In what year was Nikolai Sobolev born? Nikolai Sobolev's strong feelings. Inexplicable but the fact

Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, video blogger, one of the creators of the sensational project "Rakamakafo" - Nikolay Sobolev was born on June 18, 1993 in St. Petersburg. Parents saw their child in sports, so from the age of five Kolya studied karate and taekwondo.
Martial arts training continued until the age of 14, when the teenager was seriously injured.

Sobolev quits sports activities and gets into computer games for some time.
However, at the age of 16, Nikolai again takes up an active lifestyle and enrolls in Gym. He managed to achieve impressive results and even began to seriously think about a career as a coach, but fate decreed otherwise.
The young man, at the age of 19, went to work as a vocalist in a cabaret. Sobolev became a regular participant in the show program and has already given professional performances. This activity brought our hero good money, and he thought that he had finally found his calling.
However, Nikolai appeared in his life, whom he met at a mutual friend’s birthday. The guys quickly found it mutual language and became friends.

Narmania and Sobolev

In 2013, friends are thinking about joint project, the choice fell on creating pranks for YouTube, since at that time there were no worthy representatives of this genre in the Russian video hosting segment. Sobolev and Guram decide to choose the theme “social experiment” and on March 8th they register the channel “Rakamakafo”. Having purchased minimal equipment, the friends began filming. In the first video, the guys checked the reaction of passers-by to the proposal to engage in group sex.

Still from the video "Group Sex" (2014)

A few days later they release a video where they see if people will intervene in a situation where two guys beat one.

Street Fight (2014)

The works of "Rakamakafo" were not popular and received few views, but Nikolai and Guram felt that they needed to continue.

Got it wrong (2014)

Fight with a girl (2014)

After a while, the channel gained its audience thanks to scandalous videos. The presenters admit that the primary essence of the project is the demonstration of current social problems. With their videos, the creators urge people not to be indifferent to other people’s difficulties.

The man feels bad (2014)

Assault on Veterans (2015)

Gay in a rocking chair (2015)

In October 2015, Sobolev became the face of the analytical program “LIFE YOUTUBE” (now the channel has been renamed SOBOLEV), where the young man talks about interesting events and video blogging news.
In May 2016, the guy became one of the hosts of the car show “Ready Steady Go”, where the YouTuber, together with Alexander Murataev, shared his impressions of expensive cars.

On June 15, Nikolai challenged to the “Versus Battle” rap competition, but was refused in the form music video"#kolyhater" went viral on YouTube. Sobolev responded to his opponent in his own style, but his video “#DimaNeSsy” received many negative marks.

In the summer, the young man presented his book “YouTube: The Path to Success. How to Get Truckloads of Likes and Tons of Money,” where Nikolai Sobolev shared his experience of creating videos and making money from it.
Guram and Kolya began to study more and more solo projects, paying less attention to the Rakamakafo channel, however, on August 10, a video was released where the guys competed to see which of them would collect the largest number of women’s phone numbers.

Speed ​​Pickup (2016)

At the beginning of February 2017, he recorded a video for his news channel about the famous incident of the rape of Diana Shurygina.

After this, the guy is invited to the “Let Them Talk” program, first as a guest, and then as the hero of the program.
Since Diana Shurygina was a very resonant person, participation on Channel One brought Sobolev millions of new subscribers, and his personality also became a little more media than it was before.
NIKOLAY continues his diverse activities on the network, delighting his subscribers with new, high-quality videos that are released with amazing regularity on his resource.

Preview: YouTube
: ( Official page on Instagram)
: (Official VK page)
:, still images
: Channel One, still images
Stills from the videos Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go, Life YouTube and Nikolai Sobolev from YouTube video hosting
Personal archive of Nikolai Sobolev

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

The emergence of new areas of activity and platforms for their implementation in geometric progression responded with the appearance of people who dared to realize themselves on these platforms. This statement is equally acceptable to artists and scientists, athletes and engineers, children and adults, men and women.

The emergence of YouTube video hosting and subsequent development led to the emergence of video blogging, a phenomenon that has become popular in the world. The first to show themselves on the new platform were, of course, American creators, but Runet figures were not long in coming. Today the clearest example Nikolai Sobolev can safely be called a successful Russian video blogger.

Childhood and youth

The guy was born on June 18, 1993 in Northern Palmyra. Nicholas was originally destined happy life, devoid of any serious difficulties and excesses. The boy was born into the family of a private entrepreneur in the real estate business and his wife, an employee of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater.

Even before starting his studies at Lyceum No. 30, Sobolev was enrolled by his parents in the taekwondo section. In 2008, Nikolai transferred to gymnasium No. 56 and changed sections martial arts, starting to practice karate-do. However, having received an injury during sparring, the guy said goodbye to martial arts, preferring them computer games.

But the fictional game reality could not hold Sobolev’s attention for long - the guy decided to return to an active lifestyle, so he purchased a subscription to a fitness club. This decision helped the guy decide on his image - before, Nikolai experimented a lot with clothes and hairstyles - and get into shape.

After high school, the guy applied to St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which he successfully graduated in 2015, becoming a certified manager-economist.

Video blogging

However, Sobolev became famous back in student years, when, together with a new university friend, he was inspired by the activities of foreign pranksters and decided to implement a similar Russian-language project, making allowances for the Russian mentality and current realities. The project was named Rakamakafo - in honor of the distorted pronunciation of a line from Boomfunk MC's song “Freestyler”: “Rock the microphone”. Many listeners in the early 2000s pronounced it as “raka makafo.”

After a successful start in 2013, the guys refined the idea and switched from standard pranks to those that were gaining popularity social experiments. New format brought Sobolev and his partner thousands of subscribers and millions of views in 2014, which made it possible to update equipment to raise the bar of technical quality.

By the time they graduated from the Polytechnic University, the guys had become famous and recognizable, which, on the one hand, was pleasant and beneficial in terms of making new acquaintances, but on the other hand, it complicated further work on the project. Colleagues decided to separate in order to continue to develop their careers solo - so Nikolai became the host of the YouTube Life channel, which a year later was renamed in honor of Sobolev. The creators believed that in this case naming is a beneficial solution from a branding point of view.

The Sobolev project was positioned as coverage of current events in real world and on the Internet (especially on YouTube): deception of viewers by Channel One, child suicides and death groups in in social networks, battle and , war with bloggers, sex scandal involving , fight and so on.

The acute social theme further strengthened the guy’s position in the Russian segment of YouTube, and also contributed to Nikolai’s fame. This led to Sobolev’s appearance on the television projects “Let Them Talk,” “ Evening Urgant" and "Comedy Club", as well as in the author's web show "vDud".

By the way, Nikolai also appeared in the projects of his other colleagues - Sobolev can be periodically seen in the video, and (Davidovich).

But you cannot achieve such results without making enemies. This explains Nikolai’s conflicts with the Lyceum in 2016 and in 2017.

Personal life

For a couple of years now, the video blogger has been dating Polina Chistyakova, a student at the Northwestern Institute of Management (05/03/1996). A girl with a model appearance, vaguely similar to, many envied such a partner.

The couple’s relationship is going well – this is evidenced not only by joint photos V "Istagram", but also regularly appear together at various media events.

Nikolay Sobolev now

2017 was no less eventful for Nikolai than the previous four. In addition to the skirmish with Lyceum, Sobolev managed to come into conflict with Alexander Timartsev, known to the world under the nickname Restaurateur.

In addition, in the spring of 2017, Sobolev, together with his YouTube colleagues, participated in a meeting with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Among the latest news with Nikolai’s participation is the new intellectual and entertainment project “Sobolev Bombs,” which is another adaptation of the international format.

In his free time from work and business meetings, the guy likes to lie on the couch with a book or watch a movie. In literature and cinema he prefers classical works“with character”: books and, “Gladiator” and “A Beautiful Mind” with, as well as “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont and “The Departed”.


  • Rakamakafo
  • Ready Steady Go
  • “Life YouTube” (project later renamed Sobolev)
  • "Sobolev bombs"

Sobolev Nikolai biography

Real name— Nikolai Yurievich Sobolev

Hometown- Saint Petersburg

Activity— Blogger

Who is Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolay Sobolev is a Russian video blogger, blogger, singer, better known as the creator of such projects as Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go and, of course, as the author of his solo channel on YouTube “Sobolev”, on which he covers famous events that concern the public.

Nikolai Sobolev before he became famous

Nikolai’s passion for creativity began from an early age; he attended various acting and creative clubs at school. But sports also had a place in Kolya’s life; he is the champion of St. Petersburg in taekwondo. Also in high school, he was heavily involved in bodybuilding and weighed about 120 kilograms.

After school, Nikolai decides to enter the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which he subsequently graduates with a master's degree.

Sobolev YouTube

In 2014, Sobolev came up with the idea of ​​creating a channel on YouTube, together with his friend Guram Narmania, on which they would shoot videos with practical jokes and pranks. And they call him Rakamakafo / Rakamakafo. Since the guys made videos on sensitive social topics, the videos gained great popularity, and the channel gained subscribers accordingly. So, in the first year, the Rakamakafo channel gained 1,000,000 subscribers and its creators got into the TOP 50 popular people St. Petersburg.

An interesting fact: the first video on the rakamakafo channel, where Kolya and Guram invited passers-by to have group sex with them, took fifteen days to film, due to embarrassment and inexperience.

Life YouTube and SOBOLEV

In 2016, Nikolai Sobolev became the host of the channel “ Life YouTube", where he covered the last interesting events from the life of YouTubers. Soon, on November 8, 2016, Nikolay changes the name of the channel to “ SOBOLEV” and begins to cover news, not only from the YouTube environment, but also from the whole world, touching on such tough topics as “Khabarovsk Flayers”, criminal cases brought against various bloggers, etc.

Ready Steady Go

In 2016, Nikolay Sobolev, together with Ilya Strekalovsky and Alexander Murataev, launched the channel Ready Steady Go, which at some point becomes the fastest growing in the world in terms of subscriber growth. The guys use it to make reviews of cars and everything connected with them.

Book by Nikolai Sobolev “YouTube: The Path to Success”

In August 2016, Nikolai released a book "YouTube: The Path to Success" in which he describes the basics of creating, developing and promoting your channel on YouTube.

Sobolev and Shurygina

In 2017, Nikolai Sobolev was invited to the program “Let Them Talk - In the Height of the Party,” where the rape of Diana Shurygina was discussed, the veracity of which the whole country doubts. The appearance on this program brings Kolya more than 250,000 subscribers to the channel and in total he gains 1,000,000 on the channel.

Personal life of Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolai is a very serious young man and is not a supporter of casual relationships with girls. On this moment he had about two serious relationships, one of which continues to this day. The first serious relationship was with Yana Khanikerian and it lasted 3 and a half years.

Parting with Yana Khanikerian

Nikolay did not advertise his breakup with Yana anywhere, but subscribers somehow found out about it and at the moment Kolya’s personal messages are flooded with the question: “Why did you break up with Yana?” He comments on it like this: “Yes, indeed, after 3.5 years of relationship, we broke up, I don’t know whether unfortunately or fortunately it happened, but we’re just not together. »

Sobolev's new girlfriend

At the moment, Nikolai Sobolev is dating a very pretty girl, Polina Chistyakova, and as Nikolai himself says: “This is the girl with whom I want to live my whole life.”

Interesting fact: Kolya and Polina met thanks to one of the “Rakamakafo” pranks. Kolya and Guram made a video on the topic: “how many people recognize them on the street”, periodically people came up to them to take pictures and one of these people was Polina, Kolya, of course, noticed this beautiful girl, but no more, since at that time he was in a relationship with Yana. And now, after 9 months, Nikolai breaks up with Yana, falls into a stupor and remembers such a girl from the video as Polina. A week and a half later, Kolya writes to her on VK, makes an appointment, word for word, and a year later they are already living together.

At the moment, Nikolay Sobolev is one of the most popular bloggers in the Russian segment of YouTube. He shoots videos for several channels with enviable frequency.

Nikolay Sobolev is a popular Russian blogger who covers current and acute problems societies: rallies of Alexei Navalny, the rape of Diana Shurygina, Khabarovsk flayers, showdowns between fellow bloggers. For the “hype” on hot topics, he was dubbed “Andrei Malakhov of Russian YouTube.”

Despite the criticism, Nikolai Sobolev is confidently moving forward, and his subscriber count has long gone into the millions. And it began creative path in 2014, when Sobolev, together with his friend Guram Narmania, founded the “Rakamakafo” project, in which young people conducted social experiments on passers-by.


Nikolai Sobolev was born on July 18, 1993 in St. Petersburg, on Vasilyevsky Island. His parents are quite wealthy people: his mother is a musician at the Mariinsky Theater, his father is the owner of the St. Petersburg Souvenirs retail chain.

In 2000, Nikolai went to first grade. Until 2005, he studied at physics and mathematics lyceum No. 30, then moved to gymnasium No. 56 with intensive study of economics and linguistics.

From the age of five, Kolya was interested in oriental martial arts: karate, taekwondo. At the age of 14, he was injured and left sports for a while. Not knowing what to do with himself, the teenager became interested in computer games.

The world of gamers captivated the guy for a short time. Already at the age of 16, he returned to sports, began actively going to the gym and achieved good results. He would have become a fitness trainer if he had not found his niche in the Russian segment of YouTube.

After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Economics and Management of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, from which he graduated in 2015.


Nikolai Sobolev has been a creative person since childhood. Nature generously rewarded him good voice. At first he occasionally sang in cabaret, and at the age of 19 he was already involved in a professional show program and earned good money. He also school days I wrote very good stories, so subsequently I had problems creating scripts for videos.

In 2010, Nikolay Sobolev registered his first video channel on YouTube. But since the guy didn’t yet have a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to show other people, his first project was a failure. And in 2013, together with Guram Narmania, whom Nikolai met at a party with friends, Sobolev launched the video blog “Rakamakafo”. The main idea of ​​the project is a humorous demonstration social problems and how ordinary people behave in unexpected situations.

The very first Rakamakafo prank

In 2014, after a detailed study of the idea and the purchase of the simplest video equipment, young people began to act and launch the project that started their career. Videos with practical jokes, social experiments with topics on the brink of a foul, turned out to be attractive to users.

The friends' first social experiment was the "Group Sex" video. Bloggers approached passers-by and recorded their reaction to an intimate proposal. In the following episodes, young people tossed a wallet with money to people (return it to the owner or take it for themselves?), checked whether someone would separate two fighting guys or stop the rape, who would get it? more money- to a person with a Slavic or non-Russian appearance, they were presented to a stranger and looked at how the false memory system works.

Russian VS Non-Russian

Six months after the opening of the channel, Sobolev and Narmania recorded an experiment that instantly spread around the Russian Internet. The video was divided into two parts, one was filmed in the USA, the other in Russia, well, the essence was the same - main character the video simulated a heart attack, and the camera recorded the reactions of passersby. Alas, the results were not in favor of the Russians.

A person feels bad (the most popular rakamacafo experiment)

A year later, the channel already had more than a million subscribers, both vloggers became recognizable, and the young people were included in the list of the 50 most famous media personalities in St. Petersburg. It’s interesting that over the entire history of the channel, Sobolev and Narmania invested a little more than one hundred thousand rubles in it.

In October 2015, on the wave of popularity, Sobolev decided to open his personal channel “YouTube Life”, dedicated to the analysis of conflicts famous bloggers and their criticism. His videos told, for example, about the relationship between Ivangay and Maryana Ro, the cost of the blogs of Sonya Esman and Maria Wei, the conflict between Dmitry Larin and Yuri Khovansky, and the arrest of Ruslan Sokolovsky. In 2016, the blogger released his book, on the pages of which he shared the secrets of YouTube monetization success.

In 2016, the channel changed its name to “SOBOLEV” and the topic of video stories moved towards discussing scandalous topics and acute social problems of society. Sobolev undertook to demonstrate everything that was interesting to ordinary people.

Nikolai Sobolev about Diana Shurygina’s PR

One of the significant points in the blogger’s career was participation in 2017 in the talk show “Let them talk” with

Kolya Sobolev was born in St. Petersburg on June 19, 1993. Nikolai grew up as a very energetic boy. At school, the boy attended an amateur theater. He stood out among his peers for his constructive outlook on life and his passion for public speaking. He also studied music, sports and gave concerts in cabarets.

After graduating from school, Kolya decided to continue his studies at the Polytechnic Institute.

In 2010 he created his own own channel in the Internet. But his channel never gained fame, then in 2014 Nikolai teamed up with fellow blogger Guram and formed a single prank TV show. On this channel they created and posted various pranks and social experiments where they showed their real faces an ordinary person. They named their program “Rakamakafo”.

The guys admit that through their own actions they are trying to convey to people how not to be bitter and indifferent. With the help of videos, the guys demonstrate the difficulties that exist in the current world.

A curious case, a video in which Nikolai and Guram pester passers-by with obscene proposals, took fifteen days to create. And this happened because the guys couldn’t decide for a long time, because they were too ashamed. And so a year later there were more than one million subscribers on this channel.

In 2015, Kolya and Guram became the winners of the “Top 50” most famous people St. Petersburg. Bloggers also do charity work. In 2016, in a short period of time they managed to collect more than two million rubles for the fund orphanage. A curious case: bloggers thanked people who donated more than one thousand personally. Nikolay participates in numerous festivals, including Vidfest.

Kolya is a presenter on the YouTube channel. This program is called “YouTube Life,” which illuminates the public with various new products on the Internet.
Kolya was seen participating in many incidents online. The most famous is the conflict with.

Together with Sasha Muratov, they created a channel in which they create various TV shows about cars and everything that concerns them.
In the summer of 2016, Kolya released his own book. It describes the basic principles of blogging, the solution to problems encountered by a newbie blogger, and the history of the formation of the channel of Nikolai and his comrades.
At the moment, the number of subscribers on his channel has exceeded 2.4 million people.

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