, high, heavy and very uncomfortable; they bore the common name of shakos. Shoulder straps were first introduced only in the infantry and all red, then the number of colors was increased to five (red, blue, white, dark green and yellow, in order of the regiments of the division); officer epaulettes were sheathed with galloon, and in 1807 they were replaced by epaulettes.

Military uniform of the first half of the 19th century. The era of the emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I.

1. Non-commissioned officer of the musketeer regiment (reign of Alexander I, 1802-1803)
2. Private cuirassier regiment (during the reign of Alexander I, 1813-1814)
3. Sailor of the guards crew (during the monarchy of Nicholas I, 1826-1856)
4. Private of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (time of Nicholas I, 1826-1856).

Subsequently, epaulettes were also given to the lower ranks of some cavalry units. Pavlovsky cloaks were replaced by narrow overcoats with standing collars that did not cover the ears. In general, despite the significant simplification of the form of uniforms, it was still far from being so convenient and not practical. It was difficult for the soldier to keep in good order the mass of belts and accessories that were part of the equipment; besides, the uniform was still highly complex and heavy to wear. The militia under Alexander I first dressed in whatever dress they wanted; later they were given a uniform consisting of a gray caftan, trousers tucked into high boots, and a cap (cap) with a copper cross on the crown. From the day of accession to the throne of Alexander I and until 1815, officers were allowed to wear particular dress outside of service; but at the end of the foreign campaign, as a result of fermentation in the army, this right was abolished. Wearing a mustache was allowed only for officers of the light cavalry (hussars, uhlans); no one was allowed to wear a beard, but it was not forbidden to have sideburns. Wearing an esponton (reduced protazan), introduced by Paul I, was abolished in 1807.

Under Nicholas I, uniforms and overcoats were at first still very narrow, especially in the cavalry, where officers even had to wear corsets; under the overcoat it was impossible to pry anything; the collars of the uniform, remaining as high as ever, were fastened tightly and strongly propped up the head; the shakos reached 5.5 inches in height and looked like buckets turned upside down; during parades, they were decorated with sultans 11 inches long, so that the entire headdress was 16.5 inches high. Bloomers, cloth in winter and linen in summer, were worn over boots; under them, boots with five or six buttons were worn, since the boots were very short. Especially a lot of trouble for the soldier continued to cause ammunition from white and black lacquered belts, which required constant cleaning. A huge relief was the permission to wear, first out of order, and then on the campaign, caps similar to the current ones. The variety of military uniforms in the Russian army was very large; even the infantry had uneven uniforms; some of its parts wore double-breasted uniforms, others - single-breasted. The cavalry was dressed very colorfully; its shape had a lot of little things, the fitting of which required both time and skill. During the time of Nicholas I, from 1832, simplifications began in the form of uniforms, expressed primarily in the simplification of ammunition; heavy and uncomfortable shakos are replaced by more comfortable, albeit equally heavy, helmets; The troops were provided with mittens and earmuffs. Since 1832, officers of all branches of arms have been allowed to wear mustaches, and officers' horses are not allowed to trim their tails or cut their heads.

The form of the uniform of the fleet also changes quite dramatically in the reign of Alexander I; here, just as in the ground forces, there appeared uniforms with tails, in the form of tailcoats, with high collars, in naval crews white, in guards black with buttonholes, long cloth trousers, high triangular hats with a plume on the heads of naval officers, at the bottom caps with wide brim, high, cylindrical, in the guards carriage with a coat of arms in front, in the navy - with a cockade from a ribbon on the side. At the same time, the cloaks were replaced by a narrow overcoat, sewn into waist, with a standing collar. During the reign of Nicholas I in 1826, officers of the fleet were given frock coats (witz uniforms) with long coattails and standing high collars; hats are replaced by shakos with small visors and a coat of arms; shakos were truncated cones. Both the officers of the fleet and the lower ranks received caps with piping in the manner of the army, from the company on the band; overcoats still remained the same, uncomfortable. During all this time, as can be seen from the description, the naval military uniform differed little from the land uniform.

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Military uniforms in Russia, as in other countries, arose earlier than all others. The main requirements that they had to satisfy were functional convenience, uniformity in the branches and types of troops, a clear difference from the armies of other countries. The attitude to the military uniform in Russia has always been very interested and even loving. The uniform served as a reminder of military prowess, honor and a high sense of military camaraderie. It was believed that the military uniform was the most elegant and attractive

The gorget is a crescent-shaped metal plate approximately 20x12 cm in size, suspended horizontally by the ends on the officer's chest near the throat. Designed to determine the rank of an officer. More often in the literature it is referred to as an officer's badge, neck badge, officer's badge. However, the correct name for this element of military clothing is gorget. In some publications, in particular in the book A. Kuznetsov Awards, the gorget is mistakenly considered a collective award sign. but

Until April 6, 1834, they were called companies. January 1827, 1 day - On officer epaulettes, to distinguish ranks, forged stars were installed, as at that time introduced in regular troops 23. July 10, 1827 - In the Don horse artillery companies, round pompoms are installed at the lower ranks of red wool, officers have silver drawings 1121 and 1122 24 . 1829 August 7 days - Epaulettes on officer uniforms are installed with a scaly field,

A document regarding the clothing of the army, filed by General Field Marshal Prince Grigory Potemkin-Tavrichesky in the name of the Highest Name in 1782 to the extent of his prosperity, he burdened himself with iron armor of protection, such that they even extended to horses; then, undertaking long trips and forming squadrons, they began to lighten themselves; full armor was replaced by half

Espanton protazan, halberd Espanton, protazan partisan, halberd are actually ancient weapons of the pole type. Espanton and pierced weapons are piercing, and the halberd is piercing and chopping. By the end of the 17th century, with the development of firearms, they were all hopelessly outdated. It is difficult to say what Peter I was guided by when introducing these antiquities into service with non-commissioned officers and infantry officers of the newly created Russian Army. Most likely on the model of Western armies. As a weapon they played no

The clothing of military personnel is established by decrees, orders, rules or special normative acts. Wearing a naval uniform of a naval uniform is mandatory for military personnel of the armed forces of the state and other formations where military service is provided. In the armed forces of Russia, there are a number of accessories that were in the naval uniform of the times of the Russian Empire. These include shoulder straps, boots, long overcoats with buttonholes and signs of belonging.

Continuity and innovation in modern military heraldry The first official military heraldic sign is the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established on January 27, 1997 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in the form of a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding a sword in its paws, as the most common symbol of the armed defense of the Fatherland, and a wreath is a symbol of special importance, significance and honor of military labor. This emblem was established to mark the belonging

Officers of the Cossack troops, who are under the Office of the Military Ministry, full dress and festive uniforms. May 7, 1869. The Life Guards Cossack Regiment marching uniform. September 30, 1867. Generals in the army Cossack units full dress. March 18, 1855 Adjutant General, listed in the Cossack units in full dress. March 18, 1855 Adjutant wing, listed in the Cossack units in full dress. March 18, 1855

The accession to the throne of Emperor Alexander I was marked by a change in the uniform of the Russian army. The new uniform combined fashion trends and traditions of Catherine's reign. The soldiers dressed in tailcoat-style uniforms with high collars, boots replaced all ranks with boots. Jaegers of the light infantry received hats with a brim, reminiscent of civilian top hats. A characteristic detail of the new uniform of heavy infantry soldiers was a leather helmet with a high horsehair plume.

THE EMPEROR, on the 22nd day of February and the 27th day of October of this year, the Highest command deigned to 1. Generals, Headquarters and Chief Officers and lower ranks of all Cossack troops, except for the Caucasian, and except for the Guards Cossack units, as well as civil officials consisting in the service in the Cossack troops and in the regional boards and departments in the service of the Kuban and Terek regions, named in articles 1-8 of the attached list, Appendix 1, to have uniforms according to the attached

The army is the armed organization of the state. Consequently, the main difference between the army and other state organizations is that it is armed, that is, in order to perform its functions, it has a complex of various types of weapons and means that ensure their use. In 1812, the Russian army was armed with cold and firearms, as well as protective weapons. To edged weapons, the combat use of which is not related to the use of explosives for the period under review -

Almost all the countries of Europe were involved in the wars of conquest, which were continuously waged by the Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte at the beginning of the last century. In the historically short period of 1801-1812, he managed to subjugate almost all of Western Europe to his influence, but this was not enough for him. The emperor of France claimed world domination, and Russia became the main obstacle on his way to the top of world glory. In five years I will be the master of the world, he declared in an ambitious impulse, it remains

107 Cossack regiments and 2.5 Cossack horse artillery companies participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. They constituted irregular searches, that is, part of the armed forces that did not have a permanent organization and differed from regular military formations in recruitment, service, training, and uniforms. The Cossacks were a special military estate, which included the population of certain territories of Russia, which constituted the corresponding Cossack army of the Don, Ural, Orenburg, Ukrainian

The Russian army, which owns the honor of victory over the Napoleonic hordes in the Patriotic War of 1812, consisted of several types of armed forces and military branches. The types of armed forces included the ground forces and the navy. The ground forces included several branches of the military, infantry, cavalry, artillery and pioneers, or engineers now sappers. The invading troops of Napoleon on the western borders of Russia were opposed by 3 Russian armies of the 1st Western under the command of General

In the reign of Alexander III there were no wars or major battles. All decisions on foreign policy were made personally by the Sovereign. The post of state chancellor was even abolished. In foreign policy, Alexander III took a course towards rapprochement with France, and in building the army, much attention was paid to recreating the naval power of Russia. The emperor understood that the absence of a strong fleet had deprived Russia of a significant part of its great-power weight. During his reign, it was necessary

The science of ancient Russian weapons has a long tradition; it originated from the moment of discovery in 1808 at the site of the famous Lipitsk battle in 1216, a helmet and chain mail, possibly belonging to Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Historians and experts in the study of ancient weapons of the last century A. V. Viskovatov, E. E. Lenz, P. I. Savvaitov, N. E. Brandenburg attached considerable importance to the collection and classification of items of military equipment. They also began decoding and its terminology, including -. neck words like

A military uniform is not only clothing that is supposed to be comfortable, durable, practical and light enough so that a person carrying the hardships of military service is reliably protected from the vicissitudes of weather and climate, but also a kind of visiting card of any army. Since the uniform appeared in Europe in the 17th century, the representative role of the uniform has been very high. The uniform in the old days spoke about the rank of its wearer and what kind of troops he belonged to, and even in which regiment he served.

His Imperial Majesty's Own Convoy was the formation of the Russian guard, which carried out the protection of the royal person. The main core of the convoy were the Cossacks of the Terek and Kuban Cossack troops. Circassians, Nogays, Stavropol Turkmens, other mountaineers-Muslims of the Caucasus, Azerbaijanis, a team of Muslims, from 1857 the fourth platoon of the Life Guards of the Caucasian squadron, Georgians, Crimean Tatars, and other nationalities of the Russian Empire also served in the Convoy. The official date of the founding of the convoy

From the author. This article provides a brief excursion into the history of the emergence and development of uniforms of the Siberian Cossack army. The Cossack form of the era of the reign of Nicholas II, the form in which the Siberian Cossack army went down in history, is considered in more detail. The material is intended for novice historians-uniformists, military-historical reenactors and for modern Siberian Cossacks. In the picture on the left is the military sign of the Siberian Cossack army. Unfortunately,

The uniform of the army hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1741-1788 the army had little need for regular light cavalry. The first official hussar units in the Russian army appeared during the reign of the Empress

The uniform of the army hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1796-1801 In the previous article, we talked about the uniform of the Russian army hussars during the reign of Empresses Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II from 1741 to 1788. After Paul I ascended the throne, he revived the army hussar regiments, but introduced Prussian-Gatchina motifs into their uniforms. Moreover, from November 29, 1796, the names of the hussar regiments became the former name by the name of their chief

The uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1801-1825 In the two previous articles we talked about the uniform of the Russian army hussars of 1741-1788 and 1796-1801. In this article we will talk about the hussar uniform of the reign of Emperor Alexander I. So, let's get started ... On March 31, 1801, all the hussar regiments of the army cavalry were given the following names: hussar regiment, new name Melissino

Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1826-1855 We continue the series of articles on the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments. In previous articles, we reviewed the hussar uniforms of 1741-1788, 1796-1801 and 1801-1825. In this article we will talk about the changes that occurred during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. In 1826-1854, the following hussar regiments were renamed, created or disbanded.

Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1855-1882 We continue the series of articles on the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments. In previous articles, we got acquainted with the hussar uniform of 1741-1788, 1796-1801, 1801-1825 and 1826-1855. In this article we will talk about the changes in the uniform of Russian hussars that took place during the reign of Emperors Alexander II and Alexander III. On May 7, 1855, the following changes were made to the uniform of officers of the army hussars

The uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1907-1918 We are finishing a series of articles on the uniform of the Russian army hussars of 1741-1788, 1796-1801, 1801-1825, 1826-1855 and 1855-1882. In the last article of the cycle, we will talk about the uniform of the restored army hussars in the reign of Nicholas II. From 1882 to 1907, there were only two hussar regiments in the Russian Empire, both in the Imperial Guard of the Life Guards, His Majesty's Hussar Regiment and the Grodno Life Guards

There is a version that the forerunner of the Lancers was the light cavalry of the army of the conqueror Genghis Khan, whose special detachments were called oglans and were used mainly for reconnaissance and outpost service, as well as for sudden and swift attacks on the enemy in order to disrupt his ranks and prepare an attack on the main forces. An important part of the weapons of the oglans were pikes, decorated with weathervanes. In the reign of Empress Catherine II, it was decided to form a regiment that seems to contain

Artillery has long played an important role in the army of Moscow Russia. Despite the difficulties with the transportation of guns in the eternal Russian impassability, the main attention was paid to the casting of heavy guns and mortars - guns that could be used in the siege of fortresses. Under Peter I, some steps towards the reorganization of artillery were taken as early as 1699, but only after the Narva defeat did it begin in all seriousness. The guns began to be reduced to batteries intended for field battles, defense

1 Don Ataman, XVII century The Don Cossacks of the XVII century consisted of old Cossacks and Golota. The old Cossacks were those who came from the Cossack families of the 16th century and were born on the Don. Golota was called the Cossacks in the first generation. Golota, who was lucky in battles, grew rich and became old Cossacks. Expensive fur on a hat, a silk caftan, a zipun from bright overseas cloth, a saber and firearms - a squeaker or a carbine were indicators of the Cossack's wealth.

Military uniforms are called clothes established by rules or special decrees, the wearing of which is mandatory for any military unit and for each branch of the military. The form symbolizes the function of its bearer and his belonging to the organization. The stable phrase honor of the uniform means military or corporate honor in general. Even in the Roman army, soldiers were given the same weapons and armor. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to depict the coat of arms of a city, kingdom or feudal lord on shields,

The goal of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, to which all the economic and administrative resources of the empire were subordinated, was the creation of the army as the most effective state machine. The army inherited by Tsar Peter, who had difficulty perceiving the military science of contemporary Europe, can be called an army with a big stretch, and the cavalry in it was much less than in the armies of the European powers. The words of one of the Russian noblemen of the late 17th century are known. It is a shame to look at the cavalry of the horse

From the author. In this article, the author does not claim to fully cover all issues related to the history, uniform, equipment and structure of the Russian army cavalry, but only tried to briefly talk about the types of uniforms in 1907-1914. Those who wish to get more deeply acquainted with the uniform, way of life, customs and traditions of the Russian army cavalry can refer to the primary sources given in the bibliography for this article. Dragoons At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian cavalry was considered

The corps of military topographers was created in 1822 with the aim of topographic topographic and geodetic support of the armed forces, carrying out state cartographic surveys in the interests of both the armed forces and the state as a whole, under the leadership of the military topographic depot of the General Staff, as a single customer of cartographic products in the Russian Empire . Chief officer of the Corps of military topographers in a semi-caftan of the times

At the very end of the XVII century. Peter I decided to reorganize the Russian army according to the European model. The basis for the future army was the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, which already in August 1700 formed the Royal Guard. The uniform of the soldiers of the Fusiliers of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment consisted of a caftan, camisole, trousers, stockings, shoes, a tie, a hat and an epanchi. The caftan, see the image below, is made of dark green cloth, knee-length, instead of a collar it had a cloth

During the First World War of 1914-1918, in the Russian Imperial Army, the tunic of arbitrary imitation models of English and French models, which received the general name French after the name of the English General John French, became widespread. The design features of the service jackets mainly consisted in the design of a soft turn-down collar, or a soft standing collar with a button closure, like the collar of a Russian tunic, adjustable cuff width with the help of

1 Half head of Moscow archers, 17th century In the middle of the 17th century, Moscow archers formed a separate corps as part of the streltsy army. Organizationally, they were divided into orders of the regiment, which were headed by head colonels and half-heads by majors lieutenant colonels. Each order was divided into hundreds of companies, commanded by centurion captains. Officers from the head to the centurion were appointed by their decree from the tsar from the nobility. The companies, in turn, were divided into two platoons of fifty

In the first half of 1700, 29 infantry regiments were formed, and in 1724 their number increased to 46. The uniform of the army field infantry regiments did not differ in cut from the guards, but the colors of the cloth from which the caftans were sewn were extremely colorful. In some cases, soldiers of the same regiment were dressed in uniforms of different colors. Until 1720, a cap was a very common headdress, see fig. below. It consisted of a cylindrical crown and a band sewn on

In 1711, among other positions, two new positions appeared in the Russian army - adjutant wing and adjutant general. These were especially trusted military personnel, belonging to the highest military leaders, and from 1713 to the emperor, who carried out responsible assignments and controlled the execution of orders given by the military leader. Later, when the Table of Ranks was created in 1722, these positions were included in it, respectively. Classes were defined for them and they were equated

Since 1883, the Cossack units began to favor only standards that fully corresponded in size and images to the cavalry standards, while the cloth was made according to the color of the uniform of the army, and the border was the color of the instrument cloth. From March 14, 1891, the Cossack units were granted banners of reduced size, that is, the same standards, but on black banner poles. Banner of the 4th Don Cossack Division. Russia. 1904 Sample 1904 is fully consistent with a similar model

Adjutant General, Chief Officer of the Life Guards of His Majesty's Cossack Regiment and Cossack of the field cavalry regiments of the Ural Cossack Host in the ordinary form orders for the military department of 1883 64 and 72. Headquarters and chief officers serving in the military district departments and institutions subordinate to them, ordinary uniform and chekmen order of the military department of 1892 305. Life Guards Caucasian Cossack squadrons 1 Trumpeter of His Imperial Majesty, 2 Trumpeter

A military uniform is not only clothing that is supposed to be comfortable, durable, practical and light enough so that a person carrying the hardships of military service is reliably protected from the vicissitudes of weather and climate, but also a kind of visiting card of any army. Since the uniform appeared in Europe in the 17th century, the representative role of the uniform has been very high.
The uniform in the old days spoke about the rank of its wearer and what kind of troops he belonged to, and even in which regiment he served. But the military attire had another functional purpose - one that justified the brightness of its colors - to facilitate the command of battle formations on the battlefield. In order for the commanders to understand the situation, their subordinates had to wear uniforms that were not only noticeable and catchy from afar, but also different from those worn by the enemy soldiers. Based on this, the states unified the cut and colors of the uniforms (hence the name "uniform") of their troops. At the same time, infantry was assigned one color, another cavalry, third artillery ... Since all three types of troops could also be divided (cavalry, for example, consisted of dragoons, cuirassiers, lancers, hussars, etc.), the uniform became more colorful and more colorful. But the main colors remained traditional: the British are red, the French are blue, the Austrians are white, the Russians ... We will tell you more about the Russian military uniform.
In the Russian army, a uniform uniform for the troops was introduced during the reform period of the late 17th - early 18th centuries, during the reign of Peter I. Created on the model of Western Europe, the infantry and artillery uniforms included a caftan, under which a camisole, short pants, stockings and shoes; the cavalry has a caftan, camisole, leggings. The colors respectively were: dark green and red in the infantry, blue and red in the cavalry, red in the artillery. The hats of all military branches were black. The insignia for an officer were a metal plate worn around the neck, a scarf over the shoulder, and galloons around the cuffs of the caftan.
This was the basis on which military uniforms developed during the eighteenth century. The uniform has evolved along the path of great diversity, functional improvement and often unjustified complication.
The increased diversity was caused by the emergence of new varieties of troops. So, if the regular cavalry of the time of Peter the Great consisted of only dragoons, then later carabinieri, cavalry guards, pikemen, horse rangers, light horse regiments, etc. were established.
In the second half of the 18th century, the army received flat epaulettes and epaulettes, which were originally worn on the left shoulder, preventing the cartridge bag from slipping. At the same time, they serve as the insignia of the regiments.
Cloaks are replaced by overcoats, officers out of formation receive frock coats. The form, established in 1786, was the most convenient of all that the 18th century had seen. At the initiative of G. Potemkin, the army was dressed in loose-fitting uniforms, jackets, spacious trousers, boots (previously only worn by cavalrymen) and light practical helmets. At the same time, the uniform changed color to light green.
However, the general trend in the development of uniforms still went in a different direction - convenience and practicality were sacrificed to fashion. The conditions of the local climate were completely ignored, and samples of the Western European form, which was a real torment for the soldier, were blindly transferred to Russian soil. It came to the point that the then instructions ordered the recruit to "dress little by little, from week to week, so as not to suddenly tie him up and disturb him." Ridiculous powdered wigs and false mustaches do not require comments ...
In the 18th century, two ardent admirers of the Prussian military system, Peter III (reigned for several months in 1761-1762) and Paul I (1796-1801), for whom the barracks of Frederick the Great were an ideal, visited the Russian throne. The names of these emperors are associated with the adoption by the Russian army of the most uncomfortable uniforms in its entire history.
The motley mosaic of ancient uniforms is of interest not only to an art historian who needs knowledge in this area to attribute anonymous portraits. Behind every reality that has come down from the depths of centuries, there are pages of the past of our fatherland, the people who were our ancestors, and the events in which they participated. The military uniform of the 18th century resurrects in the memory of the people the feats in the Northern War, the names of P. Rumyantsev, A. Suvorov, F. Ushakov, A. Senyavin, resounding victories that fanned Russian banners with military glory. In a word, an old uniform is a colorful part of the history of our country, which every citizen should know.
The set of postcards brought to your attention does not pretend to give exhaustive information on this immense topic - the evolution of Russian military uniforms of the 18th century. Its task is much more modest - to display the most characteristic image of the form of all the main branches of the military in various periods between 1700 and 1800. To do this, the artist had to review many dozens of old books, albums and documents, as well as long and painstaking work in the archives and storerooms of museums.
The set of informative postcards "Russian military uniform of the 18th century", made by Vladimir Semenov, is not the first work of the artist dedicated to the military theme, the past of the Russian army. He also authored a set of postcards "Russian armor of the X-XVII centuries", the logical continuation of which is the present issue.
There is every reason to believe that the artist's work will find a wide audience among people interested in Russian history.

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Military uniforms in Russia, as in other countries, arose earlier than all others. The main requirements that they had to satisfy were functional convenience, uniformity in the branches and types of troops, a clear difference from the armies of other countries. The attitude to the military uniform in Russia has always been very interested and even loving. The uniform served as a reminder of military prowess, honor and a high sense of military camaraderie. It was believed that the military uniform was the most elegant and attractive

The gorget is a crescent-shaped metal plate approximately 20x12 cm in size, suspended horizontally by the ends on the officer's chest near the throat. Designed to determine the rank of an officer. More often in the literature it is referred to as an officer's badge, neck badge, officer's badge. However, the correct name for this element of military clothing is gorget. In some publications, in particular in the book A. Kuznetsov Awards, the gorget is mistakenly considered a collective award sign. but

Until April 6, 1834, they were called companies. January 1827, 1 day - On officer epaulettes, to distinguish ranks, forged stars were installed, as at that time introduced in regular troops 23. July 10, 1827 - In the Don horse artillery companies, round pompoms are installed at the lower ranks of red wool, officers have silver drawings 1121 and 1122 24 . 1829 August 7 days - Epaulettes on officer uniforms are installed with a scaly field,

A document regarding the clothing of the army, filed by General Field Marshal Prince Grigory Potemkin-Tavrichesky in the name of the Highest Name in 1782 to the extent of his prosperity, he burdened himself with iron armor of protection, such that they even extended to horses; then, undertaking long trips and forming squadrons, they began to lighten themselves; full armor was replaced by half

Espanton protazan, halberd Espanton, protazan partisan, halberd are actually ancient weapons of the pole type. Espanton and pierced weapons are piercing, and the halberd is piercing and chopping. By the end of the 17th century, with the development of firearms, they were all hopelessly outdated. It is difficult to say what Peter I was guided by when introducing these antiquities into service with non-commissioned officers and infantry officers of the newly created Russian Army. Most likely on the model of Western armies. As a weapon they played no

The clothing of military personnel is established by decrees, orders, rules or special normative acts. Wearing a naval uniform of a naval uniform is mandatory for military personnel of the armed forces of the state and other formations where military service is provided. In the armed forces of Russia, there are a number of accessories that were in the naval uniform of the times of the Russian Empire. These include shoulder straps, boots, long overcoats with buttonholes and signs of belonging.

Continuity and innovation in modern military heraldry The first official military heraldic sign is the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established on January 27, 1997 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in the form of a golden double-headed eagle with outstretched wings, holding a sword in its paws, as the most common symbol of the armed defense of the Fatherland, and a wreath is a symbol of special importance, significance and honor of military labor. This emblem was established to mark the belonging

Officers of the Cossack troops, who are under the Office of the Military Ministry, full dress and festive uniforms. May 7, 1869. The Life Guards Cossack Regiment marching uniform. September 30, 1867. Generals in the army Cossack units full dress. March 18, 1855 Adjutant General, listed in the Cossack units in full dress. March 18, 1855 Adjutant wing, listed in the Cossack units in full dress. March 18, 1855

The accession to the throne of Emperor Alexander I was marked by a change in the uniform of the Russian army. The new uniform combined fashion trends and traditions of Catherine's reign. The soldiers dressed in tailcoat-style uniforms with high collars, boots replaced all ranks with boots. Jaegers of the light infantry received hats with a brim, reminiscent of civilian top hats. A characteristic detail of the new uniform of heavy infantry soldiers was a leather helmet with a high horsehair plume.

THE EMPEROR, on the 22nd day of February and the 27th day of October of this year, the Highest command deigned to 1. Generals, Headquarters and Chief Officers and lower ranks of all Cossack troops, except for the Caucasian, and except for the Guards Cossack units, as well as civil officials consisting in the service in the Cossack troops and in the regional boards and departments in the service of the Kuban and Terek regions, named in articles 1-8 of the attached list, Appendix 1, to have uniforms according to the attached

The army is the armed organization of the state. Consequently, the main difference between the army and other state organizations is that it is armed, that is, in order to perform its functions, it has a complex of various types of weapons and means that ensure their use. In 1812, the Russian army was armed with cold and firearms, as well as protective weapons. To edged weapons, the combat use of which is not related to the use of explosives for the period under review -

Almost all the countries of Europe were involved in the wars of conquest, which were continuously waged by the Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte at the beginning of the last century. In the historically short period of 1801-1812, he managed to subjugate almost all of Western Europe to his influence, but this was not enough for him. The emperor of France claimed world domination, and Russia became the main obstacle on his way to the top of world glory. In five years I will be the master of the world, he declared in an ambitious impulse, it remains

107 Cossack regiments and 2.5 Cossack horse artillery companies participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. They constituted irregular searches, that is, part of the armed forces that did not have a permanent organization and differed from regular military formations in recruitment, service, training, and uniforms. The Cossacks were a special military estate, which included the population of certain territories of Russia, which constituted the corresponding Cossack army of the Don, Ural, Orenburg, Ukrainian

The Russian army, which owns the honor of victory over the Napoleonic hordes in the Patriotic War of 1812, consisted of several types of armed forces and military branches. The types of armed forces included the ground forces and the navy. The ground forces included several branches of the military, infantry, cavalry, artillery and pioneers, or engineers now sappers. The invading troops of Napoleon on the western borders of Russia were opposed by 3 Russian armies of the 1st Western under the command of General

In the reign of Alexander III there were no wars or major battles. All decisions on foreign policy were made personally by the Sovereign. The post of state chancellor was even abolished. In foreign policy, Alexander III took a course towards rapprochement with France, and in building the army, much attention was paid to recreating the naval power of Russia. The emperor understood that the absence of a strong fleet had deprived Russia of a significant part of its great-power weight. During his reign, it was necessary

The science of ancient Russian weapons has a long tradition; it originated from the moment of discovery in 1808 at the site of the famous Lipitsk battle in 1216, a helmet and chain mail, possibly belonging to Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Historians and experts in the study of ancient weapons of the last century A. V. Viskovatov, E. E. Lenz, P. I. Savvaitov, N. E. Brandenburg attached considerable importance to the collection and classification of items of military equipment. They also began decoding and its terminology, including -. neck words like

1. PRIVATE GRENADER REGIMENT. 1809 Selected soldiers, designed to throw hand grenades during the siege of fortresses, first appeared during the Thirty Years' War 1618-1648. The grenadier units selected people of high stature, distinguished by their courage and knowledge of military affairs. In Russia, from the end of the 17th century, grenadiers were placed at the head of assault columns, to strengthen the flanks and to act against cavalry. By the beginning of the 19th century, the grenadiers had become a kind of elite troops that did not differ in weapons

His Imperial Majesty's Own Convoy was the formation of the Russian guard, which carried out the protection of the royal person. The main core of the convoy were the Cossacks of the Terek and Kuban Cossack troops. Circassians, Nogays, Stavropol Turkmens, other mountaineers-Muslims of the Caucasus, Azerbaijanis, a team of Muslims, from 1857 the fourth platoon of the Life Guards of the Caucasian squadron, Georgians, Crimean Tatars, and other nationalities of the Russian Empire also served in the Convoy. The official date of the founding of the convoy

From the author. This article provides a brief excursion into the history of the emergence and development of uniforms of the Siberian Cossack army. The Cossack form of the era of the reign of Nicholas II, the form in which the Siberian Cossack army went down in history, is considered in more detail. The material is intended for novice historians-uniformists, military-historical reenactors and for modern Siberian Cossacks. In the picture on the left is the military sign of the Siberian Cossack army. Unfortunately,

The uniform of the army hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1741-1788 the army had little need for regular light cavalry. The first official hussar units in the Russian army appeared during the reign of the Empress

The uniform of the army hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1796-1801 In the previous article, we talked about the uniform of the Russian army hussars during the reign of Empresses Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II from 1741 to 1788. After Paul I ascended the throne, he revived the army hussar regiments, but introduced Prussian-Gatchina motifs into their uniforms. Moreover, from November 29, 1796, the names of the hussar regiments became the former name by the name of their chief

The uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1801-1825 In the two previous articles we talked about the uniform of the Russian army hussars of 1741-1788 and 1796-1801. In this article we will talk about the hussar uniform of the reign of Emperor Alexander I. So, let's get started ... On March 31, 1801, all the hussar regiments of the army cavalry were given the following names: hussar regiment, new name Melissino

Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1826-1855 We continue the series of articles on the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments. In previous articles, we reviewed the hussar uniforms of 1741-1788, 1796-1801 and 1801-1825. In this article we will talk about the changes that occurred during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. In 1826-1854, the following hussar regiments were renamed, created or disbanded.

Uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1855-1882 We continue the series of articles on the uniform of the Russian army hussar regiments. In previous articles, we got acquainted with the hussar uniform of 1741-1788, 1796-1801, 1801-1825 and 1826-1855. In this article we will talk about the changes in the uniform of Russian hussars that took place during the reign of Emperors Alexander II and Alexander III. On May 7, 1855, the following changes were made to the uniform of officers of the army hussars

The uniform of the hussars of the Russian Imperial Army of 1907-1918 We are finishing a series of articles on the uniform of the Russian army hussars of 1741-1788, 1796-1801, 1801-1825, 1826-1855 and 1855-1882. In the last article of the cycle, we will talk about the uniform of the restored army hussars in the reign of Nicholas II. From 1882 to 1907, there were only two hussar regiments in the Russian Empire, both in the Imperial Guard of the Life Guards, His Majesty's Hussar Regiment and the Grodno Life Guards

There is a version that the forerunner of the Lancers was the light cavalry of the army of the conqueror Genghis Khan, whose special detachments were called oglans and were used mainly for reconnaissance and outpost service, as well as for sudden and swift attacks on the enemy in order to disrupt his ranks and prepare an attack on the main forces. An important part of the weapons of the oglans were pikes, decorated with weathervanes. In the reign of Empress Catherine II, it was decided to form a regiment that seems to contain

Artillery has long played an important role in the army of Moscow Russia. Despite the difficulties with the transportation of guns in the eternal Russian impassability, the main attention was paid to the casting of heavy guns and mortars - guns that could be used in the siege of fortresses. Under Peter I, some steps towards the reorganization of artillery were taken as early as 1699, but only after the Narva defeat did it begin in all seriousness. The guns began to be reduced to batteries intended for field battles, defense

1 Don Ataman, XVII century The Don Cossacks of the XVII century consisted of old Cossacks and Golota. The old Cossacks were those who came from the Cossack families of the 16th century and were born on the Don. Golota was called the Cossacks in the first generation. Golota, who was lucky in battles, grew rich and became old Cossacks. Expensive fur on a hat, a silk caftan, a zipun from bright overseas cloth, a saber and firearms - a squeaker or a carbine were indicators of the Cossack's wealth.

Military uniforms are called clothes established by rules or special decrees, the wearing of which is mandatory for any military unit and for each branch of the military. The form symbolizes the function of its bearer and his belonging to the organization. The stable phrase honor of the uniform means military or corporate honor in general. Even in the Roman army, soldiers were given the same weapons and armor. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to depict the coat of arms of a city, kingdom or feudal lord on shields,

The goal of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, to which all the economic and administrative resources of the empire were subordinated, was the creation of the army as the most effective state machine. The army inherited by Tsar Peter, who had difficulty perceiving the military science of contemporary Europe, can be called an army with a big stretch, and the cavalry in it was much less than in the armies of the European powers. The words of one of the Russian noblemen of the late 17th century are known. It is a shame to look at the cavalry of the horse

From the author. In this article, the author does not claim to fully cover all issues related to the history, uniform, equipment and structure of the Russian army cavalry, but only tried to briefly talk about the types of uniforms in 1907-1914. Those who wish to get more deeply acquainted with the uniform, way of life, customs and traditions of the Russian army cavalry can refer to the primary sources given in the bibliography for this article. Dragoons At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian cavalry was considered

The corps of military topographers was created in 1822 with the aim of topographic topographic and geodetic support of the armed forces, carrying out state cartographic surveys in the interests of both the armed forces and the state as a whole, under the leadership of the military topographic depot of the General Staff, as a single customer of cartographic products in the Russian Empire . Chief officer of the Corps of military topographers in a semi-caftan of the times

At the very end of the XVII century. Peter I decided to reorganize the Russian army according to the European model. The basis for the future army was the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, which already in August 1700 formed the Royal Guard. The uniform of the soldiers of the Fusiliers of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment consisted of a caftan, camisole, trousers, stockings, shoes, a tie, a hat and an epanchi. The caftan, see the image below, is made of dark green cloth, knee-length, instead of a collar it had a cloth

During the First World War of 1914-1918, in the Russian Imperial Army, the tunic of arbitrary imitation models of English and French models, which received the general name French after the name of the English General John French, became widespread. The design features of the service jackets mainly consisted in the design of a soft turn-down collar, or a soft standing collar with a button closure, like the collar of a Russian tunic, adjustable cuff width with the help of

1 Half head of Moscow archers, 17th century In the middle of the 17th century, Moscow archers formed a separate corps as part of the streltsy army. Organizationally, they were divided into orders of the regiment, which were headed by head colonels and half-heads by majors lieutenant colonels. Each order was divided into hundreds of companies, commanded by centurion captains. Officers from the head to the centurion were appointed by their decree from the tsar from the nobility. The companies, in turn, were divided into two platoons of fifty

In the first half of 1700, 29 infantry regiments were formed, and in 1724 their number increased to 46. The uniform of the army field infantry regiments did not differ in cut from the guards, but the colors of the cloth from which the caftans were sewn were extremely colorful. In some cases, soldiers of the same regiment were dressed in uniforms of different colors. Until 1720, a cap was a very common headdress, see fig. below. It consisted of a cylindrical crown and a band sewn on

In 1711, among other positions, two new positions appeared in the Russian army - adjutant wing and adjutant general. These were especially trusted military personnel, belonging to the highest military leaders, and from 1713 to the emperor, who carried out responsible assignments and controlled the execution of orders given by the military leader. Later, when the Table of Ranks was created in 1722, these positions were included in it, respectively. Classes were defined for them and they were equated

Since 1883, the Cossack units began to favor only standards that fully corresponded in size and images to the cavalry standards, while the cloth was made according to the color of the uniform of the army, and the border was the color of the instrument cloth. From March 14, 1891, the Cossack units were granted banners of reduced size, that is, the same standards, but on black banner poles. Banner of the 4th Don Cossack Division. Russia. 1904 Sample 1904 is fully consistent with a similar model

Adjutant General, Chief Officer of the Life Guards of His Majesty's Cossack Regiment and Cossack of the field cavalry regiments of the Ural Cossack Host in the ordinary form orders for the military department of 1883 64 and 72. Headquarters and chief officers serving in the military district departments and institutions subordinate to them, ordinary uniform and chekmen order of the military department of 1892 305. Life Guards Caucasian Cossack squadrons 1 Trumpeter of His Imperial Majesty, 2 Trumpeter

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