Management of educational systems. Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M., Shibanova G.N. Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova – founder of the scientific school of Educational Systems Management

Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova - founder scientific school Management educational systems

T.I. Shamova graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Institute in 1947. She worked at school as a teacher, head teacher, and director for 12 years. Then she worked as director of the Novosibirsk Institute for Teacher Improvement. In 1966 she defended her Ph.D. thesis “Organization of cognitive actions of students in problem-based learning (based on the material of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle).” Since 1969, she was transferred to Moscow as Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Research Institute of Schools of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. For three years from 1978 she worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Soviet Pedagogy”. In 1978, at the dissertation council at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MGPI), she defended her doctoral dissertation “The problem of intensifying schoolchildren’s learning (didactic concept and ways to implement the principle of activity in learning).”

In 1982, Tatyana Ivanovna was appointed dean of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of education workers at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Under the leadership of T.I. Shamov Faculty and Department

scientific foundations of school management have become the leading scientific, methodological and educational center of the system additional education, where all categories of heads of educational institutions in Russia study, improve their skills and undergo retraining. In 1992, on the initiative and under the direct leadership of T.I. Shamova opens the first master's degree in Russia for the training of educational managers, giving managers the opportunity to receive a full-fledged professional management education. In 1993 T.I. Shamova was elected corresponding member Russian Academy education, awarded in 1998 honorary title"Honored Scientist Russian Federation" In 2000, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Tatyana Ivanovna was awarded the medal “K.D. Ushinsky" In 2004, Tatyana Ivanovna was awarded the V.A. medal. Sukhomlinsky”, on which it is written: “I give my heart to children.”

Over the forty years of the existence of the scientific school under the leadership of Tatyana Ivanovna and her students, it was protected a large number of candidate and doctoral dissertations, which theoretically substantiated research, reflective, problem-functional, program-targeted, cluster and other progressive approaches to education management. The scientific school of Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova is famous, has a scientific reputation, and has a high research level scientific works, the activities of the school are time-tested. All modern pedagogy textbooks necessarily pay due attention to the concept of intensifying educational activities by T.I. Shamova, who considers activity as the quality of this activity, in which the personality of the student himself is manifested with his attitude to the content, nature of the activity and the desire to mobilize his moral and volitional efforts to achieve educational and cognitive goals. Tatyana Ivanovna Shamova entered the history of the domestic theory of intra-school management as the unique author of the most coherent and holistic concept of management

cycle. The development and implementation of appropriate scientific and methodological support for the activities of educational institutions at all levels, the creation of modern management models, optimization of the content and forms of high-quality functioning of the system for advanced training of education workers are the main directions of the scientific school of T.I. Shamova.

Basic scientific publications: “Activation of schoolchildren’s learning” (1976, 1979, 2004), “ Pedagogical analysis lesson in the system of intra-school management" (1983, 2009, co-authored with Yu.A. Konarzhevsky), "Research approach to school management" (1992, 2004), "Management in school management" (1995), “The educational system of the school: essence, content, management (2005, co-authored with G.N. Shibanova), “Management of educational systems” (2005-2011, co-authored with T.M. Davydenko, G.N. Shibanova ), “Management of specialized training based on a person-centered approach” (2006, co-authored with G.N. Podchalimova, A.N. Khudin), “Selected Works” (2004), “Selected Works” (2009 .), “Development of educational and cognitive competence of students: experience in designing an in-school system of educational, methodological and management support” (2010, co-authored with S.G. Vorovshchikov, M.M. Novozhilova), etc.

– The global challenge today is the formation in Russia of a fundamentally different economy based on knowledge, its rapid renewal and the emergence of new professions. The complex integrative nature of the challenge and the objectively existing time and resource limitations undoubtedly make it difficult to solve the problem.

And at the same time, life requires quick responses to these actions. In the current situation, the entire education system needs to meet the requirements of the challenge, and, first of all, the system of general secondary education must undergo changes.

A concrete response to this requirement is the Federal State educational standard general education second generation. It is still being finalized, but, nevertheless, now we should determine a set of specific actions to develop existing and create new resources and their integration.

Naturally, for us, those involved in advanced training, the leading resource is human resources. And therefore, when discussing the draft standard, all participants should be prepared educational process to its successful implementation in educational practice.

To do this, it is first necessary to highlight in it those specific fundamental provisions whose innovative nature is extremely important. And then outline a system of actions, define competencies and, on their basis, create programs, technologies, forms of improving the professional competence of both teachers and heads of educational institutions.

The innovation of the new standard lies in the fact that it considers education not just as a service, but as the most important social activities society. Let me emphasize: for the first time, the educational standard of general education is represented by a social contract between all subjects of education - the individual, the family, society and the state.

You feel? In this tandem, a fourth subject appeared - the family. This means that for the first time in national history education performs not a narrow sectoral, but a strategic task: to identify and fix in the form of a norm all practically significant issues in this area. This provision is a prerequisite for the practical implementation of the principle of mutual consent, which, undoubtedly, should affect the nature of education management and increase the level of its integrity through, first of all, the introduction of a new component and this connection.

Because the the main task our state is building a civil society, it is natural that the standard highlights social justice, equality of opportunity, well-being of citizens, security of the individual and the country as value ideals. From all that has been said it follows main mission of general education: the formation of Russian ideology as a condition for the formation civil society, strengthening Russian statehood, increasing the competitiveness of human capital.

Strategic development goal Russian education is to improve its quality based on achieving other educational results. I would like to emphasize this. Therefore, it is important to answer the question: what is the innovative nature of educational results?

Educational results currently mean an increase in the personal development of students, which can be used in solving problems that are significant to the individual.. Thus, the main difference final results is a fundamentally different methodological approach in focusing them not only on knowledge generation, but also on the development of the personality of the student himself, his mastery of universal methods of educational activity at all subsequent stages of further education.

Shifting the center of gravity to personal development will require timely changes both in the selection of the content of education itself and in significant restructuring educational environment schools. It's about about new forms of educational organization, other educational technologies, open information and educational environment, etc.

An example of such changes is the intensive use of multimedia technologies: electronic textbooks, presentations, Internet technologies, interactive education. At present, all this is still fragmentary.

Needed for school, from mine points of view, a fundamentally new textbook. For example, one that will consist of two parts: one is paper, and the second is multimedia, but both of them will form a single whole. Then each child, working individually, could move through it at his own pace. This does not mean at all that such a benefit will banish the collective way of activity. Absolutely everything can be provided for in it.

The first steps in integrating innovative and traditional methodological resources are being taken today in educational institutions. For example, at experimental sites working under the leadership of our department: in the schools “Rosinka”, “Samson”, in school No. 354, where these Readings are held.

The essence of modern challenges requires updating the content of education in the direction of strengthening its fundamentality and systematicity, but, of course, not through the introduction of elements of higher mathematics in the 1st grade. The methodological basis for solving this problem is to identify the fundamental core of general secondary education, where fundamentality and consistency should be realized through subject content.

The implementation of this approach should go through (as indicated in the standard) the brevity of fixing generalized content, the refusal of details, and the disposal of outdated and secondary content.

The main core of the standard defines all those elements of scientific knowledge, functional culture and functional literacy, without mastering or without familiarity with which the level of general education achieved by Russian school graduates beginning of the XXI century, cannot be considered sufficient for the full promotion of education and subsequent personal development.

But the most important thing that I want to draw your attention to, which has never been in our standard, is universal learning activities, without mastering which the implementation of successful educational and cognitive activities, self-education, self-development, as well as the management of these processes is impossible. This is an extremely important innovation.

A special place in the standard is occupied by the program of education and socialization of students. It pays attention to the spiritual and moral development of schoolchildren, which should be carried out through the inclusion of the child in cultural and moral traditions and introducing him to the life of those social groups who are bearers of traditional values.

Naturally, this process must begin with the very first social community - the family. And this once again confirms the need for close collaboration between her and the school.

The standard is based on a system-activity approach. Another distinctive feature of it is that it emphasizes the role of education as a system-forming component of the design of the standard as a whole.

The activity approach determines a change in the general paradigm in management. It is reflected in defining the goals of school education (mastering knowledge, skills and abilities); in determining learning goals (formation of competencies that ensure mastery of new competencies); in the process of transition from an individual form of knowledge acquisition to recognition of the decisive role of educational cooperation.

Now is the time to ask the question: What should management be like to ensure the successful implementation of the new standard in school practice?

We know that management can be systemic, synergetic, person-oriented, operational, project-based, proactive, reflexive, corporate, strategic, risk management, participatory, etc. You can group these types of activities. But, one way or another, each type of management (if we can call it a type) has the right to exist.

However, when choosing one or another of them, many managers often find it difficult and do not always think that it is for this reason that they do not achieve the desired goal.

Regardless of the many types of management, there are those that have a methodological essence and epistemological character. These include: systemic, activity-based, research, advanced. And all these types of advanced management unite.

Why? Because it is precisely it that has such an important quality as integrative character, and pursues the goal, based on what has been achieved, to determine the future and on this basis to prepare the necessary resources that should provide further development. Only under this condition can one achieve sustainable development educational system.

I can say that forward management is high-quality management of the quality of education .

What exactly do you and I need to do? In my opinion, the main thing is to outline a system of certain actions now. And, based on the leading educational paradigm, highlight innovations that are relevant for a particular educational institution.

After all, all schools are at different levels and stages of development. And what may become something new for someone, will be a passed stage for another.

That's why first home The task is that each educational institution will highlight its own innovations.

Second task– to determine the competencies of subjects of the educational process that allow them to successfully implement innovation in the process of joint activities.

AND third– it is necessary to develop a program to improve the professional competence of all participants in the implementation of innovation, focused on meeting the standard.

Huge The importance in successfully achieving goals is to unite the efforts of scientists-teachers and teaching practitioners. Therefore, our department is counting on the experimental sites of Moscow and on its own joint activities with experimental sites in other Russian cities. Only with such cooperation we will create a system of advanced training and develop a program, according to which we will improve our qualifications in professional competence.

I focused on the issue of a new educational standard because I think it is very relevant. And no matter what happens now, in a year or two we will be forced to deal with it closely. Therefore, I urge you to prepare for this issue today.

And if you want to better understand what will happen next with management, then I can recommend you one book. It is difficult, and you need to not only read it, but work it through - A. Prigogine “Disorganization. Causes, types, overcoming”, from Alpina Business Books, 2007.

Tutorial intended for independent work on assimilation of information reflecting the state scientific knowledge in the field of educational systems management different types. The essence of the educational process is revealed, modern educational technologies. The material is presented in modular blocks, which allows you to use books for self-education.
For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It may be useful for teachers and managers of primary vocational and secondary education, advanced training systems for teaching staff, and students of teacher training colleges.

Especially acute problem goals became in connection with the practical application of the ideas of a technological approach to organizing the learning process.

Pedagogical goals are an ideal, consciously planned image of the result of the educational process in relation to the actions and conditions that generate it. Pedagogical means act not only as the cause of the result, but also as a factor determining the goal itself.

The result, fixed in goals, is expressed in shifts, changes that occur in knowledge, skills, personal qualities, the character of the students, their relationships, value orientations, in the development of personality as a whole.

Introduction 3
Modular program 1 " general characteristics educational systems" 5
M-0. Comprehensive didactic goal 5
M-1. Systems approach in pedagogy 5
M-2. Educational systems 6
Modular program 2. “Educational process as a dynamic system” - 11
M-0. Comprehensive didactic goal 11
M-1 Incoming control _ 11
M-2. Holistic educational process 15
M-3. Goals of the educational process 27
M-4. Contents of general education 37
M-5. Methods of implementing the educational process 51
M-6. “Forms of organizing the educational process 60
M-7. Output control 74
Modular program 3. “Didactic systems” 76
M-0. Comprehensive didactic goal 76
M-1 The learning process as a system 76
M-2. Essence, content and structure of teaching 88
M-3. Didactic concepts 99
M-4. The training session as a whole pedagogical system 119
Modular program 4. “Educational system” 172
M-1. Essence, content and structure of the educational system 173
M-2. Student development 186
M-3. Pedagogical interaction with students’ parents (parent education) 215
Modular program 5. “Management of educational systems” 232
M-0. Complex didactic goal 232
M-1. Characteristic management activities 232
M-2. Management of the educational process 237
M-3. Managing the development of the educational system 242
M-4. Managing teaching as a self-governing system 248
M-5. Quality management of educational systems 266
Modular program 6. “Management” educational activities students in various educational technologies" 294
M-0. Complex didactic goal 294
M-1. Types of training 294
M-2. Educational Technology 301
M-3. Summary (summary) 349
M-4. Output control 354
Applications 366.

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Management of educational systems: textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / Shamova T.I. Davydenko T.M. Shibanova G.N.; Ed. T.I. Shamova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002.- 384 p.

The scientific literature contains about 40 formulations of the concept “system”. At the same time, two main approaches to its formulation are distinguished: 1) indicating its integrity as an essential feature of any system; 2) understanding the system as a set of elements along with the relationships between them.

V.A. Yakunin substantiates the inconsistency of the second approach. This inconsistency lies in the fact that there is a fundamental difference between a set and a system: when forming a set, the initial elements are the elements, and for the system, the genetically primary sign of integrity is the sign of integrity. The elements for the system are not specified in advance; they are selected by the researcher himself. Moreover, each object allows the possibility of its various sections in accordance with certain criteria. At the same time, in both approaches an invariant feature is visible, namely: the idea of ​​​​the interaction of many parts, elements and their integration into the whole.

Before giving a definition of the concept “system”, we propose to consider the basic characteristics of objects that can be attributed to systems.

The leading domestic systems theorist V.G. Afanasyev identifies the following features of the system.

The presence of constituent elements (components, parts) from which the system is formed. An element is a minimal unit that has the basic properties of a given system and has a limit of divisibility within its framework. The minimum allowed number of elements in the system is two.

Availability of structure, i.e. certain connections and relationships between elements. Communication is an interaction in which a change in one component of the system leads to a change in other components. In turn, the component that caused this interaction also changes. Connections exist between individual components and between a component and the entire system as a whole. The method of communication between elements determines the structure of the system.

The presence of integrative qualities (systematicity), i.e. qualities that are not possessed by any of the individual elements that form the system. Integrity is the result obtained from the interaction of elements.

Availability of functional characteristics of the system as a whole and its individual components.

Purposefulness of the system. Each system is created to achieve a specific goal. In this regard, the functions of its components must correspond to the purpose and function of the entire system. It should be noted that this property is specific to biological and especially social systems.

The presence of communicative properties, which manifest themselves in two forms: 1) in interaction with the external environment (the environment is the totality of all conditions that surround a thing, plant, animal, person and directly or indirectly affect them; there are ideological, political, economic and production , social, cultural, natural and ecological environment); 2) in the interaction of this system with sub- and supersystems, i.e. with systems of lower or higher order.

The presence of historicity, continuity or connection between the past, present and future in the system and its components.

Availability of management. This trait, like determination, is specific to systems of biological and social origin. There are a number of other signs.

Among the listed characteristics, those that determine the level of integrity (quality) of the system, which depends on: a) determination, i.e. connections of all elements with the goal; b) completeness of the set of components; c) the closeness of the relationship and the number of connections between the elements of the system; d) complete functioning of all elements of the system.

The listed (primarily the main) features are the basis for formulating the concept of “system”. So, a system is understood as a purposeful integrity of interconnected elements, having new integrative properties that are absent in each of them, associated with the external environment.

In addition, the concept of “process system” appeared in the psychological and pedagogical literature. According to V.S. Lazarev, a process-partial system is a set of objects: input, process, output, restrictions and feedback.

Graphically, the process system is presented in Diagram 1. “Input” is determined by a set of elements, thanks to the connection of which the process occurs and which undergo changes in this process.

"Output" is the result (product) of the process. “Output” is divided into main and secondary.

A "process" is defined by the relationship between input and output. In any system, three types of processes can be distinguished: main, supporting and management. The main process converts the system input into the main output. Supporting processes convert system inputs into inputs of the main process, or outputs of the main process into inputs of subsequent systems. Control (feedback) ensures correspondence between actual and desired output by changing the input.

A constraint is defined by a set of rules and regulations that set the requirements of a larger system for the output of a given system.

In accordance with the presented understanding of the system, the systems approach is a direction in the methodology of scientific knowledge and social practice, and is based on the consideration of objects as systems; This approach orients the researcher towards revealing the integrity of the object, identifying the diverse types of connections in it and bringing them together into a single theoretical picture [3].

Currently, the systems approach claims to be identified as a special theoretical science - “systemology”, or “ general theory systems".

Among many species social systems There are pedagogical systems. F.F. Korolev was one of the first to use a systematic approach in pedagogy.

According to their characteristics, pedagogical systems are real (by origin), social (by substance), complex (by level of complexity), open (by the nature of interaction with the external environment), dynamic (by variability), probabilistic (by the method of determination), purposeful (based on the presence of goals), self-governing (based on controllability) character. Provided they are purposeful and dynamic, they still have developing properties.

Pedagogical systems are open, since information processes occur between them and the surrounding reality. It should also be noted that they are dynamic, manifested in constant variability.

The pedagogical system is understood as “the socially determined integrity of participants interacting on the basis of cooperation among themselves, the environment and its spiritual and material values pedagogical process aimed at the formation and development of personality.

An educational institution is considered as a complex socio-pedagogical system. It contains a wide variety of educational systems. Thus, the holistic pedagogical (educational) process is an educational system.

She is also characterized by openness, i.e. curiosity, the ability of a culture to open up to external influences, to absorb the values ​​of other peoples. The name of this mentality trait is nationality.

The third distinctive feature is the patriotism of the Russian people, i.e. love for the Fatherland, small and big Motherland; patience with internal, but not external oppressors; recognition of the need for a strong state power. This feature can be called sovereignty.

So, three concepts - spirituality, nationality, sovereignty - constitute a feature of the Russian mentality. They are built in a certain logical scheme: spirituality determines the orientation of the individual: nationality - the relationship of a person with society; sovereignty - the relationship between a person and the state, society and the state.

Mastering the modular program will help you:

understand the essence theoretical foundations, the scale and role of the educational system of an educational institution in promoting the development of the child;

become familiar with the mechanisms for creating an educational system.


1. The concept of the educational system, its characteristics

The term “educational system” was proposed by A.T. Kurakin and P. I. Novikova.

Currently, this pedagogical phenomenon is being studied by a large group of specialists, headed by V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova, E.I. Sokolova. Researchers explain the disappearance of the phenomenon of the educational system by objective reasons. Namely: “In today’s rapidly changing world... two interrelated trends are steadily emerging - integration and differentiation. As a result, various kinds of contradictions arise. They fall apart into integral formations, at the same time isolated phenomena; for deists, processes are integrated into holistic, global phenomena, various kinds of systems. These trends are also characteristic of pedagogical reality, within the framework and under the influence of which it is formed and develops. modern man both as an individual and as a certain type of personality. They manifest themselves both during targeted education and in spontaneous processes of socialization)

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