War and Peace Pierre Bezukhov mistakes. Essay “Difficult roads by Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre Bezuho "War and Peace"
In the monumental epic novel “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy reflected many large and small problems from the life of Russian society early XIX century. The search for the meaning of life, true and false heroism, love and hate, life and death - these are just the most important problems facing the main characters of the novel. And everyone solves them in their own way. We have different attitudes towards the characters in the novel. But at the climax of the work - the war of 1812 - almost everyone inspires us with deep respect, since the entire Russian people rose in a single patriotic impulse. The war influenced the fates of all the characters in the book.
One of my favorite heroes is Pierre Bezukhov. He appears on the very first pages of War and Peace in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. A young man, absurd and unattractive, “fat, taller than usual, broad, with huge red hands.” Large and clumsy, it does not fit in with the elegant decor of the salon, it confuses and shocks others. But he also inspires fear. Anna Pavlovna is frightened by the young man’s gaze: smart, timid, observant, natural. This is Pierre, the illegitimate son of a Russian nobleman. In the Scherer salon they accept him only just in case, what if Count Kirill officially recognizes his son. At first, many things seem strange to us about Pierre: he was brought up in Paris and does not know how to behave in society. And only later will we understand that spontaneity, sincerity, ardor - essential features Pierre. Nothing will ever force him to change himself, live according to a general, average form, or conduct meaningless conversations. The image of Pierre is central throughout figurative system novel. And, above all, because he was at the center of the plot of the original plan of the book about the Decembrist who returned from exile. The novel "War and Peace" is built in the form of a family chronicle. The history of the people is perceived through the prism family history. Pierre is unique against this background. There is no one behind him, officially recognized and loved by his father, he will never recognize his parent, he will not be able to learn anything from him. Pierre is initially deprived of a family; he begins with himself. This constitutes the essence of the personality of this hero, reflects the traits not of his family, but common features his character.
Like Tolstoy's other heroes, Pierre will go his way "from Napoleon to Kutuzov." This path is marked by no less mistakes and delusions than the path of Prince Andrei.
First tragic mistake Pierre became married to Helen. The author tells in detail how the depraved Helen and Prince Vasily lured the naive Pierre, how they came running in time with the icon to bless them. And having described all this, Tolstoy gazes intently at the unfortunate Pierre. Who does he blame for his ridiculous marriage? And Pierre wins his first victory - he blames himself. Pierre's spiritual attitude is initially based on the principle of true morality: first of all, judge yourself.

Favorite hero

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes in detail the path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace”. Pierre Bezukhov is one of the main characters of the work. He belongs to the author’s favorite characters and is therefore described in more detail. The reader is given the opportunity to follow how a wise one is formed from a young naive youth. life experience man. We become witnesses to the hero's mistakes and delusions, his painful search for the meaning of life, and the gradual change in his worldview. Tolstoy does not idealize Pierre. He displays it honestly positive features and weaknesses of character. Thanks to this, the young man seems closer and more understandable. It’s as if he comes to life on the pages of the work.

Many pages are devoted to Pierre's spiritual quest in the novel. Pierre Bezukhov - illegitimate son a wealthy St. Petersburg nobleman, one of the main contenders for a million-dollar inheritance. Having recently arrived from abroad, where he received his education, Pierre cannot decide on his future path in life. An unexpected inheritance and a high title of count greatly complicates the young man’s position and causes him a lot of trouble.

Strange appearance

The hero's remarkable appearance evokes a smile and bewilderment. Before us is “a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, and light trousers in the fashion of that time...”. He does not know how to communicate with ladies, behave correctly in secular society, be polite and tactful. His awkward appearance and absence good manners compensated by a kind smile and a naive, guilty look: “smart and at the same time timid, observant and natural.” Behind the massive figure, a pure, honest and noble soul breaks out.

Pierre's misconceptions

Fun of secular youth

Arriving in the capital, main character falls into the company of frivolous golden youth, who mindlessly indulge in empty entertainment and amusements. Noisy feasts, hooligan antics, drunkenness, debauchery occupy all of Pierre's free time, but do not bring satisfaction. Only in communication with his only friend Andrei Bolkonsky does he become sincere and open his soul. An older friend tries to protect the gullible young man from fatal mistakes, but Pierre stubbornly follows his own path.

Fatal love

One of the main misconceptions in the hero’s life is his infatuation with the empty and depraved beauty Helen. Gullible Pierre is an easy prey for members of the greedy family of Prince Kuragin. He is unarmed against the seductive tricks of a secular beauty and the pressure of an unceremonious prince. Tormented by doubts, Pierre is forced to propose and become the husband of the first beauty of St. Petersburg. Pretty soon he realizes that for his wife and her father he is only a money bag. Disappointed in love, Pierre breaks off relations with his wife.

Passion for Freemasonry

The ideological quest of Pierre Bezukhov continues in the spiritual sphere. He is interested in the ideas of the Masonic brotherhood. The desire to do good, work for the good of society, and improve oneself force the hero to take the wrong path. He tries to alleviate the plight of his serfs, begins to build free schools and hospitals. But he will be disappointed again. Money is stolen, the Masonic brothers pursue their own selfish goals. Pierre finds himself at a dead end in life. No family, no love, no worthy occupation, no purpose in life.

Heroic Rush

The state of gloomy apathy is replaced by a noble patriotic impulse. The Patriotic War of 1812 pushed into the background all the hero’s personal problems. His honest and noble nature is concerned about the fate of the Fatherland. Unable to join the ranks of the defenders of his country, he invests in the formation and uniform of a regiment. During the Battle of Borodino he is in the thick of things, trying to provide all possible assistance to the military. Hatred for the invaders pushes Pierre to commit a crime. He decides to kill the main culprit of what is happening, Emperor Napoleon. Heroic Rush young man ended with a sudden arrest and long months of captivity.

Life experience

One of the most important stages Pierre Bezukhov's life becomes the time spent in captivity. Deprived of his usual comfort, a well-fed life, and freedom of movement, Pierre does not feel unhappy. He takes pleasure in satisfying natural human needs, “finds that peace and self-satisfaction that he had previously strived for in vain.” Finding himself in the power of the enemy, he does not solve complex philosophical questions existence, does not think about his wife’s betrayal, does not understand the machinations of those around him. Pierre lives a simple and understandable life, which Platon Karataev taught him. This man’s worldview turned out to be close and understandable to our hero. Communication with Platon Karataev made Pierre wiser and more experienced, suggested the right path to later life. He learned “not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself.”

Real life

Freed from captivity, Pierre Bezukhov feels like a different person. He is not tormented by doubts, has a good understanding of people and now knows what he needs for a happy life. An insecure, confused person becomes strong and wise. Pierre is restoring the house and proposes to Natasha Rostova. He clearly understands that it was her that he truly loved all his life and that it was with her that he would be happy and calm.

Happy outcome

At the end of the novel we see the beloved hero of L. N. Tolstoy an exemplary family man, a passionate person who has found himself. He is involved in social activities, meets with interesting people. His intelligence, decency, honesty and kindness are now in demand and useful to society. Beloved and devoted wife, healthy children, close friends, interesting job– components of a happy and meaningful life for Pierre Bezukhov. In an essay on the topic “Pierre Bezukhov’s quest path” he gives detailed analysis the moral and spiritual search of an honest and noble person who, through trial and error, finds his meaning of existence. The hero finally achieved “calmness, agreement with himself.”

Work test

Pierre Bezukhov is my favorite character in War and Peace. From the moment when “a massive, fat young man with a cropped head and glasses” enters the high-society salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, until last pages throughout the novel my attention is drawn to him. He attracts primarily with his tireless “search for thought,” the desire to live according to conscience, to feel “completely pure.” Fifteen years of Pierre's life are passing before our eyes. There were many temptations, mistakes, and defeats on his way, but there were also many accomplishments, victories, and overcomings. Pierre's life path is an ongoing search for a worthy place in life, an opportunity to benefit people. Not external circumstances, but the internal need to improve oneself, to become better - that’s guiding star Pierre.

He, the illegitimate son of Catherine's nobleman, Count Bezukhov, lived and studied abroad for ten years (from 10 to 20 years of age), and returned from there freely thinking person, a Bonapartist by conviction, very far from the realities of Russian reality. Pierre is burdened by his ambiguous position as an illegitimate son, but visits the world. He is interested in everything, he is afraid to miss smart conversations, he himself strives to “express everything more fully.” At the same time, he is indiscriminate in his acquaintances (revelry in the company of Anatoly Kuragin and Dolokhov), overly trusting, and wastes his energy randomly.

Having become the legitimate Count Bezukhov, the owner of a huge fortune, Pierre allows Prince Vasily to deceive himself and marry the soulless beauty Helen. He leads a painful lifestyle for himself: he fights in a duel with Dolokhov, realizing the uselessness of this, then breaks up with his wife and, giving her most of his condition, not seeing any purpose in life, he leaves to be away from Helen and the dirt into which he was plunged. Depressed, disappointed in people, dissatisfied with himself, Pierre painfully reflects on the meaning of life: “What is bad? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what am I?”

The meeting with the Freemason Bazdeev seems like a gift from heaven to him. Rapprochement with the Freemasons opens up, as it seems to Pierre, a wide field of activity aimed at the benefit of people. Summoning all the managers to the office, he orders to ease the lot of his serfs, free women with small children from corvee, and build schools, hospitals, and orphanages. But, having no life experience, the impractical Pierre again allows himself to be deceived, and the situation of his peasants worsens even more. Bezukhov becomes the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry. He dreams of creating a world organization and involving the best people to fight vices, ignorance and arbitrariness. But the Masons, being carried away by mysticism, did not at all strive for active social activities. Pierre's proposal was rejected, and he gradually begins to understand that he was mistaken again: the Masons did not try to help their neighbors at all, but joined lodges in order to gain connections with strong and rich people, of whom there were many. What to do? Bezukhov is sure that any violent revolution is evil. He comes to the idea of ​​self-improvement: if every person becomes better, the life of society will change. But Pierre understands that his dream is impossible. He sees the hypocrisy of the members Masonic lodges, understands that they are only interested in “uniforms and crosses”, and not at all in social transformations. The count's life again comes to a standstill. He is dissatisfied with himself, but cannot change anything.

This is the path of Pierre Bezukhov, a wonderful, pure man, the future Decembrist.

The highest spiritual moral values, the awareness of which leads heroes to harmony with the world - this is what the Russian classic literature XIX century. In the novel “War and Peace,” L. N. Tolstoy, using the example of Pierre Bezukhov, shows a person who seeks the truth and does this not with his mind, but with his heart. In my opinion, it is no coincidence that the writer refers to 1812 in his work. The events of this time affected people of different classes, forced them to rethink life, to understand what is most valuable and dear to it. That is, the heroic era of 1812 itself helps a person come to complete agreement with life and find its meaning.
Pierre Bezukhov is one of Tolstoy's most beloved and dear heroes. The writer shows him in constant movement, in doubts and searches, in continuous internal development. Tolstoy traces how the character of Pierre Bezukhov changes and shapes the worldview of the leading man of the era - the Decembrist. But Pierre's life path, full of discoveries and disappointments, is not the typical path of the Decembrist, but only a special, Tolstoyan version of this path.
At the beginning of the novel, we are presented with a fat, massive young man with an intelligent, timid and observant look. Pierre Bezukhov is emotional, soft, pliable, easily susceptible to the influence of others, he stands out among other visitors to the secular salon with his naturalness, sincerity, and simplicity.
First Pierre defends the ideas french revolution, admires Napoleon, wants either to “create a republic in Russia, or to be Napoleon himself...” Not yet finding the meaning of life, Pierre rushes about, and because of his naivety, gullibility, and inability to understand people, he makes mistakes. It seems to me that one of these mistakes was his marriage to Helen Kuragina. With this rash act, Pierre deprives himself of all hope of happiness. He realizes that he has no real family. Pierre's dissatisfaction with himself grows. He separates from his wife, gives her a significant share of his fortune, after which he strives to find use for his strengths and abilities in other areas of life.
Having broken up with his wife, Pierre, on the way to St. Petersburg, waiting for the horses at the station in Torzhok, asks himself difficult questions: “What’s wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live, and what am I...” The search for the truth and meaning of life leads him to the Freemasons. He passionately desires to “regenerate the vicious human race.” In the teachings of the Freemasons, Pierre is attracted by the ideas of “equality, brotherhood and love”; it gives the hero the belief that there should be a kingdom of goodness and truth in the world, and the highest happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. Therefore, Pierre Bezukhov begins to search for opportunities to translate fair and humane ideas into concrete action.
First of all, he decides to ease the lot of the serfs. He sympathizes with them and makes sure that punishments are only admonishing, and not corporal, so that the men are not burdened with backbreaking work, and that hospitals, shelters and schools are established on every estate. It seems to him that he has finally found the purpose and meaning of life: “And only now, when I... try... to live for others, only now I understand all the happiness of life.” This conclusion helps Pierre find the real way in his further quests. But disappointment soon sets in in Freemasonry, since republican ideas Pierre was not shared by his “brothers,” and besides, Pierre sees that among the Freemasons there is hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and careerism. All this leads Pierre to a break with the Freemasons and to the fact that he finds himself in a dead end in life and plunges into a state of hopeless melancholy and despair.
"For what? For what? What is going on in the world?” - these questions never ceased to bother Bezukhov. This never-ending inner work prepared him spiritual rebirth in days Patriotic War 1812. Not being a military man, like Andrei Bolkonsky, wanting to share the fate of the country and express his love for the fatherland, Pierre takes part in the Battle of Borodino. He forms a regiment at his own expense, takes it for support, and he himself remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon as the main culprit of the people's disasters. And it is here that we see how Pierre’s kindness is fully revealed. He can't see the numerous human dramas, while remaining a passive witness, and therefore, without thinking about his own safety, he protects a woman, stands up for a madman, and saves a child from a burning house. In front of his eyes, violence and arbitrariness are carried out, people are executed, accused of arson, which they did not commit. All these terrible and painful impressions are further aggravated by the situation of captivity, where Pierre’s faith in the just structure of the world, in man and God, collapses.
But in a wretched barracks he meets Platon Karataev, which brings the hero closer to ordinary people. This soldier forces Pierre to look at the world again brightly and joyfully, to believe in goodness, love, and justice. As a result of communication with Platon Karataev, Pierre finds “that calmness and self-satisfaction for which he had vainly strived before,” he “... learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself,
in satisfying natural human needs...” Pierre Bezukhov always looked for the answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life?” “He looked for this in philanthropy, in Freemasonry, in the distraction of social life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love to Natasha. He sought this through thought, and all these searches and attempts deceived him.” The hero naturally comes to the ideas of the Decembrists, enters into secret society to fight against everything that interferes with life and humiliates the honor and dignity of a person.
At the end of the novel we see happy person, which one good family, a faithful and devoted wife who loves and is loved. Thus, it is Pierre Bezukhov who achieves spiritual harmony with the surrounding world and with himself in “War and Peace”.
The problems raised by Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace” have universal significance. His novel, according to Gorky, is “a documentary presentation of all the quests that a strong personality undertook in the 19th century in order to find a place and business for himself in the history of Russia...”

The path of quest by Pierre Bezukhov (essay based on the novel “War and Peace”) (2 version)

The first time we meet Pierre Bezukhov is in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. Appearing at an evening dominated by hypocrisy and unnaturalness, clumsy and absent-minded, Pierre is strikingly different from all those present, first of all, by his sincerely good-natured expression on his face, which, as in a mirror, reflects both his reluctance to take part in conversations that do not interest him and his joy at the appearance of the prince Andrei, and delight at the sight of the beautiful Helen. Almost everyone in the salon is condescending, or rather even dismissive, towards this “bear” who “doesn’t know how to live.” Only Prince Andrei is truly glad to meet Pierre, whom he calls the only “alive” among this society.
Ignorant of the laws high society Bezukhov almost becomes a victim of the machinations of Prince Vasily and his half-sister, who do not want Pierre to be recognized as the legitimate son of the old count and are trying in every possible way to prevent this. But Pierre wins with his kindness, and the count, dying, leaves an inheritance to his beloved son.
After Pierre becomes the heir to a huge fortune, he cannot help but be in society. Being naive and short-sighted, he cannot resist the intrigues of Prince Vasily, who directed all his efforts to marry his daughter Helen to the rich Pierre. The indecisive Bezukhov, only subconsciously feeling negative side relationship with Helen, does not notice how he is becoming more and more entangled in a network of circumstances, one way or another pushing him towards marriage. As a result, guided by etiquette, he is literally married to Helen, virtually without his consent. Tolstoy does not describe the life of the newlyweds, letting us understand that this does not deserve attention.
Soon rumors spread in society about a love affair between Helen and Dolokhov, Pierre’s former friend. At an evening organized in honor of Bagration, Pierre was driven to fury by far from ambiguous hints about Helen’s affair on the side. He is forced to challenge Dolokhov to a duel, although he himself does not want this: “Stupid, stupid: death, lies...” Tolstoy shows the absurdity of this duel: Bezukhov does not even want to protect himself from a bullet with his hand, and he himself seriously wounds Dolokhov, not even knowing how to shoot .
Not wanting to live like this anymore, Pierre decides to break up with Helen. All these events leave a deep imprint on the hero’s worldview. He feels that “the main screw on which his whole life was held” has turned in his head.” After breaking up with the woman he married without love, who disgraced him, Pierre is in a state of acute mental crisis. “What's wrong? What well?" - these are the questions that concern the hero. It was during this period of searching for answers to the questions posed that he met Bazdeev, a member of the brotherhood of free masons, thanks to which he became imbued with the idea of ​​​​changing life for the better and truly believed in the possibility of this: “He wanted to believe with all his soul, and believed, and experienced a joyful feeling of calm , renewal and return to life.” The result was Bezukhov’s entry into the Freemasonic lodge. “Rebirth” Pierre began by deciding to carry out transformations in the village, but the clever manager quickly found a way not to use the money of the unlucky Pierre for its intended purpose. Pierre himself, calmed by the appearance of activity, still led the same riotous lifestyle.
Having stopped by his friend Prince Andrei in Bogucharovo, Pierre expresses to him his thoughts, imbued with faith in the need for a person to strive for virtue, and for Andrei this meeting with Bezukhov “was the era from which, although in appearance the same, but in inner world his new life”.
In 1808, Pierre became the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry. He gave his money for the construction of temples, and supported the house of the poor with his own funds.
In 1809, at a ceremonial meeting of the lodge of the 2nd degree, Pierre made a speech, which was not received with enthusiasm; he was only made a “remark about his ardor.”
Circumstances, as well as the “first rules of a Mason” force Pierre to make peace with his wife.
In the end, Pierre understands that for many Freemasonry is not a desire to serve the great idea of ​​virtue, but only a way to win a place in society, and, disappointed, he leaves Freemasonry.
Arriving in Moscow and seeing Natasha, Bezukhov realized that he loved her. He helped bring Anatoly Kuragin to clean water, thereby preventing the spread of rumors about the relationship between Anatole and Natasha in the light.
Pierre wanted to come to the site of the upcoming battle in Borodino. After the battle, on the way back, he eats “a mess” with the soldiers, which seemed to him tastier than anything in the world, and thinks that he would like to “throw off all this unnecessary, devilish stuff” and be “just a soldier.” This is the moment of real spiritual unity between the hero and the people. He is trying to unravel the mystery of the soldier's character. Why do soldiers calmly go to their death, without fear of being killed? “He who is not afraid of her belongs to him everything.” With such thoughts, Bezukhov returns to Moscow.
At the time when the French almost reached the quarter in which Pierre lived, he was “in a state close to madness.” Pierre had long been occupied with the thought of the predetermination of his fate, of his highest destiny to kill Napoleon; “a feeling of the need for sacrifice and suffering” lived in him.
Waking up one day, he took a pistol, a dagger and left the house with the intention of finally doing what he was born for, but in fact only to prove to himself that he “does not renounce” his intention.
On the street, Pierre met a woman begging to save her child. He rushed to look for the girl, but when he found her, scrofulous, a feeling of disgust was ready to prevail over the spiritual need to be needed. But still, he takes her in his arms and, after many attempts to find her parents, gives the girl to the Armenians. Pierre is captured after standing up for Armenian woman.
During the execution of prisoners, Pierre experiences a terrible feeling of the collapse of everyone life beliefs: Nothing mattered in the face of death. He didn't know how to live further.
But meeting Karataev helped him to be reborn. love relationship Karataev's life taught Pierre to appreciate the little that fate gives him. After his release, Pierre was ill for a long time, but was full of joy in life. He became friends with Princess Marya, where he met Natasha, and the long-lit flame of his love flared up with new strength.
In the epilogue we meet Pierre, living a calm, happy life: He has been Natasha’s husband for 7 years and the father of four children.
Arguing with Nikolai, Pierre defends the ideas of the revolutionaries - the need for transformation. Thus, we see that Tolstoy brings his hero to the beginning of the path of hardship in the struggle for the people’s happiness, the path of Pyotr Lobazov, the Decembrist, who was originally supposed to be the hero of Tolstoy’s novel.

The path of quest by Pierre Bezukhov (essay based on the novel “War and Peace”) (3rd option)

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes in detail the path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace”. Pierre Bezukhov is one of the main characters of the work. He belongs to the author’s favorite characters and is therefore described in more detail. The reader is given the opportunity to follow how a man, wise with life experience, is formed from a young naive youth. We become witnesses to the hero's mistakes and delusions, his painful search for the meaning of life, and the gradual change in his worldview. Tolstoy does not idealize Pierre. It honestly reflects his positive traits and character weaknesses. Thanks to this, the young man seems closer and more understandable. It’s as if he comes to life on the pages of the work.

Many pages are devoted to Pierre's spiritual quest in the novel. Pierre Bezukhov is the illegitimate son of a wealthy St. Petersburg nobleman, one of the main contenders for a million-dollar inheritance. Having recently arrived from abroad, where he received his education, Pierre cannot decide on his future path in life. An unexpected inheritance and a high title of count greatly complicates the young man’s position and causes him a lot of trouble.

Final essay 2017: arguments based on the work “War and Peace” for all directions

Honor and dishonor.

Honor: Natasha Rostova, Petya Rostov, Pierre Bezukhoe, Captain Timokhin, Vasily Denisov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Andrei Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov

Dishonor: Vasil Kuragin and his children: Helen, Ippolit and Anatole

Argument: Patriots are ready to fight the French. They want to liberate Russian lands. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, Vasily Denisov and captain Timokhin strived for this goal. For her sake, young Petya Rostov gives his life. Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya wish for victory over the enemy with all their hearts. There is no reason to doubt the truth of the patriotic feelings that possessed both the old Prince Bolkonsky and Nikolai Rostov. At the same time, the writer convinces us of the complete lack of patriotism among people like Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children: Hippolyte, Anatole and Helen. It is not love for the Motherland (they do not have this love) that guide Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov, who enter the active army. The first one studies the “unwritten chain of command” to make a career. The second is trying to distinguish himself in order to quickly regain officer rank, and then receive awards and ranks. A military official, Berg, in Moscow, abandoned by residents, buys things cheap...

Victory and defeat.

Victory: Battle of Shengraben. The French army outnumbered the Russian one. One hundred thousand versus thirty-five. The Russian army led by Kutuzov won a small victory at Krems and had to move to Znaim to escape. Kutuzov no longer trusted his allies. The Austrian army, without waiting for reinforcements from Russian troops, launched an attack on the French, but seeing their superiority, capitulated. Kutuzov had to retreat, because the inequality of forces did not bode well. The only salvation was to get to Znaim before the French. But the Russian road was longer and more difficult. Then Kutuzov decides to send Bagration’s vanguard to cross the enemy, so that he can detain the enemy as best he can. And here chance saved the Russians. The French envoy Murat, seeing Bagration's detachment, decided that this was the entire Russian army, and proposed a truce for three days. Kutuzov took advantage of this “rest”. Of course, Napoleon immediately realized the deception, but while his messenger was traveling to the army, Kutuzov had already managed to get to Znaim. When Bagration's vanguard went into retreat, Tushin's small battery, stationed near the village of Shengraben, was forgotten and abandoned by the Russians.

Defeat: Battle of Austerlitz. The Austrian military leaders took on the main role in waging this war, especially since the battles took place on Austrian territory. And the battle near the town of Austerlitz in the novel “War and Peace” was also thought out and planned by the Austrian General Weyrother. Weyrother did not consider it necessary to take into account the opinion of Kutuzov or anyone else.

The military council before the Battle of Austerlitz resembles not a council, but an exhibition of vanities; all disputes were not conducted with the goal of achieving the best and the right decision, and, as Tolstoy writes: “... it was obvious that the purpose... of the objections was primarily the desire to make General Weyrother feel, as self-confidently as schoolchildren reading his disposition, that he was not dealing with only fools, but with people who could teach him in military affairs.” Having made several useless attempts to change the situation, Kutuzov slept the entire time the council lasted. Tolstoy clearly makes it clear how much Kutuzov is disgusted by all this pomposity and complacency; the old general understands perfectly well that the battle will be lost.

Conclusion: The history of mankind consists of victories and defeats in wars. In the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy describes the participation of Russia and Austria in the war against Napoleon. Thanks to Russian troops The battle of Schöngraben was won, and this gave strength and inspiration to the sovereigns of Russia and Austria. Blinded by victories, occupied mainly with narcissism, holding military parades and balls, these two men led their armies to defeat at Austerlitz. The Battle of Austerlitz in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” became decisive in the war of the “three emperors”. Tolstoy shows the two emperors at first as pompous and self-righteous, and after their defeat as confused and unhappy people. Napoleon managed to outwit and defeat the Russian-Austrian army. The emperors fled the battlefield, and after the battle ended, Emperor Franz decided to submit to Napoleon on his terms.

Mistakes and experience.

Argument: While living in France, Pierre became imbued with the ideas of Freemasonry; it seemed to Pierre that he had found like-minded people, that with their help he could change the world for the better. But soon he became disillusioned with Freemasonry.

Pierre Bezukhov is still very young and inexperienced, he is looking for the purpose of his life, but comes to the conclusion that nothing can be changed in this world and falls under the bad influence of Kuragin and Dolokhov. Pierre begins to “waste his life”, spends his time on balls and social evenings. Kuragin marries him to Helen. Bezukhov was inspired by passion for Helen Kuragina, he rejoiced at the happiness of marrying her. But after some time, Pierre noticed that Helen was just a beautiful doll with an icy heart. Marriage to Helen Kuragina brought Pierre Bezukhov only pain and disappointment in the female sex. Tired of a wild life, Pierre is eager to get to work. He begins to carry out reforms in his lands.

Pierre found his happiness in marriage with Natasha Rostova. Long haul wanderings, sometimes erroneous, sometimes funny and absurd, nevertheless led Pierre Bezukhov to the truth. We can say that the end life's quest Pierre is good, because he achieved the goal that he initially pursued. He tried to change this world for the better.

Mind and feelings.

On the pages of the world fiction The problem of the influence of a person’s feelings and mind comes up very often. So, for example, in Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, the impetuous Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other, the arrogant and calculating Helen Kuragina and her callous brother Anatol. Many conflicts in the novel arise precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, the ups and downs of which are very interesting to watch. A striking example how an outburst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes, is the case of Natasha, because for her, funny and young, it was incredibly long to wait for the wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subordinate her unexpectedly flared up feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here a real drama of the mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine unfolds before us; she faces a difficult choice: leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole or not give in to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made; only an accident prevented Natasha. We cannot blame the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was Natasha’s impulse that was dictated by her feelings, after which she regretted her action when she analyzed it.

Friendship and enmity.

One of the central lines of the novel, one of the greatest values, according to Tolstoy, is, of course, the friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. They are both alien to the society in which they find themselves. Both of them are higher than him in their thoughts and moral values, but it takes Pierre a while to understand this. Andrei is confident in his own, special destiny, and an empty, unchanging life is not for him. He is trying to convince Pierre, who is the only one he respects in that environment due to the contrast with the empty elite, to stay away from this life. But Pierre is still convinced of this on his own, from his own experience. It is difficult for him, so simple and unpretentious, to resist temptation. The friendship of Andrei and Pierre can be considered true, beautiful and immortal, because the soil on which it stood was the most worthy and noble. There was not an iota of self-seeking in this friendship, and neither money nor influence were a guideline for any of them, either in their relationships or in the lives of each individual. This is what should unite people if they live in a society where all feelings can be bought and sold so cold-bloodedly.

Fortunately, in Tolstoy’s novel these heroes found each other, thereby finding salvation from moral loneliness and finding worthy soil for the development of morality and real ideas that should not be lost at least by a minority of people.

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