All about Pelagia personal life. Pelageya spoke about her daughter for the first time: “I’m a lazy mother.” Pelageya in the program "Looking at Night"

Pelageya was born into a family jazz singer, whose professional fate was tragic. After long illness Mother future star lost my voice. However, I found myself theater stage. It is not surprising that little Polya, as the singer’s relatives call her, grew up in a creative environment, and almost from birth absorbed the culture of vocal mastery.

Girl prodigy

The little girl first appeared on stage at the age of four. Even then she showed interest in singing. Her mother and stepfather also noticed that their daughter was developing faster than her peers. And it’s true: Polino’s passion for vocals did not harm his performance at school. And then the family moved. Pelageya and her parents really wanted the girl to go to a certain school, but there was no place in the sixth grade. “Nonsense,” thought the future singer and passed the program as an external student. whole year, entering straight into the seventh.

When the talented little girl turned nine, the legendary Dmitry Revyakin from Kalinov Most came on tour to Novosibirsk, where Pelageya’s family lived.

Hearing a unique voice, he not only offered to show the girl in Moscow, he sent a video of Pelageya’s performance to the Morning Star program. There the little Siberian girl was celebrated and invited to perform. So Polya received her first recognition - a prize for best performance folk song.

However, according to the singer herself, her childhood was not spent in music schools and solfeggio classes. There were toys, beloved parents, and real children's adventures. Mom, of course, tried to promote the talented Polya, but she didn’t put much pressure on her, and always left the opportunity to choose. And when Pelageya decided to enter GITIS at the age of 14, she blessed her unusual child. She graduated from school as an external student, and the very young, but sensible girl beyond her years became a student.

No joke: love!

Pelageya met her first husband when she was 11 years old. Then the Novosibirsk KVN team needed a singing girl, and Polya was a famous person in Siberia, so they remembered her. The girl liked the proposal and agreed. Dima Efimovich, who was then 22, performed for the same team. Sharing the stage with the young singer, he could not even think about her as a woman.

Some time later, Dmitry married St. Petersburg kvn girl Polina Sibagatullina, known under the pseudonym Madame Polina, and forgot to think about performing with Pelageya. To the project " Comedy Women“The couple got together, Dima became a director, his wife performed in humorous numbers. But the marriage did not work out, and the couple soon divorced. And then - a fateful meeting! That same little girl, Pelageya, enters the arena of his life again!


They got married without fanfare, and for several months even her team did not know that Polya had changed her last name. The singer’s first family life began, which took a lot of energy and attention. But not only life turned out to be demanding: the husband, who had long dreamed of a child, began to put pressure on the star with questions about heirs. On the other hand, my mother joined in, grumbling that the simple TV personality Efimovich of the genius Pole was not suitable as a husband... After two years of legal marriage, the couple dissolved the relationship.

Then Pelageya will call herself a monogamist and complain that after the divorce there was a hole in her heart that will not heal for a long time. And in the behind-the-scenes world they will gossip that the charming, handsome Dima looked to the left, which was the reason for the final separation.

And I love a married man...

Sad sighs, a slight haze of sadness at the bottom of her wide-open eyes, gossip about an affair with Bilan... For several years, the singer’s entire attention was given to the show “The Voice”, and Pelageya was not involved in any amorous affairs. And then on film set They began to notice a tall, handsome man next to the “Voice” judge.

They just recently stopped hiding their high relations. Now Polya goes to hockey matches to root for CSKA, and her new lover, hockey player Ivan Telegin, can be seen in a red chair next to the beauty during breaks between filming a TV show.

It is not known for certain when the lovers met, and what happened between them recently, but persistent rumors are circulating on the Internet that Pelageya stole the hockey player from his exemplary family.

Moreover, Telegin was not only married. Four months before the divorce, his son was born. They also say that a painful affair with married man has been tormenting the singer’s heart for a long time. The stars we know are sure that Pelageya would never have decided to take her husband and father away from her family. That's why vicious circle Ivan himself tore it apart. The feeling for the talented beauty turned out to be too deep, and he simply could not live by deception.

In 2016, the singer married Telegin, and at the beginning of 2017, the couple had their daughter Taisiya. A month after giving birth, she appeared on stage at a gala concert in honor of Nikolai Rastorguev’s birthday, and a little later she hosted a concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice” together with Dmitry Nagiyev. But despite this, the actress does not want to return to work at full capacity early and tries to devote more time to little Taya.

On Russian stage there is a unique singer, not like the others, with a magical voice, singer Pelageya Khanova, who performs songs in the style of the folk genre. She captivated many listeners and was able to make folklore much closer to the people.

Pelageya Khanova performs folk songs and romances. Her repertoire is quite wide. The singer never sought to be fashionable, she simply followed her heart and went her own way.

A sweet, attractive girl was able to win the hearts of many listeners. Her talent is known beyond Russian Federation. She is the founder of a group called "Pelageya", whose concerts attract a large number of listeners.

Pelageya comes from Siberia. She started performing as a child. Participated in many vocal competitions, where she took prizes. She became the winner of the music TV show “Morning Star”.

Vital and creative ways The Pelagia region is full of exciting events.

Height, weight, age. How old is Pelageya Khanova

Folk singer – unusual girl. The name alone is worth it. Everyone is wondering who Pelageya’s nationality is. This question is complex and the answer has not yet been revealed. Many assume that her nationality is Tatar. Although, most likely this is not the case. The girl was born in Russia, her first surname is from own father- Smirnova.

The next question concerns the physical data of the performer, namely, what is her height, weight, age. How old Pelageya Khanova is can be easily calculated. The singer does not hide her date of birth. So, today Pelageya is 31 years old.

Pelagia is very attractive, fragile and a tender girl. With a height of 163 centimeters, she weighs about 57 kilograms.

Pelageya was born in the year of the purposeful, persistent Tiger, and received sensuality, Creative skills and the ability to achieve goals from Cancer.

Biography of Pelageya Khanova

Life path talented girl appeared in the city of Novosibirsk. She celebrates her birthday on July 14th. The future performer was born in creative family. Almost nothing is known about the singer’s own father; perhaps Pelageya herself does not want to tell anything about him. Mother - Svetlana Khanova, was a former jazz performer. After some time, she connected her life with talented artist avant-garde artist Andrey Khanov. But later they broke up and do not maintain a relationship.

It is known that at the registry office Pelageya was allegedly mistakenly registered as Polina and was issued a corresponding birth certificate. But already in adolescence, the name was changed to Pelageya.

Pelageya’s mother noticed her child’s abilities very early and soon began to actively develop them, which influenced future fate daughters. Thanks to her, the biography of Pelageya Khanova is bright and rich. So, the girl has been performing on stage since early childhood. One day her mother took her to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. It was from this period that the little girl began to dream about the stage. The debut took place in kindergarten.

She also gave her concerts within the walls of the school. At the age of eight, Pelageya went to study at a special music school, where she became one of the best vocalists. Here her talent was noticed by Dmitry Revyakin from Kalinov Most. He strongly recommended sending the girl to television musical show"Morning Star". Pelageya took first place there and even received a considerable monetary reward.

At the same time, Pelageya becomes a scholarship holder of the “ Young talents" Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin called her “a symbol of a resurgent Russia.” Soon her voice was heard and appreciated abroad, and she took part in international projects.

A little later, she was invited to sing in KVN for a team from Novosibirsk. So, she became a full member of this team and the smallest participant.

The demand and talent of the young singer served as the impetus for moving to Moscow. This is where even greater prospects for development opened up. musical talent at the girl's. Soon Pelageya recorded her debut album“Anyone!”

In the capital, young Pelageya enters the music school at the Gnessin Institute. The girl became a participant in many competitions, projects and shows. She even spoke at the summit of three Presidents. I met the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexei II. Many people dreamed about this, but Pelageya found it all easy, thanks to her talent and perseverance.

Pelageya really loved her job, since not every child can master such busy schedule. Her life was going according to schedule. She did not have an ordinary childhood. But she was proud of her destiny, and tried to succeed in music, improving her talent more and more.

At the age of fourteen, the young artist was quite popular. Her extraordinary voice was appreciated by many listeners. She often toured Russia and captivated the public.

After graduating from RATI, Pelageya founded her own group. Her mother is now involved in all organizational issues. The singer is very grateful to her for her help and development of her talent.

She participated in the television project “Two Stars”, after which she was often invited to television. So, in 2012, the folk singer became a coach-mentor in the music TV show “The Voice”, and later became a member of the jury.

She tried to act in films, and also dreams of performing in some comedy domestic film. I have already tried myself as a presenter.

Today Pelageya Khanova is still doing the same musical creativity. She releases albums. Her voice became more recognizable. The popularity of the folk singer is growing every day. new song and a new project. Many appreciated the talent of the young performer. Pelageya has a huge army of fans who want to know as much information as possible about her. Her mother works and often meets with fans of the Pelageya group, which is in demand and known not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders.

Personal life of Pelageya Khanova

The actress is very beautiful in appearance - she has beautiful features faces, slender figure. Thanks to his unusual voice and attractive appearance, the singer has always been the center of male attention. Despite this, Pelageya Khanova’s personal life is not full of variety, unlike many of her stage colleagues.

The singer was married twice. Now married. Her husband is a talented hockey player. Pelageya is very happy. Young people love each other very much. They often go out together and appear at social events. The folk singer often attends hockey matches and cheers for her husband.

Family of Pelageya Khanova

The folk singer was raised in a creative family. Pelageya's mother Svetlana Khanova in the past jazz performer. From an early age, she took her daughter to various castings, signed her up to participate in vocal competitions, and so on. In general, she developed Pelageya’s talent in every way. And now the singer’s mother works in Pelageya’s team, she does accounting and organizes concerts.

Some believe that Svetlana Khanova realized her ambitions through her daughter. Nevertheless, before us is a wonderful and talented performer of the folk genre.

Now Pelageya Khanova’s family consists of her beloved husband, daughter and mother. And even though the singer has a busy schedule, she will always find time for her family and friends. Her family comes first and foremost.

Children of Pelageya Khanova

At one time, the folk singer was worried that she did not have children in her first marriage. Pelageya Khanova had no time for them then. She was closely involved in her career. Except song creativity, Pelageya also took part in television show“Voice” and “Voice-Children”, was a member of the jury at “KVN”.

But soon she met her second husband and into their marriage a sweet girl, Taisiya, was born. Pelageya Khanova is incredibly happy about the birth of her daughter. Now she spends all her free time with her.

The daughter of Pelageya Khanova is Taisiya. Discharging from maternity hospital

Since last year, the singer has become a happy mother. On January 21, 2017, Pelageya Khanova’s daughter, Taisiya, was born. The discharge from the maternity hospital took place under camera flashes.

Just a couple of days later, the media was full of headlines saying that Pelageya Khanova had given birth to a daughter. The discharge from the maternity hospital, a photo of which can easily be found online, became a highlight in the life of the celebrity and her family.

Now Taisiya is already one year old. The baby is quite developed, often smiles and pleases her parents with her first successes. Pelageya, her husband and mother cannot get enough of the birth of their baby.

Now, of course, it’s very early to talk about the future of little Taisiya, but perhaps she will follow in her mother’s footsteps. But we can say with confidence that Pelageya will try in every possible way to develop her daughter’s creative abilities, as her mother, Svetlana Khanova, previously did with her.

Former husband of Pelageya Khanova - Dmitry Efimovich

It is known that the singer was married twice. She first officially tied the knot in 2010. Ex-husband Pelageya Khanova - Dmitry Efimovich, director of the television project " Comedy Woman».

It is known that they knew each other since childhood, when they played together in KVN. But romantic relationship developed much later. After marriage, Pelageya changed her last name to her husband’s, but after a couple of years she became Khanova again. Official sources reported that the couple had broken up. The family union was short-lived. The reason for the divorce is not given by the young people. Perhaps it was the frequent business trips of both spouses. However, Pelageya and Dmitry parted calmly and continue to communicate, maintaining friendly relations

It is known that Dmitry Efimovich has not yet married. He directed all his efforts into his creative television project.

Pelageya Khanova's husband - Ivan Telegin

Four years after her divorce from Dmitry Efimovich, the artist meets the talented hockey player Ivan Telegin and almost immediately begin dating. At the time of their acquaintance he was in civil relations with a dancer from a nightclub. All this contributed to the development of rumors that Pelageya allegedly took her husband and newly-made father away from the family (not long before this, Ivan Telegin had a son). But the hockey player himself denied these rumors, explaining that with his common-law wife He planned to separate, because the relationship was no longer family, and there were often scandals in the house. The only thing holding him was his little son Mark. The meeting with Pelageya helped him weigh the pros and cons, and as a result, Ivan Telegin broke up with his common-law wife. He sees his son Mark often, regularly pays child support and pampers him with various gifts.

The wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin was modest. Only people close to them were present. The media learned about the gala event after the wedding, when the couple went on their honeymoon to Greece.

Also, the young people carefully concealed Pelagia’s pregnancy. It became known in the media only on latest dates singers. A daughter was born into the family, whom it was decided to name Taisiya. Ivan Telegin learned about the birth of his daughter during a hockey match.

Photo of Pelageya Khanova before and after plastic surgery

The artist is an incredibly beautiful girl. Did she use the services of a plastic surgeon? Most likely no. At least, as she herself states, she now has no need to change anything in her appearance. She has her own natural beauty. She looks natural and natural. Therefore, if you come across supposedly photos of Pelageya Khanova before and after plastic surgery, then for sure they will not be real.

Pelageya carefully monitors her appearance. After giving birth, she noticeably lost weight. Now she's leading healthy image life, adheres to the rules of a balanced diet, and also plays sports.

Instagram and Wikipedia Pelageya Khanova

The artist’s creativity is appreciated by many listeners. The singer has a huge number of fans. Therefore, it is not surprising that Pelageya Khanova’s Instagram and Wikipedia are very popular.

Performer folk songs former active user of social networks. Thousands of fans followed her Instagram account. Pelageya often updated her page and posted various photographs depicting people close to her. There were pictures from vacations, ceremonies and social events. There were also reports concert activities, videos and photographs.

But in 2017, a scandal broke out: hackers hacked Pelageya’s Instagram page and stole some photos from the singer’s personal archive. The artist was quite upset by this fact and she decided to end it all social networks by deleting your accounts. But the pages of her group remain. Here you can watch videos and photos from concerts, video clips and much more.

Wikipedia Pelageya Khanova reveals to us the biography of the folk singer, her career and personal life. Here is the discography, awards and prizes of the folk singer.

Pelageya got married again! Photos of the singer with her new husband have already spread throughout the scandalous media. Rumor has it that Pelageya took her lover, hockey player Ivan Telegin, away from the family. This is perhaps the first scandal in which the name of a celebrity appears.

Pelageya’s personal life: is there room in it for her husband and children?

Pelageya celebrates her thirtieth birthday with a cherished wedding ring on the ring finger. IN Lately The singer’s personal life is surrounded by a huge amount of gossip.

Pelageya and her husband Ivan Telegin spent their honeymoon in Greece

The increased attention to the artist is primarily due to her new novel. Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin hid their relationship for a very long time. But they couldn’t hide the photos from the wedding. This joyful event was captured by close friends of the couple invited to the celebration. Some time later, they shared photographic evidence of this joyful event on their social media pages.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin are now husband and wife

The lovers never tire of demonstrating their tender feelings for each other, appearing together everywhere. Whether it’s a hockey match for Telegin’s team or filming a new episode of the show “The Voice,” where Pelageya acted as a coach-mentor for more than one season. Now she easily exchanges feminine concert outfits for a hockey sweater with her lover’s name on it.

Pelageya is one of the most devoted fans of CSKA

Does Pelageya have children? Yes, and not alone. She can rightfully consider her children from the show “The Voice. Children". The star is especially pleased to remember the vocal Nastya Titova, with whom she sang a duet at a big Christmas concert in St. Petersburg, and the persistent and hardworking Katya Bizina, who waited a whole year to perform brilliantly at favorite talent show, and about the self-confident, reckless Ranel Bogdanov. Why, the singer became a real second mother to every young talent from her team!

This attitude towards small artists is no coincidence. Pelageya herself probably remembers very well how thorny the path to song projects can be. Especially when you are still just a child. The star herself began her singing career in early childhood. The audience well remembered the young talented Siberian who sang a cover version Queen songs on the KVN stage.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin: happiness from someone else’s misfortune

Beautiful, talented, open, sincere - this is how her fans know the star. Femme fatale, for which a man is capable of leaving his family - in such an unusual image, the singer appeared before us quite recently. It turns out that it was not for nothing that Pelageya and the hockey player hid their feelings so carefully.

Pelageya and Telegin on vacation with friends

For the sake of the singer, the man left his pregnant common-law wife Evgenia Nour. Although he was not officially married to her, “the hope of Russian hockey” was considered his soul mate. Before meeting Ivan, Evgenia was a striptease dancer. Actually, “at work”, in a club, the couple met and almost immediately began to live together.

Ex-wife of Ivan Telegin

Even the birth of the long-awaited baby, Mark, in February 2016, did not convince the hockey player to return to Evgenia. Because of this, many took up arms against the folk star: they say that Pelageya took her betrothed away from the family, leaving little son without a father! Although the singer’s representatives denied this information. They stated that the lovers began dating after the athlete decided to break up with his ex-wife.

Pelageya and Telegin: we are happy!

According to unofficial information, the artist is now in “ interesting position" This fact is why many explain the celebrity’s refusal to participate in next season project “Voice”, as well as the sudden cancellation of her performance at the rock festival “Invasion”.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich: was their marriage a mistake?

The difference of 11 years did not bother them at all: Pelageya and her first husband Dmitry Efimovich managed to experience not only joy family life, but also the bitterness of disappointment in a loved one. One of the most likely reasons for divorce is the husband's numerous infidelities. Another version is the singer’s reluctance to have children. The demand for TV and the extremely busy touring schedule simply did not leave time for family.

Pelageya with her first husband Dmitry Efimovich

Pelageya and Efimovich met thanks to KVN. Dmitry Efimovich was a member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk University, and Pelageya was a guest star of the young, ambitious team. Then no one could have imagined that years later they would meet again in Moscow, where the couple would have a whirlwind romance.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich seemed happy spouses

The wedding of Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich took place in the strictest secrecy. I still can’t find a photo from this solemn event on the Internet. The divorce of the artist and director turned out to be just as secret. The fact that the couple did not part amicably is evidenced by the fact that the celebrity immediately after the divorce took maiden name- Khanova.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich at the festival "Invasion"

Before becoming Pelageya’s husband, Efimovich was married to Polina Sibagatullina, better known to viewers of the TNT channel as Madame Polina from Comedy Woman. By the way, he is the director of a comedy TV show. After the divorce, neither Efimovich nor Sibagatullina commented on the failed marriage. But among the reasons for their divorce, the same reluctance of the wife to give Efimovich a long-awaited heir was mentioned.

Dmitry Efimovich’s first wife is Madame Polina from Comedy Woman

Artist for a long time lived in the world with common name Pauline. So it was until adulthood. Only after receiving her passport, the singer corrected the name Polina to the familiar one - Pelageya. By the way, the folk rock star’s group also received an identical name.

Pelageya “lights up” at a concert

The singer first appeared on stage at the age of 4 and immediately realized that music was her calling. And this talented star of the domestic stage has read only serious books since childhood. The artist mastered Rabelais’s work “Gargantua and Pantagruel” at the age of 3, and at the age of 9 she was already engrossed in Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.”

The radical change in the singer's image - a stylish bob plus light hair color - was greeted by fans with a bang. "Finally, in a reckless cheerful girl awoke real woman! - they exclaimed. Photos from Instagram of the updated Pelageya were commented on by thousands of followers.

New Pelageya - new personal life

Pelageya and Bilan is a topic that haunted fans of both sides. But the stars themselves quickly dispelled the wave of rumors around their possible romance. "We are just Good friends“They said in one voice.

Pelageya and Bilan: we are connected only by friendship

Pelageya also includes Dmitry Sorochenkov, a participant in the “Voice” project, among the “former” people. Viewers of the show suspected something was wrong when the singer, being Dmitry’s coach, left him from episode to episode young man. Despite the fact that in terms of his vocal abilities he was frankly inferior to other participants. Fans of “The Voice” were finally confirmed in their guesses after Sorochenkov’s words that the pretty mentor conquered him and “turned his heart over.”

Dmitry Sorochenkov, rumored to be Pelageya's ex-boyfriend

But, as you know, this office romance was fleeting. Having met the hockey player Telegin, the flighty Pelageya chose the latter. All that remains is to wish them happiness in their personal lives!

FULL NAME: Khanova Pelageya Sergeevna

DATE OF BIRTH: 07/14/1986 (Cancer)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Novosibirsk city




FAMILY: Parents: Svetlana Khanova. Spouse: Ivan Telegin

HEIGHT: 163 cm



Russian singer, founder and soloist of the Pelageya group. The mother raised the girl alone. At the age of four, Pelageya first appeared on stage. At the age of eight, she entered the Novosibirsk Special Music School at the Novosibirsk Conservatory without exams and became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school.
At the age of 9, Pelageya won the Morning Star competition, and a year later she signed a contract with Feelee Records and moved to Moscow. Studied at music school at the Gnessin Institute in Moscow, as well as at school No. 1113 with in-depth study of music and choreography. In such at a young age she participated in many competitions, events and festivals.

In 1999, 14-year-old Pelageya graduated from school as an external student and entered the Russian Academy theatrical arts in Moscow. In the same year, the singer became the lead singer of the group “Pelageya”, with which she soon released her first single “Lyubo!” Despite the very unusual musical style(or maybe it was thanks to him) that the composition became very popular. From that moment on, Pelageya began her artistic life at her usual crazy pace: tours, performances, studio recordings, searching musical material and constant work on vocal abilities, because there is no limit to perfection. In 2003, the young artist released her debut album - a retrospective of her best compositions over the years of her career, and also graduated with honors from the Theater Academy. In 2006, about the life and work of one of the most famous singers V modern history The autobiographical film “Prodigies” was shot in Russia.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, she toured extensively throughout Russia and the CIS countries, in the middle of this period presenting to the public her first studio album"Girls' Songs" The album includes 12 songs - mostly folk compositions, covered by Pelageya. However, there was also “Chubchik” - a duet with Garik Sukachev, the song “Under the caress of a plush blanket” with lyrics by Marina Tsvetaeva, a cover of “Nyurka’s song” by Yanka Diaghileva. The album received mixed reviews. For example, authoritative music magazine Rolling Stones gave Pelageya’s disc 4 points out of 5, while some critics accused the Pelageya group of having “discolored and withered” in its performance of folk songs.

In 2012-2014, she worked as a coach-mentor in the vocal television show “The Voice”, aired on Channel One. She participated in the show for three seasons in the constant company of Leonid Agutin, Alexander Gradsky and Dima Bilan. In the first season, Pelageya's student was Elmira Kalimullina, who took second place; in the second season, Pelageya’s student Tina Kuznetsova took fourth place; in the third season of “The Voice”, Pelageya’s student Yaroslav Dronov took second place. In 2014-2016, she was a coach-mentor in the vocal television show “The Voice. Children" of Channel One.

In 2010 she married Comedy director Woman Dmitry Efimovich and changed her last name. In 2012, she divorced him and returned the surname Khanova.

In 2016, hockey player Ivan Telegin proposed to Pelageya. After the end of the 2016 World Cup, they registered their marriage without attracting attention. After the wedding, Pelageya refused to participate as a coach-mentor in the 5th season of the show “The Voice” and the new season of the show “The Voice. Children,” and also reduced her singing activities to prepare for childbirth. On January 21, 2017, the singer gave birth to a girl, who was named Taisiya.

Pelageya Khanova was born in 1986, on July 14, into a creative family from Novosibirsk. Her mother was also a singer and a teacher in the past. acting, directing and theater director. Perhaps it was she who had the greatest influence on the work and life of our heroine. The girl hardly knew her father; she lived her whole life with her stepfather, who raised her as his daughter and also gave her the surname Khanova.

In this article we will tell you who the singer Pelageya is. The biography and personal life of this girl is the topic of this text. We will also tell you some interesting facts about it. Let's start with the history of this girl's name.

A little about the name Pelageya

The name Pelageya means “sea” in Greek. The Monk Pelageya is considered his patroness. She lived in Ustyug and was a holy fool for Christ's sake.

Pelageya’s name day (whose biography is presented in this article) is celebrated on October 21 - this is the birthday of Pelageya Kirillovna, her grandmother, after whom she was named future singer. Associated with the girl's name interesting story. The registry office employees mistakenly considered it to be a derivative of Polina, so for the first 16 years Pelageya, whose biography is given in this article, actually did not live under her own name. Only after receiving the passport was this error corrected.

Some interesting facts about the singer

Pelageya's mother, Svetlana Khanova, was familiar with the singer Yanka Diaghileva. Last couple once stayed with Pelageya when she was still little.

The girl practices yoga and is also a vegetarian.

The beginning of a creative career

In 1994, the girl entered a special school located at the Novosibirsk Conservatory without exams. Already in these early years was awarded as a scholarship holder of the New Names of the Planet and Young Talents of Siberia Pelageya foundations. Her biography of those years is supplemented by the following important events. In 1996, the first arrangements of such songs as “Lyubo, brothers” and “Cossack” were made. Pelageya becomes the winner" morning star", awarded the title " Best Performer folk song in Russia".

Moving to Moscow

In 1997, the young singer participated in KVN, being a member of the Novosibirsk University team. In the same year, a performance took place in Moscow, on Red Square. She signs a contract at the invitation of Konchalovsky with a record company that specialized in alternative rock. The girl and her mother move to Moscow, live in different rented apartments, attend a music school, and participate in various festivals and government concerts.

First solo concerts

In 1999, Pelageya, whose biography is described in as much detail as possible in this article, terminates the contract with the aforementioned recording studio, as a crisis sets in and it becomes difficult for this label to support artists. Together with Svetlana Khanova (mother), she gathers young virtuoso musicians and organizes a folk-rock group (Russian songs processed in rock acoustics). The first solo concert Pelagia. Then there were no less sold-out performances at a club called “Chinese pilot Zhao-Da”.

Entering college, first album

In 2000, the singer Pelageya, whose biography interests many, graduated from school as an external student and, at the age of 14, entered the pop department of the RATI Institute (that is, GITiS). Next year, at the request of various artists and cultural figures, the Moscow Government allocates her an apartment.

In 2003, the first album entitled “Pelageya” by the group of the same name was released. It includes recordings made during childhood during the contract with FeeLee (which released this album), as well as a new acoustic program. Active participation in this recording Pavel Deshura takes over, gradually emerging as the leader of the group musically.

Changes in group composition

At the same time, changes took place in the lineup - a bass guitar appeared instead of a second acoustic one. The first solo concert is taking place at the main rock venue in Moscow, "B-2". Even the lack of advertising did not affect the hype around the group. The musicians had to put up homemade posters themselves at night. Singer Pelageya, whose biography is revealed in this text, nominated for the title "Discovery of the Year" by FUZZ magazine.

In 2004, the band became entirely electric and a drum kit was added. Deshura's arrangements, which no longer have anything to do with folk rock, are becoming increasingly rockier. The musicians are looking for their own sound, calling the group's style art-folk. By major cities Successful tours begin, immediately in thousands of halls. The group continues its independent existence and is already a member of the “VDOKH” association, which unites independent musicians.

Graduation, performance in London

In 2005, the singer graduated from the institute with honors. At the same time, her performance took place in London, on Trafalgar Square. The group "Pelageya" from Russia is also the first of the domestic groups to give a small concert on the stage of the Albert Hall. She becomes, without having any broadcasts on Nashe Radio, one of the headliners of the Invasion.

In 2006, a cover of Yanka Diaghileva’s composition “Nyurkin’s Song” was released, which ends the existing myth about the informality of this group. This song has been on the Nashe Radio charts for 19 weeks.

In 2006, the group began to cooperate with the Melnitsa agency, thanks to which Pelageya reached the best concert venues capital Cities.

Album "Girls' Songs"

The following year, 2007, an album called “Girls’ Songs” was released, which was included in the list of sales leaders just 3 weeks after its release. This album wins the award " Best Rock Album of the Year", as well as "For the best mixing" - a professional award. He was nominated for " Best Design"The song "Cossack" breaks records for the number of airplays on the radio. Music criticism gives out excellent reviews, adjusted for the not very wide range of compositions in style. The group was nominated for "MuzTV" as "Discovery of the Year", and this is in the absence of broadcasts, since it has not yet released a single video.

In 2008, he received the Triumph Prize, given for his contribution to Russian culture. The group presents new program under the name "Siberian Drive", performing in Ice Palace(St. Petersburg) on ​​the stadium site.

First international festival

Next year, a concert audio album is released on DVD, which becomes a bestseller. For her contribution to rock and roll, Pelageya receives the Soloist of the Year award from Nashe Radio, beating Diana Arbenina and Zemfira in the voting. In July of the same year, with the support of S.A.T. and the Melnitsa agency, the group is holding the first festival in its history with the participation of stars from abroad. This festival was in form international concert- together with “Pelageya” the soloists of the choir from Bulgaria called Angelite, Robert Yuldashev and Angela Manukyan are making a program. The idea of ​​this project called "FIELD-MUSIC" is a union of domestic musicians and world-famous ethno-music stars. This idea is received enthusiastically by the audience. The festival receives annual status. In April of the same year, a presentation of a single from the new album called “Paths” took place. He was among the top sellers.

Biography of recent years

In 2011, the singer performed the song in Nikolai Borisov's audio play " A cherished fairy tale". In 2012, she was a mentor in the show “The Voice” on Channel One, participating in the company of Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan for three seasons.

In 2014, Pelageya was awarded the title of “Honored Worker of Culture of Ingushetia.” This ends with this moment The singer named Pelageya has a biography.

Personal life

This performer had one husband, and he is the singer’s only boyfriend, who is known for certain today. We are talking about Dmitry Efimovich. In 2010, Pelageya married this director famous project Comedy Woman. After the wedding, the girl took his last name, but two years later she began to appear again under the name of Pelageya Khanova. After some time, the biography was supplemented by the official divorce that Pelageya experienced. Children are not in this girl’s plans right now. The singer plans to give birth as soon as she has free time and also arranges her personal life. An autobiographical film entitled “Prodigies” was shot about the work and life of this performer, who is today one of the most famous in Russia.

We told you about who the singer Pelageya is. Biography, personal life, Interesting Facts We described this girl as succinctly as possible. If you are interested in them, we recommend watching the above-mentioned autobiographical film. He will create a more complete picture of this talented singer with the name Pelageya. Biography and personal life (children, as we found out, are not included here) are described in more detail. The director of the film is Ilya Tsvetkov. It contains one of storylines dedicated to such a singer as Pelageya. The biography, children, husbands and other details of the personal lives of some other celebrities are also presented in this film. This is Nika Turbina, Olga Musina, Pavel Konoplev.

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