Conditions for admission to a higher military school. Rules for admission to Russian military universities

Hi all. Contract servicemen often write to me with the same type of questions regarding admission to military schools. And the most pressing topics, naturally:

Age of admission, future salary, is it possible not to study at a military school at all, but to receive lieutenant shoulder straps and what documents need to be collected.

About entering college from the army.

I will try to answer all these questions.

And you don’t have to go far to find them. All this information, one way or another, can be found in just two laws, to which I have repeatedly referred. But who reads them? I myself read when the pressure was on, but every time I learned a lot of new things. I won’t be too lazy to write their names today:

  • FEDERAL LAW “ON MILITARY LIABILITY AND MILITARY SERVICE” dated 03/28/1998 N 53-FZ (current edition dated 12/22/2014) - then first;
  • FEDERAL LAW “ON THE STATUS OF MILITARY SERVICEMEN” dated May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ (current edition dated November 24, 2014) — then the second.

And now, in order.

Entry age

Age for joining the military educational establishments is explicitly and not so clearly stated in Article 35 of the first law. And this is what they write there verbatim:

To military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations higher education have the right to do:

  • citizens who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22 years;

  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - until they reach the age of 24 years;

  • military personnel performing military service under a contract - in the manner determined by the Minister of Defense Russian Federation or the head of a federal agency executive power, in which this Federal Law provides military service.

And everything is clear and not entirely. The first two paragraphs are clear as day and leave no doubt. But I don’t even know where to look for what the Minister of Defense determined there. But after conducting observations at approximately 10 leading military universities (not branches) everywhere age limit admission for contract soldiers is 25 years old for the year of admission. In some, with a reservation until August 1 of the year of admission. And here everyone needs to look individually.

Update from 06/28/15:

In accordance with Article 45 of the Appendix to the Order of the Minister of Defense of April 7, 2015 No. 185 “... military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) entering universities to study under programs with full military-special training - until they achieve they are 27 years old” and Article 46 “...according to programs with secondary military-special training, citizens with secondary general education are considered until they reach the age of 30.”

Monetary allowance

I agree, this is a burning topic. Conscript soldiers definitely win money. What about contract workers?

The same 35th article of the same law No. 1 reads:

Citizens enrolled in military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education are appointed to military positions cadets, students or other military positions in the manner determined by this Federal Law, the Regulations on the procedure for military service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

And then we turn on our heads and remember that each position has its own salary for this very position. And the salary consists of salary according to rank, position and allowances. Hence the unequivocal answer: contract soldiers lose money during training.

What did you want? But they are provided with housing, all kinds of benefits and hope for a bright future.

Is it possible to get lieutenant's shoulder straps with a higher education?

By joining military service and signing a contract, you agree to fill some vacant positions in the unit. They correspond to a certain military specialty (VUS). If your education is far from the profile of your specialty, you can spend your entire life as a private in this position with at least three educations.

But if you have a “related” higher education to the vacant position to which the officer is appointed: welcome.

Reasons: paragraph 2 of Article 20 “Regulations on the procedure for military service”, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237

But not everything is so simple. And the final word belongs to the unit commander and combatant. Because they will decide the relationship between your education and the vacant university based on some ancient Soviet documents, where, in principle, half of the currently assigned specializations are missing. And where without kinks in places?

Reasons for training

Well, actually, with what joy should they let you go somewhere. My favorite article 19 of the second law on the list reads:

  1. Civilian military personnel have the right to study in military professional educational organizations, military educational organizations of higher education, and other organizations under the jurisdiction of federal bodies executive power, in which federal law military service is provided, and those implementing additional programs vocational education and (or) programs vocational training, as well as for the preparation and defense of dissertations for an academic degree in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Checkmate to the commanders who will say that you are going to a non-core university, there is no order, not in this life, but aren’t you and others crazy? words of wisdom. And in the army there are so many such words. Only if it doesn’t come to a request to respond in writing. Or give some dubious order in writing. Especially when it comes to raising funds for... furniture in the garrison officers' club (insert yours).

Whether you succeed or not is another question, but no one has the right to not give you a chance to try. From so and so.

I am not a lawyer, any information in this article cannot be considered as the ultimate truth.

I only conduct information, which, by the way, according to the papers, is carried out weekly, and you most likely signed for the delivery of these two laws and articles. Formally. But I did not invent any of these laws, and all the time of my service taught me to read them correctly.

Well, again the article is not according to plan, but no longer an “emergency issue”, as was the case with the article. Article “Pros and cons of studying at a military institute”- this is the answer to the question of Vladimir Kuznetsov from the city of Armavir, which he asked me with the help of . Vladimir is graduating from school this year and is preparing to enter. I sent documents for admission to the Perm Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Vladimir saw it on the Internet and asked: “My dream is to become an officer. So I wonder what qualities are important in order to study at a military institute, and also what are the pros and cons of military training?”.

The question is not on the topic of the blog, but clearly to the address, since I myself spent 5 years of my life learning the basics military science(I’m still realizing it now).

Dear Vladimir, it is commendable that you not only dream of becoming an officer, but also take some action for this. Well, your dream is very noble. It turns out that not all of us want to become models and showmen. Regarding the qualities required for training in military institute. Now I won’t say “loud words” about courage and so on, there is one very important quality - BE YOURSELF! This is what Omar Khayyam wrote: “Be yourself, the other roles are already taken”. And in military institute It's very hard to be who you really are. I only came to this realization in my 3rd year. Well, you still need to show your character and endurance. For example, when I entered the 1st year, there were 103 of us, but at graduation there were only 82. As you can see, almost 20% dropped out, and this is a very good result. It is also very important to be able to stand up for yourself, in men's team anything can happen.

Well the last part your question about the pros and cons of studying in military institute. The question is very rhetorical, but I will try to answer it. Let's start with the advantages, there are many of them. All the advantages of studying at a military institute can be attributed, oddly enough, to a person’s desire to “protect himself.” Indeed, they tear you away from your mother’s pies, put a uniform on you, and the “drill” begins. Many parents want to protect their children from negative influence streets. After all, in military institute dismissals are strictly regulated (for example, I went on dismissal for the first time 5 months after taking the oath). Vladimir, a question for you: are you ready for this? In general, applicants can be classified into military institutions by purpose:

  1. Continuation of the family officer dynasty.
  2. I just want to become an officer (your case, and mine too, by the way).
  3. Like to wear military uniform(and there are those too).
  4. “Getting out” of the army (this was a common occurrence when you served in the army for 2 years).
  5. The wishes of the parents (usually they complete their studies until the 3rd or 4th year and are expelled).
  6. Social guarantees and benefits.

Let's stop at the last one. Military service gives you a guarantee that you will definitely receive your salary (military pay) on the 22nd of the month. Also, after serving a certain period of time, you receive an apartment and a fairly high (by Russian standards) pension. In addition, you can retire by age 40. There is also the right to free travel once a year (for yourself and your family), paid vacation, and a 13th (possibly 14th) salary at the end of the year. Although, they say that everything will change on January 1, 2012, when military salaries will be raised.

And now about the cons, there are a lot of them too. What day of the week is it today? Sunday, I think. And I only came home from work at 7 pm. Here's one drawback: long working hours. As long as they say so, you will remain in the service (often to the detriment of the interests of the family). The second disadvantage is that at any moment they can be transferred to serve on the other side of the country, that is, “life out of suitcases.” Service involves a lot of stress, but not everywhere, of course. It depends where you end up serving. By the way, the main disadvantage for me is the lack of “freedom”. Although, you get used to it over time... alas!

I think I have already written enough on your question. I could, of course, answer you personally, but the article will be interesting for other people, so I’m publishing it on my blog.

Vladimir, I made my choice. What your choice will be is up to you. But I’ll say one thing for sure: after graduation from the walls military institute you will come out a completely different person. Your outlook on life will completely change. By the way, watch the video, it will help you make the right choice:

I wish all my readers well, and Vladimir Kuznetsov from Armavir - successful admission to Perm Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The modern Russian army, equipped with the most sophisticated military equipment, is increasingly attracting young people to become an officer. Naturally, every young person who wishes to do so faces the problem of how to enter the military school. First of all, the applicant faces the question of what is needed to enter a military school. Before entering, you need to study the selection rules for the chosen university, and they differ significantly from the rules of civilian educational institutions. Recruitment for military schools is carried out by local military registration and enlistment offices. The following have the right to apply for admission to military schools: boys and girls over the age of 16 years, but not older than 22 years (only boys under 15 years old are admitted to the Moscow Suvorov Military School); conscripts who have served are not older than 24 years of age; contract military personnel no older than 24 years of age. All these categories of applicants must meet the requirements of psychological and physical parameters.

Required list of documents: a report from a serviceman addressed to the unit commander; civilians submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office by April 20. The following documents must be attached to the application: a complete autobiography; a copy of the birth certificate; a copy of the passport pages; a copy of the 11th grade results; character reference from the school director (unit commander); medical examination results; psychologist's report; three photographs size 4.5x6; original Unified State Examination certificate. Our country has basic and higher military education. The first category includes: cadet schools; Suvorov schools; Nakhimov schools. They accept citizens under 18 years of age. Higher profile educational institutions include: higher command schools; academies; institutes.

When deciding which military school to enroll in, you should be guided by existing specializations. The profile of each educational institution corresponds to a specific branch of the military Russian army. Applicants after 9th grade take entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics. Applicants after 11th grade represent Unified State Exam results in mathematics, Russian language, physics and must pass an exam in the direction of the school. The final stage evaluates physical fitness. Exams are possible in two versions: exam grades are formed based on the results of physical education and victories in sports competitions; Physical education exam is accepted. The exercises given correspond to standard standards. The physical training program includes: 1000 m cross-country; 100 m and 3 km run; swim 50-100 m; pull-ups on the crossbar (from 11 to 17 times). Retaking exams is not permitted.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following people enjoy benefits and privileges: orphans and children left without parental care; secondary school graduates educational institutions who received diplomas with honors or medals; graduates of preparatory courses of higher educational institutions; students after the first year of higher education institutions specializing in a military school; young people under 20 years of age, one of whose parents is disabled group I; combatants. Considering the seriousness of the requirements for applicants, you should start preparing for study at a military school in advance. You need to study well, communicate loyally at school with teachers, the class teacher, and the school director. Actively play sports and participate in competitions at various levels. Strive for sporting achievements in the form of prizes and medals. News healthy image life to maintain and maintain your health at the required level.

In addition to age restrictions, military universities do not accept citizens with a criminal record or those under investigation with health concerns. If the applicant has personal achievements, you should select all certificates, diplomas of all courses, certificates of sports achievements, shooting or parachute jumping, certificates reflecting participation in competitions or olympiads. All this will help you successfully complete the competition. A modern military university trains specialists in various fields, most of whom can also work on civilian sites. Firstly, this includes specialties in economics and law, translators, managers of socio-cultural problems and others. Secondly, multifunctional specialties that allow, after graduating from a military university, to work in industry, construction, road transport, civil aviation, agriculture and other sectors of the economy.

So, the preparation of documents is as follows: you need to write an application to the military registration and enlistment office in the prescribed form; prepare documents for admission according to the list of the military registration and enlistment office or the admissions committee of the selected university; if there are benefits, the applicant attaches a document from the social protection department to the application, then instead of exams, the applicant undergoes an interview; Having passed the documents, you can prepare for exams and wait for a call to the school. Travel to take exams at a military university is free. Free accommodation and meals are provided. Applicants enjoy free medical and cultural services. A list of travel documents is obtained from the military registration and enlistment office.

The service of an officer in the Russian army is prestigious and honorable. However, enrolling in a military university is not so easy. Competitions for admission today amount to 6...10 applicants for one vacancy. To be admitted, a young person must be absolutely healthy, have received a good general education, have good physical characteristics, and have the required psychological and physiological characteristics. Only under such conditions is successful admission to the chosen military university possible. Consequently, when choosing a military career, it is necessary to prepare in advance and create the prerequisites for possessing the necessary physical, educational and psychological qualities of a person.

In Russia there are several dozen military colleges, cadet corps and schools. The Suvorov and Nakhimov schools are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also subordinate to the Ministry of Defense are cadet corps, but not all. Many cadet schools and colleges are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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Unlike civilian universities and colleges on secondary vocational education programs at military universities You can only enroll on the basis of 11 classes. IN cadet schools and corps They mainly recruit for 5th grade, that is, on the basis of 4th grade. But there are exceptions. Here is a list of cadet schools where you can enroll in 9th or 8th grade.

Cadet corps and schools that accept 9 grades:

  1. Governor's Cadet Police Boarding School (Kemerovo)
  2. Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (village Plotnikovo, Keerovo region)
  3. Permanent residents are accepted Kemerovo region
  4. Cadet School of IT Technologies
  5. Cadet Engineering School at
  6. Military-technical cadet corps in Tolyatti (based on 8 classes)
  7. Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps
  8. Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps

Here cadets learn school curriculum, undergo intensive physical training, and additionally study military affairs, drill training and other special disciplines depending on the type of troops. Graduates of military schools are issued a certificate of complete general education and assign military qualifications according to the profile of the educational institution.

Graduates of 9th grade who want to start a military career can also enroll in military schools. There are only two such educational organizations in Russia.

Each military college has its own professional focus (naval, ground troops, rocket troops, airborne troops, railway troops, Cossack, military-technical, military-musical, military justice).

Military schools of Russia that provide admission on the basis of 9th grade:

  1. Moskovskoe military music school named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov
  2. Ulyanovsk Guards Suvorov Military School (accepts schoolchildren in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

You can enroll in schools under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of 8th grade. However, if there are free places in the second year, graduates of schools based on 9 classes are accepted for study. You can find out about this opportunity directly at the school or on its official website.

List of Ministry of Internal Affairs schools for 8th grade graduates:

  1. Astrakhan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  2. Grozny Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  3. Elabuga Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  4. Novocherkassk Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  5. St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  6. Chita Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Documents required for admission to a military school

Graduates of 9th grade are, as a rule, citizens of minor age. Therefore, the admissions committee must first provide an application from parents or legal representatives applicant. The following must also be attached to the application for sending a candidate to study at a military school:

  1. birth certificate
  2. document confirming the applicant's citizenship (passport)
  3. characteristics of a candidate from the school
  4. medical documents (policy, certificates, test results, etc.)
  5. Certificate of secondary general education (GIA results)
  6. photographs, etc.

The school's admissions committee may require a student's portfolio with all of his academic and extracurricular achievements. If an applicant has benefits and advantages for enrollment, he must provide supporting documents.

Entrance tests to military schools

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Admission to all military educational institutions is carried out on a competitive basis. Applicants to cadet corps, schools and colleges take entrance exams in general education subjects. As a rule, these are tests in Russian language and mathematics. But there may also be additional exams in physics and computer science (depending on the profile of the cadet school). Why can applicants be accepted? based on the results of the OGE in relevant subjects. For example, for admission to Cadet Corps at the Academy civil protection The Ministry of Emergency Situations must provide the results of the OGE in the Russian language, mathematics, physics and computer science.

Those entering the military music school take entrance tests of creative orientation, namely , musical instrument (practical), solfeggio (written and oral), elementary music theory (written and oral). Tests in musical disciplines are carried out in the amount of educational program children's music school.

Also, future Suvorov and Nakhimov students must pass psychological testing . Based on the test results, the admissions committee determines the candidate’s readiness to study at a military educational institution.

Many are intensively preparing for entrance examinations in general education subjects, and pay practically no attention to passing physical training standards. In all military schools, even those specializing in music, applicants take an exam in physical culture: This is an assessment of the level of strength, speed-strength readiness and general endurance. Based on the results of the test, the most prepared candidates are selected as cadets. For example, 10 or more pull-ups on a high bar, 60-meter sprint in 9 seconds, 2 km cross-country in 9 minutes are rated “excellent.”

How do the rules for admission to military universities differ from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student at a military academy or higher school? You will learn about this right now in this article.

In system Russian education military universities always stood, stand and will stand apart. And not only because students of such educational institutions, as you might guess, among other disciplines, necessarily study drill training and observe strict discipline, subordination and a specific regime. Military universities are practically the only area of ​​specialist training where people enroll not because it is prestigious, profitable or accessible, but because the “military” profession is a calling.

Military universities differ from civilian and rules for admission of applicants. These differences are explained very simply: if a civilian university is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science, then a military university is subordinate exclusively to the Ministry of Defense, which sets its own admission rules, based on the characteristics of service in the Russian Armed Forces. How do the rules for admission to military universities differ from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student at a military academy or higher school? You will learn about this right now in this article.

Features of admission to military universities

Talking about distinctive features admission to military universities First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the results of the Unified State Examination, which are considered primarily in civilian educational institutions, are accepted only as information for reflection in academies or higher schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense.

Entrance exams to a military university for applicants begin with a psychophysical and psychological examination (and this is not surprising, since people who, by the nature of their activities, are directly related to weapons must have a stable psyche). The second stage of the exams consists of passing standards for physical training:

  • 100 m run - minimum 15 seconds (- 18.9 seconds);
  • 3 km run - minimum 14 minutes 40 seconds (for girls 1 km run - 5 minutes, 07 seconds);
  • Pull-ups on the bar - at least 5 times (for girls, the torso is tilted forward (minimum 20 bends per minute);
  • Freestyle swimming (100 m) - minimum 2 minutes 16 seconds (for girls - 3 minutes 45 seconds);
  • Breaststroke swimming (100 m) - minimum 2 minutes 32 seconds (for girls - 4 minutes 05 seconds).

Naturally, minimum indicators do not guarantee admission. They only allow the admissions committee to consider the applicant as a possible candidate for enrollment in a military university.

And finally, The final stage entrance examinations to a military university consists of traditional exams: Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects (chemistry, physics, biology, etc.). Let us emphasize that if in civilian universities exams are taken in the form of tests, then in military higher educational institutions - in the old fashioned way, in the form of tests and dictations.

Let us say right away that documents for admission to a military academy or higher school are submitted through the military registration and enlistment office. That is, source documents(in particular, an application for granting the right to take exams) must be submitted not to the admissions committee of the selected educational institution, but to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. The submitted package of documents is reviewed by the admissions committee, which, in fact, makes a decision on the possibility of admitting the applicant to the exams. But this procedure for submitting documents applies only to “civilians”. For people who have a desire to receive a professional military education at the time when they are serving in the Armed Forces of Russia, there is a slightly different application procedure documents for admission to a military university. They simply submit a report about their desire to enroll in a specialized university to their commander, who completes the request with all necessary documents and passes all the papers further up the chain of command.

Who can enroll in a military university?

Candidates for admission to Russian military universities are “screened out” not only by psycho-physical indicators or results entrance exams, but also by age. The following have a chance to become a cadet at a military university:

  • citizens of Russia, aged 16-22 years, who have not served in the RF Armed Forces;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 24, who have served/are serving in the Armed Forces upon conscription;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 25, serving in the Armed Forces on a contract basis (except for officers).

On admission to a military academy or higher education institution cannot apply for:

  • citizens of Russia with higher education;
  • citizens of Russia in respect of whom a decision has ever been made that the candidate does not meet the requirements established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens of Russia who are serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, in respect of whom a preliminary investigation, inquiry or court hearing is underway, or those who have an outstanding criminal record.

Note that competition for military universities slightly less than in civilian educational institutions (on average, 3 people per place). But this indicates not so much a lack of popularity or prestige, but rather the specificity educational organization. Firstly, there are not so many people who want to get the military profession, and secondly, not everyone, even absolutely healthy man, is able to pass a tough selection process.

A graduate of a military university is also in demand in civilian life.

Modern military universities offer their applicants a huge selection of specialties, many of which are in demand both in the Russian Armed Forces and in civilian life.

  • Firstly, these are specialties that duplicate the areas of training characteristic of civilian universities: legal and economic specialties, managers of the socio-cultural sphere, translators, social work specialists, etc.
  • Secondly, these are multifunctional specialties, which, despite their “military” orientation, can be used in ordinary life: for example, having received an education in engineering and technology studying at a military university, in ordinary life a specialist can work in the field of civil or industrial construction, design, airfields, highways or transport tunnels, maintenance and management of lifting and transport, construction or road machinery, etc.

Thus, studying at a military university allows you not only to realize your dream of military career, but also to obtain a competitive and highly paid specialty that gives a strong sense of stability and confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.

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